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I Peter 5:8 – Be sober-minded; be watchful.  Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

It has been noted that Satan normally comes to us in one of three forms:

As a subtle serpent, to enchant our imagination, pervert our judgment and beguile our senses.

As an angel of light, to deceive us with false views of spiritual things.

As a roaring lion to bear down upon us and destroy us by violent opposition, persecution and death.   This is the form that Satan was taking against the believers of Peter's day.

In the natural realm, a lion will often attack prey that is weak, injured, off guard or separated from the herd.  This is comparable to what Satan does in the spiritual realm. 

  • If you are spiritually weak/immature or injured, you may be intimidated by his roar and immobilized by fear.  When this happens, he can conquer you. 
  • If you are caught off guard (not watching for an attack from your enemy), then he will sneak up on you, and destroy you before you know it. 
  • If you have separated yourself from other believers by no longer attending church or you have removed yourself from your network of Christian friends and mentors, then you are at risk for a deadly attack.

While a satanic lion is a formidable foe, thanks to our Savior Jesus he is not unbeatable.  Think about it – Satan prowls around seeking someone to devour.  That means that by default, he cannot devour everyone he comes across.  Like a lion, he will travel around, eying all the Christians in turn to see which one he has the best chance of successfully stalking, intimidating and destroying. 

What practical steps can one take to ensure victory against him?

You need to be sober minded.  Sobriety is the opposite of intoxication.  While we most often associate intoxication with alcohol, its definition is actually broader.  It refers to an excitement of the mind; an elation which rises to enthusiasm, frenzy or madness. 

So the truth is, you can be intoxicated by work, or sports or physical fitness, or fashion, or entertainment or almost anything.  The problem is that we become so engrossed (obsessed) by these things, that we are not keeping watch over our souls; the enemy will come and attack us unaware and devour us. 

Make sure you understand me correctly – there is nothing wrong with business or sports or fashion.  Just make sure that you enjoy these pursuits within reason; don't let them consume you to the point where your spiritual life suffers.

You need to be vigilant.  Be aware of what is going on around you in society and culture.  Christians need to speak up about social and political issues.  We need to stand and fight for the biblical principles this nation was founded upon.  If we let things 'slide' and don't stand for righteousness, things will only get worse/more evil. 

Let's face it – this has already occurred in America.  Satan has way more than just a foothold in our society.  He has clearly taken ground from the Christian community and now we must fight to get it back.  Once we regain control, we need to be vigilant and diligent in order to keep it!   

You need to watch, or be on your guard.  Even though we are now Christians we are still living in a world and a fleshly body that is fallen/sinful.  Our own propensity to sin often leads us astray without too much effort on the part of the enemy.  Let's be honest – each of us has areas in which we struggle, and we are fully aware of what those areas are.  So watch yourself, particularly in those areas where you are more prone to sin.  If you don't, you could easily be Satan's next meal.

We must also watch for temptations that come from without our own minds and hearts.  While we walk through life, the devil is constantly throwing every single temptation he knows into our path, hoping that one of them will catch us by surprise and he will ensnare us.

Think of it this way:  we often use shiny baits to trick fish into taking our hooks.  The fish are fooled by something that looks/seems good, but in reality it has no value.  The bait is an empty promise that brings only death.  Temptations to sexual sins, envy, pride, greed, etc are just the same – they look like they would be wonderful and enjoyable, but they only bring death.  So don't be tricked – watch out for these temptations.

Another reason we need to watch is because time is short.  We do not know when the Lord will return, or when our last day on earth will be.  What we do know is that we will give an account to God about what we did in this life.  We don't want to be unaware and unprepared when that day comes, so keep watch.

This brings up another question – What are we supposed to be watching or guarding?

We need to watch/guard our thoughts – the scripture says that out of the heart (mind) proceed evil thoughts, adultery, murder blasphemy, lies, theft and all kinds of other evil (Matthew 15:19, Mark 7:21).  So be careful what kind of thoughts you allow to stay in your mind.  You may not have complete control over the thoughts that form in your mind, but you DO have control over the amount of time you allow them to stay there!

We need to watch/guard our lips – Proverbs tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 1:21).  James tells us that the tongue is a little member, but is set on the fires of hell and it defiles our whole being (James 3:6).  So be careful what you say!

We need to watch/guard our actions – In the book of Isaiah, God scorned the words that came out of the mouths of his people, because they words did not match their actions (Isaiah 58:1-8).  God is looking for people who uphold righteousness, justice and mercy (Matthew 23:23).  Which is a better indicator of people – what they say, or what they do?  Obviously, it's actions that show the true person.  What do your actions say about you?

Here is something else to stop and consider.  Why does Satan tempt us?  I believe it is because he has a raging, destructive, blind hatred of God.  But he is powerless against our heavenly Father.  Since he can't hurt God directly, Satan tries to cause him pain by attacking one of the things God loves the most – people.   

Satan's favorite kind of people are sinners, because they are under his control where he can destroy their lives and keep their souls separated from God for eternity.  Every temptation and deception he throws against us is designed to break off the relationship between us and our Father.

Satan's second favorite kind of person is a weak, powerless Christian.  While he may not have control of them, he has a good chance of intimidating them so they do not exert their God given power and authority to destroy his kingdom and rescue his prisoners.  He will keep a careful watch on this group of people, always attempting to confuse, distort or otherwise veil their thinking, lest they wake up and become the victorious people God has designed for them to be!    

This brings us to the third category of people.  Christians who are full of Holy Spirit, who pray and fast, who live in faith, who stand up for righteousness and who will boldly stand up against the plans of the enemy.  Satan hates and fears these people, because they can defeat him; they are just like his archenemy, God!

Which kind of person are you?

I Peter 5:9 – Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.

Faith, mixed with the powerful word of God, is the weapon by which the Christian is enabled to resist the tempter, and to repel/defeat his fiery attacks.  The way to overcome the devil is by resisting him; Satan is a conquered enemy and he will run if the Christian (YOU) resists him in faith.

Again, we can look to Jesus as our example.  When he was tempted in the wilderness, he resisted the devil in faith, quoting scripture in the face of every temptation.  And sure enough, Satan fled the scene.

Matthew 4:10-11 - Then said Jesus unto him, 'Be gone, Satan: for it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.'  Then the devil left him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.

The weakest follower of God can confound and overpower the devil, IF he continues in steadfast faith, believing on Jesus and walking uprightly before him.  Be sure that you are well prepared for these attacks by hiding the word in your heart, being close to God in prayer, and exercising your faith.

As a further stimulus to the faith of his flock, Peter reminds them that suffering or persecution was not unique to their situation.  Christians in all parts of the world were involved in the same suffering as the Christians in Asia Minor experienced.  Their trials were neither greater nor less than those of others; and their natural strength was neither greater nor less than others.  God's grace and strength sustain every Christian who reaches out to him.  Therefore, since other believers were able to resist and overcome (even to death), so could the Christians of Asia Minor.  And so can you and I, if God calls upon us to endure suffering and persecution.

Here is another interesting point – the Greek word translated as 'adversary' actually means an adversary at law.  We know that the devil is our accuser; day and night he stands before the Lord trying to bring a legal case against us (Revelation 12:10).

But we have an advocate in the court room of heaven – Jesus Christ our Lord (1 John 2:1-2).  He will plead our case before the Father because through his blood we have been found innocent of all charges!  

I Peter 5:10 – And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.

Verse 10 is what we would consider a closing prayer by the apostle Peter. 

Peter addresses his prayer to the 'God of all grace' who is not only the author, but the finisher of our faith.  It's good to remember that God's arm is not short that he cannot save, nor is his ear deaf that he cannot hear.  He will faithfully sustain us in the beginning, middle and end of all suffering and persecution.

Notice that Peter's prayer is not for believers to be removed from suffering, but for God to sustain them in the midst of it.  As we noted before, trials often mature us in ways that nothing else can.  If God has allowed it, we must embrace it as his will and have faith that it will result in our good and his glory.  This is very similar to the way Jesus prayed for us too:

John 17:15 - I pray not that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil.

However, Peter does ask God to make their suffering short – 'a little while' – which may refer to the duration of time, or the severity of the suffering.

Either way, he is asking God to confirm and strengthen the faith and belief of Christians until they are firmly, completely and unchangeably established upon the solid rock Christ Jesus.  Once this has occurred, the bond between them and God will be everlasting and unbreakable.  The Christian who is steadfastly anchored in Christ is like a house built upon bedrock – neither the storms of life nor the wiles of the devil will be able to topple it.

When the bond between God and his children remains intact, the believer can look forward to sharing eternal glory with Christ. 

I Peter 5:11 – To him be the dominion forever and ever.  Amen.

Dominion is the ultimate authority to rule; the power of governing and controlling.  Since all glory and dominion belong to our God, we have no reason to worry or fear.    

Isaiah 43:2 - When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you: when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; neither shall the flame scorch you.

God's power and authority will bring all of his precious promises to pass in our lives.  He is well able to perfect, strengthen, establish and preserve us, even when we pass through the fire or the flood.  And we don't just make it through life by the 'skin of our teeth'.  When we walk through this life with Christ as our anchor, we walk victoriously through every situation.

I Peter 5:12 – By Silvanus, a faithful brother as I regard him, I have written briefly to you, exhorting and declaring that this is the true grace of God.  Stand firm in it.

In his benediction, Peter reaffirms the two main reasons or purposes for his letter.

The first is to declare, in the strongest possible terms, that the doctrine of salvation which had been preached to them (and which they had accepted) was the true message of the grace of God.  Christianity was not some new, flash-in-the-pan idea that had no substance or backing.  Rather, the gospel message was foretold by the prophets of long ago, and fulfilled in Jesus Christ. 

Secondly, because the gospel is true, Christians should continue to embrace it regardless of persecution by their enemies or the seductive temptations of Satan. 

When we are fully persuaded of being on the path to heaven, it will motivate us to stand firm and persevere in our Christian walk.  Heaven and all its untold blessings, are indeed the reward of the believer.   

I Peter 5:13-14 – She who is at Babylon, who is likewise chosen, sends you greetings, and so does Mark, my son.  Greet one another with the kiss of love.  Peace to all of you who are in Christ.

'She' refers to the church.  In other words, the church at Babylon sends its greetings to the other churches under Peter's care.  Some scholars believe that Babylon was code for the city of Rome, while others understand it to refer to Babylon in Assyria, which had a very large Jewish population.  Either way, the substance of the greeting remains the same – we are not alone.  There are kingdom believers everywhere and we all belong to the body of Christ.

Lastly, Peter reminds and encourages all Christians to express love towards one another.  He pronounced a blessing of peace upon them. Peace, which flows from salvation, refers to all prosperity, both spiritual and temporal. 

Let me offer you some encouragement:

A lot of times, our first prayer during a trial is for God to simply remove it from our lives completely.  (Okay, maybe I shouldn't speak for you.  Let's say that is MY first prayer!)  But God does not always remove those problems from our lives.  If he did, we would continue to be weak, immature Christians. 

What happens in most instances is that God allows the trial to continue, and he uses it to teach/train us.  We become stronger Christians as we trust God, exercise faith, claim the promises in scripture and use our spiritual armor.  In this way we grow and mature in the faith.  Our example can even help build faith in others.     

I encourage you to try and focus on the good that is happening to your spiritual man in the midst of trials, as opposed to whining and complaining like a two-year-old!

Let me offer you some relief:

Trials don't last forever; once they have accomplished their purpose, God will remove them, and you will actually be better off because of them!

Let me offer you some strength:

Remember, God never sets you up to fail.  You never walk through trials alone; Holy Spirit is there in the midst of that fire/flood.  When you are weak, he will make you strong.  So stand in faith.  Resist the devil.  Enjoy a victorious Christian life!


Matthew 28:1 – Now after the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb.

The four gospels each give us different details of the events surrounding the resurrection.  For our study, we will limit ourselves to what has been recorded in the book of Matthew.  However, for a fuller picture, you would need to read the other gospels as well.

Let's take a few moments to remember how the ancient Jews mark time, because it is very different from the way we do it.

In our minds, a new day begins at 12:00 am, or midnight, and it lasts for 24 hours.  According to our reckoning, three days means 72 hours. 

In the Jewish calculation of time, days are marked by sunset.  Specifically, a new day begins each time the sun goes down and it becomes dark.  Further, it was the Jewish custom to count partial days as 'a day' or a full day when they were referring to blocks of time. 

So by Jewish standards, Jesus did not necessarily have to be dead for 72 full hours to be considered dead for three days.  He only needed to be dead for a portion of the first day, all of the second day (obviously) and a portion of the third day. 

Is that what happened?  Let's take a look.  Jesus died at 3 pm on the afternoon of Friday, and was buried shortly thereafter.  According to Jewish reckoning, Friday counted as 'one day' of the three day time period, because he was dead from 3 pm until the sun set. 

A new day began when the sun went down on Friday, and it lasted until the sun went down on Saturday.  That was the second day. It was the Jewish Sabbath day.    

Sundown on Saturday began the third day that Jesus was in the grave.  So daybreak/sunrise on Sunday morning was actually midway through the third day that Jesus was dead.  The fourth day would have begun at sundown on that Sunday. 

Therefore we would expect Jesus to rise from the dead sometime before sundown on Sunday.  Otherwise, he would be dead more than the three days that were prophesied to his followers.

Now, some of the devout women (Matthew names two, but Mark and Luke indicate there were also others) who were followers of Jesus left their houses before dawn on Sunday (the first day of the week), to see/visit the tomb. 

What was their purpose in going to the tomb?  According to the gospel of Luke, they went there to further embalm the body of Jesus with more spices (Luke 24:1).  According to the gospel of John, they also went to mourn (John 11:31).

As you recall, Joseph of Arimathea arranged for an enormous stone to be rolled in front of the tomb to shut the door.  The door had also been sealed by the Pharisees and chief priests, and it was guarded by Roman soldiers.

How did the woman expect to open the door?  The gospel of Mark tells us that they really did not have a specific plan when they left to go to the tomb: 

Mark 16:3 - And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulcher?

But God had a plan – he sent the women to the tomb before sunrise on the third day so they could find the tomb empty.  This way, they are witnesses that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, just as prophesied. 

According to some scholars, Jesus was likely in the tomb about 36-38 hours total.

Matthew Henry offers this interesting idea in his Whole Bible Commentary:  "Christ, on the sixth day, finished his work; he said 'It is finished'; on the seventh day he rested, and then on the first day of the next week did as it were, begin a new world and entered upon new work."  

What an amazing thought!

Matthew 28:2-3 – And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it.  His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow.

Before we go any further, let me ask you this:  If you were planning the resurrection of Jesus, how would you do it?

Perhaps you would have placed a bright star over the tomb, similar to the one that was above the manger at his birth.  Then hundreds of people could have made their way to the tomb.  And after a big flash of lightening, the stone could have shattered into millions of pieces and Jesus could have walked out to the thunderous applause of everyone!  But our ways are certainly not God's ways, are they?

God has something much simpler and more profound planned.  He first reveals his resurrection to the women, who faithfully stayed by Jesus during his death.  They were the first ones to seek out his tomb.  And God rewarded them fully.  They saw Jesus before any of the disciples.  In fact, they were given the privilege of sharing news of the resurrection with the eleven.

When the women first arrive at the tomb, they find an angel sitting upon the great stone, which has been rolled away from the entrance of the tomb.  This should not surprise us.  Angels frequently attended Jesus while he was on earth.  They appeared at his birth, they ministered to him after his wilderness temptation, and again during his time in the garden.  Now they are bearing witness of his resurrection.

The scripture specifically tells us that it was the angel who rolled back the stone from the door of the tomb.  Why is that?  Why didn't Jesus do it himself?

Court of Heaven

Maybe Jesus was making a spiritual statement.  In the court of heaven, he had been arrested, condemned and sentenced to death, because of our sin.  To roll the stone away himself would imply that he illegally 'broke out' of confinement before his sentence was completed and his debt satisfied.    

However, when a messenger of God rolls the stone away, it is symbolic of being released because his sentence had been completed.  Jesus had paid the FULL price for our sin.  Divine justice had been completely satisfied.  Since heaven had ordered his release, a heavenly representative opened the door. 

And because Jesus paid our debt, we too have been set free.

Isaiah 49:24-25 - Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?  But thus says the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contends with you, and I will save your children. 

Are you jumping for joy yet?  You should be!  We were lawful captives of sin and death.  We had no hope of EVER being delivered from that bondage.  But Jesus came and contended with Satan so that we could be set free!

Matthew 28:4 – And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men.

What?!  These were experienced, hardened soldiers.  Their assignment was a 'piece of cake'… all they had to do was keep a dead man in his grave.  How hard could it be?  No doubt, they were completely full of self confidence as they stood guard that night.  The only resistance they expected was a small group feeble and fearful disciples.    

But instead they are confronted with power, authority and might that is far beyond anything they knew existed – and this was only an angel, a mere servant to the Son of God!  One glimpse of an angel of the Lord struck them with terror, and they fell to the ground, helpless and powerless.      

The soldiers are not the only ones to see the angel.  The women are about to see him too, but their experience will be far different than that of the soldiers.    

Matthew 28:5 – But the angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.

Let's look at it from the women's perspective for a moment.  They were in a state of grief and sorrow.  When they left home, it was still dark outside.  They were probably outside when the earthquake hit, and that would put them on edge.  As they reach the tomb (finally!), what do they find?  The stone rolled away and a supernatural, radiant being sitting on it! 

There is no way they would not have had a sudden stab of fear.  But the angel's very first action is to tell the women 'fear not'.

Why shouldn't they fear?  Because they were seeking Jesus.  The scriptures assure us that when we seek after or pursue interaction with our Lord, we will find him.   

Hebrews 11:6 - … God …is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

In fact, God is so interested in having a relationship with you, that he comes knocking on your heart's door, waiting for an invitation to come in and fellowship with you.  

Revelation 3:20 – Behold, I stand at the door and knock:  if any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he with me.

We note that the resurrection of Christ brings joy and peace to the believer (the women), but terror and confusion to his enemies (the soldiers). 

We also note that the women had lots of excuses to turn back from pursing Jesus at the tomb: 

  • It was dark. 
  • They were grief stricken and tired. 
  • There was no one to open the door for them. 
  • The earthquake was dangerous. 
  • There were guards. 
  • Tomorrow was another day.  

But despite all these obstacles, the women continued on.  They didn't let anything distract them from their search for Jesus.  How much more remarkable are their actions when we consider that all they expected to find was the corpse of their Lord!  

What distracts us from seeking the living presence of our Savior?  Do our excuses seem feeble in light of what these women did?  

Matthew 28:6 – He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.  Come, see the place where he lay.

The women receive the news that Jesus is not the dead body they were expecting.  He is alive, because he had risen!  God was faithful to his promise. 

They are invited to come and examine the empty tomb.  John tells us that the grave clothing was still there (John 20:5-6), but Jesus was gone.  The women remembered what they had heard (that Jesus would rise again on the third day), and they matched it up with what they saw (the empty grave/the burial cloth), and so they believed.

They are the first ones to hear about the miracle of the resurrection.

Matthew 28:7-8 – Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him.  See, I have told you."  So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples.

It might have been tempting to stay at the tomb for a while, communing with the angel and rejoicing in their new found knowledge that Jesus was risen.  But it's time to move on.  God has appointed a special task to them.  They must go and spread the word of his glorious resurrection to the disciples. 

This news would be a tremendous and much needed comfort to the eleven.  Right at that moment, they were in the midst of horrible grief, profound uncertainty and heavy guilt.  To hear the news that their Lord was again alive, would have astonished them, and given them a lifeline of hope!

Here is something to carefully consider:  The eleven did not immediately believe the news based on the word of the women.  However, their testimony caused the disciples snap out of their despair and move into action.  They felt a need to search out this matter and see whether or not it was true. 

Consider carefully...

The disciples will come to faith in the resurrection by a gradual means.  They had heard about it, long before it happened.  That was like a seed planted in their heart.  They had seen his death, the beginning of the mystery.  That was like the seed sprouting up in their soul.  Now, they hear testimony of the resurrection.  This was like a life giving ray of sun beating down upon their understanding.  This will result in them going to the tomb themselves.  It will result in them traveling to Galilee expecting to meet their risen Lord and Savior.  Eventually, after Pentecost, this 'gradual work' would bear much fruit for the kingdom of heaven by heading up the formation of the church.      

So…what 'gradual discoveries' is Jesus trying to work out in your life? 

Has God given you dreams during the night or visions during the day?  You should not consider that an unusual or impossible thing.  That concept has been explained to you in scripture.  Hopefully, your dreams have spurred you to action – to seek out the interpretation of what you have seen.  The interpretation of the dream should move you into further action, to bring about the plans and purposes of God in your life.  As you take the first step, he will reveal the next. What are you waiting for? 

Has God captured your attention and intrigued you with the thought that there is additional power and anointing available to you through the Holy Spirit?  That too, has already been taught in the scriptures.  Is God calling you to search the scriptures?  To speak to others who have obvious signs of power in their lives?  What is he trying to tell you about supernatural gifts that the Holy Spirit wants to operate through you?  Will you search out the matter and see if there is something there for you?

Has God given you a tiny seed of an idea for a business or some new discovery that will benefit mankind?  Are you ignoring that idea as something that could never work?  Do you think that if it were true, someone else would have already done it?  Don't be so sure.  God is a revealer of mysteries.  He may have one just waiting there, with your name on it.  Why not take the time to follow up on it and see where it leads?  

Search it out!

Don't miss your chance!  Take the time to search out the matter.  If nothing comes of it, what have you lost?  But if it truly is of God, then he will further reveal himself to you.

You will find a greater and deeper revelation of who God is, and what he has in store for your life, if you take that first step of faith.

So without any delay or preparation or excuses, the women set out to do as they were commanded. They are exercising their faith.  Therefore, we would expect them to experience a greater revelation regarding the resurrection of Christ.  Let's see if that happens.

Psalms 119:60 – I hasten and do not delay to keep your commandments.

They left to bring joy and comfort to those who were hurting. When you know someone who is suffering, and you have some comfort to offer (a prayer, a hug, a testimony, food, etc) don't delay!  Let us do good as swiftly as possible!    

Matthew 28:9 – And behold, Jesus met them and said, "Greetings!"  And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him.

These ladies not only heard the first good tidings of his resurrection, they got the first meeting with the risen Christ!

Did you notice that as they walk in obedience to what they had been told (go tell the disciples), they find greater wisdom and knowledge – Jesus is revealed to them in a new way.  Why is that? 

When we are in obedience to Christ, our thoughts and actions are in harmony with him.  Because we are focused on him, his desires become our desires.  We will automatically consult him for assistance and guidance, and we will listen close enough to hear his voice.  As we work together with him, he reveals himself in experiential ways.  So when we are operating in obedience to Jesus, we are much more likely to see him, hear him, and find greater revelations of him.

The scripture says that Jesus verbally greeted them and in response they 'came up' to him.  Can you imagine the emotion that must have manifested during that reunion?  Can't you just picture their overwhelming joy and astonishment as they realize it is Jesus?  I imagine that all the weariness that had enveloped them over the last few days was instantly gone.  I imagine that it was replaced by a surge of hopeful energy; all those who wait upon the Lord renew their strength. 

Although they spoke no words to him (what words would have been adequate?), their actions revealed the contents of their hearts.  They came (ran?), fell at his feet and worshiped him. 

Our translation says they 'took hold' of his feet, but the original word means to 'fall prostate before'.  It doesn't necessarily mean that they grabbed his feet, only that they humbled themselves by bowing before him.

 Matthew 28:10 – Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me."

I have never had an angel reveal his presence to me.  However, in the scriptures, it is clear that when people come across divine beings, they are commonly struck with fear and a great sense of unworthiness.  Thus, we saw the women experienced fear when they first saw the angel. 

How much greater is Jesus than that angel!  How magnified is their sense of fear/alarm and unworthiness!  Accordingly, Jesus tells them not to be afraid. 

He the reiterates his invitation – the disciples are to meet him in Galilee.

Galilee is about 80 miles from Jerusalem.  Why do you suppose Jesus wanted to meet with them there?  If they were all in Jerusalem already, why take that kind of a trip?

It was a peaceful place compared to Jerusalem where the vindictive religious leaders and heathen rulers were on high alert.  The city was probably still in tumult from the Passover.  The Romans were short on patience, waiting for the visitors to leave.  So Galilee represented a place of rest where the disciples did not have to be in fear.

In addition, Jesus had many followers in that region.  Perhaps he wanted to visit them too.

Jesus calls the disciples 'brothers' for the first time here.  This assures them of the love and goodwill that Jesus has for them, despite the way they abandoned him a few days earlier.

In fact, now that Jesus has instituted the New Covenant, we can all be a part of the family of God. 

Hebrews 2:11-12 - For both he that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, I will declare your name unto my brethren, in the midst of the congregation will I sing praise unto you.

As in the case of the disciples, our entrance into the family of God is not hindered by our past mistakes or failures.  If we turn to Christ, he will freely forgive all our sin and wash us white as snow!    

Let me offer you some encouragement, some relief and some strength:

The women heard Jesus speaking to them.  Does that make you jealous?  Do you want to hear Jesus too?  If so, I have some good news for you.  God speaks to each and every one of us, and the bible is very clear that we can hear him speaking:

John 10:27 - My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

God wants to speak with you about every aspect of your life – physical and spiritual. He speaks to you because he loves you and he wants a relationship with you.  Think about it – don't all true relationships contain a strong element of communication?  Since that is the case, it only makes sense that God wants to communicate with us. 

Now, wouldn't it be silly if God were talking to us, but we had no way to hear him?  That would mean that God was speaking in vain, or without purpose.  It would mean that his words had no power.  And we know that cannot be true! 

So the problem can't be that God isn't speaking.  Neither can the problem be the ability to hear him, for the scriptures declare that we CAN hear him (John 10). 

The problem is that we lack training and discipline.

I encourage you to practice hearing/listening the voice of God.  Here are some simple steps to get you started.  Begin by spending some time in worship.  This gets your mind focused on the Lord. It shuts out other thoughts that will distract you.

Then, read a portion of his word.  The bible is the living word of God; he speaks to all of us through his word and ask yourself this: What is God saying to me about my life/situation through this portion of scripture?  Write down what you feel God is saying to you.

If you follow these steps regularly/daily, you will soon begin to hear and recognize his voice.  This, however, is just the beginning; so you will want to search out other materials that assist you in hearing the voice of God.  So don't delay – get started now!





I Peter 4:1 – Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin,

In the prior chapter, Peter addresses the issue of Christians who are suffering.  He made a distinction between suffering because of doing wrong, and suffering for the sake of righteousness.  

When believers suffer righteously, they are to follow the example set by Jesus.  This was discussed at length in our prior posts from chapters 2 and 3. 

Up until now, the suffering that Peter was referring to was physical and/or mental suffering.  In chapter 4, Peter changes direction.  Still using Jesus as the ultimate example, he now begins to discuss a different type of suffering.

Before and during his crucifixion, Jesus allowed his physical body to suffer.  If you followed our study on the gospel of Matthew, you recall that Jesus was slapped, spit upon, whipped, humiliated, punched, had a crown of thorns smashed into his head, and was nailed to a tree.  This extraordinary suffering had a purpose – our redemption.

Peter now teaches that in light of the suffering Jesus submitted to in his physical body (due to our sin), we also should submit ourselves to suffering – that is, we should crucify our fleshly desires and abstain from sin.  This is a different kind of suffering than what was discussed in chapters 2 and 3, but it is suffering nevertheless. 

Just as Jesus did not shrink back from the literal crucifixion of his flesh, so we should not shrink back from crucifying the lusts and sinful desires of our flesh.  

In chapter 4, Peter will go on to teach that this involves a two-fold process.  Not only must we abstain from sin, but we must also embrace righteousness.  We will discuss this more at the appropriate point in our study.  For now, I just want us to note that 'crucifying our flesh' has both a negative side (abstention) and a positive side (embracing righteousness).             

So here in verse 1, believers are to arm themselves with the same mind, or 'way of thinking' that Jesus displayed. 

What mindset did Jesus display? He was committed to submitting to the Father's will, no matter what kind of suffering this caused.  He was willing to pay the price for our sin, no matter how painful.  His mind was resolutely set against sin and toward holiness. 

Likewise, we should be committed to allowing Holy Spirit to make us over into the image of Christ.  As we already mentioned, part of this entails abstaining from evil desires, which will be painful for us at first.  Nevertheless, we should be fully committed to this because it is our heavenly Father's will.  We too, must gain control of our minds and set them fully against sin and fully toward holiness. 

Here is why that is important:

As humans, we all have a mind, a will and a set of emotions.  If we allow our mind to be in charge, it will determine the best course of action based on the word of God.  Once we make a decision to follow biblical principles, our will 'gets on board' or gets in agreement with our mind.  In this scenario, our emotions will then be forced to come into agreement with the mind and will.

Alternatively, if we allow our emotions to rule us, they will make a decision based on how our flesh feels, regardless of what the word of God tells us is true.  Once our emotions are in control, our will 'gets on board' with the emotions, and the mind is then forced to come into agreement. 

Let's consider an example – fasting.

The Christian discipline of fasting is biblical.  It entails denying your flesh something it wants to have for the purposes of seeking or hearing from God.  Although fasting from food is the most common observance, you can fast anything that your flesh craves such as television, shopping or even Facebook! 

Let's suppose that you are reading the Bible and you feel a nudge from Holy Spirit to fast about an issue.  For the first few hours, everything is fine.  But soon you start to get hunger pains.  Your stomach is calling for nourishment - now! 

If your mind is committed to the fast, it will receive support from your will.  They become like partners.  When your emotions begin to whine and complain and scream for food, they will be silenced by the mind/will.  They will be forced to comply with the decision that the mind has made.  You should be able to resist the temptation to give up on the fast by eating a piece of pie.  

However, if your mind is not in control, then your emotions will be in charge.  As the stomach begins to demand food, the emotions grab a hold of the will, and together they decide what will happen – and the mind will be forced to comply by rationalizing the behavior the emotions demand.  To make a long story short, you will find yourself in the drive thru at Taco Bell, telling yourself that you didn't really hear from Holy Spirit!   

The beginning of all true self denial and mortification of the flesh begins in the mind, not the body.

We are going to want to 'arm' ourselves with the same mind or way of thinking as Christ – allowing our minds to be in control, rather than our emotions. 

In this passage 'arm' refers to armor which men used to wear in battle.  Armor is normally considered a defensive weapon that protects a soldier from the strikes of his enemy.  In the same way, if believers are mentally prepared to suffer (crucify the flesh), then that mental preparedness is like armor, which will help protect us from the pressures of temptation.   

We should probably take a minute to note that this defense is only part of the equation.  The process of crucifying the flesh will require more than just a mindset - it requires help and strength from Holy Spirit too.

Peter then concludes that those who have suffered in the flesh, have ceased from sin.  In other words, the believer who has been inwardly and truly conformed to the image/sufferings of Christ has ceased, or been delivered, from sin.

I Peter 4:2 – so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God.

Because of the forgiveness that Jesus purchased for us on the cross, we should live the rest of our earthly lives turning away from (crucifying) our corrupt and sinful desires.  Pride, envy, lust, hate, greed, etc are all part of our sinful nature and we must put an end to them in our lives. 

But what happens then?  Should we be walking around like robots without any feelings, emotions, goals or desires?  Of course not!

Have you ever heard the phrase 'Nature abhors a vacuum'?  This saying expresses the idea that unfilled or empty spaces go against the laws of nature, and that every space needs to be filled with something.

Peter seems to have understood this concept, because immediately after instructing Christians to get rid of corrupt and sinful desires, he tells us to fully embrace the will of God in our lives.   

As old sinful desires are pruned away, good and holy desires must be grafted in.  Hate is replaced by godly love, pride is banished by a humble spirit, greed gives way to generosity and so on.  

For example, if you want to remove gossip from your life, you can't just stop talking.  That may work for a short time, but not for long.  Instead, you need to embrace the will of God by changing what you say – speak encouragement and life into people instead of death/gossip.  In fact, prayer is a great way to fill the vacuum that will occur when you stop gossiping!     

So crucifying the flesh has two parts – the removal of what is sinful and the addition of what is holy.

It's a good thing we have the rest of our lives to make these changes, because there is a lot to work on!

I Peter 4:3 – For the time that is past suffices for doing what the Gentiles want to do, living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry.

In this case, the term Gentile is a generic term that stands for heathen or sinner.  All of us were sinners before we served Christ.  During that time we lived in the indulgence of corrupt passions, including (but not limited to) drunkenness, sexual sins and idolatry.

As sinners we did this because we were ignorant of God's ways.  But once we accepted Christ and were forgiven, we became a new creation; it would be unreasonable for us to continue in the ways of sin. 

Now we must live in faith as soldiers for Christ, redeeming or making good use of the time we have left on planet earth.

Ephesians 5:15-16 – Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

Although our past is behind us and cannot be changed, it can still be a useful reminder to spur us on to greater holiness.  

I Peter 4:4 – With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you;

When we become new creatures in Christ it makes perfect sense to us to put off wickedness and sin.  However, our friends and family, who are still living as sinners, may not understand this. 

In their eyes, it seems strange that you would give up the pleasures of this world for a life that seems to promise anything but happiness and ease.  Because they are not in touch with the eternal world, they cannot understand or appreciate the conduct of those who live with regard to the next life.

They find nothing wrong with the sinful pleasures of this world, and they may find it strange that we reject practices that seem innocent, harmless and pleasurable to them.  It may seem especially strange because we used to enjoy these things too.

The world often reacts to this situation by condemning Christians.  We are often labeled as hypocrites, fanatics or fools.  These terms are meant to injure/condemn the character and reputation of Christians who no longer align themselves with the world. 

I Peter 4:5 – but they will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.

The 'living and the dead' is a metaphor which speaks to the inclusion of all people, regardless of whether or not they still walk the earth.  Peter's aim in this verse is to comfort and encourage believers.  We should patiently and righteously bear the opposition we face from unbelievers because our heavenly Father sees and hears it.  There is no need for us to attempt to avenge ourselves; at the proper time God will vindicate his children and judge the wicked. 

Although we don't know the exact time when this will take place, we are reminded that Jesus already sits at the right hand of God, and he is 'ready' to judge even now.

Romans 14:12 – So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

Peter was encouraging his spiritual children to live as though the return of Christ was imminent.  We should still be living with that same attitude.  Even if Jesus tarries another thousand years, we are always living 'in the last days' in a sense, because we never know when our last day on earth will be!  

I Peter 4:6 – For this is why the gospel was preached even to those who are dead, that though judged in the flesh the way people are, they might live in the spirit the way God does.

The interpretation of this verse varies widely, depending on how you define 'dead'.

Some feel that 'dead' refers to people who are spiritually dead in trespasses – ordinary sinners, who are physically alive right now (Ephesians 2:1).  In this case, the interpretation would be that the gospel was preached to sinners when they were spiritually dead, so that each person might strive against, mortify and subdue their own carnal appetites and lusts.   As they do, God makes them spiritually alive. 

Another interpretation is that 'dead' refers to people whose physical bodies are literally dead.  In this case, the interpretation would be that the gospel was made known to them when they walked the earth, so that they might have a chance to crucify their sinful desires and live for God.  These people were made spiritually alive by the gospel, while their flesh was put to death by men (martyrs).

There are also some who interpret 'dead' to mean those who had died long ago (the antediluvians), and had their spirits imprisoned down in Hades/Sheol/the grave.  Those who accept this interpretation also believe that Jesus went down to Hades after his physical death and preached to the lost (see one of the explanations of I Peter 3:19-20).

In any case, the apostle is again offering hope and comfort to the believer.  By the world's standards, physical death means total destruction.  But for the Christian, physical death simply means life in the Spirit with God. 

I Peter 4:7 – The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers.

What does the phrase 'the end of all things' refer to?  It may be a reference to the end of the world/the conclusion of human affairs.  In this case, Peter's meaning would be that the end of the world (the return of Jesus) was near.

Alternatively, we know from history that the city of Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed in 71 AD, effectively bringing an end to the Jewish way of life and worship.  This occurred less than a decade after Peter penned his epistle, and thus may have been the event he was referring to.      

However, the phrase may also refer to the physical death of each individual.  In this case, his meaning was that so far as his readers were concerned, the end was near.  As we mentioned earlier, even if Jesus tarries another thousand years, the end of all things is still at hand for each individual because they do not know the time of their death.  

In any case (personal demise, destruction of Jerusalem or the return of Christ), the point is that our time on earth will quickly draw to a close.  In light of this, Peter goes on to give a series of exhortations to believers. 

The first exhortation is that we ought to be sober minded and have self control.  In other words, we should be actively involved in crucifying our fleshly desires, as mentioned back in verse 3 and giving up the wicked practices we engaged in before we came to Christ. 

Instead of indulging in the vain cares and pleasures of earth, we should be good stewards of all we posses, including resources, time and talents.  We should be constantly in a state of prayer, making sure that we are ready for eternity.   

I Peter 4:8 – Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

And, more than anything, we need to have a warm affection and brotherly love towards other Christians.  We must practice this love earnestly, and with fervor.  What does this mean?

It means that our love for each other should be active and tangible.  It should not only manifest in our words, but in our deeds.  For example, if our Christian brother or sister has experienced the death of a spouse, we should not only tell them how sorry we are; we should show them.  We can do this by giving them a hug, coming to the funeral, bringing a gift of food or flowers, etc.  Our tangible actions can really ease the burden they are experiencing. 

Why, exactly, are we to practice such fervent love?  Because it covers a multitude of sins.

This is true with respect to ourselves.  If we are busy ministering to our brothers/sisters, we are much more likely to have compassion towards them, as opposed to judging them.  We are much more likely to overlook or pass by their faults and failings which tend to irritate and anger us. 

It also covers or hides their sins from the eyes of the world.  If we expose every single fault within the church, nonbelievers will be happy to discredit the church as well as the cross of Christ.  It is better to suffer wrongs than stir up strife. 

Proverbs 10:12 – Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins.   

However, we must exercise caution – if we cover up sins using flattery or falsehood, that is not only a disgrace but a sin in and of itself.  And there are some sins which, if covered up, will fester into bigger problems or cause destruction in the church.  These sins cannot be covered over, but they can be dealt with in love.  These are the duties of the Christian life.

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Remember, the war against your sinful nature/flesh begins with your mind.  You will need to renew or reprogram your thinking with the word of God.  Meditating on scriptures and making daily declarations are a good way to begin the process.  However, you don't need to try and figure this out all by yourself.  Many excellent Christian books have been written on this topic, and are readily available.  I encourage you to check some out.     

Let me offer you some relief:

Crucifying your flesh is not an instantaneous transformation.  It is a process over time.  You may fail a time or two before you gain the victory, but victory will come if you don't give up.  You might want to consider finding a prayer/victory partner for yourself as you work through the process.  They can be there to offer encouragement and prayer when needed.  

Let me offer you some strength:

The Bible says that nothing is impossible with God and that includes gaining control over your sinful nature.  Confess your sin and repent before the Lord.  Ask Holy Spirit to be involved in the change you are committed to making.  He probably prompted you to make the change in the first place, because he is interested in making you over into the image of Christ.  He will give you the strength to overcome!   


I Peter 3:1-2 – Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct.

So far in his epistle Peter has been dealing with the conduct of his Christian readers, particularly in the area of subjection/submission to authority.  Christians are to honor and submit to the authority of government, provided it does not contradict scripture.

Servants/employees are to show due honor and respect to their masters/bosses.  In doing so, the Christian glorifies God and opens the door for salvation to the lost.

Now Peter turns to the relationship between husbands and wives.  He specifically deals with the difficult position that a woman was placed in when she became a Christian, but her husband was still a pagan. 

Before we go any further, it is vital that we understand the culture of the times in which this passage (and others by Paul) was penned, especially since that culture was RADICALLY different from our Western culture.

At that time, women in Eastern cultures (sometimes called Orientals), were considered pure and moral only if they 'stayed home'.  They were never educated.  They did not own property.  They did not work outside the home, much less own a business.  They never held positions of authority or power.  They were considered inferior to men, and were little better than household slaves.

In contrast, women who were courtesans (upscale prostitutes) were frequently educated in not only book knowledge (reading, writing) but in philosophy, proper social graces, business and even statesmanship/politics.  

So, at that time a woman with any kind of education got a bad reputation to go along with it.  If a 'respectable' woman stood up in a public meeting and spoke, her reputation would have been instantly tarnished.  In that culture, she would be considered common and corrupt and this would bring shame upon her husband and herself. 

For example, women who wanted to keep their reputation of virtue had to keep silent in the church.  A woman who spoke up in that setting was perceived by others to be unwholesome or even wicked.  Her actions cast doubt on her character. 

This helps us to understand why Paul says it is shameful for women to speak in the church (1 Corinthians 14:34-35).  He said this because it was a fact of the culture at that time.

Despite what some religious sects would have you believe, Paul's statement in that passage is not a blanket prohibition of women in ministry!   It is an example of restraining your own freedom for the sake of the gospel.

Rather than ruin their reputation in the community, and thus cast aspersions on the gospel message, Paul instructed them to keep quiet in the church so they had a good testimony that might eventually win others to Christ.

Now we can begin to see why many women of that era (as noted in verse three of our text) spent an inordinate amount of time and effort on their outward appearance – because society essentially made it impossible for a virtuous woman to build her inward beauty with wisdom, knowledge and success.  Fleeting, outward beauty was all she had left. 

But interestingly, the apostles Peter and Paul encourage women to set their sights higher.  They instructed the women of that age to cultivate and adorn their inward souls.  Clearly, they did not believe that women should be relegated to the position of household slaves.  In fact, under the Old Testament Law women were honored, respected and trusted.  They held positions of influence and leadership.  As we would expect, Christianity retained and even built upon these rights.

Indeed, Christianity reflects God's true plan for women, which is for them to be a respected partner of men in life and in the gospel. 

Perhaps Matthew Henry said it best: "In creating woman, God did not take her out of the head of man to be over him, nor from his feet to be under him, but out of his side to be equal with him, from under his arm to be sheltered and protected by him, and from near his heart to walk in sympathy and helpfulness by his side."

It is God's design for a man and a woman to be joined together as a single entity – one in heart, purpose, aim and desire.  They are two halves of a whole. 

The Preachers Homiletic Commentary puts it this way: "…the wife in the happy home is equal in position and influence to that of the husband, but not the same.  Woman is not merely a copy of man – a faded, second impression from the same plate – but another creation, enlarging and enriching life… The husband and wife are the two halves of one whole, and the whole is designed by God to be greater and better than the sum of the parts." 

With this background in mind, let's examine today's text. 

I Peter 3:3-4 – Do not let your adorning be external – the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear, but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.

Some sects of Christianity have taken this passage (and others by the apostle Paul) out of context and used them to enforce some strange rules.  They forbid women to wear jewelry, makeup or pants.  They forbid them to cut or style their hair, and even force them to wear a hat/head covering while praying.  Those who interpret the scriptures in this way are completely missing the point Peter is making!

So what is Peter saying in this passage?  Well, let's look at the context.  Peter has just examined the difficulties inherent in the relationship of a Christian citizen and a pagan government, as well as a Christian employee and a pagan boss.  Peter has advised the Christians in these circumstances how they should act in order to please God and be a witness to the unbelievers around them.

Now Peter examines the difficulties inherent in a marriage relationship when the wife has become a Christian, but the husband has not.  He will advise women in this situation how they should act in order to please God and be a witness to their unbelieving husband.   This is the true message of the passage!  

This passage is not a lesson on the general relationships between wives and husbands.  Relationships and circumstances change from age to age, culture to culture and nation to nation.  

Let me just confirm it one more time.  The true meaning of this passage is how a Christian wife should live her life in order to please God and be a witness to her unbelieving husband.

Again, understanding the culture sheds a lot of light on the difficulty facing the Christian women of that era.  On the one hand, the law and culture considered them barely above the level of slaves.  On the other hand, Christianity considers them full partners in life with their husbands. 

So the apostle is giving the women of that era sound advice on how to navigate through the difficulties of this relationship, just as he gave advice to Christian citizens and Christian employees.  You have to love the way Peter gets right down to the practicalities of everyday life!

And here is his godly advice: There is nothing wrong with outward beauty, but true beauty is an inward beauty of the heart. 

External beauty/adornment does not last.  It will fade, decay or go out of style.  (You know this is true; just look back at some of your old photographs and see what was considered 'stylish' 20 years ago!) 

By contrast, internal adornment/beauty endures forever, because your soul is eternal.  Beauty of the heart and mind never goes out of style.  Peter advocates for a gentle and quiet spirit.  This kind of spirit does not flash into anger, or answer harshly.  It does not gossip or stir up trouble.  Rather, it is calm and tranquil in all circumstances - even unfair ones.  It possesses (and spreads) the peace of God to everyone it interacts with.  These adornments are very precious in God's sight. 

When a person (wife or husband) exhibits these traits it is a testimony to the unbelieving partner; they bear witness to the character of God by example rather than by words.  This is a very powerful testimony indeed!  By this testimony the Christian will win the unbeliever to Christ.  Peter points to Sarah, wife of the patriarch Abraham as an example of a woman who cultivated a gentle and quiet spirit.

I Peter 3:5-6 – For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to the own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord.  And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.

Can we take a few moments now and consider our own culture?  Our situation is the exact opposite of the women in Peter's day.

In the United States of America in 2021, law and culture automatically assume that women are equal to men.  This is a blessing that more closely matches the will of God, and I do not think it is a coincidence that we find this in a nation that was founded upon God's word.

I'd like to make two quick points here.  

  • Ladies, do not allow your freedom to be a stumbling block to others.  Honor your husband as the head of your home.  Treat your neighbors as yourself.  If you want to be a leader, be the servant of all.  Pride and arrogance will lead to your downfall, so watch yourself.  Be thankful for your freedom and steward it wisely for God's glory.
  • Second, all Christians who step out in faith and answer the call God has placed upon their lives encounter resistance.  However, women often encounter an added dimension of resistance from the body of Christ itself.  But fear not!  Walk in the boldness and confidence of Holy Spirit and complete the task God has called you to do!  Be a good steward of the gifts God has given you.  Don't waste time worrying about what others are saying; let God deal with them!       

Now, while Peter addresses married women in his text, there are lessons here for single women (and men) as well.  Let me begin by asking you a question: How important is your choice of a spouse?

In my opinion, it is the second most important decision you can make, after your decision to accept Christ as Savior. 

When you marry, you have legally and spiritually joined yourself to another person (Genesis 2:23-24, Ephesians 5:31).  God's will is for this person to be your partner for the rest of your earthly life. 

What kind of a partner do you want?  One who works diligently, exhibits faithfulness, shows patience, and loves God?  Clearly, none of us is perfect.  But in choosing a spouse who is a Christian, you have a much better chance of finding a partner who is faithful, loving, kind, etc because these are the attributes that God instills within his children.  If both of you are believers, your marriage is based on Christ and you can turn to him for guidance in the difficulties of life.  

Or would you rather have a partner that does not provide for you, cheats on you, is abusive and has no regard for the things of God?  In choosing a spouse who is not a Christian, you have accepted Satan as your father-in-law, and his children are just like him! 

This does not mean that you have an absolute guarantee of a happy and trouble free marriage if you are both Christians.  To be sure, there will be bumps along the road of life, and some Christians continue to struggle with wicked habits.  Even in the case where both partners are Christians, you will still have to work to keep your marriage satisfying and intact.  

It also does not mean that if you are a believer who is married to a nonbeliever that there is no hope for your marriage!  There are many people who come to salvation in Christ after they are married; God does not expect you to separate from your spouse for that reason.  Rather, God wants to draw your unbelieving spouse to him, and he will use you to do it!

As Peter indicates in this passage, when the believing partner honors their spouse and demonstrates grace, love, forgiveness, patience, joy and peace in daily life, they provide an example of Christianity that no amount of words could convey.  A living example is a powerful testimony to the unbeliever and usually reaps better results than nagging or preaching!

I Peter 3:7 – Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.

There can be no doubt that God's will is for the husband to be the head of the home (Ephesians 5:23).  But again we notice that contrary to the culture of that day, women are to be treated with honor and respect.  In fact, Christianity is the only religion whose practical application results in such honor and respect of women.   

Further, the apostle goes on to say that women are equal heirs in the salvation and benefits of God.  Think about that for a moment. 

Women are not 'settling' for a bad deal when they submit to the husband as the head of the home.  They are exercising sound judgment as they partner with their husbands in life and in the gospel.  The authority of the husband does not interfere with the woman being an equal heir of eternal spiritual things.  On the contrary, fulfilling the role God has given you on earth results in eternal reward.  This is true for men and women alike.  

Therefore, in the most important aspect of life (our relationship with God), women are in every way equal to men.  All humans, male and female alike, are entitled to claim the promises of God.  All may expect forgiveness of sin, fullness/gifts of Holy Spirit, and a home in heaven.  All may praise and worship; all may travail in prayer and seek a move of the hand of God in their situations. 

The Christian home should be a bastion of peace and safety, with the husband in authority, showing respect and honor to the wife as the two of them partner together to navigate the storms of life, raise the next generation of believers, and grow in grace.  Don't you want to live in a home like that?

Peter also warns his readers about the spiritual dangers of strife/discord in their marriage.  Strife will normally result in anger, unforgiveness or a breakdown in the relationship. 

These injuries to our spirit will most often keep us from praying at all.  Those who do try to engage in prayer, will find God turning them away:

Matthew 5:23-24 – So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go.  First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.  

Look at what Jesus is saying here - you might find it shocking.  He instructs us to leave the altar (the place of prayer) to go and mend our broken relationship.  Only then should we return to prayer.  

As Peter warns, in order to have prayers reach the throne room of God and have their full effectiveness, you need to be a peace with your spouse. 

I Peter 3:8 – Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.

Peter now gives instructions for the wider Christian brotherhood, the church, by teaching us how to treat one another. 

Unity of mind: Christians are to be in agreement not only in the doctrine of salvation, but in practical aims.  If we unite with other sections of the body of Christ, we have a hope of reaching the world for Christ. 

Satan knows this and he would like nothing better than to cause division among believers.  Although different denominations disagree on certain doctrines, we should be able to unite and work with other organizations that believe in salvation through the blood of Jesus.  Let our love for one another and our desire to serve Christ overcome our divisions.

Sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart:  The importance of Christian love cannot be over stated.  Remember that Paul, in his address to the Corinthians, says that even if a believer speaks in heavenly languages, understands prophesy, has faith to move mountains, gives all he has to the poor and is a martyr for God, it is of no value to him without love! (See 1 Corinthians 13:1-3).

We are to rejoice with our fellow believers when they rejoice, and weep with them when they weep, having sympathy and compassion for all.  When we go through some of the trials of life, we can lean upon our Christian family for support, comfort and practical help.  When God has brought us through, we are then able to assist others in their time of need.  

Humble mind:  To be humble-minded means to make a conscious effort to be truly humble.  Humbleness is the opposite of pride and arrogance.  It is a state of mind that recognizes we have fallen short in God's eyes, yet He has forgiven us; we ought to do the same for others.   This is appropriate for the Christian, because humbleness should underlie all of our relationships. 

I Peter 3:9 – Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.

God has showered us with mind boggling blessings.  He has paid for our forgiveness, healed our sicknesses/diseases, given us the indwelling Holy Spirit, granted us his authority on earth, allowed us into his throne room/presence, and blessed us with a comfortable earthly life.  But wait… there's more!  He has also guaranteed us everlasting life with him in heaven along with other eternal rewards that we have not even dreamed of!     

I would not expect any disagreement when I say that we did nothing to deserve these blessings.  The truth is that we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). 

Since God has blessed us when we deserved punishment, God expects us to do the same for others.  Jesus taught this by word and example when he lived on earth.  

Matthew 5:44 - But I [Jesus] say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

[Side Note - notice that we are to bless people, not justify sin.  Sin is sin, and people need to see that so they can be convicted and forgiven as we are.  So be careful not to justify their sin when you are blessing them.] 

I'm sure that you can anticipate the objections that Peter's readers probably brought up back in that day.  They might have said something like this:

'Listen, Peter, you don't know these people like we do.  If we return good for evil, that is not going to change them.  It will make things harder on us, because if they find out they can take advantage of us, they will never stop!  They will walk all over us and bully us!  We will eventually perish from the earth, but they will still be around!  Our lives will be miserable!' 

Granted, in the natural realm it makes no sense to show love to your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to those who clearly hate you, or pray for those who persecute you.  Everything within us wants to do the exact opposite!

But the prophet Isaiah tells us that God's ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55).  God's kingdom often works the exact opposite from the way our world works. 


In man's economy, you have less after you give things away, so you should hoard all you have for yourself.  In God's economy, those who give can expect an abundance to return to them – "pressed down, shaken together and running over".  The more you give, the more you get.   

In man's kingdom, the lowest ranking people are expendable; they must die so the King can be protected and live.  In God's kingdom, King Jesus died so that his subjects might be protected and live!

In man's government, leaders are those who assume authority and expect others to serve them.  In God's government, the one who would be a leader must be the servant of all.

And again in this particular case, we see that God's kingdom works differently than the kingdom of man.  In man's world, those who do good to their enemies will be destroyed or taken advantage of; their short lives will be filled with pain and turmoil.

But God's wisdom reveals that those who want to have a long, peaceable and prosperous life must turn away from evil, and repay evil with good.

Peter declares this truth from Psalms 34:12-16:    

I Peter 3:10-12 – For "Whosoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.  For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers.  But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."

Christians who desire long and peaceful lives on earth must not engage in the sins of lying, reviling, speaking rebellion, flattery that covers wicked intentions, slander, gossip, cursing or any of the other sins we tend to commit with our tongues.  Even if our enemies curse us, we must bless them in return.

A Christian should always remember that our words are very powerful; they contain the ability to give life or death and they should be used carefully (Proverbs 18:21). 

But according to the apostle Peter, you have to do more than just watch what you say.  You have to turn away from evil and do good, walking in the ways of righteousness and living holy lives.  This includes the mandate from Jesus in Matthew chapter 5, on how to treat our enemies.   

Those who do, obtain the blessing of a long life.  And a long, healthy earthly life is indeed a blessing.  It gives us the opportunity to gain more knowledge of God, and pass that knowledge down to our children and grandchildren.  It gives us ample time to prepare for eternity; we labor on earth for the riches we will have in heaven. Long life affords us numerous opportunities to do good to others, and share the gospel of Christ with the lost.

So don't be fooled by the earthly wisdom of man.  Guide your life by spiritual principles.  And remember, God is watching over the righteous, and listening for our prayers.    

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Perhaps you had someone in your life who was always sowing negative, derogatory comments and ideas into you.  Perhaps they gave you the impression that you are worthless and you would never amount to anything, much like some of the women in Peter's day.

Regardless of what they may have told you, I want you to know the truth:  You are of great importance and value to God!

The scripture tells us that God breathes the breath of life into every human being.  It tells us that God knows the sum of your days, before you are even born.  He knows the number of hairs on your head and every word that comes to your lips.  He sings over you with joy!   Although God created you with a purpose and plan, he does not love you for what you will do for him.  He loves you simply because you are his child!   

Let me offer you some relief:

You can find freedom/relief from all those negative seeds that have been sown into your life.  The first step is to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  The second step is to begin to examine the scriptures to find out what God has to say about you.  Remember, your value is not in what you do, but in who you are – his child!  

Let me offer you some strength:

Ephesians 1:3 tells us that God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.  Hallelujah!  Knowing who you are in Christ and what He has done for you should give you the strength to bless your enemies.  That goes against the logic of this world, but I assure you, in God's economy you will reap a guaranteed reward!


We are interrupting our study of 1 Peter for a special lesson this week.  This is a timely lesson for those in the Kipton Church who are currently meeting to pray for revival as well as a mighty move of God's power in our midst.

We have been practicing praying and declaring the word of God.  This is a biblically sound concept, as noted in today's text from the book of Revelation:

Revelation 19:11-16 - And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.  His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 

And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.  And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.  And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.  And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

I don't know about you, but I get goose bumps just reading those verses! 

But the thing I want to draw your attention to is in verse 15, where the scripture says "out of his [Jesus] mouth goeth a sharp sword".  

Now, is this literal?  Is Jesus going to go riding out on his white horse with a literal metal sword clamped in his teeth?  Is he going to swing his head back and forth to fight against his enemies?  Of course not!

The key to what is happening here can be found in Ephesians:

Ephesians 6:17 – and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.

So obviously, the sword of Jesus is not a literal sword made of metal.  His sword is the word of God. 

Now back to the scene in Revelation.  Is Jesus riding on his white horse and when he opens his mouth a bible pops out?  Or maybe a cell phone with an electronic copy of the bible on it?  Is Jesus going to fight the enemy with a phone or an ipad?  Of course not!

Jesus wields the sword of the Spirit by SPEAKING AND/OR DECLARING THE WORD OF GOD! 

The word of God is the sword that Jesus uses to defeat his enemies.  This is not a new concept.  We saw Jesus doing this while he was on earth doing battle with Satan during what is now known as the wilderness temptation.

Matthew 4:4 - But he [Jesus] answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

In every instance of temptation, Jesus defeats Satan by speaking/quoting the word of God.  And that's not all…

  • In Matthew 21, when Jesus cursed the fig tree and it withered from the roots, how did he do it?  He opened up his mouth, and used words.
  • When Jesus calmed the storm (wind/sea) that threatened to overtake the boat in Mark 4, how did he do it?  He opened up his mouth and spoke to the wind and the sea. 
  • In Matthew 17 when the disciples needed help freeing a boy from a demon, how did Jesus do it?  He opened up his mouth, and rebuked the demon.   

In Mark chapter 11, when Jesus taught the disciples about mountain moving faith, did he instruct them to pray about the mountain? No, he did not.

Did he instruct them to worry about the mountain?  No, he did not. 

Did he tell them beg and plead with God to move the mountain?  No, he did not. 

He told them to SPEAK DIRECTLY TO THAT OBSTACLE (with words, using their mouths) AND ORDER IT TO BE MOVED INTO THE SEA. 

As Christians, we have all been trained to pray, and that is a good thing.   But we have also been instructed by Jesus (through both teaching and example) that our words have power in the spiritual realm.  As we speak the word of God out loud in faith, it goes into the spiritual realm and it causes a reaction from heaven.  Our words, spoken in faith, open the door for God to visit the earthly realm and bring about changes.  Bringing about (or birthing) the will of God on earth is a partnership between God and us.  We speak out in faith exercising the authority God has given us, and God brings about the change.  

The spoken word of God is not just the sword of Jesus.  It is the sword of every believer.  It is part of our spiritual armor.  It is the way we engage the enemy, and defeat him.  Should we pray?  Absolutely! 

1 John 5:14-15 -  And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us: and if we know that he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we desired of him.

However, prayer is only part of our arsenal.  It is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that we begin to speak the word in faith, and begin to use the authority that Jesus has given us. 

We wonder why we don't see many miracles today.  Perhaps part of the problem is that we are not using the authority God has given us.  Let's remind ourselves what God has given us:

  • The authority to bind and loose (Matthew 18:18). 
  • The power of agreement (Matthew 18:19). 
  • Authority over all demons and the authority to cure all sickness (Luke 9:1-2). 
  • The ability to call those things that are not as though they are (Romans 4:17). 
  • The power of the blood of Jesus and our testimony (Revelation 12:11).  

We exercise this authority with our mouths, through faith. 

Furthermore, God tells us that his word is living and powerful (Hebrews 4:12), and that he watches over his word, to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12).  So we need to get busy speaking the word over situations in our lives and in our nation that do not conform to the will of God. 

Now, this is not to imply that a single 'dose' of the word will instantly change a situation.  We are not going to examine the reasons for this right now.  For now, let's just get started.  And let's decide in advance that we are going to persevere.  We must continue to speak and pray in faith, until we see the situation conform itself to the will of God.  In the book of Galatians chapter 6, Paul assures us that if we do not grow weary and give up, we will reap the change we are seeking.

So, to help you get started, I have included 11 scriptures in this post.  I strongly urge you use the list this way:   

  • Speak out the scripture, as written. 
  • Then personalize and speak out the declaration. 
  • Pray over that scripture and declaration, asking God for change. 

You can use this list exactly as it appears, or you can use it as a model and make your own list. Please feel free to share it with anyone who will use it.


As a side note, I especially want to draw your attention to scripture #11.  As explained below, I am using this passage to pray for America.  I think you will find it an invaluable scripture for this use. 


#1 Acts 4:29-30 – Now Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.

Declaration:  I believe and declare that I am filled with Holy Spirit and speak the word of God with all boldness. God will confirm his word with signs and wonders which will result in salvation and deliverance for the people of (city name) and all who hear of it.

Prayer suggestion:  Pray for open doors in your community to share the gospel and pray for people, believing that God is going to confirm your testimony with miracles.

#2 2 Peter 3:9 – The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

I Thessalonians 5:9 – For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 46:13- I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry; and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.

Declaration: I believe and declare that the will of God is coming to pass on earth, even as it is in heaven.  God's will does not tarry; it is manifested this very day.  I decree that today is the day of salvation through Jesus Christ to every single person in (city name), and all those I am praying for including (insert name here).

Prayer suggestions:  It is God's will for people to be saved, freed from addiction and healed from all physical, mental and emotional sickness. Jesus paid the price for these blessings on the cross.  Pray for his will to come immediately to those on your prayer list.

#3 Isaiah 55:10-11 – For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

Declaration:  I believe and declare that God's word is flowing freely to the uttermost parts of the earth.  Wherever it flows, it brings life and spiritual fruitfulness, accomplishing the purposes of God and destroying the works of the devil.  

Prayer suggestions:  The gospel goes out into the world 24/7.  Think of all the seeds that have been planted in the hearts of people that have not yet sprouted and grown!  Perhaps some were planted into people as children (your children?) but have never been fruitful.  Pray for Holy Spirit rain to come down, and bring life to those hidden seeds.  

#4 Isaiah 43:18-19 – Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.  Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?  I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert… to give drink to my chosen people, the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.

Declaration:  I believe and declare that the past is behind me.  My sins are forgiven by the blood of Christ.  God is doing new amazing things in my life and using me in new ways, for his glory.  I am filled with Holy Spirit power.  I am a new wineskin.  I am exercising the authority God has given me to cure all sickness, cast our demons, bind and loose, preach the word, and call the things that are not as though they are, so that his kingdom may be manifested on earth as it is in heaven.  I decree that His name is and will be glorified and praised in all the earth.

Prayer suggestions:  Spend time in prayer, seeking wisdom from Holy Spirit as to what he is doing/wants to do in your community and in the lives of your family.  Get in agreement with it, and use your spiritual authority to enforce it in their lives.

#5 Isaiah 49:25 – But thus says the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered; for I will contend with him that contends with you, and I will save your children.

Declaration:  I believe and declare that (insert personal name or city name here) is even now set free from Satanic bondage and blindness, because God himself fights for possession of (name).  We declare that the mind of (name) is awakened to clearly see the truth of the gospel.  We not only claim the life of (name) for Christ, but we hereby lay claim to all his/her descendants.   

Prayer suggestion:  Pray for spiritual blindness to be removed from your city/loved one so that the truth of the gospel can be clearly seen.  Pray (bind/loose, declare, apply the blood of Christ, etc) against any strong hold, addiction, sickness, poverty, generational curse, etc. 

#6 Joel 2:28-29 – And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and your you men shall see visions.  Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit.

Declaration:  I believe and declare that Holy Spirit is actively at work in my life.  He has filled me with his power, wisdom and spiritual gifts.  He is actively involved in communicating with me and other believers.  I declare that I hear his voice and I follow his leading.

Prayer suggestions:  Pray for the baptism of Holy Spirit.  Ask Jesus for a spiritual prayer language, then use it.  Ask the Lord to speak to you, whether through dreams, visions, tongues, etc.  Work on your ability to hear him and follow his leading.

#7 Deuteronomy 20:1 – When you go out to war against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and an army larger than your own, you shall not be afraid of them, for the Lord your God is with you, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt.

Esther 8:11 - …the king allowed the Jews who were in every city to gather and defend their lives, to destroy, to kill and to annihilate any armed force of any people or province that might attack them, children and women included, and to plunder their goods.

Declaration:  I believe and declare that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.  I am clothed with the full armor of God and I am not afraid of the enemy, for no weapon formed against me will prosper.  God has given me his authority to destroy and bring to nothing the evil that Satan has planned for me, my family, and the people of America/earth.

Prayer suggestion:  Begin to engage in spiritual warfare for your personal life – your children, your finances, your health, your ministry… everything that concerns you.  It is your right to fight for victory in your own family.  Once you have slain the 'lions and bears' of today, you will have the confidence and faith to face the 'Goliaths' of the future.  Don't try to rely or depend on someone else to do this for you - it is not only your privilege, but your responsibility.  

#8 John 16:23-34 – Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you.  Until now you have asked nothing in my name.  Ask and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

Psalm 84:11 - For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Declaration:  I believe and declare that God watches over his word to perform it.  I do not need to beg God for anything; I simply ask in faith.  He joyously hears and answers my prayers, giving me everything that I need to live a victorious, abundant, fulfilling life.     

Prayer suggestion:  God already has the answers to your problems lined up for you.  In faith, with an open mind, ask him for a solution.  He may not answer in the way you imagined, but his way/answer/solution/provision/open door will be perfect for you.

#9 Mark 11:23 - For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be removed, and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he said.

Declaration:  I believe and declare that nothing is impossible with God!  Even now, my circumstances are conforming to the will of God.  I place my faith in the Alpha and Omega, the one who moves mountains, the one who has never lost a battle, the one who knows the end from the beginning, the one who watches over his word to perform it; the only eternal God and King who reigns forever and ever!   

Prayer suggestion:  Rise up in the authority God has given you.  Speak directly to that mountain, commanding it to conform to God's will, like Jesus did when he cursed the fig tree.

#10 Numbers 10:35 – And it came to pass when the ark set forward, Moses said, "Rise up Lord, and let thine enemies be scattered.  Let them that hate thee flee from before thee.

Declaration:  I believe and declare that God is in our midst, and that he is moving in the world today, actively fighting against the forces of darkness, who run away from his presence.

Prayer suggestion:  Satan will flee from the presence of God.  Use praise and worship to bring God's presence into situations, and watch the devil run!  Begin to thank the Lord for the answers you have seen with the eye of faith, even though they have not yet manifested in the natural realm.

#11 Proverbs 6:16-19 – There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

This scripture passage in Proverbs is one that I am using for declarations on a national level, for America.  For example, our government currently sanctions abortion, which is the shedding of innocent blood, and we know that God hates that.  So I might declare something like this:

Declaration:  I believe and declare that God hates abortion and therefore it has no place in the nation of America.  I declare that Americans will no longer be blind to the sin of abortion; they will recognize its evil and reject it.  I decree that the laws of abortion will be abolished in this nation and American law will conform to the will of God.

Prayer suggestions:  In my opinion, all of the evil and wrong doing that the government is now perpetrating fits into one of the seven categories mentioned in Proverbs, so speak out/decree against any/all of their actions using this passage in Proverbs. 

FYI, we are seeing a lot of 'sowing discord among brothers' in our nation today, so be sure to include that one especially right now.


I Peter 2:13-14 – Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good.

Our last post ended as Peter was instructing the Christians of Asia Minor to keep their conduct among the Gentiles honorable.  Obviously, Christians will want to live holy lives because it glorifies God and it is the reasonable thing to do in light of the salvation Jesus died to purchase for us.

Peter also told his readers that they should act honorably because it was a witness to the unbelievers around them, who were looking for reasons to discredit or shame Christians, and the God they served.  

But why would Peter feel the need to address issues relating to civil government and authority?  Doesn't everyone honor their government? 

In the case of the Jews, the answer is emphatically 'no'!  Remember, at one time the Jews had their own nation and their own king.  But that ended when they went into exile (586 BC).  Even though God brought them back to the land after their punishment, their monarchy was never restored.  Ever since that time, they have been ruled by a foreign power.

And truth be told, they hated and despised that fact!  The Jews were notorious for their constant rebellions against the Romans.  Many Roman officials did not want to rule over Jerusalem because the Jews were so hard to govern/keep under control.  

Furthermore, if Peter wrote this epistle around 60-64 AD as we discussed in the introduction, then it is a mere 6 years (plus or minus) until the hostilities between Rome and the Jews totally erupt in a violent and bloody war which almost wipes out the Jews and burns down the temple (70 AD).

Keep in mind that the people of that era considered Christianity to be an offshoot of Judaism.  Naturally, they are going to assume that Christians would be almost ungovernable, just like the Jews. 

Now do you see why Peter gives the Christians a reminder to submit to the yoke of civil authority?  If they don't, they will greatly damage their witness for Christ and the reputation of Christianity as a whole.  They will give unbelievers a reason for despising not only themselves, but God.

Respect and submission were to be given to all ruling authorities whether those were kings, emperors, governors or magistrates.  Obedience is due to them because they have been granted that position/authority by God's providence; submitting to their authority was another way of glorifying God, and displaying a good witness to unbelievers. 

Romans 13:1 - Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.  

The apostle Paul agrees with the apostle Peter – government officials rule by the command of God.  They would not be in power if God did not allow it.  Therefore, unless the authorities are requiring something that is contrary to the laws of God, their authority is to be recognized. 

Peter goes on to say that civil authority should be respected because it has been appointed by the Lord for the common good of mankind – it oversees public peace and safety, while punishing those who break the law. 

It would be wonderful if all civil powers were just and righteous in their doings.  Of course, this is not the case.  However, we must consider that government, even tainted by corruption, is still better than anarchy.

And thankfully, in America we have the right to vote out any government official that is doing corrupt or unrighteous things.  So take a look around you.  If you don't like the officials that govern you, take action!  Vote them out of office.  You might even consider running for office yourself!  What a blessing it would be if every mayor, governor, congressman, senator, and judge in America was a Christian!

I Peter 2:15 – For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people.

What do you think of when you read the phrase 'put to silence'?  It makes me think of old gangster films where the bad guys would kill anyone who challenged them!  But of course that is not the case here.   

The phrase 'put to silence' literally means 'to muzzle' as you would an animal, which implies to stop their mouths; to leave them nothing to say.

True wisdom can only be found in the knowledge of God.  Therefore, people who are still unsaved have no wisdom; they are ignorant.  Interestingly, the original Greek word carries the connotation of "self imposed" or "self caused" ignorance, which means these people chose to reject the obvious truth of the gospel.

Furthermore, they are foolish – absurd, despicable, contemptible; without judgment or discretion. 

Peter's point is that people who do not know God lack true judgment.  Naturally a person of that mind set would accuse Christians of being unfit citizens of their country.  They would accuse Christians of causing civil unrest and anarchy.  In fact, they tend to blame Christians for any and all ills that society suffers from. 

According to Peter, how were the Christians supposed to react to this situation?  

These false charges are not to be fought with words of indignant self vindication, but by obedience.  Actions speak louder than words! 

What about us?  Do our actions enforce the Christian lingo coming out of our mouths? Or do our actions contradict the ways of God?  Are non-believers paying more attention to what we say, or what we do?

I Peter 2:16 – Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.

The Christians of Asia Minor had been set free from both the bondage of sin and subjection to the Mosaic law.  They had become God's people; he, and he alone, was their ultimate authority.  Therefore, it was looked upon as an indignity to subject themselves to the heathen rulers/government.  By virtue of being subjected to the law of God, they felt they were above the laws of fallen man.   

Meanwhile, because they considered Christians an off shoot of the Jews, heathen rulers looked upon the church as a dangerous, lawless organization.  Their views were based on history - the Jews in general had long held the belief that they were not subject to any heathen government (John 8:33, Deuteronomy 17:15) and this belief was the underlying foundation of their constant rebellion against Rome.  And Christianity in general had certainly turned the world upside down!  

But freedom in Christ is not a cloak or a mantle that we can use to cover up evil.   In other words, freedom in Christ is not a license for unrestrained behavior.   

In this particular case, Peter points out that sedition and rebellion against Rome were a sin because God's law required subjection to the civil authority of the land, which He had placed in power.   

In the next verses, Peter goes on to explain or clarify what is/is not entailed in the freedom of a Christian. 

I Peter 2:17 – Honor everyone.  Love the brotherhood.  Fear God.  Honor the emperor.

  • Honor everyone:  Due respect is to be given to all men based on their personal worth as humans and based on the offices/positions of authority they hold.  
  • Love the brotherhood:  We are all part of the body of Christ.  There is one body, one Spirit, one faith, one baptism, and one Father God.  Therefore, we should strive for unity in the Spirit and a bond of peace among ourselves (Ephesians 4:3-6). 
  • Fear God:  As I am sure you already know, 'fear' means to show reverence and honor.  Reverence and honor to God are exemplified in obedience and submission to his will and loving our neighbors as ourselves. 
  • Honor the emperor:  At the time of writing, this would have referred to the Roman rulers, but in our generation it is a mandate to respect those that God has placed in authority over us.  We are to obey their rule, as long as it does not directly conflict with the word of God.  This would also include praying for them, and cheerfully paying taxes! 

And again, let us be thankful that in the United States of America, we have the means to oust tyrants and wicked rulers from office by being politically active.  This is a huge blessing, for many Christians live in places where they have no recourse for bad government. 

I like the way that Peter puts things in the proper order – fear of God first, loyalty to government second!

I Peter 2:18 – Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentile, but also to the unjust.

Peter is still on the same topic of freedom in Christ, and what that looks like at the basic levels in life.  He just showed us that freedom in Christ does not allow us to be anarchists – we must obey the rulers God has set over us in government.

Next, he shows us how that freedom works itself out in situations where another person has authority over us on a daily basis.   Let's take a look at the original Greek word for "servants".  Its literal meaning refers to domestics – those employed in a house.  So just to be clear, they are not slaves.  They can best be described as employees.

Likewise, the Greek word for "master" refers to the head of a family, (who would be supervising the domestics) not the owner of slaves.  

So, we could read the verse this way: Employees, be subject to your boss with all respect...

In almost all instances, if you are employed, you did that voluntarily.  You approached the company and requested to work for them.  Even if they approached you, you accepted their offer.  In the end, it all works out the same – you agreed to the company's terms of employment. 

As Christians, we need to show our bosses respect in the way in which we speak to them and the way in which we speak about them.  We owe them, and the company, fidelity - faithfulness, honesty, integrity and loyalty in the discharge of our duties.   

That is a pretty easy thing to do, if you have a fair, honest and caring boss.  But what if you don't?  What if the person who supervises you is an ungrateful tyrant?  What if they take credit for your hard work, or pass over you when handing out promotions?

Peter says that for the Christian, it doesn't matter whether they are good/gentile or unjust/unfair.  The character of your boss has no direct effect upon the way you are to perform your service.  God is well aware of any and all 'wrongs' and injustices done to his children.  In the end, he will account for all of these things.

But in the meantime, we have two choices.  One, we can slander, complain, undermine and rebel against the authority of our boss.  We can sabotage their projects and requests. We can turn in incorrect, late work and we can perform our duties at a standard less than we are capable of doing.  In other words, we can act just like unbelievers.  But if we do, what kind of a testimony does that exhibit to the world?

Romans 12:21 - Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Two, we can acknowledge that God is our ultimate authority and because we serve Him, we can continue to discharge our duties to the best of our abilities and show respect for our boss.  Although this is a very difficult position, it brings great glory to God.  We become a witness to the nature of God when we bear up under unjust suffering.  Who knows – maybe you will get an opportunity to bring this lost person into the kingdom of heaven. 

Also, keep in mind that those with authority, including your boss, will someday give an account of their stewardship of that authority.     

I Peter 2:19 – For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly.

In other words, if you suffer injustice or wrongful treatment at work (or elsewhere), but still continue to discharge your duties properly (including keeping a guard on your mouth), this is pleasing before God. 

This is a practical demonstration that you have chosen to obey/submit yourself to the will of God, rather than give into the desires of your own will/flesh.  This is definitely an instance where your actions will reflect a testimony for God, without you saying anything.   

I Peter 2:20 – For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure?  But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God.

Common sense tells us that there is little or no reward in patiently enduring a punishment that you deserve.  Unbelievers are not going to see any virtue or honor in your actions, because you were guilty of the crime. 

In comparison, a person who is innocent but willingly and graciously bears a wrong done to him/her because they consider it their duty before the Lord, will display an unusual and noteworthy grace that others will attribute to God. 

So, what can we conclude here? 

If you are in a bad position at work and you no longer feel that you can honor God in that situation, you should look for other employment.  If you are constantly griping and complaining about your position, your boss or your company, you should consider moving on, rather than displaying a poor witness for Christ.  

Alternatively, if you really want to keep your position, then you need to get a handle on yourself.  You will need to practice keeping control of your mouth.  You will need to change your attitude about your job.  One of the ways you can do this is to begin thanking God for your job, and all of its benefits (rate of pay, hours, retirement, health insurance, personal satisfaction, etc).  Be content with what you have.  You can pray for your supervisor/boss and your situation and see what God will do.

As a side note, we can't help but be reminded that the borrower is a slave to the lender (Proverbs 22:7).  This might be a good time to stop and consider your situation.  Are you living within your means? Are you a good steward of the resources God has placed in your care?  Do you have a plan to become free from debt and the bondages it carries?  If not, make changes now, before your situation gets worse.     

I Peter 2:21 – For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.

Peter now provides us with two further arguments in favor of Christian patience under unjust suffering.

First, all Christians are called to endure suffering for righteousness sake.  Part of being a Christian is to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus (Matthew 16:24).   This is what we have been called to do; so if the situation arises, let us respond to the call and embrace the opportunity. 

I Thessalonians 3:3 - ...that no one be moved by these afflictions.  For you yourselves know that we are destined for this.

And lest we are tempted to complain about our suffering, please remind yourself of all those martyrs who have given their very lives for the cross of Christ.  What is your suffering compared to theirs?

Second, the suffering of our Lord and Savior was on our behalf. He suffered not because of his own sin but because of ours.  He endured suffering voluntarily, with patience and righteousness.  This is the example he has provided for us.   We too are to voluntarily suffer with patience and righteousness, when called by God to do so. 

II Timothy 4:5 – As for you, always be sober minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Just as the unjust suffering of Jesus brought people into the kingdom of heaven, so our unjust suffering will be a witness that lifts up the name of Jesus and draws all men to salvation (John 15:18-20, 27). 

Here is a word of comfort for you – afflictions in this life are temporary and they will result in great eternal glory if we embrace them properly (II Corinthians 4:17). 

I Peter 2:22-23 – He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.

The apostle Peter now goes on to give more in-depth insight into the suffering of Jesus, and shows how this is an example for us.

As we already noted, Jesus himself committed no sins, so when he suffered it was unfair and unjust.  We too, should live our lives in such a way that if we suffer, it should be unjustly.  As Christians, we should be careful to not get ourselves into a position where we are suffering because we deserve to be punished!  It is as much our duty to live in a manner that avoids any kind of guilt as it is to suffer patiently when we are unjustly accused.

Jesus never sinned with his actions or his mouth!  He never deceived, complained, cursed, gossiped or told a lie.  This is always the example that we need to follow.  Taming the tongue is one of the most difficult things we are called to do (James 3), and also one of the most important.  I doubt we can ever reach perfection on this, but that is what we should strive for!

Jesus never retaliated.  When his earthly enemies blasphemed him, mocked him and accused him of all manner of sin and evil, he said…nothing! 

Isaiah 53:7 – He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.       

Furthermore, when they whipped him, spit on him, plucked out his beard, slapped him and jammed a crown of thorns on his head, he did…nothing! 

Jesus could have called down legions of angels to annihilate the men who abused him.  Instead, he patiently and righteously endured these afflictions, trusting in the Father to eventually vindicate his innocence and avenge him on his enemies. 

What about you and me?  Is it better to try and vindicate your own innocence, or trust God to do it in his own way and his own time?  Is it better to try and avenge your enemies yourself, or leave that in God's hands?

An honest, impartial look at the word of God reveals that provocation by our enemies is not an excuse to sin or take revenge.  But many times, when you are personally being attacked, your emotions are involved and it is hard to set those aside and do the right thing.  It is good for us to examine this issue now, so when it affects us, we are ready to follow the example of Jesus and commit injustices and revenge to God.

I Peter 2:24-25 – He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.  By his wounds you have been healed. For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

Can we take a few minutes to bow down and take a fresh look at His sacrifice?

A price HAD to be paid for our sin.  Had Jesus not done it, the task would have fallen upon us.  Having no possible way to pay our debt, we would be eternally dead in our sin, eternally without the love and mercy of God, forever cut off from life.  We cannot fully comprehend what a bitter, hopeless and anguished existence that would be!

Think about the nature of the one who willingly became the substitute for our sin.  He is God!   This means that the creator of all things, the only true God in whom resides all wisdom, power and authority, allowed himself to come to earth in human form, for the express purpose of paying our debt; of bearing those sins in his own mortal body.  This is truly a mind-boggling thought!  How can it be that the eternal God would seek to join himself to his creation in such a manner?  What does he see in us that would make it worth it to Him?

Think about death on the cross.  Certainly, it was a hideously painful way to die.  But it was more than just physical pain.  It was a place of scorn.  The Romans would not suffer any of their own to die that way; yet they hung the Son of God there as if he was a common murderer.  They cast lots for his clothes as he hung up there naked.  Then everyone (Jews and Gentiles alike) proceeded to mock and laugh at him as he suffered.  But that is not all.  The cross was also a place of mental and spiritual anguish, as Jesus was completely separated from the God-head!  There is no way for us to comprehend what that anguish and suffering were like. 

The cross is also the place of the curse.  Scripture says 'cursed is every one that is hanged on a tree' (Galatians 3:13, Deuteronomy 21:22-23).   Jesus was made a curse for us, as he innocently hung on that tree!  It was our sin, our curse, our failure, our rebellion that put him there. 

We have so much to thank and praise him for!!

Now, consider this:  We did absolutely nothing to deserve the gift of eternal life that Jesus provided for us on that cross.  God's mercy and love are the only basis for our redemption.  Because of his great sacrifice, we have been delivered from the power/bondage of sin.  We are now free to live righteous lives in Christ. 

How then, can we continue to live worldly lives?  How can we ignore biblical mandates pertaining to personal holiness?  How can we complain if we are called upon to follow in the footsteps of Christ and suffer unjustly?

When we were sinners, we were far from the protection, provision and love of God, just like a straying sheep.  But now, through the sacrifice of Christ, we have returned to the One who loves us so much, he laid his life down for us.  Jesus vigilantly watches over his flock, to keep us safe and secure.  Let us cease from our wanderings and cling to him in righteousness.   

Let me offer you some encouragement and strength:

This is not an easy portion of scripture!  In order to use our freedom in Christ, we must deny our flesh and its desires.  We must honor those in authority over us, even when that is difficult. 

Maybe you are experiencing a tough situation right now at work.  Maybe your boss or supervisor is unkind or treats you unjustly.  I encourage you to take a step back and think about your response. 

Jesus has given us the mandate to follow in his footsteps and be examples of righteousness in these situations.  He would never call us to do something that he himself is not willing to do.  He would never assign us to a task that he did not equip us for.  So take heart.  Be strengthened.  God has given you the grace to endure this situation for the glory of God. 

Let me offer you some relief:

Respecting authority can be a tough thing, especially when those over you are unbelievers who are dishonest or foolish.  Suffering unjustly is also a tough thing.  But these trials also bring about good. 

They allow you opportunities to show forth the righteousness of Christ.  They assist in shaping you into the image of Jesus.  And you can be relieved knowing that God has allowed this trial in your life, and that he is going to use it for your good.





I Peter 2:1 – So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.

In chapter 1, Peter spoke about the marvelous salvation that Jesus made possible for the Christians in Asia Minor, and for us.  Now that we have been 'born again' we must live a life that corresponds to this new birth.   

Part of living a redeemed life includes casting off or laying aside sin, as you would a soiled or rotten garment.  The sins Peter admonishes us to abandon include the following:  

  • Malice:  Any wicked or mischievous intention of the mind; the intent/desire to injure or harm another person, rancor, maliciousness, ill will, etc.   
  • Deceit or Guile: To disguise, conceal, deceive or delude.  Cunning, treachery. This not only applies to our actions, but to our speech and includes things like flattery, lying, distorting the truth, etc.
  • Hypocrisy: Pretending to be what you are not; a counterfeit, assuming a false appearance of religion, cloaking a wicked purpose under the appearance of piety.
  • Envy: Discontent or malice because of the good fortune of another, with some degree of desire to possess equal advantages; jealousy.
  • Slander or evil speaking: A false report maliciously uttered, which tends to injure the reputation of another; defamatory reports; to defame, dishonor or disgrace; backbiting. 

 Do you notice anything these sins have in common?  They all relate to the way we interact with others.  They also tend to appear together.  In other words, slander/evil speaking is a sign that we are entertaining thoughts of malice, hypocrisy, envy or guile. 

In fact, it is more than a sign – it is proof!  Jesus revealed that out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouths speak (Luke 6:45).  So if you want to know if envy or hypocrisy, etc are dwelling in you, check your mouth!     

When we are born again, we start off as spiritual babies.  We must grow in grace and mature in our walk with God.  And even the most mature among us has not been perfected; any of us can stumble and commit one of these sins. 

Therefore, we should not lightly cast off this warning by the apostle Peter to examine ourselves and purge these evils from our lives. 

I Peter 2:2-3 – Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation – if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.

All of us are aware that infants can only be fed with milk/formula.  Their digestion has not matured to the point where they can eat solid food.  However, if they continuously receive liquid nutrition, they will quickly grow and develop to the point where they can digest solids.

If you have children of your own, you know that infants have a constant and fervent desire to be fed.  They don't care if it is 3:00 in the morning; if they are hungry they will cry/fuss until they get food!

Although there will be ups and downs along the way, we fully expect our children to grow up.  As they grow and mature, we give them additional opportunities and privileges.   

The same principles apply to our spiritual lives.  When we are born again as babies in Christ, we must provide ourselves a steady, regular supply of the word of God, which is the spiritual milk that Peter refers to in this verse.  Our desire for the word of God should be just as fervent as the hunger of an infant.

By taking spiritual nourishment from the word of God, we will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

As we spiritually grow and mature, our Heavenly Father will present us with more and more opportunities and privileges within his kingdom!   

Speaking of food, the apostle tells us that, as Christians, we have tasted that the Lord is good.  In other words, we haven't just heard about the goodness of God, we have experienced it.   

There is a big difference between knowing about something and experiencing it.  Take, for example, driving a car.  You can watch videos on how to operate the vehicle.  You can study the driving laws and pass the written test.  But none of that is the same as actually getting behind the wheel and pulling out into traffic.   

In the same way, you can hear other people tell you about the goodness of God.  You can read books written by people who have been saved and delivered from sin.  But until that actually happens to you, you haven't 'tasted' the Lord yet!

Do you remember when you first heard the gospel message?  Do you remember the feeling you experienced when he washed your sin away, and sealed you with the Holy Spirit? 

And since then, as you have grown in your faith, haven't you discovered deeper levels of his joy and peace?  As you get to know him more and more, doesn't your love for him deepen and grow? 

Consider this:  As wonderful as our relationship with God is, it is only a mere taste of what awaits us in eternity when we finally see him face to face!  

I Peter 2:4 – As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious,

It is common for the New Testament writers to described Jesus as a stone or a corner stone.  This is an Old Testament reference to the Messiah:

Isaiah 28:16 – thus says the Lord God, "Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation…"

Psalms 118:22 – The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

There are actually two ideas conceptualized in a cornerstone.  The first is a foundation stone, upon which a structure rested.  We find this referenced in places such as Isaiah 28:16 (see above), Job 38:6 or Jeremiah 51:26.  Jesus is described as the cornerstone or foundation that the church is built upon. 

But a cornerstone can also refer to the topmost or capstone on a building, which links the last tiers together.  We find this referenced in places such as Psalms 118:22 (see above) or Zechariah 4:7.  This is fitting because Jesus is not only the foundation, but also the one who binds the church together. 

In both cases, the cornerstone is figurative of the Messiah (1 Corinthians 3:11, Ephesians 2:20, Matthew 21:42, etc), who is the first and the last.  He has invincible strength and everlasting duration.  He is our protection and our security.  He is the sure foundation of our lives.  Those who build upon him will stand in the storms of life (Matthew 7:24-27).  


Notice that Peter refers to Jesus as a living stone.  Under the new covenant, the church is no longer a building made of inanimate stones.  It is a living temple, made of redeemed people, in which God now resides.  Jesus himself lives eternally and he imparts life to all who build their lives upon him.

But there are men who have rejected him.  Although many Gentiles have refused to acknowledge him, this is a direct reference to the Jews.  They were looking for a Messiah of this world, who would uphold their traditions and customs, take authority over the Romans and set up an earthly kingdom.  Their faith was shaken when Jesus did not do as they expected. At first they rejected him out of ignorance and blindness, but later out of malice and wickedness.     

This presents a startling contrast with God's point of view.  In his sight, Jesus is chosen and precious.  He is the savior of the world; the perfect foundation on which the church rests.  Since God can never be wrong, we can rest assured that the sacrifice of Jesus was sufficient to atone for all our sin, no matter how great. 

I Peter 2:5 – you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

The first Jewish temple was built by King Solomon, and it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar when he invaded Jerusalem in 586 BC.  By all accounts, it was a magnificent edifice.

A new temple was built by the returning Jewish exiles back in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah.  This temple was much smaller and far less magnificent than Solomon's temple, but it was a temple nonetheless.  It had been in existence for about 500 years by the time Herod became king in Judea. 

Replica of Herod's temple

In order to gain favor with the Jews, Herod offered to rebuild the temple and the Jews accepted his offer.  It should be noted that the temple was torn down and rebuilt in sections.  So in the end, it was an entirely new and glorious building but it was still considered the second temple.  The project took 46 years to complete.

It might be difficult for us to imagine the feelings that the Jews had for their temple; to them it was by far the most important place on earth.  It was the place where God was worshipped.  It was the place where God dwelt (on the mercy seat between the cherubim of the Ark).  Acceptable sacrifices were offered there.  The priesthood ministered there.  It was the meeting place between God and man.  

Peter now makes an astonishing revelation to his readers - God has instituted a new, fully complete, fully functioning temple, which is even more glorious than the one they are familiar with! 

This new temple is built upon Jesus Christ, a foundation of living stone.  All individual believers are living stones, and together we are the united church of the Living God. 

So God now dwells in temples of flesh – the hearts of believers everywhere.  Therefore, Christians are the new priesthood, daily engaged in his service, led by our high priest Jesus Christ.  Acceptable sacrifices and offerings are made in this new temple in the form of obedience, prayer and holy living by all believers.  Worship occurs in the new temple; true believers worship him in spirit and in truth.  Since God now dwells within us, we are in constant fellowship with him.  

In short, all of the things that made the physical temple a true temple had been replicated in a new and living way – in the lives of Christians. 

This would have given comfort to the Jewish Christians who lost such a big part of their heritage when they came to Christ.  This knowledge would have been an even bigger comfort in about five years, when Herod's temple was destroyed. 

It would also have been a consolation to the Gentile believers.  They were excluded from worship in the physical temple at Jerusalem, but now they were admitted to the new and living temple of God.  In fact, they too had become priests unto God which would never have been allowed under the Law.

What a blessing we have in Jesus!  No longer are we limited by the law and its regulations.  Now, all people can have God dwelling in them, at all times.  Now, all believers can worship and fellowship with God in any place, at any time!

I Peter 2:6 – For it stands in Scripture:  "Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone, chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame."

  • Jesus is the cornerstone, the foundation stone, or the fundamental truth of Christianity; outside of him Christianity would not exist.  He alone is the head and King of his church; he alone rules it in wisdom and righteousness.
  • This foundation is laid in Zion.  Zion is the name given to the main hills on which the city of Jerusalem was built.  The term is sometimes used to refer to the city of Jerusalem itself.  Under the law, Jerusalem was the seat of true religion; it was the place where the physical temple was located.  Jerusalem also becomes the place where Jesus is manifested in the flesh, where he suffers, dies and is raised to life again.  Jerusalem was the center point from which the gospel was carried throughout the entirety of the world.  Truly, the foundations of Christianity were laid in Zion, through Jesus.
  • True believers build upon this foundation.  It is not enough to just hear the story of Jesus and be familiar with it.  It is not enough to be able to quote the scriptures.  It is not enough to have a relative or close friend who has a relationship with Jesus.  It is not enough to just attend church every week.  If you want to build upon the foundation of Jesus, you have to believe on him yourself.  You have to accept him into your heart and allow him to rule your entire being.  When you do, he becomes the sure foundation of your entire existence.
  • Those who build upon this foundation will never be put to shame/shall not flee.  Through Jesus, we are able to stand firm in this world against all temptations and sin.  At the end of time, the people of God will be vindicated for their trust in him.        

I Peter 2:7-8 – So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe, "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone," and "A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense."

God has honored his Son by making him both the foundation and head of the church (Psalms 118:22).  Each and every person must decide for themselves what they will do about this fact. 

Those who believe the gospel message and choose to accept Christ as Lord and Savior have the privilege of building their spiritual lives upon the foundation of his atoning work.  When coming into contact with Christ, they become living stones in his church, and recipients of eternal life.

But there are those who do not believe the gospel message and choose to reject Christ as Lord and Savior.  When coming into contact with Christ, their unbelief and hardness of heart cause them to stumble or be offended.  Because they reject Christ, they have no hope of salvation.  They will spend eternity in hell, separated from God.   

Of course, the Scribes, Pharisees and other religious leaders who were alive during the incarnation of Christ were the original group of people who stumbled and were offended by him. 

They read the Old Testament prophesies, picked out the parts they liked best, and formed a false picture of who the Messiah was and what he would do.  In their minds, he would be a conquering hero who would rid them of their enemies and set up a physical kingdom on earth.  Because Jesus did not wage war on Rome and reestablish the throne of David as expected, the religious leaders stumbled at his claim to be the Messiah. 

They expected the Messiah to be great and glorious, rich and famous, loved by all.  When Jesus came to earth he was a humble servant, who associated with publicans and sinners.  He had no money, no home and no influential contacts.  Again, because he did not fit into their preconceived ideas, they stumbled at his claim to be the Messiah.

Because Jesus pointed out their false beliefs, pride and hardness of heart, they were offended by him and rejected him as Lord, despite clear evidence that he was the Son of God.   But they didn't stop there.  Not only did they reject him, they actively opposed him.

Isaiah 8:13-14 – But the Lord of Hosts, him you shall honor as holy.  Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.  And he will become a sanctuary and a stone of offence and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel, a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

It should be noted that their (the religious leaders at the time of the incarnation) refusal to accept Christ does not in any way change the facts.  Wicked men many refuse to believe that Christ is the Messiah, but he still is.  God still honors the Son, even though wicked men do not.  Even though Jesus is opposed by his enemies, he is still the King of Kings. 

The rebellious efforts of these foolish men were all in vain; although they opposed him as Messiah with diabolical fury, no amount of effort on their part could change the decree of God that Jesus was the cornerstone of the church.

What about you?  Is Christ your foundation or your stumbling block?  If God does not do things the way you think he should, or in the time frame you think he should, do you become offended?

I Peter 2:9 – But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light,

The Jewish nation was formed as a chosen people, holy and peculiar to God.  They were separated from all other nations of the world to bear witness to his truth and to be a blessing to all of mankind.  This was a special privilege that all Jews treasured.  Born-again Jews feared that they had lost this privilege when they became Christians along with the Gentiles.

But here Peter explains that as Christians, God has bestowed upon them even greater honors.

  • They are still a chosen race/generation: Under the Law, the Jews were separated from the world for service to God.  Under grace, Christians have been separated from the world into the service of Christ, whose name they bear.
  • They are a royal priesthood: Christians are described as kings and priests.  We are priests who can offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.  We have the right to enter into his very presence, just as the high priest of the old covenant.  As kings, we will rule and reign with him.
  • They are a peculiar people:  In all of God's vast creation, what other race has fallen and then been purchased by the very body and blood of God himself?  What other race has been chosen as the bride of Christ?  Who else will rule and reign with him?   Surely, mankind is a unique race of beings!
  • They are a holy nation:  Christians have been set apart from the rest of the world for the specific purpose of God.

These wonderful, honorable favors have been bestowed upon Christians for a purpose – that we might display the wisdom, power, goodness, mercy, righteousness, love and truth of God to those who are still in darkness.  Just as God has called us out of darkness and into his marvelous light, so we are to assist others to find him as Savior and King.

The benefits and honors of being a Christian far outweigh the honors bestowed upon the Jews under the old covenant.  This is reason enough to rejoice and give glory to God!

I Peter 2:10 – Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

The New Testament church consists of both former Jews and former Gentiles.  Under the law, Gentiles had NEVER been considered God's people or been eligible for his mercy.  But now, under the new covenant, mercy, grace and all the benefits/honors of being a Christian are open to anyone who believes on the name of Christ.    

Thus, the church is made up of Christians.  There is no more distinction between Jew and Gentile.     

I Peter 2:11-12 – Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.  Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.

Here is the situation during the time Peter wrote his letter:  The pagans were speaking out against the Christians, accusing them of being evil.  The fact is that Christianity was spreading quickly; increasing numbers of people were turning to Christ and renouncing their old ways.

This was causing the pagan religions to lose followers.  In particular, the Romans were disturbed by this, because they worshipped their leaders and emperors as gods. All eyes were on the Christians, as they looked for reasons to accuse and defame them.

In addition, the Jews were not well behaved towards the Gentiles.  The two groups detested each other.  Since Christianity was at first considered a branch of Judaism, these feelings of animosity were automatically applied to Christianity.  It was up to the first century Christians to dispel those false beliefs and show the Gentiles that they were vastly different from the Jews.   

The duty of all Christians was to live their lives in such a manner that their conduct brought honor and glory to God and gave the pagans no reason to slander Christianity or Jesus.  This is still our duty in this generation.

Peter reminds his readers that as Christians, they are sojourners/exiles (your translation may say pilgrims) on earth.  His point is that Christians are no longer citizens of this world.  We are passing through this life on our way to our eternal home in heaven.  This has several implications for the way we are to live while on earth.

If we consider ourselves as merely passing through this life, we will be more apt to store up treasures in heaven, rather than seek the riches of earth.  We will be much less likely to allow the cares of this life to choke out our spiritual fruitfulness (Mark 4:19).

As citizens of heaven, we are to abstain from fleshly lusts.  These include wrath, strife, envy, unforgiveness, lust, murder, lying etc.

Titus 2:11-12 - For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live sensibly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

If we allow these fleshly lusts to have their way in our lives, we bring shame and contempt on the name of Jesus.  We also encumber ourselves with burdens that we are not meant to carry.  All such burdens ensnare us, and impede our progress toward heaven (Hebrews 12:1). 

It was very important that the Christians of Peter's day do their best to exemplify a righteous life in front of the pagans.  In this way, they lift up and glorify the name of Jesus.  This way of life is a testimony to the pagans; it may be that in the future, they too will come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Let me offer you some encouragement:  It is still the duty of Christians to live a holy life in this world.  We are the salt of the earth; we are the lamp set on a hilltop.  You may not realize it, but the world is watching you, and they judge God by what they see in your life.  I encourage you to take another look at your personal holiness.  Take a look at the words that are coming out of your mouth.  Take a look at what you are watching, reading and playing.  If needed, set aside those things that have ensnared you, so you can be a holy witness for God.

Let me offer you some relief and some strength:   Jesus is our cornerstone, the firm foundation on which we build our lives.  Since he is unshakable, so are we!  This means we do not need to fear the future.  We are like a house built on the rock – we will stand in the storms of life!  






Malachi 1:1 – The oracle of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi.

Hopefully, you took time to read the introduction to this series, which was posted last week.  If so, then proceed on.  If not, please take a few minutes to acquaint yourself with the overall history of this passage of scripture.

Our translation says the word of the Lord was an oracle.  This is certainly true; an oracle is defined as: The answer of a god or some person reputed to be a god, to an inquiry respecting some affair or future event, such as the success of an enterprise or battle.

It is also defined as: The communications, revelations or messages delivered by God to the prophets; including the entire sacred scriptures.

God is certainly about to give a message to his people through Malachi, which concerns current and future events.  So the word 'oracle' applies. 

But other translations have the word 'burden'.  A burden is defined as: That which is borne with labor or difficulty; that which is grievous or wearisome; a heavy load (literal or figurative).  This word is also a fitting one for the message of Malachi. 

Why would the communication of God to his people be a heavy load for the prophet?

Because this word/oracle is like a dose of bitter, awful tasting medicine.  The nation of Israel is sick, but she doesn't even know it!  She desperately needs this 'medicine' from God, so she can be restored to good spiritual heath.  If Israel doesn't get this medicine, she is in danger of dying.  But no one wants to swallow a big dose of bitterness, even if it is beneficial in the long run!     

So God uses Malachi in a two-fold way.  First, he must confront the Jews with their wrong doing (let Israel know she is spiritually ill) and second, he must deliver a message of repentance and hope (give her bitter medicine, which will heal her). 

Now, is there anyone out there who loves to bear bad news to people, even if it is for their own good?  Of course not!  If you never did anything but bring people bad news, you would very shortly find yourself alone and without friends.  But this is the role that Malachi has been assigned by the Lord. 

His message is not going to bring him fame and popularity.  He is not going to be invited to speak at big conventions.  People are not going to follow him on social media, or buy his book. (Well, maybe that isn't quite true since his book is part of the bible, but you know what I mean!)    

While his message is absolutely critical for the people, it is still going to be a hard message for him to deliver, and a hard message for the people to accept.  This makes it a burden.

But the good news is that God is delivering the perfect message, at the perfect time, for the perfection of his chosen people, who have a very great and profound destiny.

 Can we stop here and look at our own country, the United States of America? 

Can we say that she is God's chosen nation, just as Israel is?  Can we say that she, like Israel, is spiritually ill but doesn't even know it?  Do you see a parallel between the political, financial and moral situation we find ourselves in right now, and the one the Jews faced so many years ago post exile?  I do.  I also believe that God has a dose of 'medicine' to give America which may seem bitter going down, but unless we take it, we may die as a nation. 

The good news is that God, as we would expect, is delivering the perfect message to us, at the perfect time, for the perfection of his church, because we have a very great and profound destiny ahead of us – the great harvest of souls that will occur before the coming of Christ. 

Remember back in our introduction we noted that God skillfully intertwined the spiritual message of Malachi with the religious reforms of Ezra and the political reforms of Nehemiah.  These men, under the power and direction of the Holy Spirit, brought about changes in their nation.

I suspect God is doing something similar in America.  What is God calling you to do in this hour?  Is he calling you to become active politically?  Is God putting you in a position to bring reform to the judicial system?  Is he calling you to bear a burden of spiritual significance? Is he putting wealth in your hands to be used for the kingdom?  Is he calling you to be a voice of repentance in this nation? Do you want to play a part in the great end time harvest? 

Do you want to assist in the healing of this nation?  There is more than enough 'burden' to go around for all of us. 

So read on, and ask God how this Old Testament prophetic book applies to you in this day.   

 Malachi 1:2-3 – "I have loved you," says the Lord.  But you say, "How have you loved us?"  "Is not Esau Jacob's brother?" declares the Lord.  "Yet I have loved Jacob but Esau I have hated.  I have laid waste his hill country and left his heritage to jackals of the desert."

Malachi delivers his message in a very unique way.  He could have just stood up and said, "Thus says the Lord…", and fired off his whole oracle, but he didn't. 

Instead, he engages his listeners/readers in a series of rhetorical questions.  This is sometimes referred to as 'discussion speech', because the prophet is giving the word of the Lord in the form of an anticipated discussion of events between the people and God.

In this format, the prophet reveals the true thoughts and feelings of the people, even though they might not want to admit what they are thinking.  He gets this information from God, who knows the thoughts of all men.  After revealing what the people would say if they were being honest, God then addresses the questions and complaints of his people. 

God prefaces his message with a firm assurance of his love.  God never changes; his love for his people neither waxes nor wanes, despite the viewpoint of man.  Jeremiah says it this way in the King James Version of the bible:  

Jeremiah 31:3 - The LORD has appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved you with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn you.

The English Standard Version says it this way:  'I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.'

God's love is clearly evident in his actions towards Israel.  He set them apart as his chosen people.  He made a covenant with them.  He preserved and blessed them.  He delivered them from Egypt, fed/watered them in the wilderness, and brought them into the Promised Land.  We could go on and on, listing the many tokens of love that God has given the Jews.  God loved them completely and perfectly at all times.

Yet, the post exilic Jews did not see it that way.  They doubted God's love for them because events did not turn out as they expected.

They had indeed returned to Jerusalem, and rebuilt the walls and the temple.  But none of the wonderful things announced by the pre-exilic prophets (like a new covenant, a transformation of nature, a state of peace and prosperity under the messianic king) had come to pass.  They were not a great and victorious nation.  They were not especially prosperous.  Messiah had not appeared. 

So they murmured and complained. They chose to ignore the past and present mercies of God.  They became thankless and disrespectful.  People began to question God's power and providence; they accused God of not loving them.

So the eternal and faithful love that God had exhibited towards his people was returned with ingratitude, disrespect and dishonor.  All this is summed up in the question 'How have you loved us?'

God's response is to call their attention to Jacob and Esau.  As you recall, these two men were twins, the sons of Isaac and Rebekah.  Each one became a nation of people - Jacob's descendants became Israel, and Esau's descendants became the Edomites.  Because they were both sons of Isaac and grandsons of Abraham, you would expect both of them to be given similar privileges by God, but that is not the case.  

Jacob and Esau

In our English translation, Malachi says that God 'hated' Esau and 'loved' Jacob.  This does not mean that God actually hated Esau for no reason.  It means that God favored the nation of Israel over the nation of Edom.  The words 'hate' and 'love' are not to be taken literally.  They are used to show the wide gap/contrast of favor between the two nations.  

How did God favor Jacob/Israel?  He gave Israel the Law, the covenant, the temple and the prophets, while Edom got none of that.  He gave Israel a land flowing with milk and honey, while Edom got the desert and some mountains.  Both Israel and Edom were turned over to their enemies, but God restored Israel and left Edom in ruins. 

Many scholars see a parallel here between the righteous and the wicked.  All people have trouble in this world (the rain falls on the just and the unjust), but God favors the righteous.  For the righteous, worldly sufferings have an end, and all of our sorrow will be turned to joy.  Not so for the wicked, whose suffering will be endless.

Malachi 1:4 – If Edom says, "We are shattered but we will rebuild the ruins," the Lord of hosts says, "They may build, but I will tear down, and they will be called 'the wicked country', and 'the people with whom the Lord is angry forever'."

Here we see the defiance of Edom.  The Lord has allowed them to be destroyed, but in defiance they rise up and declare that they will rebuild.

But God confirms that the Edomites have no hope of restoration.  No matter how much labor and money and time they spend in their quest to rebuild, they will not succeed.

God has decreed their destruction because of the way they treated the Jews when Israel was overrun by Babylon.  (They captured large numbers of the Jews who had escaped and turned them in to the Babylonian soldiers for profit).  

All 21 versus of the book of Obadiah are an oracle against the nation of Edom, but we will just mention one verse here:

Obadiah 10 – Because of the violence done to your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off forever.

Sure enough, Edom was eventually overtaken by Babylon just as Israel had been.  Yet, in the fullness of time, Israel is restored to her own territory, while Edom ceased to exist.  Only the providence of God could accomplish this.   

Daniel 2:21 - And he [God] changes the times and the seasons: he removes kings, and sets up kings…

Clearly, God loves and favors his chosen people over all other nations.

The difference in favor shows itself again when the former Edomites are branded as a 'wicked country' and 'the people with whom the Lord is angry forever'.  Consider this:  God was angry with both Edom and Israel; His anger resulted in the destruction of both nations. 

But God's favor and purposes rested with Israel so he used her exile in a positive way (to remove the sin of idolatry amongst other things), and then restored her as promised. 

As her Father, he disciplined her, in order to train her in righteousness.  He helped her mature, so she could be trusted with even more favor.  He prepared her for the coming Messiah, so that all nations could be blessed through her, just as He had promised in his covenant with her.

Thus we see that God has been completely faithful to his promises:

Psalm 89:31-34 - If they [Israel] break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes.  Nevertheless my lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him, nor allow my faithfulness to fail.  My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.

Meanwhile, Edom was wiped from the face of the earth – forever.  How then, can the Jews of the post exile period claim that God does not love and favor Israel?

Malachi 1:5 – Your own eyes shall see this, and you shall say, "Great is the Lord beyond the border of Israel!"

The difference that was evident in God's dealings with Israel vs Edom was just one instance of God's favor upon them.  There had been many, many instances in the past, and there were more examples yet to come.  Future generations would also recognize God's favor upon them, and give him glory for it.

So the word of God through Malachi begins with a factual statement of His love and favor.  What other nation had been chosen by God besides them?  What greater honor could there be than to be the people of God, the embodiment of his blessings?  And what did Israel do to deserve these benefits?  The answer is NOTHING

Thus, God has made a case for his undeniable love and favor of Israel.  He now goes on to reveal the unthankful attitudes and actions of his people, despite that love and favor. 

Malachi 1:6 – "A son honors his father, and a servant his master.  If then I am a father, where is my honor?  And if I am a master, where is my fear? Says the Lord of hosts to you, O priests, who despise my name.  But you say, "How have we despised your name?"

Let's consider the relationship between parents and children.  There is a strong law of nature present in that relationship.  A child automatically loves his parents.  He will naturally look up to them, believe them and trust them.  (Sadly, this occurs even when the parents are abusive.)

If the parents are good, loving parents, that love and respect continues to flourish and grow as the child grows.  There will be times of correction/discipline and times of teaching, but that does not diminish the love of the child for the parent.  If anything, it causes it to increase. 

Now, there can be no doubt that God is the father of the Jewish people:

Isaiah 63:16 - Doubtless you are our father…you, O LORD, are our father, our redeemer; your name is from everlasting.

John 8:41 - You do the deeds of your father. Then said they (the Jews) to him, We are not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

If God is Father, and Israel is his child, then we would automatically expect certain things to be true of that relationship.  We would expect Israel to love God.  We would expect them to look to God for provision, protection and guidance.  We would expect them to believe in God and to trust Him.  We would also anticipate certain times of correction and teaching to occur.  And all through this process, we would see love flourish between God and his children.

But through the prophet Malachi, God himself declares that despite his perfect parenting, Israel exhibits no love towards him!  She is cold and heartless.  She denies his love, scorns his correction and does not trust him.

Hmmm… perhaps Israel looks at God more like a master than a father.  That too, is a fitting role.  If God is the master then Israel was his servant.  What natural laws govern the master/servant relationship?  Respect and obedience.  The servant will fear and/or respect his master and will act accordingly by doing the master's bidding/will.

But again, God declares that Israel does not even treat him like a servant treats his master!  They neither fear nor respect him.  God declares that Israel is guilty of ingratitude and contempt.    

Here, I offer a word to the wise for our generation.  God is both our Father and our Master.  We are both his children and his servants.  A mixture of both reverent love and respectful fear is due to Him.  Yes, we can rest in his love, but we also need to be about the business of his kingdom – spreading the good news of the gospel, making disciples of all men and baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Did you notice that here in verse 6, the Lord seems to shift focus?  At first, it seems as if he is addressing all of the Israelites, but now he seems to be speaking specifically to the priests.  Why is this significant?

If the nation of Israel was a group of servants unto the Lord, then the priests were like a special subgroup of servants.  They had the privilege of standing before God, when no one else could.  They were the ones who stood in the gap between man and God.  They had access to the covenant, and they were charged with the task of knowing and teaching its laws to the people.  They were to enforce sound doctrine.  They were to live lives of holiness as an example to their fellow countrymen.  They were to keep God's name sacred among the people.  They were spiritual leaders; they were to lead the nation in honoring and fearing the Lord. 

When they fail to be good children/servants to God, the rest of the nation follows their example.  If they are corrupt, then we can be sure the entire nation was corrupt too. 

Therefore, correction/discipline of the priests is of the utmost importance and must come first; reformation of the common people and the nation hangs upon the reformation of the priests.

And what a horrible example they set for the nation!  The spiritual leaders of the nation actually despised the very name of God.  To despise means 'to look down upon with disfavor or contempt, to scorn, to undervalue; to have a low opinion of'.    

Ask yourself these questions:  If the priests scorned and looked down upon God, what kind of service do you think they gave him as they served in the temple?  How seriously did they take his laws?  How effective were they in teaching the law among the people?  

Here is another question:  Why should we care about the service of some priests who turned to dust long, long before our great-great grandparents were born?

Because you and I are the priests of today!

1 Peter 2:9 – But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Look around you.  Our nation is in turmoil.  It no longer acknowledges God as either Father or Master. Why is that?  Could it be that the church has not been taking her duties seriously?

We have the privilege of standing before God, with access to his throne room; we are to stand in the gap for lost souls.  Do we?  How concerned are we with the lost?

We are to live lives of holiness as an example to our fellow countrymen.  We are to hold God's name and his reputation as sacred among the people of our society.  Do we? Or do people have a hard time seeing the difference between the church and the world?

We have access to the new covenant, and we are charged with the task of being a force for holiness and righteousness in our generation.  This requires us to be active in every aspect of our society such as our schools, our courts, our businesses and our political system.   Are we using our positions in society to promote holiness and righteousness?

When the world tries to promote evil, does it fear a battle with the church, or does it just assume we will roll over and let them do as they please?

Could it be that reformation of America hangs on reformation of the church?

When God confronts Israel's sin through the prophet Malachi, they respond, 'how have we despised your name'? 

Now, this is a key question.  If they ask this question with a humble desire to really understand what they were doing wrong, that would have been good.  It would have displayed an attitude of remorse and repentance.  It would have indicated they were ready and willing to change their ways. 

But they asked the question with distain and defiance, refusing to acknowledge their own sin.  And that's a problem because if they don't acknowledge their sin, they won't be able to repent.  Their only option will be to harden their hearts against God's call to repentance. 

But God is merciful and gracious.  He will reason with them, and give them specific examples of how they are despising his name.  He will be very clear about the charges he is bringing against them.  God desires for them to see and repent, but if they don't God will be clearly justified when he judges them.

But, before we get into the specifics of their wrong doing, I want to stop here and apply what we have learned to our own situation.

The first thing we saw in this chapter was God reaffirming his love for his people.  There was clear evidence of this love all around, but the people chose to ignore the evidence.  They were busy having a kind of pity party, because events after the exile did not turn out as they expected. 

What does a self examination reveal to you?  Are you now, or have you ever, indulged in a kind of spiritual pity party, when God did not give you what you wanted?  Was there ever a time when things did not turn out the way you thought, and so you accused God of doing you wrong or not loving you? 

I fully and freely admit that when things don't go my way, it is irritating.  And it is tempting to question God's ways during those times.  But now I see that when those times come, it is my job to look at the facts objectively, by looking over God's past dealings with me and seeing all of the tokens of love that he has given me.  When you do that, it is easy to see that he loves you and he is working things out for your good! 

What about our nation? Is anybody besides me extremely unhappy with what is going on in our nation's capital and in its highest offices?  Anyone blaming God for that?  Anyone grumbling because God has not done what we expected, as a result of our prayers for the nation? 

If so, you should be very, very careful.  In fact, I would immediately stop the grumbling and repent.  You can be absolutely certain that heaven received your prayers:

1 Peter 3:12 - For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.    

You can also be absolutely certain that God is in control of events and He is working behind the scenes in America, even if you don't see it!  God loves America just as much as he loves Israel and he is bringing about his purposes in his own way.  This may involve correction of his church.  In fact, I am going to go out on a limb here and say that it will most definitely involve correction for the church.

The church in America seems to be complacent.  Where were we when evil was voting for abortion and gay marriage and prayer-less schools?  How effective and active are today's churches in spiritual warfare?  When did we decide that we could effectively run the church and be victorious without the direct supervision of the Holy Spirit? 

I firmly believe that God is working in America to bring about change, but part of that plan is going to require us to change as well.  God is calling us to enroll in spiritual boot camp.  He is calling us to wake up and start learning how to fight back the forces of evil.  He will direct the battle, but we must do our part by fighting.   

In the scriptures, David credits God with teaching him the art of warfare:

Psalms 18:34-40 – He [God] trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.  You have given me the shield of your salvation, and your right hand supported me, and your gentleness made me great.  You gave me a wide place for my steps under me, and my feet did not slip.  I pursued my enemies and overtook them, and did not turn back till they were consumed.  I thrust them through, so that they were not able to rise; they fell under my feet.  For you have equipped me with strength for the battle; you made those who rise up against me sink under me.  You made my enemies turn their backs to me, and those who hated me I destroyed.

God is ready to train the modern church in warfare.  Part of that will be of a spiritual nature, part will be religious reform and part will be in the political/business/worldly realm.  So I encourage you - don't wait for the draft – enlist today, because Uncle Sam truly needs you!

Let me offer you some encouragement:  Back in the days of Malachi, God's people had a choice.  They could accept the medicine that would bring healing to them (even though it seemed bitter at the time), or they could give up and die.  I believe that we, as individuals and as a nation, are facing the same choice.  This battle can be won.  We can be victorious.  I encourage you to be an active part of what God is doing right now!     

Let me offer you some relief:  God has never lost a battle.  So get on the winning side.  Draw close to God.  Learn to hear his voice.  Spend time in his presence.  Follow where he leads you.  

Let me offer you some strength:  We all want our children and grandchildren to inherit a nation that is righteous and blessed by God.  Even though things look a bit hopeless right now, we can still give them that.  But it is going to take effort on our part.  So don't give up.  Instead, get involved in what God is doing!


I Peter 1:10 – Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully,

So far in his epistle, Peter is offering words of encouragement and strength to the Christians living in Asia Minor.  He does this by drawing their attention and focus toward salvation and their heavenly reward.  They need this encouragement to endure the trials they are facing.

Having just assured them that their faith would produce salvation, he now begins a contrast between the law and grace.  Why would he do that?

Well, let's picture their situation for a moment.  They are one of the first generations to leave behind the religion they grew up with.  In the case of the Gentiles, they have left idol worship and the belief in multiple gods.  In the case of the Jews, they have left the requirements of the Law/Old Covenant (sacrifices, dietary laws, circumcision, the temple, etc), in favor of a life of freedom under grace/New Covenant. 

This would have been a life changing event for both groups; possibly one that friends and family did not understand or support.  Once they have taken a stand for Christ, they are beset with trials and persecution.  It would be easy for these people to compare life before Christianity (non-existent or relatively low levels of persecution and affliction) with their current situation.  As such, we can see how they might experience a longing for easier times.  They might wonder if their old way of life was better.  They might even wonder if they had made a mistake by giving up the religion of their forefathers.

But Peter is about to stir up their hearts to the truth – Grace is far, far superior to the Law!

Peter begins his discourse with a reference to the Old Testament prophets, who were greatly revered by later generations of Jews. 

Although the prophets spoke about the incarnation and suffering of the Messiah, and the redemption/grace he provided, they did not understand it.  They did not know when Messiah would come.  They did not know who his tormentors would be.  They did not know what the culture or condition of society would be at that time.  They did not fathom that grace would be extended to the Gentiles. 

Clearly, prophesies regarding the Messiah held some great and glorious truths which had not been fully revealed to them.  They plainly saw that the grace which was to come under the Messiah's kingdom was vastly superior to anything that had ever been exhibited under the law.  This created an immense, almost unquenchable desire within the prophets to know what God had planned.    

Thus, they diligently searched and carefully inquired into God's plan.  This language implies that their search was intensive, like searching for grains of gold hidden in mounds of sand.  Any revelation given to them was thoroughly sifted, scrutinized, searched out and prayed over, so that they might gain insight into the grace reserved for those under the rule of the Messiah.

Matthew 13:17 – For truly I [Jesus] say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. 

But they could not understand or comprehend the prophesies, because that revelation was appointed for a future generation – the generation of believers who would live during the age of grace. 

Thus, any doubts the Jews felt about Christianity were dispelled.  There could be no question that the New Covenant of grace was far superior to the Old Testament Law.  There was also no doubt about the validity of the New Covenant; it had been foretold and greatly desired by the most revered prophets of God!

Have you stopped to consider that the grace you and I embrace and live in every single day was a great mystery to those who came before us?  With longing hearts the prophets of God desired to see, hear and understand grace, but they were limited to the law.  What a benefit we all have!  Let's not take it for granted!  We too, should diligent search out the ways of God.

I Peter 1:11 – inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories.

Here we find the particular truths which the ancient prophets were trying to search out.  Obviously, the coming Messiah was the chief subject of their studies. 

Particularly, they were interested to know about his sufferings and the glories that would follow.  Suffering and glory - this is the basis of the gospel message.  Jesus was delivered up for our sins and raised again in glory, sitting at the right hand of the Father.  

From this example, it was clear to the prophets that those who trusted and followed the Messiah should expect the same thing - a time of service and suffering before being received into glory (heaven).  As Peter already indicated to his readers, the time of suffering will be short, but the glory is everlasting.

The Christians of Peter's day could have no greater hope and comfort.  The trials/persecutions/suffering they now endured would not be forever.  They would give way to everlasting glory!   

I Peter 1:12 – It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look.

God honored the deep longing of his prophets.  Holy Spirit revealed to them that these things would not take place in their generation.  However, they could take comfort knowing that God had an appointed time, firm and certain, for the coming of the Messiah and the revelation of grace he would bring. 

In delivering their messages the prophets were serving others, not themselves.  In fact, Christians (those who now live or have lived or will yet live in the age of grace) are reaping the benefits of the labors of the prophets.  Aren't you so awed by God's mighty plan?  Doesn't it make praise rise up within your soul?

Holy Spirit prompted the ancient prophets to speak and write.  The same Spirit filled and empowered the apostles (including Peter) to preach the good news of salvation to the believers of his day.  And in the last 2000 or so years, nothing has changed… Holy Spirit is the same yesterday, today and forever; he is still making the truth of the gospel penetrate the hearts of the unsaved through the preaching of the gospel.  If he wasn't, you and I would not be saved!

Even angels are amazed when considering the great privileges bestowed upon those of us in this age!  The phrase associated with angelic desire - long to look – literally means 'stooping down to see/look'.  The connotation is that of drawing near to something that cannot be seen clearly at a great distance; to draw near and bend down to observe and study the object as closely as possible. 

The angels, much like the prophets, had an intense desire to investigate grace.  They drew near to contemplate it with intense, fixed attention.   After all, angels are not omniscient.    Although they know more about God than we currently do, we have no reason to think they know or understand all of his plans and purposes.  It is reasonable to conclude that angels study manifestations of God's power and purposes in order to acquire more knowledge of God, just as we do.

Albert Barnes, in his commentary 'Albert Barnes Notes on the Bible', says this:

"It is probable, that in each one of the worlds which God has made, there is some peculiar manifestation of his glory and character; something which is not to be found at all in any other world, or, if found, not in so great perfection; and that the angels would feel a deep interest in all these manifestations, and would desire to look into them.  

Our world, therefore, though small, a mere speck in creation, may have something to manifest the glory of the Creator which may not exist in any other. It cannot be its magnitude; for, in that respect, it is among the smallest which God has made. It may not be the height and the majesty of our mountains, or the length and beauty of our rivers, or the fragrance of our flowers, or the clearness of our sky; for, in these respects, there may be much more to admire in other worlds: it is the exhibition of the character of God in the work of redemption; the illustration of the way in which a sinner may be forgiven; the manifestation of the Deity as incarnate, assuming permanently a union with one of his own creatures.

This, so far as we know, is seen in no other part of the universe; and this is honour enough for one world. To see this, the angels may be attracted down to earth. When they come, they come not to contemplate our works of art, our painting and our sculpture, or to read our books of science or poetry: they come to gather around the cross, to minister to the Saviour, to attend on his steps while living, and to watch over his body when dead; to witness his resurrection and ascension, and to bless, with their offices of kindness, those whom he died to redeem."

I Peter 1:13 – Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Therefore – In other words, because of the incredible, unfathomable grace/salvation offered to each one of us, we must…

prepare our minds for action – As fallen humans, our minds are tangled up with the cares of this world and our own vain desires.  As Christians, we must take control of our thoughts and ideas.  We need to keep a steady focus on the race that is set before us, and cast aside any sin that would hinder us from finishing our course and obtaining the prize of eternal life.  

My guess is that all of us could do better in this area.  Here are some things for all of us to consider:

What are you allowing into your mind?  What are you watching, reading, or playing?  Are these things assisting you in your walk with God and building up your desire for salvation, or would you be embarrassed if God showed up while you were reading that book or playing that video game? 

If you want to disentangle your mind from the world and be ready for spiritual action, you have to take control of every thought.  You have to be the doorkeeper of your mind, deciding what can and cannot enter.  

II Corinthians 10:5 – We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ…

One of the weapons of our warfare is the word of God (Ephesians 6:12-18).  You need to know it and have it hidden in your heart so that on the day of battle, you can easily access it.  This only happens when you spend time putting the word into your mind and heart.  How many scriptures can you quote right now?  Do you know where they are located in the bible?  Could you lead a sinner to salvation by using scripture?

According to Paul in Romans chapter 7, the mind wars against the flesh.  Is your mind strong enough to win that victory?  Or do you always/most often give into the desires of your flesh?  Paul goes on to say that the renewing of your mind is the key to winning that battle (Romans 12:2).

Instead of allowing our minds to wander anywhere, let's harness them, and put them to work in the kingdom of God.  Let's practice being sober minded, setting your hope fully on grace – in other words, don't be double minded (James 1:8).  Set your mind fully on Christ and continue to expect all that God has promised, especially the salvation of our souls, which we will receive at the revelation of Jesus Christ, also referred to as his second coming.  If we practice doing these things now, we will be well prepared for any trials, tribulations or persecutions that come our way.

I Peter 1:14-15 – As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.

Here, Peter addresses his readers as children who should be obedient.  This refers back to their salvation.  They are no longer slaves of darkness, but they have been purchased by the blood of Christ and made children of God, and coheirs with Jesus Christ.  Naturally, we would expect children to be obedient to their parents; this same expectation carries over into the spiritual life of a Christian.  God expects us to be obedient to his commands.    

Secondly, Peter instructs his readers to be holy in their conduct.  This is of particular significance to the Gentile converts.  Their idols left them the most abominable examples to follow.  They endorsed all manner of sin, including various forms of sexual gratification, rebellion, mutilation and child sacrifice.  They used to model their behavior after these base false gods, but no longer.

I Thessalonians 4:7 – For God has not called us to uncleanness, but to holiness.

Now that they have been set free by Jesus, and they have entered into the kingdom of heaven, they must model their lives after the true God, who is holy in all his ways.  The same is true for us.

For example, before salvation, we were lovers of our self and the world, we chased after riches and fame, we indulged in personal gratification giving free reign to our passions and lusts, etc.  But now we have put on the 'new man':

Ephesians 4:24 – And that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Do you struggle with holy living?  Holiness is not something that a Christian accomplishes once and for all.  Our minds were renewed when we chose to follow Christ.  But you and I are still living in the flesh, in the midst of a fallen world.  Each day, we must choose how we will act.  We must commit to molding our conduct, so it conforms to holiness. 

Notice the role that our mind plays in holy conduct.  So, just to beat the dead horse yet again, you need to pay careful attention to what you are allowing your mind to dwell on.

The good news is that we are not alone in this.  Holy Spirit, who dwells inside of us, is there to assist.  He will guide us through his word, through our consciences and many other means to help us achieve holy conduct.

I Peter 1:16 – since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy."

This command was very familiar to the Jewish converts.  It is from Leviticus 11:44 (also 19:2 and 20:7) and it was always a command of God to his chosen people. Those who profess to be God's people ought to behave like their God. 

God has separated his followers from the rest of the world.  He consecrated us to himself, making us a holy nation and a royal priesthood.  We are special in his sight.  How then, could we possibly engage in profane, sinful behavior?  Wouldn't that be a slap in God's face; a treachery against the one who has given us eternal life?

I Peter 1:17 – And If you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one's deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile,

Since God is our Father, and he impartially judges the conduct of every man, each according to his own deeds, we need to pay careful attention to how we live in this world.

This presents the Christian with several beneficial truths. 

First, Christians are exiles in this world.  Having accepted Christ, we are citizens of heaven.  We are considered pilgrims or strangers on earth; we are passing through on our way to our true home.

Hebrews 11:13 – These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.

Since this is the case, we should not entangle ourselves too much with the things of this world.  We should lay up treasures for ourselves in heaven, our true home and final destination.

Second, salvation has made us children of God, but we must still remember that God is the judge of all the earth.  His judgments are always just, fair and impartial; God is no respecter of persons.  Since that is the case, you and I need to pay careful attention to the way we live as we pass through to our true heavenly home. We must strive to be holy, as God is holy.

This was a sober reminder to the Jews that they could not count on salvation because they were descendents of Abraham.  It also reminds us that we cannot obtain salvation by having a righteous parent who prays for us, or a Christian family heritage.  Each person will be judged by God according to their own deeds/works. 

The opposite truth also applies – those who have ungodly parents or who come from a heathen family history do not need to worry.  As long as they have accepted salvation through Jesus, they will be saved based on their own life decisions.  What a blessing to be the person who can change your family line into one that is righteous and holy!   

Let me offer you some encouragement:

How do you view trials and tribulations in your life?  Do you see them as punishments for failing God in some way?  While God does sometimes correct his children, not every difficulty in your life is punitive.

The more likely explanation is that God is working through these sufferings to bring about your eternal glory.  Trials have many godly benefits.  They have a way of revealing to us what is truly valuable in our lives.  They teach us to have faith.  They allow us an opportunity to use our spiritual armor.  They keep us close to the Father.  They show us how to work with Holy Spirit to storm the gates of hell. 

So when you face trials, be encouraged.  It means God is working things out for your eternal glory.  

Let me offer you some relief:

Having trouble with holiness?  Keep in mind that it is not an instantaneous event.  It is often a consistent process.  So put the guilt of your failure behind you.  Ask Holy Spirit to reveal ONE area in which you need to change.  Then, renew your mind with the word and work every day to bring that area of your life into holiness.  When you have accomplished that, ask Holy Spirit for your next step.  

Let me offer you some strength:

Do you need a little spiritual strength for your journey?  May I suggest that you take another look at how valuable grace is?  Sometimes, we take grace for granted, because it has always been available to us. 

But look at the bigger picture… the vast majority of the world NEVER had access to it!  Those who knew about it (the ancient prophets and the angels), wanted it so badly they treasured and studied every hint of it that they could lay their hands on. 

And to think that you and I have full, unlimited access to that grace!  So take some time this week to dwell on grace.  Think about the mystery of God consenting to become one with part of his creation.  Think about the ability to be a child of God; an heir with Jesus.  Your relationship with God, through grace, has probably not been duplicated anywhere else in the universe.  If these thoughts don't give you strength in your trials, I don't know what will!



Introduction: WHO:  There has never been any doubt about the authorship of this biblical book.  Obviously, it is the apostle Peter.  He was the leader of the apostles.  He was the one who walked on water, witnessed the mount of transfiguration, received a revelation that Jesus was the Christ, was reluctant to allow Jesus to wash his feet, and at his lowest point, denied knowing Christ. 

But after the resurrection of Jesus and the coming of Holy Spirit, he was filled with power, preached on the day of Pentecost with 3000 being saved, stood up to the religious leaders, helped establish the church, and introduced the Gentiles to salvation.  Eventually, he was crucified (upside down) for his faith. 

WHEN and WHERE:  According to Jewish tradition, Peter spent the last 10 years of his life in Rome.  It is likely that he wrote this book while there, around 60-64 AD. 

WHY:  In his letters, Peter more fully explains the doctrines of Christianity while admonishing his readers to live holy lives.  He also wrote to encourage his readers to stand firm in their faith, especially when facing persecution (5:12).  This widespread persecution was probably incited by Nero, who blamed the Christians for burning Rome.         

Peter addresses his audience as a pastor, who is warm, caring and encouraging to his flock.  He provides practical instructions for how to live in the last days.  As we might expect from a man born and raised as a Jew, he quotes and makes numerous references to the Old Testament, which we will see as we study this letter.

By the time this letter is penned, Peter is older and is a matured man of God.  He will soon finish his earthly race, and we see in this epistle that is mind is focused on the ultimate destiny of all Christians – eternity in heaven with Christ.  

I Peter 1:1 – Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia…

Peter is an apostle - a messenger, or one who is sent forth.  This is the highest office in the Christian church (I Corinthians 12:28).   Peter was chosen for this office by Jesus himself (Matthew 10:2).  He was given the keys to the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16:19) and he was instrumental in establishing the church.  

Because of the authority he carried as an apostle of Jesus Christ, the reader should take heed to the principles and spiritual truths revealed to them by this apostle.   

Who exactly are those readers?  Back in the day when Peter first wrote this letter, he was writing to Christians that were living away from Jerusalem, in the cities of Asia Minor.  These Christians were a mixture of both Jews and Gentiles.  So he is writing to an audience with a very diverse background – some had a familiarity with the law, while some came from a background of idol worship.  

The Christians of that day were beginning to experience some great persecutions, especially since hatred of Christians was being endorsed by the Roman rulers (Nero and others).  

But at the same time, his letters have very little information pertaining to local or temporary interest; almost nothing particular to that specific time or place.  In fact, his writings have a universal application to all Christians of all ages.  Let's see how it applies to us.      

I Peter 1:2 - …according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood:  May grace and peace be multiplied to you.

While verse one gives us the external condition of these Christians (living in Asia Minor during an age of persecution), verse two gives us insight into their spiritual condition.  They may have been oppressed and despised by the world, but they are held in high esteem by God. 

These Christians (your version may refer to them as 'the elect'), have been sanctified by Holy Spirit.  The terms 'elect' and 'sanctified' were titles borrowed from Jewish culture and law.

One who is sanctified has been set apart from the rest of the world for the special purposes of God.  Under the old law, all Jews were sanctified in the sense that their entire nation was set apart from the rest of the world, to bear the message of God to all people. 

Under the new covenant, Christians are individually sanctified.  We have been called out of the world to be the light and salt of the earth.  We are children of God, co-heirs with Jesus Christ, filled with the Spirit and part of the kingdom of heaven. 

A lot is required of those who are sanctified.  As we will see in this epistle, we are to put away the desires of our flesh and live lives of holiness and purity in our service to God. 

We are also among the elect.  To be elected means to be chosen.  And here we must proceed with caution.  Peter is not saying that God has chosen only certain people to be his children, while others have been excluded. Rather, based on his own plans and purposes, God offers eternal life to each and every person. Each of us must decide to accept or reject his offer.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

God's plan/offer of eternal life through salvation was made 'according to foreknowledge'.  Let's explain that.  Strictly speaking, God has neither foreknowledge nor hind sight, because he is not locked into time as we are.  All things are known to God in the present tense. 

Consider it this way:  Hold out your hand palm up.  Draw a line in the palm of your hand.  That line presents time.  Just as you can see the beginning of that line and the end of that line at the same time, God can see all of time from the beginning to end, right now.  To him, all of time is in the present tense.  He holds time in his hand. 

Foreknowledge, as used here, in I Peter 1:2, refers to the fact that before time began, God made a decision and formed a plan.  He knew what he would do.  Specifically, He fore-ordained the death and resurrection of Jesus who, through his blood, provided a way of escape from sin for all of mankind.  Peter says it this way, in his speech on the day of Pentecost:

Act 2:23 – This Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.

So, just to be clear, 'foreknowledge' refers to the plans of God which he made before the beginning of time, knowing what would happen during time.  'Elect' refers to people who have chosen to accept the salvation that God offers to everyone.  

Those who choose salvation are sanctified by the Spirit.  So in this one verse from Peter, we find evidence of the Trinity – God the Father planned our salvation, God the Son reconciled us to the Father through his blood, and God the Spirit sanctifies and keeps us one with the Father.

[Side Note:  Your eternal salvation rests on the foundation of the Trinity.  I caution all of my readers to make sure that you do not destroy the foundation of your own safety by denying the deity, power and working of the Holy Spirit.]   

Sanctification by the Spirit begins with the sprinkling of blood.  This is one of those illusions to the law that was very well understood by all the Jewish converts (Exodus 24:8). 

Under the old law, being sprinkled with blood implied two things.  One, something died.  An innocent animal was sacrificed so that the blood could be sprinkled.  Two, the application of that blood to themselves imputed benefits to them.  Depending on the circumstances, the blood covered their sin, made them part of the covenant, set them apart for use by God and/or it cleansed them.   

However, Peter is writing to Christians who are under the new covenant.  So in this case, the sprinkling of blood refers to the death and resurrection of Jesus, our innocent sacrifice, made once, for all of mankind.  The benefits imputed to us by his shed blood are staggering.  They include:

  • Remission of sin (Romans 3:25, I John 1:7). 
  • Justification before God (Romans 5:9). 
  • Sealing of the covenant, as exemplified by communion (Luke 22:20). 
  • Admission to Heaven (Hebrews 10:19).    

Once you have been sprinkled by the blood of the new covenant, Holy Spirit begins to reside in your heart and sanctifies you for obedience to Christ. His work of sanctification includes:

  • Renewing our minds so that we understand truth (II Thessalonians 2:13). 
  • Assisting us in crucifying the flesh (Romans 8:13).
  • Producing fruit in our lives (Galatians 5:22-23).

Sanctification by Holy Spirit could be described as a means to an end; through the renewing and purifying influences of the Spirit on our souls, we are able to yield ourselves up to obedience to Christ in all circumstances at all times. 

I Peter 1:3 – Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

God offers salvation to us out of his great mercy.  In other words, we have no right to salvation because of our own merits.  Nothing we have done, or ever could do, would qualify us for this immeasurable blessing.  In fact, God had every right to withhold mercy from us because of our sin. 

But instead, he causes us to be 'born again'.  Just as God is the author of our life in the natural sense, he is also the author of our second spiritual birth/life.  This should always be a subject of gratitude and praise for the Christian.  Never take this for granted.  Just as God's mercy is new every day, so our praise of his benefits should arise fresh in our hearts and minds each day.  

Our spiritual life is a living and powerful hope, producing joy, confidence, comfort and peace.  It is the opposite of all that is cold, dead and ineffectual. 

This hope rests upon the dual pillars of the death and resurrection of Christ.  The resurrection was a confirmation of all that Jesus declared while on earth. The justification of our person, the regeneration of our nature, the resurrection of our bodies and our eternal glorification are all benefits given to us through the Spirit based on the resurrection of Christ.  The power of the Spirit that raised Jesus to life (Romans 8:11), also produces life in us (Ephesians 1:17-23).

I Peter 1:4 – to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and unfading, kept in heaven for you,

Let's talk about our inheritance.  Christians are regarded as the adopted children of God, and heaven is part of our inheritance.  It is given to us as proof of God's love for us. 

Any inheritance we have in this world will vanish or be used up.  But the inheritance of God is different.  It is permanent – it will never be used up, taken away, lost or taxed!  It is undefiled and pure – it was not obtained by fraud or dishonesty and it will not cause corruption to our souls (lust, greed, etc). 

We can enjoy our eternal inheritance while still being holy and active in the future service of God.  These riches are appointed to us by our loving and generous Father, and he keeps them for the day when we join him in eternity. 

I don't know about you, but to me, this is good news!  The truths that Peter is revealing here must have been a very great source of comfort and joy to the Christians who were suffering back in his day. 

They can and should also be a tremendous comfort to Christians today.  At the present time you may be experiencing afflictions.  We suffer physical ailments, broken relationships, financial hardships, persecution, unfairness and other forms of suffering.  But this is not our eternal state.  Peter will soon remind his readers that they are living in the last days, and at the end of time, heaven awaits us!     

I Peter 1:5 – who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

The phrase 'being guarded' or 'kept' means to keep as in a garrison or fortress with a military watch, guarding against the approach of an enemy, both day and night.  Peter informs us that God guards/keeps us for salvation.

Notice, that we are not guarded/kept from trials, problems, hard work or afflictions. On the contrary, Jesus informs us that in this world we will have tribulations (John 16:33).  But take heart – these tribulations can only aggravate us in this world.  Comfort, peace and all good things are promised to us in the coming age. 

Our guarded condition consists of two parts. 

The first part is God's almighty power.  If we were to depend upon our own will, strength and resolution we would fall prey to any and every enemy (temptation).  We could never keep ourselves safe from evil or expect to walk the paths of righteousness until we arrive in heaven.  What a blessing to be guarded day and night by the mighty power of God!

The second part is our faith.  God works in partnership with us.  His power will not be exercised on our behalf unless we place our faith in him.  As we steadily adhere to the Christian faith, we are guarded and protected by the mighty power of God; we are preserved unto salvation and eternal happiness which has already been prepared for us.

This salvation will be revealed in the last time.  In other words, it is not a dream or a myth.  It already exists; it has already been prepared for us.  If we could see into the heavenly realm with mortal eyes, we would see it! 

For now, we must be content to view it through our spiritual eyes.  But rest assured - the fullness of our salvation will become evident at the end of this age, when it will be 'revealed', which implies a sudden unveiling.  In a moment of time, God will raise the curtain and instantly display the inheritance which has been kept for us in heaven.

What do you think is waiting for you in the next life?  Are you storing up treasures in heaven, or are you investing in this world? 

I Peter 1:6 – In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials,

The people who originally received this letter from Peter were suffering persecution for their faith.  This may very well have resulted in loss of jobs/business, being social outcasts, inability to purchase goods/services/ land, exclusion from medical care, bodily harm, and other difficulties.  This is the nature of trials.  They tend to travel in groups, rather than singly and they obviously cause sorrow or grief.      

Peter acknowledges their suffering, and offers them hope which would mitigate some of their sorrows.  

First of all, Peter consoles them with the fact that their trials were only for a short season/little while. What did he mean by that statement? 

He wasn't referring to the actual duration/time of their test.  He had no way of knowing exactly how long the trials/persecutions of these Christians would last.  Rather, he was comparing the difficulties of this life to an eternity with God.  Paul expresses the same thoughts in his letter to the Corinthians:

II Corinthians 4:17 – For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison…

 Paul and Peter are in agreement.  Afflictions, even if they last a lifetime, should be considered momentary when compared to the eternal reward waiting for us in heaven. 

Secondly, these afflictions come upon us only 'if necessary'.  Peter gently suggests to suffering believers that although their trials may be grievous, they have a purpose.  You may not see it at the moment, but Peter assures us that these trials are accomplishing eternal good in the life of the believer. 

Think of it this way:  There is a child of about 10-12 years old.  The child does not realize it yet, but he is the heir to a vast empire.  As such, he must be prepared for his coming responsibilities and privileges.  He will be molded/made ready through experience and discipline. 

The Christian can take heart in knowing that trials, afflictions and Godly discipline are a guarantee that our Father is preparing us for an unimaginably great and wonderful future.  We can also be assured that he will never test us more than necessary. 

One commentator has expressed this thought:  'When we have entered on our heavenly inheritance, our surprise will be that God has been enabled to accomplish in us such fitness for it through so few earthly trials'.   

I Peter 1:7 – so that the tested genuineness of your faith – more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire – may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Here we find Peter making another analogy to the Old Testament, which his Jewish readers were sure to understand.  The passage is found in Malachi, chapter 3. 

Peter, like Malachi, compares the testing of the Christian faith to the refining of gold by fire.

Gold is one of the most precious metals.  When subjected to extreme heat in a furnace, all of the impurities are burned away and the pure gold remains.  It will be brighter, purer and more valuable than it was before.

When God sends us into the fires of affliction, our faith is tested.  All that is impure or unrighteous or false is burned away and our pure faith remains.  This faith will be brighter, purer and more valuable than before.  As an added bonus, we find that trials do more than just purify.  They actually establish, improve and multiply the faith they test!   

Through this testing of our faith, God prepares us to fulfill the destiny he has for us in the next realm of life with him.

Your faith is tested so that it may be 'found unto praise' or as our translation puts it, 'found to result in praise'.  This means that our faith, which has been tested, will be found genuine and result in praise or commendation from our heavenly Father.  We will hear him say 'Well done, good and faithful servant'!  Tested faith also results in honor and glory.  Honor is the respect or esteem of another.  Thus, we will be respected or highly esteemed for our faith. 

Jesus will soon appear and when he does, we will meet/appear with him and our graces will be seen.  The more we have been tried in the fire, the more bright we will shine.  Our earthly trials will soon be over, but the glory, honor and praise they produce in us will last for eternity!

I encourage you to dwell on these truths.  They will certainly be a comfort to you, when enduring your trials. 

I Peter 1:8 – Though you have not seen him, you love him.  Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory,

Peter now commends the faith of his readers in several areas.  The first is that they love Jesus, even though they never met him on earth. 

Peter had indeed seen Jesus in the flesh as well as glorified on the mount of transfiguration.  He understood at least part of the glory, wisdom and power of God, because he had witnessed it with his physical eyes.

His readers, however, did not have that benefit. 

II Corinthians 5:7 – … we walk by faith, not by sight.

They saw Jesus through eyes of faith, believing on him through the preaching of the gospel message (John 20:29).  

Is simple belief enough?  Certainly not!  Even the demons believe in Jesus and tremble (James 2:19).  The Christians that Peter is addressing not only believe in Jesus but their belief has brought forth fruit - it resulted in obedience and subjection to Christ, reliance on his power and an expectation of fulfillment of all his promises. 

You and I are in much the same situation.  Although we have not seen Jesus with our physical eyes, we (and untold millions of others) believed in him through the preaching of the gospel message.  Our faith in him has resulted in our obedience to his word and will.  It has resulted in our reliance on his power.  It has resulted in a strong faith that expects fulfillment of all the good promises that God has made to us. 

This kind of a relationship with Jesus results in inexpressible joy and glory.  Think back to the time when you first gave your life to Jesus.  Didn't you feel an incredible joy and peace when the burden of sin was removed from you?  Now that you are a more mature believer with many trials under your belt, can't you still say that joy and happiness are yours through Jesus Christ your Lord?  Can't you truthfully say that true joy comes from your relationship with Him, rather than your outward circumstances?

A relationship with Jesus can offer what is solid, real and permanent which will never disappoint or fade away.  Even though we don't see it today we have the assurance that it will one day be ours.  AMEN!

I Peter 1:9 – obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

The ultimate end, the consummation, the reward of the Christian's faith is the salvation of our soul (and our body).  We can be sure, even now, that we will most certainly receive the salvation promised to us by Christ.  Here then, is even greater reason for inexpressible joy!

Let me offer you some encouragement: 

I know we have heard this before, but the words are not idly spoken – the trials you now face have an eternal purpose.  

Take a second look at the point we made back in our study of Malachi:  God will refine us – he will purge us through instruction, affliction, temptation or any other way that Holy Spirit sees fit, in order to rid us of the grime of sin and make us pure and holy, fit for his service.  This is not a punishment.  It is a growing process that will be for the glory of God and our good.   

Let me offer you some relief:

Trials do not last forever!  When their purpose is complete, God will remove them from your life.

Let me offer you some strength:

God has a close watch on your afflictions and trials.  As we said in our study of Malachi,   God is the craftsman, sitting by the fires of trials and tribulations, with his people in the crucible of life.  He perfectly and skillfully places them into situations that are not too hot (difficult), nor too cold (easy).  He keeps his people in the fire for the exact amount of time needed to burn up their sin and unholiness, then immediately and tenderly removes them to safety, so nothing is lost.  The result is a people fit for service in his kingdom; a people who will rule and reign with him in the next age. 

So be strong in the midst of your trials – they are working out your eternal glory!


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