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Matthew 27:51a – And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. 

As we mentioned in our last post, God gave three incredible signs at the time of the death of Jesus.  These signs proved that Jesus was not a common criminal or a mere man who was unjustly sentenced to death.  The signs were a witness that Jesus was exactly what he claimed to be – the Messiah, King of the Jews.

The first sign was the unexplainable darkness that overshadowed the land from noon until the death of our Savior at 3 pm.  This sign was a testimony to all that were at the crucifixion that day – Jews and Gentiles alike.  The Light of the World was leaving, so the world was left with only darkness.

The second sign, the tearing of the temple curtain, was a very powerful sign sent specifically to the Jewish people. 

The temple curtain was torn in two, from top to bottom.

What curtain is Matthew referring to?�

When we read about the construction of the very first tabernacle (the original movable temple), we are told that God required a curtain or veil to separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place:

Exodus 26:31-33 -  And you shall make a veil of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen of skillful work: with cherubim shall it be made:  And you shall hang it upon four pillars of acacia wood overlaid with gold� and the veil shall divide unto you between the holy place and the most holy.

The Holy place contained the candlestick, the altar of incense and the table of showbread.  Priests entered this room multiple times every day to perform their duties.  These included trimming the candle wicks, filling the oil, burning incense, cleaning up/removing ashes, etc.  The bread on the table was removed and replaced with fresh bread once a week.  So this room was visited frequently.  

The inner room, or the most holy place, contained the Ark of the Covenant.

The lid on the Ark of the Covenant had two angels (one on each end) which faced each other, with their wings stretched out over the ark.� The Mercy Seat, or the place where God's presence dwelt, was underneath the wings of the two angels (Exodus 25:17-22):�

Exodus 25:22 - And there I will meet with you, and I will commune with you from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are upon the ark of the testimony�

Unlike the Holy Place, the Most Holy Place (the very presence of God), could only be accessed once a year, and only by the high priest, who was there to make atonement for the sins of the people.  At that time, it was a fearful thing to go into the presence of God.  If the high priest did something wrong as he atoned for his own sin, he would be struck dead when he entered God's presence, because sin cannot exist in the presence of God. 

So the purpose of the temple curtain/veil becomes apparent.  It separated or kept men from accessing the presence of God, where their sin would destroy them.

Access to God was denied.

From the time Israel became a nation, until the death of Jesus, 99.99999% of the men (and 100% of the women and children) had absolutely NO access to the presence of God.  The few that did went into that room with fear and trembling.

But all that changed with the rending of the curtain.  What exactly occurred as the curtain was torn?

Jesus himself, our great High Priest was entering into the Most Holy Place!  

Hebrews 9:12 – He [Jesus] entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves, but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.

He did not enter into the holy places with the blood of animals like other high priests, but he entered through his own atoning death on the cross:

Hebrews 10:20 - �by the new and living way that he [Jesus] opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh�

Jesus entered into the Holy of Holies and made atonement for us with his own blood, once and for all – no other blood sacrifice has ever been needed!  Because of what Jesus did, we may freely and confidently enter the presence of God ourselves!

Hebrews 4:16 - Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

As Jesus tore that curtain, the door into the kingdom of heaven was fully opened.  It will remain open throughout the dispensation of grace.  Anyone who chooses to do so may enter in, through the sacrifice of Jesus:

John 14:6 – Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life.� No one comes to the Father except through me".��

Do you fully comprehend how astonishing this is?  You – a sinful, fallen member of humanity – may enter into the very presence of your creator, God Almighty!  You may enter his presence and actually live!  You may approach his throne to fellowship and commune with Him!  You may bring your petitions and problems, your questions and desires straight to God!  This is a privilege that millions of human beings never had – so don't take it lightly!  Take advantage of it.  Love it, rejoice in it, wallow in it – visit God every moment of every day!   

But wait – there's more!� Prior to this, you had to be a Jew to be one of God's children; the door to the family of God was closed to everyone else.� So by tearing or destroying that curtain, Jesus was opening the way for Gentiles to also become the children of God.� He was ripping apart/removing the wall of distinction between the Jews and the Gentiles.� Now there is ONE, united holy family of God!

But wait – there's still more! By tearing or destroying that curtain, Jesus was destroying the ceremonial law.� As Jesus indicated during the last supper, the Jewish temple service was now obsolete.� Men were no longer needed as a 'go between' for people to reach God.� Each man, woman, boy and girl can speak directly to God.��

Now, under the new covenant, WE have become the priesthood of God!� �

I Peter 2:9 – But you are a chosen race; a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

We now have the privilege of declaring to others the mercies of God, and the ability to lead them to the kingdom of heaven through the open door of Christ Jesus.

Matthew 27:51b-53 – And the earth shook, and the rocks were split.  The tombs also were opened.  And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many.

The third sign is also very extraordinary.  When Jesus gave up his spirit, there was a violent earthquake, which was so powerful, it split the rock around Jerusalem.  

Scholars see a number of lessons in this event.

First, it proves the horrible wickedness of those who unjustly crucified Christ.� They point out that the earth was cursed when it was forced to accept the blood of Abel, who was murdered by his brother Cain (Genesis 4:9-12).� In their opinion, the earthquake was a sign of rebellion; the earth was saying that it did not want to accept the innocent blood of Christ, which was much more precious than that of Abel.�

Second, many see the earthquake as evidence of the final, official defeat of the devil's kingdom.� The Messiah had come, and despite all the powers of hell, he was victorious.� Jesus had remained true to the Father, overcome temptation, taken the sin of all mankind upon himself, and brokered the new covenant between God and man.� Satan was now a defeated foe and the earth was a herald of the final deathblow!

Third, Jesus once said that if the children would stop crying out 'Hosannas' of praise, that the rocks would cry out.� Was this what was happening during the earthquake?� Was the earth proclaiming the praise of Jesus, while mankind was either mocking him or silently mourning him?

However, the most common interpretation is that the earthquake was a small taste of the resurrection of the dead; a sign that Jesus had conquered death.� Remember, the Jews buried people in caves or tombs dug out of rock.� As we might expect, the quake opened up a number of these graves, and the bodies lay out in the open.� ���

Note: The coming to life of these saints most certainly did not happen until 3 days later, even though Matthew records the events together.� This assumption is based on the scriptures which declare that Jesus was the first fruits of those who were raised from death to life:

I Corinthians 15:20 – But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.

Colossians 1:1 – And he is the head of the body, the church.� He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.

Since Jesus did not rise until 3 days later, these saints could not have risen before he did.  Once they did rise, Matthew says they showed up in Jerusalem and appeared to a lot of people.

Can you imagine that?  Can you imagine going to the funeral of a friend or relative, then seeing them in your city a week later?  It would certainly be a memorable meeting wouldn't it?  Providing, of course, that you did not die from shock or fear!

Unfortunately, these few verses don't give us as much information as we would like to have.� But scholars have made some basic assumptions:

  • The people had probably not been dead very long.� If one of the ancient patriarchs rose from the dead, no one would recognize them.� Thus, it may have been someone like Simeon, who spent most of his life in the temple and was well known to many people by sight.�
  • They probably did not live to die again.� In other words, the Bible says it is appointed unto man once to die; so these saints probably die not live another 50 years on earth and die a second natural death.� They may have gone with Jesus when he left the disciples and went to heaven in the clouds.�
  • Their purpose was to show that Jesus had conquered/defeated death; the promises that he had made regarding eternal life were to be believed.

We cannot say for sure who they appeared to (enemies? friends?), in what manner they appeared, how often they appeared or what they said and did.  Speculation would be futile; we shall have to wait until we get to heaven to get these answers!

Matthew 27:54 – When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, "Truly this was the Son of God!"

The words of this soldier have long inspired intense debate.�

Some believe that the words should have been rendered 'Truly this was the Son of a God'.� In other words the soldier had taken note of all the events that transpired that day, and based on what he saw, he believed Jesus was an innocent/righteous man.� He was proclaiming that Jesus was who he professed to be, but at the same time, the soldier had no real knowledge of what that meant.�

Others believe that the soldier, being a resident of Jerusalem, would have had at least a basic understanding of the Jewish religion.  They feel that when the soldier correctly judged Jesus as being the Son of God, he was acknowledging it in the proper context; he understood what he was saying and was a witness to the identity of Jesus just as Peter was when he said 'You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God'. 

In either case, notice who is convinced by the signs – not the Jews, but common Gentile dogs!� And not only Gentiles, but Roman soldiers – some of the most hard-hearted, vicious and cruel men on the earth.� These soldiers had put hundreds of men to death by crucifixion.� Pity and fear were emotions they did not possess.� Why, only hours earlier, they had been mocking Jesus.� They spit on him, struck him, pulled out his beard and jammed a crown of thorns on his head!�

Even these 'unlearned' men are able read the signs and acknowledge that Jesus was an innocent, righteous man while the Jews were so filled with hate and envy, they could not even admit his innocence.

Matthew 27:55-56 – There were also many women there, looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to him, among whom were Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus and Joseph and the mother of the sons of Zebedee.

This group of women had been with Jesus for some time.  They accompanied him on his journeys and provided money to fund his ministry:

Luke 8:2-3 - And certain women, who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven demons, �And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, who ministered unto him of their substance.

The disciples had promised to die with Jesus, yet all of them had fled the scene, except John.� How remarkable, that these courageous women faithfully followed Jesus to Calvary, and then stayed to watch the proceedings until the very end.� In fact, they will be the last to leave Jesus at the cross, and the first to search for him at the tomb.�� As such, they became witnesses of things that the disciples did not see or hear.

Matthew 27:57-58 – When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who also was a disciple of Jesus.  He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.  Then Pilate ordered it to be given to him.

First of all, it should be noted that the bodies of all executed criminals (Jesus is included in this category), were the 'property' of Rome.  The government was responsible for disposal of the body.  Pilate could have done anything he wanted with it.  He could have ordered it to remain on the cross until it rotted away or the birds ate it.  He could have ordered it to be tossed into a mass grave with lots of other bodies.  He could have had it burnt, or dismembered or secretly buried, or any number of other things.

But in accordance with his great master plan, God had already chosen and equipped the right man to organize and carry out the funeral of his Son.  That man was Joseph of Arimathea. 

Joseph was actually a member of the council that sentenced Jesus to death, though he himself opposed his condemnation (Luke 23:51-51).� Council membership indicates that he was a well respected man who had influence within the community.� He was also very rich.� More importantly, he follower of Jesus, albeit secretly.�

The gospel of John tells us that Joseph had a partner in the funeral – Nicodemus (John 19:39).  This was the same Nicodemus that visited Jesus at night.  He too was on the council that condemned Jesus.  He too was a leader in Israel.  Together, these two men planned and carried out a private funeral for Jesus.

The character and reputation of Joseph most likely had a direct influence on the decision of Pilate in regard to releasing the body of Jesus.  Because the death of Jesus caused such a public uproar, his body couldn't be released to just anyone; misuse of his body could be used to incite rioting in the city.    

Pilate's decision may also, at least partially, have been based on lingering feelings of guilt for condemning an innocent man.� Perhaps he thought a decent burial would in some way help atone for his crime.� In any case, the request was granted and Joseph received the body.�

Matthew 27:59-60 – And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen shroud and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had cut in the rock.� And he rolled a great stone to the entrance of the tomb and went away.

Let's face it – it is very unlikely that the disciples (even if they were present) could afford to bury their teacher.  They had been 'out of work' so to speak, for the last three years; a group of wealthy women had been paying for their day-to-day needs.  This task had to fall to someone that God had equipped for it; someone with enough wealth and influence to get the job done.  

It was going to take money to prepare the body of Jesus for burial.  Money was needed to transport the body, to clean it, to buy the cloth as well as the spices that were wound into the cloth. 

It was also going to take money to actually bury him.  Just like today, gravesites are not free.  You have to pay for them.  Joseph is rich enough and generous enough to donate this tomb to Jesus.  This is actually another fulfillment of Old Testament prophesy:

Isaiah 53:9 - And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death�

The tomb itself was also uniquely suited for the body of Jesus.  It was not a cave; it was hewn out of rock, which meant that there were no secret doors or hidden passages that could be used by the disciples to steal the body.  It had one door, which was shut by an enormous stone.  In fact, blocking the entryway with the stone was the last act of the funeral. 

Once that was door was shut, the living departed without any further ceremony.  They went home, leaving the dead person behind. 

However, it should be noted that in the case of a Christian, the opposite is true.  The dead saint has actually gone home to the land of eternal living, and left us behind!  May this thought give you comfort when you consider some of your deceased loved ones. 

Matthew 27:61 – Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were there, sitting opposite the tomb.

These women came to the grave to see the end, and overwhelmed with sorrow and anguish sat down to mourn.  How often have we done the same thing at the grave of our loved ones?  And yet, as we will see in chapter 28, their mourning would soon be turned to joy at the resurrection.  There will be a glorious resurrection for all those who trust in Christ! 

Matthew 27:62-63 – The next day, that is, after the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered before Pilate and said, "Sir, we remember how that imposter said while he was still alive, 'After three days I will rise.'"

The phrase 'the next day' seems a bit confusing to us.� It sounds like the tomb was left unguarded the first night that Jesus was dead, which would make no sense.� If the disciples were going to steal the body of Jesus, they could just as easily do it on the first night, as the second.

The answer can be found when we remember that the Jews do not count days like we do.  For them, each new day begins at sunset.   Jesus was crucified during the day; he died around 3 pm in the afternoon.  However, by the time he was buried, it was after dark.  So in the reckoning of the Jews, this was technically 'the next day' after the crucifixion. 

In our time line, it would be understood this way:  Jesus died and was buried the same day.  That evening, after or during the time of internment, the Jewish religious leaders met with Pilate to make arrangements to secure the tomb.

Matthew 27:64 – "Therefore, order the tomb to be made secure until the third day lest his disciples go and steal him away and tell the people, 'He has risen from the dead,' and the last fraud will be worse than the first."

Remember when the leaders asked him for a sign that he was the Messiah?  Jesus told them to look at the sign of Jonah, who was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights (Matthew 12:39-40) before reappearing on land.

Furthermore, this once again proves that they clearly understood what Jesus meant when he said 'destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it again'.    

It is also possible that Jesus spoke of his resurrection more frequently, even though these declarations are not recorded for us in scripture. 

After all, the resurrection is the lynchpin of the gospel.� Everything depends on it.� If Jesus does not resurrect himself, then all of Christianity is false, the kingdom of heaven is a lie, and no atonement had been made for mankind.�

So the bottom line is that it was common knowledge throughout the ranks of the Jews (from the lowest shepherd to the chief priests and Pharisees) that Jesus predicted his own resurrection on the third day. 

Given these universally known predictions, the Jewish leaders want to make it impossible for the disciples to steal the body and fake the resurrection of Jesus.  They took stringent precautions against any kind of fraud.  They were not going to allow any room for controversy regarding the death of Jesus.    

How ironic that God causes them to be trapped by their own craftiness!

Because they took such overwhelmingly great care in making sure the tomb was sealed and guarded, they essentially provided an alibi for the disciples – there was no way the followers of Jesus could have perpetrated any kind of fraud in the resurrection.� So the Pharisees wind up being the strongest witnesses of the very news they were hoping to suppress!

Furthermore, if they thought about it, they would have realized just how ridiculous their preparations were.� If Jesus had not truly risen, and his followers stole his body to fool everyone, then they were fooling themselves too.� What possible benefit could they gain by faking the resurrection?� They would still know in their hearts that they were wrong; they would know that the kingdom of heaven had not really come and their faith was in vain.� Why would the disciples want to spend the rest of their lives in a pointless endeavor to get people to believe a lie?� Why continue a farce that would certainly end up with their own painful deaths?� Had they been wrong, it would have made far more sense for them to admit the mistake and move on.� �

Matthew 27:65-66 – Pilate said to them, "You have a guard of soldiers.� Go, make it as secure as you can."� So they went and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone and setting a guard.

The purpose of the guards was to protect the tomb from any kind of invasion, such as the followers of Jesus stealing the body.

The purpose of the seal was to protect the tomb from the guards themselves, who otherwise might be tempted to take a bribe and allow the tomb to be raided. 

How was the tomb sealed?� We know that a large rock had already been rolled in front of the opening, so as to close it off.� It is probable that ropes were then placed across the stone and each end fastened to the stone wall of the tomb with wax or cement of some kind.� This wax/cement may have also been stamped with the seal of Pilate.

We find Pilate trying to please all sides in this matter.

He allows the friends of Jesus to have his body for a decent burial, but he also allows the religious leaders to do what they feel is in their own best interest – to guard the tomb.�

What are we to make of Pilate's words, 'make it as secure as you can'? 

Perhaps he is trying to pit one side against the other.  No matter which side 'wins', he can claim to be on their side.  He would use this as leverage to keep peace in the city. 

Perhaps he has spoken with his centurion and is now convinced that Jesus was the Son of God.  If he believes that, then his words may be mocking the religious leaders, because they could never secure that tomb against God himself!

Perhaps Pilate wants to remain neutral in all of this.� Perhaps he wishes the whole controversy will just 'go away' without requiring him to take a side in the matter.�

If so, that was a vain hope indeed. The death and resurrection of Jesus will always demand a decision from every person who walks the earth. It will demand a decision from you and from me.

What decision will you make?� Is Jesus the Messiah of the world, sent by God to redeem mankind?� If so, have you surrendered your life to him?

Let me offer you some encouragement:

We have all lost loved ones to the sting of death.  But as we pointed out in this study, that is not the end.  There will be a resurrection from the dead.  Because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross, death will eventually be swallowed up in victory:

1 Corinthians 15:54 - So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

We know that we will one day be reunited in heaven with all those who have trusted in Christ throughout the ages, where we will never be separated again.

Let me offer you some relief:

But in order to have that hope, you need to trust in Christ.� You need to repent from your sin, accept Jesus into your heart, and live for him.� When you do so, you will find relief from sin, fear and condemnation; there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).

Let me offer you some strength:

Sometimes it is hard to share the gospel with those who know us best.  We fear that they will reject or ridicule us.  We sometimes hesitate because we know we have failed in the past, and they have seen it.

But stop for a minute and consider today's lesson.  If we want to spend eternity in the company of our loved ones, then they MUST trust in Jesus for their salvation.  Can we use this understanding as a catalyst to strengthen our resolve to witness to our loved ones? 

I suggest this:� Pray for the salvation of that loved one.� Then ask for the Holy Spirit to lead you in sharing the gospel with them.� Don't do it on your own power or in your own timing.� If you do, the effort will likely fail.� But if we let Holy Spirit take the lead, He will give you the words to say that will penetrate their heart and make Christ a reality in their lives.

This post is being made public just a day or so before the first day of 2021. What does the new year have in store for you?

Many people see the New Year as a chance for a new beginning. They make an effort to change something about themselves that they don't like. Sometimes they are successful, but often they are not.

However, the death and resurrection of Jesus can provide a new beginning to every person who desires to be free from sin. Jesus will make you a new creation in Christ. Old things will pass away, and all things will become new. This change is always successful, because it depends on the blood of Jesus, not your will or your strength.

So why not invite God to walk with you through 2021? He will cleanse you from sin, and work all things out together for your good, if only you will seek Him!


Matthew 27:39-40 – And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying, "You who would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself!  If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross."

What utter disrespect the Jews show to Jesus as he suffers on the cross!  Where are the crowds who recently paved the road with palm branches and cried out 'Hosanna to the Son of David'?  Where are the multitudes who were healed and set free by the power of God?  Where are the thousands who ate of the loaves and fishes?  They are nowhere to be found.

What we do find is a crowd of Jews who rejoice at the downfall of Jesus.  They jeer and taunt him in his darkest hour.  But there is something more sinister than just torment happening here. 

These people are being used to shake the faith of Jesus.� Our savior has been physically tortured beyond belief at this point.� Every single breath he takes ravages his body with pain.� His spirit is weighted down with the sin of the world.� Now, at the height of his suffering, the enemy comes to viciously attack him, no doubt using every single weapon at his disposal. ����

Notice that the Jews taunt Jesus with the exact same words that Satan used in the wilderness temptation (Matthew 4:3, 4:6): "If you are the Son of God�".�� Satan was tempting Jesus to bypass (or in this case end) the suffering of the cross.� Can you imagine how incredibly strong that temptation must have been?� And yet our Savior does not fall to the evil one.� He remains strong and true; crossing the finish line of redemption on our behalf.

Matthew 27:41-42 – So also the chief priests, with the scribes and elders, mocked him, saying, "He saved others; he cannot save himself.  He is the King of Israel; let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him."

The religious leaders are just as ignorant as the common people.  Because Jesus does not immediately deliver himself from death, they incorrectly assume he does not possess the power and ability to do so.  They think that it's 'now or never' for Jesus to prove that he was the Son of God; but they forgot that he had already proved it – by the miracles he had performed over the last 3 years. 

They again mock him for the statement that he could destroy the temple (his body) and rebuild it (raise it again) in three days.  They had no idea that the very thing they detested and derided him for was, even then, being fulfilled in front of their eyes! 

What ignorant, blind leaders! Jesus never intended to 'save himself' as they understood it.� He chose to be on that cross, laying down his life and later taking it back up again.� He chose to suffer so he could save and deliver US from death!���

Matthew 27:43 – "He trusts in God; let God deliver him now, if he desires him.  For he said, "I am the Son of God."

As you recall, the real reason the Jewish leaders wanted to have Jesus put to death was because he claimed to be the Son of God.  They considered his claim false, and thus they deemed him guilty of blasphemy. 

Now, as he hangs there on the cross in the midst of intense pain and suffering they throw his words back in his face once again.  If he really was the Son of God, as he claimed, then surely God would immediately step in and deliver him from his suffering.  The fact that God did not deliver him demonstrated that he was not the Son of God (or so they thought).     

Matthew 27:44 – And the robbers who were crucified with him also reviled him in the same way.

It is remarkable that even the robbers who were crucified alongside Jesus reviled him.  You would think they had more important things to worry about; why waste your final breath reviling someone who is suffering with you?

But their actions prove that Jesus was forsaken and despised by all levels of society, even down to the worst of the worst. 

We do note, however, that the gospel of Luke tells us one of these men repents and places his faith in Christ.  Jesus assures the man that he would enter Paradise that very day (Luke 23:39-43)!

Matthew 27:45 – Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour.

During the last three hours that Jesus hung on the cross (noon to 3 pm), darkness covered the land.� Was there a natural explanation for this?�

There is speculation that it could have been an eclipse, but many scoff at this idea.� They claim that history records a full moon at the time of the crucifixion, which was opposite to the sun, so an eclipse was impossible.� Additionally, they say a total eclipse would not account for a three hour period of darkness.

Others believe the sun was darkened by clouds and smoke which erupted before the great earthquake that took place.  This theory also has its detractors.  If enough particulate matter was in the air to cause darkness, it would not fall to the earth and disappear within a mere three hours.

We may not know the exact cause of the darkness, but we do know the reason for it.  God was calling attention to the death of Jesus.  What a fitting witness:  The birth of Christ was attended by a very great and unusual light (Matthew 2:2), while the death of Christ was attended by a very great and unusual darkness.  As the Light of the World was leaving, the world was left with darkness!  This was the first of several signs that were noted by those present on that day.  All of these signs testify that Jesus was the Son of God, the Messiah of the world.

This darkness was predicted back in the book of Amos:

Amos 8:9 - And it shall come to pass in that day, says the Lord GOD, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth on a clear day:�� And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth upon every waist, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it like the mourning of an only son, and its end as a bitter day.

So, it would seem that God was once again reaching out to his people.  The Jews had become so blinded by their hatred of Jesus that they rejected the truth.  But God was going to give them several incredible signs on that day, which they would surely remember.  And if they meditated on these signs (the signs were so astonishing, you could scarcely do anything else) it would again point them to Jesus as the Messiah.    

Matthew 27:46 – And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" that is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

The intense suffering of Jesus cannot be understood or explained by us; it is beyond our human comprehension.  This was not just physical suffering, but spiritual suffering as well.   

As we mentioned earlier, there can no doubt that Satan was present at the crucifixion.  Luke 4:13 tells us that Satan departed from Jesus 'for a season', which indicates that he would return to tempt Jesus again.  There can be no doubt that Satan launched upon Jesus the most severe and heinous attack possible at this time, in order to take full advantage of the weakened physical state of our Lord.  Scholars suggest that the ferocity of Satan's attack was at its worst during this very moment.

Just as we do not know or understand the depth of temptation that Jesus was experiencing, neither can we know or understand the intense spiritual agony that was upon him.

If Jesus were to be a true sacrifice for us, it was necessary for him to be judged guilty at the judgment seat of God, and to suffer all the wrath of God for our sake.  As he experienced that wrath, the inward sadness/brokenness of his soul was so intense and violent, that is caused him to cry out (Psalms 22:1).        

We should always view the indescribable torment of Christ with utter reverence; for it was a holy sacrifice, made on our behalf.�

Isaiah 53:10 – Yes it was the will of the Lord to crush him; he has put him to grief; when his soul makes an offering for guilt��

In my opinion, Isaiah has the best reflections on the suffering and agony of Christ in chapter 53 of his book (please, please take the time to read this entire chapter right now – it will be very meaningful to you, as you read the events of the crucifixion).

Matthew 27:47 – And some of the bystanders, hearing it, said, "This man is calling Elijah."

When Jesus spoke, he was not speaking Greek, but Syro-Chaldaic, which is a compilation or mixture of Hebrew and Syriac.  It was not a language that everyone would have clearly understood.  So, two possibilities present themselves in this situation.

One is that the Jews were mocking the cry/prayer of Jesus.� If this is true, then these people clearly understood that Jesus was calling out to God, but twisted his words to make them refer to Elijah.�

How is calling out to Elijah mocking Jesus?� The Jews were well aware of the scripture that said Elijah must come before the Messiah would be revealed.� They thought that by calling out to Elijah, Jesus was asking him to come and thereby admitting that he was not the Messiah.

Of course, if this was their thinking, we know they were wrong.  John the Baptist fulfilled that role when he came in the spirit and power of Elijah, to call people to repentance (Matt 17:10-12), and bear witness that Jesus was the Messiah.

At any rate, the second possibility seems more likely.  In this explanation, the people simply misunderstand what Jesus said.  The language may have been unfamiliar to them.  Also, keep in mind that there is now a supernatural deep darkness over the land which has a calming yet terrifying effect on the bystanders.  The time of coarse joking is past; the spirit of mockery has gone. Something beyond their understanding is happening. 

Matthew 27:48-49 – And one of them at once ran and took a sponge, filled it with sour wine and put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink.� But the others said, "Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to save him."

The Roman soldiers commonly drank a mixture of sour wine and water.� It is entirely possible that there was a supply on hand for the soldiers to drink as they carried out the executions of the day.�

So in response to the cry of Jesus, someone puts a sponge on the end of a stick, dips it in the wine/water mixture and offers it to Jesus.   But while he was getting the sponge, others urged him to wait.  Clearly, they all understood that supernatural things were occurring; perhaps Elijah might actually come.

Matthew 27:50 – And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.

John tells us the words that Jesus uttered that day:

John 19:30 – When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, "It is finished," and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

How do you view the statement of Jesus?� Do you see it as a cry of pain as his life expired?� Or do you view it as a shout of exultation and victory?

Considering that his last words were spoken with a loud clear voice, we can surmise that he was still in full strength.� His life had not been squeezed out of him by vile men, but rather he had dismissed his spirit from his body, of his own accord.� When the time was right - when the temptation of Satan had been firmly rebuffed, when the sin of all the world had been fully placed into his account and he paid the price of the wrath of God, then and only then did Jesus dismiss his spirit with the loud, triumphant exclamation, 'IT IS FINISHED!'

Considering his last words were spoken with a loud, clear voice, we can surmise that Jesus attacked our spiritual enemies with vigor, strength and power.� Even as he hung on the cross, he was spoiling/defeating evil principalities and powers.� He was putting death in its place.� Jesus did not barely win this battle; he conquered; he won by a landslide.� He destroyed evil, triumphing over Satan without question.� Jesus is the one who is 'mighty to save' (Isaiah 63:1).� Satan's hold on us was destroyed; our redemption was sealed with the victorious cry, 'IT IS FINISHED'!

Let me offer you some encouragement:

It seems odd that our study brought us to the death of Christ in the month of December.� In fact, his death on the cross is being 'posted' two days before Christmas.� We might be tempted to say that our timing is off.� But I don't think so.

The announcement of the birth of Jesus should never really be separated from the fulfillment of his purpose on the cross.  The events are inseparable; it takes both to give us a complete picture of God's grace. 

The world loves to celebrate the birth of Jesus in extravagant fashion.� But they have missed the point.� As wonderful as the birth of Christ was, it was really only a prelude to the main event – the crucifixion. �The true cause for celebration came as Jesus proclaimed 'IT IS FINISHED' and gave up his life on the cross.� ��

So over the course of the next few days, I encourage you to dwell not just on the promises that were made to mankind at the birth of Jesus, but to also consider the fulfillment of those promises which occurred on the cross.  

By all means, rejoice and celebrate His birth!� But don't shrink for examining the pain and suffering of his death, because the real victory was won through the cross, not the manger. ��

Let me offer you some relief:

When Jesus was born, there was rejoicing because the promised savior had come. But that promise was not actually fulfilled until Jesus died.  Now that he has died and risen again, all sin – ALL SIN – can be washed white as snow.  So let me give you some relief – no matter what you have done, no matter how badly you have sinned or 'blown it', forgiveness can be yours.  The price has already been paid by Jesus through his suffering.  So reach out to him today, and find relief from your sin.       

Let me offer you some strength:

Right now, you and I still live in the realm of sin.� Every day is a constant battle to overcome evil of some kind.� And sometimes we can get weary in the midst of that conflict.� But let me give your strength a boost – evil has been officially defeated.� The day that Jesus hung on the cross and triumphantly exclaimed 'IT IS FINISHED', Satan's hold on you was broken.� So take heart.� Don't give up.� Run your race with courage and might.� Jesus has won the victory for all those who trust in him! ��

Merry Christmas!

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. ����

Matthew 27:24 – So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves."

As we noted last time, Pilate had a chance at the very beginning to do the right thing as governor – to throw out the clearly false charges against Jesus the Christ.  But he did not do so.  He shirked the responsibility associated with his authority. 

Instead, he vainly attempted to get some kind of justice for Jesus through the popular opinion of the Jewish crowd.� But crowds are fickle.� The scribes and Pharisees had incited the emotions of these people to a fever pitch; their lust and rage would accept nothing less than the death of Jesus.�

Pilate lost control of the trial.

The harder Pilate lobbied to free Jesus, the more agitated the crowd became. Pilate lost control of this trial; he was now in danger of losing control of the city.  As we said last time, Rome expected the preservation of public order throughout their domain.  If Pilate couldn't ensure it, they would remove him from power and/or execute him.

So in order to keep peace (and pacify his own conscience), he is going to give the crowd what it wants – the death of Jesus.  But before doing so, he publicly washes his hands. What is that all about?

The washing of hands in public was a symbolic act intended to show that the 'washer' was innocent of any wrong doing or crime.  In this case, Pilate was publicly testifying that he found Jesus to be innocent and he regarded the crucifixion of Jesus as a murder.

Here is my question to you – was this public announcement of the innocence of Jesus and the washing of his hands enough to cleanse Pilate, or was he still guilty of the murder of Jesus? Why or why not?

Answer:  Pilate was still guilty.  In the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 21:6-7) if the Jewish elders found a dead body, they could publicly wash their hands which was a symbol that they were innocent and had not caused the death of the person in any way.  But the most important part of that ritual was that the elder was testifying to man and to God (who knows all hearts) that they were innocent.

In the case of Pilate, he could not stand before God and claim that he was innocent of the blood of Christ, since it was well within his power to halt the crucifixion.� Therefore, the washing of his hands could not make him innocent of the blood of Jesus.

Matthew 27:25 – And all the people answered, "His blood be on us and on our children!"

In other words, the Jewish people placed a curse (sometimes called an imprecation) on themselves, their children, their grandchildren, etc.  In essence they said, 'If this man is really innocent, and we put him to death as a guilty person, then let the guilt and punishment of this man's blood rest upon us and our posterity'. 

Indeed, less than 40 years from the time they spoke this curse upon themselves, it came to pass.� When the Jerusalem was taken and the temple destroyed in 71 AD, more than a million Jews died.� Thousands died by famine, thousands by disease and thousands by the sword.� Josephus tells us that their blood literally ran down the streets of Jerusalem like water.� He also tells us that the number of Jews crucified (the same punishment they inflicted upon Jesus), was so great, the Romans had to stop the practice because they ran out of wood to make the beams and space to put the crosses.�

It was entirely possible that some of the men standing in front of Pilate that day, calling for the death of Jesus were also some of the very men who died on those crosses and if not them, certainly their children.�

However, there is good news for us.  The blood of Jesus is very powerful.  It has the ability to forgive, to protect and to save.  As believers in Jesus, we can pray the blood of Jesus over our children and grandchildren; God will hear and honor that prayer just as surely as he heard and honored the curse the Jews asked him for!

Matthew 27:26 – Then he released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, delivered him to be crucified.

Have you ever heard of the word 'scapegoat'?  It refers to a person or thing that is made to bear the blame for others. 

For instance, if a sports team is constantly losing games, the management may fire the coach, even though the players are the ones who are not performing well.  In this case, we might say the coach was a scapegoat.

Another example would be in the corporate world.� If a design team comes up with a new product that under performs, the manager may be fired even though the company keeps the other employees.� In this case, the manager was the scapegoat; he or she bore the blame for the failure of the project.���

Did you remember that there was an Old Testament ceremony on the Day of Atonement which used scapegoats to remove the sin of the Israelites?

Leviticus 16:7-10 - And he [Aaron] shall take the two goats, and present them before the LORD at the door of the tabernacle of meeting.  And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the LORD, and the other lot for the scapegoat.  And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which the LORD'S lot fell, and offer him for a sin offering.   But the goat, on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat, shall be presented alive before the LORD, to make an atonement with him, and to let him go for a scapegoat into the wilderness.

Basically, the high priest would stand before the people with two goats.  He would then reach into an urn where there were two 'lots' and he would place one lot on the head of each goat.  The lot identified one goat to die as a sacrifice, and one to be released into the wild.  So, two identical goats were presented before the people that day, but each was committed to a very different destiny.

Isn't this a picture of what happened during the trial before Pilate?  There were two prisoners that day – Jesus Barabbas, and Jesus called the Christ.  Both were presented before the people, who, in a sense cast the lot.  One man was let go; the other was sacrificed for the sin of the people.     

What do we know about scourging?� It was standard procedure for the Romans to scourge criminals who were condemned to be crucified.� It appears that the priests and the Jewish crowd wanted to witness the scourging.� Either their hatred had been so ramped up that they wanted to see blood, or they didn't trust Pilate to do as he said.�

For his part, Pilate may have hoped that the bloody, savage beating would pacify the crowd and perhaps prevent the crucifixion.

So Jesus is subjected to a violent brutal whipping.  Picture him tied to a low post, which caused his back to bend, stretching out his skin.  In the hand of the Roman soldier was a handle with three leather thongs.  At the tip of each thong was a jagged piece of bone or metal.  Each strike of the whip counted as three stripes; so 13 strikes equaled 39 lashes. 

While that sight did not move the Jews to pity, it should have a profound effect upon us.� Jesus accepted those stripes on our behalf – so that we could be healed and delivered:�

Isaiah 53:5 - But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. ��

When you hear the word "healed", is your thinking limited to the physical realm?  It shouldn't be.  As fallen humans, we also need mental and emotional healing too.

Are you suffering the pain of a broken relationship?  How about the pain of mental abuse or anxiety due to our current circumstances?  The stripes of Jesus can provide peace, healing and reconciliation for any and all situations that you are experiencing right now.  

Matthew 27:27 – Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor's headquarters, and they gathered the whole battalion before him.

The public trial ended in a death sentence.  The prisoner, bloody and weak from the scourging, is removed from the public eye and taken inside the courthouse.  There a battalion of soldiers (approximately 600 men) took the opportunity to torture, insult and mock Jesus our Savior.

Matthew 27:28-30 – And they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and twisting together a crown of thorns, they put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand.  And kneeling before him, they mocked him, saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!"  And they spit on him and took the reed and struck him on the head.

The soldiers heard of Jesus' claim to be a king, so they determined to deride him with 'royal honors'.� They tore his garments from his raw back, painfully aggravating his cuts.� �They placed a scarlet robe on him.� Most likely, this was a short military cloak worn by Roman officers.� However, some people believe this was a cast-off garment from King Herod himself, which the soldiers found and used for this purpose.� If so, it added yet another layer of cruelty to their torture. �

Their mockery would not be complete without a crown.  The soldiers found thorn bush branches and wove them into a crown, pushing the painfully sharp needles into his tender flesh.   

Crown of Thorns

Then they placed a reed (a thick, solid cane) into his hand as a scepter.  Their blasphemy was complete when they bowed, giving mock obeisance to him as king.

But these cruel and vicious men soon tired of their game.  They resorted to spitting on Jesus, then taking the rod and striking him on the head.    

As Christians, we love Jesus with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength.  So to read and imagine the horrible suffering that he went through just before the cross makes you sick to your stomach.  It is painful and difficult to even think about it.

But think about it we must, for it is the foundation of the gospel message.� Jesus suffered for one reason and one reason only – to atone for our sin.

The bible makes this clear over and over again:

  • He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities; the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all (Isaiah 53:5-6).�
  • He was offered to bear the sins of many (Hebrews 9:28).��
  • Christ was made a curse for us (Galatians 3:13).�
  • He, who knew no sin was made sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21).�
  • He bore our sins in his own body (I Peter 2:22).

Think of it this way:

  • Jesus was scourged that we might be healed through his stripes.�
  • Though he was innocent, Jesus was condemned so that we who are truly guilty might be acquitted.�
  • Jesus wore a crown of thorns so that we could wear a crown of glory.�
  • Jesus was stripped of his clothing so that we could be clothed in everlasting righteousness.�
  • Jesus was mocked and reviled so that you and I could be honored and blessed.�
  • He was numbered among the transgressors that you and I might be numbered among the sons of God.�
  • He died a most painful and disgraceful death, that you and I might have everlasting life.

The suffering (passion) of Christ should never fail to produce feelings of deep praise and thankfulness within our hearts.�

Matthew 27:31-32 – And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the robe and put his own clothes on him and led him away to crucify him.  As they went out they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name.  They compelled this man to carry his cross.

It was standard practice for condemned men to carry their own crosses.  However, Jesus had to be physically exhausted at this point.  He had been up more than 24 hours, with nothing to eat or drink.  He had been tried in front of the Sanhedrin and then been abused by the Jews.  He stood trial in front of the Gentiles, and was tortured by the Roman soldiers.  He had been publicly whipped and probably lost a significant amount of blood.    

In order to get him to the place of execution, the Romans forced a passerby, Simon, to help carry the burden.� Simon was from Cyrene, a city in Libya (in Africa, just west of Egypt).� There was a large Jewish population there and, like all other Jews, they were in the habit of traveling to Jerusalem.

Make no mistake - Simon's assistance was not an act of compassion by the Romans.  The soldiers simply did not want Jesus to die from fatigue and blood loss before his public punishment on the cross.

Matthew 27:33-34 – And when they came to a place called Golgotha (which means Place of a Skull), they offered him wine to drink, mixed with gall but when he tasted it, he would not drink it.

The exact location of the place of public execution named Golgotha or Calvary, is hotly disputed among scholars.  However, some facts are certain.  The bible tells us that the place was outside the walls of Jerusalem, not far from one of the city gates, and near one of the principal roads leading from the city into the country. 

Because it was a public place near a major road, the death of Christ could be witnessed by many people.  This was certainly important; his death could not have been faked.

Because it was outside the city, it conforms to the pattern of sacrifice set forth in the Old Testament.  Under the law, when an animal had been sacrificed and its blood used for a sin offering, the body of the animal was removed from the camp:

Leviticus 16:27 – And the bull for the sin offering and the goat for the sin offering, whose blood was brought in to make atonement in the Holy Place, shall be carried outside the camp.�

Likewise, as Jesus was making atonement for our sin by shedding his blood on the cross, he was taken outside the city.� In the same place were criminals were sacrificed to satisfy the justice of the government, Jesus was sacrificed to satisfy the justice of God.

Although this it is not a proven fact, some scholars believe that Golgotha got its name because it was not only the place of execution, but the place where the bones and skulls of dead men were heaped together out of the way of daily life, so that people did not come into contact with them and become defiled. 


If that is true, it presents a devastating picture of the power of death. Picture the bones disrespectfully piled on the barren earth. Imagine the metallic smell of blood that hung in the air.� Hear the screams of hopeless men begging death to come and release them.� Picture the rotting carcasses being eaten by birds.� No one escaped this place alive. �

But this picture also provides an even more powerful picture of the triumph and glory of Jesus!� Despite all the rage of hell, he has carried out his mission completely and perfectly.� Once he gives up his spirit, he has totally defeated all the powers of darkness!� Death thought it had claimed yet another life, but it was wrong – Death could not hold Him!� Jesus defeated Death on its own home court!� Hallelujah! �

Matthew 27:35-36 – And when they had crucified him, they divided his garments among them by casting lots.  Then they sat down and kept watch over him there. 

In his commentary, Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible, Mr. Barnes gives us this description of crucifixion: 

The manner of the crucifixion was as follows: After the criminal had carried the cross, attended with every possible jibe and insult, to the place of execution, a hole was dug in the earth to receive the foot of it. The cross was laid on the ground; the person condemned to suffer was stripped, and was extended on it, and the soldiers fastened the hands and feet either by nails or thongs. After they had fixed the nails deeply in the wood, they elevated the cross with the agonizing sufferer on it; and, in order to fix it more firmly in the earth, they let it fall violently into the hole which they had dug to receive it; This sudden fall must have given to the person that was nailed to it a most violent and convulsive shock, and greatly increased his sufferings. The crucified person was then suffered to hang, commonly, till pain, exhaustion, thirst, and hunger ended his life. Sometimes the sufferings continued for days; and when friendly death terminated the life, the body was often suffered to remain--a loathsome object, putrefying in the sun, or devoured by the birds.

Further, scholars tell us that there was great physical pain associated with being crucified.  The arms were extended as far back as possible and rendered almost immovable.  The least motion gave intense pain to the hands, feet and the back which had been lacerated with whips.

The nails were driven through the hands and feet in areas with multiple nerve endings.

Crucifixion prevented the free circulation of blood through the body.� More blood was carried out in the arteries than could be returned by the veins.� The result was intense pressure and violent pain, particularly in the head.�

The pain gradually increased, with absolutely no respite.  Death came, but only gradually; it was normal for death to take between three and seven days to claim the victim.

While this suffering was happening, the soldiers were busy dividing the spoil.  It was customary to crucify a person naked; the clothes belonged to the executioners.  The soldiers divided up his clothes into four parts, but they were unwilling to tear apart his outer garment because it was a seamless, high quality item.  For that reason, they cast lots for it (John 19:23-24).  This was a fulfillment of scripture:

Psalm 22:18 - They part my garments among them, and cast lots for my clothing.

Jesus died naked and humiliated so that we could wear garments of salvation and robes of righteousness: 

Isaiah 61:10 - I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, he has covered me with the robe of righteousness�

Matthew 27:37 – And over his head they put the charge against him, which read, "This is Jesus, the King of the Jews."

Again, this was nothing out of the ordinary.� It was standard Roman practice to publish the cause of a criminal's death in capital letters, on a sign placed above his head.� In this case, it was written in three languages – Greek, Latin and Hebrew (Luke 23:38).

Pilate intended the inscription as a parting shot to the Jews, who forced him to crucify an innocent man. He also considered it an insurance policy; he had public testimony that he dealt strongly with any insurrection.  Pilate thought the sign was born out of his own wisdom.     

But in reality, it was God's divine hand at work:� The message of Christ's true identity was published in languages known to both Jews and Gentiles.� This was Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews, the long expected Messiah who had come.� So instead of accusing Jesus as a criminal, Pilate introduces Jesus as who he really is – King of all.� And very soon, that kingdom would begin to grow and manifest itself�

Matthew 27:38 – Then two robbers were crucified with him, one on the right and one on the left.

Once again, prophesy is fulfilled.  Jesus is crucified between two robbers (confederates of Barabbas?), which implies guilt by association.  Thus, Jesus is 'numbered' or counted/considered as a transgressor (Isaiah 53:12).  Who truly deserved the place of shame between those two sinners?  You and I, of course!  But because of his great love for us, Jesus died in our place.

In the midst of carrying the burden of our sin, and the unimaginable physical pain he was experiencing, he also had to endure the screams, groans and blasphemies of the two criminals beside him.  There was no limit to the cruelty of mankind against our Creator and Savior.

Let me offer you some encouragement, relief and strength:

There are many lessons and insights that we can take away from the events of the passion of Christ.� But perhaps one of the most significant is this:�� His passion should cause us to hate sin.� Literally and completely and emphatically HATE IT.

It was our sin that caused his suffering.  Our lust, evil tongues and avarice platted the crown of thorns.  Our bitterness, envy and rebellion drove the nails into his hands.  Our pride, faithlessness, and violence secured his feet to the cross.  Our murderous spirit plucked out his beard.  Our idolatry and selfishness caused his mocking, beating and shame.    

If we have any love at all for our Savior and King, we must hate the sin, our sin, which placed him in the position of suffering; it was for these sins that he shed his perfect blood.  Jesus did this out of love for us:

Romans 5:8 - But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Contemplation of the cross should lead us to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength.�

Matthew 27:1-2 – When morning came, all the chief priests and the elders of the people took council against Jesus to put him to death.  And they bound him and led him away and delivered him over to Pilate the governor.

In the last part of chapter 26, we saw that Jesus was taken before an illegal assembly of the Sanhedrin, where he was pronounced guilty of blasphemy and sentenced to death.

Although the chief priest and his cronies seemed to have gotten what they desired, there were a couple of problems to overcome.

First, it was illegal to meet at night to decide the sentence against a defendant.� The council normally met during daylight hours, in a room at the temple, but that night they held their illegal trial at the house of the high priest, Caiaphas.� To get around their unlawful actions, they quickly gathered the next morning to have an 'official' trial and sentencing. Scholars feel that they met as soon as the day broke, around 5 am.

Second, the Romans were not going to put someone to death on a charge of blasphemy against God.  They would consider it a matter of religion, and refer the case back to the Sanhedrin. 

This was a problem for the Jews.� The Law states that anyone guilty of blasphemy was to be stoned (Leviticus 24:16, John 10:33), but at that time the only stonings that took place were born out of a mob mentality – if a number of Jews heard the blasphemy they would spontaneously stone the person (Acts 7:56-60). �These cases were pretty rare at the time.�

Under normal circumstances, if the Jews wanted to execute anyone, they had to get the Romans to do it.  This required them to prove the charges before the governor. 

What charges would get the attention of the Romans?

So part of the early morning meeting of the Sanhedrin would also have included a discussion of the new charges they were going to bring against Jesus.� What accusation could they submit to the governor that would cause him to take action?� We will examine the charges shortly.�

For now, let us take note that Jesus was judged first by the Jews, then by the Gentiles.� Both played a part in his death; both would be redeemed by the same innocent blood they shed.

Matthew 27:3-4a – Then when Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he changed his mind and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders saying, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood."

These verses indicate that things did not turn out as Judas expected.  Perhaps he thought that Jesus would work a miracle to deliver himself.  Perhaps he thought that Jesus would reason or bargain with the religious leaders for his freedom.  He may even have expected the charges to be dropped, as Jesus was certainly innocent.  In any case, Judas definitely seems surprised that Jesus has actually been condemned.

At that point, Judas experiences the horror of a guilty conscience.  He realizes that he has caused an innocent man to be sentenced to death. 

Think about the implications of that for a minute – Judas has spent the last three years living and ministering with Jesus.� Judas had observed Jesus in both his public life and his private life.� He heard what Jesus taught publicly, and he saw how he lived by those principles privately.� He was a witness to the hours Jesus spent in prayer.� He saw the compassion and the love that Jesus had for sinners.� There is no question that Judas had a front row seat to everything that Jesus said and did.

Don't you think that if Jesus had done anything, I mean anything evil no matter how small or insignificant, that Judas would have stated it?  Because he felt guilty, Judas would have wanted to vindicate himself.  He would have put forth any reason he knew of as to why Jesus was evil or guilty.  If there had been even the slightest bit of evil in the life of Jesus, Judas would probably have blown it all out of proportion and made it look worse than it was, just so he could save face and assuage his conscience. 

So, if there had been something evil in the life of Christ, Judas would have been the one to see it.  He would have been the one to reveal it.  With that knowledge, he could have been the star witness at the midnight trial.  He could have escaped the horror of a guilty conscience and probably received yet another reward from the Jewish leaders.  But that didn't happen.  Instead, Judas fully and frankly confessed that Jesus was innocent.  The testimony of Judas was far more reliable than any of the witnesses at the trial!

Matthew 27:4b - They said, "What is that to us?� See to it yourself."

What is the reaction of the elders when they hear the true testimony of Judas?  They throw his guilt back in his face! 

The leaders of religion, the physicians of the spirit man, should have come along side this sick soul, poured out healing ointment, and bandaged his wounds.  They should have schooled him in repentance, then accepted and offered up whatever offering he made for his sin.  They should have led him in the paths of righteousness and assisted him in making peace with God.  That was their duty as religious leaders.

But instead, they poured salt on his wounds and destroyed any inkling of repentance.  Having achieved their goal (the condemnation of Christ), they have no concern for the one they used as a tool of their own wickedness.     

Matthew 27:5 – And throwing down the pieces of silver into the temple, he departed, and he went and hanged himself.

Casting the pieces of silver back into the temple was evidence of Judas' remorse for his crime.  His ill gotten gain now did him no good.  It could not relive his agonized mind or his stinging conscience.  He vainly hoped that returning the money would ease his guilt, but the guilt was attached to his soul, not the money.

We said that Judas displayed remorse for his sin.  This is true.  But remorse is different than repentance. 

Remorse is anguish, torment or gnawing pain which is the result of guilt.  It does not contain any element of seeking forgiveness or of changing one's mind and actions.  It is simply a state of suffering.

Repentance includes change.

Like remorse, repentance includes an element of anguish for one's actions/guilt.  However, it also indicates change – a change of mind, purpose or conduct; it means to seek forgiveness; to cease the love and practice of sin.

Paul talks about the difference between remorse and repentance in his letter to the Corinthians:

2 Corinthians 7:9-10 – As it is, I rejoice, not because you were grieved, but because you were grieved into repenting.� For you felt a godly grief, so that you suffered no loss through us.� For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.

Even though Judas experienced remorse and confessed his sin to the priests, he did not truly repent.  He did not seek mercy or forgiveness from God; he was not willing to change his ways.  He came to the temple steeped in sin and he left the same way.  As a result, his regret produced only death.  While this was his own fault, it should be noted that the priests did not help him at all.  

How are we running our own 'temples'?  The bible says that our bodies are the temple of God:    

1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have of God, and you are not your own?

It also says that all Christians are priests of God:

Revelation 1:5-6 - �to him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father�

Therefore, all Christians have both the ability and the responsibility to lead repentant souls to Christ, where they can find life. �When a sinner comes to us, we need to be able to share the love and mercy of Christ with them.� We need to be able to lead them in a prayer of repentance which leads to eternal life.�

Are you prepared to do that?  Do you know a few key scriptures that you could use to lead someone to Christ?  If not, now is a good time to get a few notes and scriptures together, so you can be prepared when the time comes.   

Matthew 27:6-7  – But the chief priests, taking the pieces of silver, said, "It is not lawful to put them into the treasury, since it is blood money."  So they took council and bought with them the potter's field as a burial place for strangers.

There were several small chests scattered throughout the outer courts of the temple.� If people wanted to give a voluntary offering to God, or to pay the half-shekel tax owed by Jewish men, they placed their money into these chests.� All money collected here was dedicated to sacred purposes.� These chests were collectively referred to as the temple treasury.�

Deuteronomy 23:18 infers that money unlawfully gained or money derived from an impure source could never be used in purchasing things for God's service.� Because these 30 pieces of silver were actually the price of the murder of Jesus, the priests felt they could not put it back into the treasury.

So, in their eyes, it was okay to take money out of the temple treasury to pay for the murder of Jesus, but it was unlawful to return those same coins back to the treasury! 

The priests have no problem with accepting testimony from false witnesses and perverting justice in order to condemn an innocent man, but they worry about the legalities of putting a few coins into the treasury!  These hypocrites have no concerns about breaking the eternal laws of justice and mercy, but they are willing to split the thinnest hair when dealing with decisions of ceremonial law!       

How is it possible that any Jewish religious leader could be this delusional?  There is no rational explanation, other than they were blind guides; children of their father, the devil!      

The Jews had specific regulations for 'impure' money.� According to their customs, any such money must be restored to the donor if possible.� If it was not possible to return it, or the donor insisted on giving it, then the money was to be used for some public good.�

Since the money could not be returned to Judas, the priests took the 30 pieces of silver to buy a public burial plot for strangers and for the poor.� The land was originally a plot of ground where clay was harvested for use in making pottery.� Because the top soil and all the clay were gone, the land was unsuitable for any other purpose; thus it was probably extremely cheap.�

Matthew 27:8 – Therefore that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day.

Matthew probably penned his gospel around 30 years after this field was purchased.  So from the day of purchase until the time this gospel was written, the field had been commonly referred to as the field of blood. 

So we see that the priests had hoped to bury their crime (condemning Christ) by purchasing a burial place for strangers.� But God does not allow their guilt to be buried!� What was done in secret, is revealed openly - this field became a perpetual memorial of the treachery perpetrated by the Jewish elders and priests.��

Matthew 27:9-10 – Then was fulfilled what had been spoken by the prophet Jeremiah, saying, 'And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him on whom a price had been set by some of the sons of Israel, and they gave them for the potter's field as the Lord directed me.'

This is not a direct quote from the Old Testament; it is a paraphrase.  The funny thing is, the paraphrase is not found in the book of Jeremiah, but in the book of Zechariah:

Zechariah 11:12-13 And I said unto them, If you think it good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.  And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a princely price that I was valued at by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD.

A number of explanations are given for this difficulty.

One is that Jeremiah was considered by the Jewish writers as the first of the prophets.  As such, his name is sometimes substituted when referring to any prophetic book in the Old Testament. 

Others feel there was a mistake made by the ancient transcribers, as Jeremiah and Zechariah are very similar. 

There are other explanations as well, but regardless of whether it was spoken by Jeremiah or Zechariah, we see it fulfilled here in the events recorded by Matthew.

And now, having finished the narrative on Judas, Matthew returns to the trial of Jesus before Pilate.�

Matthew 27:11 – Now Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor asked him, "Are you the King of the Jews?"  Jesus said, "You have said so."

Matthew gives us a streamlined account of the trial of Jesus.  If you would like a fuller, more detailed description, see the gospel of John, chapter 18.

As we noted earlier, the Jews knew that the Romans would not execute Jesus based on charges of blasphemy.  They would have to come up with a charge that would affect the Romans in some way.  They did this when they met for the second time, in their morning session. 

While Matthew does not give us the specific charge, Luke does:

Luke 23:2 – And they [the members of the Sanhedrin] began to accuse him [Jesus] saying, "We found this man misleading our nation and forbidding us to give tribute to Caesar, and saying that he himself is Christ, a king."

The charges brought against Jesus by the Jews basically amount to sedition – exciting discontent against the government, resistance to lawful authority; conduct tending to treason.  Basically, the Jews are portraying Jesus as one who would rise up against Roman authority to establish his own kingdom. 

This definitely got Pilate's attention.

If he ignored the accusation that Jesus claimed to be king of the Jews, he himself could be accused of disloyalty to Caesar. 

Caesar had appointed Pilate to keep peace within Judea and particularly in Jerusalem, which was no easy task.� The Romans utterly despised the Jews.� Pilate himself hated them and had no problem shedding their blood when it suited him.�

For their part, the Jews hated all Roman authority.� They were cordial to Pilate, but then turned around and accused him of every crime imaginable – misadministration, abuse of power, cruelty and robbery.� There were constant uprisings against Roman authority.� Clearly, there was no love lost between Pilate and the Jews. �

Jerusalem was like a powder keg.

To make matters more intense, it was Passover and Jerusalem was bursting at the seams with Jewish visitors from all over the known world.  The city was like a giant powder keg.  Any kind of civil disobedience could result in chaos and anarchy.  If that happened, Pilate himself would be in danger of being banished or put to death by Rome.     

Pilate has no choice but to address the question of Jesus' kingship.  When asked point blank if he is king of the Jews, Jesus answers 'you have said so' which was their way of saying 'yes'.  

Now Pilate must decide if Jesus is truly a threat to Rome or not.

 Matthew 27:12 – But when he was accused by the chief priests and the elders, he gave no answer.

Jesus readily and directly answers the question of Pilate, but refuses to address the charges of the chief priests and elders.� Why do you think that is?

One reason was that the accusations brought by the Jews were so utterly and ridiculously false that they needed no defense.  Anyone who knew Jesus, knew the charges were false.

Another reason is that Jesus was intent on offering himself up as a sacrifice, pleasing to his Father.  His hour had come; he was fully submitted to his Father (not my will but yours be done); his reputation simply did not matter.  Since he was not trying to save his life or his reputation, there was no need to argue the point.    

Here is something interesting to note:  When Jesus was asked to defend himself against the Jewish leaders, he refuses to speak.  Again, that is because his own personal reputation is of no consequence in this case.  He does not wish to be acquitted or found innocent.  His mission is to die for the sins of the world. 

But when asked point blank if he is the Messiah, promised by God, Jesus answers.� So when the question is about the honor, glory and faithfulness of God, an answer is given.� This is a good pattern to keep in mind for our own lives! �

Matthew 27:13-14 – Then Pilate said to him, "Do you not hear how many things they testify against you?"� But he gave him no answer, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed.

It was (and still is) shocking and horrific to think that the Son of God allowed himself to be dragged before the judgment seat of a profane, sinful man while bound in chains like a common criminal.  He stood before this mere mortal wrongly accused of crimes he did not commit, waiting to be sentenced to death.

It was wrong, on every level.  But Jesus willingly did it for us. 

Jesus, who knew no sin, was made sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God through him.  Hallelujah!

If Christ had not been made sin for us, we could not stand before God, nor even lift up our face in his presence.� So Jesus chose to stand bound before an earthly judge and receive a sentence of death in order that we might be delivered from sin/condemnation and may approach the throne of God freely. ���Hallelujah!

Jesus chose to stand silently in the presence of evil men, so that you and I might have the privilege of boldly crying out 'Abba Father', as we seek help in our time of need. Hallelujah!   

Thank you, Jesus, for the cross!

Matthew 27:15 – Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to release for the crowd any one prisoner whom they wanted.

The origin of this custom is unknown to us.  Some feel that the practice was a commemoration of the Jews being set free from Egypt.  If this was true, it was a memorial that God had never set up or sanctioned.

It was more likely begun by the Romans as a way to secure popularity among the Jews, and make their own oppressive government seem less offensive.� A little indulgence granted to the Jews might buy them some favor, and help keep them from revolting. �

Otherwise, the practice makes no sense.� Why would the ruling authorities release dangerous and evil people (murderers, robbers and rapists) into the midst of their community?� (Oh, wait� never mind.� Our government does that too, at a much higher rate than one per year�).

Matthew 27:16 – And they had then a notorious prisoner called Barabbas.

Some ancient manuscripts list Barabbas as this man's surname, and Jesus as his first name.  So his name was actually Jesus Barabbas (Jesus was actually a fairly common name at that time).

This man was a violent criminal.  He was a robber (John 18:40).  He had a band of followers and they would hide in caves by the side of the highway.  When they spotted innocent travelers passing by, they would jump out and accost the people, causing them injury and taking their money. 

But he was not only a robber.� He was also the ringleader of a sect who tried to raise a revolt against Rome.� During this insurrection, murder had been committed (Luke 23:19, 25).�

So this man is a robber, a murderer and an anarchist. How would you like to have him as your next door neighbor?

Matthew 27:17-18 – So when they had gathered Pilate said to them, "Whom do you want me to release for you: Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ?"  For he know that it was out of envy that they had delivered him up.

Pilate may have been a wicked Gentile, but he was not an idiot.  He was well acquainted with the pride and ambition of the Jewish rulers.  He could see right through their pretended zeal for their own religion and their alleged concern for the authority of the Roman emperor.    

He knew that their hatred and opposition of Jesus was based purely on envy; the religious leaders feared a loss of influence and power if Jesus were to continue among the people.  

In fact, the scriptures tell us that Pilate was convinced of the innocence of Jesus (Luke 23:13-16).�

Here we see the failure of Pilate.� Knowing that Jesus was innocent, he should have exercised his authority as governor, thrown out the charges brought by the Jews and released Jesus.� But he does not. �Consequently, Jesus was condemned to die by a man who was satisfied of his innocence.� Later in this chapter, we will see Pilate bearing witness to that innocence in front of the entire Jewish crowd.�

Pilate did not want to stand up and do the right thing.  Why is that?  He may have been afraid of having a revolt on his hands.  The city was overflowing with Jews and if something set them off, he could lose control of the city very quickly.   He may also have been afraid of looking weak in front of Herod and other Roman rulers. 

So instead of boldly doing what was right, Pilate attempts to save Jesus in an indirect manner.  Figuring that the crowed favored Christ, he offers to release him in the yearly Passover prisoner release.    

Matthew 27:19 – Besides, while he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him, "Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered much because of him today in a dream."

Who was the cause of this woman's dream – God or Satan?�

Many people believe the dream was satanically inspired; if Pilate does not condemn Christ, then he will not be crucified for our sin.

On the other hand, other people believe the dream came from God, who provided another impartial witness to the innocence of Jesus. 

Notice: When Peter denied Jesus, Judas declared his innocence.� When the priests and elders slandered Jesus, Pilate declared his innocence.� When the general population of Jews demanded death for Jesus, Pilate's wife declared his innocence. ��

Jewish law demanded two witnesses to establish truth, but God has provided three impartial witnesses to the innocence of Christ.

(If the source of her dream is God, then it also serves as a merciful warning to Pilate, to judge justly.� Too bad he did not heed the warning, for one day the roles will be reversed – Jesus will be the judge and Pilate will stand before him as the criminal, awaiting sentencing.) �

Matthew 27:20 – Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus.

Picture the scene in front of Pilate's judgment hall:  The hot sun beating down on the fickle crowd.  The noise and smell of the city.  The excitement of the public trial.  The bitter accusations of the priests and elders.  The hesitancy of Pilate.  The warning from his wife. 

As Pilate offers a choice to the people – Jesus Barabbas or Jesus called the Christ – the Jewish leaders circulate among the crowd, seeking to influence the decision of the people.� They passionately suggest that Jesus is in league with Satan, that he was an enemy to the Law and the temple, that if he continued the Romans would come and take away their nation.� �

At the same time, they downplay the wickedness of Barabbas – yes, he was a bad man, but did not have the power and influence to do the mischief that Jesus could do.  It was far safer to release Barabbas than Jesus the Christ!

The priests and elders swayed the crowd; they demanded the release of Jesus Barabbas and the death of Jesus the Christ.

So the death of Jesus was eagerly demanded by the general population not because they universally hated Jesus, but because they blindly followed their religious leaders – men who had discarded righteousness and justice long ago.

Woe to those who follow blind guides (Matthew 23:24)!  The common Jews will suffer the consequences of their decision to denounce Christ.

We too have a responsibility not to blindly follow religious leaders. 

1 John 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

We are to weigh the teaching and preaching we receive against the word of God, and make sure we are not being fooled, as these Jews were.  The apostle Paul warns us that false teachers and evil men will try to deceive us, if possible (2 Timothy 3:13-1).

Matthew 27:21 – The governor again said to them, "Which of the two do you want me to release for you?"� And they said, "Barabbas."

Can these be the same people who, just a week ago, cast palm branches and clothing down on the road as Jesus came into Jerusalem, heralding him as the Messiah?� How is it possible that they are now choosing a criminal over their Savior?

As strange and unbelievable as it seems, we are guilty of the same thing!  Think about it this way:  The choice between Jesus and Barabbas is basically a choice between God and Satan. 

Each and every day, we have a choice.  We can choose Jesus and live according to his laws, or we can choose Satan and live according to his laws.  One way leads to life, the other death. One way includes love and the other fear.  One way includes peace, the other torment.

Perhaps Joshua, son of Nun said it best:  "Choose you this day whom you will serve�as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15).    

Matthew 27:22-23 – Pilate said to him, "Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?"� They all said, "Let him be crucified?" �And he said, "Why, what evil has he done?"� But they shouted all the more, "Let him be crucified!"

Though the governor urged the Jews again and again to let Jesus go, they would not hear of it.� They were wholly given over to the passion/madness of the moment; they were deaf to any rational thinking.� They insisted on Jesus being sentenced by a Roman official; they insisted on death by crucifixion.�

Under any other circumstances, the Jews would never have allowed the Romans to inflect such a punishment upon a free and innocent Jew.  It would have thrown the whole nation into a tailspin of outrage.  But in the heat of that moment, they allowed a very dangerous a precedent to be set.  Later, during the time of their war with Rome, vast numbers of Jews would meet the same fate – death by crucifixion.    

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Jesus died so that you and I could stand before the throne of God.  I encourage you to take advantage of that opportunity.  Spend time at the throne of God, today.  Spend time in praise, time in worship, time in prayer.  Spend time meditating on what the death of Jesus means to you.  Your soul will be greatly encouraged by meditating on these things.

Let me offer you some relief:

Are you experiencing remorse over a sin you have committed?  It may be something very recent, or it may be something from your past.  In either case, don't stop at remorse – that only leads to greater condemnation and death.

Move over into repentance.  Come before Jesus and confess your sin.  Ask him to remove that stain from your soul.  Ask him to change your heart and your ways.  Jesus has already paid the price for your forgiveness.  So go to the cross now, and find relief!

Let me offer you some strength:

As this passage shows, Jesus stood before Pilate as our substitute.� He, who was totally and completely innocent, willingly bore our sin to the cross.� He has done what we could never do – he made atonement for our sin.� Can there be any greater example of God's love toward us?� Never, ever doubt God's love for you! �


Matthew 26:57 – Then those who had seized Jesus let him to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders had gathered.

We have discussed the fact that the high priesthood still held on to some of their former judicial authority.  They could force any Jew to be brought before them for trial but they no longer had the authority to carry out capital punishment.  They were forced to pass judgment, and request that the ruling authorities administer the sentence.

We have also discussed the fact that at this time the office of the high priest was no longer passed from father to son.  It was now a position that was appointed by the Roman rulers.  Once a man held the office, he retained the title until he died.

Matthew tells us that Jesus was taken before Caiaphas, the current high priest.� However, John's gospel reveals that before seeing Caiaphas, Jesus was taken before Annas, the former high priest (John 18:13). �So Jesus stood before both of the living high priests of his day.

Why did the gospel writers bother to include this bit of information in their narratives?

Leviticus 17:5 - To the end that the children of Israel may bring their sacrifices, which they offer in the open field, even that they may bring them unto the LORD, unto the door of the tabernacle of meeting, unto the priest, and offer them for peace offerings unto the LORD.

 According to the Old Testament Law, all sacrifices had to be presented to the priest before being killed.  This is exactly what was done to Jesus just before he was sacrificed for our sin.  He was presented to both men who had claim to the title of high priest.  Can there be any doubt that this was divinely mandated?  Can there be any doubt that Jesus is perfectly fulfilling his role as the Lamb of God?

Psalm 22:16 - For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.

Jesus' appearance before the council is a fulfillment of Psalms 22:16.  As we already noted in our study, 'dogs' was a term frequently used by the Jews to refer to Gentiles.  As Jesus was arrested by the Romans, he was surrounded by Gentiles. 

Further, the assembly of the Jewish leadership can certainly be described as an assembly of the wicked.�� They had already met at this very same location for the purpose of plotting the death of Jesus (Matthew 26:3).� Now they eagerly meet again in the dead of night in order to carry out their evil plans.� Truth and justice are nowhere to be found; these leaders had already determined to kill and destroy the one who threatened their positions in Jewish society and religion.

Matthew 26:58 – And Peter was following him at a distance, as far as the courtyard of the high priest, and going inside he sat with the guards to see the end.

In this verse we see Peter's desire to be near Jesus and to be a witness of what would happen to him.  He still had a degree of love and concern for Jesus but it was a mere spark, not a blazing light in the darkness.   

The scripture tells us that Peter followed Jesus at a distance.  Why?  What caused that?  Actually, it was a combination of factors.

First, he allowed himself to have a high degree of self confidence and even pride. He was in the 'inner circle' of the apostles.� He was frequently the leader of the group.� Peter probably thought that when Jesus came into his kingdom, he would receive a place of honor, perhaps even the highest office in the kingdom.�

This self confidence and pride led him to trust in his flesh.� For example, Peter made an extremely bold commitment to be faithful to Jesus.� But since he was trusting in his flesh, he was unable to keep the promises that he made.�

To make matters worse, Peter was guilty of spiritual indolence or laziness.  Jesus told him to 'watch and pray', or to stay in constant communication and fellowship with God.  But Peter spent his time sleeping.  Thus, he was unprepared when the time of testing came.

Because he was spiritually unprepared, Peter's resolve/commitment to stay faithful to Jesus began to crumble with the threat of persecution. This resulted in fear.  Peter feared shame, contempt, persecution and bodily harm. 

Because of his fear, Peter no longer wanted to publicly identify with Christ.� That is why we find Peter 'following at a distance'.� It is also why we find him sitting in the courtyard with the servants and soldiers, instead of going into the court and standing with his Master during the trial.� In fact, fear will shortly cause Peter to deny even knowing Jesus.

He did not yet understand that spiritual warfare can only be fought in the spiritual realm, not in the fleshly realm.� He did not yet have access to baptism in the Holy Spirit which is the true source of spiritual power.�

So, the decision to 'follow at a distance' is actually a combination of choices that Peter made.     

What about you?� Are you following Jesus at a distance?�

Do you have a high degree of religious self confidence or pride?� When someone asks you if you are 'religious', how do you respond?� Do you offer church attendance and good works as evidence of salvation?� Do you feel that Christianity mainly entails following a list of rules and regulations about what you can and cannot do?

If so, you will tend to trust in your fleshly ability to keep those rules when the day of trouble comes.� But your fleshly resolve and commitment will crumble when faced with persecution.� Because you are spiritually unprepared, your resolve will be replaced by fear.

Then, like Peter, you will find yourself no longer wanting to publicly identify with Christ.  You will follow at a distance, hanging out with worldly people, instead of facing trials with Jesus.  You may even find yourself denying his name!  

It is spiritually dangerous to follow Jesus at a distance.  True safety lies in being as close to Christ as possible.  Don't be a lazy Christian!  Maintain an intimate relationship with him every day through prayer, praise and studying the word.  Put on the sword of the Spirit.  Practice using your shield of faith.  Never go into battle alone – always trust in the Holy Spirit to go with you and direct the battle.  He will give you the victory and the courage to stand in every situation.  

Then your love and commitment to Jesus will cease to be just a spark and turn into a torch that blazes in a world of spiritual darkness, pointing others to Christ.   

Matthew 26:59-60 – Now the chief priests and the whole council were seeking false testimony against Jesus that they might put him to death, but they found none, though many false witnesses came forward.� At last two came forward�

The court calls forth witnesses as if they were honestly seeking the truth, but it is merely a charade.  They have already condemned Jesus and they will do anything within their power to convict him.  If the testimony/evidence has to be fabricated, then so be it. 

The main charges they wished to pin on Jesus were false doctrine and blasphemy. 

They wanted to prove his doctrine as false because it was directly opposed to their own.  If people believed the teachings of Jesus, they would soon abandon the authority of the Scribes and Pharisees.  Thus, these wicked men would lose the power and earthly glory which they had tirelessly labored to obtain. 

They also wanted to prove evidence of blasphemy, because this charge carried the death penalty with it.� (Also, if blasphemy could be proved, they would automatically use that as grounds to discard his doctrine).� If they could make a case for blasphemy, then they could petition the Romans to kill Christ.� And in their tiny minds, if Christ were to be crucified then eventually everyone would forget about him, and life would return to 'normal'.�

Many liars were willing to come forth in an effort to give false evidence.� The bible does not say whether the Jewish rulers offered them money or privileges to do so, but I suspect that this was the case.� If there was no benefit for them, why would they lie?�

At any rate, their stories did not hold up.� They could not piece together any kind of a case that was believable or consistent.� The stories of the witnesses did not fit together or agree.� This was a problem because the Law required two witnesses to establish a case (Deuteronomy 19:15).�

Of course, we know that there was no proof of guilt because Jesus was innocent!   

Matthew 26:61 - �and said, "This man said, 'I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to rebuild it in three days.'"

Finally, two false witnesses come forward using the tactic that Satan has used since the original temptation of mankind – the half truth.  How often does the enemy twist and pervert the words of God for his own foul purposes!  Woe to us if we don't know the difference! 

Back in the Garden of Eden, the serpent twisted the words of God to entice Eve into sin, and he was successful.  He now uses the same tactic here.  Mark records it this way:

Mark 14:56-58 – For many bore false witness against him, but their testimony did not agree.  And some stood up and bore false witness against him saying, "We heard him say, 'I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another, not made with hands.'"

The witnesses twisted or misrepresented the words that Jesus had spoken. �When phrased this way, you can see how the Jews could charge Jesus with using Satanic powers to create a physical temple in just three days – a project that had taken man 46 years to restore/rebuild.� But this is what Jesus actually said that day:

John 2:19-21 – Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up."  The Jews then said, "It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?"  But he was speaking about the temple of his body.

Of course, Jesus was speaking about his body.  After his resurrection, God would no longer live in a temple made with hands, but in the heart of mankind.

2 Corinthians 6:16 - �For you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

When was the last time you took a minute to really consider this verse?  God Almighty, the creator of the universe and ruler of all things, wants to live with you, in your very heart!  He wants to be your constant companion and guide.  He desires your fellowship.  Hallelujah!

Matthew 26:62-63 – And the high priest stood up and said, "Have you no answer to make?� What is it that these men testify against you?"� But Jesus remained silent.� And the high priest said to him, "I adjure you by the living God, tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God."

It seems as if the high priest was expecting Jesus to offer some long, elaborate, drawn out defense.� But Jesus disappoints that expectation with his silence.� Indeed, this was the most effective and appropriate reply that he could have offered. The accusations against him were false and frivolous.� His works and his teachings, which were all done publicly, were a sufficient defense.� No verbal reply could have been so effective.

Besides that, nothing Jesus said would have changed the intentions of the religious leaders.  They had already made up their minds to condemn him; a war of words would serve no purpose.    

His silence, however, did have a purpose.  It was a fulfillment of prophesy:

Isaiah 53:7 – He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not is mouth.

Caiaphas is puzzled and angry at the silence of Jesus.  In his fury, he adjures or puts Jesus under an oath, to give a response to his question: 

Are you or are you not the Messiah, the Son of God?

The answer to this question will put an end to the trial and give Caiaphas grounds for decisive action.� Caiaphas had no doubt heard Jesus refer to God as his Father.� So based on his answer to this question, Caiaphas will either declare him an imposter or a blasphemer.�

Even though he was wicked and did not understand what he was doing, Caiaphas clearly and concisely asks the most important question ever placed before mankind throughout history.

Is Jesus Christ the Messiah, the Son of God, or not? 

This is a question that each and every human being must ask themselves.  The answer to this question will give us grounds for decisive action. 

If Jesus IS NOT the Messiah and Son of God, then he can (and should) be ignored, ridiculed, hated and despised. �His word should be cast aside and banned for it provides a false hope to those in desperate need.� �

However, if Jesus IS the Messiah/Christ, then he is able to save.� He is the way, the truth and the life.� He is our high priest, forever.� He is the mediator of the New Covenant.� He has a right to call us to himself and expect us to loyally follow and honor him.�

If Jesus IS the Son of God, then he is divine and possesses divine power, wisdom and authority.� Therefore, he can be completely and utterly trusted in all circumstances.� He cannot fail.� He is always faithful.� He is always victorious.� He is worthy to be loved with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength.�

How will you answer this very important question?  Is Jesus Christ the Messiah and Son of God?  How does your answer influence the way you live your life?

Matthew 26:64 – Jesus said to him, "You have said so.  But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven."

Jesus did not bother to respond to the ridiculous accusations brought against him earlier.  However, when asked point blank to acknowledge that he is the Messiah, the Son of God, he speaks boldly and clearly – Yes, I am! 

Not only does he acknowledge that he is the Messiah, he draws a contrast between his first and second comings.� When Jesus uttered these words, he was standing before the high priest, in bonds.� He was soaked with sweat and tears from the events in the garden of Gethsemane.� His feet were dusty and dirty from walking. �He carried the weight of our sin with him. �Humbly he appeared in court as a criminal, already judged to be guilty.� The religious leaders scorned and despised him based on his appearance and on their own misguided rage.� They refused to acknowledge him as the Author of Salvation.

But hereafter, they would have the all the proof of his divinity that they needed.  Almost immediately they would know that he had risen from the dead.  They would hear and know that he had ascended into heaven in the clouds.  He would baptize his followers in the Holy Spirit and birth his church.  They would witness the spread of the gospel to all nations.  But that was not all!

They will also see him return to earth in the clouds, adorned with his royal power.  They will witness his magnificent splendor.  They will behold him sitting at the right hand of Almighty God (Power). 

They will discover that Jesus is more than just the Son of God, he is also the Son of Man – the righteous judge will execute judgment on the wicked (Daniel 7:13-14) and establish his everlasting kingdom.� ����������

The religious leaders missed their chance to accept Jesus as Messiah and Lord, but if you are reading this right now, it is not too late for you!� Make things right between you and Jesus immediately.� Make sure that when Jesus returns clothed in his divine majesty and authority, you are one of his loyal subjects.� Do not wait!

Matthew 26:65 – Then the high priest tore his robes and said, "He has uttered blasphemy.  What further witnesses do we need?  You have now heard his blasphemy."

The statement of Jesus was exactly what Caiaphas was looking for.   He now has reason to act.  According to the high priest, Jesus had incriminated himself by claiming under oath to be the true Messiah, the Son of God. 

Of course, it would not be a problem for the REAL Messiah to make such a claim, but the religious leaders would never, ever admit that Jesus was the Christ.    

So, based on Jesus' claim, Caiaphas declares Jesus to be guilty of the sin of blasphemy, and he tears his clothing as a sign against it. 

Because the alleged statement of blasphemy was made in front of the whole gathering, no further witnesses were needed to pronounce sentence, as long as everyone agreed on the charge.���

Sadly, we see how justice and fairness were perverted by the highest court in the Jewish culture.� As high priest, Caiaphas should have consulted the Old Testament scriptures to see what they had to say about the Messiah.� Then, he should have compared the words and actions of Jesus to the law/prophesies.� Once this was done, each member of the council should have had a chance to express an opinion, beginning with the most junior member and ending with Caiaphas, who would render the final decision.

Instead, in the midst of bitter hatred and jealousy, Caiaphas takes on the role of accuser, judge and now jury.  He denounces Jesus a blasphemer in front of all the other members of the council, then pretends to ask their opinion, as if he had not yet made up his mind.  

In reality, he knew full well that his power and authority would sway the other members to side with him.� So he pronounces his judgment first, presuming that the outer council members will agree with him – and they did.

By the way, what was the significance of Caiaphas tearing his clothes?

It was customary among the Jews to tear their clothing as a sign of violent grief (Genesis 37:34).  It was also a sign used to express horror at anything deemed blasphemous or impious (2 Kings 18:37).

As high priest, Caiaphas had two different sets of clothing.� He had very unique and beautiful ceremonial clothing that was to be worn in the temple as he fulfilled his role as the high priest.� These clothes could never be intentionally torn (Leviticus 21:10).

He also had ordinary garments which were worn when he was not serving in the temple; this would have been the garment torn during this mock trial.�

Matthew 26:66 – "What is your judgment?  They answered, "He deserves death."

The other members concur with the judgment – Jesus is guilty; according to the Law he deserves to die. 

Certainly, not all of the official ruling body agreed with this decision.� Joseph of Arimathea certainly would not have, neither would Nicodemus.� However, it is unclear whether these men were present at this meeting, for it was held illegally.� Specifically, it was held at the house of the high priest (instead of the temple), during the night (it was illegal to meet at night), without the full council being present (we assume).

The charge of blasphemy and the sentence of death made Jesus an automatic outlaw among the people.� The council may have hoped that the people would engage in a mob mentality and stone Jesus (as they did to Stephen).� If not, they would take him before the Roman governor and request death.

Matthew 26:67-68 – Then they spit in his face and struck him.  And some slapped him, saying, "Prophesy to us, you Christ! Who is it that struck you?"

Because they did not have the power to put Jesus to death, and because they could not be sure that the Romans would agree to be their executioner, they would abuse Jesus as much as possible while they had him in their power. 

Between the time that this meeting ended and the one at daybreak began, Jesus was subject to cruel torture by the Jews, the Roman guards and the servants of the court.   

Condemned prisoners are normally taken under special protection of the law and treated with compassion; their impending death is sufficient punishment.� But in this case, the Jews not only acted as though Jesus deserved death, they also denied him the compassion shown to the worst criminals in society.

They made a demonic sport of torturing Jesus, just as the Philistines had done to Sampson.

Isaiah 50:6 - I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked out the beard: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.  

Spitting in someone's face is an expression of the greatest contempt and insult possible.  The face of our dear Savior was abused in the most filthy way by the cruelest and most vile of men. 

As if that were not despicable enough, according to the gospel of Mark (14:65), they blindfolded Jesus, and then began to slap and punch him in the mouth.  As they did so, they mocked him by asking him to divinely reveal who had hit him!  This depraved and degenerate mob freely abused Jesus; no one came to his aid.

Thus, our Lord and Savior was placed into the hands of his own wicked creatures, falsely accused by the witnesses, unjustly condemned by his judges and barbarously insulted by all!  Yet, he patiently submitted to this treatment without saying a single word.   

Matthew 26:69-70 – Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard.� And a servant girl came up to him and said, "You also were with Jesus the Galilean."� But he denied it before them all saying, "I do not know what you mean."

Remember Peter?  Remember how confidently he declared that he would never forsake Jesus, no matter what happened?  Here is the record of how that turned out. 

Here was a chance for Peter to prove that he could do as he claimed.  Here was a chance to stand up for his Master.  Here was a chance for him to point out the injustice of what was being done to Jesus.  But as we would expect, his flesh fails him.  He does not have the courage to stand up for the truth.

Notice that Peter is sitting in the courtyard, outside the hall.� He is not facing the high priest or the Sanhedrin.� He is not facing a band of armed soldiers.� He is not facing death or even arrest.� In fact, he is terrified into denying Jesus by the voice of an insignificant servant girl, who carries no power or authority.�

This shows us how little confidence we should have in our flesh.� If our confidence and strength are not in God, if we do not have the indwelling Holy Spirit to provide strength and boldness to us, we too will fall in the slightest trial of our faith.

Matthew 26:71-72 – And when he went out to the entrance, another servant girl saw him and she said to the bystanders, "This man was with Jesus of Nazareth."  And again he denied it with an oath: "I do not know the man." 

Scholars point to this passage of scripture (Matthew 26:69-75) as an indirect proof that the Bible is true.  If the gospel were the invention of man, we would not see one of Jesus' disciples portrayed in such a weak and vile manner. 

This passage also shows that Peter reaped exactly what he had sown.

  • He sowed self confidence – He depended on himself rather than God.
  • He sowed indolence (he was apathetic/lazy) – Jesus told him to watch and pray, but he slept.
  • He planted seeds of compromise – He followed Jesus 'far off' rather than closely.
  • He planted himself in wicked company – Instead of being with Jesus, he was with the unbelieving crowd outside the court.

Based on what he planted, how can he be surprised when he reaps a fall from grace?�

What are you planting in your spiritual life right now?  Self confidence, apathy, compromise?  Or are you planting prayer, the word and hearing the call of the Spirit of God?

Today is the day to prepare for the storms of tomorrow.  Sow into the kingdom.  Invest in your relationship to God.  Then, when the day of trouble comes, you will be able to stand.

Matthew 26:73-74 – After a little while the bystanders came up and said to Peter, "Certainly you too are one of them, for your accent betrays you."   Then he began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, "I do not know the man."  And immediately the rooster crowed.    

Although Peter has denied it, those around him are convinced that he is one of the followers of Jesus.� He has been spotted by eye witnesses.� Peter has a Galilean accent, and it was well known that some of the apostles were Galilean.�

But even in the face of this evidence, Peter does not want to confess it.� He further slides into sin by cursing himself and possibly even Jesus.

Here is a lesson for us:� A bold and open confession of Christ edifies all the godly, and puts unbelievers to shame.� On the other hand, if we deny Christ before the weak, they are shaken by our example and fall away.� Isn't it true that we bear at least part if not most of the responsibility for the damage done to the faith of others by our actions?

Secondly, the church and the world are sometimes shocked by the sudden fall or misconduct of a renowned Christian.  As we noted, their fall will certainly cause other Christians to fall.  Their fall will cause the wicked to rejoice. 

If we could go back and find the root cause of their fall, it would surely be a private departure from God.  Men drift away from God and fall in private long before they fall in public. 

Matthew 26:75 – And Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, "Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times."� And he went out and wept bitterly.

I willingly admit that I love happy endings.� I hate reading a good book, only to find that the main character dies or winds up unsatisfied at the end of the story.

This narrative seems to have a very sad ending for Peter, but in reality, the opposite is true.  It is a happy ending because God does not abandon Peter to his sin.  Instead, God calls him back to himself.

God can and will use anything to get our attention.� In this case, the crowing of the rooster meant nothing to anyone else who heard it, but to Peter it was a call to repentance. The crowing of that rooster brought to mind something that Peter had forgotten or ignored – the words of Jesus.� Even though Peter had been overpowered by temptation and fallen into sin, God did not forsake him.� In fact, he wanted him back.�

Peter saw only his failure at that moment, but God saw the miracle that Peter would become – a strong, vibrant, Spirit filled apostle of Christ, who would help to establish the church.

Let me offer you some relief and encouragement:

God saw Peter's failure at that moment in the courtyard of the high priest.� But he also saw what Peter would become in the future, after he had repented and allowed the Holy Spirit to empower him for service.� God saw that Peter would write books of the bible, help establish the church and its doctrine, and that he would be the first Jew to take the gospel to the Gentiles!

Maybe your recent walk with Christ has not been all that great.� Maybe you have not yet fulfilled the task that God as set before you.� The good news is that today is not the end!� You too can be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.� So talk to Jesus TODAY.� See what God will do through you tomorrow!

Let me offer you some strength:

Sometimes, evil looks overwhelming.  It looks like good never triumphs.  But that is just an illusion.  You may not see everything that God is doing behind the scenes of your life (and the world), but I assure you he is working!  He is making all things work together for your good.  So be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might (Ephesians 6:10)!  Arm yourself for spiritual battle and watch as the Lord fights darkness through you!   

Matthew 26:36 – Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, "Sit here, while I go over there and pray."

The account of Jesus in the Garden is also recorded in Mark 14:32-42, Luke 22:39-46 and John 18:1. 

The Garden of Gethsemane was on the western side of the Mount of Olives.  The word 'garden' does not refer to a place in someone's backyard where they grow tomatoes.  It would be more like a park with trees, water (the Kidron creek/brook) and possibly places to walk.  It was a place of refreshment, away from the noise and heat of the city.

Jesus in Gethsemane

The gospel of Luke indicates that Jesus frequently met with the apostles at this location (John 18:2).  This is evidence that Jesus did not go there in order to hide from his enemies.  The opposite was true.  He purposely went to a place that Judas was familiar with, spent time in prayer and waited for his enemies to come and arrest him. No man took his life from him; he laid it down himself.

John 10:17-18 – For this reason the Father loves me; because I lay down my life that I may take it up again.  No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.  I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again.  This charge I have received from my Father.

He instructed most of the apostles to wait near the entrance, while he went further on to spend time in prayer.

Here is a lesson for us.  As the hour of greatest darkness loomed, Jesus spent time in prayer.  Communion with God sustained him during this tribulation.  We too can approach the throne room of God to find comfort in days of trial.

Did you know that the word 'Gethsemane' means 'olive press'?� It was place where the olives were crushed and bruised in order for the oil to flow.� Many scholars see a parallel here – Jesus was crushed, bruised and pressed that atonement might flow from him.� They see this as Jesus treading the winepress of the wrath of God.

Here is another interesting thought:  Sin first entered our lives in a garden setting, and brought death with it.  Likewise, in a garden setting Jesus submits to death so that sin must now 'exit' our lives.   Kind of ironic, don't you think?

Matthew 26:37 – And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled.

While eight of the apostles are left near the entrance, Peter, James and John went further into the garden with Jesus.  These are the same men who were present on the mount of transfiguration (Matthew 17) and also the three who witnessed Jesus bringing Jarius' daughter back to life (Luke 8:51).  They had been witnesses of the glory and power of Jesus, now they would witness his humiliation which he suffered for our sake.

As Jesus was praying, he became sorrowful.  That word (sorrowful) is a very weak and inappropriate translation.  The original word means 'to be pressed down or overwhelmed with extreme or severe anguish and horror; excruciating anxiety and torture of spirit'.  The word 'sorrow' does not even begin to express the true meaning of what happened to Jesus.   

This term has nothing to do with physical pain.  It refers to great emotional and spiritual distress. 

What was the cause of this suffering?�

In his Whole Bible Commentary, Matthew Henry asserts that in the garden Jesus began to take upon himself the iniquities of us all.� Most scholars are in agreement with him.� Jesus willingly accepted all the torment that the Father laid upon him, so that God's wrath might be satisfied and the debt for sin paid.� Let us always remember that sin is never written off like a bad debt – it is paid in full by the suffering of Jesus.

So it was our sin that resulted in the excruciating sorrow and distress of Jesus.

Matthew 26:38 – Then he said to them, "My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here and watch with me."

The unspeakable severity of the burden of sin was so great, that it nearly caused physical death in Jesus.� This burden would stay upon him until his death on the cross. ��According to scholars, this did not happen little by little.� Sorrow surrounded him or was poured upon him on every side, breaking upon him with sudden violent force.� There was no escape from it. �

Thus, turning to his disciples, he explains that his torture is so intense, that it almost kills him; without support from God he would sink under this burden.  Therefore, he asks his disciples to watch with him, while he sought God.

The truth is that none of us can understand the agony of Jesus as he prayed in the garden that night.� None of us can fathom the crushing burden of sin that was placed on his sinless soul.� None of us know the extent to which Satan was allowed to tempt Jesus in this hour.� God alone knows and understands the extent of the suffering endured by Jesus for our sake.�

  • What we can do, is reverently and humbly bow before Jesus and thank him for being our scapegoat, our sacrificial lamb, and our Savior.
  • What we can do is honor and love him by obeying his commands.
  • What we can do is to share the gospel message with those who are still lost and dying; the price for their salvation has already been paid.

Matthew 26:39 – And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will."

Jesus wished for his chosen disciples to be near him in his woe, and yet, as it advanced, he felt the need to be alone with his Father, and so he left them to be alone.

In times of grief and sorrow, the body of Christ should comfort and sustain its fellow members.� It is our pleasure and our duty to do so.� We can comfort one another using calls, texts, hugs, food, cards, prayer, kind words, tears, and many other methods.�

But sometimes our burdens are so intense or our trials so difficult, that we instinctively turn to God alone. There are times when human comfort cannot console us. It is good to know that during these times, we can find comfort and strength in the presence of our Almighty heavenly Father.

Here Jesus speaks of drinking the cup that his Father had prepared for him.� The cup represents the pain and suffering of sin (the burden he was now bearing) and his imminent death on the cross.�

He begs God that if possible, this cup would pass, or in other words Jesus is asking if he might avoid the sufferings now at hand, or if the sufferings might be shortened in some manner.  This shows us that Jesus was really and truly human, because people are always adverse to pain and suffering.  This is a natural law of self preservation that is inherent in us when we are born.     

But despite the bitter pain and agony of his suffering, Jesus freely chooses to submit his will to the Father.  If drinking the cup is the only way to glorify God, defeat Satan and provide salvation for mankind, then Jesus will drink it.

Galatians 1:4 - Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God our Father:    

Jesus immediately puts his own will in line with the will of his heavenly Father.  This had been his practice since he came to earth.

John 5:30 – I can do nothing on my own.  As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.

Hebrews 10:9 – Then said he [Jesus], Lo, I come to do you will, O God.   

By submitting himself and his will to the will of God, Jesus obtained the strength and power to endure Calvary. 

This is a lesson for every Christian.� We need to submit or line up our wills with the will of God.� He alone can see the future and only he knows what is best for us.� To go against his will can only result in heartache and lost blessings for us. �

Matthew 26:40-41 – And he came to the disciples and found them sleeping.  And he said to Peter, "So, could you not watch with me one hour?  Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.  The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."

While this rebuke was given in the hearing of Peter, James and John, we cannot help but notice that Jesus addresses the comment specifically to Peter.

If Peter could not stay away and watch with his Savior for even an hour, how would he be able to remain faithful in all the trials that were coming upon him?� The rash zeal and self confidence he displayed earlier were going to be put to the test very shortly - and they were going to fail him. �

Jesus admonishes all of them to watch and pray.� This had nothing to do with security reasons.� Jesus was going to be arrested and put to death and he knew it.� Rather, he is calling the disciples to spiritual watching.� He is telling them to seek aid from God because they had need of power to overcome temptations.

Jesus tells them that their spirits/minds are ready and willing to bear the trials of life, but the flesh is not.  Our flesh is weak and fearful of danger, pain or discomfort.  It will lead you astray when trials come.  Therefore, we should pray that God will strengthen us to stand firm against temptation. 

Jesus is contrasting the fleshly self confidence of Peter with the true way to overcome temptation – to abide in God.  Thankfully, in the age of grace, we have access to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  He will aid us and strengthen us in resisting temptation.      

Matthew 26:42-44 – Again, for the second time, he went away and prayed, "My Father, if this cup cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done."  And again he came and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy.  So, leaving them again, he went away and prayed for the third time, saying the same words again.

Here again, we find the scriptures bearing witness to two great truths:  

First, Jesus endured horrible, unspeakable suffering in his flesh and soul, as a man.  Had he not done so, the claim could be made that he never truly suffered and consequently made no atonement for sin. 

Secondly, we find that Jesus freely surrenders his life to the will of God.� Had God constrained him to give it, it would have ceased to be a free will offering and would therefore have been of no use in purchasing the salvation of mankind.

What are we to make of the disciples sleepiness?  Some feel that their lethargy was simply because they had been up nearly 24 hours at that point.  Others feel that they had great sorrow over the sufferings of their Master, and this sorrow brought about great drowsiness.  Still others feel they were influenced by the powers of darkness.  While we don't know the exact cause, we do see that they were no real help or comfort to Jesus.  He was utterly alone in his trial.   

Matthew 26:45� - Then he came to the disciples and said to them, "Sleep and take your rest later on.� See, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners."

Most interpreters suppose that this statement should have been translated as a question, rather than a command.  They suggest such things as this: 'Do you still sleep?  Will no warnings avail?  Will no danger excite you to watchfulness and prayer?'  This is consistent with the account in the gospel of Luke, where he records the words of Jesus as a question, not a statement (Luke 22:46).

The phrase 'hands of sinners' refers to Gentiles.  Specifically, it applies to the soldiers that Judas brought with him in order to apprehend Jesus.

Matthew 26:46 – "Rise, let us be going; see my betrayer is at hand."

There are two ways of answering a prayer for the removal of a burden.  In one, the burden is taken away and we remain unchanged.  In the other, we are strengthened so that the burden is bearable.

In this case, God did not take away the burden of sin from Jesus.  Instead, through his many prayers and supplications, Jesus received the strength from heaven that his flesh needed to finish the task he had willingly undertaken. 

This is proved by the words of Jesus in verse 46.� He is no longer prostrate on the ground.� He is done crying out to God.� He has full control of himself.� He calmly tells the disciples to wake up and get ready; he is going out to meet his betrayer and submit himself to death.�

Now, let's give some consideration to our own spiritual lives.� Can you remember a time when you were carrying around a heavy burden?� Did you ask God to remove it?� I am sure you did, because this is the natural thing for a Christian to do.�

Did God remove it?  If not, were you angry at God for not doing as you asked?  Did you feel like he was punishing you unjustly?  Did you whine and cry about the unfairness of it?  Did you demand to know what you did to deserve it?  Did you allow this to become a wall or a stumbling block in your relationship with God?

I have known people to react in just such a manner.  This type of response shows spiritual immaturity. 

The mature child of God knows and understands that every trial is an opportunity to sharpen our spiritual strength.� Trials give us opportunities to trust in God, which allows us to stretch and grow our faith. This prepares us for bigger challenges.�

Prolonged trials teach us to dig into the word and stand on the promises of God.  They give us opportunities to practice fasting and waiting on the Lord.  They deepen the relationship between us and our Heavenly Father.   As we wait on God, we will receive strength and eventually, the burden becomes lighter and lighter, and we are able to manage it well, because we become stronger.

The eternal benefits of accepting and working through a burden are immense.  So, can we stop acting like spiritual 3-year-olds?  Can we believe that God is allowing a burden or a trial for our own good and the good of His kingdom?   Can we work with God, instead of against Him as he matures us?  The choice is yours.

Psalms 138:3 – In the day when I cried you answered me, and strengthened me with strength in my soul.

2 Corinthians 12:9 – And he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness�

It's okay to ask God to remove a burden or deliver you from a trial.  But remember, God sees your big picture.  He knows what tomorrow holds.  He knows your limits.  So if you don't find deliverance, then accept that God knows what he is doing, and that He is working all things out for your good.    

Matthew 26:47 – While he was still speaking, Judas came, one of the twelve, and with him a great crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the elders of the people.

John gives us a more specific description of this crowd:

John 18:3 - Judas then, having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, came there with lanterns and torches and weapons.

So, obviously we have the traitor Judas, who is the leader.  He has 'a band' of men with him.  The literal translation is actually 'the band' and it refers to a specific cohort of soldiers. 

Because of the great multitude of people who flocked into Jerusalem for the Passover, Pilate automatically assigned a group of Roman soldiers to keep watch/stand guard by the temple. �They were under the authority of the high priest.� If any disorder or riot broke out, they were there to restore peace. This accounts for the men with swords.�

There were also 'officers from the chief priests and Pharisees'.  These were Levites who were the normal temple guards and they were most likely armed with clubs.

This group came with torches and lanterns, probably because it was still before dawn and it would have been dark as they left the city. 

Now, put yourself in the shoes of the disciples for a moment.  There are 11 of you, plus Jesus.  You have no military experience.  You are unarmed, except for two small swords used for protection against robbers (Luke 22:38).  You are physically and mentally exhausted.  Jesus has just told you to get up, because he is now going to turn himself over to be crucified.  And the next thing you see is this imposing group of armed, trained soldiers.  What would be your first reaction?  I think mine would be fear!

Matthew 26:48-49 – Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, "The one I will kiss is the man; seize him.  And he came up to Jesus at once and said, "Greetings, Rabbi!" And he kissed him.

It was dark and the Roman soldiers were not familiar with Jesus.  So Judas worked out a signal with them – he would identify Jesus with a kiss, and a greeting of Rabbi. 

It was customary among the Jews, that when friend meets friend, they salute one another with a kiss.  It would seem that when Judas kissed Jesus, he did that which all the apostles were accustomed to do, when they met their Master after an absence. 

Matthew 26:50 – Jesus said to him, "Friend, do what you came to do."� Then they came up and laid hands on Jesus and seized him.

It seems strange that Jesus would call his betrayer a friend.  If you go back to the original Greek, the word is more properly translated 'companion' or 'comrade', which makes more sense.  

Obviously, Jesus is not fooled by this pretence of affection by Judas.  He admonishes the traitor to get to the point; to do what he came to do.

Matthew 26:51 – And behold, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear.

Who was the swordsman who cut off this man's ear? What was the injured man's name?

According to the gospel of John, Peter was the swordsman. The injured man's name was Malchus (John 18:10).

According to the gospel of Luke, Jesus took the time to stop and heal the man's ear (Luke 22:50-51).  In order to do so, he either had to pick up the ear and put it back on the guy's head, or he had to create a new ear.  Either way, it was a miracle that could only be produced by the unlimited power of God.

So the final earthly miracle that Jesus performs was unexpected and unsolicited by the recipient.  In fact, it was performed upon an enemy actually engaged in hostility against Jesus.  What a striking demonstration of mercy and forgiveness!  

Matthew 26:52 – Then Jesus said to him, "Put your sword back into its place.  For all who take the sword will perish by the sword."

Jesus rebukes Peter for his rash action.  Starting a fight with 11 men and 2 swords against a crowd of armed and trained soldiers is a really bad idea.  In fact, had it not been for the providence and care of Jesus, the entire group of apostles may well have been immediately cut in pieces.

If Jesus had instructed Peter to do so, that would have been a completely different scenario.  God can and will do the miraculous, but we need to follow his lead in that regard. In this case, Peter was acting against the will of God.

Matthew 26:53 – "Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?"

What good was Peter's sword anyway?  If Jesus chose to, he could have requested and received a limitless supply of help from heaven.  Jesus did not need Peter or his sword to rescue him.  In fact, Peter's actions showed distrust in the providence and power of God, and ignorance of the scriptures. 

The battle that was being fought that day was not a physical one.  It was a spiritual battle that manifested itself in the natural realm. So Peter's misguided efforts were of no avail.  

Matthew 26:54 – "But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?"

It is obvious to us that the scriptures foretold the death/sacrifice of Jesus for the sins of the world.  Having finished the work that the Father gave him to do, it was now time for Jesus to give up his life.  So any attempt on the part of the disciples to stop the process was futile.

However, the disciples did not have the benefit of hindsight like we do.  I am sure they were still adjusting to the situation.  The words of Jesus are just one more reminder that everything was progressing exactly as God had planned it from the very beginning of time. 

You know, God also knows about your life.  Psalms 139 tells us that God knew every one of the days of your life, before you were ever born.  It tells us that God knows when you sit down, when you get up and every word that is on your lips before it is spoken.

It also says that he has hedged you in, going before and after you to protect you.

Psalm 139:5 - You have hedged me behind and before, and laid your hand upon me.

So no matter what trials you are experiencing right now, God is right there.  No matter what uncertainties we face (changes in government leadership, the virus, raging fires, intense storms, unemployment, etc), God is right here.  None of this is a surprise to him.  Therefore, He can guide you through what seems to be difficult times.  Seek him in prayer as Jesus did.  He will give you strength and wisdom to bear your burdens and be victorious!

Matthew 26:55 – At that hour Jesus said to the crowds, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me?  Day after day I sat in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me."

At this time there were robbers who frequently hid in caves along the highways and preyed upon travelers.� They were notoriously violent and wicked.� The government sent armed soldiers out to hunt down and capture these criminals.

And now, they are treating Jesus in much the same manner even though he is neither wicked nor violent.� He sat peaceably in the temple on many occasions.� At other times, he was out in public ministering.� Jesus was never armed, nor did he hide from the Romans or the Jews.� They could have taken him at any time.� The large armed force sent to 'capture' him was an unnecessary insult.

Matthew 26:56 – "But all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled."  Then all the disciples left him and fled.

Jesus makes sure to give witness that the events which were taking place at that moment were not controlled by mankind.  They were the result of the will and plans of God himself. They had been predicted hundreds of years before, and could easily be verified by looking at the Old Testament scriptures.

As we have already discussed, one of these scriptures foretold that when the shepherd was struck, the sheep would be scattered.  Thus, the disciples left Jesus and fled.

Let me offer you some encouragement:

We looked at the suffering of Jesus in the garden.  We saw that God did not remove his burden, but strengthened him that he could bear it. 

If you are facing a heavy burden today, let me encourage you to do the same thing that Jesus did – spend time in prayer.  Pour your heart out before God.  Ask him to strengthen you so that you too can bear whatever burden you have.  By seeking him, you will find strength, rest and a deepening of the relationship between you and the Lord. 

Burdens and trials are not pleasant, but they do much for our eternal growth and our relationship with God.

Let me offer you some relief:

What can we say about the actions of the disciples during this time?  They appear to be scared and weak.  But the good news is that they did not end up that way!  Once they were baptized in the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, they became bold witnesses for Christ.  They were no longer afraid of what man could do to them.

Are you weak or fearful of what could happen to you for your faith?� Jesus is still baptizing people with the Holy Spirit.� The Holy Spirit is still providing the strength and boldness you need to live an amazing, powerful life for Christ.� Why not pray and ask Jesus about your relationship with the Holy Spirit?

Let me offer you some strength:

Despite what things look like around you, God is in control of the world.  He continues to hold it in place as it spins around the sun.  He is bigger and more powerful than the affairs of men.  Nothing happens without his consent.  Things that do happen, happen on God's time schedule. 

In the midst of all of that, God is still acutely aware of each individual person.  He is still seeking the lost.  He is still breathing new life into babies.  He is still calling saints home to be with him.  And He, the Almighty God and Everlasting Father, still desires to have a close, intimate relationship with YOU.  He desires to find you in his throne room, asking for his help.  He desires to impart his strength into your body, soul and spirit.  Won't you spend some time with him today?  



Introduction: ��The scriptures record many, many instances when God gave Israel victory in battle over her enemies.� But this particular psalm is somewhat unusual – it does not celebrate an offensive victory in battle.� Instead, it gives glory and honor to God for his successful defense against an enemy.�


What was the exact historical circumstance the author was celebrating with this song?  Many answers have been given, including the defeat of the Assyrians (led by Sennacherib) and the miraculous destruction of their army.  If you haven't read this account recently, you really should review it.  You can find it in II Kings 19 and Isaiah chapters 36 and 37.

In that particular incident, which happened during the reign of King Hezekiah, Israel did not fight at all.  She was under siege by the Assyrian army, and she simply waited for God to rescue her.  It is an amazing testimony to the power of God!

II Kings 19:34 – For I [God] will defend this city to save it, for my own sake and for the sake of my servant David.

Other people believe this Psalm speaks of a time that is future – the day when Christ returns to earth and rescues Israel from those who are yet to surround her, and then sets up his millennial kingdom.      

While these two examples could certainly be the basis for this Psalm, we really don't know what circumstance prompted the writer to pen this song of praise and glory to God.� But in some ways, I am glad we don't know.

The truth is that in every generation there are people of God who need to be rescued from their adversaries.� And in every generation, God answers that call.� Therefore, this is a timeless Psalm that applies to Christians of every age, including us.�

Psalms 46:1 – To the choirmaster. Of the Sons of Korah. According to Alamoth.� A Song.� God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Surely the children of Israel had good cause to declare that God was their refuge.� Time and time again they fled to the protection of the Father and he saved them.� Just consider a few examples:�

  • Pharaoh and his army thought they had trapped the Israelites at the Red Sea, but God prepared a dry path through the water (Exodus 14:21-22).�
  • The Midianites ravaged the land of Israel, stealing all her crops, but God used Gideon and 300 other men to destroy that innumerable army (Judges 6 and 7).�
  • Haman planned to exterminate the Jews, but God rescued them through Queen Esther.�

The examples go on and on - which ones come to your mind?

God is also a safe refuge for the church.  Many times in the New Testament, we find great persecution breaking out as Satan attempts to destroy the fledgling church (Acts 8:1).  But God not only protects and preserves the church, he causes it to flourish even in the midst of evil. 

As believers, each of us can trust in God as our refuge (Psalms 9:9).  I know you have done so many times in your life, because I have too.  What were some of the circumstances when God was a refuge for you? 

 The Israelites were also living proof of God's strength.  From the Egyptians to the Amorites to the Nazis, many groups have endeavored to completely destroy this nation.  Yet none have been successful, because God is their strength!  When they were weak, he was strong.  When they should have been wiped out, he intervened. 

The church of Jesus Christ can make the same claim.� From its inception during Roman rule, throughout the crusades and in the midst of modern-day persecution, Satan seeks to destroy her time and time again.� But the church is still here.� Even now, in the last dispensation of time, God is strengthening the church.� He is pouring out his Spirit upon us, to make us victorious over the enemy.�

The psalmist adds that God is a very present help in times of trouble.�

I am sure that King Hezekiah would agree, as he sat in Jerusalem while it was besieged by the Assyrians.  God assured him through the prophet Isaiah that victory would come, and it did.  God sent an angel of destruction who killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night, and the next morning what remained of the enemy withdrew from Jerusalem. 

I am sure that America would agree, as they fought for independence from Britain.  The settlers desired a country where they could freely worship God.  God granted that request and so much more!

I am sure that you would agree too.  When has God been a very present help to you?

Psalms 46:2-3 – Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.� Selah.

Have you noticed that over and over in the scriptures, God gives us the mandate 'Fear Not'?� We should be using this as a motto!�

  • God assures us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).�
  • He assures us that if he is for us, no one can be against us (Romans 8:31).� �
  • Long ago he let us know that he is greater and more powerful than he that is in the world (I John 4:4).�
  • Our own experience should give us a personal confirmation that we should not be living in fear.

In fact, it is our great privilege and duty to be living in boldness without fear.� The psalmist recognized that fact and thus he penned the declaration 'though the earth gives way' and/or 'the mountains be moved into the sea', those who trust in God have no reason to fear.

Let's discuss the 'earth gives way'.  Certainly, this could be taken literally to mean that the entire earth would fall from the heavens.  But if that happened, fear would only be a factor for a matter of moments before all life would cease (either burned up or frozen, depending on which direction the planet would go). 

Alternatively, some catastrophic event could occur that literally causes the mountains to crash down into the sea.  But again, if that happened, the result would be a quick death for every living thing on the planet. 

Is there another interpretation?  We must keep in mind that the psalms are poetic in nature.   Poetry frequently assigns human characteristics to inanimate objects.  Could that be what is happening here? 

Did you know that the scriptures often use the sea as a metaphor for the nations of the world (Daniel 7:1-6), and mountains as individual kingdoms (Amos 6:1)?  The overall picture given here in poetic form is a situation in which the nations of the world are in turmoil.  No nation has an answer for the problems its people face.  Governments are constantly being overturned by rebellions or coups.  Each nation fears hostility from other nations, and worries what will happen to them if uncontrolled conflict erupts.  There is no 'world leader' to maintain peace and order.

I don't know about you, but that type of situation would invite fear into my life!�

But as the people of God, we don't have to open the door to the spirit of fear when it comes knocking.  Christians stand upon the solid, unchanging rock Christ Jesus.  Our treasures are in heaven, where they cannot be destroyed; our life with God continues when this life is over.  We have been assured that Jesus is returning for his bride, and our future rests in him. 

In fact, if the earth suddenly evaporates, the person who has cause to fear is the unbeliever, who has laid up all their treasures on earth.� They will lose what they had in this life, and they have no life in eternity.�

Do you see any parallels to this passage and the situation of the world governments today?� If so, does a spirit of fear try to rise up and take control of your life?� Don't allow yourself to get hit with that fiery dart of the enemy!� Get out your shield of faith and repel it.� Utilize your sword of the Spirit (the word of God) and chase fear away!

Psalms 46:4-5 – There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.

In opposition to the chaotic, fearful turmoil of the sea (world), God offers his people a river that flows from his habitation.  It is a river of peace and calmness.  It is a river of joy and blessing.  It is a river protection and healing.  It is a river of wisdom and strength.  It is a life-giving river.

Physically speaking, the psalmist probably refers to the waters of Siloam, which travel softly by Jerusalem (Isaiah 8:6-7).  This river was a defense to the people of God during the reign of Hezekiah (Isaiah 22:10-11). 

But spiritually speaking, there is a river of God that flows from his habitation or throne in heaven (Revelation 22:1-2).  The Tree of Life, whose leaves heal the nations, is on either side of it.  This is the same water that Jesus refers to in John 7:38-39, when he says out of our hearts (belly or literally womb) would flow rivers of living water.  This river of water refers to the Holy Spirit. 

The river or presence of the Holy Spirit brings the people of God peace, calmness, joy, blessing, guidance, wisdom, protection and healing.� The Spirit of God gives us life.�

How would you classify your relationship to Holy Spirit?  Is it a close intimate one, or are you just acquaintances?  You can change your relationship with the Spirit in the same way you change physical relationships.  You get to know him better by spending time with him (prayer) by learning who he is and what his plans are (reading the word), and by engaging with him during your everyday life. 

Holy Spirit has gifts for you personally and gifts from God that he wants to manifest through you to a lost and dying world.  Are you open to that kind of a relationship with him?

Psalms 46:6-7 �– The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts. The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.� Selah.

God is sovereign over all the nations of this world.� He rules from heaven by his power and providence, overruling all the affairs of men to bring about his own plans and glory.�

He stops or holds in check the rage and power of the nations that oppose him and his interests in the world.  No one can stop him.

Not that men haven't tried� there were many people and nations who opposed Israel and opposed David as king, but God overruled them.  He spoke (uttered) his plans and purposes into existence; at his command, Israel was made a nation and David was made king.

Even now, there are many people and nations that oppose God's people – Israel, America and the church.  But we have a sure hope in God.  He cannot be moved.  If we allow ourselves to flow in the river of Holy Spirit and learn to obey him, we will be able to say "The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress!"

Through God, our nation can be saved and re-established in righteousness, leaving us a nation and a heritage that we can pass on to our descendants. 

Psalms 46:8-9 – Come, behold the works of the Lord, how he has brought desolations on the earth. He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the chariots with fire.

The scriptures record many instances of God bringing desolation or destruction upon kingdoms, cities and nations of the world.�

Again, the writer may have had the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem in mind when he penned this poem.  But there are other instances as well.  God caused a very great destruction to come upon the cities of the Philistines when they took the Ark of the Covenant (I Samuel 5:9), he utterly destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-25), and he has promised to destroy the lands of God and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39).  What other examples can you think of?

Obviously, no weapon of man can fight against the Lord; human military assets (bows, chariots, tanks, missiles, nuclear warheads) are useless against God.   

What point is the writer trying to make?  He is inviting the reader to contemplate known instances in which God has not just given victory to his people, but utterly and completely annihilated the enemy. 

By examining the evidence, the reader's faith is increased because he or she is reminded how completely and totally God delivers his people and brings an end to war.� This is abundant proof that God is able to protect his people in times of danger.�

What modern day instances could be studied for this purpose?� How about the six-day war of 1967, in which Israel conquered her enemies?

Psalms 46:10-11 – Be still and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!  The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.  Selah.

After considering the great victories that God has wrought on behalf of his people, it should be much easier for us to be still and trust in him.

God has done, is doing and will continue to do great and mighty things.  In the midst of turmoil let us be reminded that God is working on our behalf, even when we don't see it!  He will bring about victory, even when the situation looks impossible to us!  His arm is never short that it cannot save! 

Let us remind ourselves about God's faithfulness.� He is faithful in every generation, even when we are not.� For that reason, we can live confidently knowing that he will bring about the perfect resolution to every situation we face in his perfect time.� There is no cause to worry or fret.� As we abide in him, we can be still and see him be glorified on the earth.�

Hebrews 13:6 – So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me.

The mighty acts of God are also a witness to the unbelievers of the world.  At some point they too must be still in his presence.  Though they hate God, they will be forced to acknowledge that he is Lord, by bowing before him (Romans 14:11). 

Believers of every generation can triumph and rejoice in the fact that we have God's presence with us; the God of ALL power, authority and dominion is our Father!  God has bound us to himself through a covenant of blood through his only Son. 

Let me give you some encouragement, relief and strength� The God of Jacob is our fortress!

Introduction:  Clearly, this Psalm was penned by David.  However, the time and place of writing is uncertain.  It seems as though the Psalm was written as he contemplated entering domestic life – being the head of his own household and family.  He lays down the rules or the standards which will govern his home and his family life. 


David then concludes that these same principles should govern not only his household, but his business dealings and his kingdom; they apply to all avenues of life. 

That being the case, the poetic verses of this Psalm are timeless.  Its principles have a universal application to God fearing men and women of all ages, backgrounds and levels of authority.

Psalms 101:1 – A Psalm of David.  I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music.

Scripture tells us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45).  Therefore, we can conclude that David has been meditating on both the mercy (steadfast love) and justice (judgment) of God.    

Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.� It can also be defined as an action motivated by compassion, performed out of a desire to relieve suffering.�

Justice is fairness; moral uprightness, just dealing or right action; using power/authority to support fair treatment and due reward.

When David considers these two aspects of God's character, it produces a profound joy which wells up inside him and bursts out as a song!

It should produce the same reaction in us.  Let's briefly consider God's mercy.  When mankind rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden, we essentially gave our earthly authority to Satan.  At that point, we were subject to him.  Since his main focuses are stealing, killing and destroying, that is what mankind could expect to get from him.

And that is exactly what we received.� Look around you.� Satan has tried to steal/kill/destroy everything that affects you.� He wants to steal your peace and leave you with anxiety. �He wants to steal your joy and leave you with depression.� He wants to kill your hopes, your dreams and your creativity.� He wants to destroy your health, your relationships, your finances and anything else he can get his hands on.�� Consider what he did to Job!

But, hallelujah, the mercy of God has been manifested on the earth!  Because of the sacrifice of Christ, we no longer have to suffer under the dominion of Satan.  We can now experience true joy, peace and fulfillment.  We can live in hope.  We can see our dreams come true and our creativity benefitting mankind.  We can have lives that include good health, satisfying relationships, and abundant finances.

Stop and consider the mercy of God in your own life.  What has he done for you?  Don't be afraid to sing your own personal song of praise to God for what he has done for you.  It doesn't have to be perfect – just sincere.  I am sure God would love to hear it!

David also recognized that God's mercy is perfectly tempered by his justice/judgment.  God is longsuffering towards all sinners.  It is his desire for all men to be saved (II Peter 3:9).  But eventually, justice will come.  Those who choose to be enemies of God will eventually be punished by him.  Those who abuse and destroy the people of God (Jews and Christians) will eventually find themselves facing the wrath of God.  Sin will eventually be judged and punishment decreed. 

Every once in a while, you still find people who declare that God is love and he would never send anyone to hell.� Clearly, they have never taken the time to read the Bible!� God is certainly love; there can be no doubt about that.� But God's love is perfectly matched with his justice.� Therefore, he will punish those who do not turn from rebelling against him.

We primarily consider justice in regard to our enemy (Satan) and his followers, but justice also plays a role in discipline.  God does the right or just thing when he corrects us.  God loves his people, but like any good Father, he will discipline them if needed.   

Children who grow up without any discipline wind up being unstable and unreasonable adults.  If Christians grew up without any discipline from God, they would wind up being big spiritual babies, unfit to contribute to the kingdom of God.  God loves his children too much to allow them to end up that way.     

In David's case, he sees how God's perfect combination of mercy and justice bring forth a stable, peaceful environment that cultivates success of every kind.� Creativity and accomplishment, peace and joy, hopes and dreams all flourish under this type of loving yet controlled circumstance.� This is what David desires for his own household.� What principles are you using as the foundation for your house?

Psalms 101:2 – I will ponder the way that is blameless.  Oh when will you come to me?  I will walk with integrity of heart within my house;

Our translation says "I will ponder the way that is blameless", but I think the King James Version is significantly better.  It says "I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way".  One reason I think this is so much better is because there is a big difference between 'pondering' and 'behaving'.  Anyone can ponder or think about doing the right thing, but actually doing it is something else all together!

However, David's point is a good one – if you purpose in your heart to do what is right, that is likely what you will do when temptation comes.  

By purposing in our hearts and reminding ourselves that we will do what is righteous, we are building up a defense against evil attacks.  Let's face it – we all have areas of weakness.  So right now, you can begin to rehearse God's laws in your mind.  You can begin to purpose not to succumb to temptation in that area.  If we wait until the moment of temptation to decide how to handle things, the outcome might not be so good!

�David's desire is that when God visits his house, He will find it being run according to righteous principles, including mercy and justice.� These principles apply to his own conduct, the way he treats those under his authority and anyone in his employ.� These are the rules that should govern our everyday lives:

Micah 6:8 - He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?

Sometimes we try to make Christianity so complicated, but it really isn't!  Loving God and treating our neighbors as ourselves really is the heart of Christianity.

 Here is something else to consider:  those who are faithful in little things make themselves available to God for much bigger things:

Luke 19:17 - And he said unto him, Well done, good servant: because you have been faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.

Have you ever desired for God to use you to accomplish something for his kingdom?  He is not going to start you out as the overseer of a million people.  That wouldn't be fair to you or them!  But if you are willing to minister to just one, and you do a good job, he may just give you two, or five.  Then 10 or 20 or more. 

David will one day rule the nation, but he needs to rule his own house first.  So if your desire is to do more or greater things for God, make sure you are being a wise steward of what you currently have!

Psalms 101:3-4 – I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless.  I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me.  A perverse heart shall be far from me; I will know nothing of evil.

Have you ever taken a walk through the woods and found brambles or briars stuck to your clothing when you returned?� Or even worse, maybe you found a tick that hitched a ride on you or your pet.� Obviously, you don't want briars or ticks clinging to you; you no doubt find them abhorrent and you will remove them immediately.�

Spiritually speaking, you can't separate yourself from the world - you have to walk through it.� You are going to come into contact with people who do wicked things.� But David vows that this kind of person will not have a place of influence or authority in his world.� He hates their evil works; he will not allow their evil to cling to him like a tick.�

Although ticks are small, they feed on your life's blood and infect you with disease.  In the same way, sin can be small, but it is not harmless!  Let me repeat that:  You may have a sin that seems small or insignificant, but no sin is harmless

David understands that any sin which clings to him will affect his reputation, his family and his kingdom.  For this reason, he vows to keep even the smallest sin away from his sight.

What about you?  Do you have sin in your life that you consider to be small?  Answer this question - What makes it small?

As humans, we tend to categorize sin into what we consider small sins (white lies, holding a grudge) and big sins (murder), but God makes no such distinctions.� All sin is despicable in the sight of God.� No sin of any kind can exist in the presence of his holiness.� It might be time for us to adopt David's view of sin! �

Psalms 101:5 – Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy.  Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart I will not endure.

David now speaks of two specific sins that still occur in the present time.  Both are very destructive. 

If a person has something good to say about someone else, they will normally say it openly.  However, if they have something bad to say, it will likely be said in secret.  This is how rumors get started, how reputations get tarnished, how ministries are destroyed and how churches are torn apart.  Just think about how much damage has been done to people (and the cause of Christ) with just this one sin! 

The wickedness perpetrated by secretly speaking evil can be likened to an ambush – the person under attack does not even know they are being assaulted!� They have no chance to defend themselves. �By the time they discover a rumor is out there, the damage has been done and it is virtually impossible to repair.� This is a despicable sin; yet who among us has not either participated in it or been a victim of it?

The second sin David specifically mentions is pride or an arrogant heart.� This person considers themselves to be better than others.� As a result of this belief, they will not hesitate to slander someone.� They will not hesitate to withhold mercy or justice.�

In addition, they often consider themselves to be above the law.  This is very dangerous mindset for anyone in authority.  Fortunately for the people of Israel, David has vowed that he hates these sins and they will have no place in the administration of his kingdom.  Truly, David was a man after God's own heart.  Are you?   

Psalms 101:6 – I will look with favor on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me.

Every ruler, including the president of the United States, has advisors, councilors and confidants.  These are people who assist or advise the president in making decisions that will affect the whole nation.  If these advisors are wicked, what will happen to the nation and its people? 

Instead of looking upon or endorsing that which is evil, David will place his favor upon people who are faithful, humble, upright servants of God.� These are the qualifications he is looking for in his future councilors and confidants. �If the ruler of the nation and his advisors are righteous, what will happen to the nation and its people?

In this case, we don't have to wonder – we know.  The reigns of David and his son Solomon are considered the 'golden age' of Israel.  It was a time characterized by peace, prosperity and justice.  People were happy and free to enjoy life.  As a nation, Israel enjoyed the respect of other nations.  In the midst of all this, God was glorified.

But not too long afterward, we find a ruler who surrounded himself with worthless advisors.  He was Solomon's son, Rehoboam.  You can read the whole story in I Kings chapter 12, but basically it went something like this:  Immediately after Rehoboam became king, the people came to him and asked him to cut their taxes.

The councilors who previously served Solomon advised the new king to earn the loyalty of the people by giving them a tax break.� The new, haughty councilors chosen by Rehoboam advised the king to make the taxes even higher!�

The king chose the advice of the arrogant young men, and increased the taxes.� As a result, there was a rebellion.� Eleven of the twelve tribes of Israel decided to elect and serve a new king (Jeroboam), and Rehoboam was left to rule only the tribe of Judah.� Too bad Rehoboam surrounded himself with haughty, unwise advisors!�

Who are you taking advice from?  When you have an issue and you need wise council, who do you turn to?  Are they basing their wisdom on God's law or man's?             

Psalms 101:7 – No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.  

The man or woman who exhibited dishonesty, false pretences or trickery was not going to be a part of David's life.  He would not go into business with them, make an alliance or partnership with them, employ them or allow them to occupy a place of authority in his kingdom. 

If a person of this character somehow made it into the life of David, he was determined to banish them as soon as he found out.� While this may have seemed ridiculous or overly zealous at the time, David ensured a smooth life for himself by nipping trouble in the bud.� By not entangling himself with these men in the first place, he spared himself the cost and embarrassment of being associated with them later on, when their sins were made public.

Now there is some really, really good advice – do with it as you will!

Psalms 101:8 – Morning by morning I will destroy all the wicked in the land, cutting off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord.

The city of the Lord is Jerusalem.  At the time he composed this Psalm David was not yet king.  He is purposing in his heart what he will do when his kingdom is established.

The same principles that he will use to run his own household are the ones he will use to govern all of God's people.  When he is king, he will do everything within his power to purge the land from wicked people and their practices. 

The phrase 'morning by morning' indicates that this effort will be constant.  It isn't something that David can do one time and the issue will be permanently settled.  Evil will not stay at bay forever; those who want to purge it from their society/culture must always be on guard or it will creep back in.

Let me offer you some encouragement:

It seems as though the Christians in our nation have run away from serving in public office.  This has turned out to be a mistake!  We need men and women of God who are willing to serve in public office and steward that position of authority and power for the glory of God, just as David did.   

If you feel God is calling you to some public office (no matter what that might be), I encourage you to pursue that with all of your might!� Your community and your nation need you!

Let me offer you some relief:

David determined very early in his life to exhibit mercy and justice in all of his affairs, starting with his own household.  Maybe you already have a household, but you started out with different laws like anger or favoritism.  Let me offer you some relief – it's not too late to change! 

Begin to purpose in your heart that you want to treat those in your household and place of employment with the same principles that David did.  Begin to ask Holy Spirit to help you make that change. 

Let me offer you some strength:

Basing your life on Christian principles in general and mercy/justice in particular, is going to make you different from the world around you.  That is a good thing!  When people see those principles at work in your life, they will want to be part of what you are doing!  Who doesn't want to work for a person who shows mercy and justice? 

So determine in your heart what you are going to do, and stick to it.  God will give you the strength to establish these principles in your life and he will bring about opportunities to be a witness for him!

Hello!  I hope you enjoyed our last study on the book of II Peter.  Rather than beginning a new book, we are going to spend the last few weeks of summer by looking at some of the Psalms. 

A study of the entire book would be quite an undertaking – at 150 chapters it would take years!  Instead, we will spread them out over time, examining a few here and there. 

Our look at the Psalms will be a bit different from our study of other biblical books.  Since this is a book of poetry/songs, we are going to read and reflect on the main concepts, rather than intently studying every aspect of it.  So let's relax and meditate on our wonderful heavenly Father!

Psalms 4:1 – Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness!� You have given me relief when I was in distress.� Be gracious to me and hear my prayer!

Psalms 3 and 4 were composed by King David.  It appears as though they were written as a pair – the third Psalm being sung in morning worship, and the fourth Psalm sung as the evening worship of the same day.

The circumstances under which this song was written are not specifically revealed in the song itself, however, both Jewish interpreters and Christian expositors are in agreement that it was written during the rebellion of Absalom (see II Samuel 13-19 for the complete story).

Let's consider that for a moment.  We are well aware that David was not perfect.  We also know that he had a lot of family problems, especially with his kids.  Perhaps our first reflection is that following Jesus does not guarantee a trouble-free life!

How should we respond to the trouble that is sure to cross our path?� David says "Answer me when I call, O God".�� To call on God means to pray; to reach out to the one who holds our future in his hands. He formed us in our mother's womb; he knows when we sit down, when we rise up, and every word we speak before it passes our lips.� He knows the number of hairs on our head and he knows the plans he has for us.� What a comfort to call upon God in prayer knowing that he is bigger than any problem we face. Hallelujah! �

Here is one of the wonderful things about prayer:  It is as individual as each one of us!  No two people pray in the same manner.  Some people are very formal when they pray, while others are more relaxed.  Some people like to walk around while some kneel or sit.  Some speak loudly, while others whisper.  We can pray with our understanding and we can pray in the Spirit.  Sometimes, when our grief or pain is extremely intense we only have to call out his name – Jesus – and he is there to comfort us, bringing peace and strength. 

I really hope that you are not embarrassed or ashamed of the way you pray.� I hope you don't compare your prayers to the prayers of others. �I hope you are not afraid to pray out loud in front of other people.� Since your relationship with God is unique, it only makes sense that your prayer life will be also.� Just relax and talk to your Father in whatever way seems natural to you.� ���

Aren't you glad that you have a relationship with God?  Aren't you glad that Jesus paid the price for your sin, so you can go boldly into the throne room of God and obtain help in the times of trouble?

Hebrews 4:16 - Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. 

Why can David so confidently bring his petitions before the Lord?  Because he knows from experience that "You have given me relief when I was in distress."  In other words, God not only hears our prayers, he answers them! 

Take a few moments right now to reflect on that:�

  • What is the biggest prayer that God answered for you?� Think back and remember the times when you thought there was no possible answer to your dilemma, but God stunned you by making a way.�
  • Now, consider the smallest, seemingly insignificant prayer that God answered for you.� Isn't it amazing that he cares about every aspect of your life?� Isn't it incredible that he wants to be involved in everything that concerns you, whether big or small?� God is so good!

As you reflect on the answers to past prayers, let it fuel your faith for your current situation.  God answered you in the past and he will do it again.

Psalms 4:2 –O men, how long shall my honor be turned into shame?  How long will you love vain words and seek after lies?  Selah.

Switching subjects, David now poetically addresses his adversaries - those engaged in persecuting him.� In his case, that would be Absalom and his followers who had caused David to flee Jerusalem.� They want to see David running for his life, reduced to poverty and shame, while they rise up to claim the authority and honor of his throne.

But these wicked men are making a big mistake.� Their evil desires are vain and hopeless.� Ultimately, they will be unsuccessful.� Why is that?�

It's because they ignored the fact that David did not anoint himself as king – GOD did!  The wicked plans of man cannot over rule the purposes of God.  No matter how hard these men tried, they were not going to take the kingdom from David.  Fighting against David was like fighting against God himself. 

What a comforting thought!  Even now there are evil forces at work in the world that want to steal the blessings God has set aside for you (and for America).  They will try to discourage you, humiliate you and bring you to ruin.  They will throw roadblocks along your path.  They will even curse you, as Shimei did to David as he fled from Absalom (II Samuel 16:13).

But don't listen to them!  Your hope is in God.  He will lead you, sustain you and empower you to fulfill the unique destiny he has prepared for you.

In the natural realm, Absalom represented a very real and grievous threat to David's kingdom.  But in the spiritual realm, the only thing that could have caused David to lose the kingdom was�. David himself.  If he had given up hope or ceased to believe the promises of God, Absalom would indeed have usurped the throne.  However, as David continued to trust in God, the plans of his adversaries were thwarted. 

God is standing by to do the same for you.  Seek him, place your faith in him, and obey what he commands you to do.  Victory will be yours!

Psalms 4:3 – But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself; the Lord hears when I call to him.

Do you have some special possession that you cherish?� Think about that item as you ask yourself these questions:� What makes it special?� Is it valuable?� Is it one of a kind?� Is it beautiful?� Does it bring you joy?� Does it remind you of someone you love?

David tells us that God considers YOU a precious treasure that he has set apart for himself!  You are special to GodGod considers you priceless.  I know that because he spent the blood of his only Son just to buy you back from sin.  You are one of a kind.  God has made billions of people yet each one of us have different DNA and different fingerprints.  You were not made on an assembly line, you were custom made by your Father.  Are you beautiful?  Of course you are!  Don't judge yourself by the shallow and ever-changing beauty standards of mankind.  God loves beauty and everything he creates contains it. Do you bring joy to God?  You sure do!

Isaiah 62:5 - � as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.

Know this:  God has set YOU aside for himself.  He has set his favor upon you.  He has created you to be a living temple, full of his Spirit, reflecting his glory.  He has chosen you to represent him in this generation, and to exercise His authority on earth.  He has given you the keys to his kingdom and power over the enemy.  Obviously, when you call out to him, he is going to hear you!

Psalms 4:4 – Be angry and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent.  Selah.

"Be angry" can also be translated "Stand in awe".  David is calling upon us to consider the awesome holiness, character and power of God.  When we consider the character and nature of God, it should make us painfully aware of our own sin.   It should inspire us to be more holy.

What facet of God's character is most precious to you?  Is it his righteousness?  His mercy?  His perfection?  His love?  His wisdom?  It's hard to choose just one, isn't it?  And just think – these are the parts of God that we know about.  I have a feeling there is much more to be discovered!

David also encourages us to soberly examine our own hearts/lives.� What have we said and done today?� Were our actions, thoughts and words pleasing to the Lord?� Did they encourage and edify others?� Did they lead sinners to the light of Jesus Christ?� �If not, what changes can we make?�

I have to add this final thought:  Examining our own lives is essential, but doing so in bed may not be such a good idea.  Personally, I would be asleep in three minutes!

Psalms 4:5 – Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the Lord.

Let's talk about sacrifice for a minute.  To sacrifice means to give up something of importance or value for the sake of other considerations. 

Obviously, this is a concept presented all throughout scripture, with Jesus as the ultimate example.  God gave up something of importance or value to himself in order to redeem you and me. 

Let's consider the nature of sacrifices.� In the New Testament, Jesus watched people putting money into the offering plate at the temple.� He declared that a widow who gave a penny had sacrificed more than others who put in $100 (Mark 12:41-44).�

According to Jesus, the value of the sacrifice was based on how much it cost the giver.� In other words, the man who gave $100 wasn't going to miss it much, so it wasn't a costly sacrifice for him.� Meanwhile, the widow literally had nothing so the penny she placed in the plate was all she had to sustain herself.� For that reason, it was a very costly sacrifice indeed.�

Here is another example.  King David was in the midst of a huge crisis.  An avenging angel was destroying the people of Israel.  David knew that a proper sacrifice to the Lord could stop the judgment.  At that point, one of his subjects offered him a tract of land and some excellent oxen for free; David could sacrifice them immediately.  But David refused the offer: 

II Samuel 24:24 – But the king [David] said to Araunah� "I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God that cost me nothing."

David understood the concept of a 'right' sacrifice.  If there was no true cost to David then his sacrifice would have been just like the $100 given to the temple by the rich man.  It would not have caused God to stop the avenging angel.

But David paused and purchased the land and oxen from Araunah at full price.  As a result, the sacrifice was legitimate, and it was accepted by God.    

What is the nature of your sacrifice to God?  Are you giving him time, money or talents that you wouldn't miss anyway, or does your sacrifice represent a true cost?

Psalms 4:6-7 – There are many who say, "Who will show us some good?  Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Lord!"  You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.

How do sinners like Absalom define 'good'?� They look for the fleeting honors and pleasures of this life, such as food, drink, entertainment and economic stability.� �They look no further than the comforts of the flesh.

But true believers know that these things are of no value without a right relationship to God.  What good is the security of this life, unless one has eternal security for their soul?

Matthew 16:26 - For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?  

Would you give anything in exchange for your eternal soul?� NO WAY!� There may be times when you are tempted to envy the material possessions of others.� But don't take Satan's bait!�

As David indicates, true joy comes when God turns his face towards us and we have a relationship with him.� For the Christian, nothing can compare to the richness and exhilaration of a life lived with Christ.�� This kind of life is not tied to how much money you make, where you live, or what you eat. �It is for anyone and everyone!

Psalms 4:8 – In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. 

As Christians, we should be able to lay down at night and get some rest, free of worry about our enemies and their plans.�

  • We do this by releasing our fears and concerns to God through prayer and worship.�
  • We do this by using our shield of faith to repel the fiery darts of worry and anxiety that Satan tries to launch at us at 2 am!� �
  • We do this by using the sword of the Spirit (the word of God) against the lies of the enemy.�

God has given us the tools for a good night's sleep - let's use them!

But consider this as well:  Sleep is also a euphemism for death.  At some point, you and I will go to 'sleep' on earth and wake up in heaven.  As believers, we are safe and secure in the knowledge that God has prepared a place for us in his eternal kingdom, where we will live in his presence forevermore! 

Let me offer you some encouragement: 

We all know there are struggles in this life.� But let's rise above that.� Let's be like David – let's worship in the morning, preparing ourselves to serve Christ that day.� And let's worship him in the evening, knowing that we rest in the peace and safety of our Lord and Savior. �Before you know it, God will be calling us home to heaven!

Let me offer you some relief:

I want to reiterate this once again:  YOU are special to God!  He values you no matter what (or how many) mistakes you made.  He loves you so much, he sacrificed his only Son in order to win you back from the clutches of Satan!  There is no sin he won't forgive.   

So don't let anyone tell you that you have no value or that you are worthless; those are the lies of your enemy.  Enter into the courts of the Lord and allow him to reveal to you just how much he cares!      

Let me offer you some strength:

Absalom seemed to have everything the world offered.  He was young, handsome, rich and well connected.  He had the support of many people.  And for a while, it looked like he had the upper hand.  But he could not take the throne of his father, because God had reserved that just for David.    

God also has blessings reserved for you.  No one can take them from you, unless you give up and allow that to happen.  So stand strong and claim the promises that God has placed within your heart!

We are interrupting our study of 1 Peter for a special lesson this week.  This is a timely lesson for those in the Kipton Church who are currently meeting to pray for revival as well as a mighty move of God's power in our midst.

We have been practicing praying and declaring the word of God.  This is a biblically sound concept, as noted in today's text from the book of Revelation:

Revelation 19:11-16 - And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.  His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 

And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.  And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.  And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.  And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

I don't know about you, but I get goose bumps just reading those verses!�

But the thing I want to draw your attention to is in verse 15, where the scripture says "out of his [Jesus] mouth goeth a sharp sword".  

Now, is this literal?  Is Jesus going to go riding out on his white horse with a literal metal sword clamped in his teeth?  Is he going to swing his head back and forth to fight against his enemies?  Of course not!

The key to what is happening here can be found in Ephesians:

Ephesians 6:17 – and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.

So obviously, the sword of Jesus is not a literal sword made of metal.� His sword is the word of God.�

Now back to the scene in Revelation.  Is Jesus riding on his white horse and when he opens his mouth a bible pops out?  Or maybe a cell phone with an electronic copy of the bible on it?  Is Jesus going to fight the enemy with a phone or an ipad?  Of course not!

Jesus wields the sword of the Spirit by SPEAKING AND/OR DECLARING THE WORD OF GOD! 

The word of God is the sword that Jesus uses to defeat his enemies.  This is not a new concept.  We saw Jesus doing this while he was on earth doing battle with Satan during what is now known as the wilderness temptation.

Matthew 4:4 - But he [Jesus] answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

In every instance of temptation, Jesus defeats Satan by speaking/quoting the word of God.  And that's not all�

  • In Matthew 21, when Jesus cursed the fig tree and it withered from the roots, how did he do it?� He opened up his mouth, and used words.
  • When Jesus calmed the storm (wind/sea) that threatened to overtake the boat in Mark 4, how did he do it?� He opened up his mouth and spoke to the wind and the sea.�
  • In Matthew 17 when the disciples needed help freeing a boy from a demon, how did Jesus do it?� He opened up his mouth, and rebuked the demon. ��

In Mark chapter 11, when Jesus taught the disciples about mountain moving faith, did he instruct them to pray about the mountain? No, he did not.

Did he instruct them to worry about the mountain?� No, he did not.�

Did he tell them beg and plead with God to move the mountain?� No, he did not.

He told them to SPEAK DIRECTLY TO THAT OBSTACLE (with words, using their mouths) AND ORDER IT TO BE MOVED INTO THE SEA.�

As Christians, we have all been trained to pray, and that is a good thing.�� But we have also been instructed by Jesus (through both teaching and example) that our words have power in the spiritual realm.� As we speak the word of God out loud in faith, it goes into the spiritual realm and it causes a reaction from heaven.� Our words, spoken in faith, open the door for God to visit the earthly realm and bring about changes.� Bringing about (or birthing) the will of God on earth is a partnership between God and us.� We speak out in faith exercising the authority God has given us, and God brings about the change. �

The spoken word of God is not just the sword of Jesus.  It is the sword of every believer.  It is part of our spiritual armor.  It is the way we engage the enemy, and defeat him.  Should we pray?  Absolutely! 

1 John 5:14-15 -  And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us: and if we know that he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we desired of him.

However, prayer is only part of our arsenal.  It is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that we begin to speak the word in faith, and begin to use the authority that Jesus has given us. 

We wonder why we don't see many miracles today.  Perhaps part of the problem is that we are not using the authority God has given us.  Let's remind ourselves what God has given us:

  • The authority to bind and loose (Matthew 18:18).�
  • The power of agreement (Matthew 18:19).�
  • Authority over all demons and the authority to cure all sickness (Luke 9:1-2).�
  • The ability to call those things that are not as though they are (Romans 4:17).�
  • The power of the blood of Jesus and our testimony (Revelation 12:11).��

We exercise this authority with our mouths, through faith.�

Furthermore, God tells us that his word is living and powerful (Hebrews 4:12), and that he watches over his word, to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12).� So we need to get busy speaking the word over situations in our lives and in our nation that do not conform to the will of God.�

Now, this is not to imply that a single 'dose' of the word will instantly change a situation.� We are not going to examine the reasons for this right now.� For now, let's just get started.� And let's decide in advance that we are going to persevere.� We must continue to speak and pray in faith, until we see the situation conform itself to the will of God.� In the book of Galatians chapter 6, Paul assures us that if we do not grow weary and give up, we will reap the change we are seeking.

So, to help you get started, I have included 11 scriptures in this post.� I strongly urge you use the list this way:� �

  • Speak out the scripture, as written.�
  • Then personalize and speak out the declaration.�
  • Pray over that scripture and declaration, asking God for change.�

You can use this list exactly as it appears, or you can use it as a model and make your own list. Please feel free to share it with anyone who will use it.


As a side note, I especially want to draw your attention to scripture #11. �As explained below, I am using this passage to pray for America.� I think you will find it an invaluable scripture for this use.�


#1 Acts 4:29-30 – Now Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.

Declaration:� I believe and declare that I am filled with Holy Spirit and speak the word of God with all boldness. God will confirm his word with signs and wonders which will result in salvation and deliverance for the people of (city name) and all who hear of it.

Prayer suggestion:� Pray for open doors in your community to share the gospel and pray for people, believing that God is going to confirm your testimony with miracles.

#2 2 Peter 3:9 – The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

I Thessalonians 5:9 – For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 46:13- I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry; and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.

Declaration: I believe and declare that the will of God is coming to pass on earth, even as it is in heaven. �God's will does not tarry; it is manifested this very day. �I decree that today is the day of salvation through Jesus Christ to every single person in (city name), and all those I am praying for including (insert name here).

Prayer suggestions:� It is God's will for people to be saved, freed from addiction and healed from all physical, mental and emotional sickness. Jesus paid the price for these blessings on the cross.� Pray for his will to come immediately to those on your prayer list.

#3�Isaiah 55:10-11 – For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

Declaration:� I believe and declare that God's word is flowing freely to the uttermost parts of the earth.� Wherever it flows, it brings life and spiritual fruitfulness, accomplishing the purposes of God and destroying the works of the devil. �

Prayer suggestions:� The gospel goes out into the world 24/7.� Think of all the seeds that have been planted in the hearts of people that have not yet sprouted and grown!� Perhaps some were planted into people as children (your children?) but have never been fruitful.� Pray for Holy Spirit rain to come down, and bring life to those hidden seeds. �

#4 Isaiah 43:18-19 – Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.� Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?� I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert� to give drink to my chosen people, the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.

Declaration: �I believe and declare that the past is behind me.� My sins are forgiven by the blood of Christ.� God is doing new amazing things in my life and using me in new ways, for his glory.� I am filled with Holy Spirit power.� I am a new wineskin.� I am exercising the authority God has given me to cure all sickness, cast our demons, bind and loose, preach the word, and call the things that are not as though they are, so that his kingdom may be manifested on earth as it is in heaven.� I decree that His name is and will be glorified and praised in all the earth.

Prayer suggestions:� Spend time in prayer, seeking wisdom from Holy Spirit as to what he is doing/wants to do in your community and in the lives of your family.� Get in agreement with it, and use your spiritual authority to enforce it in their lives.

#5 Isaiah 49:25 – But thus says the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered; for I will contend with him that contends with you, and I will save your children.

Declaration:� I believe and declare that (insert personal name or city name here) is even now set free from Satanic bondage and blindness, because God himself fights for possession of (name).� We declare that the mind of (name) is awakened to clearly see the truth of the gospel.� We not only claim the life of (name) for Christ, but we hereby lay claim to all his/her descendants. ��

Prayer suggestion:� Pray for spiritual blindness to be removed from your city/loved one so that the truth of the gospel can be clearly seen.� Pray (bind/loose, declare, apply the blood of Christ, etc) against any strong hold, addiction, sickness, poverty, generational curse, etc.�

#6 Joel 2:28-29 – And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and your you men shall see visions.� Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit.

Declaration:� I believe and declare that Holy Spirit is actively at work in my life.� He has filled me with his power, wisdom and spiritual gifts.� He is actively involved in communicating with me and other believers.� I declare that I hear his voice and I follow his leading.

Prayer suggestions: �Pray for the baptism of Holy Spirit.� Ask Jesus for a spiritual prayer language, then use it.� Ask the Lord to speak to you, whether through dreams, visions, tongues, etc.� Work on your ability to hear him and follow his leading.

#7 Deuteronomy 20:1 – When you go out to war against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and an army larger than your own, you shall not be afraid of them, for the Lord your God is with you, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt.

Esther 8:11 - �the king allowed the Jews who were in every city to gather and defend their lives, to destroy, to kill and to annihilate any armed force of any people or province that might attack them, children and women included, and to plunder their goods.

Declaration:� I believe and declare that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.� I am clothed with the full armor of God and I am not afraid of the enemy, for no weapon formed against me will prosper.� God has given me his authority to destroy and bring to nothing the evil that Satan has planned for me, my family, and the people of America/earth.

Prayer suggestion:� Begin to engage in spiritual warfare for your personal life – your children, your finances, your health, your ministry� everything that concerns you.� It is your right to fight for victory in your own family. �Once you have slain the 'lions and bears' of today, you will have the confidence and faith to face the 'Goliaths' of the future.� Don't try to rely or depend on someone else to do this for you - it is not only your privilege, but your responsibility. �

#8 John 16:23-34 – Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you.� Until now you have asked nothing in my name.� Ask and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

Psalm 84:11 - For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Declaration:� I believe and declare that God watches over his word to perform it.� I do not need to beg God for anything; I simply ask in faith.� He joyously hears and answers my prayers, giving me everything that I need to live a victorious, abundant, fulfilling life.� ���

Prayer suggestion:� God already has the answers to your problems lined up for you.� In faith, with an open mind, ask him for a solution.� He may not answer in the way you imagined, but his way/answer/solution/provision/open door will be perfect for you.

#9 Mark 11:23 - For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be removed, and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he said.

Declaration:� I believe and declare that nothing is impossible with God!� Even now, my circumstances are conforming to the will of God.� I place my faith in the Alpha and Omega, the one who moves mountains, the one who has never lost a battle, the one who knows the end from the beginning, the one who watches over his word to perform it; the only eternal God and King who reigns forever and ever! ��

Prayer suggestion:� Rise up in the authority God has given you.� Speak directly to that mountain, commanding it to conform to God's will, like Jesus did when he cursed the fig tree.

#10 Numbers 10:35 – And it came to pass when the ark set forward, Moses said, "Rise up Lord, and let thine enemies be scattered.� Let them that hate thee flee from before thee.

Declaration:� I believe and declare that God is in our midst, and that he is moving in the world today, actively fighting against the forces of darkness, who run away from his presence.

Prayer suggestion:� Satan will flee from the presence of God.� Use praise and worship to bring God's presence into situations, and watch the devil run!� Begin to thank the Lord for the answers you have seen with the eye of faith, even though they have not yet manifested in the natural realm.

#11 Proverbs 6:16-19 – There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

This scripture passage in Proverbs is one that I am using for declarations on a national level, for America.  For example, our government currently sanctions abortion, which is the shedding of innocent blood, and we know that God hates that.  So I might declare something like this:

Declaration:� I believe and declare that God hates abortion and therefore it has no place in the nation of America.� I declare that Americans will no longer be blind to the sin of abortion; they will recognize its evil and reject it.� I decree that the laws of abortion will be abolished in this nation and American law will conform to the will of God.

Prayer suggestions:� In my opinion, all of the evil and wrong doing that the government is now perpetrating fits into one of the seven categories mentioned in Proverbs, so speak out/decree against any/all of their actions using this passage in Proverbs.�

FYI, we are seeing a lot of 'sowing discord among brothers' in our nation today, so be sure to include that one especially right now.

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