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Matthew 16:1 – And the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and to test him they asked him to show them a sign from heaven.

This is the second time that the religious leaders had asked for a sign.  They wanted some kind of sign that was in the sky; perhaps like Samuel calling down rain and thunder (I Samuel 12:16-18) or Isaiah asking God to move the shadow back 10 degrees on the dial of Ahaz (Isaiah 38:8). 

As we discussed before, God is not opposed to signs.  However, they are not substitutes for wisdom gained through the bible or time spent in prayer.  They are not substitutes for hearing God speak directly to you (scripture says that every child of God can hear his voice).  If a sign is still desired after these avenues have been exhausted, then the request must come from a pure heart with a true inward desire to know and understand God's leading.

This was not the case with the religious leaders.  They were more or less issuing Jesus a challenge, hoping that he would fail and be exposed as a fake in front of the people.

Besides, what could be more stupendous than the miracles of healing and provision that had already been manifested? 

Matthew 16:2-3 – He answered them, "When it is evening you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.'   And in the morning, 'It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.'  You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times."

There are certain indications by which the people of that day could judge the weather, namely the color of the sky. 

Likewise, there are indications by which they should have easily recognized Jesus as the Messiah.  These were not ignorant heathen; these were God's chosen people who had studied and kept the covenant for generations!  So why didn't they recognize the signs of the Messiah?

They missed 'the time of their visitation' (Luke 19:44) because they willingly hardened their hearts and shut their eyes to the truth. They were excessively focused on the rituals of this earthly life, while being blind to the true spiritual aspect of their relationship to God.

Do you think the people of this generation are blind to anything?  Here is something to think about:  There is much division in the church over the role of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life today.  Many different doctrines have been taught to people over the years.  What were you taught regarding the role of the Holy Spirit in today's world?

If there is any question about the Holy Spirit's operation in your life, I urge you to seek God in prayer about this issue, with an open heart and mind.  If you do, God will reveal the truth to you.

Matthew 16:4 – "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah."  So he left them and departed.

We have already studied the sign of the prophet Jonah, back in Matthew chapter 12.  You can review that material, if you need to.

Jesus rebuked the people of his day, because they did not stop and take the time to carefully examine the evidence that was plainly presented to them.  They should have compared the works of Jesus to the evidence given to them by the Old Testament prophets, then humbly taken their conclusions to God in prayer, asking for confirmation.  Had they done so, the truth would have revealed itself.

What about you?  Have you given any thought to the claims of Jesus?  Do you believe he is the Messiah who came to forgive your sin, if only you will ask him?  Or are you too, ignoring the signs around you?

Is it possible that you are you a person who is happy to go to church each week, and be in the company of true believers, but you haven't yet made a commitment of your own to Christ?

If this describes you, or if you are not sure, I encourage you to examine the evidence for yourself.  Look at the Christians around you.  They will testify of the love, peace, provision, wisdom, protection, joy and strength that God gives them every day. 

Compare this evidence to what you see in the scriptures.  You will soon come to the conclusion that God is surely alive and well on planet earth, and that he wants to forgive your sin and be Lord of your life!

Matthew 16:5 – When the disciples reached the other side, they had forgotten to bring any bread.

Jesus and his disciples left the eastern side of the sea of Galilee and sailed over to the western side.  When they arrived at their destination, they quickly realized that they did not take a sufficient amount of food with them (Mark 8:14 indicates that they had a single loaf of bread).

Matthew 16:6-7 – Jesus said to them, "Watch and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees."  And they began discussing it among themselves, saying, "We brought no bread."

Leaven is noun.  It refers to a substance (typically yeast), that is used in dough to make it rise.  Leaven is also a verb.  When used this way, it is defined as "a pervasive influence that modifies something or transforms it".

As you already know, leaven is invisible after you mix it into dough.  But after just a couple of hours, you can see that it has spread through the whole batch of dough, and caused a change or transformation.

Let's look at the spiritual truth that this demonstrates. 

Jesus and his disciples had just interacted with the religious leaders, who were asking for a sign from heaven to confirm that Jesus was the Messiah.  In so doing, they clearly demonstrated their lack of spiritual discernment.  They stubbornly clung to their own spiritual blindness by continuing to deny that Jesus was the Messiah.  As your recall, these men were the spiritual teachers of Israel.  The nation in general revered and trusted them.  The people relied on them to correctly explain and interpret the covenant.

So we have a group of popular, revered and trusted teachers, who are actually without any spiritual knowledge or understanding at all!  Their unbelief, pride, hypocrisy and public rejection of Jesus was like an evil leaven that was diffused far and wide, and trickled down to all ranks and classes of the Jewish nation.  As such, it was very dangerous indeed, for if left unchecked or unchallenged, their pervasive influence of unbelief would modify or transform the nation, causing them to reject Jesus as the Messiah.  As we look back, we can see that this is exactly what happened!

Matthew 16:8-10 – But Jesus, aware of this, said, "O you of little faith, why are you discussing among yourselves the fact that you have no bread?  Do you not yet perceive?  Do you not remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many baskets you gathered?  Or the seven loaves for the four thousand, and how many baskets you gathered?

Once again, the disciples have failed to grasp that Jesus is speaking in spiritual terms.  This is not the first time they missed it.  In John 6, they did not understand that Jesus was the bread of life.  In John 4, they did not understand that Jesus had spiritual food to eat (accomplishing the will of the Father), etc. 

It is interesting to note that the gospel writers must have given accurate and true accounts of the events they witnessed, because if they were altering events in any way, they would surely have made themselves look less foolish and ignorant!

Matthew 16:11-12 – How is it that you fail to understand that I did not speak bout bread?  Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees."  Then they understood that he did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

The disciples had been with Jesus for a long time now.  They were well acquainted with his style of preaching and teaching.  They knew that Jesus took earthly examples and used them to teach spiritual principles about the kingdom of Heaven (parables).

Jesus always explained to them the spiritual aspects of the parables he gave to the crowds.  They, of all people, should know to look for the spiritual meaning, not the literal physical meaning of Jesus' words.  After Jesus scolds them, they stopped to think for a moment and finally understood what he meant.

Matthew 16:13 – Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"

Jesus and the disciples move on to the region of Caesarea Philippi, in the northern part of Judea.  The city was enlarged and beautified by Philip the Tetrarch, son of Herod. He called it Caesarea in honor of the Roman emperor, and added his own name to it because there was already a city named Caesarea. 

This conversation seems to be taking place as they travel to the city.

Jesus did not ask his disciples this question because he was ignorant of what people thought and spoke about him.  The time had come for him to slowly start revealing to the disciples that his death was approaching.  He was giving the disciples an opportunity to express their faith in him, which he was then going to confirm and strengthen.

Matthew 16:14 – And they said, "Some say John the Baptist, other say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets."

Of course, all of these opinions are false.  The people had seen the miracles and heard the teaching which confirmed he was the Messiah, but Jesus was so different from what they expected, that they rejected the obvious conclusion.  I am sure they were partly influenced by the religious leaders.  Since they rejected the truth, they are left with only false conjectures of his true identity and purpose.

Matthew 16:15-16 – He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"  Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Here is the true purpose behind Jesus' question.  Peter answers for all the apostles.

You are the Christ – the Messiah, the anointed one of God.  You are prophet, priest and king.  You will remove our sin and impart to us perfect righteousness.

The Son – you are both divine and eternal.

Of the living God – you are God in the flesh.  The adjective 'living' is always applied to God.  God sees, hears, understands, laughs, creates, judges and a whole host of other things.  All of these show a contrast between the living God and dead, lifeless idols.

In other words, the disciples express their full belief that Jesus was indeed the long expected Messiah.

Matthew 16:17 – And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my Father who is in heaven."

'Bar' means 'son of'.  So Jesus addresses him as Simon, son of Jonah.

Peter's revelation could have come from only one of two sources: the flesh (his fellow man or his fleshly mind), or the spirit (God).

Man looks on the outward appearance.  When anyone looked at Jesus as he walked the earth, what did they see? A lowly, humble carpenter.  Jesus had no riches or earthly splendor or political influence, or military might.  He did not become the head of the religious leaders.  According to earthly standards/outward appearances, there was no indication that Jesus was the Messiah (at least not the Messiah the Jews were expecting).  Based on his miracles, the people felt that he was nothing more than a prophet.

However, the true power, glory, mission and identity of Jesus were fully known to God.  Therefore, only the Holy Spirit could have given this revelation of Jesus to Peter and the other apostles.  The scripture tells us:

John 17:3 - And this is life eternal, that they might know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. 

Anyone who can confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God has eternal life.  And anyone with eternal life is surely blessed (highly favored, happy, fortunate)!

Matthew 16:18 – "And I tell you, you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

What a wonderful, encouraging, victorious scripture!  As such, we should not be surprised that our enemy has created controversy over it.  Let's examine the different interpretations:

One view is that the word "rock" refers to Peter's confession.  Thus, the truth or confession that Jesus is the Messiah is the basis upon which the church will be built. Those who confess it are part of the church; the church will stand upon this confession of faith in the midst of persecution and be victorious.

A second view is that the word "rock" refers to Jesus himself. Thus, the church is built upon a foundation of Jesus as the Messiah. Those who trust in Christ as their foundation are part of the church.  They will be victorious because they rely on Christ.

A third view is that the word "rock" refers to Peter himself. Thus, Peter becomes the one who builds the church by sharing/teaching/expounding the gospel message with both the Jews and Gentiles. Hell cannot prevail against the church that is built up by Peter (or his successors).

A fourth interpretation also presents itself.  In this case, Jesus is the rock, the cornerstone, upon which the church is built.  However, Peter is also a rock; he has strength, stability and firmness of faith.  He lays the foundations of the church through his preaching and teaching the gospel message.   The good news is delivered to both Jews and Gentiles and thousands become part of the church.  The other disciples, and Paul, are also builders of the church of Jesus Christ.

What did Jesus mean when he referred to 'the gates of Hell'? Ancient cities were surrounded by walls. The gates were not only places of entry, but public venues used for holding court, transacting business, discussing public matters and even creating policy. So, when a city gate is referred to, it means not just the city, but the councils, judicial decisions and business of the city.

So, in this case, the 'gates of hell' refers to the evil plans of our enemy, Satan.  It includes all the plots, strategies, lies/half truths and temptations that he will use against mankind.  But - praise God - we are victorious over these evil councils through Jesus Christ our Lord!  Since the church is upheld by Christ's power and promise, she will never be vanquished by the devil!

Matthew 16:19 – "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

Jesus confers power to the apostles to bind and loose.  To bind something was to forbid or refuse it; to loose something was to grant or allow it to be done.  This authority was given in conjunction with the keys of the kingdom.

Keys unlock things.  As such, we could say they grant access to things.  For example, you probably have a key to your house.  The key unlocks your door and grants you lawful access to everything inside the house.

Keys unlock things; they grant access.

Legal access to the house also implies stewardship.  As the person with the key, you have power and authority over access to the house and everything in it.  You are the administrator or caretaker of the house.  If the roof leaks, you need to get it fixed.  If the walls need painted, you have to arrange for that to happen, etc. 

In the Old Testament times, when a Jew became a doctor of the law, he was given a key to the closet in the temple where the sacred books were kept.  He was also given access to tablets and writing instruments.  In other words, the key gave him access and responsibility – access to the sacred writings and the responsibility to carefully teach and expound the scriptures to people.

Here in our text, Jesus is giving Peter (and the other disciples) access/responsibility to the kingdom of Heaven.

This means that the disciples, led by Peter, would be the instruments of opening the door of faith/salvation to the world - first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles.  Events unfolded exactly as Jesus said they would:

Acts 2:14 – But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them, "Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words…"

Beginning in verse 14, (and ending in verses 41), Peter preaches the gospel to the Jews on the day of Pentecost and 3000 were save that day.

Then, in Acts chapter 10, Peter preaches to the Gentiles in the house of Cornelius and all the Gentiles there were saved. 

They also had the responsibility for establishing the order and government of the church.  These included things such as doctrine, discipline, administration of the sacraments and full authority to preach.  This power and authority was to be used in conjunction with the leading of the Holy Spirit.

The keys of authority in the church have been passed down from generation to generation and they now lie with God's present day ministers.  These are men and women that God has appointed or called to govern the church as it exists in any particular church or congregation.  This authority will continue until the end of the gospel dispensation.  Like the apostles of old, this power and authority is to be used in conjunction with the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 16:20 – Then he strictly charged the disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ.

Why would Jesus adamantly command the disciples not to broadcast that he was the Messiah? 

The answer is that the proper time for him to be revealed had not quite come yet.  To proclaim him as Messiah at that time would have aroused the hatred of the Jews and probably the Romans as well (they were certainly not going to be happy if Jesus stood up and claimed to be king).

Besides, Jesus was not going to rely on just the words of men to prove that he was the Messiah.  His role as Messiah would be clearly established by his coming death and resurrection. 

Matthew 16:21 – From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.  

Let's give the disciples (especially Peter) a little slack.  After all, they are in uncharted waters.  If Jesus had given them the whole scenario of God's plan all at once (his earthly ministry, his conflicts with the Jewish religious leaders, his arrest and death, his resurrection and his ascension to heaven), it would have just been way too much for the disciples to process.  It would have blown their minds.  They would probably have walked away from him.

Instead, Jesus leads them through God's plan step by step. They had heard the teaching.  They had seen the miracles.  They had just taken the major step of confessing that Jesus was (beyond all doubt), the Messiah who was to come.  Now Jesus reveals to them the next step in God's plan – the Messiah was not only going to suffer but also die; then be raised to life again. 

The location of his death would be their beloved city of Jerusalem.  The persons who would cause his great suffering were the elders, chief priests and scribes, aka, the religious leaders of the day. 

This was not what the Apostles were expecting.  Like their fellow Jews, they believed the Messiah would set up an earthly kingdom after he was revealed to the world.  Hence Peter, who was looking for a triumphant Messiah, could not fathom the death of Jesus.

This is the first of many instances where Jesus must correct their thinking on this subject.  It is important that they understand what will happen, so their faith will not fail when he is crucified. Also, by foretelling his death and resurrection, he proves to the disciples that all this is in accordance with the perfect will and plans of the Father.

Matthew 16:22-23 – And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him saying, "Far be it from you, Lord!  This shall never happen to you."  But he turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me.  For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man."

This was a replay of the temptation that Satan presented to Jesus in the desert (Matthew chapter 4).  As you know, the devil offered to give Jesus all the kingdoms of this world without the pain and suffering of dying on the cross, if only Jesus would fall down and worship him.

In this case, Peter knew that Jesus had sufficient power to protect his life against the hatred of the Jews and the authority of the Romans.  He wanted Jesus to exert that power and save himself.

But Jesus viewed his suggestion as a stumbling block.  It was another enticement to abandon the will of his Father and bypass the suffering of the cross.  Because Peter was opposing the plans and purposes of God, Jesus calls him Satan or Adversary.

Matthew 16:24 – Then Jesus told his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."

Three things are required of the person who would be a disciple of Christ.

First, a disciple must be willing to deny himself.  What is self denial?  It means to renounce whatever comes into competition with the love and service of Christ.  It means to completely surrender your will to the heavenly Father, just as Jesus did.

Suppose your normal morning routine is to get a cup of coffee and spend an hour looking at social media. That is certainly not a sin.

But what if your only time to spend in prayer is that same hour each morning?  If you want to be a disciple of Christ, you must give first place to the love and service of Christ.  You must practice self denial with regards to spending that hour in social media.

Self denial also includes forsaking the sins of the world.  For example, the world approves of having sexual relationships with many different people, regardless of whether or not you are married.  The bible, however, teaches that sexual relationships should exist exclusively within a marriage.  The disciple of Christ must forsake things approved by the world if they are in opposition to the teachings of Christ.  

Self denial also includes giving up your rights if they cause your brother to stumble.  For instance, you may feel that it is okay for Christians to drink wine; your conscience does not bother you when you drink it.  However, there may be another believer in your congregation who feels it is a sin to drink wine.  If you go out to dinner together, you should avoid drinking wine, because it is a stumbling block to your brother in Christ.

I Corinthians 8:13 – Therefore, if food makes my brother to stumble, I will eat no meat while the world stands, lest I make my brother to stumble.

Disciples of Christ must not only practice self denial, but they are to take up their cross.  This is an allusion to the Roman custom of making criminals carry their own cross on the way to their crucifixion.  The cross was a burden or a difficulty to carry.  So each Christian must bear some afflictions or troubles which come as a result of being righteous or doing the right thing. 

And finally, the disciple is to follow Christ in all that they do.

Now let's be honest.  Self denial and patient suffering don't sound like much fun, do they?  But Jesus puts it all into perspective for us in the next verses. 

Matthew 16:25 – "For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

The word 'life' is used in two different senses.

The person who is anxious to save his earthly life (including his comfort, pleasure and security here on earth), will not make it into heaven.  He will lose his eternal life.

The person who is willing to risk/lose his life (including his comfort, pleasure and security here on earth) for the sake of Jesus and the gospel, will find everlasting life.

Matthew 16:26 – "For what will it profit a man if he gains the while world and forfeits his soul?  Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?"

The average life expectancy for an American woman is 78.5 years.  For the average American male, it is 76.1 years.  So, let's assume an approximate average of 77 years.  If it takes you until the age of 20 to "gain the whole world", that leaves you a mere 57 years to enjoy what you have acquired.  Of course, there is no guarantee that you will be healthy or happy, but you would have the whole world at your disposal for a time.

How long is eternity?  That's right – it goes on forever.  So compare 57 years of possible good health and happiness and pleasure to an eternity of guaranteed happiness, health, joy, peace, pleasure, discovery, beauty and who knows what else! 

Romans 8:18 – For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

Which option do you choose?  This comparison should open our eyes to the importance (necessity) of being a disciple of Jesus while we have the chance. The apostle Paul tells us that whatever self denial we experience in this life will all be worth it in eternity!

Matthew 16:27 – "For the Son of Man is going to come with his angles in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done."

The Lord Jesus Christ will one day return to the world.  On that occasion, he will not be coming as a humble servant or sacrificial lamb.  He will come in the fullness of his glory and majesty, as Almighty God.  He will be accompanied by angels and he will judge all men.  

At that time he will reward/repay each human being for what they have done.  Those who have loved righteousness and followed Jesus will be rewarded with eternal life with God.

Those who have embraced wickedness and sought the rewards of this life while forsaking Christ will also be rewarded - with eternity in the lake of fire!

Matthew 16:28 – "Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.

As we just mentioned, there will come a day when Jesus returns to this earth in the fullness of his glory.  But his actual kingdom would be established long, long before that time.  In fact, the coming of his kingdom was so close, that there were some with him who would live to see it.

His kingdom was established by the birth of the church on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out.  This was followed by the destruction of Jerusalem and the scattering of the Jews who were bitter enemies to Christianity.

So let me offer you some encouragement:  If you are reading this blog, chances are that you have already made a commitment to be a disciple of Christ. This automatically makes you different from society.  And sometimes, being different can be difficult.  But be encouraged – it won't be long until we are with Christ for eternity!  Then, we will see that all of our crosses were nothing in comparison with what God has in store for us during eternity!

Let me offer you some relief and some strength:  Jesus tells us that even a little leaven can impact a whole batch of dough.  What about you and me?  Perhaps we have not preached to thousands of people, or written best selling Christian books, or ministered in a foreign country.  But that doesn't mean that we are not influencing people for Christ.  So let your light shine in the place where you are; you can display the gospel to people that no one else can reach!

Matthew 15:21 – And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon.

Tyre and Sidon are two closely situated Phoenician sea port cities on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.  These highly populated commercial cities are actually outside the borders of Israel and the inhabitants are Gentiles/Canaanites, not Jews.

The gospel of Mark (7:24) tells us that Jesus went into a house in this region, hoping that no one would find him.  Why do you suppose he did this? Why would he want to conceal himself?

One reason was probably to ease the tension between himself and the Jewish religious leaders. The Pharisees had come from Jerusalem to Gennesaret with the purpose of confronting Jesus about his disciples' failure to keep the traditions of the elders. But that encounter did not go as planned. Instead of rebuking the Lord's followers, the Pharisees found themselves being publicly chastised by Jesus for their hypocrisy and false doctrines.

Another less obvious reason for shutting himself away was that he was in a Gentile domain.  Jesus was not there to find great crowds of Gentiles and declare the kingdom of Heaven.  His message was given specifically to the Jews, the recipients of the first covenant and keepers of the Old Testament Law.  Keeping a low profile in this Gentile region was in keeping with his mission.

However, as we will soon see, Jesus' fame was well known throughout the area.  Even the Gentiles had heard of him and his mighty works.  Even though Jesus did not go specifically to the Gentiles, he did not prevent the Gentiles from coming to him.  Eventually, in God's perfect timing, the Gentiles would come under the umbrella of salvation through the preaching of the Jews.

Matthew 15:22 – And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon."

The region of Tyre and Sidon had been conquered by the Greeks under Alexander the Great.  Prior to that, the area had been known as Phoenicia or Syro-Phoenicia.  Its inhabitants were direct descendants of the Canaanites, sworn enemies of Israel. They worshipped the false gods of Baal and Ashtaroth. 

Thus, we determine that this woman was a Gentile, descended from the Canaanites, living under Greek rule and speaking the Greek language.  She could properly be called a Gentile, a Phoenician, a Canaanite or any combination of these.  She was not Jewish by descent and was considered a heathen.

The scripture says that her daughter was in a horrible and grievous situation - she was possessed by a demon.  Imagine the frustration and sorrow of this devoted mother.  How often has a loving parent wished that they could take a sickness or disease upon themselves, instead of it afflicting their child?  Can you identify with those feelings? 

No doubt this mother had done all she could to free her child (desperate people do desperate things).  As any concerned parent would, she spared no expense, trying all the remedies recommended by the false religions of her country - elixirs, incantations, strange rites of exorcism.  But these could offer her no hope or relief. 

However, she has recently heard of Jesus.  In fact, she knows enough about him to call him 'Lord'.  Scholars feel that it is particularly significant that she addresses him as 'Son of David', because this is a Messianic title.  It is believed that she heard the message of Jesus and that God had quickened her heart to believe that Jesus was the Messiah.  She, a heathen, has heard and accepted the word of the Lord while God's own people have rejected him! 

When she hears that he is in town, a ray of hope flares up in her soul.  Without hesitation, she immediately came and sought him out.

When she finds him, she begins begging him for mercy and interceding for her child to be set free.  Picture the scene.  She finds the house they are staying in.  She waits outside the house as long as it takes (hours? all night? days?) for Jesus and his disciples to come outside.

As they leave the house, Jesus would be surrounded by his followers.  She has no opportunity to speak to him privately, in a conversational tone of voice.  In fact, she probably can't even get close to him.  So she follows them down the street.  Her only option is to call/yell out to him.  She was making a spectacle of herself, but her need was so dire, she didn't care.  She would humble herself to any degree to have her prayer answered.  Perhaps her desperate pleas were mingled with tears or wailing as she poured out her heart.  No doubt, her desperate cries were uncomfortable for anyone who heard them and all indications are that everyone around probably heard her.

Matthew 15:23 – But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, "Send her away, for she is crying out after us."

The disciples are most concerned about being discovered (remember, they are laying low after their confrontation with the Jewish leaders, hoping for a time of rest).  In order to silence the woman and keep themselves from being noticed, they ask Jesus to 'send her away'.  They are asking Jesus to quickly answer her prayer, so she would leave.

Even though they ask Jesus to help her, their motivation is all wrong.  They show no concern or compassion for her situation, nor do they value the faith of this Gentile.  It's almost like they are treating her prayer as an Amazon order – they want Jesus to fill it and deliver it as quickly as possible and then move on to the next thing.

However, Jesus is NOT an Amazon fulfillment center.  He is our Lord and Savior and he is ultimately most concerned about our eternal good and our spiritual growth.  In this case, instead of instantly granting the woman's request, he stretches and solidifies her faith in such a way to cause eternal spiritual growth.  This teaches us a very, very valuable lesson – did you catch it? 

Jesus allows her to have some temporary discomfort in order to mature her spiritually. The act of waiting for an answer to prayer produces eternal good for this woman.     

Let's take a look at the topic of waiting in prayer.  What does waiting accomplish in us?

First of all, God sometimes makes us wait for an answer in order to foster humility.  The bible has much to say about pride and humility.  Basically, God hates the pride of men, but he honors the humble person.

James 4:6 - … God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble.

Pride is something that has a tendency to grow in all of us, and we must constantly be on our guard against it.  Submitting ourselves to God in prayer for a season reminds us how little we can accomplish on our own.  It reveals how dependent we are on him.

Humility allows us to hear and follow God's direction instead of doing what seems right in our own sight.  Humbly seeking God in prayer can accomplish a lot in our spiritual lives.

Clearly this was the case for the Gentile woman.  She was completely humbled by the way she had to approach Jesus to even be heard by him.  She was totally dependent upon God for the healing of her child; had she been able to help her daughter by her own power, she would have done it long before this.  She had to wait for Jesus to lead her to the answer to her prayer, but I think if we could ask her now, she would tell us it was all worth it!

Matthew 15:24-25 – He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."  But she came and knelt before him, saying, "Lord, help me."

We see a further act of humility from her as she kneels before Jesus.  We find something else as well – an opportunity to give up before she gets an answer to her prayer.

In fact, she had lots of really good opportunities (excuses) to give up.  First, it was hard to get to Jesus.  The disciples did not support her; they basically discouraged her efforts.  When Jesus finally answers her, it does not seem like a positive response.

He informs her that his mission had specific boundaries.  Long ago, God had promised Israel that he would bless them.  Subsequently, God would use Israel to bless the whole world.

Genesis 26:4 – And in your offspring all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.

Jesus was the fulfillment of that promise.  He was sent to the Jews, to be their shepherd.  When he died and rose again, the message of salvation was given to the Jews.  In turn, they would bless the whole world (Gentiles) by sharing the gospel message. 

Romans 15:8-9 – For I tell you that Christ became a servant to the circumcised (Jews) to e1d01cshow God's truthfulness, in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs, and in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. 

Basically, God's plan for the salvation of the world was already laid out, and it did not yet include Gentiles such as this woman.

What more reason did this woman need to give up?  No one would have blamed her if she just walked away, but she didn't.  Instead, she prostrated herself before Jesus, and in faith, requested yet again that he help her. 

The scripture tells us that we too, should pray and never give up, even when the answer is slow to come.  In Luke 18, Jesus gives us the parable of the woman who is trying to get justice from an unjust judge.  The woman goes to see him day after day, after day.  Eventually, based solely on her persistence, the judge grants her request.   Jesus tells us that the point of the parable is for us to never give up in prayer:

Luke 18:1 – And He [Jesus] told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.

There will always be excuses to give up on prayers that seem to be unanswered.  But instead of giving up, let us follow the example of this woman and press in closer and closer to Christ when we find reasons to give up.

Matthew 15:26-27 – And he answered, "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."  She said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table."

The Jews considered themselves children of God.  They referred to all other people/nations as dogs, which was a common term of contempt.

So Jesus is telling this woman that all the grace which he received from God had already been promised to the Jews through the Old Testament covenant; she was not eligible to receive any of it, at this time.  If that were not enough, he (a Jew) referred to her (a Gentile) in a common term of contempt.

This may seem to be harsh, but remember, Jesus is testing, stretching and solidifying her faith.  He knows how much she can bear and he will neither test her too harshly (he will not kill her faith) nor too softly (because he wants her to be eternally changed for good).

When the woman answers Jesus, we see her humility, her importunity and her faith all coming together in an ultimate answer.  She does not try to refute or contradict the plan of God; she voices no objection to the divine order that God has established.  In fact, her answer acknowledges the boundaries that Jesus was operating under.  Yet her faith refused to let go of the deliverance she was seeking. Thus she answers, 'Yes, my position is that of a dog, but as such I would be given scraps of that bread which belongs to Jews'. 

It should also be remembered that this distinction between the Jew and the Gentile was broken down after Jesus died and rose again.  Now, all mankind is welcome into the kingdom of God.  All of us are equal sons and daughters of God, all of us are children of the kingdom.

Matthew 15:28 – Then Jesus answered her, "O woman, great is your faith!  Be it done for you as you desire."  And her daughter was healed instantly.

As we have noted in the past, Jesus did not specifically seek out the Gentiles, but when one came to him he did not cast them aside.   And so, the trial of this woman's faith is finished.  She has persevered.  She has received an answer to her prayer.  When she went home, she would find her daughter whole and well.

Her faith was well pleasing to God.  In fact, it was stronger and more excellent than the vast majority of the Jews, who were the recipients of the promises. 

So what have we learned from this scripture? 

Sincere faith and fervent prayer proceeding from a humble heart will always receive an answer from our heavenly Father.

Sometimes, God delays to answer prayer.  It is not that he cannot hear; it is that he wants to do a greater work in us.  He wants to keep us humble.  He wants us to persevere and never give up.  He wants to stretch our faith.

Once our faith has been tested and stretched, it is ready for even greater use.   The greater our faith, the greater impact we can have for Christ on the world around us.

Matthew 15:29 – Jesus went from there and walked beside the Sea of Galilee.  And he went up on the mountain and sat down there.

Jesus then returns to his own country and his own people, to resume the mission that God had set before him.

Matthew 15:30-31 – And great crowds came to him, bringing with them the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and they put them at his feet, and he healed them, so that the crowd wondered when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled healthy, the lame walking and the blind seeing.  And they glorified the God of Israel.

Again we see a familiar pattern.  Jesus teaches that the kingdom of Heaven has come.  His words are confirmed with signs and wonders, proving that he was the long awaited Messiah.  It is interesting to note that in this case, it mentions people who were 'crippled' or your translation may say 'maimed'.  These words refer to people who had a missing hand, foot, short leg, etc.  To restore something like this required creative power – power that only God possesses. 

The masses of Jewish people glorified and acknowledged that Yahweh, the covenant God, had sent the promised Messiah into their midst.

While the common people (and even some Gentiles) rejoiced at the coming of the redeemer, the religious leaders continued to reject him.

Where do you stand in your beliefs about Jesus?  Was he a just a great teacher?  Or a prophet?  Or do you believe that he is the true Son of God, who came to bring salvation to lost sinners? 

If you truly believe he is the Messiah of the world, you need to make him King and Lord of your life.  

Matthew 15:32 – Then Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "I have compassion on the crowd because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat.  And I am unwilling to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way."

Although the circumstances are similar, this is a different event from the one described in Matthew 14:13-21.

This time, Jesus gathers his disciples together and has a discussion.  He does not do this because he needs their advice, but because he wants to reveal to them his purposes and plans.  He also wants to point out that they too, as future shepherds of Israel, should have compassion on people.

This brings up an important point.  Jesus had compassion on the lost Jews, and he had a plan to meet their needs for earthly food.  He revealed those plans to the disciples, so they could assist in bringing the plans to pass.

Today, Jesus is still concerned about lost people.  He has plans to meet their physical and spiritual needs.  He wants to reveal those plans to Christians, so we can assist in bringing his plans to pass.

Therefore, it is ASOLUTELY CRITICAL that we spend time in prayer before God, asking him to reveal his plans for us and our church.  We can't hear God's plans if we are not spending time in his presence.  We can't hear his plans if we are busy doing things our own way.

Here is a sobering thought:  If we do things our way and not his way, we can expect to fail in our endeavors.  But that is not the worst part – if we fail to listen to Jesus, what happens to those we are supposed to be reaching for Christ?

I don't think it was an accident that this portion of scripture follows immediately after the lesson on prevailing in prayer!

Matthew 15:33-34 – And the disciples said to him, "Where are we to get enough bread in such a desolate place to feed so great a crowd?  And Jesus said to them, "How many loaves do you have?"  They said, "Seven, and a few small fish."

Wow.  It is hard to imagine that the disciples would respond this way, after the miracle seen earlier.  Yet, before we condemn them, let us examine ourselves.  We too, often fail to trust God after he has proved himself faithful, time and time again.

There is, however, another consideration.  Jesus did not always meet needs in a miraculous way.  After the feeding of the 5K in chapter 14, Jesus had the disciples gather up the scraps which they used for food in the following days.  In fact, it was much more common for them to feed themselves by ordinary means than miraculous ones.  Therefore, they may have assumed, until told otherwise, that they would be using ordinary means to feed these people.

Matthew 15:35-36 – And directing the crowd to sit down on the ground, he took the seven loaves and the fish, and having given thanks he broke them and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.

Once again, Jesus has them sit down in orderly groups.  Once again he blesses the provision and gives it to the disciples for distribution.  Once again, every need is met! 

Matthew 15:37-39 – And they all ate and were satisfied.  And they took up seven baskets full of the broken pieces left over.  Those who ate were four thousand men, besides women and children.  And after sending away the crowds, he got into the boat and went to the region of Magadan.

I am sometimes known for 'beating the dead horse'.  This is going to be one of those cases…

I want to stress once again how vitally important it is for us to prevail in prayer with God and to find out what his plans are.  When he reveals them to us, they are likely to be greater and more far reaching than anything we imagined.  In fact, they will most likely be far beyond our abilities and resources, just like feeding 4K people with seven loaves and a few fish.

Yet, if we are following after God and working out his plans, he will never fail to provide manpower, resources, special permits or any other thing that is needed to accomplish his purposes and plans!  

Right now, we are at a critical junction.  The COVID virus has changed the way we do things, including the ministries of the church.  If we dare to move forward with the plans of man (our plans), we are in danger of certain failure.

Our only hope is to spend time seeking God in prayer for his directions and plans.  We have no idea what the church will look like tomorrow, but God does.  He will not fail to take us in the right direction, if we listen to Him, and act only after we have received a word from Him.  

So let me offer you some encouragement and some relief:  If you have been praying about a situation, but don't have an answer, don't become discouraged.  God is not deaf to your cries.  Unless you have a serious issue that will prevent answers to prayer (like unforgiveness or asking for the wrong thing), God hears you.  He will answer you, but maybe in a way that will test/stretch your faith. 

So get on board with the program.  Avoid complaining or whining to your friends and family.  Leave the pity party.  Dump your anger.  Instead, spend additional time meditating on the greatness of God.  Humble yourself before God and continue on your knees until the answer comes.  Just like the Gentile woman, your faith and perseverance will be rewarded, if you do not quit.

Let me offer you some strength:  Now is a new and possibly overwhelming time in history.  But let me reassure you – it is no accident that you are alive right now!  God has placed you here and now because you have something to do for his kingdom.  And if that is true, then he will certainly give you the strength, the ideas, the open doors, the resources and the wisdom to accomplish what he has called you to do.  Victory is yours, though Christ Jesus.  So strengthen yourself and continue your ministry!

Matthew 15:1-2 – Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, "Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders?  For they do not wash their hands when they eat."

At the close of chapter 14, we found Jesus in the town of Gennesaret, teaching and healing great masses of people.  This amazing scene of mercy and grace is interrupted with the arrival of some Scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem.

Jerusalem was the seat of authority for the Jewish leaders.  When we find Scribes and Pharisees coming from there to interact with Jesus, we know they came with the highest earthly religious authority possible.  Unfortunately, because of their spiritual blindness, they were in opposition to Jesus at all times.  Not surprisingly, they have come to once again question his actions.

In prior encounters with Christ, they had accused him of the following:  blasphemy when he forgave sins (Matt 9:3), eating and drinking with publicans and sinners (Matt 9:11), disregarding times of fasting (Matt 9:14), casting our devils by Beelzebub (Matt 12:24), and breaking the Sabbath (Matt 12:2, 10). 

Their latest round of accusations appears to center on washing or ceremonial cleansing.  However, Jesus takes that accusation and uses it to address the real underlying problem – the traditions of the elders.

Where did these traditions come from?  The word "tradition" comes from the Latin 'trado' which means to deliver; to hand down, especially from one to another.

The Jews believed that when Moses met with God on Mt. Sinai that God actually gave him two sets of laws. One was the 10 commandments written on tablets of stone by God himself, and recorded for us in the bible. The Jews consider this to be the "Written Law".

The second set of laws was supposedly all verbal – never written down, but given by God to Moses, and then passed down from father to son for generations without ever being corrupted (or so the Jews believe).  The Jews consider this to be the "Oral Law", which eventually came to be known as the tradition of the elders. 

The Jews have a very long string of specific people who supposedly kept this law intact.  I am not going to record their whole chain-of-command here (it is much too extensive and boring!), but basically, they believed that Moses passed this verbal law to Joshua, who gave it to the judges, who gave it to the prophets, who kept it for hundreds of years until it was finally written down in a book called the Talmud. 

The Talmud is divided into two parts:  the Mishna, or the text and the Gemara, or the commentary on the text.  Jews believe that the Oral Law interprets or explains the Written Law.  Oral Law is essentially an immense collection of rules and regulations covering even the most trifling of issues.

The Jews have created a couple of major problems here.  First, they regard the Oral Law (or traditions of the elders), to be more important than the actual written law of God.  Second, these traditions supposedly protect one from breaking the law, but what they really do is cancel out the law or make the law ineffective.

The law that the religious leaders are accusing the disciples of breaking in Matthew 15, is that of hand washing or ceremonial cleansing.  However, washing your hands before you eat is NOT (I repeat – NOT) one of the commandments written in the Old Testament.  Rather, it is one of the Oral Laws or traditions of the elders.

It was the Jews' belief that if a man goes to any place of business, court, market, etc, he might touch a heathen (Gentile) or he might touch something that had previously been touched by a heathen (Gentile).

Therefore, in order to stay ceremonially or religiously clean, they went to great lengths to wash.  They had to wash before and after eating.  The act must include total immersion of the hands.  The water itself, as well as the cups or pots used to wash, must also be ceremonially clean.  The regulations go on and on.  Any Jew failing to properly wash, was considered to be sinning.  The religious leaders felt that failing to properly wash was a sin on the same level as committing adultery!

Matthew 15:3 – He answered them, "And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? 

The common people may have feared the Jewish religious leaders, but Jesus certainly did not.  He answers them with a question of his own.  Why would the religious leaders choose to obey their traditions (man-made rules) over the true commandments of his heavenly Father?  

Although Jesus did not come right out and say it, he implies that his disciples (and the Jews in general) were not bound by the traditions of the elders, because these traditions were in direct violation to the commands of God.  

Jesus then gives an example of their hypocrisy:

Matthew 15:4 - For God commanded, 'Honor your father and your mother,' and 'Whosoever reviles father or mother must surely die.'

In his example, Jesus refers to the fifth commandment:

Exodus 20:12 – Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

To honor means to obey, to respect, to treat kindly.  It also includes an obligation to nourish and support one's parents, should they need it. 

So, let's be clear – this is one of the 10 commandments.  It was written on the tablets of stone by the finger of God, up on Mt Sinai.  There can be no doubt - this commandment is the revealed will of God and should be obeyed by all the people. 

Matthew 15:5-6 – But you say, 'If anyone tells his father or his mother, "What you would have gained from me is given to God," he need not honor his father.'  So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God.

The Scribes and Pharisees do not blatantly cast aside the command to honor their parents.  That would be obvious rebellion against God.  Their sin will be much more subtle in nature.  They will acknowledge this command, but then use their traditions to override it, making it null and void.  Their tradition is like a trump card that allows them to legally break the law (or so they think). 

The Jews had a tradition of dedicating or consecrating their wealth and property to God by giving it for use in the temple.  The common term for this was 'corban'.  Once something was dedicated or consecrated to the service of God, it could not be diverted to other uses (like feeding and housing your parents) because that was considered sacrilege. 

The loophole in all of this was that there was no fixed time for fulfilling your vow of corban.  This meant that you could keep all of your wealth for your entire lifetime, as long as you gave the church whatever you possessed at the end of your life. 

Consequently, if a Jewish father and mother would approach their son and request assistance to buy food or shelter or some other true need, the son could refuse, saying that the money had already been dedicated to God - even though he still had possession and control of it.  He could be sitting on a fortune while his parents were destitute or begging for food.

So, the son is acting pious and righteous by giving his money to the church, but in reality he is actually breaking the command of God by not providing for his parents.  Thus, the tradition becomes a trump card that mocks the will of God by making it void. 

Notice how the tradition and the true law of God are in direct opposition.  This was often the case.  Sadly, the Jews persist in rebellion by choosing to obey the tradition, rather than the law.  

Matthew 15:7-9 – You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: 'This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'

The Jews of Jesus day were the same as the Jews during the time of Isaiah. They were in strict obedience to all outward forms of religion, but their hearts were far from God. 

In Isaiah's day, the Jews were careful to make the proper sacrifices, honor the Sabbath day, fast regularly and observe the feasts.  But at the same time, they were cheating their workers by withholding wages, allowing dishonest judges and oppressing the poor (See Isaiah 58).

In Jesus day, the Jews were superstitiously careful to avoid outward bodily pollution by their constant washings, yet their hearts were filthy with pride, iniquity and hypocrisy.

This is true of many people (Jews and Gentiles), even today.  Have you ever asked someone if they were a Christian and their response is, "Yes, I go to church" or, "Yes, I have been baptized" or, "Yes, I am a member of the church and I take communion"?

These are all outward signs of faith or religion.  When people without a right relationship to Jesus do these things, they are nothing but empty rituals, void of meaning.

The true measure of a man is his heart; this is what God looks at.  Only the blood of Christ can cleanse a man and bring him into right relationship with God.  Rituals and religious observances cannot do this. 

Remember our previous lesson about the wheat and the tares?  How they both will grow together until the end of the age?  This is a further confirmation of that truth.  Sadly, there will be people who have been baptized, taken communion, and sit in church week after week but they will not get into heaven, because their hearts are not right with God.  They are tares who look like wheat, but are not.

Are you reading this right now, feeling a little uneasy?  Do you feel a need to make sure that you are right before God?  There is no need to wait!  Pause for a moment and pray this prayer:

Dear Jesus,  I confess to you that I am a sinner.  I am sorry for all the wrong things I have done and I ask you to forgive me.  I believe that you are the Son of God, that you died on the cross and rose again, and that your blood paid the price for my sin.  I invite you to come into my heart and life and to be my Lord and Savior.  I commit myself to you right now.  Thank you for saving me from death and giving me the gift of eternal life.  Amen.

If you prayed this prayer and sincerely meant it, then you have received the gift of salvation from Jesus Christ and your heart is right before God.  You will need to follow up on your decision.  Join a local church with people who can rejoice with you and disciple you in your new faith. 

Matthew 15:10-11 – And he called the people to him and said to them, "Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person."

Jesus then turns to address the crowd.  Unlike the religious leaders, the people are spiritually hungry and ready to receive instruction.  Jesus addresses the original question posed by the Pharisees in verse two:  Why do your disciples eat with unwashed hands?

The Pharisees believed that the tradition of the elders/oral law exceeded the authority of God's written law.  According to oral law, sin consisted mainly in the neglect of outward, physical rites and ceremonies (like washing).  Therefore, sin begins outside the person, and then makes its way into the heart.

Jesus contradicts this view.  In fact, he says the opposite is true – sin does not begin on the outside of a man and make its way to his heart; it starts in his heart and makes its way into his outward actions.  

Jesus had already explained this to his followers in chapter 12:

Matthew 12:34-35 – For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of is evil treasure brings forth evil.

In God's sight, purity and impurity are not qualities of the external body, but of the mind and heart – the inward man.

And it is the inward man that determines our thoughts, our speech and our conduct.  Thus, those whose hearts are righteous before God, bring forth good actions and speech while those who follow Satan bring forth evil of all kinds.

Matthew 15:12 – Then the disciples came and said to him, "Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying?" 

Understating the relationships of that day can help us better understand why they were offended:

We have the common people, who had been taught their entire lives that the Pharisees were to be revered and respected; they were the keepers and experts of the law.  To imply that they were wrong in their views was a thing unheard of!  It was astonishing! No ordinary Jew would dare to question them on matters of the law.

We have the Pharisees, who are walking in the confidence and pride of their supposed knowledge of the law.  As long as anyone could remember, the religious leaders had exercised complete control or supreme authority over the religious beliefs of the people.  Unfortunately, they had abandoned the true laws of God for their own man-made rules and so they were actually leading the people away from God, not towards him.

Enter Jesus, who boldly confronts the religious leaders, rejecting and refuting their traditions and rules.  He publicly exposes their hypocrisy and ignorance of God's ways. 

In essence, he is stripping away their authority over the common people, and they didn't like it!  Jesus is calling all the Jews to return to God and his ways.  I imagine that most of the people present during this verbal exchange had their mouths hanging open in shock and surprise!

As painful as this must have been for the religious leaders, they desperately needed to hear it.  The truth is that they were far away from God and unless they made some changes, they would suffer eternal consequences.

Meanwhile, the disciples are concerned about offending the religious leaders.  Jesus responds with this:  

Matthew 15:13 - He answered, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up."

In this case, religious teaching or doctrine is compared to a plant. It is planted into the minds and hearts of the hearers and over time it will produce fruit.  If the doctrine is sound, then holy fruit will result in the life of the hearer.  If false doctrine is sown, it will bear evil fruits.

Jesus is saying that all those false doctrines planted by the Pharisees, which were not truly from God, must be 'rooted up' or removed, like weeds in a garden.  Therefore, there is no need for the disciples to worry about offending the Pharisees.  Their corrupt teaching is already doomed; it will be purged out by God, the true husbandmen.

Interestingly, some scholars translate the word 'plant' as 'plantation'.  It is their belief that Jesus is referring to the entire sect of the Pharisees as a plantation of trees which God did not plant; as such they must be rooted up or destroyed.  These scholars point out that after the destruction of Jerusalem the sect of the Pharisees has ceased to exist as a separate body, and thus the words of Jesus were literally fulfilled.

Matthew 15:14 – "Let them alone: they are blind guides.  And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit."

Blind or false teachers destroy not only themselves, but those who follow them.  It is vitally important that each one of us read the bible for ourselves, and carefully weigh the words that preachers and teachers give us. 

Warning bells should be sounding loud and clear in our minds, when we find things that do not line up with the word of God.  If a certain preacher or teacher gives doctrines that are against the Bible, they should be avoided at all costs. 

Matthew 15:15-16 – But Peter said to him, "Explain the parable to us."  And he said, "Are you also still without understanding?

At this point, Jesus and the disciples have left the crowds and are in a house together.  Privately, Peter asks Jesus about the teaching in verse 11 [Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person].

Jesus answers their question, but also gives them a mild rebuke.  They were his disciples and had sat under his teaching for over a year.  They themselves had gone out to preach about the kingdom of Heaven, how could they not understand this doctrine?

The disciples continued to be somewhat dull of understanding until the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit filled them and gave them full understanding about the Lord's teaching.

John 14:26 – But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said unto you.

We too, should seek the Holy Spirit.  He is not to be feared, but loved and sought after.  He is our constant companion and spiritual guide.  He comforts, instructs and empowers us to serve Christ.  Why not pray right now, and ask God to baptize you with his Holy Spirit?  

Matthew 15:17 – Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled?

The things you eat go into your stomach and then your intestines, where your body gathers up what is nutritious and gets rid of the rest.  Food has absolutely no affect upon your mind/heart.  Therefore, food does not have the ability to pollute your mind/heart with sin.  Since this is the case, the teaching of the Pharisees cannot be true.  Eating with unwashed hands cannot make you sinful.

Matthew 15:18-20 – But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.  For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.  These are what defile a person.  But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone."

Jesus now proceeds to list the things that DO defile a man, or make him a sinner.  All of these things take root in the heart/mind where they grow until they produce sin in the form of evil words and deeds.

The most important of these is probably evil thoughts, because our thoughts are the place where sin is conceived.

However, we can see from this list that there is no end to the evil and death that accompany sin.  The only solution to the problem of sin is the blood of Jesus Christ!

So let me offer you a little bit of encouragement:  I want to strongly encourage you to read the bible for yourself.  You may not understand everything you read (no one does!), but you will still get knowledge every time you read.  It is very important for you to spot false teaching when you hear it.   Reading Christian books is a good thing, but it is not the same thing as reading the actual Bible.  Reading books about prayer or fasting or prophesy is a good thing, but it is not the same as reading the scriptures.  Find a bible that is easy for you to understand, and begin to read.

Let me offer you some relief and strength: God has provided help in understanding his word, and in recognizing false teaching.  He has given us the Holy Spirit to assist us.  John 16:31 tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, and that he will guide us into all truth.  We see evidence of this in the case of the disciples. In today's lesson, Jesus gives his disciples a rebuke because they do not understand spiritual principles.  However, after they were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, the disciples were unstoppable!  The Spirit of Truth had made everything clear to them.

The Holy Spirit will do the same for you and me.  Ask him to help you understand the bible as you read it, and ask him to alert you when false doctrines or half truths are being presented to you.  

So relax – The Holy Spirit is standing by ready to help you.  The bible is a spiritual book; you will understand it correctly when you have Him as your spiritual guide.

Matthew 9:18 – While he was saying these things to them, behold, a ruler came in and knelt before him saying, "My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live."

Matthew tells us only that this man was a ruler, but Mark and Luke give more information.  They tell us that he was a ruler or elder of the synagogue named Jairus.  His daughter was 12 years old and she was his only child.

Jairus falls at the feet of Jesus and intercedes for his daughter.  At this point, one cannot help but compare him to the Roman centurion we looked at in Matthew chapter 8.  The centurion also interceded for one he loved (his servant), but while Jairus' faith required that Jesus come to his house and lay a hand on his girl, the faith of the centurion was willing to believe that Jesus could heal from a distance with just a word.

The good news is that Jesus does not refuse anyone who comes to him with sincere faith.  Even though the faith of the Jewish ruler was feeble compared to his 'heathen' counterpart, Jesus still honors his prayers and encourages him to expect a miracle.  This is a lesson to all of us.  Sometimes life seems overwhelming but don't let your faith waiver!  Don't let the enemy tell you that all is lost!  God still hears and answers prayer today!

Matthew 9:19 – And Jesus rose and followed him, with his disciples.

Consider this for a moment:  Jesus was actually at a banquet when the disciples of John the Baptist came to ask him a question.  While he was speaking to them, Jairus came to beg for his help.  So, Jesus immediately leaves the banquet and follows him.

Read that verse again.  Did you see any mention of grumbling or complaining?  Was there any heavy sighing or rolling of the eyes?  Did Jesus ask Jairus to wait until the cake was cut and coffee was served?  Was there any mention by Jesus that his plans had been interrupted?

From God's point of view, a cry for help is never an interruption.  What is our point of view?  When someone needs us, are we irritated because it interferes with our plans, or do we remember that we are here on earth to be salt and light in the kingdom of Heaven?

Matthew 9:20 – And behold, a woman who had suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment,

Here is another example of faith and action rising up together to claim a miracle.

This poor woman had been ill for 12 years.  Let's stop and consider that for a moment.  What were you doing 12 years ago?  What age were your kids?  Where were you living?  What were you doing 10 years ago?  How about 5 years ago?  Take a couple of minutes and list some of the major events that have transpired in your life in the last 12 years.  Then consider that this pitiful woman was sick that entire time!

In addition, Mark's gospel (Mark 5:25-27) tells us that the woman had suffered greatly, going from doctor to doctor, but none of them could help.  She spent all the money she had trying to find a cure.  Despite all that, she was getting worse, not better!  On top of that, she was now impoverished.  You can picture misery and depression overwhelming her. 

But, in the midst of her despair, she heard the good news of Jesus.  I don't know who told her, but clearly the news of Jesus brought her hope.

How about those around us?  Perhaps you can restore hope to someone who is desperate for a miracle by introducing them to Jesus.  I am sure we won't have to look too hard to find hurting people.

So, she goes out in public and she finds Jesus, who is literally being thronged by crowds of people.

Modesty prevented her from speaking of her disease in any kind of public way; certainly it could not be discussed in front of a crowd or with a man she did not know!  Thus we see her coming up behind Jesus and probably reaching through the crowd to touch the hem/fringe of his garment.

The garment in question was possibly a prayer shawl, but more likely a traditional upper garment.  It was a single piece of cloth with a hold in the center, where you put your head.  There were four corners with a tassel attached to each corner.  The tassels themselves were made in a very precise way and had specific meanings associated with them; they were a regulation from Old Testament times (see Numbers 15:37, Deut 22:12, etc).  So, the thing this woman actually touched was one of the tassels.

Matthew 9:21 – for she said to herself, "If I only touch his garment, I will be made well."

Some scholars are of the opinion that her faith was great because she believed Jesus to have such an overflowing fullness of healing virtue, that the very touch of his garment would cure her.  Other scholars are of the opinion that her faith was small, because although she believed in the power to heal, she shrank away from Jesus, fearful that he would reject her.

Don't tell the scholars, but you and I know exactly how much faith she had – a measure!  She took that measure of faith, combined it with the action of coming out and touching Jesus and she received her miracle!

You see, it does not matter how much faith you started out with.  The centurion, the Jewish ruler and the woman with the issue of blood all had varying levels of faith, but Jesus responded positively to each one of them.

Think about it - he didn't stop and pull out a special thermometer to measure their faith index.  He didn't compare the amount of faith they brought with the miracle they needed to see if they could pay the price.  Instead, he stooped down and met each one of them at whatever level of faith they were on.  He then increased their faith by answering their prayers.

Are you ready for the best part – you also have a measure of faith!

Romans 12:3 - …God has dealt to every man the measure of faith.

That's right – you too have what it takes to approach God in faith and receive a miracle.

Let's consider an example.  Suppose you are applying for a job that you are well qualified for, but there are 49 other applicants for this one position.  One option is to give up and not even apply.  Another option is use your faith.

Pray about the situation.  Tell God that you are going to put your best foot forward and ask him to give you favor.  Then, take a step of faith and apply!  Go to the interview in a spirit of faith and watch what God will do!

Matthew 9:22 – Jesus turned, and seeing her said, "Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well."  And instantly the woman was made well.

Jesus silenced her fears, granted her request, commended her use of faith and sent her away in peace, all because of her faith.

Why do you think God preserved this woman's testimony in the scriptures?  I believe it is an open invitation for us to approach him in faith just as she did.  I believe God still honors faith today.

If you take a minute to think about it, you will discover that faith is astonishing.  There is nothing else like it in the universe.  It is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  You can never use it up; as you use it, it actually increases and multiplies.

Why not use your faith today? 

Matthew 9:23-24 – and when Jesus came to the ruler's house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion, he said, "Go away, for the girl is not dead but sleeping."  And they laughed at him.

After healing the woman, Jesus continues until he reaches the ruler's house.  When they arrive, they find music and a crowd making a 'commotion'.  While it sounds weird to us, it was perfectly normal in that culture.

When someone died, their family and friends would gather at the house and loudly howl or wail to express grief. 

They would also sing the virtues of the deceased, recount their life accomplishments and speak of their beauty.  Mournful music was used as a part of the grieving process.  Other displays of grief included tearing your garments, refusing to anoint yourself, not taking a bath, and scattering ashes in the air.  For a common person, this lasted 8 days.  If you were a king or other distinguished person, it lasted an entire month.

So, there was nothing unusual happening when Jesus arrived at Jairus' house to find flutes playing and a crowd making a commotion.

The unusual part was when Jesus declared in front of the crowd that the girl was not dead, but sleeping.

When the crowd heard that, they mocked him, because they knew for sure that girl was dead!  So what did Jesus mean when he used the term 'sleeping'?  'Sleeping' is used many times in scripture to refer to the death of our flesh [see 2 Peter 3:4, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15, Acts 7:60, etc].

As you may recall, there was a subset of Jews called the Sadducees.  They did not believe in the resurrection.  They thought that once a person died, they ceased to exist.  It is likely that Jairus, his family and his friends were Sadducees.

When Jesus says the girl is 'sleeping', he is declaring that she has NOT ceased to exist.  He affirms that her body is dead but also teaches that her spirit was still alive and that she would one day be raised up again.

Matthew 9:25-26 – But when the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose.  And the report of this went through all that district.

Again, Jesus was teaching that we do not cease to exist when our body dies.  Our spirits still live while the body waits for resurrection from the dead.  Now, if Jesus was going to completely tear down and destroy the belief that life ceased to exist at death, then he needed to prove that with signs and wonders.  Otherwise, who would believe him?

The only acceptable proof in this case was for the girl to be raised to life, so that is exactly what Jesus did.  Her resurrection not only demonstrated the truth of his teaching, it proved that Jesus alone had power over death.

Consequently, the crowd at Jairus' house became a cloud of reliable, unbiased witnesses to the power of Jesus to resurrect the dead.  Nothing like this had ever happened before, and they spread the truth of this message far and wide.

So let me give you some encouragement:  Jesus can resurrect more than just dead bodies.  He can bring marriages back to life.  He can bring newness to your finances.  He can restore what addiction has taken.  He can breathe new life into your ministry.  Anything that can die, can be brought back to life by the power of Jesus!  I encourage you to seek him today for the resurrection of what you have lost.

Let me give you some relief:  There are some people who say that they are not worthy to receive a miracle from God.  How utterly ridiculous!!  If you are a child of God then you are a co-heir with Jesus and God is ready and willing to give you all you could ask or think!  So give yourself a break. Get rid of your negative 'unworthy' guilt feelings and start seeing yourself as God sees you – as his beloved son or daughter that he cannot wait to bless.

Let me give you some strength:  Sometimes our situations look overwhelming.  We all reach a point where we start to despair because we know we are out of options.  I am sure the woman with the issue of blood felt that way.  I know there are times when I have been in that same place. But when you are at the end of your options, that is when God can come in and begin to move the mountains.  The scripture says:

Matthew 21:21 - Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If you have faith, and doubt not, you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if you shall say unto this mountain, Be removed, and be cast into the sea; it shall be done.

So don't give up!  When you combine your faith with action and offer them up to God, he will move on your behalf!

Matthew 14:1 – At that time, Herod the tetrarch heard about the fame of Jesus,

The word 'tetrarch' originally meant a governor over the fourth part of any region.  However, it later came to denote any ruler who did not rule over an entire kingdom.  In the case of Herod the Tetrarch, he and his two brothers each ruled 1/3 of the kingdom left by their father, Herod the Great.  Herod the Tetrarch, or Herod Antipas, ruled over the region of Galilee and Perea.  (His other ruling brothers were Herod Philip I and Archelaus.)

Jesus had been ministering in Herod's realm for more than a year.  His teaching and the accompanying miracles were drawing tremendous crowds.  His confrontation with the religious leaders was probably on the lips of most Jews.  How is it possible that Herod was just now hearing about him? 

Herod was known as a weak man with low moral values and dubious character. Some scholars speculate that he actually had heard of Jesus, but as he had no true interest in religion, he just ignored him. This shows poor leadership on his part. He should have taken a better interest in what was going on in his kingdom.

Some say the cause was his military campaigns against the king of Arabia, which kept him out of Galilee for long periods of time.  Either or both of these may be true.

What we know for sure is that eventually Herod the Tetrarch/Herod Antipas eventually hears three strange views about Jesus circulating among the people:

Luke 9:7-8 – … it was said by some that John had been raised from the dead, by some that Elijah had appeared, and by others that one of the prophets of old had risen.

But Herod was certain he knew the truth about Jesus and his miracles:

Matthew 14:2 – and he said to his servants, "This is John the Baptist.  He has been raised from the dead; that is why these miraculous powers are at work in him."

As we will shortly see, Herod the Tetrarch/Herod Antipas was responsible for the death of John the Baptist.  Killing a man he knew to be innocent and righteous definitely weighed on Herod's conscience. Tormented by his guilt, he automatically assumes that the man on whom such supernatural power rested was none other than John, who has miraculously risen from the dead.  This in turn added fear of punishment to the already heavy burden of guilt and torment.

Matthew 14:3-4 – For Herod had seized John and bound him and put him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, because John had been saying to him, "It is not lawful for you to have her."

Let's back up and get a little history. Herod the Tetrarch/Herod Antipas' grandfather was a proselyte to Judaism.  From that time onward, all of his descendents can best be described as half-heartedly Jewish.  They were far more interested in political power than religion, as evidenced by the writings of the historian Josephus.

Now Herod's father, Herod the Great, had a granddaughter named Herodias.  This made her the niece of Herod the Tetrarch/Herod Antipas, as well as a niece to Herod's brother, Herod Philip.

This girl ended up marrying her uncle, Herod Philip.  Herod Antipas was also married.  He had wed the daughter of Aretas, king of Arabia.  Then one day, during a trip to Rome, he fell madly in love with Herodias.  She left her husband (Philip) and took up with Herod Antipas, who in turn sent his wife back to her father in Arabia. (Hence, the aforementioned battle with the king of Arabia.)  

This meant that under Jewish law Herod was guilty of adultery (because Herodias was his brother's wife) and incest (because she was his niece). 

John the Baptist, being a preacher of repentance, had apparently confronted Herod the Tetrarch/Herod Antipas with the truth – that he was in a relationship that was sinful and forbidden under Jewish law.

Matthew 14:5 – and though he wanted to put him to death, he feared the people; because they held him to be a prophet.

The gospel of Mark gives us a fuller picture of what was going on at this time:

Mark 6:20 - For Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and holy, and protected him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.

Now we see a truer picture of Herod.  He is morally weak.  His conscience is struggling against the wickedness in his character.  He desires to speak with John, and hear what he has to say, but he will not repent and change his ways.  He will not forsake his sin.  He put John in prison, but is unwilling to give the order to kill him, not because this would be an abominable sin in the sight of God, but because the people would rebel against him. In Herod's life, political power and worldly pleasure always take precedent over his relationship with God.

Many scholars see a parallel between this situation and one with the prophet Elijah.  As you recall, King Ahab who was a weak man, was married to Jezebel, a very strong woman.  They both sinned in the sight of God, and the prophet Elijah confronted them with their sin.  As a result, Jezebel swore to kill Elijah.

In this instance, Herod is also a weak man, married to a strong woman.  They are sinning in the sight of God and the John the Baptist confronted them with their sin.  It will be Herodias who manipulates Herod into ordering the death of John.

Matthew 14:6 – But when Herod's birthday came, the daughter of Herodias danced before the company and pleased Herod,

In imitation of Roman emperors, the Herodian rulers of this period commonly gave infamous parties for their birthdays.  Every person of importance was invited to these lavish affairs.  Often, the ruler would bestow favors on his guests.  These parties would include magnificent banquets, endless drink and of course, entertainment.

Part of that entertainment included dancing.  The dancing at these feasts was lewd and licentious.  It was normally performed by professional dancers. No woman of rank or respectability would participate in such an event.

Yet, in order to satisfy her own desires, Herodias had her young, unmarried daughter stoop to the level of a common dancer and perform for the crowd.  In the original language, the scriptures indicate that some dancing had already taken place at the party, so Salome's dance probably occurred near the close of the banquet, after all the guests had freely partaken of wine.  No matter what state of mind they were in, the dance was probably very shocking.  It was a memorable event that would be talked about for years to come.

And so we see the clever plan of Herodias at work.  She knows that Herod will be freely bestowing gifts on his friends this day.  Also, she no doubt understood the weaknesses and desires of her husband very well – this dance will inflame his pride.  He will see himself as powerful, rich, clever and sexually desirable.  He thinks he is the envy of all his friends and subjects.  He deserves all their praise and accolades.

Herod will view this dance not only as a gift, but as a statement of his greatness.  He will certainly acknowledge it by giving Salome a fitting gift in return.

 Matthew 14:7 – so that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask.

As expected, Herod offers a gift to Salome.  It is a very rash and foolish promise:  anything she wanted, up to half his kingdom.  He probably expected her to ask for jewels or a palace or even a city, and he was probably more than willing to give her those material things.

Meanwhile, how delighted Herodias must have been when her daughter came to consult with her! How sweet her revenge must have seemed! Having skillfully baited the trap, she now has a promise, enforced with an oath, made in a public venue, after an abundance of wine and much praising of the life of Herod.  She knows what she will request – and she knows that Herod's pride will make sure she gets it!

As an added bonus, the threat of rebellion by Herod's subjects is removed.  The people cannot hold him responsible for honoring his vow.   Her comparison to wicked queen Jezebel seems just!

Matthew 14:8 – Prompted by her mother, she said, "Give me the head of John the Baptist here on a platter."

Through Salome, Herodias requests the death of her enemy.  Her thirst for revenge will accept nothing less.  The voice of righteousness which pointed out her sin must be silenced.

She will also deny him dignity in death – it isn't enough to kill him; his head must be put on display for her amusement and gratification.

So John, who has probably been languishing in prison from 12-18 months, is sentenced to death without benefit of a trial or a defense or a public hearing.  In the end, he is denied a public execution as well.  He is tried, condemned and executed within minutes.

Matthew 14:9 – And the king was sorry, but because of his oaths and his guests he commanded it to be given.

Herod's sorrow was not a godly sorrow which leads to repentance, and thus brings people back into right standing with God.  It was a sorrow for the inconvenience this situation would cause him personally.

Herod was sorry that on his birthday he had to shed blood, because it was an ill omen for a ruler.  However, he had no regrets about ordering the death of a righteous prophet of God.

Herod was sorry he had made a wicked and rash oath.  He would try point out that it was honorable to abide by his promise, but that is a foolish notion.  The keeping of his oath did not make his actions righteous.  In this case, the honorable action was to stand up, take charge of his kingdom, and declare the request null and void. 

His party companions are no better.  There is no record of any one of them protesting the request.  None of them interjected a voice of reason to this crazy and improbable request. I wonder how many of them feared Herodias?

Matthew 14:10-11 – He sent and had John beheaded in the prison, and his head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother.

If you are over the age of 50, you might remember an old radio show host named Paul Harvey.  He had a feature on his show that he used to call "The rest of the story".  He would tell part of a story, but then take a break.  After the first part, you always felt like you knew how the story was going to end.  Later, he would come back and tell the rest.  The ending always had a surprise twist; it never ended the way you thought it would!

According to the Matthew Henry Whole Bible Commentary, this is 'the rest of the story' of Herod Antipas:

 Josephus mentions this story of the death of John the Baptist (Antiq. 18. 116-119), and adds, that a fatal destruction of Herod's army in his war with Aretas, king of Petrea (whose daughter was Herod's wife, whom he put away to make room for Herodias), was generally considered by the Jews to be a just judgment upon him, for putting John the Baptist to death. Herod having, at the instigation of Herodias, disobliged the emperor, was deprived of his government, and they were both banished to Lyons in France; which, says Josephus, was his just punishment for hearkening to her solicitations. And, lastly, it is storied of this daughter of Herodias, that going over the ice in winter, the ice broke, and she slipt in up to her neck, which was cut through by the sharpness of the ice. God requiring her head (says Dr. Whitby) for that of the Baptist; which, if true, was a remarkable providence.

Matthew 14:12 – And his disciples came and took the body and buried it, and they went and told Jesus.

The execution probably happened late in the evening, when John was alone.  Or was he?  His earthly friends and family were not with him, but the Spirit of God was there.

Hebrews 13:5-6 - …for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  So we can confidently say, "The Lord is my helper, I will not fear; what can man do to me?" 

Many people have lost loved ones during the COVID19 virus outbreak.  Due to social distancing, you may not have been beside your loved one as they passed away, but take heart – the Spirit of God was there!  And Jesus was waiting up in heaven to receive your loved one when they arrived.   In 2 Corinthians 5:8, Paul tells us that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

As soon as the disciples of John heard the news of his death, they went to claim the body.  I like the way the scripture says they buried "it", not "him".

Indeed, as Christians, this is always the way we should view death.  Our body stays here on earth, but our soul and spirit, the things that truly make us who we are, are transported up to heaven to be with the Lord forever.  No earthly pain or sorrow or stress can touch us there.  Our struggle against sin will be over.  There will be no crying or tears.  We will forever be in the presence of the God we have loved and served here on earth.  This was true for John the Baptist, and it is true for us as well.

What about the disciples of John?  How did they handle the grief and injustice of this situation?  They went to Jesus and unburdened their souls.  This is the best thing they could have done because:

Jesus was human.  His earthly experience enables him to sympathize with all forms of human suffering.  He understands the sorrow it brings to us when we are parted from a loved one by death. He knew John's disciples had lost a friend, a mentor and a spiritual leader.  Jesus knew and grieved over the toll that sin was exercising over creation.

Jesus was God.  Who could be a better comfort in their hour of grief than the Son of God - who would soon put all enemies, even death, under his feet!  Once the Messiah had been revealed, it was actually a mistake for the disciples to continue to follow John.  John's death prodded them into a relationship with Jesus.  While it is good to faithfully follow true ministers of God, we must remember that we ultimately serve God alone.  He is the one we are to honor and glorify.

Taking our troubles to Jesus first, before anyone else, is always our best course of action.  It strengthens our relationship with him.  It allows him an opportunity to infuse us with wisdom, understanding, comfort and direction.  It helps us gain control over fleshly feelings and desires.  He is well qualified to entirely lift whatever burden we are carrying.  He invites us to cast our cares on him, because he cares for us!

In contrast, when we go to our friends first, we are sometimes led down the wrong path.  Things like pity parties, gossip, bad advice or revenge are often the seeds that are sown by well meaning human listeners.

So let me offer you some encouragement:  God has not chosen to reveal to us the final date of our passing from earth to eternity.  Just like John the Baptist, we can't be sure when or how that change will take place.  But what we can be sure of is having our names written in the Book of Life.  We can be sure of spending eternity in heaven with God, because of the sacrifice of Jesus.  All we need to do is repent and believe on Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

Let me offer you some relief:  Herod Antipas was a man filled with guilt over the sins he had committed.  He was also a man who had an opportunity to hear the message of repentance.  Unfortunately, he chose sin's temporary pleasures over the eternal freedom that salvation could bring.  Don't make the same mistake!

Relief from your sin and guilt can be found by making Jesus Christ Lord of your life.

Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Bad news:  Mankind has been separated from God by sin.  Sin results in eternal death, unless the price of redemption is paid.  We are unable to pay the price ourselves.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  

John 14:6 - Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.

Good news:  God loves us so much, that he sent Jesus to pay our debt, and restore us into fellowship with him.  The blood of Jesus is the only means by which our debt can be paid; it cannot be paid by our good works.

Romans 10:9 - if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Ephesians 2:8 - For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Great News: The redemption of Jesus is a free gift, which he is happy to give you! 

How would one go about obtaining this gift?

Approach God through prayer, and ask for it.  Prayer is simply speaking to God.  You can pray or speak to God out loud, just like you would another person.  He will hear your prayer, and answer it.  Some people prefer to close their eyes when they pray, but it is not required.

There are no exact words or phrases that you must use.  Each person's salvation prayer might be different.  The important part is that in your heart you have sorrow and regret for your sin, and that you trust Jesus to forgive you and that you believe he will wash your sin away with the blood he shed on the cross. 

If you can't seem to think of anything to say, you can use this prayer (or something like it):

Dear Jesus, I confess to you that I am a sinner.  I am sorry for all the wrong things I have done and I ask you to forgive me.  I believe that you are the Son of God, that you died on the cross and rose again, and that your blood paid the price for my sin.  I invite you to come into my heart and life and to be my Lord and Savior.  I commit myself to you right now.  Thank you for saving me from death and giving me the gift of eternal life.  Amen.

If you prayed this prayer and sincerely meant it, then you have received the gift of salvation from Jesus Christ!

Let me give you some strength:  You are now part of the family of God!  You will likely need some mentoring in your new walk with Christ.  I suggest two things:  Get a copy of the Bible and begin to read it.  The New Testament book of John is a great place to begin.  The second is to find a local bible based church and attend it.  They can mentor you in your new life in Christ!

If you have made a first time decision to accept Jesus as your Savior or if you have rededicated your life to him, please write and let us know.  We would love to celebrate with you!

Matthew 13:44 – "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up.  Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."

At one time or another, we have all dreamed of discovering buried treasure!  Books, stories, TV shows and even video games contain elements of buried treasure, just waiting to be discovered.  I bet you are smiling right now, just thinking about it.  

Stop and ask yourself this question: What is it about buried treasure that we find so appealing?

Here are some answers I came up with.  See how your answers compare.

  1. The thrill of discovery; the realization that you have something of great value.
  2. Finding, as opposed to earning, fabulous riches.
  3. The feeling that all your cares and worries are over; you found a life of ease and pleasure.
  4. The ability to give priceless gifts to friends and family. 
  5. The desire to plumb the depth of your discovery – just how much treasure is there?
  6.  A sense of adventure.

In this parable, Jesus is comparing the kingdom of heaven, the gospel message, to buried treasure.  Do you think this is a good analogy? Let's look:

  1. When you first accepted the gospel message, did you realize you had something of great value?  Were you thrilled to discover it? 
  2. Did you earn your salvation, or like buried treasure, was it gift you did not work for? 
  3. Do you find that the gospel gives you freedom from the worry and cares of this life, replacing them with pleasure and joy? 
  4. Is the gospel a priceless treasure you want to share with those you know and love? 
  5. Do you desire to know more and more about God, discovering newer and deeper levels of his wisdom and love?
  6. Has your relationship with Jesus been an adventure?  Does it promise even greater adventures in the age to come?

Indeed, the gospel message is a priceless treasure!

What else can we note about this parable?  The man in question was not seeking treasure, it was something he found or stumbled upon.  This speaks of the salvation of the Gentiles.  They were neither expecting nor looking for the kingdom of heaven.  They 'never saw it coming', yet when it was discovered, countless numbers have laid claim to it.

Of course, the main thrust of this parable is this:  once the man found the treasure, he sold or parted with all that he had to obtain it.  He demonstrates earnestness, care, diligence, and singleness of purpose in his effort to acquire the treasure.

Likewise, when we find salvation, we realize what a vast and priceless treasure it is.  Because it is priceless, we too are willing to part with all that we have to obtain it.  Everything that we may possess or experience in this world pales in comparison to the riches of the kingdom of heaven! Indeed, a man will part with all that he has, yet consider himself incomparably richer than before, when he possesses a relationship with the God of the universe!

When you first entered into a relationship with Jesus, did you burn with desire for him?  If necessary, let us stir up our first love for Christ.  Let us exhibit the same due diligence in our relationship with God as the man in the parable. 

Matthew 13:45-46 – "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it."

This parable is similar to the one before it.  The gospel is a pearl of great price.  People who find it will gladly sacrifice all they have to obtain it.

However, in this parable the man is actively looking and seeking for the pearl.  This speaks of the Jews, who already had a relationship with God and who were actively seeking for the kingdom of heaven.

True, they did not recognize it when it came, but we can rest assured that God is not yet finished with the Jewish nation.  There is a single, united kingdom of heaven and it includes both Jews and Gentiles alike. 

Matthew 13:47-48 - "Again the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was thrown into the sea and gathered fish of every kind.  When it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into containers but threw away the bad."

In this parable, we find similarities to the parable of the wheat and tares.  In this case, the sea is like the world.  The gospel is thrown or spread in the world, and it captures men (fish) of all kinds.

Notice that some of the men are good and some are evil.  As we saw in the parable of the wheat and tares, God chooses to let the wicked and the righteous exist together until the end of the age.

But there will come a day when the net is drawn ashore. Likewise, there is a set time when the gospel shall have fulfilled all that it was sent to do and this age will end.

It is interesting to note that some people also see another application in this parable.  They believe that the sea represents the church.  This would mean that the church presently contains a mixture of believers and unbelievers.  They will attend the same church, sing the same songs and hear the same sermons until the end of the age.  At that time, Jesus will separate the true Christians from those who are not.

In both the parable of wheat/tares and the parable of the fish, Jesus is very specific that there will be a judgment at the end of the gospel dispensation.  

Matthew 13:49-50 – "So it will be at the end of the age.  The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace.  In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

In the current age, Satan is fooling people into believing that all actions and lifestyles are acceptable.  Things that the bible calls sin are not only condoned in our society, but they are affirmed and even celebrated.

Our society uses the umbrella of love and acceptance as a façade to cover these sins and make them acceptable.  If a Christian stands against any sin, they are considered racist or a bigot or a person of hate.  Sadly, Satan has lied to people, convincing them that because God is love and he loves everyone, that he will not punish sin. 

While it is true that God is love, he is also holy.  Therefore, his perspective on sin is completely different than ours.  Sin is an abomination; it is completely unacceptable to him and it cannot stand in his presence.  Each and every sin carries a penalty and God's perfect holiness requires the penalty to be paid.

Enter Jesus. 

He has brokered a deal or made a covenant between man and God.  He has agreed to pay the price for our sin – it was not excused or written off as a bad debt.

  • He paid the price when he left the splendor and glory of heaven to come to earth and take on flesh as a man. 
  • He paid the price when he submitted himself and his will to God. 
  • He paid the price when he resisted the temptation of Satan in the wilderness. 
  • He paid the price when he allowed himself to be arrested, struck, mocked and spit upon under the authority of the high priest. 
  • He paid the price when he was scourged by the order of Pilate.  
  • He paid the price when a crown of thorns was thrust upon his head. 
  • He paid the price when he carried a timber out to a hill and allowed men to drive nails through his hands and feet. 
  • He paid the price when he was hung up to slowly and painfully suffocate on the cross. 
  • He paid the ultimate price when his took on the penalty of sin and was actually separated from the presence of God.   

Oh yes, my friend, your sin was not written off as a bad debt.  It was paid in full.

And the fact remains that God, who is love, requires payment. Hell, fire and brimstone are not very popular topics for sermons these days, but the truth is they are real.  If you refuse the payment Jesus made, you will be held accountable for your own sin at the end of this age.  Jesus has been very clear that hell, a very real place of torment, awaits those who reject his sacrifice.

Matthew 13:51-52 – "Have you understood all these things?"  They said to him, "Yes."  And he said to them, "Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old."

It may seem strange to us that Jesus would liken his disciples to Scribes, since we think of New Testament scribes as being corrupt.  However, Jesus is referring to the job itself, not the men who currently occupied the office.

In Old Testament times, the priests were the keepers of the law.  They practiced it, studied it and taught it to the general population. But over the course of time, this changed.  The more highly esteemed the law became in the eyes of the people, the more the study of the law became its own specialty.  A class of scholars arose who were not priests, but devoted themselves wholly to the Law.  They became the Scribes – professional students of the law - and they assumed responsibility for teaching that law to the people.

The followers of Jesus were like a new class of scribes.  They already knew the Law (Old Testament), and now they were learning and understanding the gospel (New Testament).  These truths would be stored up and kept in their hearts and minds, so when an opportunity for teaching/sharing the gospel came, they would be ready to meet the need.

While pastors and scholars fulfill much of this role today, it is the responsibility of every Christian to be ready to share the gospel.

I Peter 3:15 – In your hearts, honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…

We have freely received the gospel message, we should be ready to freely pass it on to others, that they might also find forgiveness of sin and faith in Christ.  We should also be ready to use the gospel to encourage and strengthen each other in the faith.

Matthew 13:53-54 – And when Jesus had finished these parables, he went away from there, and coming to his hometown he taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, "Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works?"

After his teaching was finished, Jesus returned to Nazareth, where we find him speaking in the synagogue.  His listeners are astonished. 

Had they been astonished at the wisdom Jesus revealed, or at the revelation of the mystery that the kingdom of heaven had come, that would have been a good thing.  Had they been astonished to find that God was confirming his word with miracles, that would also have been good. That would have been appropriate. That would have led them to accept the gospel message.

But unfortunately, they are astonished at the wrong thing.  Their attention is diverted away from spiritual things to the earthly qualifications of Jesus.

Matthew 13:55-56 – "Is not this the carpenter's son?  Is not his mother called Mary?  And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?  And are not all his sisters with us?  Where then did this man get all these things?"

They acknowledge that Jesus lived and worked among them for many years, probably as a carpenter.  In their eyes, this was all he was – nothing more or less than a mere laborer, whose family they had known for years.  At best, he was their equal, or even their inferior.  In their eyes, he would never be anything else.

They couldn't fathom how such a common, lowly man had risen to such heights of knowledge.  Nor could they explain the confirmation of his teaching with miracles. 

However, the simplest explanation was the correct one – Jesus was something more than a mere man.  He was the Messiah, sent by God with a new message of hope for all of mankind.

Matthew 13:57-58 – And they took offense at him.  But Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household."  And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.

This is a proverbial expression.  Because Jesus possessed an extraordinary endowment from heaven, he was rejected by those who were most familiar with him.  The source of this rejection was probably envy, prejudice or malice.

Miracles confirmed the word of truth that Jesus was preaching.  Because the people of this town had rejected the message, there was no point in the working of miracles.  In fact, if Jesus had worked mighty miracles among them, they most likely would have credited them to sorcery or the power of the devil.

The few miracles that he did do were proof of his mission; it was up to them to accept or reject the truth of the gospel.

Let me offer you some encouragement:  The man with the hidden treasure exhibited excitement and even obsession in his quest to dig out the treasure he found.  This week, as you 'dig out' treasure from the scriptures, I encourage you to focus on recalling just how incredible and amazing your salvation really is.   You were lost, but now you are saved. You were a slave to sin, but now you are a son/daughter of God.  You were destined for eternal torment, now you have a home prepared for you in heaven.  You were shrouded by a spirit of heaviness, but now you wear a garment of praise.  You had ashes, now you have beauty.

As we dwell on all that Jesus has provided for us through his sacrifice, we should feel loved and valued by God.  His love is no mere empty profession.  He has backed his words up with his actions!

Let me offer you some relief:  You don't need a college degree to share the gospel message with others.  If you have experienced the life changing power of God, just simply share what God has done for you.

Do you feel like you need some boldness?  It was the Holy Spirit who empowered the disciples to share the gospel message with all those around them.  Allow the Holy Spirit to baptize you with power and you will find a boldness for sharing the gospel message that you never thought possible! 

Let me offer you some strength:   In this age, the righteous and the wicked dwell together.  Sometimes when we look at the unrighteous people around us, we get frustrated because they seem to be prospering, while we seem to be struggling.  I want you to know that righteous people of all generations have noticed this and been bothered by it.

A particularly good example is laid out for us in Psalms 73.  The author of this psalm notices that the evil men around him are prosperous, healthy, strong, and free of trouble, even though they are corrupt and wicked.  He almost begins to envy them.

But then, in Psalms 73:16-17, he comes to his senses!

Psalms 73:16-17 – But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task, until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end.

As he enters into the presence of God, he understands.  He knows that the prosperity of the wicked is a prelude to their destruction, for destruction is their sure and certain end.

He also understands that his present troubles are contained to a limited time span; a time of testing and growth closely overseen by a merciful heavenly Father, which will be rewarded at the end of the age.

If you need strength for your day, find it the same way the psalmist did – by spending time in the presence of God!

Matthew 13:24 - He put another parable before them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field,

The gospels of Mark, Luke and John all use the expression 'Kingdom of God".  The kingdom of God is the sovereignty (supreme power, dominion and authority) of God, which is universal.  It existed from the beginning and will know no end (it is eternal).  It is overall, and embraces all; it is unlimited in its scope.  It is the subject of New Testament revelation.   

Only the gospel of Matthew uses the expression "Kingdom of Heaven".  The kingdom of heaven is a phase or aspect of the kingdom of God.  It refers to the dispensation that began when Jesus was rejected as the Messiah and it will end when he returns to earth as king.  This is the dispensation that we are currently living in.  It is also referred to as the age of grace or the gospel dispensation.   It is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophesy.

The parables of Jesus show us what we can expect this age to be like.  In our last lesson, the parable of the sower, we saw that Jesus plants (sows) the seeds of the gospel into the hearts (soil) of men.  The type of soil, that is, the state of a man's heart, determines the outcome of the seed. 

Jesus now reveals another aspect of the kingdom of Heaven in what is known as the parable of the weeds. In this parable, a man plants good seed in his field.

Matthew 13:25 - but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away."

The weeds referred to here may possibly be what is known as darnel grass.  It is a species of ryegrass whose seeds are poisonous to humans.  Eating these seeds can produce violent nausea, convulsions, diarrhea and death.  When growing, it has an uncanny likeness to wheat.  The difference between the two can only be seen when they begin to bear fruit.

Other possible candidates for the weeds in question are blasted grain, degenerate wheat, chess grass or brome grass.  Since the truth behind the parable is not dependent on the exact identification of the weed, any of these speculations are acceptable.  All we really need to keep in mind is that the tares/weeds and the wheat looked identical until harvest time.  

Matthew 13:26-27 – "So when the plants came up and bore grain then the weeds appeared also.  And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, 'Master, did you not sow good seed in your field?  How then does it have weeds?"

The two plants looked so identical when growing, that the servants only discovered the weeds when the grain formed. 

How interesting that we just saw this principle back in Matthew chapter 7, where Jesus says a tree is known by its fruits!  Here is an identical parallel of that – the difference between the weed and the wheat can only be known when we see the fruit.

Matthew 13:28-29 – "He said to them, 'An enemy has done this.'  So the servants said to him, 'Then do you want us to go and gather them? "But he said, 'No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them."

The servants were more than willing to take action, but the action they proposed was very zealous and would be harmful to the true wheat.  Jesus tells them to let them both continue to exist side-by-side for the time being.

Matthew 13:30 – Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.'"

According to the will of the Lord, both will grow together for a time, but in the end a separation will be made.  And not only a separation, but a distinction – the wheat will be safely and carefully stored in the barn, while the weeds will be bound together and burned.

How do you interpret the parable of the weeds?  How does it apply to the present gospel dispensation?  Take a few minutes to form an answer.  In a little while Jesus will give us the correct answer and you can see how close you were to finding out the 'secret/mystery'.

Matthew 13:31-32 – He put another parable before them, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field.  It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.'

Just like that tiny mustard seed, the era of the gospel started out very small and seemingly insignificant.  In fact, its earliest beginning passed by completely unnoticed by most people.  As you recall, the birth of Christ (the word made flesh) was in a manger; very little notice was taken except by some shepherds and a few wise men from a non-Jewish nation.  Likewise, the early life of Jesus was also virtually unknown and has passed into obscurity. 

Over time, the mustard plant began to grow.  In the same way, Jesus' ministry also began to grow, eventually becoming public.  People started to take notice of the gospel message.  After the resurrection of Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit, that message began to explode onto the world scene. 

The mustard plant become so large, it became a shelter for other life.  Although the gospel message was preached to the Jews first, it was too big to be limited to just the Jewish nation.  As we have seen many times, God had always intended to bring the Gentiles (other life) under the umbrella of salvation as well. 

Matthew 13:33 – He told them another parable.  "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened."

The bible sometimes uses the word 'leaven' in a negative connotation.  For example, in Matthew 16:11 we find Jesus warning the disciples against the 'leaven' of the Sadducees and Pharisees.  However, that is not the case here.  Jesus guides us to the correct interpretation when he says "the kingdom of heaven is like…" In other words, this parable describes the gospel age. 

The leaven is initially obscured in some flour, but eventually it multiplies and leavens the entire batch of dough. The results are unmistakable.  In the same way, the gospel message started out obscurely, but has progressed from Judea to Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the world. Here too, the results are unmistakable!

Many people also see a secondary principle at work in the parable of the mustard seed and the parable of the leaven.  Instead of just referring to the growth or spread of the gospel message through the earth, it may also be applied to the individual human heart.

When a person first accepts the gospel, it takes root in our hearts but it is still a very immature entity.  We must grow in grace, working with the Holy Spirit to make the gospel mature in our hearts.  As we grow and mature in our faith, we become more and more like Jesus.

Matthew 13:34-35 – All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables; indeed, he said nothing to them without a parable. This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet: "I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter what has been hidden since the foundations of the world."

Neither the masses of common Jews nor the Jewish leaders were ready for a clear statement of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.  That being the case, Jesus teaches them in parables.  This allows the information to stay in their minds and hearts until it has a chance to take root.  It also keeps their interest, so that they continue listening and seeking.

What, exactly, has been hidden or kept secret since the foundation of the world?

Ephesians 3:8-9 – To me (the apostle Paul)… this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things…

The secret or mystery hidden from the foundation of the world is the gospel message of Jesus Christ.  Specifically, salvation is given to man through the death and resurrection of Jesus.  This is found numerous places in the New Testament including Romans 16:25, 1 Corinthians 2:7 and Colossians 1:26.

Praise be to God that this is not a mystery to us; because we have been born in the gospel dispensation (the time of the kingdom of heaven), we were born under the revelation of the greatest mystery of the ages!

Yet, the gospel is still a mystery to many people and nations.  We must do our part to spread the gospel message throughout the earth – and in our own neighborhoods as well!

Matthew 13:36 – Then he left the crowds and went into the house.  And his disciples came to him saying, "Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the field." 

The crowds went away having heard a sermon by the Son of God, but they were not changed by it.  That seems a bit shocking but then, how many times have we too, heard the word but it did not impact us?

Did you take a few minutes to determine the meaning of the parable of the weeds?  If so, read on and see how much you understood.

Matthew 13:37 – He answered, "The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man."

The good seed is the good news; salvation along with all its riches and privileges.  These are sown in the world by Jesus, the Son of Man.  

Once Jesus ascended into heaven to sit by the right hand of the Father, the Holy Spirit came down to earth to empower believers continue to preach and share the good news with all nations.  This task will continue throughout the duration of this age.  It only stops when the age ends, with the return of Christ.

Matthew 13:38-39 – "The field is the world, and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom.  The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil.  The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels."

So, clearly the world is the field.  True believers in Christ represent the wheat. 

Satan is the evil one, who came and sowed weeds in the world.  Weeds represent people who work iniquity and are disobedient to the gospel.  They are enemies of Christ and of the gospel message.  They seek to do the will of their father Satan, who comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. 

Back in verses 28-29, the master's workers offered to pluck up the weeds, but the master declined.  His decision was to allow the weeds and the wheat to exist together, until the time of the final harvest.  So, while the righteous may wish that God would immediately put an end to wickedness, God has decided to do otherwise.  For His own righteous and just purposes, He has decided to allow wickedness to continue until the end of this age. 

Take a moment and consider some of the things that God accomplishes in our spiritual lives by allowing us to live in an age where good and evil are both present.  We learn to love as he loves.  We learn to forgive as he forgives.  We learn to be patient, good, kind, longsuffering and joyful.  We learn the true meaning of peace and happiness.  We learn to walk with God and we have opportunities to learn his ways.  We develop trust in Him.  We learn to hear his voice and follow him in all things.  And these are only the things we know or understand.  We can be sure that God, whose ways are higher than our ways, is also accomplishing things in us that we don't even understand yet!   

Also of note back in verses 28-29, is the fact that the master does not want the weeds plucked up, because the wheat may be destroyed or damaged in the process.  This shows that God spares the wicked for the sake of the righteous, reserving all judgment for the final day when divine justice will be executed and each person will be recompensed according to his/her own works.

The day of judgment/divine justice will happen at the end of the age, which is represented in the parable as the harvest. 

Angels will somehow be connected to this great harvest as evidenced by the book of Revelation:

Revelation 14:15 – And another angel came out of the temple, calling with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud, "Put in your sickle, and reap, for the hour to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is fully ripe."

 However, their precise role is not so easy to understand.  We may have to wait until the end of the age to find out exactly how they assist the Master!   

Matthew 13:40-42 – "Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the end of the age.  The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all lawbreakers, and throw them into the fiery furnace.  In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

A final separation of the righteous and the wicked will occur at the end of this age. 

Those who rejected the gospel and persist in sin will be sent to hell, which is a place of severe torment and punishment.  They will inherit shame and everlasting contempt.  

Matthew 13:43 – "Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.  He who has ears, let him hear."

The saints and faithful servants of Christ shall receive glory, honor and eternal life.  We will inherit a kingdom prepared for us from the foundation of the world.  We need have no fear when the end of the age comes upon us, for we will be taken to Heaven, to live forever with Jesus, our Lord, Savior and King!

There, we will experience what no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no earthly tongue is able to express.  What a wonderful day that will be!

So let me offer you some encouragement and some relief:  Just as there is a big difference between and a weed and wheat, so should there be a big difference between the righteous and the wicked.  So when you are attacked for being 'narrow minded' or 'old fashioned' or even 'a bigot', don't let that disturb you.  In fact, it should be an encouragement to you.  Remember what Jesus said:

Matthew 5:11-12 – Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.  Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven…

There will always be conflict between the righteous and the wicked in this age, but take heart - it will not last!  The day of separation will come, when Jesus comes to take us home, and we leave all that is sinful behind!

Let me offer you some strength:  The timing of your birth was not an accident.  Jesus planned for you to live your life in the present age - the gospel dispensation.  He knew you would be living side-by-side with evil and even though it can be a struggle, remember that God is using your present circumstances to bring about something glorious in you.  Take heart!  God will cause you to be victorious in Christ Jesus!  

Romans 8:18 – For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in us.

Matthew 26:1-2 – When Jesus finished all these sayings, he said to his disciples, 'You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified.'

Many scholars believe that verses 1-2 of chapter 26 should have been the very last verses of chapter 25.  In chapter 25, Jesus has just finished his teachings regarding the end of the Jewish age and the end of time; he now reminds them that Passover is coming and he will crucified at that time. 

Think of it!  The most crucial event in God's timetable for the ages was about to take place!  Can you imagine the joy of heaven as the time drew near for Jesus to legally defeat Satan and put an end to the power of sin and death?   

Let's give ourselves a quick review of the Passover celebration.  We will take a look at the basics of the first Passover, then look at how the customs changed after their liberation from Egypt. 

Passover Lamb

God instituted this celebration as He freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.  You can find the original instructions for Passover in Exodus 12:3-20, Leviticus 23:5-8 and Numbers 28:16-25.

On the 10th day of Nisan, each household was to select a male lamb that was without blemish.  They kept this lamb separated until the 14th of Nisan (or Abib).  At that time the head of each household would kill the lamb sometime in the afternoon, before the sun was fully set.  The blood of this lamb was sprinkled on the top and both sides of the door frame of each entrance/exit to their house.  When the death angel of the Lord saw the blood on the door, he would 'pass over' that house.  However, in houses where the blood was absent (Egyptian households), each and every firstborn male was mysteriously killed that night.

Blood was put on the top and sides of the door frame.

The lamb was eaten the same day it was sacrificed, after being roasted.  It could not be boiled, fried, stewed, cooked in an Instant Pot or eaten raw.  It HAD to be roasted.  In order to be roasted, it was thrust through with two spits – on lengthwise and one transversely.  These two spits crossed each other in the area of the forelegs, so that the animal appeared to be crucified.  No bones of the animal were to be broken in this process. 

The lamb was to be eaten with unleavened bread and bitter herbs (salad), while the people were fully clothed and wearing coats and shoes.  This was to show that they were ready to leave Egypt in a hurry. 

While the basics of this feast are still retained, some changes have been made.  In later years when the lamb was selected, he actually lived with the family, inside the house, for the 4 day waiting period.  During this time, they often grew attached to the animal.  Because of this, the death of the lamb had a greater impact on the household. 

When the 14th came, all lambs were sacrificed at the temple by a priest, at around 3 pm in the afternoon (As opposed to being sacrificed by the head of the house, anytime in the afternoon, at any place).  The blood was sprinkled on the corner of the brazen altar, instead of the door posts. 

The lamb was still to be put on two spits, roasted and eaten on the same day.  Each lamb was designed to feed a group of between 10-20 people.  Families had to join together to meet these requirements.    

Passover itself is a single day festival.  However, immediately following it the Jews celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  During this time, all leaven is removed from their houses for 7 days.  This festival shows that the leaven of sin should be put far from us, after our sins have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus. 

Together, these two festivals give us a picture of Jesus.  Just as the Israelites were enslaved to the Egyptians, we were slaves to sin.  But at the appointed time, Jesus came to earth to be our final sacrifice.  Just like the lamb, he was perfect (sinless).  He allowed himself to be crucified on the cross (the two spits) and he died at 3 pm in the afternoon.  The Jews applied the blood of the lamb to their door posts, and it delivered them from death.  We symbolically apply the blood of Christ to our hearts, which pays for our sin, while imputing the righteousness of Christ to us.  Because of this, we are free from spiritual death which is caused by sin.

Other changes have been made to the Passover celebration throughout the years.  If you are interested in the exact ceremony of Passover, including the four cups of wine, the reciting of various Psalms, the removing/adding of plates, the testimony of the father to his children about what God has done, etc you can look online.  This information is readily available, and since the practice of communion is tied into the Passover, you should know about it.  So take some time and check it out!     

Now that we have had a brief review of Passover, let's return to our text.  Jesus tells his disciples that in just a couple of days, he will be crucified at Passover.  This demonstrates that Jesus was God, because he clearly knew that the time had come for him to be the fulfillment of the Passover celebration.   

John 13:1 - Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father…

So, the timing of the death of Jesus was not determined by the Jewish religious leaders or by the political overtones of those days.  The timing of the death of Christ was a fixed, appointed time that was determined by God, before the world began. 

We can easily show that the Jewish religious leaders did not intend to kill Him during the Passover:

Mark 14:1-2 - After two days was the feast of the Passover, and of unleavened bread: and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death.  But they said, Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar of the people.   

Despite what man has planned, God is in control.  God had a definite, appointed time for the sacrifice of the Lamb of God and it happened exactly when God ordained that it would.

Likewise, God has appointed a set time for Jesus to return to earth, when he will take us to be with him and judge the world, as we saw in chapter 25.  

The declaration of Jesus about his coming crucifixion was not only a sign that he was God, it was a comfort to his followers.  When things did not go as expected, they could take comfort in the fact that God was in control. 

What a great lesson for us!  Events of this world may not be unfolding the way you thought they would, in your own personal life or in our country.  But if we are disciples of Jesus, we can take comfort knowing that he sees us, and that we are in the palm of his hands.  Regardless of what happens around us, we can be assured that God is in control.

Matthew 26:3 – Then the chief priests and the elders of the people gathered in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas.

Let's review the facts about the high priest and the 'supreme court' of the Jews.

High priest is a title given to the head priest in any generation.  Back when God first instituted the office of high priest, a man held that office until he died, then the title passed to his firstborn son, and to his firstborn son, etc.

Quick question – Who was the first high priest?

Answer – Aaron, brother of Moses (Exodus 28:1).

As you recall, Aaron had four sons – Eleazar, Nadab, Abihu and Ithamar.  When Aaron died, it passed to his eldest son Eleazar.  It continued to be inherited in that family line for approximately 300 years, until it passed to Eli, who was the son of Ithamar, Aaron's fourth son.  It then continued in that branch of the family until the time of King Solomon, who deposed Abiathar (for disloyalty to David) and appointed Zadok (descendant of Eleazar) to the office.  It remained in Eleazar's line until the Babylonian captivity.  After the return of the Jews to Jerusalem, a descendant of Eleazar (Joshua) was once again placed in the office. 

Then around 160 BC, when Antiochus Epiphanes ruled in Judea, he sold the office to the highest bidder!  From that time on, it changed hands frequently and was no longer a 'lifetime' position.  In fact, Herod the Great changed the high priest as often as he liked, for any reason that suited his fancy.  Persons who had been removed from that office still retained the title.  That is why more than one high priest is sometimes mentioned, although the office technically belonged to only one man.

Now, by this time the high priest was also the head of the supreme court of Israel, called the Sanhedrin.  This court was originally instituted during the lifetime of Moses (Numbers 11:16-17) and included 70 men, prominent elders and rulers of big families.  Originally, their job was to assist Moses in judging matters between the Jews, but the purpose and power of this council changed over time.

By the time of Christ, it consisted of 24 chief priests, scribes and some elders of the people, who were the heads of the great families.  They had the ultimate ruling authority over the Jews, however, at this all Jews were under the authority of Rome.  This meant that the Sanhedrin could try a person and condemn them to death, but they could not carry out the sentence without the consent of the Roman authorities. 

Now the scriptures tell us that some kind of a meeting took place in the 'palace' or court of the high priest's house.  This leads many scholars to believe that it was not an official meeting of the Sanhedrin, because official meetings of that group were held in the hall of Gazith (one of the halls in the court surrounding the temple).  They believe the meeting included some of Sanhedrin, as well as some temple officials and friends of the current/former high priest.

On the other hand, some scholars are convinced that this was a true, official meeting of the Sanhedrin.  Regardless of who is correct, we can be sure that this was a group who were bitterly opposed to Jesus, determined to bring him to shame and death at any cost. 

Matthew 26:4-5 – …and plotted together in order to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill him.  But they said, 'Not during the feast, lest there be an uproar among the people.'

All of the Jews believed Jesus was a distinguished prophet and teacher sent by God.  No doubt, many believed that he was the Messiah.  So any public plot against Jesus by the ruling Jews would probably have backfired on them.   The common Jews would have formed a mob, and rescued Jesus.  Realizing their position, the council gathered together to plan a covert or secret plot to arrest and kill Jesus.  But these men were not in control of the destiny of Jesus!  They could not frustrate the predetermined plans of Almighty God!

So the event that they wished to keep as secret as possible ended up taking place as the most public event of the century! Jews from all across the world has gathered in Jerusalem for the Passover feast.  These same people became witnesses to the most important event ever known to man – the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! And they took that witness back to every corner of the globe. (It was very important that his resurrection be public, so that in later years, no false religion could cast doubt upon the claims of Christianity). 

Now, this raises important implications for us.  There are people in government positions or people in the court system who think they are in control of the destiny of Christians – but they are just as wrong as the Jewish council.  The bible tells us that Jesus is the head of the church…

Ephesians 1:22 - And has put all things under his [Jesus] feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,

…and he is in control over all things relating to the body of Christ.  Governments believe that they can wipe out or suppress Christianity, but they cannot.  When they persecute the church, it just spreads like wildfire.  Try to snuff it out in one place, and it will pop back up in multiple other places. 

Judges believe that they can rule ruthlessly and unjustly over the people of God, and simply silence them, but they cannot.  Jesus will always provide whatever the church needs in order to bring it to victory.  Our assignment is to trust in Jesus, and follow his battle plan.  If we do, he will put our enemies (and His) to ultimate shame!

Matthew 26:6-7 – Now when Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head as he reclined at table.

Matthew has been relating events that took place two days before the Passover.  However, he now inserts an incident that took place six days earlier (John 12:1-2).  Why would he do such a thing?

His purpose is to show the treachery of Judas Iscariot.  In this passage, we will see that Judas is a thief.  He was not a true disciple of Jesus, but a traitor.  The rebuke he received at this dinner several days ago may have been the final catalyst that caused him to betray Christ.

So, we find that six days earlier, Jesus had been invited to supper at the house of Simon the leper.  It is really not possible for Simon to have been a leper at that point, because lepers could not live in the city and certainly nobody would go to their house for a meal.  It is likely that he himself had been cured of leprosy by Jesus, or that one of his relatives was, and the phrase "leper" was adopted as a surname to distinguish him from other men named Simon.

Now remember, at this time people did not sit upright in chairs at mealtime.  They reclined on couches with their heads toward the table and their feet pointing outward.  So as Jesus is eating, this woman arrives with a box of very expensive perfume.  Mark (14:3) and John (12:3) tell us that it was nard or spikenard. 

Spikenard was taken from an herb growing chiefly in the Indies.  It was a liquid obtained from the root or bark of the plant.  It was one of the most desired and precious of all the perfumes.  John tells us that she had a pound, which would equal 12 ounces to in our culture.  This is a rather large quantity of oil and it was very valuable.   

Back in Jesus' day, people loved to anoint themselves with perfumes and ointments.  The most common method was to pour the perfume on the top of your head or hair.  Anywhere you went, people would be able to smell the perfume. So this woman breaks open her jar and without hesitation, she pours it on the head/hair of Jesus.      

The book of John mentions that she also poured some on his feet as well.  This was an uncommon way to use the perfume.  After his feet were wet, she then knelt down and wiped them with her hair.  This was an act of deep humility and it exemplified her love for Jesus. 

So… when was the last time you loved Jesus extravagantly?  How did you do that?  Do you ever look for opportunities to do it again?    

Matthew 26:8-10 – And when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, "Why this waste?  For this could have been sold for a large sum and given to the poor."  But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, "Why do you trouble this woman? For she has done a beautiful thing to me."

Immediately, someone cast a damper on this act of humility and love by starting to complain.  Nothing can ruin an act of love more quickly than a complaint!  So who was the rotten apple?  You guessed it – Judas!

John 12:4-6 – But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said, "Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?"  He said this not because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief and having charge of the moneybag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.

He not only murmurs against this woman and her display of extravagant love for Christ, he implies fault on the part of Jesus as well, for allowing her to treat him in this way.  That's a very bold assumption, don't you think?   

Once Judas begins to gripe and complain, it appears that the other disciples also entered into it.  What a grievous and evil fire was set aflame by the tongue of Judas!  His envy and avarice infected all of his companions.

What a multitude of lessons present themselves in this circumstance!

  • We ought to see this as a kind of warning, not to rashly decide on a matter until we have heard both sides of the story.  The disciples instantly sided with Judas because there was a degree of plausibility in his statement.  However, if they had waited to see what Jesus had to say about the matter, they would have come to a completely different conclusion.  I wonder how embarrassed they were after Jesus responded to their griping and accusations!  The wise person will consider both sides of the issue, before spouting off at the mouth!
  • Thinking of complaining?  Don't do it!  It never helps.  Complaining is one of Satan's favorite fragrances.  Don't draw him to yourself by wallowing in it.  Don't tear others down with it.  Say something encouraging or keep your mouth shut!
  • How dare the disciples judge this woman's act of service to Christ as a 'waste'?  What right did they have to do so?  This woman's perfume was her 'talent'.  Had she kept it hidden away instead of investing it, that would have been a waste. 

Instead, she purposely and selflessly rendered a unique gift/service to God; Jesus commends her actions as surely as if he had said 'well done, good and faithful servant'.  In short, we have no right to judge the motivation of a person's heart.  When someone gives a pure expression of love to Christ, it has a value unknown to us; but it is priceless to God.

Matthew 26:11 – "For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me."

There are two kinds of opportunities which are available to us as Christians.  The majority of these are constant; they are always around.  For instance, we can always give clothing and shelter to the poor, because they will always be poor among us.  We can always feed the hungry, because there will always be hungry people.  We can always give to the spread of the gospel message, because they are always places that still need to be reached with the good news of Jesus.

But there are also opportunities that are one-time events.  The anointing of Jesus with this costly perfume was one of them.  It was right and good that she gave Jesus this lavish gift, because he would soon be gone and the chance to do this good work would also be gone.  This was her only chance to minister to this need. If we are attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, he will show us some of these unique opportunities. 

Matthew 26:12-13  –  "In pouring this ointment on my body she has done it to prepare me for burial.  Truly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her."

It is very unlikely that this woman clearly understood that Jesus was going to die shortly; even the disciples did not fully comprehend the fact at that time.  She was motivated by love and gratitude; Jesus used her extravagant gift to call attention to the fact that he was soon going to lay down his life for the benefit of mankind. 

Can we wax poetic for a moment and say that the death of Christ yielded a wonderful or desirable odor because it breathed life and salvation throughout the whole earth? 

After all, when Jesus promises that this woman will be remembered 'wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world', he is indirectly testifying that the gospel will spread way past the borders of the Jewish nation to include the Gentiles as well. That's good news for all of us reading this lesson right now.

Matthew 26:14-15 – Then one of the twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, "What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?" and they paid him thirty pieces of silver.

So, as one of Christ's followers is giving him an extravagant gift of love, another one is planning to betray him to his sworn enemies!  Even in Jesus' circle of friends there were both sheep and goats. 

It is true that Jesus gently rebuked his disciples for their grumbling about the gift of spikenard.  But why would a person who receives a gentle rebuke respond with a full blown betrayal?

Despite the fact that Judas had walked with Jesus for three years, witnessed great numbers of miracles and heard godly teaching, Christ was not truly ruling his heart.  He had not been transformed by his time with Jesus.  

So when he is rebuked for complaining about the 'waste' of the perfume, Judas probably felt some shame, which soon transformed into anger.  The true motivation of his heart – greed – had been painfully and publicly exposed.  Think about this:  He was angry and frustrated because he lost the opportunity to steal money that was never even under his control!  

He was probably further agitated by the realization that Jesus was not going to set up an immediate earthly kingdom – he was going to die!  All the dreams that Judas had about being the secretary of the treasury in Jesus' new kingdom went right up in smoke!    

Obviously, lust for money consumed every part of Judas' being.  And anyone who loves money that much has no room for God.

Now remember, this event happened six days before the crucifixion.  So over the next few days, Judas' lust, anger and frustration grew to a point where he was totally consumed.  At some point (during the Passover meal), he allowed Satan to have control of his heart.      

Luke 22:3-5 - Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.   And he went his way, and conferred with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them.  And they were glad, and agreed to give him money.

The price that was paid for the betrayal of Jesus is just bewildering.

On one hand, we have Judas, who is consumed by his love for money.  He is more than just greedy.  He has entered into the realm of avarice.  He will eventually trade his immortal soul and eternal life with Jesus for earthly money.  That being the case, we would expect him to ask the religious leaders for an exorbitant sum. 

On the other hand, we have the religious leaders, who are desperately determined to put an end to the life of Jesus.  They have access to vast sums of money (from the temple funds).  Surely, they would pay a handsome price to get what they wanted. 

Yet, we find that the amount paid for the life of Jesus was just thirty coins. 

Was there any significance to this amount?

Under the Law, thirty pieces of silver was the appointed restitution price for a servant/slave who had been gored to death by an animal.  It reflects the lowest value that could be placed on a human life.

Exodus 21:32 – If an ox gores a slave, male or female, the owner shall give to their master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be stoned. 

The only explanation for such a meager sum, was that God had ordained it in times past, and the sum was a fulfillment of prophesy.  

Zechariah 11:12-13 - And I said unto them, If you think it good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.   And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a princely price that I was valued at by them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD.  

And yet, it is a fitting price, for Jesus was a servant:

Isaiah 42:1 - Behold my servant, whom I uphold; my elect, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth justice to the Gentiles.   

How could we ever comprehend the depth of the love that Jesus has for us?  Mankind assigns his life the lowest possible value, yet Jesus pays the ultimate price for us – his own blood.    

Sadly, our nation is even worse than Judas.  We have assigned a value of zero worth to tens of thousands of unborn children when we stood by and allowed abortion to be an acceptable practice.    

Matthew 26:16 – And from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray him.

Once the bargain was struck, there was no further need to wait until after the Passover.  The religious leaders still did not want to arrest Jesus in front of the crowds, but that shouldn't be a problem now.  As a close associate of Jesus, Judas would know where he was at all times.  It would be easy to call in the temple guards at night, or in a place of secrecy, away from the throngs of people who had descended upon Jerusalem.  Or so they thought…

Matthew 26:17 – Now on the first day of the Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus saying, "Where will you have us prepare for you to eat the Passover?"

As we already discussed, Passover only lasted a single day, but it was immediately followed by the feast of unleavened bread, which lasted seven days.  This feast commemorated the haste and confusion that occurred on the night that the Israelites fled Egypt.  Because of their great haste, they ate bread without leaven (Exodus 13:5-10).

I find it interesting that while Jesus was alive, he perfectly observed every facet of the ceremonial law, even up to the time of his death.  Jesus made no excuses - He celebrated Passover in Jerusalem, as the law specified, despite the threats of the religious leaders. 

Soon he would both fulfill and abolish the Law with his death and resurrection! 

Matthew 26:18 – He said, "Go into the city to a certain man and say to him, 'The Teacher says, My time is at hand.  I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples.'"

Jesus instructs his followers to go and find a specific man, and make arrangements for the Passover meal to be eaten at his house.

No doubt, this man was a follower of Jesus.  This is apparent in the message that Jesus gives him.  In it, he refers to himself as "The Teacher" or "The Master".  This was the title that the disciples commonly used for Jesus. It is possible that this man was a secret disciple, like many others at the time, because they feared persecution from the Jewish leaders (John 12:42).

As Master, Jesus does not ask permission from the man to use his house.  He commands it to be done, knowing that the man will acknowledge his authority.

Do we acknowledge the same authority of Jesus?  If he speaks to us about giving up our material possessions for his use, do we immediately comply, or do we hesitate and complain?  Do we find excuses not to do as he has commanded?    

Notice the message that Jesus gives to the homeowner: My time is at hand.  In other words, Jesus knew that the time of his death was upon him, and he acted accordingly. 

We, however, do not know the time of our death and so (as discussed in chapter 25) we must always be watchful and on guard so that we can be ready for eternity when the time of our death arrives. 

Matthew 26:19 – And the disciples did as Jesus had directed them, and they prepared the Passover.

Have you ever prepared an entire Thanksgiving meal by yourself?  You have to clean and roast the turkey, peel the potatoes, make the cranberry relish and mix the stuffing.  You also have to thicken the drippings for gravy, heat up the corn and make sure to bake the pies.  The tricky part is making sure that it is all done at the same time.   Thanksgiving dinner can be exhausting if you are the cook!

The disciples had a similar situation in this case.  Although the room they had access to was furnished (had tables and couches), they still had to get a lamb, buy or prepare unleavened bread, buy and wash the bitter herbs, make the sauce and get the wine.  The lamb would need to be taken to the temple to be slain; then it had to be skinned, dressed and roasted.  The table had to be set.  And it all had to be ready by sunset.

Matthew 26:20-21 – When it was evening, he reclined at table with the twelve.  And as they were eating, he said, "Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me."

So the Passover meal followed its normal course of events, until a shocking announcement is made by Jesus. 

First, we notice that Jesus was very much aware of what was going on.  Judas may have fooled his fellow disciples, but Jesus was divinely aware that Judas was his betrayer. 


Jesus had told his disciples for some time that he was going to be betrayed and put to death, but they probably figured it would be the religious leaders who would to this.  It was quite a blow for them to find out that it was a member of their inner group whose treachery would lead to their Master's death. 

However, this revelation did serve a purpose.  When they saw it, it did not take them by surprise.  It was not a blow to their faith.  In fact, it was the opposite – because Jesus had accurately predicted it, the event became a confirmation of their faith in him.

Matthew 26:22 – And they were very sorrowful and began to say to him one after another, "Is it I, Lord?"

The reaction of the 11 was predictable – they were filled with sorrow and grief that Jesus was going to be betrayed.  This exemplified their great love for Jesus.

It probably also troubled them to find out that there was a traitor among them.  They had spent about three years with each other and I'm sure they felt that they knew each other very well.  Now they probably questioned whether or not they could trust anybody. 

But most troubling of all was that they were uncertain who the betrayer was.  Apparently, Judas was not the obvious suspect. He was a hypocrite, but he was well hidden and by all outward appearances, he was a true believer.  This is, perhaps, the scariest detail in this account. 

To their credit, the disciples did not start accusing one another.  They did not indignantly assert that it couldn't be them.  Instead, each man was apt to suspect himself of some hidden weakness or sin that could lead to a betrayal of their Master, even though they were not conscious of it. 

This uncertainty surely made each disciple look inward and examine the intents and motivations of his own heart.  Having found nothing, they look to Jesus to confirm that they are clean. (Lord, is it I?)

This is a good lesson for us as well.  Every so often, we would do well to take stock of our motivations.  Are we still serving God with a pure heart?  Or has a touch of pride, a slice of jealousy, or a drop of judgment crept into our hearts and lives?  It is good for us to consult with the Holy Spirit and ask him to reveal any uncleanness in our lives. 

It is also possible that some of us have been 'betrayed' by a friend, or family member.  It may even have been someone extremely close to us.  It may have been something that was completely unexpected and caught us totally off guard.  But this example tells us not to be discouraged or to give up hope; Jesus experienced the exact same thing. 

If you are hurting or broken because of a betrayal, Jesus can heal you.  The stripes he took on his back were not just for physical healing, but for spiritual and emotional healing as well.  

Matthew 26:23 – He answered, "He who has dipped his hand in the dish with me will betray me."

What is the dish being discussed here?  In the observance of Passover, the Jews had a thick sauce made of raisins and figs mixed with vinegar and other spices.  It was their view that this mixture represented the clay which their forefathers were compelled to use in making brick.  So the sauce was a reminder of their bitter bondage in Egypt.

Remember, there were 10-20 people in the group who ate the Passover lamb.  So there would have been several small bowls of this sauce on the table where the meal was eaten.

So when Jesus says that his betrayer will 'dip his hand in the dish with me', it indicates that Judas was sitting very close to Jesus during this final Passover meal. 

Which brings up another point.  How could Judas, knowing what he planned to do, come to participate in the sacred Passover feast with the one he planned to betray?  It is truly unbelievable!   

Psalm 41:9 - Yea, my own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, who did eat of my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.

In the eyes of Jewish culture, eating with the one you betrayed made the treachery even more monstrous.

Matthew 26:24 – "The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed!  It would have been better for that man if he had not been born."

Judas shows a fixed determination to do evil.  He hears the ugly truth of his crime proclaimed by lips of absolute love and truth, and yet he is unmoved.  His intensions are no longer secret or hidden; his sin is exposed for all to see, yet he does not seem to care.  Most people are ashamed and embarrassed when their private sins are publicly broadcast, but not Judas.  He expresses no remorse over the foul deed he is about to do. 

He seems to have no care for his future condition.  Jesus is telling him that his future will be cast in stone, and it will be more horrible than he could imagine, but still Judas stays his course. 

We often speak of deathbed confessions, where sinners finally come to terms with their lives and turn to Christ on the threshold of eternity.  This is really the same thing.  Judas is on the threshold of no return.  Jesus throws him one more lifeline in an effort to sway him from his evil decision and save himself.  But he makes no move to grab the life preserver. 

If you are reading this, and you have delayed and delayed in doing something that God has called you to do, I urge you to stop right now, and make a change. 

If you have delayed in fully living for Christ (perhaps you still have one foot in the world), I urge you to stop right now and make a change.  It may seem like you have a long life ahead of you, but time has a funny way of disappearing.  You blink and it's gone.  You may be on the threshold of an irreversible decision.  You don't know when you will breathe your final breath.  Commit fully to Christ, today. 

Matthew 26:25 – Judas, who would betray him, answered, "Is it I, Rabbi?"  He said to him, "You have said so."

Did you notice the title by which Judas addresses Jesus? 

All of the other disciples address Jesus as Master (or Lord), while Judas calls him Teacher (Rabbi).  This was probably the one truthful statement that he made – Jesus was NOT his Master or Lord, and in the end, he was unable to address him by that title. 

John gives us many additional details about this incident, so you might want to check that out (See John 13). He tells us that Satan actually entered into the heart of Judas after he ate the bread with sauce.  At that point, Jesus admonishes him to perform his betrayal quickly, and Judas leaves the company at that point. 

Thus, Judas did not partake of the bread or cup (the first communion) which was to be a sign or mark of the New Covenant.  We will discuss this topic on our next post.

Let me offer you some encouragement, relief and strength: 

The time of Jesus' death was a very scary and perplexing time for the disciples.  They didn't fully understand what was happening.  Things were not working out the way they had anticipated.  There was social unrest as the religious leaders clashed with Jesus and the threat of Roman involvement hung in the air.  Fear and doubt crowded into their minds.  Someone they trusted turned out to be a traitor.  Death and persecution were very real possibilities. 

You may be feeling the same way right now.  We are living in some perplexing times.  People are widely divided on many issues, like government, the virus, environmental issues, race, etc.  Everywhere we look there is social unrest. 

Maybe things in your life aren't working out the way you thought they would.  Perhaps fear, doubt, depression or hopelessness are trying to attack you. 

But there is a way to be victorious in the midst of these times.  The disciples found victory by fully committing and trusting in Jesus.  So can you!

1 John 5:4-5 – For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world.  And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.  Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

Look at what John is saying in this verse.  If you are a child of Almighty God, you are an overcomer!  No matter what comes against you, no matter what the government says, no matter what disease is out there, no matter how divided people are over social issues, you can/will overcome! 

John tells us that the key to overcoming the world is your faith.  So this week, I encourage you to take specific steps to further strengthen your faith. 

Here are some suggestions:

Read the word.  Not just a little; not just a few verses before bed.  Saturate your mind with it. Listen to it on CD or stream it.  Read it on your phone during your break.  Memorize a new passage.  Recite the verses you know each morning or before bed.  Share a scripture with your spouse.  Let the truth of the word fill your heart and mind.  Let it be on your lips as you go throughout your day.

Testify about what God has already done for you.  Sometimes there is an opportunity during church to testify, but many times there is not.  So you need to find a way to testify to your fellow believers.  Call someone on the phone, and let them know what God has done in your life recently.  Post something on social media.  Text your BFF and let them know.  This not only helps build your faith, it builds their faith as well!

Spend time in worship.  No evil can exist in God's presence.  So when you are there, your faith grows and your troubles shrink.  The more you fellowship with God, the more your faith will expand.  Believe in him and trust in him.  Watch him work on your behalf!

Matthew 23:1-2 – Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat,

What is the seat of Moses?  In this instance, 'seat' is defined as a public office or position of service and trust.  

As you recall, God gave the law to the Israelites through Moses.  In Exodus 19, God summoned the Israelites together at Mt. Sinai.  The mountain was covered with thick black clouds and lightening.  Moses ascended the mountain and received the law from God.  Then, he came back down the mountain and gave the law to the people. 

It was Moses who instructed the people in the correct interpretation and application of the law.  This 'seat' or responsibility for interpreting/applying the law, was later filled by the scribes and Pharisees.  Therefore, Jesus refers to them as occupying Moses' seat. 

Matthew 23:3 – so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do.  For they preach, but do not practice."

What a scathing rebuke by our Lord!  All throughout our study of Matthew's gospel, we have seen that the religious leaders were very corrupt.  They were greedy, covetous, prideful, hypocritical, harsh/demanding, condescending and greatly desirous of power and authority.  They had taken their own opinions and traditions and elevated them above the law of God. They ignored the chance to repent under the ministry of John the Baptist, and they did everything in their power to destroy Jesus.

Yet, these are the same people who claim the authority to interpret and apply the laws of God! 

The religion that they profess does not match the life they live.  So what is a person to do if their religious guide is saying one thing, but doing another?

Jesus addresses this issue by giving the multitude a warning – the disgusting sinfulness of the religious leaders is not to weaken their respect for the sacred scriptures.  It is every Christian's duty to obey all teachings that are consistent with the law and the prophets.   However, the people were not to use the lives of the religious leaders as examples to follow.  Their gross and unrepentant sin was contemptible.

In other words, the word of God should not be despised because of the wickedness of men.  It was this same word that would soon point to salvation through Christ; so the people must continue to have great respect and belief in the scriptures, despite the corruptness of the religious leaders. 

If you think about it, the same is true for us today.  There will always be preachers who claim to be concerned about the gospel, but they are really only looking for fame and fortune.  They are greedy and lustful.  Eventually, these people are usually found out and the public will despise and ridicule them.  However, none of this changes the truth of the gospel message. 

Matthew 23:4 – They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger.

Here Jesus is referencing the practice of using animals to carry burdens.  Back in that day, people would bind together heavy loads, then place the entire load on the back of a camel or donkey, and drive the animal along the road while supporting the load so it did not fall off the beast.  The person who did this never bore any of the hardship or responsibility of bearing the burden/load themselves, and they never gave the animal a break or showed them any mercy.

The religious leaders are treating the Jews in this same manner.  They added many, many rules on top of the law such as extra fasting and restrictions involving the Sabbath.  They loved to use their authority to bind men up with more and more regulations, until they were under a severe and difficult burden/yoke of bondage that they could not escape.  They mercilessly demanded strict adherence to every whim of tradition that they loaded onto the Jews, while finding reasons to excuse themselves from carrying these same burdens.

I think it would be wise if we stopped and asked ourselves a question – How did the religious leaders end up this way?  How did they go from inheriting the office of Moses to practicing such an empty religion?

The Biblical Illustrator says that after the rebuilding of the temple in the days of Nehemiah, the Jews had a true heart for God.  Obedience to the law was a natural outward expression of the love they had for God. 

If you think about it, that is true of us as well.  When we have a close, intimate relationship to God, we tend to obey his commands because sin bothers us.  This is a natural result of our relationship with him.  The closer we are to God, the more sin repulses us.   

However, over time subsequent generations of Jews didn't have that same inward relationship or love for God that their forefathers possessed.  They were not of the generation who was rescued from exile and returned to their ancestral home.  They didn't know what it was like to live without a temple.  So they participated in honoring the law just as their forefathers, but for them it was more of a ritual to adhere to, as opposed to a natural result of love for God.

Eventually a generation arose in which the love had totally died out, and natural obedience died with it.  They were left with nothing but empty rituals and rules to follow.  Consequently, the practice of the rituals became like an idol of the heart, replacing their relationship to God. 

That may be how the religious leaders of Jesus' day became so addicted to empty religion – it was all they had.  It was such an idol to them, that they were unwilling to give it up for a true relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

What about you?  Are you going through the motions of 'church' because that is what you were taught by your parents or grandparents?  If so, you are in danger of missing a relationship with the God of the universe!  I encourage you to find him for yourself and see what he can do in your life!

Matthew 23:5 – They do all their deeds to be seen by others.  For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long,

What was the purpose of the law?  Was it not to draw men back to God so they could have relationship and fellowship with him?

Yet the scribes and Pharisees are not practicing the law out of love for God or a desire to draw near to him.  Their main goal is to win praise and approval from their fellow man by appearing holy and perfect.  Hence, they pay precise attention to their phylacteries and fringes. 

Remember the phylactery?  It was a square shaped leather box bound to the person by a leather band.  There were two different types. 

The first kind was bound to the inner side of the left arm near the elbow with one end of the string wound around the middle finger.  When you bend your elbow, the scripture would rest over your heart.  The second type was to be bound in the center of the forehead, between the eyes. 

All Phylacteries contain the same four portions of scripture. Do you know what they are?

Answer: Exodus 13:1-10, Exodus 11-16, Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Exodus 11:10. 

There are three places in the Old Testament where this practice is mentioned.  They are Exodus 13:16, Deuteronomy 6:8 and Deuteronomy 11:18.   Why don't you take a minute and quickly read them? 

In all three cases, it seems quite clear that God was using this phrase figuratively.  He did not really mean for them to place his word on their foreheads, but to make sure that his word was in the forefront of their minds and hearts so they would always obey him. 

Thus, they completely distorted the whole teaching into an empty, purely formalistic ritual.  They gloried in the size and beauty of their boxes, while completely ignoring the truth of God in their hearts and minds!  They delighted in showing piety by wearing the boxes in front of people, rather than glorying in their inward relationship with God.

Similarly, they distorted the purpose of fringes. According to Numbers 15:38-39, the special fringes on the garment were to remind them of God's law:

Numbers 15:38-39 -  Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them tassels in the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the tassel of the corners a thread of blue:  And it shall be unto you a tassel, that you may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that you seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you use to follow harlotry:   

However, the religious leaders made their fringes broader and longer than normal, and wore them like a badge of holiness.  They were meant to convey that the Pharisees were of uncommon piety and wisdom, showing that they had a special respect for the law, which others did not possess.  Again, they have grasped the ritual while casting aside the relationship with God that the ritual was supposed to foster.  Their pride has gotten the better of them.

Matthew 23:6-7 – and love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi by others.

Feasts:  It is customary for us to eat sitting upright, in a chair (even if you are eating in front of the TV!).  No so for the Jews.  Their preferred arrangement was to eat by reclining at the table.  On three sides of their table they placed couches or cushions.  People reclined on the cushions on their left side, with their feet extending away from the table (and obviously, head toward the table).  In this arrangement, the head of one person naturally reclined on the bosom or chest of the one next to them.  To recline on someone in this manner was a sign of intimacy. 

The chief seat, or the seat of honor and distinction, was the seat in the middle at the upper end of the table, nearest to the host.  The host always sat in the corner with his most prestigious guest at his right hand.   

Synagogue: In a typical synagogue arrangement, the entrance door was in the south wall, while the seats faced north.  There was a lectern in the center for the reader with the woman's gallery at the north end.  There were aisles along the eastern and western sides.  Near the front, there was a place for the ark, or the chest that contained the scrolls of the scriptures.  In front of this ark was an array of seats that faced the congregation.  These were the chief seats. 

These seats were given by the elders of the synagogue to those who were the most conspicuous in their devotion to the law.  They were coveted as a mark of approval for one's religious reputation.  For those who were ambitious for power and authority, these seats were a must!     

The religious leaders loved sitting in these seats of distinction because they were full of pride.  They were supposed to be in the synagogue humbly giving glory and honor to God; instead they sought it for themselves, which was a form of mocking God.

Marketplace:  The marketplace generally contained multitudes of people.  The religious leaders loved to walk through the market and receive greeting/acknowledgements of respect from the people. These salutations fed their vanity and they greatly coveted them.  In addition, they would often pray long prayers in the marketplace for the purpose of being seen by men.  They were putting on a pious façade.   

Sadly, we conclude that the religious leaders worked/labored and expended enormous amounts of time, effort and resources to promote themselves in front of others.  Instead of working for God and storing up treasures in heaven, they were working for earthly treasures that vanished the moment they passed away.

They chose to serve empty rituals rather than having a relationship with the living God!

Matthew 23:8 – but you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers.

Rabbi (or Rab or Rabban) was a title given to eminent teachers of the law.  It was a title of honor and dignity, denoting their authority and ability to teach.  

The religious leaders loved these titles, because they felt it reflected their superiority over the common people.  They felt they were superior not only in knowledge, but in holiness.  They sought after, worked for, and coveted these titles.  Once obtained, they used their authority to set their own rules and forced their followers to adhere to them.

However, Jesus forbids his disciples to accept such titles.  The reason is because Jesus himself was their master and teacher.  All of his disciples were 'brothers'; they were on the same level (no one was superior) and they were all equal in authority. 

They were to purposely avoid any kind of title that would create distinctions or hierarchies within the body of Christ.  Those with titles tend to become prideful and superior, while those without titles tend to envy and feel a sense of inferiority.    

Matthew 23:9-10 – And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.  Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Christ.

'Father' was yet another title that the Jewish leaders diligently worked to gain.  These men arrogantly claimed that their teaching formed the true nature of the men they taught, and thus they 'gave them life', and were worthy of the title father.  They wanted to have absolute spiritual power over their followers.  

The same is true with the title 'master' or 'instructor'.  Again, those who used this title were claiming the right to direct and control the actions and spiritual lives of others. 

Jesus sets the record straight when he tells the people that the source of all life and truth was God and only God.  God is the giver of our life (both spiritual and physical), the sustainer of our lives on a daily basis, and our only hope of eternal life.  Therefore, the title 'Father' or 'Master' does not belong to any religious leader. 

Any man who is a true 'spiritual father' to someone (as the apostle Paul was to many people) should be pointing them to Christ, not to themselves.   

Of course, Jesus was not speaking of when we call our fleshly dad's 'father'; it is right and proper to give them this title of respect, authority and love.

Matthew 23:11 – The greatest among you shall be your servant.

The religious leaders desperately wanted to be the greatest men of their time.  But because they did not have a true understanding of God and his laws, they tried to obtain greatness the wrong way.    

 Jesus tells his followers that the person who wishes to be great in his kingdom will serve his fellow man, as opposed to exalting himself through vain titles.  We are to be humble and serve each other in love: 

Galatians 5:13 - For, brethren, you have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.  

Matthew 23:12 – Whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

The religious leaders wanted to obtain the highest praise of men, so they did everything in their power to exalt themselves above their fellow man.    

Christians, however, want to obtain the highest praise from God.  Therefore, we should be willing to become the servant of all.  The highest and best example of this was Jesus himself.  He is God, yet he humbled himself, took on the likeness of man and submitted himself to death, that we might be saved. 

Now he is the glorified head of the church, and all things are under his authority.  One day, every knee will bow before him, whether in heaven, on earth and under the earth!  Praise his name!  He is the example we should be following.   

I find it very interesting that we are looking at this portion of scripture just before the Labor Day holiday of 2020.

Labor is defined as 'physical toil or bodily exertion', 'intellectual exertion/mental effort' or 'that which requires hard work for its accomplishment; that which demands effort'.  It also refers to travail, as in the pangs and efforts of childbirth.

In this nation, the Labor Day holiday was certainly birthed through physical toil, mental effort and even violence.  Labor Day recognizes the works and contributions of American laborers to the development and achievements of the United States.  The holiday was officially recognized and signed into law on June 28, 1894 by President Grover Cleveland.  

Labor is essential to our way of life in the United States.  It is also an essential part of our citizenship in the kingdom of heaven.  Look at this passage in the book of John, when Jesus speaks to his disciples at the well in Samaria:

John 4:35-38 - …Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.  Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together.  For here the saying holds true, 'One sows and another reaps.'  I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor.  Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.  

Sowing and reaping are examples of labor.  The apostle Paul tells us that watering is also labor:

1 Corinthians 3:69 – I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

According to the passage in John, the eternal souls of people are like crops.  Someone must plant the word in their hearts.  That word must be watered by kindness, love, patience and truth.  Eventually, the Holy Spirit will ready the soul for harvesting.  Then it is our job to 'harvest' or lead them to salvation in Jesus Christ. 

We can look at it another way.  In America, anyone can open up a business any time they choose.  They can also hire laborers to work in their business.  Some might be working on an assembly line, while others keep the machines running smooth.  Some will deliver supplies and some will package the finished product for distribution.  Some will work in the payroll and benefit office.  Some will be in sales.  But all of them must work together for the good of the business.  

The same is true in the kingdom of heaven.  If God had a business, it would be the salvation of souls.  God hires each and every Christian to work in his business.  Some will preach, some will intercede, some will minister to the poor, some will baptize, and some will love the unlovely.  Some will encourage.  Some will finance the kingdom.  Some will go to the mission field.  But all must work together for the good of the business. 

What would have happened to labor in America if they did not band together and stand for change?  We would still be working 15 hours a day, seven days a week for next to nothing! 

Unity is also essential in the kingdom of heaven:

Matthew 12:25 - And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:  

So, as we approach this Labor Day and we celebrate the accomplishments of unity and labor, can we also take a moment to pause and consider the unity of our church in its labor for Christ? 

Have we seen division in our churches lately?  We all have opinions about politics, COVID, the economy and violence in our cities.  But we can't let those opinions interfere with our spiritual relationships.  We must push our personal opinions aside, put on a mantle of love and labor with our fellow Christians for the good of the kingdom. 

It's time for those who are able, to return to the church and minister to their brothers and sisters in Christ.  It's time for us to unite in prayer, seeking the leading of God in these turbulent times. It's time for us to get back in touch with the lost.  In the kingdom of heaven YOU are an essential worker!  The body of Christ needs what you have to offer.  So come back to work!

Let me offer you some encouragement:

The religious leaders of Jesus day toiled and planned and schemed to bring glory and honor to themselves.  They put everything they had into self promotion.  They worked tirelessly to prove how superior they were to ordinary men. 

How sad that they were laboring for the things of this earthly life, which are sure to pass away!  Now that they are dead, what good were all those special seats at the feast, or those salutations of honor in the marketplace?  I encourage you to take an honest look at your labors – make sure you are laying up treasures in heaven, not here on earth.

Let me offer you some relief:

Maybe you are afraid of working in the kingdom because of mistakes that you made in the past.  Perhaps you even failed in a ministry before.  If that is the case, let me offer you some relief.  Those mistakes make you what you are today.  They don't hinder you from service in God's kingdom, they prepare you for it!  So take courage and jump back into the kingdom workforce.     

Let me offer you some strength:

You are alive today, because God has kingdom work for you to accomplish!  So stop being afraid.  Roll up your sleeves and dig in!  Rely on the Lord and he will be your strength and shield.

Psalm 18:2-3 -  The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.  I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from my enemies.   

Matthew 11:1 – When Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in their cities.

Having finished his instructions to his followers, Jesus sent them to teach in Judea, while he continues to preach in Galilee. It's comforting to know that Jesus does not sit in idle luxury while sending us out to do his work.  Instead, he invites us to partner with him.  We have the opportunity to share in his toil, trials and tribulations, but also his glory when he finally assumes Lordship over all things. 

Matthew 11:2-3 – Now when John heard in prison about the deeds of the Christ, he sent word by his disciples and said to him, "Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?"

We are going to look at John's imprisonment very soon (Matthew chapter 14), but since it is mentioned here, let's briefly review what has happened so far.  Herod the tetrarch had decided to 'take' or marry his brother Philip's wife.  John spoke out against this situation, basically telling Herod it was a sin.  Because of this, Herod had John arrested and put in prison.  His original intent was to kill him, but he feared the masses of people, who respected John as a prophet.  So at the time of Matthew 11, John the Baptist is languishing in prison.

John the Baptist was imprisoned for calling out the sin of Herod

Now, we know from earlier scriptures that John the Baptist recognized Jesus as being the Messiah. 

John 1:29 –The next day he [John] saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"

In light of that, how do we explain John's actions?  Why would he, from his prison cell, send his followers to ask Jesus if he was the Messiah?

One opinion is that John is looking for confirmation of Messiah's physical kingdom coming to earth.  Part of the Jews understanding of the coming of the Messiah was that the Messiah would set up a literal kingdom on earth.  At the same time, their enemies would be defeated and they would be vindicated for their belief in the true God. 

While these are true beliefs/expectations, the Jews of Jesus day did not understand that the coming of the Messiah and his literal reign on earth would be separated by hundreds and hundreds of years.  To be fair, we would not have understood that either.  Prophesy is always easy to understand once it has become history!  Anyway, some people speculate that John was asking if the Romans were soon to be overthrown.

Another possibility is that John was trying to transition his disciples into disciples of Christ.  Remember John's miraculous birth?  The angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and prophesied that John would be a great prophet, turning the Jewish people back to God.  Eventually, John began to preach that the kingdom of Heaven was at hand.  He called the people to repentance, and baptized whole crowds of Jews.  His ministry was huge!

We can easily see how he would have many devoted disciples, who would be hesitant to leave him, even when he told them to follow Christ.  Obviously, this is going to be a problem.  John will soon be dead, and if these followers do not accept Jesus as Messiah, they are in great danger of falling from the faith and rejecting salvation.  So, by sending his followers to Jesus, John was making a last-ditch effort to satisfy them that Jesus was the Messiah.  He hopes they will now switch their allegiance to Jesus. 

In a way, this incident speaks to modern day Christians.  We must place our trust in Christ (our bridegroom), not a particular minister or evangelist (friends of the bridegroom).  Men may die or fail, and if we have placed more trust in them than in God, we will be in danger of falling away from the faith.  It is okay to be fed by a ministry, but make sure you are firmly rooted and grounded in Christ.

In a way, this incident speaks to modern day Christians.  We must place our trust in Christ (our bridegroom), not a particular minister or evangelist (friends of the bridegroom).  Men may die or fail, and if we have placed more trust in them than in God, we will be in danger of falling away from the faith.  It is okay to be fed by a ministry, but make sure you are firmly rooted and grounded in Christ.

Do you ever wonder why Jesus seems to give an indirect answer to this question?  Why didn't he just say "Yes, I am the Messiah", and leave it at that?  Why point to the works he was accomplishing?

Remember, we are looking at the situation from a different perspective.  In our minds, there can be no question that Jesus was the Messiah.  However, the Jews were not so sure, especially at the beginning of Jesus' ministry.  Back in that day, other men had already come forward claiming to be the Christ.

Acts 5:35-37  - And [Gamaliel] said unto them, You men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what you intend to do concerning these men.  For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: who was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered, and came to nothing. After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the census, and drew away many people after him: he also perished; and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed.

These verses show that there had been several antichrists who tried to get the Jewish people to follow after them before Jesus came into ministry.

So at this point, there was no way that a simple verbal claim would convince the Jews. They needed proof before they would accept that Jesus was the 'one who was to come'.   His must be able to fulfill all of the messianic prophesies of the covenant (Old Testament). 

Did he?  What did the evidence show?

Isaiah 35:5-6 – Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute sing for joy.

Isaiah 61:1 – The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound…

Here we have two very well-known messianic prophesies from the book of Isaiah.  There are many more throughout the old covenant.  It's easy to see that the miracles of Jesus were a fulfillment of these prophesies.

So, by answering the question of John's disciples in this manner, Jesus gives them (and everyone else!) clear, unambiguous proof that he is the Christ.  The scope and magnitude of Jesus' miracles was a much better witness than just a verbal 'yes' would have been. 

It is interesting to consider that the physical miracles of Jesus were symbolic of what he would do in the spiritual realm after his resurrection.

  • The Blind: Sinners are spiritually blind.  Before Christ, our understanding is so darkened by sin that we cannot know truth or comprehend the ways of salvation.  
  • The Lame:  Sinners are unable to walk in the paths of righteousness.  We will always turn to the right or the left seeking the wide road of sin, unless we walk with Christ.
  • The Lepers:  Spiritually speaking, fallen man is like a leper.  His soul is defiled with sin, which results in death.  Just as man had no cure for leprosy, he has no cure for sin apart from Christ.
  • The Deaf:  Sinners are deaf to the voice of God, the truth of his word and our own consciences.  Only when we are his sheep can we hear his voice.  
  • The Dead:  Man is dead in trespasses and sin. Nothing but the blood of Jesus can reunite us with God, who is the source of all life.

Matthew 11:6 – "And blessed is the one who is not offended by me."

The word 'offended' means stumbling block.  This verse could be correctly translated 'Happy is he to whom I shall not prove a stumbling block'. 

The Jews should have been able to look objectively at the Old Testament scriptures and see that Jesus fulfilled them, hence, he was the Messiah.  But as we know, not all of them came to that conclusion.  Why not?

The answer is that the Jews were not just judging by the facts.  They were also judging by their own opinions and traditions. 

Since the Messiah would be a king, the Jews felt he would be rich and powerful, just like other earthly kings.  When Jesus came he was neither rich nor influential; this caused the Jews to question his claim to be the Christ.

Likewise, since Jesus was despised and humiliated on the cross, he could not be the glorious triumphant Messiah he claimed to be.

The Jews believed that the Messiah would immediately set up his kingdom on earth.  Because Jesus did not form an army and overthrow the Romans, the Jews questioned his claim to be the Messiah.

Do you think that people today consider Jesus a stumbling block?  I think in many ways, they still do.

For example, people will claim that if God was real and loving, he would not allow poverty or child abuse or other bad things to happen.  These people are no different than the Pharisees – because God does not fit their opinion of what he should do or how he should govern the universe, they reject him. 

Here's the part that can be really tough to swallow:  Even Christians can stumble and be offended at Jesus.  What if you prayed and asked God for something, but you didn't get the answer you were expecting? 

Maybe you were asking him to heal your mom or dad from cancer, but it did not happen.  Maybe you asked him for material wealth, but you remained poor.  Maybe you asked him to give you relief from a bad situation, but you're still in it.  I know it's tough, but don't be offended!  Stay in faith, believing that God has all things working together for your good, even if you cannot see it right now. Jesus says that you are blessed if you can do so!

Matthew 11:7 – As they went away, Jesus began to speak to the crowds concerning John: "What did you go out into the wilderness to see?  A reed shaken by the wind?"

As John the Baptist's disciples leave, Jesus now turns his attention to the Jewish crowds before him, who were probably listening to their conversation. 

Using John the Baptist as a starting point, Jesus is going to point out to the Jews that they have some serious flaws in their reasoning. 

The Jews cannot deny that they absolutely loved John the Baptist!  They flocked out to the wilderness in droves to hear him preach and to be baptized.  They considered him a true prophet of God.  Since this is the case, we would expect the people to believe the testimony of John, right?

Wrong – they don't!  Despite the fact that John was very clear and emphatic that Jesus was the Messiah, the Jews still rejected Jesus as the Christ.  Although John never wavered from his witness, the Jews still did not believe.

John 1:6-7 – There was a man sent from God whose name was John.  He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him.

Hence, Jesus asks the crowd if they considered John a "reed shaken in the wind" or a man who was of an unsteady mind, declaring something to be true today and not true tomorrow. 

The obvious point is that the Jews can't have it both ways – if they believe that John was sent by God, they must also believe that Jesus is the Messiah, because that was John's testimony.  If they reject Jesus as the Messiah, they must also reject John's ministry.  

Matthew 11:8 – "What then did you go out to see?  A man dressed in soft clothing?  Behold, those who wear soft clothing are in king's houses."

Jesus now inquires why else they might have gone out to see John.  Did they go all the way out in the wilderness to see his fashionable, expensive clothing?  Obviously not, because those kinds of luxuries were only worn by kings and rich people. 

John was the opposite of a king– he lived a life of asceticism.  His clothing was made of camel hair with a leather girdle/belt.  His food was locusts and wild honey.

So…if the Jews did not go out to the wilderness to see John because of his fancy ways, why did they go out to see him?  Isn't it true that they went to hear the message that God had given John?  If that was the case, then why are they rejecting the message God gave them concerning the Christ?  The Jews have no excuse for rejecting Jesus!

Matthew 11:9-10 – "What then did you go out to see?  A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.  This is he of whom it is written, 'Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you.'"

Jesus next asks if they went out to the wilderness to see a prophet.  The answer is yes; that is exactly what they went looking for, and they were not disappointed. 

But this particular prophet was a bit different from the rest.  He is the one spoken of in Malachi 3:1.  Prior prophets had the task of educating the Jews regarding the Messiah. John was the only prophet to actually see the Messiah and point him out!  He was the one who had the privilege of announcing Jesus to the world as "The Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sins of the World".  What an honor!

Matthew 11:11 – Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist.  Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

Jesus tells us that John was the greatest prophet.  This was because he knew and understood more about the Messiah than all the prophets who came before him.  But despite that, he was spiritually ignorant compared to any member of the kingdom of heaven. 

In these verses, the kingdom of heaven refers to the era of grace, which began with the death and resurrection of Christ.  This is the dispensation we currently live in.  Grace allows people to be completely and totally forgiven of sin, due to the shed blood of Christ.  Grace allows us unprecedented free access to the throne room of God.  In this dispensation the Holy Spirit literally indwells each believer.

In every way, the age of grace is far superior to the old covenant.  Thus, even the lowliest Christian is spiritually superior to John, the greatest prophet of the old covenant.  

Matthew 11:12 – From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.

The original language gives us a picture of an army taking a city by storm, or a crowd bursting into a house.

People who realized they were sinners through the preaching of John the Baptist were filled with zeal and fervency.  This includes the tax collectors, harlots, heathen and all other sinners - people the Scribes and Pharisees think have no right to the kingdom!  Awakened by the Holy Spirit, these sinners storm into the kingdom of heaven eagerly seizing the mercy of God and accepting salvation.

It seems as though staying in the kingdom also requires some force/violence.  We must crucify our flesh, run our race, fight the good fight, renew our minds and take up our cross and follow Christ.  Clearly, salvation is not for the faint of heart!  Our task is made possible through Christ, who strengthens us to do all things as well as the indwelling Holy Spirit who leads, assists and protects us, until our course is finished and we enter his eternal rest.   

Matthew 11:13-15 – For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, and if you are willing to accept it, he is Elijah who is to come.  He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

The expression "He who has ears to hear, let him hear" is a phrase that Jesus frequently uses.  It is a proverbial expression implying that the highest attention should be given to what was spoken.   We can be sure that Jesus is relaying a very significant truth here.

The phrase "if you are willing to accept it" is also significant.  It means that Jesus was telling the Jews something that was different from their common expectation.  It was something they never would have considered, and because it seemed so outlandish and contrary to their beliefs, they would be prone to rejecting it.

Pop Quiz:  What might the Jews find so hard to believe?

Answer:  The fact that John the Baptist was the 'Elijah' who was to come. 

Please reward yourself if you answered correctly!. 

The difficulty centers on a prophesy from Malachi:

Malachi 4:5 – Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. 

If you heard this verse being prophesied, would you think it should be interpreted in a literal physical way, or in a spiritual way? 

The Jews felt that it should be interpreted as being a literal event.  They were literally looking for the ancient prophet Elijah to make a physical reappearance in Israel for the purpose of proclaiming the coming of the Messiah.  

But Jesus was trying to tell them that this should be taken in a spiritual sense.  The purpose of the prophet was to call attention to the coming of the Messiah and the new dispensation that he would usher in.  John the Baptist did these exact things as he preached repentance and baptized people in the wilderness, getting them ready to accept the new covenant. 

Therefore, John the Baptist was the Elijah spoken of in the book of Malachi. 

Matthew 11:16-17 – "But to what shall I compare this generation?  It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their playmates, 'We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.'

Using an analogy, Jesus now reproves the unbelieving Jews for their actions.  He likens them to children playing a game in a public place.  When the flute was played, it signified a happy, fun time, like a festival or a wedding.  It would be natural for children to join in the fun by dancing, laughing, etc. 

In this case, since no one joined in with the happy singing, the musician switched over to playing a sad, mournful dirge, thinking that this would please the nonparticipants, and they would join in. 

But they did not.  Apparently, there was no way to please them; nothing that was done incited them to join in.

Matthew 11:18-19 – For John came neither eating or drinking and they say, 'He has a demon.'  The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Look at him!  A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!'  Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds.

Here we have the true meaning of the analogy.  John the Baptist was a Nazarene from birth.  This mean that he did not cut his hair, he did not drink wine, he abstained from certain foods and touching dead bodies.  As we have already mentioned, he lived an ascetic lifestyle – living alone, eating locusts and wearing camel's hair clothes. 

He is the "mournful dirge' of the analogy.  He 'sang' a message of repentance, but many of the Jews refused to join in.  They rejected his message. 

Then Jesus came.  He is the 'happy flute' of the analogy.  He came in a different manner.  He did not practice austerity, nor was he under a Nazarite vow.  He ate and drank the ordinary foods that everyone else ate.  He wore clothes similar to those around him.  He attended both weddings and festivals, yet the Jews rejected him as well! 

The Jews were like sullen children who could not be made happy, no matter what was offered to them.  Regardless of how the gospel was presented to them, they rejected it.

They have hardened their hearts against God just as surely as Pharaoh did.

Romans 2:4-5 – do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?  But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God's righteous judgment will be revealed.

Had they broken a moral law, they would have a remedy – the gospel would have provided forgiveness with repentance. 

But what they have done is to sin against grace itself by rejecting it.  This is the most shameful, ungrateful thing they could possibly do.  They have chosen spiritual blindness, deafness and lameness, which will result in spiritual death.

Matthew 11:20 – Then he began to denounce the cities where most of his mighty works had been done, because they did not repent.

What Jesus had just said in general regarding the current generation, he now applies to particular cities.  The main charge against them is the refusal to repent/rejection of the gospel message.

Matthew 11:21 – Woe to you, Chorazin!  Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

Chorazin and Bethsaida were cities situated on the Sea of Galilee.  Both were rich and prosperous places.  Bethsaida had recently been advanced to a city by Philip the tetrarch.  Three of the apostles (Philip, Andrew and Peter) were from this area.

Tyre and Sidon were very old, very prosperous cities that were located on the Mediterranean Sea.  They were famous for trade, navigation, corrupt morals and debauchery.  The Jews long considered them as abominable and despicable despisers of God. 

But Jesus, who knows the hearts of all men, declares that if he had preached and worked miracles in Tyre and Sidon, they would have accepted the message and repented with expressions of deep sorrow (sackcloth and ashes).   Sadly, heathen cities would have gladly accepted the salvation rejected by Jesus' own native land.

This shocking pronouncement should have been like a slap in the face to the unbelieving Jews.  It should have caused them to stop in their tracks and take a second look at their rejection of the gospel, but sadly, it did not. It seems to have further hardened their hearts!

Matthew 11:22 – But I tell you, it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you.

The bible is very plain that 'to whom much is given, much will be required'.  Since the Jewish cities/people had heard the gospel message, seen the miracles of Jesus and been given a chance to repent, they will suffer greater judgment than the cities/people who did not have access to the same grace. 

Matthew 11:23-24 – And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven?  You will be brought down to Hades.  For if the mighty works done in you had been done is Sodom, it would have remained until this day.  But I tell you that it will be more tolerable on the Day of Judgment for the land of Sodom than for you.

In this verse the word 'Hades' does not mean that all the people of Capernaum were going to hell.  Likewise, the use of the 'heaven' does not mean that all the people will go to heaven.

This verse says much the same thing as the one before it.  Capernaum was another materially prosperous city, but one which was also graced with the miracles, the preaching and the presence of Jesus the Messiah.  Because it rejected the gospel, it would be cast down to a state of desolation and destruction.

As we all know, Sodom was destroyed because of its great wickedness. 

Jesus tells us that if he had preached and done his miracles there, the people would have repented and the city would not have been destroyed. 

Most of us have read the account of Sodom's judgment, when it was destroyed by fire and brimstone from heaven.  Although the Day of Judgment for Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum is not covered in the biblical account, history tells us that all three were destroyed by the Romans.

Matthew 11:25-26 – At that time Jesus declared, "I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.

The use of the title 'Lord of Heaven and Earth' acknowledges God the Father's absolute power to have done as he pleased.

Question:  Who are the wise and understanding? 

Answer:  This refers to the Scribes and Pharisees, who were the keepers of the law.  Even though they knew more about the law then ordinary citizens, they rejected the gospel message.  Instead, they decided they could save themselves by clinging onto the law and their own traditions.

Question:  In what way was the gospel hidden?

Answer:  It could not be understood and accepted through mere external revelation or teaching.  The Holy Spirit had to reveal it to the hearer's heart, so that they could believe and embrace it.

Question:  Who are the 'little children'?

Answer:  Ordinary people who were not extensively schooled in the law; people who were open to accepting the gospel. Eventually, this would include Gentiles.

Matthew 11:27 – All things have been handed over to me by my Father and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.

God the Father has commissioned Jesus to mediate a new covenant between God and man.  His commission includes all power and authority on heaven and earth to make this happen.

Matthew 28:18 - And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth."

It includes power over all flesh.

John 17:2 - As you have given him [Jesus] power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as you have given him.

Because of this, Jesus alone has the right to execute judgment.

John 5:22, 27 - For the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment unto the Son… and has given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. 

So, God put literally everything into Jesus hands for the purpose of bringing us back to him.  Jesus brokered a deal between God and man, then paid the ultimate price – his own blood – to seal the covenant.  In light of that, how confident should we be in giving Jesus total control of our lives?  Why do we worry about the simple, mundane things of this life?  

In the book of Ephesians, Paul goes on to tell us that not only is Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, but he is the head of the church.  Since all power and authority have been given to him, we can be sure that the church will not fail.  Don't be fooled by what you see in the world today; Jesus has already gained victory over Satan and he will assure our victory too.  In light of that, why not trust him to do what he is both willing and able to do in our lives?   

Is our tendency to worry and fret a sign of our unbelief?  I think it is. At least some of that unbelief can be cured by devoting more time to meditating and understanding the power and authority of Jesus.

He goes on to say that 'no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son'.  This is a clear claim of equality with the Father.  Despite what the Pharisees believed, the divinity of Jesus is unquestionable.

This truth also teaches us that no man or angel or any other being can clearly and completely comprehend our infinite God; only Jesus can do that.  I am very glad to be serving a God who is so much bigger than anything I could imagine or think! 

Likewise, only the Father can fully comprehend the mystery of the divine and human natures of Jesus.  Thankfully, we don't need to fully understand the Trinity in order to embrace and love him!  

Matthew 11:28-30 – Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

These verses can be understood to mean that the old covenant was a heavy burden, made even worse by the traditions of the elders and Pharisees.   By coming to Jesus, the Jews could remove these heavy burdens and instead take on the restful yoke of salvation.

In a wider sense, it refers to sin in general.  All of us are under the crushing guilt and burden of sin.  We could never remove the yoke ourselves.  But Jesus, the one who mediated the covenant, is standing near offering us rest, if only we will accept the terms of the covenant he offers. 

Notice that Jesus does not offer us freedom from all yokes; he requires to replace our former yoke with his.

When we accept his offer/yoke of salvation, we need to embrace all that this requires.  We need to submit to his ruler ship.  We are to renew our minds, mature in our personal holiness, love others and fellowship with him.  Jesus was obedient to his Father, we need to be obedient to Jesus.

In the original Greek, the word for 'easy' actually means 'easy or gracious'.  The yoke of Christ does not drag us down, hurt us or fill us with despair.  It is pleasant, refreshing, and fulfilling.  It is immersed in love and it always results in blessing for us.  

Let me offer you a little encouragement: Keep your eyes on Christ, not on people.  We certainly look to the shepherds that Christ has put in our midst to lead and guide us.  We certainly look to other Christians for support.  We can certainly be inspired by large, public ministries that operate on God's behalf.  But we should never have blind trust in anyone except God.  Men and women will stumble and fall.  If we are too heavily invested in a person or a ministry instead of God, we will stumble when they fail.  Let's remember the example of John and his disciples.  Let's keep our eyes on Christ.

 Let me offer you a little relief:  Have you accepted the yoke of Jesus (salvation) but you still want to carry around the burdens of your life?  Are you still worried about the coronavirus or the stock market or rumors of wars in the earth?  Are you still worried about your job or your retirement account? 

If so, then you need to go back and remind yourself whose yoke you are under.  Jesus is the grand architect of salvation.  He is the one who mediated the agreement.  He is the one who sealed that deal with his own blood.  God has given him all power and all authority to do this job.  Jesus is also the head of the church and he will use all his power and authority to make us victorious.  If you can't trust Jesus with your day-to-day problems, then who can you trust?  Give yourself some relief – cast your cares upon him, for he cares for you!

Let me give you some strength:  Jesus says we are blessed if we are not offended by him.  You and I have a very, very limited perspective of our own lives and the lives of those we love.  God, however, sees the entire picture of your life.  He knows how each situation not only impacts you, but interacts and causes changes in the lives of others.  We need to strengthen our faith and trust that God is using everything in our lives to bring about his highest and best will for us.  If we believe this is the case, we can have strength when things don't go the way we planned.  

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