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I Peter 3:13 – Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good?

Here the apostle makes mention of a proverb or general truth.

Those who lead upright lives save themselves from a lot of drama, trouble and aggravation.  Those who repay evil with good and strive to treat their neighbors as themselves can generally expect to live a peaceful and tranquil life without interference from the law or evil men. 

Those who cross the line into unrighteousness (as well as those who are always trying to straddle the fence between good and evil), will often find themselves at odds with the law and society. 

We classify this as a general truth rather than a natural law, because many righteous people have found themselves under persecution or distress despite the fact that they are living holy and peaceful lives. 

I Peter 3:14 – But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed.  Have no fear of them, nor be troubled,

As Peter now intimates, holy conduct generally provides an environment of peace and safety, yet the possibility of persecution for righteousness' sake still exists. 

If you find yourself in a situation where you are being persecuted for being righteous or for professing the gospel, take heart – this is an indication that you are blessed by God.

Matthew 5:10 – Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

To suffer for doing good is to follow in the footsteps of Christ himself.  Though he was sinless and did only good things, he was rejected, persecuted and crucified by evil men. 

Persecuted Christians are not to adopt any of the wicked customs of their persecutors.  They are to stand firm, trust in God and keep adhering to Christianity.  Though they may be dragged into court, forced to pay fines, imprisoned, banished or even killed, they should not be afraid for God is with them.  He sees all things and he will bless his servants for their suffering; they are promised an inheritance in the kingdom of heaven.  

I Peter 3:15 – but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

Instead of being terrified by evil men, we need to cultivate a healthy respect for God in our hearts.  We do this when we submit to his wisdom and providence, imitate his holiness, give him the glory he is due, trust in his faithfulness, rely upon his power and walk with him daily.

Remember, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.� So if you are truly honoring God in your heart, your reverence of him will spill out of your mouth and be displayed in your conduct.� This will bear witness to unbelievers.� When others see that you are different, they will want to know why.

You need to be ready to give an answer to those who ask you about your Christian walk.� This means being able to clearly articulate your testimony or recounting what God has done for you.� Be sure to include what God did in your past, how he sustains you daily, and your future hope of heaven.

So let me ask you this – if you had to give a testimony for Christ right now, could you make a logical statement of your faith in about 3-4 minutes? 

You don't need to include every single detail of your life thus far.  If you try to take an hour to make your point, you will certainly lose your audience. 

Make sure your testimony is coherent.  If you give a fragmented account, switching from topic to topic, the listener will be confused and you will lose their attention.  You might want to consider limiting your testimony to one or two major points, in order to keep it simple.  

Why not try it right now and see how you do?  This will prepare you for your next opportunity to share the gospel.   

I Peter 3:16 – having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.

What is conscience?  It is the judgment of the mind respecting right and wrong. 

As we all know from experience, our conscience first comes into play when we are considering a course of action.� We have probably all seen those cartoons where there is an angel whispering in one of our ears, while a devil is speaking to the other!� This actually gives us a pretty good picture of conscience, because it activates whenever we are faced with a choice. ��

Once we make our choice and the action is complete, the conscience judges our actions and instantly approves or condemns them.�


However, our conscience is not able, in and of itself, to determine what is right; its job is to prompt us to do our duty.  Our conscience must be trained in right and wrong.  As we study the scriptures we program our conscience with the laws and truth of God. 

If our conscience is programmed with anything other than the word of God (culture, society, our own wisdom, even religion), it becomes an unsafe guide.  Obviously, if our views or the world's views are erroneous, which they probably are, our conscience may think it is okay to do something that is a direct violation of God's law.

Proverbs 16:25 – There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.  

Why does the apostle mention our conscience in this text?  Peter teaches that not only should you be ready and able to make a clear confession of your faith, your life should match your confession; your conscience should be clear with respect to the way you live.

When we live our lives in holiness and godliness, our properly programmed conscience will bear witness that we are living in accordance with God's will.  Then, when our enemies unjustly speak evil of us, our conduct will bear a true witness about us; their baseless accusations will be apparent. 

I Peter 3:17 – For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil.

Peter reminds us that there are two reasons for affliction.

One reason for suffering is because we have done wrong.  For example, as discussed earlier in this study, God has given civil authority to certain people in order to establish a peaceful society.   If we sin and break the law by robbing a bank, then we should expect to be caught and punished for that crime. 

I have never been to prison, but I can imagine that it would indeed have an element of suffering and tribulation.  If we suffer by our prison experience, how does that glorify God?  Overall, it really doesn't.  If anything, it glorifies civil authority by commending their actions to the citizenship.

However, if we suffer for righteousness it brings about God's glory and our good.� Yes, you read this correctly - suffering may be part of God's will/plan for your life.�

If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you know this to be true.  God never promised his people a problem free, carefree life here on planet earth.  What he did promise was to walk with us every step of the way.  He promised to give us his strength in our weakness.  He promised not to give us more than we could bear.  And He promised to give us life eternal.     

God is more interested in your eternal good than your temporary earthly comfort.� While you are here, Holy Spirit is committed to transforming your life into the image of Jesus.�

In the process of that transformation, changes need to be affected in your character.� And there are some transformations which only affliction can accomplish.�

Peter reminds us that suffering for righteousness can (and does) facilitate desirable qualities and character in the Christian.  This not only benefits the believer, it provides a powerful witness to evil men. 

On the other hand, suffering for sin is mostly just punitive.  It does not necessarily stimulate Christian growth.  It does not glorify our Father; instead it drags his name through the mud.  It also gives evil people another reason to discredit the gospel.

So make sure your suffering is the right kind!

I Peter 3:18 – For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,

For Christ also suffered: Those who suffer for righteousness sake can take comfort knowing that they are walking in the footsteps of Jesus.� Although innocent, he was not exempt from trials and suffering.

Once for sins:� Under the law, the blood of goats, lambs and other animals were sacrificed for the sins of the people.� But these sacrifices merely covered over sin; they could not truly atone for it.� Thus, sacrifices of this kind had to be made over, and over, and over, and over...�

But it was only necessary for Jesus to die/sacrifice himself once for our sin because his sacrifice was perfect and his blood has the power to truly cleanse us.

Hebrews 9:12 - Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

The righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God: The death of Christ reconciles us to God and provides us with access to the Father with freedom and boldness (Romans 5:1-2, Ephesians 3:11-12).

Being put to death in the flesh:� The crucifixion eventually caused the death of Jesus' body.�

But made alive in the spirit:� Although Jesus suffered in the flesh, he was 'quickened' or made alive by the Spirit; his own divine energy.���� �

I Peter 3:19-20 – in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey, when Gods patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water.

And now we come to what might very well be the two most difficult verses in Peter's epistle!  There are two main prevailing interpretations of what Peter means here.  As per my usual MO, I plan to relate both interpretations to you, allowing you to decide for yourself what you believe.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you make your decision:   

As with all scripture, we cannot simply pull a verse or two out of a passage and make a doctrine out of it.� Scripture must ALWAYS be understood/interpreted in the context in which it appears.� This principle will greatly assist us in determining the true meaning.

So what has Peter been discussing in this portion of the chapter?� The main focus has been suffering.� Peter has pointed out that there are basically two causes for Christian suffering.�

Decisions, decisions!

One cause is punitive in nature.  It is a result of a wrong (sin or crime) committed by the believer.  Peter mentions this briefly in the beginning of his discourse.  Then, he switches gears to discuss the second type of Christian suffering – righteous suffering.

In the case of righteous suffering, the believer has done nothing wrong, however, God allows some unjust suffering in order to shape the character of the believer, or otherwise mature him/her in the faith.

Peter goes on to tell his readers that the ultimate example of righteous suffering was Jesus himself.  Now, the last point Peter made prior to this, was that the body of Jesus died on the cross, but his Spirit was alive.  Jesus raised himself up by the power of his own divine energy.

Interpretation #1

Peter immediately follows with 'in which he went' or your translation may say 'by which he went'.  In either case, he is referring to the Spirit of Jesus. 

So according to interpretation #1, the Spirit of Jesus went and made a proclamation.� Who did he make this announcement to?� This theory says that he proclaimed a message to people who were sometimes disobedient during the longsuffering of God during the days of Noah.� Or in other words, the wicked people of Noah's generation, while they were alive on planet earth.� Notice, no other people are specified in this text. ��This is who the Spirit of Jesus was addressing.�

These people/spirits are said to be 'in prison'.� The original word rendered 'prison' actually means 'watch, guard, the act of keeping watch or the guard itself; a place where anyone is watched or guarded as a prison'.� Those who adhere to this interpretation believe 'watched' or 'guarded' would be the best translation.

The text further indicates when they were being watched/guarded – for the 120 years that the ark was being prepared. 

Overall the meaning/interpretation is something along these lines:  The people of Noah's day were disobedient sinners.  Because of their transgressions, God sentenced them to destruction.  But first, the Spirit of Jesus delivered messages of repentance through his servant Noah to the people of that generation.  Then God watched to see if they would repent or not.  The long suffering of God waited 120 years; but they chose to ignore the divine message and continue in their transgressions.  Therefore, judgment was finally carried out.  As a result, only 8 persons were saved on the ark.

Those who accept this theory point out that when we consider the Old Testament, we find many instances where the Spirit of Jesus was present in the prophets before his physical birth in the world (Isaiah 48:16, Zechariah 7:12, Nehemiah 9:30).  Therefore, we are not surprised to learn that the Spirit of Jesus also spoke through Noah (Genesis 6:3). 

They point out that the Spirit of God continues to speak through his servants even now, as evidenced by the apostles themselves, and many modern day Christians. �

They also believe the phrase 'spirits in prison' may refer to the fact that that particular generation of people are now in the custody of death; they are definitely now spirits and in a sense they are in prison awaiting final judgment at the end of the time (Revelation 20:7).

We could also express their idea yet another way:  At the appointed time, Jesus came to earth in the flesh to preach the message of life to the world.  The Spirit of this same Jesus came to earth before the flood and preached a message of repentance to the unbelievers through his servant Noah, so they might have a chance to repent and be saved.  Again, there are many instances where the Spirit of Jesus came upon prophets to preach repentance and call people back to God, so this is not unusual.

Interpretation #2

The second interpretation asserts that these verses tell us what Jesus was doing while his body was dead – the time between his death and resurrection. 

Again, the last point Peter made prior to this, was that the body of Jesus died on the cross, but his Spirit was alive.  Jesus raised himself up by the power of his own divine energy. 

In this case, the phrase 'in which he went' is understood as meaning that the Spirit of Jesus went, at that exact time, to make a proclamation to other spirits who were imprisoned. 

Proponents of this interpretation say that Jesus went to Hades (also called Sheol or the grave).� Hades is a kind of prison where departed souls/spirits are gathered and held until final judgment.� This would clearly be the state of the unbelievers from the era of Noah.� Hades/Sheol/the Grave has at least two compartments (or possibly four), one for the righteous departed and one for the wicked departed (Luke 16:23).

This theory says that when the Spirit of Jesus arrived there, he made a proclamation or preached to the spirits that were there.� While we have no record of what the outcome of that message was, those who adhere to this interpretation believe that at least some departed spirits repented at the preaching of the word (God's word is never void - Isaiah 55:11).

The overall meaning is something along these lines:  When Jesus died, his Spirit was quickened/made alive and he (his Spirit) immediately went to the place in which other disembodied spirits of men were being imprisoned.  These were incapable of receiving any direct impression from him, unless he was a spirit as they were.  There, he delivered a message or made them an offer of salvation, which at least some of them accepted.

What do you think?  Both interpretations answer some questions, but confront us many with others that simply cannot be answered with the knowledge we now have.

In addition, there are various other interpretations, which we will not consider today.  These include:  The Lord descending into hell to triumph over Satan, the preaching of Christ being an announcement of condemnation, not salvation, that the spirits in prison were heathens who lived according to the light they had, but were idolaters, etc.   

Putting those unanswerable questions aside, let's consider something else.  Why does Peter use this particular example of man's wickedness (willful unbelief) and God's longsuffering before judgment (120 years)?  Surely, in the course of time there are many known examples; so why this one? 

It may be because of what Jesus revealed to the apostles before the crucifixion:

Matthew 24:37-39 – For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.� For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

In the days of Noah, only 8 people were 'brought safely through the water' while the wicked majority perished.  As God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11), I imagine the grief of Father God was evident in the words of Jesus that day. 

Is it possible that the awful magnitude of that tragedy really hit home with Peter as he considered that his generation was heading the same direction?  Does he mention the incident of Noah in his own epistle because it is a dire warning?    

Later, Peter does make mention of the fact (2 Peter 3:9) that God is 'longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance'. 

So perhaps this is more than just an ordinary example.  It may be a solemn warning to both Christians and unbelievers.  If we are warned about this by Moses (who wrote Genesis), then Jesus and finally Peter, I suggest we pay careful attention to the message presented here.  

I Peter 3:21 – Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

The focus of this verse is the actual water itself – the flood water and the water used in baptism.� Peter indicates that when the righteous were saved through the flood, it was a prophetic antitype of baptism.� ��

It was the water which saved Noah and his family from death by bearing up the ark.� But it should be noted that the only reason they were in the ark in the first place, was because their hearts were righteous before God.� Thus, being in the ark was an outward sign of their repentance.�

In the same way, water baptism is an outward sign that a person has experienced true repentance of the heart.  The man (or woman) being baptized has acknowledged his sinful state, is trusting in the blood of Christ to cleanse him, is turning from sin, and is dedicating himself to God.   

So in both cases, water is associated/connected with salvation, but it is not the CAUSE of it.� Rather, we see that a right heart before God was the cause of the salvation.�

Please do not fall into the trap of believing that salvation can be obtained through the mere physical act of water baptism!  The actual act of baptism cannot save you, apart from a relationship with Jesus!

Peter goes on to confirm this for us.  He declares that the outward immersion (or sprinkling) by water removes dirt from the body, but that is all it can do.  Salvation is a cleansing of the soul.  It is a 'good conscience' or a right relationship with God which can only be achieved by renouncing sin and accepting the blood of the resurrected Christ as the atonement for sin.  Once this is done, God requires us to be baptized as a public confession of our faith.   

I Peter 3:22 – who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to him.

Jesus, our ultimate example of righteous suffering was rewarded when his work was finished.� He has been seated at the right hand of Father God, with all angles, authorities and powers being subject to him (Ephesians 1:21, Philippians 2:9-10).

The man or woman of God who is suffering righteously can take hope from this example.  Indeed, to dwell on this thought can bring comfort in the midst of all trials.  Jesus enters heaven victoriously.  He represents a cessation from further troubles and suffering as well as advancement to the highest personal dignity.  These gifts will be given to the faithful in Christ as well, when they too victoriously enter into all that God has prepared for them.   

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Due to the culture we now find ourselves in, you may subject to righteous suffering.  In other words, people may oppose or persecute you because you stand for Christ and his truth.  If this occurs, do not think that it is a strange occurrence.  The same thing has happened to many believers, including those of Peter's day. 

During your suffering, do all you can to magnify the name of Jesus.  And be encouraged by his example – one day you too will be vindicated and enter heaven victoriously!

Let me offer you some relief:

Are you suffering punitively (because you have sinned/done wrong and are being justly punished for it)?� If so, forgiveness can be yours through the blood of Jesus.� Even if you have done something unlawful and society has imprisoned you, you can still find meaning and fulfillment in life, through Christ Jesus.�

Seek him today.  Dedicate your life to him, and he will bring you satisfaction no matter what your circumstances.

Let me offer you some strength:

While we all receive Holy Spirit into our hearts upon salvation, there is also a greater measure of the Spirit available to all believers.  This impartation of power and strength comes with the baptism in the Holy Spirit, which is promised to all believers:

Acts 2:39 – For the promise [of the baptism of the Spirit] is unto you, and to your children and to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

If you have not been baptized in the Spirit, I encourage you to study the scriptures and learn about this gift.� It is still in operation today, and God wants to bless you with it!

I Peter 3:1-2 – Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct.

So far in his epistle Peter has been dealing with the conduct of his Christian readers, particularly in the area of subjection/submission to authority.  Christians are to honor and submit to the authority of government, provided it does not contradict scripture.

Servants/employees are to show due honor and respect to their masters/bosses.  In doing so, the Christian glorifies God and opens the door for salvation to the lost.

Now Peter turns to the relationship between husbands and wives.  He specifically deals with the difficult position that a woman was placed in when she became a Christian, but her husband was still a pagan. 

Before we go any further, it is vital that we understand the culture of the times in which this passage (and others by Paul) was penned, especially since that culture was RADICALLY different from our Western culture.

At that time, women in Eastern cultures (sometimes called Orientals), were considered pure and moral only if they 'stayed home'.� They were never educated.� They did not own property.� They did not work outside the home, much less own a business.� They never held positions of authority or power.� They were considered inferior to men, and were little better than household slaves.

In contrast, women who were courtesans (upscale prostitutes) were frequently educated in not only book knowledge (reading, writing) but in philosophy, proper social graces, business and even statesmanship/politics.  

So, at that time a woman with any kind of education got a bad reputation to go along with it.  If a 'respectable' woman stood up in a public meeting and spoke, her reputation would have been instantly tarnished.  In that culture, she would be considered common and corrupt and this would bring shame upon her husband and herself. 

For example, women who wanted to keep their reputation of virtue had to keep silent in the church.  A woman who spoke up in that setting was perceived by others to be unwholesome or even wicked.  Her actions cast doubt on her character. 

This helps us to understand why Paul says it is shameful for women to speak in the church (1 Corinthians 14:34-35).  He said this because it was a fact of the culture at that time.

Despite what some religious sects would have you believe, Paul's statement in that passage is not a blanket prohibition of women in ministry! ��It is an example of restraining your own freedom for the sake of the gospel.

Rather than ruin their reputation in the community, and thus cast aspersions on the gospel message, Paul instructed them to keep quiet in the church so they had a good testimony that might eventually win others to Christ.

Now we can begin to see why many women of that era (as noted in verse three of our text) spent an inordinate amount of time and effort on their outward appearance – because society essentially made it impossible for a virtuous woman to build her inward beauty with wisdom, knowledge and success.  Fleeting, outward beauty was all she had left. 

But interestingly, the apostles Peter and Paul encourage women to set their sights higher.  They instructed the women of that age to cultivate and adorn their inward souls.  Clearly, they did not believe that women should be relegated to the position of household slaves.  In fact, under the Old Testament Law women were honored, respected and trusted.  They held positions of influence and leadership.  As we would expect, Christianity retained and even built upon these rights.

Indeed, Christianity reflects God's true plan for women, which is for them to be a respected partner of men in life and in the gospel. 

Perhaps Matthew Henry said it best: "In creating woman, God did not take her out of the head of man to be over him, nor from his feet to be under him, but out of his side to be equal with him, from under his arm to be sheltered and protected by him, and from near his heart to walk in sympathy and helpfulness by his side."

It is God's design for a man and a woman to be joined together as a single entity – one in heart, purpose, aim and desire.� They are two halves of a whole.�

The Preachers Homiletic Commentary puts it this way: "�the wife in the happy home is equal in position and influence to that of the husband, but not the same.  Woman is not merely a copy of man – a faded, second impression from the same plate – but another creation, enlarging and enriching life� The husband and wife are the two halves of one whole, and the whole is designed by God to be greater and better than the sum of the parts." 

With this background in mind, let's examine today's text. 

I Peter 3:3-4 – Do not let your adorning be external – the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear, but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.

Some sects of Christianity have taken this passage (and others by the apostle Paul) out of context and used them to enforce some strange rules.� They forbid women to wear jewelry, makeup or pants.� They forbid them to cut or style their hair, and even force them to wear a hat/head covering while praying.� Those who interpret the scriptures in this way are completely missing the point Peter is making!

So what is Peter saying in this passage?� Well, let's look at the context.� Peter has just examined the difficulties inherent in the relationship of a Christian citizen and a pagan government, as well as a Christian employee and a pagan boss.� Peter has advised the Christians in these circumstances how they should act in order to please God and be a witness to the unbelievers around them.

Now Peter examines the difficulties inherent in a marriage relationship when the wife has become a Christian, but the husband has not.  He will advise women in this situation how they should act in order to please God and be a witness to their unbelieving husband.   This is the true message of the passage!  

This passage is not a lesson on the general relationships between wives and husbands.  Relationships and circumstances change from age to age, culture to culture and nation to nation.  

Let me just confirm it one more time.  The true meaning of this passage is how a Christian wife should live her life in order to please God and be a witness to her unbelieving husband.

Again, understanding the culture sheds a lot of light on the difficulty facing the Christian women of that era.  On the one hand, the law and culture considered them barely above the level of slaves.  On the other hand, Christianity considers them full partners in life with their husbands. 

So the apostle is giving the women of that era sound advice on how to navigate through the difficulties of this relationship, just as he gave advice to Christian citizens and Christian employees.  You have to love the way Peter gets right down to the practicalities of everyday life!

And here is his godly advice: There is nothing wrong with outward beauty, but true beauty is an inward beauty of the heart.�

External beauty/adornment does not last.  It will fade, decay or go out of style.  (You know this is true; just look back at some of your old photographs and see what was considered 'stylish' 20 years ago!) 

By contrast, internal adornment/beauty endures forever, because your soul is eternal.  Beauty of the heart and mind never goes out of style.  Peter advocates for a gentle and quiet spirit.  This kind of spirit does not flash into anger, or answer harshly.  It does not gossip or stir up trouble.  Rather, it is calm and tranquil in all circumstances - even unfair ones.  It possesses (and spreads) the peace of God to everyone it interacts with.  These adornments are very precious in God's sight. 

When a person (wife or husband) exhibits these traits it is a testimony to the unbelieving partner; they bear witness to the character of God by example rather than by words.  This is a very powerful testimony indeed!  By this testimony the Christian will win the unbeliever to Christ.  Peter points to Sarah, wife of the patriarch Abraham as an example of a woman who cultivated a gentle and quiet spirit.

I Peter 3:5-6 – For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to the own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord.  And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.

Can we take a few moments now and consider our own culture?� Our situation is the exact opposite of the women in Peter's day.

In the United States of America in 2021, law and culture automatically assume that women are equal to men.  This is a blessing that more closely matches the will of God, and I do not think it is a coincidence that we find this in a nation that was founded upon God's word.

I'd like to make two quick points here.  

  • Ladies, do not allow your freedom to be a stumbling block to others.� Honor your husband as the head of your home. �Treat your neighbors as yourself.� If you want to be a leader, be the servant of all.� Pride and arrogance will lead to your downfall, so watch yourself.� Be thankful for your freedom and steward it wisely for God's glory.
  • Second, all Christians who step out in faith and answer the call God has placed upon their lives encounter resistance.� However, women often encounter an added dimension of resistance from the body of Christ itself.� But fear not!� Walk in the boldness and confidence of Holy Spirit and complete the task God has called you to do!� Be a good steward of the gifts God has given you.� Don't waste time worrying about what others are saying; let God deal with them! ������

Now, while Peter addresses married women in his text, there are lessons here for single women (and men) as well.  Let me begin by asking you a question: How important is your choice of a spouse?

In my opinion, it is the second most important decision you can make, after your decision to accept Christ as Savior.�

When you marry, you have legally and spiritually joined yourself to another person (Genesis 2:23-24, Ephesians 5:31).  God's will is for this person to be your partner for the rest of your earthly life. 

What kind of a partner do you want?  One who works diligently, exhibits faithfulness, shows patience, and loves God?  Clearly, none of us is perfect.  But in choosing a spouse who is a Christian, you have a much better chance of finding a partner who is faithful, loving, kind, etc because these are the attributes that God instills within his children.  If both of you are believers, your marriage is based on Christ and you can turn to him for guidance in the difficulties of life.  

Or would you rather have a partner that does not provide for you, cheats on you, is abusive and has no regard for the things of God?  In choosing a spouse who is not a Christian, you have accepted Satan as your father-in-law, and his children are just like him! 

This does not mean that you have an absolute guarantee of a happy and trouble free marriage if you are both Christians.� To be sure, there will be bumps along the road of life, and some Christians continue to struggle with wicked habits.� Even in the case where both partners are Christians, you will still have to work to keep your marriage satisfying and intact. �

It also does not mean that if you are a believer who is married to a nonbeliever that there is no hope for your marriage!� There are many people who come to salvation in Christ after they are married; God does not expect you to separate from your spouse for that reason. �Rather, God wants to draw your unbelieving spouse to him, and he will use you to do it!

As Peter indicates in this passage, when the believing partner honors their spouse and demonstrates grace, love, forgiveness, patience, joy and peace in daily life, they provide an example of Christianity that no amount of words could convey.  A living example is a powerful testimony to the unbeliever and usually reaps better results than nagging or preaching!

I Peter 3:7 – Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.

There can be no doubt that God's will is for the husband to be the head of the home (Ephesians 5:23).� But again we notice that contrary to the culture of that day, women are to be treated with honor and respect.� In fact, Christianity is the only religion whose practical application results in such honor and respect of women. ��

Further, the apostle goes on to say that women are equal heirs in the salvation and benefits of God.  Think about that for a moment. 

Women are not 'settling' for a bad deal when they submit to the husband as the head of the home.� They are exercising sound judgment as they partner with their husbands in life and in the gospel.� The authority of the husband does not interfere with the woman being an equal heir of eternal spiritual things.� On the contrary, fulfilling the role God has given you on earth results in eternal reward.� This is true for men and women alike. �

Therefore, in the most important aspect of life (our relationship with God), women are in every way equal to men.� All humans, male and female alike, are entitled to claim the promises of God.� All may expect forgiveness of sin, fullness/gifts of Holy Spirit, and a home in heaven.� All may praise and worship; all may travail in prayer and seek a move of the hand of God in their situations.�

The Christian home should be a bastion of peace and safety, with the husband in authority, showing respect and honor to the wife as the two of them partner together to navigate the storms of life, raise the next generation of believers, and grow in grace.  Don't you want to live in a home like that?

Peter also warns his readers about the spiritual dangers of strife/discord in their marriage.  Strife will normally result in anger, unforgiveness or a breakdown in the relationship. 

These injuries to our spirit will most often keep us from praying at all.  Those who do try to engage in prayer, will find God turning them away:

Matthew 5:23-24 – So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go.  First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.  

Look at what Jesus is saying here - you might find it shocking.  He instructs us to leave the altar (the place of prayer) to go and mend our broken relationship.  Only then should we return to prayer.  

As Peter warns, in order to have prayers reach the throne room of God and have their full effectiveness, you need to be a peace with your spouse. 

I Peter 3:8 – Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.

Peter now gives instructions for the wider Christian brotherhood, the church, by teaching us how to treat one another.�

Unity of mind: Christians are to be in agreement not only in the doctrine of salvation, but in practical aims.� If we unite with other sections of the body of Christ, we have a hope of reaching the world for Christ.�

Satan knows this and he would like nothing better than to cause division among believers.  Although different denominations disagree on certain doctrines, we should be able to unite and work with other organizations that believe in salvation through the blood of Jesus.  Let our love for one another and our desire to serve Christ overcome our divisions.

Sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart:� The importance of Christian love cannot be over stated.� Remember that Paul, in his address to the Corinthians, says that even if a believer speaks in heavenly languages, understands prophesy, has faith to move mountains, gives all he has to the poor and is a martyr for God, it is of no value to him without love! (See 1 Corinthians 13:1-3).

We are to rejoice with our fellow believers when they rejoice, and weep with them when they weep, having sympathy and compassion for all.  When we go through some of the trials of life, we can lean upon our Christian family for support, comfort and practical help.  When God has brought us through, we are then able to assist others in their time of need.  

Humble mind:� To be humble-minded means to make a conscious effort to be truly humble.� Humbleness is the opposite of pride and arrogance.� It is a state of mind that recognizes we have fallen short in God's eyes, yet He has forgiven us; we ought to do the same for others.�� This is appropriate for the Christian, because humbleness should underlie all of our relationships.�

I Peter 3:9 – Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.

God has showered us with mind boggling blessings.  He has paid for our forgiveness, healed our sicknesses/diseases, given us the indwelling Holy Spirit, granted us his authority on earth, allowed us into his throne room/presence, and blessed us with a comfortable earthly life.  But wait� there's more!  He has also guaranteed us everlasting life with him in heaven along with other eternal rewards that we have not even dreamed of!     

I would not expect any disagreement when I say that we did nothing to deserve these blessings.  The truth is that we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). 

Since God has blessed us when we deserved punishment, God expects us to do the same for others.  Jesus taught this by word and example when he lived on earth.  

Matthew 5:44 - But I [Jesus] say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

[Side Note - notice that we are to bless people, not justify sin.  Sin is sin, and people need to see that so they can be convicted and forgiven as we are.  So be careful not to justify their sin when you are blessing them.] 

I'm sure that you can anticipate the objections that Peter's readers probably brought up back in that day.� They might have said something like this:

'Listen, Peter, you don't know these people like we do.  If we return good for evil, that is not going to change them.  It will make things harder on us, because if they find out they can take advantage of us, they will never stop!  They will walk all over us and bully us!  We will eventually perish from the earth, but they will still be around!  Our lives will be miserable!' 

Granted, in the natural realm it makes no sense to show love to your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to those who clearly hate you, or pray for those who persecute you.  Everything within us wants to do the exact opposite!

But the prophet Isaiah tells us that God's ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55).  God's kingdom often works the exact opposite from the way our world works. 


In man's economy, you have less after you give things away, so you should hoard all you have for yourself.  In God's economy, those who give can expect an abundance to return to them – "pressed down, shaken together and running over".  The more you give, the more you get.   

In man's kingdom, the lowest ranking people are expendable; they must die so the King can be protected and live.  In God's kingdom, King Jesus died so that his subjects might be protected and live!

In man's government, leaders are those who assume authority and expect others to serve them.  In God's government, the one who would be a leader must be the servant of all.

And again in this particular case, we see that God's kingdom works differently than the kingdom of man.� In man's world, those who do good to their enemies will be destroyed or taken advantage of; their short lives will be filled with pain and turmoil.

But God's wisdom reveals that those who want to have a long, peaceable and prosperous life must turn away from evil, and repay evil with good.

Peter declares this truth from Psalms 34:12-16:    

I Peter 3:10-12 – For "Whosoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.  For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers.  But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."

Christians who desire long and peaceful lives on earth must not engage in the sins of lying, reviling, speaking rebellion, flattery that covers wicked intentions, slander, gossip, cursing or any of the other sins we tend to commit with our tongues.  Even if our enemies curse us, we must bless them in return.

A Christian should always remember that our words are very powerful; they contain the ability to give life or death and they should be used carefully (Proverbs 18:21). 

But according to the apostle Peter, you have to do more than just watch what you say.� You have to turn away from evil and do good, walking in the ways of righteousness and living holy lives.� This includes the mandate from Jesus in Matthew chapter 5, on how to treat our enemies. ��

Those who do, obtain the blessing of a long life.� And a long, healthy earthly life is indeed a blessing.� It gives us the opportunity to gain more knowledge of God, and pass that knowledge down to our children and grandchildren.� It gives us ample time to prepare for eternity; we labor on earth for the riches we will have in heaven. Long life affords us numerous opportunities to do good to others, and share the gospel of Christ with the lost.

So don't be fooled by the earthly wisdom of man.  Guide your life by spiritual principles.  And remember, God is watching over the righteous, and listening for our prayers.    

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Perhaps you had someone in your life who was always sowing negative, derogatory comments and ideas into you.  Perhaps they gave you the impression that you are worthless and you would never amount to anything, much like some of the women in Peter's day.

Regardless of what they may have told you, I want you to know the truth:  You are of great importance and value to God!

The scripture tells us that God breathes the breath of life into every human being.  It tells us that God knows the sum of your days, before you are even born.  He knows the number of hairs on your head and every word that comes to your lips.  He sings over you with joy!   Although God created you with a purpose and plan, he does not love you for what you will do for him.  He loves you simply because you are his child!   

Let me offer you some relief:

You can find freedom/relief from all those negative seeds that have been sown into your life.� The first step is to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.� The second step is to begin to examine the scriptures to find out what God has to say about you.� Remember, your value is not in what you do, but in who you are – his child! �

Let me offer you some strength:

Ephesians 1:3 tells us that God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.� Hallelujah!� Knowing who you are in Christ and what He has done for you should give you the strength to bless your enemies.� That goes against the logic of this world, but I assure you, in God's economy you will reap a guaranteed reward!


I Peter 2:13-14 – Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good.

Our last post ended as Peter was instructing the Christians of Asia Minor to keep their conduct among the Gentiles honorable.  Obviously, Christians will want to live holy lives because it glorifies God and it is the reasonable thing to do in light of the salvation Jesus died to purchase for us.

Peter also told his readers that they should act honorably because it was a witness to the unbelievers around them, who were looking for reasons to discredit or shame Christians, and the God they served.  

But why would Peter feel the need to address issues relating to civil government and authority?  Doesn't everyone honor their government? 

In the case of the Jews, the answer is emphatically 'no'!� Remember, at one time the Jews had their own nation and their own king.� But that ended when they went into exile (586 BC).� Even though God brought them back to the land after their punishment, their monarchy was never restored.� Ever since that time, they have been ruled by a foreign power.

And truth be told, they hated and despised that fact!  The Jews were notorious for their constant rebellions against the Romans.  Many Roman officials did not want to rule over Jerusalem because the Jews were so hard to govern/keep under control.  

Furthermore, if Peter wrote this epistle around 60-64 AD as we discussed in the introduction, then it is a mere 6 years (plus or minus) until the hostilities between Rome and the Jews totally erupt in a violent and bloody war which almost wipes out the Jews and burns down the temple (70 AD).

Keep in mind that the people of that era considered Christianity to be an offshoot of Judaism.  Naturally, they are going to assume that Christians would be almost ungovernable, just like the Jews. 

Now do you see why Peter gives the Christians a reminder to submit to the yoke of civil authority?  If they don't, they will greatly damage their witness for Christ and the reputation of Christianity as a whole.  They will give unbelievers a reason for despising not only themselves, but God.

Respect and submission were to be given to all ruling authorities whether those were kings, emperors, governors or magistrates.� Obedience is due to them because they have been granted that position/authority by God's providence; submitting to their authority was another way of glorifying God, and displaying a good witness to unbelievers.�

Romans 13:1 - Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.  

The apostle Paul agrees with the apostle Peter – government officials rule by the command of God.  They would not be in power if God did not allow it.  Therefore, unless the authorities are requiring something that is contrary to the laws of God, their authority is to be recognized. 

Peter goes on to say that civil authority should be respected because it has been appointed by the Lord for the common good of mankind – it oversees public peace and safety, while punishing those who break the law. 

It would be wonderful if all civil powers were just and righteous in their doings.  Of course, this is not the case.  However, we must consider that government, even tainted by corruption, is still better than anarchy.

And thankfully, in America we have the right to vote out any government official that is doing corrupt or unrighteous things.� So take a look around you.� If you don't like the officials that govern you, take action!� Vote them out of office.� You might even consider running for office yourself!� What a blessing it would be if every mayor, governor, congressman, senator, and judge in America was a Christian!

I Peter 2:15 – For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people.

What do you think of when you read the phrase 'put to silence'?  It makes me think of old gangster films where the bad guys would kill anyone who challenged them!  But of course that is not the case here.   

The phrase 'put to silence' literally means 'to muzzle' as you would an animal, which implies to stop their mouths; to leave them nothing to say.

True wisdom can only be found in the knowledge of God.  Therefore, people who are still unsaved have no wisdom; they are ignorant.  Interestingly, the original Greek word carries the connotation of "self imposed" or "self caused" ignorance, which means these people chose to reject the obvious truth of the gospel.

Furthermore, they are foolish – absurd, despicable, contemptible; without judgment or discretion.�

Peter's point is that people who do not know God lack true judgment.  Naturally a person of that mind set would accuse Christians of being unfit citizens of their country.  They would accuse Christians of causing civil unrest and anarchy.  In fact, they tend to blame Christians for any and all ills that society suffers from. 

According to Peter, how were the Christians supposed to react to this situation?  

These false charges are not to be fought with words of indignant self vindication, but by obedience.  Actions speak louder than words! 

What about us?  Do our actions enforce the Christian lingo coming out of our mouths? Or do our actions contradict the ways of God?  Are non-believers paying more attention to what we say, or what we do?

I Peter 2:16 – Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.

The Christians of Asia Minor had been set free from both the bondage of sin and subjection to the Mosaic law.  They had become God's people; he, and he alone, was their ultimate authority.  Therefore, it was looked upon as an indignity to subject themselves to the heathen rulers/government.  By virtue of being subjected to the law of God, they felt they were above the laws of fallen man.   

Meanwhile, because they considered Christians an off shoot of the Jews, heathen rulers looked upon the church as a dangerous, lawless organization.  Their views were based on history - the Jews in general had long held the belief that they were not subject to any heathen government (John 8:33, Deuteronomy 17:15) and this belief was the underlying foundation of their constant rebellion against Rome.  And Christianity in general had certainly turned the world upside down!  

But freedom in Christ is not a cloak or a mantle that we can use to cover up evil.   In other words, freedom in Christ is not a license for unrestrained behavior.   

In this particular case, Peter points out that sedition and rebellion against Rome were a sin because God's law required subjection to the civil authority of the land, which He had placed in power.   

In the next verses, Peter goes on to explain or clarify what is/is not entailed in the freedom of a Christian.�

I Peter 2:17 – Honor everyone.  Love the brotherhood.  Fear God.  Honor the emperor.

  • Honor everyone: �Due respect is to be given to all men based on their personal worth as humans and based on the offices/positions of authority they hold. �
  • Love the brotherhood: �We are all part of the body of Christ.� There is one body, one Spirit, one faith, one baptism, and one Father God.� Therefore, we should strive for unity in the Spirit and a bond of peace among ourselves (Ephesians 4:3-6).�
  • Fear God: �As I am sure you already know, 'fear' means to show reverence and honor.� Reverence and honor to God are exemplified in obedience and submission to his will and loving our neighbors as ourselves.�
  • Honor the emperor:� At the time of writing, this would have referred to the Roman rulers, but in our generation it is a mandate to respect those that God has placed in authority over us.� We are to obey their rule, as long as it does not directly conflict with the word of God.� This would also include praying for them, and cheerfully paying taxes!�

And again, let us be thankful that in the United States of America, we have the means to oust tyrants and wicked rulers from office by being politically active.� This is a huge blessing, for many Christians live in places where they have no recourse for bad government.�

I like the way that Peter puts things in the proper order – fear of God first, loyalty to government second!

I Peter 2:18 – Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentile, but also to the unjust.

Peter is still on the same topic of freedom in Christ, and what that looks like at the basic levels in life.  He just showed us that freedom in Christ does not allow us to be anarchists – we must obey the rulers God has set over us in government.

Next, he shows us how that freedom works itself out in situations where another person has authority over us on a daily basis.   Let's take a look at the original Greek word for "servants".  Its literal meaning refers to domestics – those employed in a house.  So just to be clear, they are not slaves.  They can best be described as employees.

Likewise, the Greek word for "master" refers to the head of a family, (who would be supervising the domestics) not the owner of slaves. �

So, we could read the verse this way: Employees, be subject to your boss with all respect...

In almost all instances, if you are employed, you did that voluntarily.  You approached the company and requested to work for them.  Even if they approached you, you accepted their offer.  In the end, it all works out the same – you agreed to the company's terms of employment. 

As Christians, we need to show our bosses respect in the way in which we speak to them and the way in which we speak about them.  We owe them, and the company, fidelity - faithfulness, honesty, integrity and loyalty in the discharge of our duties.   

That is a pretty easy thing to do, if you have a fair, honest and caring boss.  But what if you don't?  What if the person who supervises you is an ungrateful tyrant?  What if they take credit for your hard work, or pass over you when handing out promotions?

Peter says that for the Christian, it doesn't matter whether they are good/gentile or unjust/unfair.� The character of your boss has no direct effect upon the way you are to perform your service.� God is well aware of any and all 'wrongs' and injustices done to his children.� In the end, he will account for all of these things.

But in the meantime, we have two choices.  One, we can slander, complain, undermine and rebel against the authority of our boss.  We can sabotage their projects and requests. We can turn in incorrect, late work and we can perform our duties at a standard less than we are capable of doing.  In other words, we can act just like unbelievers.  But if we do, what kind of a testimony does that exhibit to the world?

Romans 12:21 - Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Two, we can acknowledge that God is our ultimate authority and because we serve Him, we can continue to discharge our duties to the best of our abilities and show respect for our boss.  Although this is a very difficult position, it brings great glory to God.  We become a witness to the nature of God when we bear up under unjust suffering.  Who knows – maybe you will get an opportunity to bring this lost person into the kingdom of heaven. 

Also, keep in mind that those with authority, including your boss, will someday give an account of their stewardship of that authority.�����

I Peter 2:19 – For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly.

In other words, if you suffer injustice or wrongful treatment at work (or elsewhere), but still continue to discharge your duties properly (including keeping a guard on your mouth), this is pleasing before God. 

This is a practical demonstration that you have chosen to obey/submit yourself to the will of God, rather than give into the desires of your own will/flesh.  This is definitely an instance where your actions will reflect a testimony for God, without you saying anything.   

I Peter 2:20 – For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure?  But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.

Common sense tells us that there is little or no reward in patiently enduring a punishment that you deserve.� Unbelievers are not going to see any virtue or honor in your actions, because you were guilty of the crime.�

In comparison, a person who is innocent but willingly and graciously bears a wrong done to him/her because they consider it their duty before the Lord, will display an unusual and noteworthy grace that others will attribute to God. 

So, what can we conclude here?�

If you are in a bad position at work and you no longer feel that you can honor God in that situation, you should look for other employment.� If you are constantly griping and complaining about your position, your boss or your company, you should consider moving on, rather than displaying a poor witness for Christ.��

Alternatively, if you really want to keep your position, then you need to get a handle on yourself.� You will need to practice keeping control of your mouth.� You will need to change your attitude about your job.� One of the ways you can do this is to begin thanking God for your job, and all of its benefits (rate of pay, hours, retirement, health insurance, personal satisfaction, etc).� Be content with what you have.� You can pray for your supervisor/boss and your situation and see what God will do.

As a side note, we can't help but be reminded that the borrower is a slave to the lender (Proverbs 22:7).  This might be a good time to stop and consider your situation.  Are you living within your means? Are you a good steward of the resources God has placed in your care?  Do you have a plan to become free from debt and the bondages it carries?  If not, make changes now, before your situation gets worse.     

I Peter 2:21 – For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.

Peter now provides us with two further arguments in favor of Christian patience under unjust suffering.

First, all Christians are called to endure suffering for righteousness sake. �Part of being a Christian is to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus (Matthew 16:24).�� This is what we have been called to do; so if the situation arises, let us respond to the call and embrace the opportunity.�

I Thessalonians 3:3 - ...that no one be moved by these afflictions.  For you yourselves know that we are destined for this.

And lest we are tempted to complain about our suffering, please remind yourself of all those martyrs who have given their very lives for the cross of Christ.  What is your suffering compared to theirs?

Second, the suffering of our Lord and Savior was on our behalf. He suffered not because of his own sin but because of ours.  He endured suffering voluntarily, with patience and righteousness.  This is the example he has provided for us.   We too are to voluntarily suffer with patience and righteousness, when called by God to do so. 

II Timothy 4:5 – As for you, always be sober minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Just as the unjust suffering of Jesus brought people into the kingdom of heaven, so our unjust suffering will be a witness that lifts up the name of Jesus and draws all men to salvation (John 15:18-20, 27).�

Here is a word of comfort for you – afflictions in this life are temporary and they will result in great eternal glory if we embrace them properly (II Corinthians 4:17).�

I Peter 2:22-23 – He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.

The apostle Peter now goes on to give more in-depth insight into the suffering of Jesus, and shows how this is an example for us.

As we already noted, Jesus himself committed no sins, so when he suffered it was unfair and unjust.� We too, should live our lives in such a way that if we suffer, it should be unjustly.� As Christians, we should be careful to not get ourselves into a position where we are suffering because we deserve to be punished!� It is as much our duty to live in a manner that avoids any kind of guilt as it is to suffer patiently when we are unjustly accused.

Jesus never sinned with his actions or his mouth!� He never deceived, complained, cursed, gossiped or told a lie.� This is always the example that we need to follow.� Taming the tongue is one of the most difficult things we are called to do (James 3), and also one of the most important.� I doubt we can ever reach perfection on this, but that is what we should strive for!

Jesus never retaliated.  When his earthly enemies blasphemed him, mocked him and accused him of all manner of sin and evil, he said�nothing! 

Isaiah 53:7 – He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.       

Furthermore, when they whipped him, spit on him, plucked out his beard, slapped him and jammed a crown of thorns on his head, he did�nothing! 

Jesus could have called down legions of angels to annihilate the men who abused him.� Instead, he patiently and righteously endured these afflictions, trusting in the Father to eventually vindicate his innocence and avenge him on his enemies.�

What about you and me?� Is it better to try and vindicate your own innocence, or trust God to do it in his own way and his own time?� Is it better to try and avenge your enemies yourself, or leave that in God's hands?

An honest, impartial look at the word of God reveals that provocation by our enemies is not an excuse to sin or take revenge.  But many times, when you are personally being attacked, your emotions are involved and it is hard to set those aside and do the right thing.  It is good for us to examine this issue now, so when it affects us, we are ready to follow the example of Jesus and commit injustices and revenge to God.

I Peter 2:24-25 – He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.  By his wounds you have been healed. For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

Can we take a few minutes to bow down and take a fresh look at His sacrifice?

A price HAD to be paid for our sin.� Had Jesus not done it, the task would have fallen upon us.� Having no possible way to pay our debt, we would be eternally dead in our sin, eternally without the love and mercy of God, forever cut off from life.� We cannot fully comprehend what a bitter, hopeless and anguished existence that would be!

Think about the nature of the one who willingly became the substitute for our sin.  He is God!   This means that the creator of all things, the only true God in whom resides all wisdom, power and authority, allowed himself to come to earth in human form, for the express purpose of paying our debt; of bearing those sins in his own mortal body.  This is truly a mind-boggling thought!  How can it be that the eternal God would seek to join himself to his creation in such a manner?  What does he see in us that would make it worth it to Him?

Think about death on the cross.� Certainly, it was a hideously painful way to die.� But it was more than just physical pain.� It was a place of scorn.� The Romans would not suffer any of their own to die that way; yet they hung the Son of God there as if he was a common murderer.� They cast lots for his clothes as he hung up there naked.� Then everyone (Jews and Gentiles alike) proceeded to mock and laugh at him as he suffered.� But that is not all.� The cross was also a place of mental and spiritual anguish, as Jesus was completely separated from the God-head!� There is no way for us to comprehend what that anguish and suffering were like.�

The cross is also the place of the curse.  Scripture says 'cursed is every one that is hanged on a tree' (Galatians 3:13, Deuteronomy 21:22-23).   Jesus was made a curse for us, as he innocently hung on that tree!  It was our sin, our curse, our failure, our rebellion that put him there. 

We have so much to thank and praise him for!!

Now, consider this:� We did absolutely nothing to deserve the gift of eternal life that Jesus provided for us on that cross.� God's mercy and love are the only basis for our redemption.� Because of his great sacrifice, we have been delivered from the power/bondage of sin.� We are now free to live righteous lives in Christ.�

How then, can we continue to live worldly lives?  How can we ignore biblical mandates pertaining to personal holiness?  How can we complain if we are called upon to follow in the footsteps of Christ and suffer unjustly?

When we were sinners, we were far from the protection, provision and love of God, just like a straying sheep.  But now, through the sacrifice of Christ, we have returned to the One who loves us so much, he laid his life down for us.  Jesus vigilantly watches over his flock, to keep us safe and secure.  Let us cease from our wanderings and cling to him in righteousness.   

Let me offer you some encouragement and strength:

This is not an easy portion of scripture!  In order to use our freedom in Christ, we must deny our flesh and its desires.  We must honor those in authority over us, even when that is difficult. 

Maybe you are experiencing a tough situation right now at work.� Maybe your boss or supervisor is unkind or treats you unjustly.� I encourage you to take a step back and think about your response.�

Jesus has given us the mandate to follow in his footsteps and be examples of righteousness in these situations.  He would never call us to do something that he himself is not willing to do.  He would never assign us to a task that he did not equip us for.  So take heart.  Be strengthened.  God has given you the grace to endure this situation for the glory of God. 

Let me offer you some relief:

Respecting authority can be a tough thing, especially when those over you are unbelievers who are dishonest or foolish.  Suffering unjustly is also a tough thing.  But these trials also bring about good. 

They allow you opportunities to show forth the righteousness of Christ.  They assist in shaping you into the image of Jesus.  And you can be relieved knowing that God has allowed this trial in your life, and that he is going to use it for your good.




I Peter 2:1 – So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.

In chapter 1, Peter spoke about the marvelous salvation that Jesus made possible for the Christians in Asia Minor, and for us.  Now that we have been 'born again' we must live a life that corresponds to this new birth.   

Part of living a redeemed life includes casting off or laying aside sin, as you would a soiled or rotten garment.  The sins Peter admonishes us to abandon include the following:  

  • Malice:� Any wicked or mischievous intention of the mind; the intent/desire to injure or harm another person, rancor, maliciousness, ill will, etc.� �
  • Deceit or Guile: To disguise, conceal, deceive or delude.� Cunning, treachery. This not only applies to our actions, but to our speech and includes things like flattery, lying, distorting the truth, etc.
  • Hypocrisy: Pretending to be what you are not; a counterfeit, assuming a false appearance of religion, cloaking a wicked purpose under the appearance of piety.
  • Envy: Discontent or malice because of the good fortune of another, with some degree of desire to possess equal advantages; jealousy.
  • Slander or evil speaking: A false report maliciously uttered, which tends to injure the reputation of another; defamatory reports; to defame, dishonor or disgrace; backbiting.�

 Do you notice anything these sins have in common?  They all relate to the way we interact with others.  They also tend to appear together.  In other words, slander/evil speaking is a sign that we are entertaining thoughts of malice, hypocrisy, envy or guile. 

In fact, it is more than a sign – it is proof!  Jesus revealed that out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouths speak (Luke 6:45).  So if you want to know if envy or hypocrisy, etc are dwelling in you, check your mouth!     

When we are born again, we start off as spiritual babies.  We must grow in grace and mature in our walk with God.  And even the most mature among us has not been perfected; any of us can stumble and commit one of these sins. 

Therefore, we should not lightly cast off this warning by the apostle Peter to examine ourselves and purge these evils from our lives.�

I Peter 2:2-3 – Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation – if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.

All of us are aware that infants can only be fed with milk/formula.  Their digestion has not matured to the point where they can eat solid food.  However, if they continuously receive liquid nutrition, they will quickly grow and develop to the point where they can digest solids.

If you have children of your own, you know that infants have a constant and fervent desire to be fed.  They don't care if it is 3:00 in the morning; if they are hungry they will cry/fuss until they get food!

Although there will be ups and downs along the way, we fully expect our children to grow up.� As they grow and mature, we give them additional opportunities and privileges. ��

The same principles apply to our spiritual lives.  When we are born again as babies in Christ, we must provide ourselves a steady, regular supply of the word of God, which is the spiritual milk that Peter refers to in this verse.  Our desire for the word of God should be just as fervent as the hunger of an infant.

By taking spiritual nourishment from the word of God, we will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

As we spiritually grow and mature, our Heavenly Father will present us with more and more opportunities and privileges within his kingdom!   

Speaking of food, the apostle tells us that, as Christians, we have tasted that the Lord is good.  In other words, we haven't just heard about the goodness of God, we have experienced it.   

There is a big difference between knowing about something and experiencing it.� Take, for example, driving a car.� You can watch videos on how to operate the vehicle.� You can study the driving laws and pass the written test.� But none of that is the same as actually getting behind the wheel and pulling out into traffic.� �

In the same way, you can hear other people tell you about the goodness of God.  You can read books written by people who have been saved and delivered from sin.  But until that actually happens to you, you haven't 'tasted' the Lord yet!

Do you remember when you first heard the gospel message?  Do you remember the feeling you experienced when he washed your sin away, and sealed you with the Holy Spirit? 

And since then, as you have grown in your faith, haven't you discovered deeper levels of his joy and peace?  As you get to know him more and more, doesn't your love for him deepen and grow? 

Consider this:  As wonderful as our relationship with God is, it is only a mere taste of what awaits us in eternity when we finally see him face to face!  

I Peter 2:4 – As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious,

It is common for the New Testament writers to described Jesus as a stone or a corner stone.� This is an Old Testament reference to the Messiah:

Isaiah 28:16 – thus says the Lord God, "Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation�"

Psalms 118:22 – The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

There are actually two ideas conceptualized in a cornerstone.  The first is a foundation stone, upon which a structure rested.  We find this referenced in places such as Isaiah 28:16 (see above), Job 38:6 or Jeremiah 51:26.  Jesus is described as the cornerstone or foundation that the church is built upon. 

But a cornerstone can also refer to the topmost or capstone on a building, which links the last tiers together.  We find this referenced in places such as Psalms 118:22 (see above) or Zechariah 4:7.  This is fitting because Jesus is not only the foundation, but also the one who binds the church together. 

In both cases, the cornerstone is figurative of the Messiah (1 Corinthians 3:11, Ephesians 2:20, Matthew 21:42, etc), who is the first and the last.� He has invincible strength and everlasting duration.� He is our protection and our security.� He is the sure foundation of our lives.� Those who build upon him will stand in the storms of life (Matthew 7:24-27). �


Notice that Peter refers to Jesus as a living stone.  Under the new covenant, the church is no longer a building made of inanimate stones.  It is a living temple, made of redeemed people, in which God now resides.  Jesus himself lives eternally and he imparts life to all who build their lives upon him.

But there are men who have rejected him.  Although many Gentiles have refused to acknowledge him, this is a direct reference to the Jews.  They were looking for a Messiah of this world, who would uphold their traditions and customs, take authority over the Romans and set up an earthly kingdom.  Their faith was shaken when Jesus did not do as they expected. At first they rejected him out of ignorance and blindness, but later out of malice and wickedness.     

This presents a startling contrast with God's point of view.� In his sight, Jesus is chosen and precious.� He is the savior of the world; the perfect foundation on which the church rests.� Since God can never be wrong, we can rest assured that the sacrifice of Jesus was sufficient to atone for all our sin, no matter how great.�

I Peter 2:5 – you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

The first Jewish temple was built by King Solomon, and it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar when he invaded Jerusalem in 586 BC.  By all accounts, it was a magnificent edifice.

A new temple was built by the returning Jewish exiles back in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah.  This temple was much smaller and far less magnificent than Solomon's temple, but it was a temple nonetheless.  It had been in existence for about 500 years by the time Herod became king in Judea. 

Replica of Herod's temple

In order to gain favor with the Jews, Herod offered to rebuild the temple and the Jews accepted his offer.  It should be noted that the temple was torn down and rebuilt in sections.  So in the end, it was an entirely new and glorious building but it was still considered the second temple.  The project took 46 years to complete.

It might be difficult for us to imagine the feelings that the Jews had for their temple; to them it was by far the most important place on earth.� It was the place where God was worshipped.� It was the place where God dwelt (on the mercy seat between the cherubim of the Ark).� Acceptable sacrifices were offered there.� The priesthood ministered there. �It was the meeting place between God and man. �

Peter now makes an astonishing revelation to his readers - God has instituted a new, fully complete, fully functioning temple, which is even more glorious than the one they are familiar with! 

This new temple is built upon Jesus Christ, a foundation of living stone.  All individual believers are living stones, and together we are the united church of the Living God. 

So God now dwells in temples of flesh – the hearts of believers everywhere.� Therefore, Christians are the new priesthood, daily engaged in his service, led by our high priest Jesus Christ.� Acceptable sacrifices and offerings are made in this new temple in the form of obedience, prayer and holy living by all believers.� Worship occurs in the new temple; true believers worship him in spirit and in truth.� Since God now dwells within us, we are in constant fellowship with him. �

In short, all of the things that made the physical temple a true temple had been replicated in a new and living way – in the lives of Christians. 

This would have given comfort to the Jewish Christians who lost such a big part of their heritage when they came to Christ.  This knowledge would have been an even bigger comfort in about five years, when Herod's temple was destroyed. 

It would also have been a consolation to the Gentile believers.  They were excluded from worship in the physical temple at Jerusalem, but now they were admitted to the new and living temple of God.  In fact, they too had become priests unto God which would never have been allowed under the Law.

What a blessing we have in Jesus!  No longer are we limited by the law and its regulations.  Now, all people can have God dwelling in them, at all times.  Now, all believers can worship and fellowship with God in any place, at any time!

I Peter 2:6 – For it stands in Scripture:� "Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone, chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame."

  • Jesus is the cornerstone, the foundation stone, or the fundamental truth of Christianity; outside of him Christianity would not exist.� He alone is the head and King of his church; he alone rules it in wisdom and righteousness.
  • This foundation is laid in Zion.� Zion is the name given to the main hills on which the city of Jerusalem was built.� The term is sometimes used to refer to the city of Jerusalem itself.� Under the law, Jerusalem was the seat of true religion; it was the place where the physical temple was located.� Jerusalem also becomes the place where Jesus is manifested in the flesh, where he suffers, dies and is raised to life again.� Jerusalem was the center point from which the gospel was carried throughout the entirety of the world.� Truly, the foundations of Christianity were laid in Zion, through Jesus.
  • True believers build upon this foundation.� It is not enough to just hear the story of Jesus and be familiar with it.� It is not enough to be able to quote the scriptures.� It is not enough to have a relative or close friend who has a relationship with Jesus.� It is not enough to just attend church every week.� If you want to build upon the foundation of Jesus, you have to believe on him yourself.� You have to accept him into your heart and allow him to rule your entire being.� When you do, he becomes the sure foundation of your entire existence.
  • Those who build upon this foundation will never be put to shame/shall not flee.� Through Jesus, we are able to stand firm in this world against all temptations and sin.� At the end of time, the people of God will be vindicated for their trust in him. �������

I Peter 2:7-8 – So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe, "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone," and "A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense."

God has honored his Son by making him both the foundation and head of the church (Psalms 118:22).  Each and every person must decide for themselves what they will do about this fact. 

Those who believe the gospel message and choose to accept Christ as Lord and Savior have the privilege of building their spiritual lives upon the foundation of his atoning work.  When coming into contact with Christ, they become living stones in his church, and recipients of eternal life.

But there are those who do not believe the gospel message and choose to reject Christ as Lord and Savior.  When coming into contact with Christ, their unbelief and hardness of heart cause them to stumble or be offended.  Because they reject Christ, they have no hope of salvation.  They will spend eternity in hell, separated from God.   

Of course, the Scribes, Pharisees and other religious leaders who were alive during the incarnation of Christ were the original group of people who stumbled and were offended by him.�

They read the Old Testament prophesies, picked out the parts they liked best, and formed a false picture of who the Messiah was and what he would do.  In their minds, he would be a conquering hero who would rid them of their enemies and set up a physical kingdom on earth.  Because Jesus did not wage war on Rome and reestablish the throne of David as expected, the religious leaders stumbled at his claim to be the Messiah. 

They expected the Messiah to be great and glorious, rich and famous, loved by all.� When Jesus came to earth he was a humble servant, who associated with publicans and sinners.� He had no money, no home and no influential contacts.� Again, because he did not fit into their preconceived ideas, they stumbled at his claim to be the Messiah.

Because Jesus pointed out their false beliefs, pride and hardness of heart, they were offended by him and rejected him as Lord, despite clear evidence that he was the Son of God.   But they didn't stop there.  Not only did they reject him, they actively opposed him.

Isaiah 8:13-14 – But the Lord of Hosts, him you shall honor as holy.  Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.  And he will become a sanctuary and a stone of offence and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

It should be noted that their (the religious leaders at the time of the incarnation) refusal to accept Christ does not in any way change the facts.� Wicked men many refuse to believe that Christ is the Messiah, but he still is.� God still honors the Son, even though wicked men do not.� Even though Jesus is opposed by his enemies, he is still the King of Kings.�

The rebellious efforts of these foolish men were all in vain; although they opposed him as Messiah with diabolical fury, no amount of effort on their part could change the decree of God that Jesus was the cornerstone of the church.

What about you?  Is Christ your foundation or your stumbling block?  If God does not do things the way you think he should, or in the time frame you think he should, do you become offended?

I Peter 2:9 – But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light,

The Jewish nation was formed as a chosen people, holy and peculiar to God.  They were separated from all other nations of the world to bear witness to his truth and to be a blessing to all of mankind.  This was a special privilege that all Jews treasured.  Born-again Jews feared that they had lost this privilege when they became Christians along with the Gentiles.

But here Peter explains that as Christians, God has bestowed upon them even greater honors.

  • They are still a chosen race/generation: Under the Law, the Jews were separated from the world for service to God.� Under grace, Christians have been separated from the world into the service of Christ, whose name they bear.
  • They are a royal priesthood: Christians are described as kings and priests.� We are priests who can offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.� We have the right to enter into his very presence, just as the high priest of the old covenant.� As kings, we will rule and reign with him.
  • They are a peculiar people:� In all of God's vast creation, what other race has fallen and then been purchased by the very body and blood of God himself? �What other race has been chosen as the bride of Christ?� Who else will rule and reign with him?� �Surely, mankind is a unique race of beings!
  • They are a holy nation:� Christians have been set apart from the rest of the world for the specific purpose of God.

These wonderful, honorable favors have been bestowed upon Christians for a purpose – that we might display the wisdom, power, goodness, mercy, righteousness, love and truth of God to those who are still in darkness.  Just as God has called us out of darkness and into his marvelous light, so we are to assist others to find him as Savior and King.

The benefits and honors of being a Christian far outweigh the honors bestowed upon the Jews under the old covenant.  This is reason enough to rejoice and give glory to God!

I Peter 2:10 – Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

The New Testament church consists of both former Jews and former Gentiles.  Under the law, Gentiles had NEVER been considered God's people or been eligible for his mercy.  But now, under the new covenant, mercy, grace and all the benefits/honors of being a Christian are open to anyone who believes on the name of Christ.    

Thus, the church is made up of Christians.� There is no more distinction between Jew and Gentile.� ���

I Peter 2:11-12 – Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.� Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.

Here is the situation during the time Peter wrote his letter:  The pagans were speaking out against the Christians, accusing them of being evil.  The fact is that Christianity was spreading quickly; increasing numbers of people were turning to Christ and renouncing their old ways.

This was causing the pagan religions to lose followers.  In particular, the Romans were disturbed by this, because they worshipped their leaders and emperors as gods. All eyes were on the Christians, as they looked for reasons to accuse and defame them.

In addition, the Jews were not well behaved towards the Gentiles.  The two groups detested each other.  Since Christianity was at first considered a branch of Judaism, these feelings of animosity were automatically applied to Christianity.  It was up to the first century Christians to dispel those false beliefs and show the Gentiles that they were vastly different from the Jews.   

The duty of all Christians was to live their lives in such a manner that their conduct brought honor and glory to God and gave the pagans no reason to slander Christianity or Jesus. �This is still our duty in this generation.

Peter reminds his readers that as Christians, they are sojourners/exiles (your translation may say pilgrims) on earth.  His point is that Christians are no longer citizens of this world.  We are passing through this life on our way to our eternal home in heaven.  This has several implications for the way we are to live while on earth.

If we consider ourselves as merely passing through this life, we will be more apt to store up treasures in heaven, rather than seek the riches of earth.  We will be much less likely to allow the cares of this life to choke out our spiritual fruitfulness (Mark 4:19).

As citizens of heaven, we are to abstain from fleshly lusts.  These include wrath, strife, envy, unforgiveness, lust, murder, lying etc.

Titus 2:11-12 - For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live sensibly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

If we allow these fleshly lusts to have their way in our lives, we bring shame and contempt on the name of Jesus.  We also encumber ourselves with burdens that we are not meant to carry.  All such burdens ensnare us, and impede our progress toward heaven (Hebrews 12:1). 

It was very important that the Christians of Peter's day do their best to exemplify a righteous life in front of the pagans.  In this way, they lift up and glorify the name of Jesus.  This way of life is a testimony to the pagans; it may be that in the future, they too will come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Let me offer you some encouragement:  It is still the duty of Christians to live a holy life in this world.  We are the salt of the earth; we are the lamp set on a hilltop.  You may not realize it, but the world is watching you, and they judge God by what they see in your life.  I encourage you to take another look at your personal holiness.  Take a look at the words that are coming out of your mouth.  Take a look at what you are watching, reading and playing.  If needed, set aside those things that have ensnared you, so you can be a holy witness for God.

Let me offer you some relief and some strength:   Jesus is our cornerstone, the firm foundation on which we build our lives.  Since he is unshakable, so are we!  This means we do not need to fear the future.  We are like a house built on the rock – we will stand in the storms of life!  

� �

I Peter 1:18-19 – knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.

Although silver and gold are valued commodities in our culture, they are 'perishable' or corrupt.  As such, the only power they posses is the ability to pervert or defile your walk with God by acting as a snare, a temptation or a hindrance to you.  Things that are corrupt do not have the power to purchase or redeem an incorruptible, immortal soul, like yours.

The only commodity that is incorruptible and that has the power to redeem your soul is the sinless blood of Christ.  Knowing and meditating on the fact that God paid such a high price to buy us back should provide powerful motivation for us to live holy lives, revering Father God.

Today, we like to exchange money electronically.� When we are paid, our wages are directly deposited into a bank account.� When we pay our bills, we log onto a computer, push some buttons and move the money around.� We buy things using credit cards.� Many people very seldom, if ever, handle money anymore.� What about you?� Do you still consider money as a real commodity that you touch and handle, or is it just numbers on a screen to you?

In light of this, we need to remind ourselves that the debt we owed and the price God paid for us are not just metaphorical; they are not just entries in some cosmic accounting system.  The debt of our sin was real.  That debt was going to be placed on our backs, and would have resulted in eternal death.  Imagine being dead but never being able to actually die and find relief from pain, sorrow and torment.  Imagine enduring those things (and much worse) forever without ceasing.  This is not just some idea or theory; eternal death because of sin is a reality.

The price that Jesus paid for our forgiveness is also a reality.� God didn't just 'write off' our sin like a bad debt.� The full punishment of our transgression was laid upon our Redeemer.� Jesus, the Lamb of God without spot or blemish, suffered a very real and hideous death to pay the full price of our sin. �

In light of the innocent blood and horrendous suffering that bought our salvation, shouldn't we willingly and eagerly live holy lives to God?  Shouldn't we honor Jesus' sacrifice by turning our backs on sin?  Why would we want to cling to death?

I Peter 1:20 – He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you�

Peter now circles back to his original thoughts in verse 2, specifically, that before the foundation of the world God chose to put in motion a plan where Jesus would be born in the flesh.  He would suffer, die and be raised to life again on the third day.  His blood would atone for the sin of anyone who accepted his sacrifice.  (Peter's Jewish readers recognized that Passover was a foreshadowing of the sacrificial death of Jesus.  This meant that Christianity was not some new religion, but a fulfillment of all the Old Testament promises.)    

The atonement of Christ was not some spur-of-the-moment idea or an afterthought on the part of God.  It was his purpose from eternity, before the foundation of the world and before sin was even a thing!   

Likewise, the timing of this event was perfect in every regard. The birth of Jesus into a body of flesh came at a fixed, appointed time.� So did his death and resurrection.� They mark the final dispensation of time.�

What about you?  Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your birth, you arrived on this plant on the exact day that God ordained for you.  Regardless of what your parents may say, you are not an accident.  You are not a mistake or an afterthought.  God knew you before he knit you together in your mother's womb.  He has purposely placed YOU in the very last dispensation of time – the age of grace.  He has chosen to give you full access to all of the riches of the gift of grace. 

Even now, your spirit should be rising up in praise and worship to God.  What a blessing we have in Jesus!  

I Peter 1:21 – �who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

There is only one way to faith in God.� That way is Jesus Christ who was raised from the dead and glorified by the Father. Without Jesus, we would dread and fear God.� With him, we can approach the Father with confidence, hope and love.

I Peter 1:22 – Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart,

How does one purify their soul?  It is a combined effort between each individual and Holy Spirit. 

Each of us has a part to play in our own holiness.  It is a task that will require purpose and effort. 

This is not really mysterious in any way; this is exactly what we encounter in the natural world.  If you want to be a great golfer, you must study golf, obtain the proper equipment and most importantly of all, you have to put forth effort and practice!  There is no 'magical' effortless way to become a golf pro.  

Holiness and Christian obedience are much the same.� They don't happen 'magically'.� We have to renew our minds with the word of God and apply the truth to our actions.� We must take control over/crucify our flesh and its desires.� We must resist the temptations of Satan.�

However, this process is effective only through the agency of Holy Spirit.� He applies the truth to our minds and makes it alive so that it produces results in our lives.� Every seed has the capacity in itself to produce a harvest.� But without sun and moisture and nutrients, the potential of the seed will not be realized.� In the same way, we have the potential to be holy, obedient people of God, but without Holy Spirit, we will never bring about a spiritual harvest. �

The effect of this influence of Holy Spirit in our lives is to produce love in us, towards all who are Christians.  This love for our Christian family springs up in the soul of every person who has truly been converted; it is certain evidence of salvation.

John 13:35 – By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.

It is likely that Christian love was an issue in the churches of Asia Minor.� The Christian Jews and Christian Gentiles clearly came from vastly different cultural backgrounds.� The Jewish Christians still retained an affection for outward manifestations of religion like dietary laws and circumcision.� These rituals were not necessary for salvation, but many Jews still practiced them because they were a part of their heritage.

Speaking of heritage, consider this:  For hundreds and hundreds of years Jews had been taught that Gentiles were heathen dogs, who had no part in the things of God.  You can see how it would be difficult for this generation to change their thinking and begin to love and accept their Gentile brothers and sisters as equal partners in the kingdom of heaven.   

Meanwhile, the Gentiles Christians would have no patience for what seemed to them to be empty rituals.  They didn't understand why their Jewish brothers were making such a big fuss about things like eating meat sacrificed to idols.  Also, they may have felt that their Jewish brothers looked down upon them, considering them 'step children' of God. 

Only genuine brotherly love, brought about by Holy Spirit could truly take these two vastly different groups of people and meld them together into a single united church under Christ.��� Without this love, the church would be divided. And a house divided against itself will fall (Mark 3:4-26).

Where does this truth leave the church today?  Do we find divisions in the world-wide church of God?  Are the Baptists and the Pentecostals enemies or brothers?  Can the Lutherans and the Anglicans and the Evangelicals and the Methodists love one another and work together for the spread of the gospel?  What about the Protestants and the Catholics?   What role do you play in brotherly love? 

I Peter 1:23 - �since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God;

Those who have been born again have good reason to love one another.  We are part of the same kingdom, under the authority of the same king, partakers of the same privileges, with the same goal in mind – to be more and more like Christ and to bring others into the kingdom.  These things are all produced by the incorruptible seed of the word of God which has sprouted up in the life of every Christian.

I Peter 1:24-25 – for "All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass.  The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever."  And this word is the good news that was preached to you.

Here, Peter quotes from the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 40:6-8).� While the incorruptible seed of God produces eternal life, the corruptible seed of the flesh can only result in death. �

The seed of flesh produces life that is similar to flowers and grass.  For a time, they seem vibrant and healthy, displaying beauty, wealth, and strength.  But these have no hope of lasting.  In a very short time, they will simply wither and fade.  Nothing can make them eternal.

Psalms 103:15-16 – As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.

If we look at the history of the world, we find kingdoms that have risen and fallen.  Ideas that have found favor are subsequently discarded.  Trends in all areas of life come and go.  Youth gives way to the frailty of old age.  Nothing in this world lasts forever. 

But by contrast, that which is produced by the incorruptible seed of the word of God, has eternal DNA.  It will never die or fade away; it is everlasting, fixed and permanent with a glory that will never fade. 

The 'Easter story' – the doctrine of the crucified and risen Christ – is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles, yet it alone is the incorruptible seed of the power of God for salvation to every soul that believes. ��

The gospel never changes.  The blood of Jesus never loses its power.  The redemptive work of Jesus is forever "finished".  The word of the Lord will stand forever.  Life in Jesus is eternal. 

Thus, the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament apostles agree:  Life in Christ, though it come with trials in this world, is the only sure hope for mankind.  Everlasting life comes only through him.  The word of the Lord is a strong foundation that we should greatly desire and diligently seek.   

Let me offer you some encouragement and some relief:

Scripture tells us that God as determined the day of your birth and the day of your death (Psalms 139).  He did this because he as a purpose for your life.  You may or may not know what that purpose is at this point.

If you do know, then I strongly encourage you to pursue that calling and purposes will all your heart and strength.�

If you do not yet know what your purpose in life is, then I encourage you to strongly seek the will of God through the Holy Spirit.  He will reveal to you the plans God has for your life.   

Let me offer you some strength:

The world ebbs and flows; fads come and go, just like flowers bloom and fade. 

But the life that you possess as a child of God is permanent and lasting.  God is a firm foundation, a solid rock upon which you can build every aspect of your life.  When the rains of hardship begin beating down, your life will not falter or fail, because you have built upon Jesus!   

I Peter 1:10 – Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully,

So far in his epistle, Peter is offering words of encouragement and strength to the Christians living in Asia Minor.  He does this by drawing their attention and focus toward salvation and their heavenly reward.  They need this encouragement to endure the trials they are facing.

Having just assured them that their faith would produce salvation, he now begins a contrast between the law and grace.  Why would he do that?

Well, let's picture their situation for a moment.  They are one of the first generations to leave behind the religion they grew up with.  In the case of the Gentiles, they have left idol worship and the belief in multiple gods.  In the case of the Jews, they have left the requirements of the Law/Old Covenant (sacrifices, dietary laws, circumcision, the temple, etc), in favor of a life of freedom under grace/New Covenant. 

This would have been a life changing event for both groups; possibly one that friends and family did not understand or support.� Once they have taken a stand for Christ, they are beset with trials and persecution.� It would be easy for these people to compare life before Christianity (non-existent or relatively low levels of persecution and affliction) with their current situation.� As such, we can see how they might experience a longing for easier times.� They might wonder if their old way of life was better.� They might even wonder if they had made a mistake by giving up the religion of their forefathers.

But Peter is about to stir up their hearts to the truth – Grace is far, far superior to the Law!

Peter begins his discourse with a reference to the Old Testament prophets, who were greatly revered by later generations of Jews. 

Although the prophets spoke about the incarnation and suffering of the Messiah, and the redemption/grace he provided, they did not understand it.  They did not know when Messiah would come.  They did not know who his tormentors would be.  They did not know what the culture or condition of society would be at that time.  They did not fathom that grace would be extended to the Gentiles. 

Clearly, prophesies regarding the Messiah held some great and glorious truths which had not been fully revealed to them.  They plainly saw that the grace which was to come under the Messiah's kingdom was vastly superior to anything that had ever been exhibited under the law.  This created an immense, almost unquenchable desire within the prophets to know what God had planned.    

Thus, they diligently searched and carefully inquired into God's plan.  This language implies that their search was intensive, like searching for grains of gold hidden in mounds of sand.  Any revelation given to them was thoroughly sifted, scrutinized, searched out and prayed over, so that they might gain insight into the grace reserved for those under the rule of the Messiah.

Matthew 13:17 – For truly I [Jesus] say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.�

But they could not understand or comprehend the prophesies, because that revelation was appointed for a future generation – the generation of believers who would live during the age of grace. 

Thus, any doubts the Jews felt about Christianity were dispelled.  There could be no question that the New Covenant of grace was far superior to the Old Testament Law.  There was also no doubt about the validity of the New Covenant; it had been foretold and greatly desired by the most revered prophets of God!

Have you stopped to consider that the grace you and I embrace and live in every single day was a great mystery to those who came before us?� With longing hearts the prophets of God desired to see, hear and understand grace, but they were limited to the law.� What a benefit we all have!� Let's not take it for granted!� We too, should diligent search out the ways of God.

I Peter 1:11 – inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories.

Here we find the particular truths which the ancient prophets were trying to search out.  Obviously, the coming Messiah was the chief subject of their studies. 

Particularly, they were interested to know about his sufferings and the glories that would follow.  Suffering and glory - this is the basis of the gospel message.  Jesus was delivered up for our sins and raised again in glory, sitting at the right hand of the Father.  

From this example, it was clear to the prophets that those who trusted and followed the Messiah should expect the same thing - a time of service and suffering before being received into glory (heaven).  As Peter already indicated to his readers, the time of suffering will be short, but the glory is everlasting.

The Christians of Peter's day could have no greater hope and comfort.  The trials/persecutions/suffering they now endured would not be forever.  They would give way to everlasting glory!   

I Peter 1:12 – It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look.

God honored the deep longing of his prophets.  Holy Spirit revealed to them that these things would not take place in their generation.  However, they could take comfort knowing that God had an appointed time, firm and certain, for the coming of the Messiah and the revelation of grace he would bring. 

In delivering their messages the prophets were serving others, not themselves. �In fact, Christians (those who now live or have lived or will yet live in the age of grace) are reaping the benefits of the labors of the prophets.� Aren't you so awed by God's mighty plan?� Doesn't it make praise rise up within your soul?

Holy Spirit prompted the ancient prophets to speak and write.  The same Spirit filled and empowered the apostles (including Peter) to preach the good news of salvation to the believers of his day.  And in the last 2000 or so years, nothing has changed� Holy Spirit is the same yesterday, today and forever; he is still making the truth of the gospel penetrate the hearts of the unsaved through the preaching of the gospel.  If he wasn't, you and I would not be saved!

Even angels are amazed when considering the great privileges bestowed upon those of us in this age!  The phrase associated with angelic desire - long to look – literally means 'stooping down to see/look'.  The connotation is that of drawing near to something that cannot be seen clearly at a great distance; to draw near and bend down to observe and study the object as closely as possible. 

The angels, much like the prophets, had an intense desire to investigate grace.  They drew near to contemplate it with intense, fixed attention.   After all, angels are not omniscient.    Although they know more about God than we currently do, we have no reason to think they know or understand all of his plans and purposes.  It is reasonable to conclude that angels study manifestations of God's power and purposes in order to acquire more knowledge of God, just as we do.

Albert Barnes, in his commentary 'Albert Barnes Notes on the Bible', says this:

"It is probable, that in each one of the worlds which God has made, there is some peculiar manifestation of his glory and character; something which is not to be found at all in any other world, or, if found, not in so great perfection; and that the angels would feel a deep interest in all these manifestations, and would desire to look into them.��

Our world, therefore, though small, a mere speck in creation, may have something to manifest the glory of the Creator which may not exist in any other. It cannot be its magnitude; for, in that respect, it is among the smallest which God has made. It may not be the height and the majesty of our mountains, or the length and beauty of our rivers, or the fragrance of our flowers, or the clearness of our sky; for, in these respects, there may be much more to admire in other worlds: it is the exhibition of the character of God in the work of redemption; the illustration of the way in which a sinner may be forgiven; the manifestation of the Deity as incarnate, assuming permanently a union with one of his own creatures.

This, so far as we know, is seen in no other part of the universe; and this is honour enough for one world. To see this, the angels may be attracted down to earth. When they come, they come not to contemplate our works of art, our painting and our sculpture, or to read our books of science or poetry: they come to gather around the cross, to minister to the Saviour, to attend on his steps while living, and to watch over his body when dead; to witness his resurrection and ascension, and to bless, with their offices of kindness, those whom he died to redeem."

I Peter 1:13 – Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Therefore – In other words, because of the incredible, unfathomable grace/salvation offered to each one of us, we must�

prepare our minds for action – As fallen humans, our minds are tangled up with the cares of this world and our own vain desires.  As Christians, we must take control of our thoughts and ideas.  We need to keep a steady focus on the race that is set before us, and cast aside any sin that would hinder us from finishing our course and obtaining the prize of eternal life.  

My guess is that all of us could do better in this area.� Here are some things for all of us to consider:

What are you allowing into your mind?  What are you watching, reading, or playing?  Are these things assisting you in your walk with God and building up your desire for salvation, or would you be embarrassed if God showed up while you were reading that book or playing that video game? 

If you want to disentangle your mind from the world and be ready for spiritual action, you have to take control of every thought.� You have to be the doorkeeper of your mind, deciding what can and cannot enter. �

II Corinthians 10:5 – We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ�

One of the weapons of our warfare is the word of God (Ephesians 6:12-18).  You need to know it and have it hidden in your heart so that on the day of battle, you can easily access it.  This only happens when you spend time putting the word into your mind and heart.  How many scriptures can you quote right now?  Do you know where they are located in the bible?  Could you lead a sinner to salvation by using scripture?

According to Paul in Romans chapter 7, the mind wars against the flesh.� Is your mind strong enough to win that victory?� Or do you always/most often give into the desires of your flesh?� Paul goes on to say that the renewing of your mind is the key to winning that battle (Romans 12:2).

Instead of allowing our minds to wander anywhere, let's harness them, and put them to work in the kingdom of God.  Let's practice being sober minded, setting your hope fully on grace – in other words, don't be double minded (James 1:8).  Set your mind fully on Christ and continue to expect all that God has promised, especially the salvation of our souls, which we will receive at the revelation of Jesus Christ, also referred to as his second coming.  If we practice doing these things now, we will be well prepared for any trials, tribulations or persecutions that come our way.

I Peter 1:14-15 – As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.

Here, Peter addresses his readers as children who should be obedient.  This refers back to their salvation.  They are no longer slaves of darkness, but they have been purchased by the blood of Christ and made children of God, and coheirs with Jesus Christ.  Naturally, we would expect children to be obedient to their parents; this same expectation carries over into the spiritual life of a Christian.  God expects us to be obedient to his commands.    

Secondly, Peter instructs his readers to be holy in their conduct.� This is of particular significance to the Gentile converts.� Their idols left them the most abominable examples to follow.� They endorsed all manner of sin, including various forms of sexual gratification, rebellion, mutilation and child sacrifice.� They used to model their behavior after these base false gods, but no longer.

I Thessalonians 4:7 – For God has not called us to uncleanness, but to holiness.

Now that they have been set free by Jesus, and they have entered into the kingdom of heaven, they must model their lives after the true God, who is holy in all his ways.  The same is true for us.

For example, before salvation, we were lovers of our self and the world, we chased after riches and fame, we indulged in personal gratification giving free reign to our passions and lusts, etc.  But now we have put on the 'new man':

Ephesians 4:24 – And that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Do you struggle with holy living?  Holiness is not something that a Christian accomplishes once and for all.  Our minds were renewed when we chose to follow Christ.  But you and I are still living in the flesh, in the midst of a fallen world.  Each day, we must choose how we will act.  We must commit to molding our conduct, so it conforms to holiness. 

Notice the role that our mind plays in holy conduct.  So, just to beat the dead horse yet again, you need to pay careful attention to what you are allowing your mind to dwell on.

The good news is that we are not alone in this.  Holy Spirit, who dwells inside of us, is there to assist.  He will guide us through his word, through our consciences and many other means to help us achieve holy conduct.

I Peter 1:16 – since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy."

This command was very familiar to the Jewish converts.  It is from Leviticus 11:44 (also 19:2 and 20:7) and it was always a command of God to his chosen people. Those who profess to be God's people ought to behave like their God. 

God has separated his followers from the rest of the world.  He consecrated us to himself, making us a holy nation and a royal priesthood.  We are special in his sight.  How then, could we possibly engage in profane, sinful behavior?  Wouldn't that be a slap in God's face; a treachery against the one who has given us eternal life?

I Peter 1:17 – And If you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one's deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile,

Since God is our Father, and he impartially judges the conduct of every man, each according to his own deeds, we need to pay careful attention to how we live in this world.

This presents the Christian with several beneficial truths. 

First, Christians are exiles in this world.  Having accepted Christ, we are citizens of heaven.  We are considered pilgrims or strangers on earth; we are passing through on our way to our true home.

Hebrews 11:13 – These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.

Since this is the case, we should not entangle ourselves too much with the things of this world.  We should lay up treasures for ourselves in heaven, our true home and final destination.

Second, salvation has made us children of God, but we must still remember that God is the judge of all the earth. �His judgments are always just, fair and impartial; God is no respecter of persons.� Since that is the case, you and I need to pay careful attention to the way we live as we pass through to our true heavenly home. We must strive to be holy, as God is holy.

This was a sober reminder to the Jews that they could not count on salvation because they were descendents of Abraham.  It also reminds us that we cannot obtain salvation by having a righteous parent who prays for us, or a Christian family heritage.  Each person will be judged by God according to their own deeds/works. 

The opposite truth also applies – those who have ungodly parents or who come from a heathen family history do not need to worry.  As long as they have accepted salvation through Jesus, they will be saved based on their own life decisions.  What a blessing to be the person who can change your family line into one that is righteous and holy!   

Let me offer you some encouragement:

How do you view trials and tribulations in your life?� Do you see them as punishments for failing God in some way?� While God does sometimes correct his children, not every difficulty in your life is punitive.

The more likely explanation is that God is working through these sufferings to bring about your eternal glory.  Trials have many godly benefits.  They have a way of revealing to us what is truly valuable in our lives.  They teach us to have faith.  They allow us an opportunity to use our spiritual armor.  They keep us close to the Father.  They show us how to work with Holy Spirit to storm the gates of hell. 

So when you face trials, be encouraged.  It means God is working things out for your eternal glory.  

Let me offer you some relief:

Having trouble with holiness?� Keep in mind that it is not an instantaneous event.� It is often a consistent process.� So put the guilt of your failure behind you.� Ask Holy Spirit to reveal ONE area in which you need to change.� Then, renew your mind with the word and work every day to bring that area of your life into holiness.� When you have accomplished that, ask Holy Spirit for your next step. �

Let me offer you some strength:

Do you need a little spiritual strength for your journey?  May I suggest that you take another look at how valuable grace is?  Sometimes, we take grace for granted, because it has always been available to us. 

But look at the bigger picture� the vast majority of the world NEVER had access to it!  Those who knew about it (the ancient prophets and the angels), wanted it so badly they treasured and studied every hint of it that they could lay their hands on. 

And to think that you and I have full, unlimited access to that grace!  So take some time this week to dwell on grace.  Think about the mystery of God consenting to become one with part of his creation.  Think about the ability to be a child of God; an heir with Jesus.  Your relationship with God, through grace, has probably not been duplicated anywhere else in the universe.  If these thoughts don't give you strength in your trials, I don't know what will!

Introduction: WHO:� There has never been any doubt about the authorship of this biblical book.� Obviously, it is the apostle Peter.� He was the leader of the apostles.� He was the one who walked on water, witnessed the mount of transfiguration, received a revelation that Jesus was the Christ, was reluctant to allow Jesus to wash his feet, and at his lowest point, denied knowing Christ.�

But after the resurrection of Jesus and the coming of Holy Spirit, he was filled with power, preached on the day of Pentecost with 3000 being saved, stood up to the religious leaders, helped establish the church, and introduced the Gentiles to salvation.  Eventually, he was crucified (upside down) for his faith. 

WHEN and WHERE:  According to Jewish tradition, Peter spent the last 10 years of his life in Rome.  It is likely that he wrote this book while there, around 60-64 AD. 

WHY:  In his letters, Peter more fully explains the doctrines of Christianity while admonishing his readers to live holy lives.  He also wrote to encourage his readers to stand firm in their faith, especially when facing persecution (5:12).  This widespread persecution was probably incited by Nero, who blamed the Christians for burning Rome.         

Peter addresses his audience as a pastor, who is warm, caring and encouraging to his flock.� He provides practical instructions for how to live in the last days.� As we might expect from a man born and raised as a Jew, he quotes and makes numerous references to the Old Testament, which we will see as we study this letter.

By the time this letter is penned, Peter is older and is a matured man of God.  He will soon finish his earthly race, and we see in this epistle that is mind is focused on the ultimate destiny of all Christians – eternity in heaven with Christ.  

I Peter 1:1 – Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia�

Peter is an apostle - a messenger, or one who is sent forth.  This is the highest office in the Christian church (I Corinthians 12:28).   Peter was chosen for this office by Jesus himself (Matthew 10:2).  He was given the keys to the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16:19) and he was instrumental in establishing the church.  

Because of the authority he carried as an apostle of Jesus Christ, the reader should take heed to the principles and spiritual truths revealed to them by this apostle.� �

Who exactly are those readers?  Back in the day when Peter first wrote this letter, he was writing to Christians that were living away from Jerusalem, in the cities of Asia Minor.  These Christians were a mixture of both Jews and Gentiles.  So he is writing to an audience with a very diverse background – some had a familiarity with the law, while some came from a background of idol worship.  

The Christians of that day were beginning to experience some great persecutions, especially since hatred of Christians was being endorsed by the Roman rulers (Nero and others).  

But at the same time, his letters have very little information pertaining to local or temporary interest; almost nothing particular to that specific time or place.  In fact, his writings have a universal application to all Christians of all ages.  Let's see how it applies to us.      

I Peter 1:2 - �according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood:� May grace and peace be multiplied to you.

While verse one gives us the external condition of these Christians (living in Asia Minor during an age of persecution), verse two gives us insight into their spiritual condition.  They may have been oppressed and despised by the world, but they are held in high esteem by God. 

These Christians (your version may refer to them as 'the elect'), have been sanctified by Holy Spirit.  The terms 'elect' and 'sanctified' were titles borrowed from Jewish culture and law.

One who is sanctified has been set apart from the rest of the world for the special purposes of God.� Under the old law, all Jews were sanctified in the sense that their entire nation was set apart from the rest of the world, to bear the message of God to all people.�

Under the new covenant, Christians are individually sanctified.  We have been called out of the world to be the light and salt of the earth.  We are children of God, co-heirs with Jesus Christ, filled with the Spirit and part of the kingdom of heaven. 

A lot is required of those who are sanctified.  As we will see in this epistle, we are to put away the desires of our flesh and live lives of holiness and purity in our service to God. 

We are also among the elect.  To be elected means to be chosen.  And here we must proceed with caution.  Peter is not saying that God has chosen only certain people to be his children, while others have been excluded. Rather, based on his own plans and purposes, God offers eternal life to each and every person. Each of us must decide to accept or reject his offer.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

God's plan/offer of eternal life through salvation was made 'according to foreknowledge'.� Let's explain that.� Strictly speaking, God has neither foreknowledge nor hind sight, because he is not locked into time as we are.� All things are known to God in the present tense.�

Consider it this way:  Hold out your hand palm up.  Draw a line in the palm of your hand.  That line presents time.  Just as you can see the beginning of that line and the end of that line at the same time, God can see all of time from the beginning to end, right now.  To him, all of time is in the present tense.  He holds time in his hand. 

Foreknowledge, as used here, in I Peter 1:2, refers to the fact that before time began, God made a decision and formed a plan.  He knew what he would do.  Specifically, He fore-ordained the death and resurrection of Jesus who, through his blood, provided a way of escape from sin for all of mankind.  Peter says it this way, in his speech on the day of Pentecost:

Act 2:23 – This Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.

So, just to be clear, 'foreknowledge' refers to the plans of God which he made before the beginning of time, knowing what would happen during time.� 'Elect' refers to people who have chosen to accept the salvation that God offers to everyone. �

Those who choose salvation are sanctified by the Spirit.  So in this one verse from Peter, we find evidence of the Trinity – God the Father planned our salvation, God the Son reconciled us to the Father through his blood, and God the Spirit sanctifies and keeps us one with the Father.

[Side Note:  Your eternal salvation rests on the foundation of the Trinity.  I caution all of my readers to make sure that you do not destroy the foundation of your own safety by denying the deity, power and working of the Holy Spirit.]   

Sanctification by the Spirit begins with the sprinkling of blood.  This is one of those illusions to the law that was very well understood by all the Jewish converts (Exodus 24:8). 

Under the old law, being sprinkled with blood implied two things.  One, something died.  An innocent animal was sacrificed so that the blood could be sprinkled.  Two, the application of that blood to themselves imputed benefits to them.  Depending on the circumstances, the blood covered their sin, made them part of the covenant, set them apart for use by God and/or it cleansed them.   

However, Peter is writing to Christians who are under the new covenant.� So in this case, the sprinkling of blood refers to the death and resurrection of Jesus, our innocent sacrifice, made once, for all of mankind.� The benefits imputed to us by his shed blood are staggering.� They include:

  • Remission of sin (Romans 3:25, I John 1:7).�
  • Justification before God (Romans 5:9).�
  • Sealing of the covenant, as exemplified by communion (Luke 22:20).�
  • Admission to Heaven (Hebrews 10:19).�� �

Once you have been sprinkled by the blood of the new covenant, Holy Spirit begins to reside in your heart and sanctifies you for obedience to Christ. His work of sanctification includes:

  • Renewing our minds so that we understand truth (II Thessalonians 2:13).�
  • Assisting us in crucifying the flesh (Romans 8:13).
  • Producing fruit in our lives (Galatians 5:22-23).

Sanctification by Holy Spirit could be described as a means to an end; through the renewing and purifying influences of the Spirit on our souls, we are able to yield ourselves up to obedience to Christ in all circumstances at all times.�

I Peter 1:3 – Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

God offers salvation to us out of his great mercy.  In other words, we have no right to salvation because of our own merits.  Nothing we have done, or ever could do, would qualify us for this immeasurable blessing.  In fact, God had every right to withhold mercy from us because of our sin. 

But instead, he causes us to be 'born again'.� Just as God is the author of our life in the natural sense, he is also the author of our second spiritual birth/life.� This should always be a subject of gratitude and praise for the Christian. �Never take this for granted.Just as God's mercy is new every day, so our praise of his benefits should arise fresh in our hearts and minds each day.��

Our spiritual life is a living and powerful hope, producing joy, confidence, comfort and peace.  It is the opposite of all that is cold, dead and ineffectual. 

This hope rests upon the dual pillars of the death and resurrection of Christ.� The resurrection was a confirmation of all that Jesus declared while on earth. The justification of our person, the regeneration of our nature, the resurrection of our bodies and our eternal glorification are all benefits given to us through the Spirit based on the resurrection of Christ.� The power of the Spirit that raised Jesus to life (Romans 8:11), also produces life in us (Ephesians 1:17-23).

I Peter 1:4 – to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and unfading, kept in heaven for you,

Let's talk about our inheritance.  Christians are regarded as the adopted children of God, and heaven is part of our inheritance.  It is given to us as proof of God's love for us. 

Any inheritance we have in this world will vanish or be used up.  But the inheritance of God is different.  It is permanent – it will never be used up, taken away, lost or taxed!  It is undefiled and pure – it was not obtained by fraud or dishonesty and it will not cause corruption to our souls (lust, greed, etc). 

We can enjoy our eternal inheritance while still being holy and active in the future service of God. �These riches are appointed to us by our loving and generous Father, and he keeps them for the day when we join him in eternity.�

I don't know about you, but to me, this is good news!  The truths that Peter is revealing here must have been a very great source of comfort and joy to the Christians who were suffering back in his day. 

They can and should also be a tremendous comfort to Christians today.  At the present time you may be experiencing afflictions.  We suffer physical ailments, broken relationships, financial hardships, persecution, unfairness and other forms of suffering.  But this is not our eternal state.  Peter will soon remind his readers that they are living in the last days, and at the end of time, heaven awaits us!     

I Peter 1:5 – who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

The phrase 'being guarded' or 'kept' means to keep as in a garrison or fortress with a military watch, guarding against the approach of an enemy, both day and night.  Peter informs us that God guards/keeps us for salvation.

Notice, that we are not guarded/kept from trials, problems, hard work or afflictions. On the contrary, Jesus informs us that in this world we will have tribulations (John 16:33).  But take heart – these tribulations can only aggravate us in this world.  Comfort, peace and all good things are promised to us in the coming age. 

Our guarded condition consists of two parts.�

The first part is God's almighty power.� If we were to depend upon our own will, strength and resolution we would fall prey to any and every enemy (temptation).� We could never keep ourselves safe from evil or expect to walk the paths of righteousness until we arrive in heaven. �What a blessing to be guarded day and night by the mighty power of God!

The second part is our faith.� God works in partnership with us.� His power will not be exercised on our behalf unless we place our faith in him.� As we steadily adhere to the Christian faith, we are guarded and protected by the mighty power of God; we are preserved unto salvation and eternal happiness which has already been prepared for us.

This salvation will be revealed in the last time.� In other words, it is not a dream or a myth.� It already exists; it has already been prepared for us.� If we could see into the heavenly realm with mortal eyes, we would see it!�

For now, we must be content to view it through our spiritual eyes.  But rest assured - the fullness of our salvation will become evident at the end of this age, when it will be 'revealed', which implies a sudden unveiling.  In a moment of time, God will raise the curtain and instantly display the inheritance which has been kept for us in heaven.

What do you think is waiting for you in the next life?  Are you storing up treasures in heaven, or are you investing in this world? 

I Peter 1:6 – In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials,

The people who originally received this letter from Peter were suffering persecution for their faith.  This may very well have resulted in loss of jobs/business, being social outcasts, inability to purchase goods/services/ land, exclusion from medical care, bodily harm, and other difficulties.  This is the nature of trials.  They tend to travel in groups, rather than singly and they obviously cause sorrow or grief.      

Peter acknowledges their suffering, and offers them hope which would mitigate some of their sorrows.��

First of all, Peter consoles them with the fact that their trials were only for a short season/little while. What did he mean by that statement? 

He wasn't referring to the actual duration/time of their test.  He had no way of knowing exactly how long the trials/persecutions of these Christians would last.  Rather, he was comparing the difficulties of this life to an eternity with God.  Paul expresses the same thoughts in his letter to the Corinthians:

II Corinthians 4:17 – For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison�

 Paul and Peter are in agreement.  Afflictions, even if they last a lifetime, should be considered momentary when compared to the eternal reward waiting for us in heaven. 

Secondly, these afflictions come upon us only 'if necessary'.� Peter gently suggests to suffering believers that although their trials may be grievous, they have a purpose.� You may not see it at the moment, but Peter assures us that these trials are accomplishing eternal good in the life of the believer.�

Think of it this way:  There is a child of about 10-12 years old.  The child does not realize it yet, but he is the heir to a vast empire.  As such, he must be prepared for his coming responsibilities and privileges.  He will be molded/made ready through experience and discipline. 

The Christian can take heart in knowing that trials, afflictions and Godly discipline are a guarantee that our Father is preparing us for an unimaginably great and wonderful future.  We can also be assured that he will never test us more than necessary. 

One commentator has expressed this thought:  'When we have entered on our heavenly inheritance, our surprise will be that God has been enabled to accomplish in us such fitness for it through so few earthly trials'.   

I Peter 1:7 – so that the tested genuineness of your faith – more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire – may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Here we find Peter making another analogy to the Old Testament, which his Jewish readers were sure to understand.� The passage is found in Malachi, chapter 3.�

Peter, like Malachi, compares the testing of the Christian faith to the refining of gold by fire.

Gold is one of the most precious metals.  When subjected to extreme heat in a furnace, all of the impurities are burned away and the pure gold remains.  It will be brighter, purer and more valuable than it was before.

When God sends us into the fires of affliction, our faith is tested.  All that is impure or unrighteous or false is burned away and our pure faith remains.  This faith will be brighter, purer and more valuable than before.  As an added bonus, we find that trials do more than just purify.  They actually establish, improve and multiply the faith they test!   

Through this testing of our faith, God prepares us to fulfill the destiny he has for us in the next realm of life with him.

Your faith is tested so that it may be 'found unto praise' or as our translation puts it, 'found to result in praise'.� This means that our faith, which has been tested, will be found genuine and result in praise or commendation from our heavenly Father.� We will hear him say 'Well done, good and faithful servant'!� Tested faith also results in honor and glory.� Honor is the respect or esteem of another.� Thus, we will be respected or highly esteemed for our faith.�

Jesus will soon appear and when he does, we will meet/appear with him and our graces will be seen.  The more we have been tried in the fire, the more bright we will shine.  Our earthly trials will soon be over, but the glory, honor and praise they produce in us will last for eternity!

I encourage you to dwell on these truths.  They will certainly be a comfort to you, when enduring your trials. 

I Peter 1:8 – Though you have not seen him, you love him.  Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory,

Peter now commends the faith of his readers in several areas.  The first is that they love Jesus, even though they never met him on earth. 

Peter had indeed seen Jesus in the flesh as well as glorified on the mount of transfiguration.  He understood at least part of the glory, wisdom and power of God, because he had witnessed it with his physical eyes.

His readers, however, did not have that benefit. 

II Corinthians 5:7 – � we walk by faith, not by sight.

They saw Jesus through eyes of faith, believing on him through the preaching of the gospel message (John 20:29).  

Is simple belief enough?  Certainly not!  Even the demons believe in Jesus and tremble (James 2:19).  The Christians that Peter is addressing not only believe in Jesus but their belief has brought forth fruit - it resulted in obedience and subjection to Christ, reliance on his power and an expectation of fulfillment of all his promises. 

You and I are in much the same situation.� Although we have not seen Jesus with our physical eyes, we (and untold millions of others) believed in him through the preaching of the gospel message.� Our faith in him has resulted in our obedience to his word and will.� It has resulted in our reliance on his power.� It has resulted in a strong faith that expects fulfillment of all the good promises that God has made to us.�

This kind of a relationship with Jesus results in inexpressible joy and glory.  Think back to the time when you first gave your life to Jesus.  Didn't you feel an incredible joy and peace when the burden of sin was removed from you?  Now that you are a more mature believer with many trials under your belt, can't you still say that joy and happiness are yours through Jesus Christ your Lord?  Can't you truthfully say that true joy comes from your relationship with Him, rather than your outward circumstances?

A relationship with Jesus can offer what is solid, real and permanent which will never disappoint or fade away.  Even though we don't see it today we have the assurance that it will one day be ours.  AMEN!

I Peter 1:9 – obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

The ultimate end, the consummation, the reward of the Christian's faith is the salvation of our soul (and our body).� We can be sure, even now, that we will most certainly receive the salvation promised to us by Christ.� Here then, is even greater reason for inexpressible joy!

Let me offer you some encouragement: 

I know we have heard this before, but the words are not idly spoken – the trials you now face have an eternal purpose.  

Take a second look at the point we made back in our study of Malachi:  God will refine us – he will purge us through instruction, affliction, temptation or any other way that Holy Spirit sees fit, in order to rid us of the grime of sin and make us pure and holy, fit for his service.  This is not a punishment.  It is a growing process that will be for the glory of God and our good.   

Let me offer you some relief:

Trials do not last forever!� When their purpose is complete, God will remove them from your life.

Let me offer you some strength:

God has a close watch on your afflictions and trials.  As we said in our study of Malachi,   God is the craftsman, sitting by the fires of trials and tribulations, with his people in the crucible of life.  He perfectly and skillfully places them into situations that are not too hot (difficult), nor too cold (easy).  He keeps his people in the fire for the exact amount of time needed to burn up their sin and unholiness, then immediately and tenderly removes them to safety, so nothing is lost.  The result is a people fit for service in his kingdom; a people who will rule and reign with him in the next age. 

So be strong in the midst of your trials – they are working out your eternal glory!

Galatians 6:9 – And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Welcome back readers!  We are in the middle of the final exhortations of Paul to the churches in Galatia.  We just examined verses 8-9, in which Paul lays out some very clear and far reaching spiritual principles. 

Paul has revealed to the Galatians that whatever a person sows/plants, that shall he also reap.  We noted that this principle applied to the immediate context of the chapter which was support of the local church.  We also noted that God's laws of sowing and reaping apply to every aspect of life (spiritual and temporal).  Verse 9 applies to both as well. 

Let us not grow weary in doing good - Sometimes, we grow weary.� Let's face it:� There is a lot of opposition to Christian views, ideas and plans.� There are countless people to be won to Christ.� There is an overwhelming need in the world for food, clothing, medical care, etc.� And often there is a lot of ingratitude in those who benefit from our charity.� At times the problems of our day seem so immense and overwhelming, that we can become weary.� We can be tempted to just 'walk away' from the needs of the world and focus on our own lives and families.�

The truth is that if we try to meet these needs within our own abilities, we will fail.  We will certainly become discouraged, run out of resources, lose our patience and simply give up.

But if we walk according to the Spirit, our heavenly Father will make it possible for us to continue in the ways of righteousness.�

  • He has unlimited strength (Isaiah 40:31).�
  • He has unlimited resources (Haggai 2:8, Psalms 50:10).�
  • He has unlimited wisdom for solving problems (I Kings 4:29, Ecclesiastics 2:26).�
  • He is the one who pours out his Spirit to convict sinners and bring them to Christ (John 16:8).� �

And He is eager to give us all that we need to be victorious in this world.

If you are experiencing 'combat fatigue' in your Christian walk, take some R&R time – shut yourself away with God and let him renew you!

For in due season–Again, we find that God's spiritual law is plainly evident in the physical realm.  We all know that if we plant peas, there is a season of waiting before the vegetables are ready for harvest.  If you actually read a packet of garden seeds, it will tell you the approximate number of 'days until maturity', or the average time it takes to reap a harvest. 

So it is with good works/loving our neighbor/doing God's will.� We sow as we are able and as God leads.� We may not see much happening, but we can be sure that God has an appointed time for the harvest to manifest.� That harvest may manifest itself here on earth, or we may not see it until we get to heaven.� But either way, God rewards those who sow into his kingdom.

We will reap if we do not give up – Do you see the significance of this part of the verse?  We are guaranteed a harvest.  In the natural realm, that doesn't always happen.  Any number of factors (drought, floods, extreme temperatures, pests, etc) can rob a farmer of his entire harvest.

But in God's economy, our efforts always produce results.  Every time you pray for revival, seek a move of Holy Spirit, weep before the Lord for the problems of our nation, use your money to spread the gospel, help the needy, love your neighbor, etc, you are sowing to the Spirit. And you WILL reap a harvest, either in this life or the life to come.  The key is not to give up – to stay in faith until you receive the promise. 

The scriptures are full of wonderful examples of this principle.� Let's examine one of my favorites - the case of Caleb.�

As you know, he and Joshua were the only two spies who believed that God would give Israel the Promised Land.  They sowed seeds of faith and victory into their community and into their own lives.  After Israel rebelled against God, it appeared as though Caleb would not reap anything for his efforts.  But, hallelujah, that was not the case!  God preserved Caleb for 45 years, until he could reap his harvest! 

Joshua 14:10 - And now, behold, the LORD has kept me [Caleb] alive, as he said, these forty and five years, even since the LORD spoke this word unto Moses, while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness: and now, lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old.

Can you imagine waiting 45 years for a harvest?  Do you think that Caleb had plenty of opportunities to quit?  To complain?  To become weary?  To be bitter?  To believe he was too old?  You bet he did!

But he didn't give up, and he didn't give in, despite the appearance of his circumstances.  He stayed in faith, knowing that you can never lose a harvest in God's economy – eventually, in due season, you will reap.

Joshua 14:12 - Now therefore give me [Caleb] this mountain, of which the LORD spoke in that day; for you heard in that day how the Anakim were there, and that the cities were great and fortified: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said.

Joshua 15:14 - And Caleb drove out from there the three sons of Anak, Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Talmai, the children of Anak.

Caleb is an excellent example of a person who understood that he would reap his harvest in due season, if he didn't give up.� If you haven't read his story in a while, check it out in Joshua chapters 14-15.� What other biblical examples of 'not giving up' can you think of?� How about some examples in your own life, or the life of someone you know?

Galatians 6:10 – So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

There are several truths apparent in this verse:

God does not expect any one person to meet the needs of the entire human race.  Instead, he will present every believer (including you) with distinct opportunities to do good.

You can expect these opportunities to pop up all throughout your life.  They may come at unexpected times, or in unexpected places, so be on the alert for them, because they are coming!

As we all know, it is possible to miss an opportunity.  For example, the children of Israel missed their original opportunity to take the Promised Land.

Numbers 14:22-23 -Because all those men who have seen my glory, and my miracles, which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness�and have not hearkened to my voice;Surely they shall not see the land which I swore to give unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that provoked me see it:

I am sure that was a missed opportunity that they regretted for the rest of their lives.� I don't know about you, but I don't want any missed opportunities in my life.� So pay attention to the Spirit!� Maintain an intimate, ongoing relationship with him.� If we are living by the Spirit, and we are actively looking for occasions to do good, he will direct us to the specific opportunities that have been set aside for us to accomplish.

Ephesians 2:10 – For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.

Do you remember the New Testament parable of the good Samaritan?� If not, you can refresh your memory in Luke 10:30-35.� In this parable, a priest and a Levite both missed the opportunity to do good to the Samaritan, because they didn't consider him to be their 'neighbor'.� They didn't realize that representatives of God should be doing good to ALL men.�

In our case, we need to be aware that we could be called upon to do good to literally any man or woman on the planet.� This might include an adversary; someone who has belittled, bullied or mocked us for our faith; someone we don't think is deserving of help; someone of the opposite political party; someone with different religious beliefs; an illegal alien; or even a person caught up in sin.� It isn't our job to judge. If Holy Spirit leads you to an opportunity, take it!

When opportunity knocks, don't hesitate – open the door immediately!  If God has spoken to you about doing a good work don't put it off until a time that seems convenient for you, or when it most benefits you, or when you get the most recognition for it.  Timing may be of the essence in the situation; we should always be ready to do the will of God immediately. 

We should especially watch out for opportunities to minister to our Christian brothers and sisters.

Since God has made it our duty to do good to others, he will make sure we have the opportunities to do it – so watch for them. 

Galatians 6:11 (ESV) – See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand.

Honestly, it's kind of funny how the smallest or most obscure verse can cause such a difference of opinion among scholars!

This is one of those verses.  Let's compare the translation above (English Standard Version) with the King James Version:

Galatians 6:11 (KJV) – Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand.

Now, compare the two verses and ask yourself this question:  What does the word 'large' refer to?  Is it the actual size of the writing in the letter, or does it refer to the length of the letter itself?

Apparently, it can be interpreted either way in the original Greek.  But no matter which interpretation you favor, the meaning is substantially the same. 

Paul has written this letter himself.� This was not his normal method of operation.� Usually, he dictated his letters, only signing them at the end (Romans 16:22), or sometimes personally writing the salutation of the letter (1 Corinthians 16:21).

By writing the entire epistle himself, he proves to the Galatians that this letter is genuine.� Not only that, it shows the great care and concern he felt for them.� Let's be honest – Paul has a lot going on in his life.� He bears the responsibility of caring for ALL the churches.� Can you imagine the enormous number of distractions, problems and endeavors he was involved in?� And these were aside from his main duties to travel around, start new churches, preach the gospel and contend with the Jews over the law!� So for him to stop and invest so much time in writing this letter to the Galatians, it is clear that he has a deep love and concern for them and their spiritual welfare.

Also, it should be noted that because Paul wrote this letter with his own hand, it lends extra weight to the importance of what he discussed.  Because he had gone to so much effort to pen this himself, it must be important.  Therefore the Galatians should pay the strictest attention to what he has taught in the letter.  We should do the same! 

Galatians 6:12 – It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh who would force you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.

At the close of his letter, Paul returns to the main evil that prompted him to write to the Galatians.� Namely, false teachers had fooled the Galatians into believing that they must be circumcised and keep the law in order to have salvation.

In his 'closing argument' Paul reveals the true motivations of these teachers.  They are not really concerned with the promotion of true religion or the salvation of others.  Their real motivation is to avoid persecution from their fellow Jews.  If they were to renounce the practice of the law and preach grace alone, they would expose themselves to the rage of the Jews – the same rage that caused the Jews to so furiously and relentlessly persecute Paul. 

Because they did not want any part of that persecution, they attempted to blend the Law with grace in order to keep both parties happy.  This led to the promotion of an evil and unnatural form of religion that robbed the blood of Christ from its true power and led people astray.

Galatians 6:13 – For even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh.

Paul also reveals the hypocrisy of the false teachers.� By adhering to circumcision, they obligated themselves to keep the entire law.� Yet, they are very careless in how they observe it.�

Another reason they want the Galatians to be circumcised (besides avoiding persecution) is so they can brag about how many converts they have made to their false Jewish-Christian sect.  We can't help but notice that they desire to create an outward change in the flesh of these believers, as opposed to an inward change effected by the Spirit.  So while they claim to promote true religion, they are actually enemies of it! 

Galatians 6:14 – But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Paul now contrasts himself with the false teachers.  Unlike them, Paul has no ambition to glory in the Galatians as his converts.  He will boast only in the cross of Christ, which brings justification and salvation to all who believe. 

It is interesting to note that the cross was a stumbling block for most Jews:

I Corinthians 1:23 – But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness;

This is because the Jews attached feelings of shame and ignominy (public disgrace and dishonor; reproach) to it.  Paul, however, rejoices in the cross because the sacrifice made there is the foundation of grace/salvation.

Paul goes on to say that because of the cross, the world has been crucified to him and he to the world.� In this instance 'world' refers to the flesh or desires of this life.�

When Paul accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior, his old nature was crucified with Christ.  He now considers himself dead to the fleshly desires of this world; he no longer cares for them or spends time pursuing them.  Meanwhile, unbelievers who continue to live according to the flesh have no love for Paul because they despise and condemn the doctrine of the cross. 

This is the opposite of what we find in the false teachers.� Their chief concerns were deeply rooted in the world.�� They were interested in the number of followers they could amass, which would in turn earn them glory and privilege in this world.���

Galatians 6:15 – For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.

Under the law, circumcision was essential because it was God's covenant in the flesh of his people.  Those who were not circumcised could not inherit any of the covenant promises. 

But under the gospel dispensation, neither the presence nor the absence of circumcision in the flesh justifies us in the sight of God.  Rather, we are justified or made a new creation (II Corinthians 5:17) by the blood of Christ.  In the book of Romans, Paul refers to this as circumcision of the heart (Romans 2:29).

Galatians 6:16 – And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.

Again, redemption is not through the law (circumcision); it comes through the sacrifice of Christ which makes us a new creation.  We must accept the sacrifice of Christ in order to obtain all the rights and privileges of a member of the family of God.

Any person who walks or lives their life as a member of the family of God will live/walk in the peace and mercy of God.

Notice that Paul refers to Christians as the "Israel of God".� As you recall, the Jews were Israelites simply by virtue of their physical birth.� However, any person (Jew or Gentile) can become a member of the 'Israel of God' or 'spiritual Israel', by receiving and embracing Jesus Christ as revealed in the gospel.�

Galatians 6:17 – From now on let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.

Paul's letter to the Galatians is now coming to a close.  He has fully revealed the mind of God in the matter of circumcision (the law) and settled the controversy between himself and the false teachers. 

Those same false teachers have been a real pain in the neck for Paul – they practically destroyed the Galatian churches, they undermined Paul's authority and they led people astray with their false doctrine.  In short, they created a real mess, which the apostle had to stop and clean up. 

But now, using his apostolic authority, he declares 'enough is enough'.� He calls on the Galatians to return to the pure doctrine of the gospel, to separate themselves from those who led them astray, and to abandon the practice of the law.

Paul says that he bears the marks of Jesus on his body.  In other words, he is telling the Galatians that he already suffered (and continues to suffer) for the cross of Christ.  This was evident in the scars or wounds that he received as a minister of the gospel.  Paul had been beaten, stoned, placed in shackles and otherwise persecuted in a variety of ways.  These marks are proof of the afflictions he has suffered because of the cross; he implores the Galatians not to add to his suffering by abandoning the true gospel. 

Galatians 6:18 – The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers.  Amen.

Paul's closing prayer for the Galatians is that God would pour out his grace upon them; that God would guide them throughout life, strengthen them in their work, and encourage/comfort them in all the trials of life and even in the midst of death.  What a wonderful and affectionate prayer!

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Are you laboring and sowing seed into the kingdom of heaven?� If so, you can be assured that you will reap a harvest – so don't complain, don't worry and most importantly – don't give up!� That harvest is on the way!

Let me offer you some relief:

The Lord has made it our duty to help our neighbors and to do good works.  But before you panic, remember that no one person can help the whole world!  Holy Spirit will bring specific opportunities for ministry across your path.  If we live each day with an attitude of expectancy, we will surely recognize them when they appear. 

Let me offer you some strength:

I may not know you, but my guess is that you are not perfect!  Even though you and I are new creations in Christ Jesus, we still occasionally sin.  We are still sometimes blindsided by our enemy, just like the Galatian Christians were.  But that is not the end of the world.  Like the Galatians, we can be forgiven and restored in our relationship with Christ.  If you have fallen into sin, take it to the cross and leave it there!  Jesus will give you the strength to pick up the pieces and continue in your Christian walk.

Galatians 6:1 – Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.  Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.

This chapter contains the closing comments of Paul to the Galatian churches.  He speaks to them kindly, offering fatherly advice and encouraging them to watch out for each other spiritually. 

Paul plainly states that it is possible for Christians to be 'caught' in sin.  The actual root meaning for the word is exactly that – to be taken unaware or by surprise.

In other words, Christians do not plan to deliberately sin.  They set their hearts to purposely follow Jesus and his ways and to live holy lives that are pleasing to the Father (which is in opposition to walking in the flesh, as discussed in chapter five).

But in the midst of that, it is possible for a Christian to be snared by a sudden or unexpected temptation which they are not prepared for.  There are also cases where a Christian can be caught up in an episode of headstrong passion which leads to sin (we would call it 'the heat of the moment').  Paul is undoubtedly referring to some of the sins mentioned in 5:19-21 of this letter, which we covered in our last post.

When a brother does fall into sin, there are those in the church who can help.  These are the people who are 'spiritual'.  They are believers who have overcome temptations because they walk according to the Spirit.  They are qualified to go along side the transgressor and bring him back to the ways of righteousness.  Paul does not say exactly how this is to be done, but a combination of council, prayer, accountability and changes in action/behavior may all be warranted. 

What Paul does make clear is that this restoration cannot be done in anger or with an attitude of harsh judgment/discipline.  The transgressor is to be restored with an attitude of love, patience and gentleness.  While his/her sin is totally unacceptable, we don't need to martyr them in order to restore them.

The truth is that all Christians are liable to sin; anyone of us could be 'caught' in it at any time. 

I Corinthians 10:12-13 – Therefore let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.  There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man�

Notice that the result we are looking for in these situations is to restore or bring our brother back into his former condition – living in a righteous relationship with Christ as a fully functioning member of the church body.  This is a type of spiritual healing.  If we try to heal through accusation, condemnation or harsh judgment, we are likely to make our brother's injuries worse rather than better!

Keep in mind that our brother has been ambushed by the enemy.  It would be cruel indeed to treat him harshly when he is already suffering.  Rather, we should be moved by compassion and try to restore him with forgiveness.  But again, let us make the distinction that this directive of Paul refers to sins we are inadvertently caught up in.  It does not refer to instances of rebellion when we purposely choose to walk according to the flesh. 

We should be all the more willing to forgive and restore others in a spirit of meekness, when we consider that we too can be ensnared by our enemy and fail in our Christian walk.

Galatians 6:2 – Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

This directive of Paul can be taken one of two ways.

If we interpret it in light of the former verse, then we understand it to mean it is our duty to nurse our fallen brothers back to spiritual health.  If they have fallen into a sin or error and recognize their mistake, their sin is undoubtedly a weight or burden on their soul.  At that point, we should come alongside them to offer comfort, forgiveness and restoration.  We should be there to assist them in accountability, so as to avoid future lapses. 

Alternatively, if we consider this verse to be a new precept or command from the apostle, then we understand it to mean that we should sympathize with our Christian family anytime they are under a trial or affliction. 

Romans 12:15 – Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.

This would include seasons of financial hardship, illness, bereavement, etc. Perhaps his instructions can best be interpreted as a mandate for us to support the family of Christ at all times! 

When we support each other and help bear one another's burdens, Paul says we are fulfilling the law of Christ.  We cannot help but notice that he uses the phrase 'law of Christ' very strategically. 

Remember, the overall problem in Galatia is that some Christians have been led astray by false teachers, who have added the observance of Mosaic Law into the practice of Christianity.  But Paul has made it very clear that the grace of the gospel message does not include observance of the Mosaic Law.  The "law" that Christians need to observe is the one that Jesus gave us:  The law of loving one another/loving our neighbor. 

John 13:34 – A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:  just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

There is no way on earth that a person could fulfill the requirements of the Mosaic Law.  But Paul indicates that the law of Christ – the law of love – can indeed be fulfilled as we bear one another's burdens and assist each other in our Christian walk (Romans 15:1-3). 

Galatians 6:3 – For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.

Paul is still cautioning believers to exercise tenderness and compassion towards brothers or sisters that have fallen into sin.  He now particularly cautions the rest of the body to beware of the sins of pride and conceit.  He intimates that having a high opinion of ourselves will cause us to judge/condemn others without pity or compassion and make it impossible for us to restore them to the body. 

So, let's ask ourselves this important question:  What causes a person to think they are something, when they are really nothing?  Where does that pride come from?

The root of this pride can be found in the comparison of ourselves to others.  Let's consider an example.  Suppose that a fictitious Christian name Alice looks at the life of another fictitious Christian name Bertha.  Alice notes that Bertha has committed several sins which she considers to be 'big sins' such as murder and grand theft.  Alice then looks at her own life.  She determines that her own sins are 'small sins' such as lying or gossiping.  So, when she compares herself to Bertha, she considers herself to be a superior Christian.  She further determines that because of her superior spiritual walk, she would NEVER commit the 'big' sins of murder or theft.  By comparing herself to others, Alice is opening the door for spiritual pride and deception to enter her life. 

We further note that Alice has used faulty logic to reach her conclusion.  The truth is that sin is sin.  All sin is repulsive in the sight of God, regardless of how harmless we consider it to be.

  • The truth is that ALL of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and ALL of us are saved by the grace of God alone (Ephesians 2:8). 
  • The truth is that any one of us is capable of committing any sin (including murder) given the right set of circumstances.
  • The truth is that when we give an account of ourselves before God, there won't be any comparisons with others.  We will be judged by our own stewardship (Romans 14:12). 

So, if we want to do any comparing, we need to compare ourselves to Christ alone.  When we do, we will realize just how sinful we are.  This will dispel any false notions of pride that we may have about ourselves. When we consider the reality of our own sinful state, it puts us in a position to restore our fallen brothers/sisters in a spirit of meekness and humility. 

Galatians 6:4-5 – But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.  For each will have to bear his own load.

Personally, I prefer the King James Version of this verse:

"But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.  For every man shall bear his own burden."

Examine your own life!

Rather than comparing himself to others, each Christian needs to examine his own life and conduct in light of the word of God.  If he finds that he is on the right path, that the Spirit is producing fruit in him, that he is being made over into the image of Christ, and he has a sure assurance of heaven, then he has a true reason to rejoice.  He has found a source of pure joy in his life. 

Because the source of this joy/rejoicing is within himself, it cannot be taken away.  No matter what may happen in his life, the enemy cannot rob him of this joy.  Neither can the opinion (good or bad) of others affect it.

On the other hand, if a Christian finds joy by comparing himself to others, then his joy is always dependent on the outcome of that comparison.  He can be joyful only when others approve of him and he will certainly be miserable when they disapprove of him.  His joy/rejoicing is subject to change as often as the fickle opinions of man change.

We should never forget that each of us will 'bear our own load' or reap the rewards/judgments of our own actions in this life, regardless of what others do.

Galatians 6:6 – Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches.

It is quite likely that there were a number of false teachers circulating among the Galatian churches.  Once they found out that they had been deceived, the Galatians' love for the word of God and ministers of the gospel had naturally grown cold.  In response, they stopped giving offerings to the church. 

While this was understandable, it had to change.  There were many true gospel preachers ministering to the flock of Christ, and they relied on the support of the church.  So Paul now exhorts the Galatians to perform this part of their Christian duty;   good and faithful pastors/ministers should be financially supported by those they minister to. 

As for those of us who benefit from their teaching, let us remind ourselves that no earthly sum can make up for what we receive in the spiritual realm from these men and women of God, who have dedicated their time to the work of the gospel.  It is only fitting that we share in their support.

Galatians 6:7 – Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

This particular exhortation from the apostle is very weighty and complex.  But first and foremost, it must be interpreted in the context of the chapter, which is the financial support of ministers. 

Here is the situation:

  • It was the duty of the Galatian Christians to support their local church and ministers.
  • Some of the Galatian believers apparently chose to stop or withhold their financial support. 
  • These people no doubt provided a lot of seemingly plausible excuses for this action to their fellow brothers and sisters in the church.
  • These excuses may have included things like:
  • I have bills to pay. 
  • I need to save for retirement. 
  • I am going to buy a house. 
  • Times are uncertain. 
  • I don't want my money to support false teachers. 
  • Etc, etc, etc.

In the eyes of their fellow Christians, these excuses seemed legitimate. 

Here is the problem: 

While these excuses seemed legitimate to their fellow brothers and sisters, they were unacceptable in the eyes of God.  So, this is how the Galatians deceived themselves:  They believed that their excuses exempted them from doing their duty before God. 

What is the meaning of 'God will not be mocked'?

To mock means to imitate or mimic in sport or contempt.  We are all familiar with this definition.  But the word also means to disappoint the hopes of; to deceive or tantalize.  So while these Christians convinced their fellow brothers and sisters that they had no resources to help support the ministry, they could not fool God in the same way.  They could not mock or deceive him.

Why were their excuses unacceptable to God?

Well, let's examine the thoughts and motivations of the Galatians.  As we have already established, it was their duty to financially support the ministers of their local church, but for various reasons, they stopped doing their duty.  In their eyes, giving money to the church was like putting it into a black hole – it just vanished.  In their opinion, they received nothing in exchange for it.  They truly believed that whatever they gave to the church was lost to them.  Therefore, they simply weren't going to give anymore; they were going to keep their resources for themselves.

But they overlooked the most fundamental truth of supporting the gospel:� We give to God, not to man. �The gospel is to be supported through the tithes and offerings that God has instructed us to give to him. ��

Malachi 3:10 - Bring you all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and test me now in this, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

This truth has some pretty far reaching consequences and rewards.

Because we give to God and not to man, we don't need to be devastated if a false minister misuses some of that money.� Obviously, we can and should do all we can not to be fooled, but it may just happen on occasion.� But even in those instances, our conscience is clear and our reward is sure, because we gave to God in faith.� If that other person stole or misused the money, he stole it from God; and God will deal with him.� This was probably one of the main concerns of the Galatian Christians. ����

Because we give to God and not to man, we don't need to fear that we will not have enough for our personal needs.� It is true that you are to be a wise steward over what you have.�� But even if we make some bad financial decisions, we can count on our heavenly Father to help us.� God is Jehovah Jireh, our provider and he is more than capable of making sure our needs are met.� When we honor him with our obedient giving, he makes sure we have enough to meet all our needs.

I will personally testify to you right now, that this is true!  My spouse and I have always tithed and God has always provided everything that was needed, without exception.  I could give you example after example, if time and space allowed!  But let me leave you with this thought: Try it yourself.  If you do not pay tithes into your local church, speak to God about it and begin to give.  Watch and see what happens!   

Because we give to God and not to man, God's laws of sowing and reaping apply to what we give.�

Luke 6:38 - Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your lap. For with the same measure that you measure it shall be measured to you again.

As you are probably aware, entire books have been written about the implications of the verses we have just mentioned.  Obviously, we can't examine them at length in this blog post.  But I hope that I have stirred up your memory and your curiosity in regards to this subject.  I encourage you to do some further reading and research.

In the meantime, know this:  Supporting the gospel is not throwing your money into a black hole.  It is sowing seed which will result in a harvest, for both you and the kingdom of heaven.  Please remind yourself that when you support the gospel, you are giving to God, not man.  And God will always reward you.  

Now, we cannot move away from this verse without noting that while Paul used this truth in the immediate context of supporting the church, it is a spiritual principle which applies to every aspect of life.  

In other words, if you plant corn seeds, what do you get – obviously, a harvest of corn (Genesis 1:11-12, 21, 24).�

If you sow mercy and kindness, what do you get in return?� That's right – mercy and kindness for yourself (Matthew 5:7)! ��

God's laws of sowing and reaping cannot be overturned (Genesis 8:22).� So consider carefully where you are sowing your time, attention and resources.� Carefully consider the values and principles you are sowing into your children and grandchildren.� Give heed to the seeds you sow with your mouth!

Galatians 6:8 – For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

Again, the laws of sowing and reaping apply here.  A man who sows or invests all that he has in this life without any regard for the next, will indeed gather fruit corresponding to the seed he has sown.  He may reap immense personal wealth and every good thing found in this life.  But these things are corrupt and temporary.  They are tainted with sin and will soon pass away.  The man who sows to his flesh will have nothing in the next life. 

What are you planting?

But the man (or woman) who sows seed into the kingdom of heaven will reap a reward both now and in the next life.  They will harvest riches that can never rust, fade away or be stolen (Luke 12:33-34). 

Paul is probably also making an overall conclusion to his earlier teaching.  Circumcision of the flesh (any attempt to keep the law) is futile.  Those who sow into this system will reap corruption/death, because they cannot keep the law.  But those who are circumcised in the heart by the Spirit of God will certainly reap eternal life through the blood of Christ. 

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Back in the book of Genesis, Cain asks the question, "Am I my brother's keeper?"  (Genesis 4:9).  The real answer to his question is 'yes'.  When one of our brothers or sisters in Christ falls into sin, it is our job to meekly come along side them to assist in their restoration to the body of Christ. 

This is an important function of the church which requires time, effort, patience and love.  If you are presented with an opportunity to restore a brother or sister, I encourage you not to turn away from it.  It is a work that will be well pleasing to God. 

Let me offer you some relief and strength:

In this post, we talked about the laws of sowing and reaping.  Maybe you haven't sown the best seed into your life.   But that doesn't mean your situation is hopeless.  Cry out to God in prayer.  Renounce the bad seed that you have sown with your mouth, your actions and your attitudes.  Then begin the process of sowing good things into your life.  Here is a promise that you can stand on:

Joel 2:25 - And I [God] will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, and the consuming locust, and the cutting locust, my great army which I sent among you.

If you are alive and reading this blog right now then it is NOT too late to begin sowing seeds in the kingdom of heaven!  So get started today!




Galatians 5:15-17 – But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another.  But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.

In verses 14-15, Paul was admonishing us to love our neighbors as ourselves as opposed to biting and devouring one another.  In other words, we should not be contending with one another or pitting ourselves against each other.   

It appears as though this was a problem among the Galatians.  They were full of pride, anger, slander, envy and ill will towards each other.  They were doing the exact opposite of loving their neighbors as themselves!

This approach to life has some serious consequences.  As the Galatians oppose each other, they 'devour' their opponent's mental health, physical health, character, peace and resources.  Meanwhile, their opponent is doing the same thing to them; they are destroying each other. 

If Christians are busy fighting each other, how can they unite together to fight against Satan?  How can they focus on winning souls for Christ?  How can they love and disciple new believers?  The obvious answer is - they can't!  This was a very real problem for the Galatians.  It is also something we need to guard against today.

If we fight against each other, we make Satan's job easy – he can just sit back and watch us destroy ourselves.  But if we are willing to overlook offences and stay unified in the Spirit, we can win the world for Christ!   

Ephesians 4:2-3 - With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Maintaining Christian peace and unity takes effort.  Here's why:  Each one of us has a constant struggle between our flesh and our spirit.  Our flesh, the fallen, carnal part of our being, is constantly opposing all of the righteous, holy things that our Spirit longs to do.  By the same token, our Spirit, which has been made new through Christ, strives to take authority over all the ugly sinful things our flesh desires to do.   As long as we are in this world, we can expect to deal with this struggle. 

Now that we recognize the problem, what can we do about it?

Paul gives us the answer.  If we will walk by the Spirit, we will not gratify our fleshly desires. 

Holy Spirit himself dwells in the hearts of all Christians.  He is standing by to guide and assist us in subduing our flesh.  For our part, we must set our will to act under his guidance and influence.   This is not a one-time thing.  We need to practice living our lives under his direction every day. 

Here is a promise we can cling to:  While walking by the Spirit will not completely remove the pull of our own corrupt nature, it will keep us from fulfilling the lustful desires that seek to overtake/dominate us.  

So feed your Spirit, not your flesh.  Read the word.  Pray in the Spirit and with your understanding.  Ask the Spirit to help you make important decisions in your life.  Then do what he recommends!

Galatians 5:18-19 – But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.  For sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not under the law, but under grace.

If the Galatians will return to the true gospel message of grace in Christ and permit themselves to be influenced or governed by Holy Spirit, he will lead them into a state of freedom and holiness that they could never obtain under the law. 

Believers who live according to the leading of the Spirit find the desire, will and ability to choose righteousness over the lusts of the flesh.  What we cannot do in our own power, Holy Spirit makes possible through his power.

Again, if we walk according to the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lusts of our flesh (fallen nature).

Galatians 5:19 – Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality,

Having made the distinction between walking in the Spirit and walking according to the flesh, Paul now tells the Galatians how they can be assured which path they are on.  All they need to do is examine the fruit that is being produced in their lives, because the scripture tells us that 'by their fruits you shall know them' (Matthew 7:16-20) 

There is no need for us to define the specific terms Paul uses here in verse 19.  We are all familiar with sexual sins.  Sadly, they are rampant not only in our society, but in the church as well.  Those who practice these sins are walking in the flesh.  They are not being led by the Spirit. 

If you are among the Christians who practice sexual immorality in thought, word or deed, I beg you to stop and consider what you are doing. 

These types of sin do tremendous damage to you and those around you.  They kill healthy relationships, wreck marriages and destroy families.  They can bring physical illness and financial hardship.  They certainly bring emotional damage to everyone involved.   They put a wedge between you and the Lord; by entertaining these things in your life you prevent the Lord from blessing you. 

In fact, the bible declares that God chastises or corrects his children.  That's what you are setting yourself up for when you live in sexual sin.  But don't take my word for it; search the scriptures.  See what they reveal about the life of King David.

Even though David was a child of God, he chose to walk according to his flesh.  As you well know, he fell into sexual sin with Bathsheba, wife of Uriah the Hittite.  Then, instead of confessing his sin and repenting, he tried to cover it up.  When that didn't work he actually committed murder in an effort to hide his sin.  Did God bless David for that?  No, he did not!  God had to bring correction/punishment to him.

2 Samuel 12:10-11 - Now therefore the sword shall never depart from your house; because you have despised me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife.  Thus says the LORD, Behold, I will raise up evil against you out of your own house, and I will take your wives before your eyes, and give them unto your neighbor, and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this sun.

David's sin had physical, emotional and financial consequences for his entire family and his kingdom too.  If you are a child of God and you are choosing to live in the realm of sexual sins thinking that God is okay with that, you are wrong.  God will withhold blessings from you and bring loving discipline to your situation. 

You also need to ask yourself what kind of a testimony you are presenting in front of others.  The prophet Nathan said that David's behavior gave "great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme" (2 Samuel 12:14).   

When you claim to be a child of God but live in rebellion to his commands, what are you telling the world about your Lord?  Aren't you really saying that God doesn't take sin seriously or that he judges unfairly?  Aren't you mocking his mandates for personal holiness?  Aren't you telling the world that they have no real need to repent? Aren't you, like David, giving the world a reason to blaspheme the Lord? 

Consider this:  When Jesus confronted the woman caught in adultery, his final words to her were very specific:

John 8:11 - � Jesus said unto her, neither do I condemn you: GO AND SIN NO MORE.

Listen, I am not trying to condemn you.  Believe me, I have my own sins to consider! I just want to give you a loving warning – live by the Spirit.  Get rid of sexual sins in your life. 

Galatians 5:20-21 – idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these.  I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Again, Paul is admonishing the Galatians to examine the fruit in their lives to determine whether they are walking by the Spirit or by the flesh. 

Idols/idolatry:  Idolatry originally meant the worship of idols, or the worship of false gods by means of idols.  Eventually, among the Old Testament Hebrews it came to mean worship of any false god by images or any other means.

Some of the most common idols were items found in nature such as trees, rivers or animals.  Specific idols/false gods that fall into this category include Dagon, Beelzebub, Ashima, Nibhazz, Ashtaroth, and the golden calves at Bethel.

The worship of heavenly bodies was also a common form of idolatry.  Examples would include worship of the sun (Ra), the moon (Luna or Astarte), Venus (goddess of beauty), Mars (god of war and husbandry), etc. 

Worship of these idols often included such practices as giving them offerings made by fire, pouring out drink offerings to them (libations), giving them tithes or first fruits, setting tables of food before them, kissing the idols or blowing them kisses, stretching out their hands in adoration, kneeling or prostrating before the idol, dancing before or around an altar which was sometimes accompanied by cutting themselves with knives, offering their children as sacrifices, sexual orgies, etc.

Now, I know what you are probably thinking – "I haven't bowed down before a golden calf today, so this does not apply to me."  But don't be too hasty in your conclusions. 

Ultimately, in the New Testament, idolatry came to mean not only giving a creature the honor and devotion which belongs to God alone, but giving any human desire precedence over God and his will (I Corinthians 10:13-14, I Peter 4:3).

Colossians 3:5 - Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry:   

There are actually many modern day idols such as sports, money, entertainment, our spouse/children, hobbies or even work!

Take a moment to examine yourself and your life.  Do you have hours and hours to spend making money, but no time to pray for 20 minutes a day?  Are you so busy and involved with your hobbies that you can't hear Holy Spirit nudging you towards good works?  Do you ever go an entire day without praising God and reading his word?  Do you walk right by hurting people because you are completely focused on your own agenda?  If so, you may have an idol.  If you have an idol, you are walking according to the flesh, not the Spirit.   

Sorcery or witchcraft: The Greek word used here is the same word from which we get the word 'pharmacy'.  It refers to medicine, poison or magic potions.  It also includes the practice of magic arts or enchantment, because the 'potion' was generally administered along with some kind of magical incantation which invoked assistance from evil spirits.   

The main focus of sorcery is to achieve something you want.  You might desire for a particular person to love you, to be healed of a disease, to obtain something you covet, or the death/destruction of an enemy. 

By using sorcery, you show a willingness to get what you want by acting apart from God's principles (true religion).  You are willing to use fleshly, carnal or evil means to get what you desire; even partnering with demons.

If the Galatians are practicing sorcery, they are not walking according to the Spirit. 

Again, you might be saying to yourself, "No problem here.  I haven't sacrificed a goat in the middle of a pentagram today."  But don't be too hasty to reach this conclusion! 

At its most basic level, sorcery is actually a distrust of God and adherence to a false religion.  It represents our efforts to manage our own affairs, because we don't believe that God can (or will) take care of us.  Just like idolatry, sorcery is a form of elevating our desires over God's will for us.

For example, let's suppose there is a job opening at your work place.  It would be a promotion for you; this position would give you more money, more opportunities and more authority.  There is nothing wrong with your desire for that job.  There is nothing wrong with putting your best foot forward and praying to receive it. 

But if you start doing things like spreading rumors about the other applicants, or 'calling in favors', or threatening to quit, or plotting and scheming, etc, what are you doing?  In essence, you are elevating your own desires to the forefront, even if they conflict with God's principles or his will for you.  By your machinations, you are saying that you don't believe that God can/will grant you this promotion; you don't trust him to give you what is best for you.  You are unwilling to accept his providence in your life. 

Elevating our own desires above God and his will for our life (idolatry) or using carnal powers to manage our own affairs outside of the principles of God (sorcery) are indications that we are walking according to the flesh, not the Spirit.         

Enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness and orgies:  What do these things have in common?

  • They indicate that we are walking in the flesh. 
  • They are pleasing to Satan and offensive to God. 
  • They defile your body and darken your soul. 
  • They bring shame to religion and the gospel message.
  • They furnish irrefutable proof of the depravity of fallen man; they are the works of human nature when left to its own devices. 
  • They declare, with absolute and utter certainty, that the human heart must be changed or it cannot be saved.

This was true for the Galatians and it is true for us.   

Our hope of salvation lies not in our human ability, but in the shed blood of Jesus which alone can atone for our sin and make us righteous in the sight of God.  Through the ministry of the indwelling Spirit of God, we can reject these fruits of sin and instead produce fruits of righteousness.       

Galatians 5:22-23 – but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Interestingly, the virtues Paul enumerates here are not the result of our own hearts, even after they have been renewed.  They are attributed to only one source – the operation of Holy Spirit in our lives. 

We are not going to simply examine the definitions of these graces.  You can look them up yourself, if you are unfamiliar with them.  Instead, let us draw some general truths which we can apply to our own lives.

Growth in grace and holiness is the best security against fulfilling the desires of the flesh.  As Paul indicated, if you want to avoid sin, the best way to do that is to walk daily in the Spirit.

If you desire to constantly walk in the Spirit, you should strive to avoid whatever grieves him.  Instead, bend your will to his; yield to godly promptings.  Lean into Holy Spirit's guidance and teaching.

Anyone who owns a fruit tree understands that fruit is the highest form of development or achievement for that plant.  All the parts of the tree (roots, leaves, branches) are engineered for a single purpose – to produce that piece of fruit.  The production of fruit indicates a state of maturity. 

So it is with the Christian.  To have the fruit of the Spirit produced in our lives is the highest form of development we can achieve here on earth.  It indicates a state of maturity in our Christian walk.  It is the final result of all the circumstances that God has engineered in our lives.  If our roots are truly in Christ, fruit will be produced in our lives.  

Fruit does not instantly spring forth from a tree.  It grows slowly over time.  Likewise, the fruit of the Spirit grows in our lives little by little over time.  A good indicator is to ask yourself this question:  Do I have more peace (or joy, or patience, or kindness, etc) today than I did six months ago?  Or a year ago?  If your answer is 'yes', then the Spirit has been working in your life.

Not all fruit grows at the same rate of speed.  Lemons may take longer than peaches, which may take longer than plums.  You may find that the Spirit quickly produces faithfulness in your life, while self control may take a bit longer.  This is not reason to despair.  Holy Spirit will continue his work in your life until the day when God calls you home. 

Galatians 5:24 – And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 

Those who are true disciples of Christ have crucified, subdued or to some degree mortified their fleshly corruptions/carnal lusts and sinful passions.  It cannot be done once and for all, but is a daily way of life to those who are controlled by the Spirit. 

Although our fallen nature will not be completely removed until the next life, it has no right to exercise dominion over those who are found in Christ. 

Galatians 5:25-26 – If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.  Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

If the Spirit of God lives in us, and we willingly partner with him, he will manifest himself through our actions, attitudes and words. 

The world will know that we are Christians by the life they see us living.  We will be a light to the world, drawing them to freedom in Christ.  

Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

We should all be on our guard against pride and envy, which drives a wedge between brothers and dishonors the name of Christ.  

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Each one of us has a constant struggle between our flesh and our spirit.  We can't completely remove the influence of our fallen nature, but we can drastically lessen its effects.  We do this by feeding our spirit, not our flesh.  I encourage you to make time for spiritual disciplines including bible reading, prayer, intercession for the lost, witnessing and even fasting. 

Let me offer you some relief:

As a Christian, you should see evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in your life.  But don't make the mistake of comparing your fruit to that of another.  God has created each one of us as individuals, and Holy Spirit works with each one of us individually in the production of his fruit.  You may have a very easy time cultivating bushels of gentleness, while it takes me a very long time to even produce a bloom!  The key is to compare yourself to yourself – make sure that over time, you see growth in your life. 

Let me offer you some strength:

Perhaps you have some things in your life that need to be pruned away, like the sexual sins we spoke about earlier.  That can be very difficult to do as they involve another person.  But let me assure you, if you begin to bring this issue before God, and you truly want to repent and change, God will give you the wisdom and strength to properly deal with your situation. 

I suggest that after a season of prayer, you seek wise council from a pastor or elder at your church.  They can give you practical direction on how to break off sinful sexual relationships with as little damage as possible to your partner and those around you.



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