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Introduction:  Clearly, this Psalm was penned by David.  However, the time and place of writing is uncertain.  It seems as though the Psalm was written as he contemplated entering domestic life – being the head of his own household and family.  He lays down the rules or the standards which will govern his home and his family life. 


David then concludes that these same principles should govern not only his household, but his business dealings and his kingdom; they apply to all avenues of life. 

That being the case, the poetic verses of this Psalm are timeless.  Its principles have a universal application to God fearing men and women of all ages, backgrounds and levels of authority.

Psalms 101:1 – A Psalm of David.  I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music.

Scripture tells us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45).  Therefore, we can conclude that David has been meditating on both the mercy (steadfast love) and justice (judgment) of God.    

Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.  It can also be defined as an action motivated by compassion, performed out of a desire to relieve suffering. 

Justice is fairness; moral uprightness, just dealing or right action; using power/authority to support fair treatment and due reward.

When David considers these two aspects of God's character, it produces a profound joy which wells up inside him and bursts out as a song!

It should produce the same reaction in us.  Let's briefly consider God's mercy.  When mankind rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden, we essentially gave our earthly authority to Satan.  At that point, we were subject to him.  Since his main focuses are stealing, killing and destroying, that is what mankind could expect to get from him.

And that is exactly what we received.  Look around you.  Satan has tried to steal/kill/destroy everything that affects you.  He wants to steal your peace and leave you with anxiety.  He wants to steal your joy and leave you with depression.  He wants to kill your hopes, your dreams and your creativity.  He wants to destroy your health, your relationships, your finances and anything else he can get his hands on.   Consider what he did to Job!

But, hallelujah, the mercy of God has been manifested on the earth!  Because of the sacrifice of Christ, we no longer have to suffer under the dominion of Satan.  We can now experience true joy, peace and fulfillment.  We can live in hope.  We can see our dreams come true and our creativity benefitting mankind.  We can have lives that include good health, satisfying relationships, and abundant finances.

Stop and consider the mercy of God in your own life.  What has he done for you?  Don't be afraid to sing your own personal song of praise to God for what he has done for you.  It doesn't have to be perfect – just sincere.  I am sure God would love to hear it!

David also recognized that God's mercy is perfectly tempered by his justice/judgment.  God is longsuffering towards all sinners.  It is his desire for all men to be saved (II Peter 3:9).  But eventually, justice will come.  Those who choose to be enemies of God will eventually be punished by him.  Those who abuse and destroy the people of God (Jews and Christians) will eventually find themselves facing the wrath of God.  Sin will eventually be judged and punishment decreed. 

Every once in a while, you still find people who declare that God is love and he would never send anyone to hell.  Clearly, they have never taken the time to read the Bible!  God is certainly love; there can be no doubt about that.  But God's love is perfectly matched with his justice.  Therefore, he will punish those who do not turn from rebelling against him.

We primarily consider justice in regard to our enemy (Satan) and his followers, but justice also plays a role in discipline.  God does the right or just thing when he corrects us.  God loves his people, but like any good Father, he will discipline them if needed.   

Children who grow up without any discipline wind up being unstable and unreasonable adults.  If Christians grew up without any discipline from God, they would wind up being big spiritual babies, unfit to contribute to the kingdom of God.  God loves his children too much to allow them to end up that way.     

In David's case, he sees how God's perfect combination of mercy and justice bring forth a stable, peaceful environment that cultivates success of every kind.  Creativity and accomplishment, peace and joy, hopes and dreams all flourish under this type of loving yet controlled circumstance.  This is what David desires for his own household.  What principles are you using as the foundation for your house?

Psalms 101:2 – I will ponder the way that is blameless.  Oh when will you come to me?  I will walk with integrity of heart within my house;

Our translation says "I will ponder the way that is blameless", but I think the King James Version is significantly better.  It says "I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way".  One reason I think this is so much better is because there is a big difference between 'pondering' and 'behaving'.  Anyone can ponder or think about doing the right thing, but actually doing it is something else all together!

However, David's point is a good one – if you purpose in your heart to do what is right, that is likely what you will do when temptation comes.  

By purposing in our hearts and reminding ourselves that we will do what is righteous, we are building up a defense against evil attacks.  Let's face it – we all have areas of weakness.  So right now, you can begin to rehearse God's laws in your mind.  You can begin to purpose not to succumb to temptation in that area.  If we wait until the moment of temptation to decide how to handle things, the outcome might not be so good!

 David's desire is that when God visits his house, He will find it being run according to righteous principles, including mercy and justice.  These principles apply to his own conduct, the way he treats those under his authority and anyone in his employ.  These are the rules that should govern our everyday lives:

Micah 6:8 - He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?

Sometimes we try to make Christianity so complicated, but it really isn't!  Loving God and treating our neighbors as ourselves really is the heart of Christianity.

 Here is something else to consider:  those who are faithful in little things make themselves available to God for much bigger things:

Luke 19:17 - And he said unto him, Well done, good servant: because you have been faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.

Have you ever desired for God to use you to accomplish something for his kingdom?  He is not going to start you out as the overseer of a million people.  That wouldn't be fair to you or them!  But if you are willing to minister to just one, and you do a good job, he may just give you two, or five.  Then 10 or 20 or more. 

David will one day rule the nation, but he needs to rule his own house first.  So if your desire is to do more or greater things for God, make sure you are being a wise steward of what you currently have!

Psalms 101:3-4 – I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless.  I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me.  A perverse heart shall be far from me; I will know nothing of evil.

Have you ever taken a walk through the woods and found brambles or briars stuck to your clothing when you returned?  Or even worse, maybe you found a tick that hitched a ride on you or your pet.  Obviously, you don't want briars or ticks clinging to you; you no doubt find them abhorrent and you will remove them immediately. 

Spiritually speaking, you can't separate yourself from the world - you have to walk through it.  You are going to come into contact with people who do wicked things.  But David vows that this kind of person will not have a place of influence or authority in his world.  He hates their evil works; he will not allow their evil to cling to him like a tick. 

Although ticks are small, they feed on your life's blood and infect you with disease.  In the same way, sin can be small, but it is not harmless!  Let me repeat that:  You may have a sin that seems small or insignificant, but no sin is harmless

David understands that any sin which clings to him will affect his reputation, his family and his kingdom.  For this reason, he vows to keep even the smallest sin away from his sight.

What about you?  Do you have sin in your life that you consider to be small?  Answer this question - What makes it small?

As humans, we tend to categorize sin into what we consider small sins (white lies, holding a grudge) and big sins (murder), but God makes no such distinctions.  All sin is despicable in the sight of God.  No sin of any kind can exist in the presence of his holiness.  It might be time for us to adopt David's view of sin!  

Psalms 101:5 – Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy.  Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart I will not endure.

David now speaks of two specific sins that still occur in the present time.  Both are very destructive. 

If a person has something good to say about someone else, they will normally say it openly.  However, if they have something bad to say, it will likely be said in secret.  This is how rumors get started, how reputations get tarnished, how ministries are destroyed and how churches are torn apart.  Just think about how much damage has been done to people (and the cause of Christ) with just this one sin! 

The wickedness perpetrated by secretly speaking evil can be likened to an ambush – the person under attack does not even know they are being assaulted!  They have no chance to defend themselves.  By the time they discover a rumor is out there, the damage has been done and it is virtually impossible to repair.  This is a despicable sin; yet who among us has not either participated in it or been a victim of it?

The second sin David specifically mentions is pride or an arrogant heart.  This person considers themselves to be better than others.  As a result of this belief, they will not hesitate to slander someone.  They will not hesitate to withhold mercy or justice. 

In addition, they often consider themselves to be above the law.  This is very dangerous mindset for anyone in authority.  Fortunately for the people of Israel, David has vowed that he hates these sins and they will have no place in the administration of his kingdom.  Truly, David was a man after God's own heart.  Are you?   

Psalms 101:6 – I will look with favor on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me.

Every ruler, including the president of the United States, has advisors, councilors and confidants.  These are people who assist or advise the president in making decisions that will affect the whole nation.  If these advisors are wicked, what will happen to the nation and its people? 

Instead of looking upon or endorsing that which is evil, David will place his favor upon people who are faithful, humble, upright servants of God.  These are the qualifications he is looking for in his future councilors and confidants.  If the ruler of the nation and his advisors are righteous, what will happen to the nation and its people?

In this case, we don't have to wonder – we know.  The reigns of David and his son Solomon are considered the 'golden age' of Israel.  It was a time characterized by peace, prosperity and justice.  People were happy and free to enjoy life.  As a nation, Israel enjoyed the respect of other nations.  In the midst of all this, God was glorified.

But not too long afterward, we find a ruler who surrounded himself with worthless advisors.  He was Solomon's son, Rehoboam.  You can read the whole story in I Kings chapter 12, but basically it went something like this:  Immediately after Rehoboam became king, the people came to him and asked him to cut their taxes.

The councilors who previously served Solomon advised the new king to earn the loyalty of the people by giving them a tax break.  The new, haughty councilors chosen by Rehoboam advised the king to make the taxes even higher! 

The king chose the advice of the arrogant young men, and increased the taxes.  As a result, there was a rebellion.  Eleven of the twelve tribes of Israel decided to elect and serve a new king (Jeroboam), and Rehoboam was left to rule only the tribe of Judah.  Too bad Rehoboam surrounded himself with haughty, unwise advisors! 

Who are you taking advice from?  When you have an issue and you need wise council, who do you turn to?  Are they basing their wisdom on God's law or man's?             

Psalms 101:7 – No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.  

The man or woman who exhibited dishonesty, false pretences or trickery was not going to be a part of David's life.  He would not go into business with them, make an alliance or partnership with them, employ them or allow them to occupy a place of authority in his kingdom. 

If a person of this character somehow made it into the life of David, he was determined to banish them as soon as he found out.  While this may have seemed ridiculous or overly zealous at the time, David ensured a smooth life for himself by nipping trouble in the bud.  By not entangling himself with these men in the first place, he spared himself the cost and embarrassment of being associated with them later on, when their sins were made public.

Now there is some really, really good advice – do with it as you will!

Psalms 101:8 – Morning by morning I will destroy all the wicked in the land, cutting off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord.

The city of the Lord is Jerusalem.  At the time he composed this Psalm David was not yet king.  He is purposing in his heart what he will do when his kingdom is established.

The same principles that he will use to run his own household are the ones he will use to govern all of God's people.  When he is king, he will do everything within his power to purge the land from wicked people and their practices. 

The phrase 'morning by morning' indicates that this effort will be constant.  It isn't something that David can do one time and the issue will be permanently settled.  Evil will not stay at bay forever; those who want to purge it from their society/culture must always be on guard or it will creep back in.

Let me offer you some encouragement:

It seems as though the Christians in our nation have run away from serving in public office.  This has turned out to be a mistake!  We need men and women of God who are willing to serve in public office and steward that position of authority and power for the glory of God, just as David did.   

If you feel God is calling you to some public office (no matter what that might be), I encourage you to pursue that with all of your might!  Your community and your nation need you!

Let me offer you some relief:

David determined very early in his life to exhibit mercy and justice in all of his affairs, starting with his own household.  Maybe you already have a household, but you started out with different laws like anger or favoritism.  Let me offer you some relief – it's not too late to change! 

Begin to purpose in your heart that you want to treat those in your household and place of employment with the same principles that David did.  Begin to ask Holy Spirit to help you make that change. 

Let me offer you some strength:

Basing your life on Christian principles in general and mercy/justice in particular, is going to make you different from the world around you.  That is a good thing!  When people see those principles at work in your life, they will want to be part of what you are doing!  Who doesn't want to work for a person who shows mercy and justice? 

So determine in your heart what you are going to do, and stick to it.  God will give you the strength to establish these principles in your life and he will bring about opportunities to be a witness for him!


Introduction:  Welcome back, readers!  We are about to embark on a study of one of the most beloved books in the canon of scripture – the gospel of John! 

This book is for truly for everyone.  It is written in plain, uncomplicated language, but at the same time it is dignified and profound.  On one hand, it is simple enough for a newborn in Christ to digest.  But on the other hand, even the most mature believer finds it deep and complex.

WHO:  Despite some modern day criticism, early church fathers (Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Origen, Eusebius and others) are in COMPLETE agreement that the gospel of John was written by John, brother of James, who was one of the twelve apostles.  His parents were Zebedee and Salome (Matthew 27:56, Mark 15:40).

John was probably born in Bethsaida, a fishing village on the Sea of Galilee.  In his early life, he and his brother James worked for their father in the family fishing business.  These are the brothers that Jesus referred to as the 'sons of thunder' because of their tempers (Mark 3:17).

John most likely had what we would call a 'middle class' or 'upper middle class' upbringing.  His father's business was profitable enough to have paid employees (Mark 1:20).  His mother Salome is later described as one of the women who traveled with Jesus and provided for his needs (Matthew 27:55).  She also purchased spices to embalm his body (Luke 23:55). 

Furthermore, at the crucifixion when Jesus asks John to care for his mother Mary, the scripture records that John brought her into 'his own house' which indicates he was not destitute by any means. 

We also find that John was known to Caiaphas, the high priest (John 18:15) - further indication that John was probably a well known figure and a man of some means.   

Many feel that John was originally a disciple of John the Baptist and that he was the unnamed partner of Andrew as mentioned in John 1:35-40.  Eventually, he becomes the disciple closest to Jesus – 'the disciple whom Jesus loved'.  John is believed to be the youngest of the twelve, becoming a disciple around the age of 25.

John was obviously an eyewitness to the life and ministry of Jesus.  He was also in the 'inner circle' of Jesus along with Peter and James. As such, John saw things that most of the other disciples did not.  He was a witness to the transfiguration of Jesus.  He was present when Jesus raised Jairus' daughter from the dead.  He was allowed to witness the suffering/torment of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.  He was present at the trial of Jesus and he was chosen to care for Mary, mother of Jesus, after the crucifixion.

WHERE AND WHEN:  After the ascension of Christ, John remained in Jerusalem for some time (Acts 1:14, 3:1, 4:13).  We know he was sent to Samaria to preach the gospel with Peter (Acts 8:14-25) and he was present at the council of Jerusalem (Acts 15).  All this agrees with the history recorded by the church fathers, which asserts that John lived in Jerusalem until the death of Mary (15 years after the crucifixion).  Afterwards, he settled in Ephesus, living there from 70 to 98 AD.  His gospel was most likely written in Ephesus, between 85 and 90 AD.

From Ephesus he was banished to the Isle of Patmos by Domitian, where he wrote the book of Revelation.  Later (after the death of Domitian in AD 96), John returned to Ephesus where he too died, not long after his return.  Tradition claims that he is the only apostle to die a natural death.

RELATIONSHIP TO THE OTHER GOSPELS:  John's gospel stands apart from the synoptic gospels in a number of ways. 

For instance:

  • John's gospel does not contain any of the parables of Jesus. 
  • While the synoptic gospels chiefly report the ministry of Jesus in Galilee, John writes about events taking place in Judea. 
  • While the synoptic gospels stress the public discourses of Jesus, John stresses the private interviews Jesus had with his disciples. 
  • While the other gospels reveal what Jesus did, John delves more deeply into why he did it.

There are a couple of reasons for these differences.  One is the late date of writing.  While the other three (Matthew, Mark and Luke) were all written before 70 AD, John's gospel was written much later (85-90 AD).  By the time he writes his account, all of the other apostles (including Paul) are dead.  Jerusalem and the temple have been destroyed by the Romans and the Jews have been dispersed throughout the surrounding regions.  About 50 years have passed since the birth of the church, and even at that early stage, Satan is attempting to introduce false doctrines into the church.  The world was a completely different place when John wrote his gospel! 

Also, while John could have written another gospel covering the exact same material as the others, Holy Spirit led him in a new direction – to prove that Jesus was the Son of God.  Thus, his gospel does not need to cover the basics found in the other gospels.  Accordingly, we find no genealogy, no record of birth, no mention of boyhood growth, no record of baptism, no mention of either the wilderness temptation or Jesus' suffering in Gethsemane.

Instead, John's account goes back to the beginning of time, when Jesus was one with the Father and Holy Spirit.

While John's gospel is very different from Matthew, Mark and Luke, it should be noted that his gospel does not contradict the others; it supplements them, giving us a richer and fuller picture of Jesus and his ministry. 

WHY: We know that none of the four gospel writers gives us an exhaustive account of everything Jesus did (John 21:25).  Rather, each author was moved by Holy Spirit to reveal certain truths in their writings.  Naturally, they choose events from the life and ministry of Jesus that reflected these truths.

One of the main truths or points that John is making in his account of Jesus is this:

John 20:31 - But these are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you might have life through his name.

Specifically, John presents seven miraculous signs, seven 'I am' statements and seven eye witness accounts for the purpose of convincing his readers that Jesus is the Son of God. The point of understanding that Jesus is the Son of God is so we can believe on him and find salvation.

Another one of the awesome aspects of John's gospel is that it emphasizes the Father-Son relationship between God and Jesus.  In John 14:7-9 we are assured that anyone who sees Jesus has seen Father God.  This is God at work, revealing himself to us through his Son. 

When Jesus healed people, he was revealing God's desire for us to be whole.  As Jesus displayed compassion to the hurting, he revealed that God is touched by our troubles and he greatly desires to show us his compassion.  Because Jesus raised people from the dead, we can be sure that it is God's ultimate desire for us to live and not die. 

As we study this book, one of our focuses should be to understand how Father God views us and how he wants to deal with us. 

Well, I don't know about you, but I am ready to get started!    

John 1:1 – In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

In the Beginning – Hmm... We've heard this phrase before, haven't we?  Where was that?  Right – the first verse in the bible:

Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Right off the bat, John goes straight to his main focus – Jesus as the Son of God.  Let me explain.  Matthew begins his gospel with a genealogy of Jesus; this draws the reader's attention to the physical beginning of the savior's life on earth.  Mark begins his gospel with the ministry of John the Baptist, pointing the reader to the precursor of Jesus' earthly ministry.  Luke also begins his gospel with the birth of John the Baptist – again, drawing our attention to the beginnings of Jesus' public ministry on earth in human form.

But John draws our attention to the beginning of time.  Before the Roman Empire.  Before the Israelites became a nation.  Before the birth of Moses, Abraham, Job or Noah.  Before Adam and Eve were created and placed in the garden. 

Before all of that, before the very foundations of the earth were set in place, before anything was created, Jesus (the Word) existed.  Therefore, he cannot be created; he is eternal.  And since there is only one Being that is uncreated and eternal (Yahweh), Jesus must therefore be divine.  He is God.

[Here in the very first verse of this gospel, we find an example of what we alluded to in our introduction – This gospel is simple enough for a new Christian, yet deep and complex enough to challenge a mature believer!]

Was the Word: 'Word' or 'the Speech' is the name that John gives to the one who existed before creation, but afterward took on a body of flesh and walked this earth (John 1:14, I Timothy 3:16).  Obviously, he is referring to the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

But why use the term 'Word'?  Think of it this way:  Word(s) or Speech is the method that we use to communicate with each other.  It is the way we make our will known or convey our thoughts to others.  Jesus is the method or way that God communicated his divine will to mankind.

Word(s) or Speech is not only the way we make our will/thoughts known, but the way in which those in authority carry out their will.  God's plan for the ages has been carried out by his Son, Jesus. 

Also, although there is no way most of us would know, in the Targums (translations of Hebrew scriptures into Aramaic for the benefit of Jews who no longer understood Hebrew) the phrase 'Word of God' is frequently substituted for 'Jehovah'.  John may have had this in mind as he wrote.  

Was with God:  This expression denotes intimacy.  John reveals that Jesus was with God in the beginning; he was intimately united with his Father and being of the same essence and nature, he shared in God's divine glory.  Jesus is therefore a Person distinct from the Father, but of the same essence and nature with God.  Simply stated, the Word (Jesus) was and is God.

The Word was God:  John wants to make his point very clear – Jesus existed with God, but he was not an inferior being in any way.  He is not a second God, nor is he god-like.  HE IS GOD.  His both divine and eternal.  He is in mutual communion with Father God and Holy Spirit.

There is no stronger proof or declaration in all of scripture that affirms Jesus the Son is equal to the Father.  We see that Holy Spirit moved upon the apostle John to make this point irrefutable.

John 1:2 – He was in the beginning with God.

While this sounds a bit repetitious, it is nevertheless very important.  John once again confirms these vital points, so there is no room for error or misinterpretation:

 Jesus (the Word/Speech) existed before creation.  He is eternal. Jesus (the Word) is one with God.  He is divine, having the same essence and glory as the Father.

By stressing these points, John refutes a number of false doctrines that had crept into the early church which suggested that the Father existed before the Son or that the Father and Son were diverse in nature and will, or that the Word in the beginning was not the same as the Word by which all things were made. 

John 1:3 – All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.

John now uses the proof of creation to once again establish, beyond any doubt, that Jesus is God.  Essentially John's reasoning goes like this:  Since He who made all things is God, and since Jesus made all things and nothing was made without him, therefore Jesus is truly God.In other words, Jesus is not merely an instrument of creation.  He did not receive delegated power from the Father.  He, along with the Father and Holy Spirit are coworkers in creation.

Let's take a closer look at John's statement in this verse.

All Things:  This means, well, all things!  This expression cannot be limited to any part of the universe; it expresses the thought of everything that exists.  This includes living things like plant life, people, animals, angels and other beings.  It includes all material realms, regardless of whether or not we know of their existence.  It includes powers and dominions; things we can see and things we can't (Colossians 1:16-17, Hebrews 1:2).

Were made through Him:  The original word for 'made' comes from the verb 'to be'.  It signifies to create or form from nothing.  Don't miss the significance of this – God did not take raw materials that he found lying around and make something out of them.  He, Jesus and the Spirit literally created the very molecules which made up every part of creation.  They formed the universe and everything in it from nothing!

Without him was not any thing made that was made:  When we compare this phrase with the prior phrase, we find they actually say the same thing. 

One phrase is stated in a positive manner:  All things were made through Him.

The second phrase expresses the same thought, in a negative manner:  Without Him was not any thing made that was made. 

This is a very common method of writing among the Hebrews.  They use both positive and negative statements to confirm their point of view.  When they state something in this way, they are attempting to call significance to it. 

John 1:4 – In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

In Him was Life:  All throughout the scriptures, God is referred to as the 'living God' because he is the source or fountain of life.  God has infused (breathed) this life into his creation (Genesis 2:7).  Not only did God create life, but he sustains it – without him, all living things would instantly decay or be reduced back to nothing.  In other words, they would die. 

We can't help but notice that the same is true in the spiritual realm.  Without Jesus, mankind is dead in trespasses and sin.  But through him, we are a new creation, having eternal life.

I John 5:11-12 - And this is the witness, that God has given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.  He that has the Son has life; and he that has not the Son of God has not life.

John concludes that the source of both natural and spiritual life is God, and since Jesus is God, he possesses these same attributes.  He is able to give us eternal life.

The Life was the Light of men: How does light assist us in daily life?  It allows us to see things with clarity and it prevents dangers which result from a state of darkness.  A good example of this would be a light house.  The light shines on the coastline at night, allowing the captain of a ship to clearly see the shoreline.  It reveals rocks and other dangerous obstacles that would otherwise be hidden in darkness. 

Light can also represent knowledge or understanding.  Have you ever seen a cartoon where a person with an idea has a light bulb over their head?  The light bulb represents a new idea or a new understanding.

Jesus the Messiah is called the light of the world (John 8:12, Isaiah 9:2, Matthew 4:15-16).  He is our teacher, imparting knowledge and understanding to mankind.  By his light, we are made aware of spiritual darkness and danger.

Let me offer you some encouragement and relief:

As John pointed out, God is the author of life.  The scriptures are full of examples of his resurrection power.  Do you have things in your life that need to be resurrected or brought back to life? Have you been trying to breathe life into them yourself, without any results? 

These could include things like your marriage, your health, your finances, etc.  If that is you, I encourage you to seek God in prayer.  Ask him to breathe his breath of life into your situation and give you relief.   Find scriptures that speak to your situation, and pray them over yourself.  

Let me offer you some strength:

Are you going through a difficult time right now?  Here is something to consider:  John tells us that Jesus was with God and Holy Spirit before the foundation of the world.  The scriptures also tell us that God/Jesus/Holy Spirit knew the ending of all things before the beginning or creation of the world.

This can only mean that God sees you and your problems, right now!  He knew you would be in your current situation.  He is right there with you, longing to draw you close to him.  His Spirit is standing by, eager to lead you to victory.  So don't despair and don't focus your eyes on the circumstances.  Declare the Word of God over your life.  Declare victory in your situation.  Be assured that God is going to bring you through that valley and into a land flowing with milk and honey!

Galatians 3:1 – O foolish Galatians!  Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified.

Well readers, hold onto your hats!  Paul is about to launch into a deep proof of justification!  And he is going to confirm this truth by the authority of the Old Testament.

Paul describes the Galatians as foolish.  The Greek word implies instability of character.  In other words, they were prone to changing their minds, which made them an easy target for the false teachers.

The false teachers are described as spiritual sorcerers, who bewitched the Galatians.  The root word for bewitched means 'to mislead as by magic arts, to fascinate, to mist or dazzle the eyes'.    

Using persuasive or dazzling speeches, the false teachers have succeeded in drawing the eyes/attention of the Galatians away from the true gospel, and focused it on a false doctrine of works, which could not deliver salvation. 

Paul rebukes the Galatians for this - they should not have been fooled by these heretics!   They had been clearly and logically taught that the sacrifice of Jesus had set them free from the bondage of the ceremonial law.  The true purpose of the suffering and death of the Savior had been fully explained to them.  In fact, it had been 'painted' to them as clearly as a picture or portrait of the crucifixion itself; they had been shown the living image of Christ through the gospel message.  How could they take their eyes off this image of Christ and focus on the law?      

Galatians 3:2 – Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith?

Paul's use of the word 'only' implies that the answer to this one single question was enough to settle the whole issue:  Did they obtain the Spirit/salvation by hearing the gospel or by practicing the law?

In this argument, Paul draws out the personal spiritual experience of the Galatians.  This should be ample evidence to convince them of the truth.  The truth is, when they heard the gospel, they repented and received Holy Spirit, as a sign of their salvation.  Therefore, salvation is by faith alone; without the addition of works.

This is a proof used multiple times in scripture.  In Acts 10, when Peter preaches to the Gentiles for the first time, they received Holy Spirit without any works of the law.  Since that was the case, Peter had them baptized and declared them part of the family of God.

Paul and Barnabas used this argument in their testimony before the Jerusalem Council, in the matter of law verses faith (Acts 15:2, 12). 

Thus, the Galatians should have understood that the Spirit was not given when they performed acts of the law, but when they accepted Paul's preaching in faith.    

It should be noted that there is a small debate over what is meant by receiving the Spirit.  Everyone believes this refers to sanctification and eternal salvation of those who believe.  But some feel it also entails the supernatural gifts of Holy Spirit which are given for the good of the church and the confirmation of the gospel.  These are the gifts listed particularly in I Corinthians chapter 12.  For myself, I believe it refers to both.  What do you think? 

Based on your own personal spiritual experience, how would you describe faith in Christ to another person?      

Galatians 3:3 – Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?

They key word in this verse is 'perfect'. 

What definition instantly comes to mind when you hear this word?  Most of us think of 'perfect' as being something without flaw, defect or blemish; something without error or fault. 

But it also has another meaning, which is the one used by Paul in this verse.  'Perfect' also means finished or completed. 

Here is Paul's argument: When we receive the Spirit by faith, we are renewed and sanctified by him.  Our sin is gone and we can now experience a fulfilling relationship with God.  We can worship him as he desires - in Spirit and in truth. 

By contrast the flesh refers to the things of this world, particularly the observance of carnal or fleshly rites of the Jewish law.  It refers to things that are outward, fading or already dead.  Nothing in the fleshly or carnal realm can accomplish/finish/complete something that is spiritual.  Carnal things simply have no authority or power to do anything in the spiritual realm; they are ineffective in that regard.

II Corinthians 3:4,6 – Such is the confidence that we have through Christ towards God … who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit.  For the letter kills but the Spirit gives life.

How then, can the Galatians expect to finish their spiritual journey through fleshly means?  The obvious conclusion is that they cannot!  To try and do so is simply absurd!

And yet, we see the same thing today, don't we?  There are still people today who have received salvation by faith in Christ, but immediately focus on works.  They attend church, teach bible study, tithe, etc but soon lose their thirst for spiritual growth.  They confine themselves to following a list of rules and regulations – wear this, don't wear that; drink this – don't drink that; go here - don't go there; say this - don't say that, etc. 

Soon they begin to place faith in the righteous things they do, rather than in the simple but profound grace that Jesus has given us.  They open a door in their lives for guilt and shame when they don't live up to their own expectations.  Worse yet, they miss out on the intimate relationship that God desires to have with them.  They are on a path of spiritual barrenness, disappointment and eventually death. 

I don't want to be that person, do you?  

Galatians 3:4 – Did you suffer so many things in vain – if indeed it was in vain? 

What or how did the Galatians suffer? 

They probably ran up against opposition from the Jews who were very jealous for the law (like the circumcision party we saw in the last post).  The Galatians had endured the rage of these men when they accepted salvation by grace alone.  If they now abandoned that same grace in order to adopt the principles of the Jews who persecuted them, that would be foolish indeed; all of their suffering would be vain!

But we note that Paul's chastisement of the Galatians is not to condemn them or place them in despair – it is to clarify their error and give them the hope of returning to the truth.   Thus, he says 'if' it was in vain, which indicates that all is not lost!

Galatians 3:5 – Does he who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith –

Miracles were not produced by the keeping of the law.  If they were, then the Pharisees and Sadducees would have been working miracles for years and years!  Theoretically, any devout Jewish person would have been working them too!  But this is not the case.

Instead, the evidence shows that miracles come through the anointing of Holy Spirit.  Believers who accepted salvation by faith in Jesus were baptized in the Holy Spirit.  This included both Jews and Gentiles (Acts 10:44-47, Acts 2:1-11).  Through the anointing of Holy Spirit these people worked miracles, healed diseases, cast out demons, experienced supernatural wisdom and knowledge, and spoke with tongues, just to name a few.

The same would have been true of the Galatians.  They no doubt had received Holy Spirit and personally experienced his power in their lives.  How would it now benefit them to add works such as circumcision to their practice of Christianity?       

Galatians 3:6 – just as Abraham "believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness"?

What role does Abraham play in the lives of the Jews?

As you recall, God called Abraham to be the patriarch of the whole Jewish race.  Accordingly, all Jews consider Abraham to be their father (John 8:39), and they have a very devout love and respect for him.  His name means "father of a multitude". 

The original covenant between God and his people was made with Abraham (Genesis 17:1-11).  God met with Abraham face to face (Exodus 34).  The scriptures even described Abraham as a friend of God (Isaiah 41:8, II Chronicles 20:7).  So Abraham is an extremely important figurehead to the Jewish nation.  

Paul is now going to show that the Jews most beloved ancestor/eminent patriarch was not saved by deeds of the law.  He was saved by faith in God.

Genesis 15:6 - And he [Abraham] believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.  

(See also, Romans 4:3).  Do you see the significance of Genesis 15:6?  Abraham believed God and was justified by faith hundreds of years BEFORE the Law of Moses was given to Israel!  Therefore, obedience to the law could NOT be a requirement of justification.  If it had been, Abraham could not have been saved.  

Furthermore, if it wasn't necessary in Abraham's case, then it isn't necessary in any other case either.  Consequently, the Galatians do not need to follow the law in order to be justified.  This example demonstrates that the false teachers were wrong, even according to the Old Testament which they held so dear. 

How then, was Abraham justified?  He was justified by believing in the promise of God.  When he received God's promise, he embraced it as being certain.  If Abraham was justified by faith/believing in the promise of God, then all his offspring must be justified in the same manner.

Therefore, those who believe in the promise of salvation through the blood of Jesus will also be justified in God's sight.

Galatians 3:7 – Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham.

The Jews prided themselves on being the flesh and blood descendants of Abraham – too bad they were nothing like him!

It can be argued that the most remarkable character trait that Abraham exhibited was his unrelenting, unwavering confidence in God and his promises.  His true children are those who share this trait.

The true descendants of Abraham are those who have given up all confidence in fleshly works.  They are people of every tribe, tongue and nation who place their hope of salvation on the mercy of God.     

Galatians 3:8 – And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, "In you shall all the nations be blessed."

The Old Testament states multiple times that all nations of the earth would be blessed in Abraham (Genesis 12:3, Genesis 18:18, Genesis 22:18).  The word 'nations' can also be translated 'heathen' and it applies to all Gentiles. 

So what we find here is that the seed of the true gospel message (salvation for all people through faith) was revealed in the scriptures long before the law was established. 

The law certainly had its purpose.  Among other things, it defined sin and showed mankind the need for a savior.  But it could not redeem or justify mankind from sin.  Only Jesus, the promised savior of the nations, could do that. 

Galatians 3:9 – So then, those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.

Abraham was blessed because he had faith, not because he was circumcised.  Abraham was blessed because he had faith, not because he was a Hebrew.  Abraham was blessed because he had faith, not because he trusted in his own works. 

If the Galatians wanted to be blessed with the hope of eternal life as Abraham was, it would come through faith, not works.

Galatians 3:10 –For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them."

Those who are seeking to be justified by the law must perfectly adhere to every single regulation, every single day, in every single way.  It's all or nothing.  You can't earn partial credit by doing well sometimes, but messing up other times.  Even minor infractions cannot be overlooked. It's do or die.  James conveys the same principle in this way:

James 2:10 – For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.   

It doesn't take much for us to realize that keeping the law would be an impossible task. 

The problem is that if you fail to be justified by perfect obedience to the whole law, then you are guilty of breaking the whole law, and you are subject to the curses contained in it.  The violator of the law is subject to eternal punishment, destruction and death. 

Therefore, it makes absolutely no sense for the Galatians to abandon the gospel of grace in order to try and keep the law.  They have already failed in that regard!

Aren't you glad you live in the age of grace?  What a blessing!

Galatians 3:11-12 – Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for "The righteous shall live by faith."  But the law is not of faith, rather, "The one who does them shall live by them."

If the Galatians can't be justified by the law, how can they be righteous before God?  By faith, of course!

There is only one way to obtain eternal life and all the other spiritual benefits and that is by living in faith. 

Habakkuk 2:4 - … the just shall live by his faith.

It may seem like the law and the gospel are opposite of each other, but that is not really the case.  Rather, God has made them perfect compliments to each other. 

The law reveals sin; the gospel gives us the remedy for it.  The law points to the need for a savior; the gospel provides Jesus Christ our redeemer.  The law shows us our entire duty to God; the gospel furnishes the means (grace) to perform that duty. 

Only God could do something this amazing!

Galatians 3:13 – Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us – for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree" –

This verse speaks about the curse that is inherent in the law.  This refers generally to all the laws of God that he has made known to man.  To break any of these laws is to sin; and the wages of sin is death or punishment in the future world forever.  This is certainly the reality we would face if Jesus had not intervened.

Paul says Jesus has 'redeemed' or literally ransomed us from the curse.  What do you think of when you hear the word 'ransom'?  In my mind, it conjures up pictures of a person tied up in a chair in some abandoned house, while robbers try to extort money from their family.  It's a dismal and dreadful situation and the victim has no hope of escape, unless his family meets the payment demand.    

In some ways, this applies to us in the spiritual realm.  We have been taken captive by sin.  That sin keeps us bound up, without hope of escape.  We are in a dismal and dreadful situation because we can't pay the price for our sin.  But, Jesus came along and paid the ransom, setting us free from the bondage of the law.    

He set us free by taking the punishment of our curse upon himself.  He paid the ransom price with his own sinless blood, and we were set free from the bondage imposed by the law.

This proof of justification by faith is also taken from the Old Testament:

Deuteronomy 21:22-23 -  And if a man has committed a sin worthy of death, and he is to be put to death, and you hang him on a tree:  His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but you shall surely bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that your land be not defiled, which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance.

According to the Old Testament, the person who suffered for a transgression was considered to be bearing the curse of that sin in his body.  That is why the Israelites were required to bury a criminal the same day he was executed – so that an accursed thing was removed from God's sight.  Otherwise, the land would be considered polluted.

Galatians 3:14 – so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith.

The blessing which Abraham enjoyed was being justified by faith in God.  Jesus has made it possible for any and all people, Jew or Gentile, to have this same blessing.  He made it possible by paying the price of our sin.  He did this so that by faith, we might receive the Spirit.

The Spirit is the source of all spiritual blessings.  He seals us until the day of redemption, guaranteeing our salvation.  Holy Spirit also influences and assists us in sanctifying ourselves and renewing our hearts.  He comforts, leads and guides us.  He displays the miraculous power of God through us.  He is the manifest presence of God in our lives.  What a blessing!  As children of God we should love and cherish the Spirit of God.  We should diligently seek to know him more intimately and open our lives to him more and more. 

Let me offer you some encouragement and some relief:

Paul refers to the Galatians as being foolish, because they made a decision that made no sense.   Their mistake was trading the freedom of grace for the bondage of the law.  From our perspective, it seems obvious that they made the wrong choice, and we wonder why they did so.

But the truth is, we make foolish mistakes too.  All of us have done something, said something, bought something or decided something that we wish we hadn't. 

Maybe it was something like an unplanned pregnancy or an abortion.  Maybe it was embezzling funds or some other crime.  Maybe we mistreated someone or failed to be faithful in a relationship. 

Here is some encouraging news – God forgives ALL mistakes, the foolish ones and the accidental/innocent ones.  All we have to do is ask him in faith, and he will wash away our sin. 

Forgiveness in God's sight does not magically erase the consequences of our actions.  If we got caught stealing funds, we will still have to go to prison for our crime, even though God has forgiven us.  But let me give you some relief – Holy Spirit dwells within us.  So if we go to prison, he goes with us!  He can comfort, lead and guide us in any and every situation.  The blessing of Holy Spirit has been given to us by faith; no one can take it away from us!   

Let me offer you some strength:

I wonder if the apostle Paul ever got frustrated.  He fully and completely explained the gospel to people (especially the Jews) all the time, but they simply refused to understand the truth.  They were willingly blind to the gospel message.  Yet, Paul never gave up.  Even while in prison he continued to teach, encourage and correct the church. 

Maybe you also experience some frustration in your ministry.  There are always people who will criticize what you do for the Lord or the church.  But let me offer you some strength – we don't work for the approval of men, we work for the approval of God!  So listen closely to Holy Spirit and follow what he instructs you to do.  One day you will hear the Father say to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

II Peter 3:1 – This is now the second letter that I am writing to you, beloved.  In both of them I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder,

In this section of his second letter, you can sense the urgency and gravity that Peter feels as he earnestly writes to the believers in Asia Minor.

Narrow Path

Notice that these true believers have sincere or pure minds.  This indicates that they are still true believers, walking on the narrow path that leads to eternal life.  They have not been polluted by the false teachers/prophets mentioned at length in chapter two.  As we saw in that chapter, Peter took the time to thoroughly warn Christians about false doctrines of licentiousness that would eventually lead them to apostasy.

But that is not the only snare that Satan has set for believers. 

Peter also senses danger for the church in the guise of scoffers. A scoffer is someone who jeers or mocks; who treats something with contempt.  They attempt to cast doubt or derision on something, based on their own reasoning or opinion. 

Jude 18 –They said to you, "In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions."

In this particular case, scoffers are people who mock the promises that God has made to his children.  In so doing, they attempt to undermine the faith of the believer. 

But Peter isn't about to let that happen.� He is going to refute the false, faith destroying opinions of these ignorant people.�

Because there are scoffers in every generation (including ours), it is crucial that we listen to the wise council of Peter.

II Peter 3:2 – that you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior though your apostles,

Peter wants to stir up the minds of Christians to remember the words of prophesy given to believers in both the Old Testament (the law and prophets) and the New Testament (doctrines included in the gospel message given through the apostles).

Notice that Peter joins together the prophets of old and the apostles of that day, confirming the continuity of scripture.  Though there were numerous prophets and apostles who spoke over a span of hundreds of years, they spoke consistent doctrines and promises. 

It is vital that we remember and meditate on the promises of God delivered through these messengers, so that scoffers do not derail us from the true gospel message.�

II Peter 3:3 – knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires.

It should be noted that we have no way of knowing how long this period of time will last.  It could be over before you finish reading this blog, or it could still be continuing long after your great grandchildren are old and gray! 

The term 'last days' refers to the final period in human history.  We often refer to this as the Gospel Dispensation or the Age of Grace.  It began when Jesus was resurrected from the dead, and it will end with his return to earth (also known as his second coming).

Here's what we do know:  Scoffers are present throughout the era of the last days, which means we can expect to encounter them, if we haven't already.

Here is something else we know:  Like the false teacher, the scoffer is motivated by a craving to indulge in their own sinful desires. 

For a moment, picture a sinner who comes face to face with the reality of God.� He discovers that God is pure and holy, and He desires for us to be like He is.� To accept and follow Christ is to embrace a life of holiness.�

I Peter 1:15-16 – � as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy".

But the sinner is more in love with his sin than he is with God.  He does not want to be restrained by what he perceives as the limitations of godliness and holiness.  So� what will he do now? 

This particular sinner might become a scoffer.  In order to avoid the truth, he will constantly try to pick it apart and prove that it is not true.  He will dismiss every point that he cannot fully understand.  He will find things that he cannot explain and use it as an excuse to deride the whole gospel.  He will boldly proclaim the truth to be a lie; he will deem the gospel worthless or despicable.  He will persuade himself that that the gospel is spurious. 

If he can convince himself that is the case, he has the liberty to cast the gospel aside and follow his evil propensities.� Sadly, his opposition to the truth began and ended in his own lusts.

II Peter 3:4 – They will say, "Where is the promise of his coming?  For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation."

Here is one of the doctrines that scoffers love to revile – the second coming of Jesus.  When Jesus returns to earth, he is going to judge the world in justice and righteousness.  Those who are found in Christ will receive rewards.  Those who have rejected Christ will be judged and punished. 

We can instantly see why the scoffer desires to blaspheme the doctrine of the second coming.  Remember, he or she wants to continue wallowing in their sin.  If they openly acknowledge that Jesus is going to return and judge the wicked, then they must admit their actions are wrong, and they need to repent.  However, scoffing at the idea of the return of Christ sears their conscience and allows them to keep on sinning.  

The argument presented by the scoffers goes something like this:

When the prophets of old foretold the return of Christ, they expected these events to occur any day (imminently).� But nothing happened.� They died and were buried long, long ago, but nothing changed.� The world just keeps spinning on and on.�

Our own forefathers spoke of the same promises.� They kept the words of the prophets alive in their generation, but they too are dead.� And nothing has changed. �The world continues as it always has.

Since the days of creation, the course of nature has gone on steadily.� Day after day, month after month, year after year the sun rises and sets.� Spring follows winter.� The tides ebb and flow.� People are born and people die.� Nothing has changed.

Where is the evidence that Christ would return?� Show it to us!� Where is the fulfillment of the promise? It is never going to happen!

These are the views of the scoffer.

To make matters worse, scholars think that some Christians of that day had taken it upon themselves to predict an exact date/time for Christ's return.  When that date passed by without anything happening, scoffers seized the opportunity to claim God's promise had failed.

Let's take a look at their claim.

First, we notice that they do not deny that God made a promise to return.  There is way too much evidence and too many witnesses of that promise in both the Old and New Testaments to deny its existence.  So instead of denying the promise, they mock it.  They scorn it.  They argue against it.  This demonstrates a much higher degree of contempt than simple denial.

Their actual argument is this:  If Jesus was going to return to earth, he would have already done it by now.  According to the scoffer, if there had been any truth or certainty to that promise, we would have seen some evidence or sign of his coming by now.  But there is no such evidence.  The world has remained unchanged for thousands of years; therefore, God either cannot or will not return as he promised. 

Obviously, their claims are sketchy at best.� Simple human reasoning tells us that just because something has not yet happened, does not mean it won't happen at a future date.

But we don't want to use human reasoning to defend our beliefs.� Here's why: The second coming of Jesus is the crowning event/denouement of the plan of salvation.� When Jesus returns, he brings justice and righteousness to all things.� The wicked are judged.� Death, the final enemy, is defeated.� The righteous inherit eternal life and begin the next phase of our existence.� All loose ends are tied up.� Everything is perfectly finished.� If Christ never returns, these things never take place.� Clearly, the significance of the second coming cannot be over stated.� So we don't want to use changeable, imperfect human reasoning to defend it.� We want to use the infallible word of God – which is exactly what Peter does!

II Peter 3:5-6 – For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished.

The phrase 'deliberately overlook' once again stresses the fact that the scoffer did not arrive at their conclusion by reason or sober judgment.� They stubbornly choose to ignore the truth so they can continue in their sinful ways.� They will eventually find out that being willfully ignorant does not justify them.

Peter begins his rebuttal with a clear fact:  Despite the claims of the scoffer, things have NOT remained unchanged since the beginning of creation.

Creation was disrupted by the flood during the days of Noah.  God swept away a whole world of ungodly men during that destructive event.  If God was willing and able to destroy the wicked in the flood, why does the scoffer refuse to believe he will do so again, at his second coming?

Indeed, Peter is going to rehearse the events of the flood to show what God has done in the past.� These facts should convince/persuade men to believe that God is fully capable of destroying the world a second time, and indeed he will do so at his final return, just as he promised.

In the book of Genesis, we find reference to a vast unformed collection of materials and elements which are collectively called water.� The earth itself was formed from/out of this water by the powerful, creative words of God (Genesis 1:1-2).�

During creation, God divided the waters according to his wisdom.  Some were stored in the heavens (what we know as the atmosphere or first heaven), some were gathered together into the seas (leaving dry land) and some was stored in the 'great deep' (Genesis 7:11). 

Genesis 1:6-8 – And God said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters."  And God made the expanse and separated the waters that were under the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse.  And it was so.  And God called the expanse heaven.  And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.

And there they stayed, allowing life to flourish on earth. 

However, the wickedness of man increased to such a level that the world was entirely filled with violence and sin.� At that point, God demonstrated his wrath and mighty power by releasing the repositories of water and allowing the earth to be destroyed by the flood waters, as he promised he would do:

Genesis 6:17 – For behold, I [God] will bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life under heaven.  Everything that is on the earth shall die.

(See also Genesis 6:7, 6:13, 7:4). Thus, the scoffer cannot claim that the earth has continued since creation without change.  Neither can he claim that God is incapable of destroying it.  His argument against the second coming of Christ has been demolished!

II Peter 3:7 – But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.

This might be a good time to comment on the word "heavens".� Scripture speaks of three different heavens.� The first heaven refers to the atmosphere of the earth.� The second heaven refers to what we would call 'space'; it entails all of the stars, planets, etc.� The third heaven is the place where God dwells.� When Peter says the heavens are stored up for fire/destruction, he is not referring to the place where God dwells.�

Through the word of God (scripture), Peter has just proved that there was a major change in the heavens and the earth during the days of Noah.  This change came solely as a result of God's word and will.  The earth and the laws of nature have no power or stability of their own.  They go on day after day, year after year because God wills it to be so.  He created them.  He sustains them.  He established their laws of operation.  He alone controls them.

By his word he created them; by his word, he destroyed them with the flood.   Thus, the foolishness of the scoffer is readily apparent. 

The scoffer and the Christian alike should also take note that a second total destruction has already been decreed for the earth.  The same powerful word of God that destroyed the world by water will also destroy it by fire.

Like the flood, this future judgment is tied to the destruction of the wicked.� Obviously, it is yet to come; we do not know when it will occur.� It may or may not happen within our generation or lifetime.� But come it will, just as surely as the flood did, because God always keeps his promises.� He does what he declares he will do.

Isaiah 66:15-16 – For behold, the Lord will come in fire, and his chariots like the whirlwind, to render his anger in fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.  For by fire will the Lord enter into judgment, and by his sword, with all flesh; and those slain by the Lord shall be many.

Therefore, the Christian should never believe the lies of the scoffer.  Rather, we place our faith in the immutable promises of God.  We do not need to fear the future; we only need to remain faithful to our loving heavenly Father, who keeps us safe within the secret place of the Most High (Psalms 91:1-8).   At the perfect time, he will deliver his saints and destroy his enemies.

II Peter 3:8 – But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

This is the second point of rebuttal given by Peter to the claims of the scoffer.�

The opinion of the scoffer is that if God was going to return, he would surely have done so by now.� They imply that too much time has passed between the promise and the fulfillment; God has forgotten or neglected the promise of his return.� In God's neglect, the world continues on and on as it always has.�

But Peter again points out that their human reasoning is faulty.  God is not trapped in space and time as humans are.  He transcends time. For him, nothing is past or future, but all things are present.  He existed before he created time, and he will live eternally after he brings time to an end. 

Psalms 90:4 – For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night.

No measurable duration of time has any bearing on the eternity of God.  Therefore, God's actions cannot be judged according to our understanding of time.  While a thousand years is far, far past the limits of our fleshly existence, it is nothing to God, for he is eternal.

Even believers sometimes get impatient as we wait for God to fulfill his promises.  Peter provides a good reminder for us that God's hidden purposes will be accomplished perfectly; he is not bound by our measurement of time.  

Conclusion:� God is willing and able to fulfill all of the promises he has made to YOU, even if it's been a long time in coming!� Don't give up!� Don't let your faith waiver!

Habakkuk 2:3 - For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay.  

Did you catch what God said to Habakkuk?  The appointed time for fulfillment of God's promise would surely come!  Though it takes awhile, wait for it!

What promise are you claiming?�

  • Are you praying for one of your children?� Don't give up- wait for it!�
  • Are you looking for revival to break out in your community?� Don't give up- wait for it!�
  • Do you want to see miracles? Don't give up- wait for it� it will surely come! �

II Peter 3:9 – The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

All of us can probably recall a time when someone made us a promise, but then either broke it or forgot it.� When this happens, we begin to make assumptions about why they failed to keep their promise.� We might think they changed their mind/plans, or they forgot their promise to us, or perhaps they do not have the ability (time, resources, money, authority) to complete the task.� In the case of humans, any of these assumptions may be true.

But no such assumption can be made in the case of God.  He has not failed or forgotten to do anything.  The true reason for any perceived delay is the patience and goodness of God.  In his great mercy, God delays judgment in order to afford mankind more time to repent, and thus prevent their own eternal judgment/ruin.

Ezekiel 33:11 - Say unto them, As I live, says the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn you, turn you from your evil ways; for why will you die, O house of Israel?

Although God does not desire the death of the wicked, it will eventually happen if they do not repent.  God has appointed a day to judge the world in righteousness and he will keep that appointment. 

Scripture says the return of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, when people are asleep and secure, not expecting him to come (Luke 12:39-40).� �Therefore, the wicked should not wait to repent.

The same thought is expressed in the parable of the 10 virgins, where five women are unprepared for the sudden (yet long awaited) return of the bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13). �Therefore, Christians should be diligently looking for the return of Christ.� This includes you and me.�

Every day we have on earth is another day to add Christian graces to our lives, to do good works, to become more like Christ, to share the gospel, to praise and worship our redeemer, to exercise faith, to encourage a brother/sister or to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God.

Each one of us need to consider the return of the Lord as an imminent event.  If we relegate it to sometime far in the future, we will tend to become slack in our service for God.

Let me offer you some encouragement

Peter says that in the last days, scoffers will come.  They mock the promises of God.  They will try to undermine your faith, and get you to doubt God's promises too. 

Don't fall prey to their false and flawed reasoning.� Use your shield of faith to stop their fiery darts of unbelief and doubt.� If you are waiting for God to fulfill a promise he made to you, stand strong.� Here are some practical things you can do to combat doubt: Repeat that promise or scripture over and over; keeping it fresh within your heart.� Pray over it.� Rejoice over the answer/victory, even though you haven't seen it yet.� Declare that scripture over your life or the lives of your children.

Remember, God spoke the world into existence.� There is power in speaking his word over yourself and your children!

Let me offer you some relief:

As a Christian, you don't need to fear the return of the Lord.  Every sin you have committed has been cleansed and forgiven through the blood of Christ.  Satan will try to tell you otherwise�he will constantly bring to your remembrance past mistakes and failures.  When that happens, chase him off with your spiritual sword - the word of God! 

Quote scriptures that speak of your forgiveness and acceptance through Christ.  If you stand up to Satan, he will flee from you (James 4:7)!

Let me offer you some strength:

You are on planet earth for a reason; you have a purpose in life.  Every day that you wake up is a new day to fulfill that purpose.   Whatever God has called you to do, do it with all your might!

Don't be one of the five foolish virgins – work diligently each day for the glory of God, and look for his return.  He will be back for you before you know it!

II Peter 2:10 – and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority.  Bold and willful, they do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones,

Here in chapter 2, Peter is warning true believers against false teachers. 

As we noted in our last post, it is likely that Peter is referring to a heretical sect known as the Nicolaitans:

  • These people claimed to be Christians, but they abused the laws of grace, even to the point of denying that Jesus was the Messiah who died on the cross. 
  • They also claimed to have 'secret' spiritual wisdom which they received through mystic revelation.  This was supposedly given to them, and no one else.  Their actions caused divisions within the church body.
  • They introduced false doctrines into the church.  This was not done blatantly; instead they introduced their own opinions here and there until they succeeded in twisting the truth.
  • Peter describes them as greedy.  They gave smooth convincing sermons designed to take money from honest believers who wanted to support the gospel.
  • Peter describes them as licentious.  Their behavior was unrestrained by law or morality and characterized by abuse of freedom.  Their sin had no boundaries and basically taught that 'anything goes'.  (I can see where that would be a popular doctrine!)

In short, they intentionally perverted religious truth in order to open doors of licentiousness and sin for themselves and anyone they could convince to join them.  Sadly, there are still false teachers in the world today!

Our last post ended with Peter assuring us that God has punishment in store for these wicked people.

Peter now builds upon that topic.  Not only does God punish the wicked in general, he especially punishes heretics and seducers, who add the 'lust of defiling passion' to their corrupt doctrines and false teachings.  Not only are they teaching evil, they are living it for all the world to see, while still identifying themselves Christians.

They live for the indulgence of their carnal appetites, following the desires and inclinations of their own minds.  Since their minds are filled with thoughts of sin and worldly pleasure, they will relentlessly pursue those things without restraint. 

This is the opposite of the true believer, who renews his mind in righteousness (Romans 12:2) and keeps a diligent guard on the thoughts that enter his mind. 

2 Corinthians 10:5 - Casting down arguments, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;  

You are the gate keeper of your own mind - God allows each one of us to choose what we will allow our minds to dwell on.  As you are deciding what to think about, keep this in mind - the seeds you plant in your mind will come to fruition in your actions (James 1:13-15).  So be careful what you think about!

As if that were not enough, false teachers also hate authority.  In our study of I Peter chapter 2, Peter admonished believers to submit to those that God has placed in authority over us, such as kings, magistrates, governors, etc.  God has placed them there for our good - to punish evil and maintain order.  As we respect and obey them, it brings glory to God and removes any reason that the heathen have for slandering Christianity.    

However, these vain false teachers do not respect authority of any kind.  Because they desire unbridled freedom of all kinds, they rebel against authority in the government, the church, the family and ultimately against God himself.  Their ultimate goal is anarchy.

I can't help but compare this passage of scripture to some of the events taking place in our nation today.  We seem to have areas where people have thrown off the restraints of government, society and police, resulting in pockets of anarchy.  One thing we can do is to pray, asking God to send revival into these areas.  If these rebellious people will accept Christ as Lord, he will change their hearts and minds.  

II Peter 2:11 – whereas angels, though greater in might and power, do not pronounce a blasphemous judgment against them before the Lord.

This verse is actually the second half of the thought expressed in verse 10, which describes the false teachers as people who rebel against all authority, especially that of the civil government.  In their bold and scornful rebellion, they curse, imprecate and judge the government officials in authority over them.

Peter now contrasts their actions with those of the angels:

There is evidence in scripture to show that angels do not mock, blaspheme, reproach, judge or otherwise rail against others, even when they are zealously engaged in the work of God. 

An example of this is referenced in Jude 9-10 as well as in Jewish tradition, where the archangel Michael contended with Satan for the body of Moses.  During their encounter, the only words spoken by the angel were simple, truthful and straightforward – 'The Lord rebuke you'.   There was no use of harsh or violent language.  The angels did not presume to judge or condemn their adversaries.

Here is the point Peter is making: Angels are higher in knowledge, dignity and power than human beings.  Therefore, it would be more appropriate for angels to speak judgmentally against the magistrates/rulers of this world than it would be for men to do so.  Yet, angels don't do that.  They always show respect and dignity toward those God has placed in positions of civil authority.  Angels recognize that God has sanctioned that authority and they, as servants of God, respect it.

But these false teachers are senseless brutes – they speak blasphemy and judgment against those who have their authority from God.  We might say they rush in where angels fear to tread, and they rail against things they don't understand (the purposes of God in granting authority to certain people). 

Scripture does not give us a full account of what was said by these foolish men.  We only know that they spoke presumptuously and wickedly against authority.  Our assumption is that the people of Peter's day knew the specifics of the situation.  We can also assume that Holy Spirit wanted to call our attention to the bigger picture here – that false teachers exhibit a lack of respect for authority, always leaning towards anarchy. 

II Peter 2:12-13a – But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction, suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing. 

Let's stop and talk about wild boars for a minute.  Except for older males, wild boars travel in groups.  They are swift, nocturnal, unpredictable and aggressive.  They are omnivorous (they'll eat anything – plants, meat, garbage, etc).  The males average around 200 pounds, although many larger animals have been documented. 

These animals are extremely destructive.  They love to root, trample and wallow.  In the process of doing so, they destroy crops, forests and property.  They prey on or compete with native species such as rodents, deer, birds, snakes, frogs and lizards. 

They also spread disease to both animals and humans.  There are more than 24 diseases that people can get form wild boars including hepatitis E and tuberculosis. 

Now, suppose that a large wild boar was loose in your neighborhood.  What would that be like?  Remember, that animal is wild and aggressive.  You can't tame it.  You can't train it.  You can't reason with it.  It's unpredictable and aggressive.  It's only goal in life is to fulfill its desires - eat, destroy and reproduce. 

It will attack and destroy wildlife and pets.  It will ruin your lawn/garden, your landscaping, your fruit trees and any crops the farmers are growing.  Not only would it be dangerous because it is aggressive, it carries disease.  If an animal like that was wreaking havoc in your town, it wouldn't be long before animal control was called in to capture and kill it. 

Peter is saying that licentious false teachers/prophets are like wild boar.  They ignore their God given ability to restrain their behavior and desires.  They want to be wild, throwing off all restraint or authority in pursuit of their base fleshly desires (money, sex, power, drunkenness, entertainment, etc).  They don't care who they hurt or destroy in the process.  They infect unsuspecting believers with their diseased doctrine and practices.  In the end, they will be destroyed - their behavior will eventually lead to both moral and spiritual death.   

The ironic thing is this – these people are all about casting off authority because they don't want to be restrained or bound by law and society.  But by rebelling against the authority sanctioned by God, they place themselves under the bondage of their own evil passions.  So either way, they wind up being 'captured' - they will serve a master of some kind. 

Those who serve a master earn wages. 

We are all familiar with 'wages' – money earned by performing work.  In a sense, all people are earning eternal wages.  Those who serve God are laying up treasures in heaven, while those who serve Satan (or themselves) are laying up torment/punishment in hell. Recompense may or may not come in this life, but it is guaranteed in the next.  The justice of God guarantees it. 

II Peter 2:13b –They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime.  They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions, while they feast with you.

Most sinners wait for the cover of secrecy or night to indulge in sinful pleasures.  But these false teachers are so bad, they have cast off even that light fetter.  They defy all decency by openly and shamefully practicing wickedness in a place and manner that all can see.   

These vile sinners are like blots or blemishes.  Picture it this way:  You are wearing a brand new, pure white, silk shirt to a party.  Turns out, the host of the party is serving BBQ wings.  You pick up a really saucy wing and – oops – your shirt isn't white anymore!  What a shame; the spot ruins the shirt.

In the same way, the actions and beliefs of false teachers are a scandal and a disgrace to the true spiritual church of Christ, which should be (and one day will be) without spot or wrinkle.

Furthermore, our translation says they revel in their deceptions, while the King James Version says they 'sport themselves with their own deceivings'.  Not surprisingly, the Greek word means to live delicately or luxuriously.  In other words, they take advantage of their views/doctrines to live in rebellion and luxury.  They indulge in their most corrupt passions under the guise of Christianity.  In fact, they even look forward to the Christian feasts as an occasion to indulge (1 Corinthians 11:17-22).

What could be worse?  They clearly blaspheme God and slander salvation by their words and deeds.

II Peter 2:14 – They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin.  They entice unsteady souls.  They have hearts trained in greed.  Accursed children!

'Eyes' is a figurative expression often used in scripture.  In this case, it refers to the mind/disposition of man.  For example: 

  • Bountiful eye refers to a person of kindly disposition (Proverbs 22:9). 
  • Haughty or lofty eyes refer to a spirit of pride (Psalms 131:1). 
  • Lowly eyes refers to a person who is humble (Luke 18:13). 
  • Sharpening of the eyes refers to anger (Job 16:9). 

In this case, eyes full of adultery refers to idolatrous inclinations.  Peter tells us their desires are insatiable.  Your translation may say 'cannot cease from sin'.  This does not mean that they do not have the natural mental ability to stop sinning.  Neither does it mean that they are physically incapable of ceasing to sin.  Rather, it means that they are so corrupt that they will certainly always sin. 

And they don't like to sin alone.  They try to involve as many people as possible in their false doctrines which promise carnal pleasures and liberties.  Christians who are not deeply rooted in their commitment to Christ are in danger of being beguiled (baited or entrapped) by these deceivers.

Peter refers to these wicked people as accursed children.  This either means they brought a curse with them wherever they went, or that they deserved to be cursed.

I Peter 2:15-16 – Forsaking the right way, they have gone astray.  They have followed the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved gain from wrongdoing, but was rebuked for his own transgression; a speechless donkey spoke with human voice and restrained the prophet's madness.

The right way refers to the narrow path of righteousness that Christians tread in this life (Matthew 7:13-14).  This path leads to peace, blessing and eternal life.  False teachers and prophets have left the narrow path and proceeded to follow Balaam down the wide road.  This road leads to sin, torment and eternal death.

Remember Balaam son of Beor (or Bozor)?  He is most famous for having a conversation with his own donkey, but there is a whole lot more to his story.  You can read the whole account of Balaam in Numbers 22-25. 

Without explaining the entire story of Balaam (we don't have time), let's look at how he compares to the false teachers/prophets that Peter is warning his flock about.

One – Balaam professed to be a religious leader or servant of God, but that is very questionable.  He was planning to do great harm to the nation of Israel by accepting a lot of money to curse them.  So too, false teachers were professing to be Christians, but causing great harm in the church.

Two – Balaam was greedy and covetous.  He knew full well that God did not want him to go with the Moabites to curse Israel, but he went anyway because he wanted the honor and fortune that King Balak was going to give him.  (Balaam's tendency to avarice is clearly evident throughout the entire narrative.  You will see it if you go back and read the account in Numbers).  He preferred rewards of this life over the blessing of God.  The false teachers of Peter's day were also willing to disobey God in order to receive earthly rewards.

Three - Inciting others to licentiousness.  The culmination of Balaam's story is this:  Although he desperately wanted to curse Israel so he could get paid, God would literally not allow him to do it.  (In fact, he verbally blesses them instead.)  So he does the next best thing –he reveals to the King of Moab how to get Israel to curse itself.  And – you guessed it- he did it through licentiousness. 

Balaam instructed the Moabites to throw a great feast and invite Israel.  There was plenty of alcohol, food and false idols.  The beautiful young women of Moab came to the feast ready to party and soon the whole affair turned into a great orgy in which the false gods of Moab were worshipped by the Israelites.  As a result of their actions, God severely punished them. 

This brings up an interesting question:  Have we avoided the snares of false teachers only to curse ourselves?  Are we doing things contrary to the word of God?  Are these things blocking the Lord's blessing from our lives? 

For instance, are you harboring unforgiveness towards someone?  Are you with holding tithe and offerings from the Lord?  Has Holy Spirit clearly spoken to you to do something for him, but you refuse like an obstinate child?  All of these things can block God's blessings from you.  

II Peter 2:17 – These are waterless springs and mists driven by a storm.  For them the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved.

Imagine for a moment that you are in the midst of a desert.  You are out of water.  It is extremely hot.  There is no relief from the relentless sun.  You are sweaty and exhausted.  Your mouth is like sandpaper and your lips taste like salt.  As time passes by, you are getting closer and closer to death.

But suddenly, you crest a sand dune and way off in the distance you see a well!  Relief and joy flood your spirit because that well promises relief and life to you.  You struggle to get through that last mile and reach the well.

Now suppose you uncap the well, only to find that it is dry.  Imagine what that would feel like.  You would despair and give up hope.  You are closer to death than you have ever been because the well did not deliver what it promised – water.

In the same way, sinners are seeking relief from sin.  They are in a desert of death and despair.  They are looking for life, and they turn to the church to find it.  But what if they are not met with a true Christian teacher or pastor?  A false teacher is like that dry desert well – they promise relief from spiritual death, but they can't deliver (Jude 12-13).  Those seeking the refreshing truth of the gospel are disappointed.  Their spiritual journey has just gotten more difficult, instead of easier.

Here is Peter's point: False teachers offer doctrines that seem wonderful.  According to them, you can have your cake and eat it too.  You can be a Christian but live as sinful a life as you like.  But that is not true.  Their vain, empty promises are like wells without water or rain clouds without rain.

Peter also assures his readers once again that God is going to punish these wicked people.  Utter darkness denotes a place of future punishment (Matthew 8:12) which God has prepared for those who choose this path. 

So here's the really important question:  If a sinner came to you as a well of spiritual life, would you be able to give them the water of salvation?

John 7:38 - He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.

In the gospel of John chapter 4, Jesus speaks to the woman at the well about the living waters of salvation.  In John chapter 7, Jesus says that if we are believers, the precious Holy Spirit lives within us and is like a mighty river of water that brings healing and salvation to those who need it. 

If you are a Christian, you have this water.  What you need to do is learn how to use your bucket to draw out that water and present it to others by sharing the gospel message.

II Peter 2:18-19 – For, speaking loud boasts of folly, they entice by sensual passions of the flesh those who are barely escaping from those who live in error.  They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption.  For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.

'Those who are barely escaping from error' refers to new Christians.  Having turned to Christ, they have just recently escaped from sin and death.  This puts them in a very dangerous place – they have probably only recently broken off many of their old habits and there may be a strong desire to relapse into old ways. 

At this point, if they receive sound doctrine to help them grow in grace, they will become rooted and grounded in Christ and go on to bring forth a spiritual harvest for the kingdom of heaven.

But if they come across a false teacher speaking words of folly and boasting, they could be in real trouble.  These teachers deliberately present their erroneous doctrines with fancy words in a pompous manner, hoping to allure or ensnare unsuspecting believers into their false beliefs.  Specifically, they promise Christianity with unlimited indulgence in carnal appetites and unrestrained freedom/liberty.  

Let's talk about freedom for a moment.  Sin makes you a slave to darkness and evil.  You have no way of breaking out of the cycle of servitude to it.  Every person under the bondage of sin will reap the same reward – death. 

However, true Christianity promises and delivers freedom from sin.  Hallelujah!  By breaking the yoke of darkness from your life, it gives you the freedom to choose Christ; you can choose to live a holy life as a son or daughter of God.  You can choose to become a steward in the kingdom of heaven, reaping rewards of life.  This is true freedom:

John 8:35-36 - The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

The freedom of the false teachers is different.   They define freedom as the absence of needless restraint and/or the strict/narrow limits of religion.  But this is not freedom – it is licentiousness which in reality, is slavery. 

Here's why:  Whatever a person submits to (greed, lust, desire for power, etc) is truly his master – he is enslaved to it.  So in casting off restraints, they place themselves back under the chains of their passions and desires.  Thus, the promise of freedom from false teachers results in bondage again to sin; all sin results in servitude and slavery.

Here is some good news:  Christians can prevent falling prey to their tactics by seriously attending to their own personal holiness and working to add Christian graces to their lives.

II Peter 2:20 – For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first.

The unstable souls (verse 14) who come under the destructive influence of false doctrines will find themselves in a worse position than before they were saved. 

By coming to Christ, they gained additional wisdom and knowledge of God that sinners do not have; they have first hand experience of the true saving grace of Christ. 

Knowledge always carries the burden of responsibility.  Each person is responsible for the level of knowledge of God that they have.   By again becoming entangled in the things of the world, they will now be judged on an increased level of knowledge, which will result in a more severe judgment that what the ignorant will receive (Luke 12:47).

II Peter 2:21 – For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them.

When the apostle uses the word 'better' here, he is making a comparison.

On the one hand, we have sinners who have always been heathens, being in ignorance of the gospel message, and being ignorant of the law of sin. 

But on the other hand we have sinners who were once heathens, but then came to a knowledge of the grace of Christ Jesus.  They knew what it was like to have the freedom to choose Christ.  They heard the gospel message, understood sin, and knew they were saved by grace. 

To have a knowledge of the truth and then turn away from it is considered the greater evil.  Those who were always ignorant of the truth have less culpability than those who knew the truth and yet sinned against it.

II Peter 2:22 – What the true proverb says has happened to them: "The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire."

Here Peter calls upon the wisdom found in Proverbs (26:11) and Jewish tradition.

This is a proverb we recognize and easily understand.  Pigs don't change their natures.  They have a desire to wallow in the mud.  Even if they clean themselves, it is only a temporary measure.  They will soon return to wallowing in the mud because their nature has not changed. 

So far, so good.  This makes perfect sense in the case of the pig.  But when we seek to apply this proverb to the spiritual realm, we get major difference of opinion amongst scholars. 

The debate centers around this: 

Did the person in question ever really have a true change of heart/conversion experience? 

Those who believe the person really DID have a change of heart/conversion (became a Christian) must, by default, believe that people can fall away from the faith.  They can 'back slide' or lose their salvation if they willfully choose the ways of sin.

Those who believe the person DID NOT really have a true change of heart/conversion must, by default, believe that the person was never saved (became a Christian) to begin with.  Therefore, like the pig, they will return to sin.  The logical conclusion to this belief is that those who do truly accept Christ will never 'back slide'.  Therefore, you can never lose your salvation, once you truly accept it. 

This issue is a divisive one, which scholars in our generation continue to hotly debate.  You can decide for yourself which opinion you think is correct. 

But the real bottom line is this:  No church is completely pure.  No church is without people and thus no church is without sin or faulty doctrine of some kind.  It is the duty of each individual Christian to guard against false beliefs that lead to unrestrained behavior (licentiousness).  As we work towards personal holiness (I Peter 1:15-16), and purposefully add Christian graces to our lives, we can rest assured that Holy Spirit will keep us safe from falling away from grace.  There is no need to fear. 

But woe to those who lead others astray for their own gratification! 

Let me offer you some encouragement:

As we mentioned earlier, God gives each one of us the ability to control our minds.  You can't stop random thoughts of sin from popping into your mind.  But you can control what you allow to stay there! 

What should the minds of holy people be dwelling on?  The apostle Paul gives us the answer here:

Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

I encourage you to dwell on these things, because if you do, you will avoid a lot of sin and temptation!

Let me offer you some relief and strength:

As we mentioned earlier, all Christians have the 'living water' of God in our lives.  In other words, you have the same gospel message that Billy Graham, Charles Finney and others had. You have access to the same Holy Spirit power they had.  

All you need to do is get comfortable sharing that water with thirsty souls.  It's not a matter of having a PhD in divinity.  It's not a matter of getting a bullhorn and standing on the corner condemning random people to hell.  It doesn't have to include every book of the bible and take an entire day.  It does not have to be confrontational.

It's simply a matter of being ready to share what God has done for you with people who are hurting.  Is one of your coworkers going through an illness or a marriage problem?  Offer them support and prayer.  Just a little kindness can open the door for you to share what a difference Christ has made in your life. 

Sharing the gospel can be a gentle, peaceful, well received experience.  You don't have to fear it!  Just look for ways to mention Jesus in your daily conversations.  You might be surprised how easy it is to share your faith!

II Peter 2:1 – But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

At the end of chapter one, Peter spoke about prophesy as proof of the truth of the Christian religion/gospel message. 

BUT (notice it's a big but) not everyone who claims to be a prophet is a true messenger of God.  Just as there were false prophets under the Jewish dispensation, there will be false prophets and false teachers in the Christian church.  Rather than prophesying by divine inspiration, they prophesy and/or teach from their own vain imaginations, and they ensnare and corrupt many.

One source of false teaching during the second century was Gnosticism.  Gnosticism is difficult to define exactly because it has many forms that vary widely.  It is a topic that could be studied for months on end, and still not fully understood.  Obviously, we can't do an in depth study of it in a short post.  So for our purposes, we are going to look at some very basic ways to define it.

In general, we can define it as a mystic belief system that combines certain Christian ideas (particularly that of redemption through Christ) with speculations/imaginings/opinions of men derived from a medley of sources (Buddhism, Platonism, Greek or Jewish philosophies, religions, theosophies or mysteries). 

For example, all Gnostics believe in the essential separation of matter and spirit, with matter being the source of all evil.  Now that may not sound like a big problem on the surface.  After all, Christians also believe that the spirit is separate from the flesh.  We believe that mankind is fallen and has a sinful nature.   

But look where the subtle lie of the Gnostic leads you:  Human flesh is matter, so by default it is evil.  Since God cannot have any direct contact with evil (matter), then the incarnation of God in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ is inconceivable.  Therefore, the incarnation and the true human life of Jesus never took place at all; consequently, his suffering and death on the cross cannot be real (according to the Gnostics). 

See how their vain speculations twist and pervert the gospel message? 

Another belief common among Gnostics is that they have secret spiritual knowledge obtained by mystic revelation, which other believers do not/cannot understand.  Based on this alleged 'superior knowledge' they try to form sects or divisions within the church which exclude ordinary believers.

Pretty soon the body is divided with one part being faithful to the gospel message, and another part believing some far out or twisted interpretation of the gospel based on secret mystical revelation.  And you see the danger here, right?  A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Now, let's take this one step further.  There was a particular sect of Gnostics who called themselves Nicolaitans.  I am sure you have read about them in scripture.  This group professed to be Christians, but they advocated ideas which abuse the doctrine of grace. 

Grace is the divine favor of God towards man; the mercy of God (as opposed to his justice), and any benefits his mercy imparts such as love, pardon, divine favor, etc.

As we well know, Christians still sin, but because of grace God forgives us when we make mistakes or break his laws.  All we need to do is truly repent and confess our shortcomings.  Under the genuine doctrine of grace, we can be assured that God will see our repentance and forgive us.  

The Nicolaitans, however, twisted the doctrine of grace.  They attempted to introduce a false freedom or licentiousness (behavior unrestrained by law or morality, characterized by abuse of freedom, excess, surpassing boundaries) into the church.  Basically, they subtly reasoned that 'anything goes' for the Christian, because no matter what they did, God would forgive them because of grace.  

There can be no doubt that this was a false doctrine:

Romans 6:1-2 - What shall we say then?  Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?  God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer in it?

Their false teachings seemed to particularly contradict the laws set down by Holy Spirit at the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15.  As you recall, the Jerusalem Council freed Christians from observing the hundreds of laws/traditions observed under the Old Covenant.  Basically, the church was bound to abstain from idol meats and sexual sins. 

The Nicolaitans so twisted the message of grace, it appeared to Christians that they could, and even should, eat meat sacrificed to idols during pagan feasts.  These feasts frequently ended up in orgies which the false teachers also labeled as permissible through grace.  Thus, these false teachers introduce evil doctrine and practices into the church by perverting the true words of God.  All this is done through a myriad of twisted reasoning and vain speculation, supported by 'secret' truth.

Now that we have at least a basic idea of false teaching, lets discuss the idea of 'bringing in destructive heresies'.

Heresy can refer to either an opinion that is in opposition to established doctrine, or the sect that promotes these beliefs (like the Nicolaitans).  Normally, people who have doctrinal differences split off from a group to form a new organization.  But in this case, they stayed within the church, creating divisions within Christianity by the introduction of subtle lies and deceptions into true doctrines.

Interestingly, the Greek word translated 'bring in' literally means to 'lead in by the side of others'.  In other words, they did not openly renounce the gospel.  Rather, their false beliefs were like a poison added to the gospel with cunning and craftiness, which would be fatal to the spiritual life of those who believed it.

But scripture assures us that false teachers who sow crops of heresy will eventually reap a harvest of swift destruction. 

As true Christians, we need to make sure we are never caught up in heresy.  

Christians in every generation should always be on guard against false doctrines.  The more familiar you are with the bible, the easier it will be for you to spot a lie or the half truth of a false teacher.  If you are listening to a teacher and something they say feels wrong to your spirit, don't ignore it.  Stop right there.  Pray for Holy Spirit to pinpoint the problem.  Search the word.  Root out the lie.  In this way, you can protect yourself from false teaching.

II Peter 2:2 – And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.

We need to make a very important point here:  Heresy is NOT honest error.  It is the intentional perversion of religious truth designed to open doors of licentiousness and sin for those who believe it. 

Why are these false doctrines so enticing?  How is it possible that they can lead 'many' astray?  The answer is simple:  They allow people to have their cake and eat it too. 

These people call themselves Christians, and thus try to lay claim to all the vast and wonderful promises of God without the holy living that God truly requires.  In their belief system, there is no need to control your lustful desires or to restrain yourself in any way. There is no need to work at adding Christian graces to your life, or to become more like Christ, or to love your neighbor as yourself, or to live a holy life, or to endure persecution for the sake of the gospel.

Sadly, heresy brings disgrace, calumny and defamation to Christianity.  Because of it, the name and doctrine of Christ will be open to the reproach of the very people who need it the most.  Even true Christians will be misrepresented as hypocrites and the gospel message is reduced to a bad joke.  Thus, people like the Nicolaitans bring blasphemy upon the name of Jesus and the gospel message. 

II Peter 2:3 – And in their greed, they will exploit you with false words.  Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

We have an example of this in the bible – Judas Iscariot!  Notice, he identified with the apostles, but in reality he was a friend of the devil.  The narrative of the woman with the alabaster box reveals that Judas was very greedy:

John 12:5-6 - Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?  This he [Judas] said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bore what was put therein. 

Peter is saying that all false teachers are the same - they are greedy.  They are looking for money to fund their indulgent lifestyles and in order to get it, they will lie and deceive.

So on the one hand, there are devout Christians who are willing to give everything (including their money) to the cause of Christ.  On the other hand, there are false teachers who devise smooth and artful speeches designed to deceive believers into giving them money.  The outcome is obvious.   This has often been described as 'fleecing the flock', or treating believers as merchandise, which can be sold for profit. 

Sadly, this still occurs.  I think we can all recall public figures who sell healing or prosperity to true believers by using deceitful reasoning. 

Peter not only warns us of the existence of these practices, he warns us about the judgment they bring.  From the beginning, God has promised to pour out his wrath and indignation on the wicked.  Although those punishments were predicted long ago, they are not impotent or asleep; they are alert and active, hurrying to overtake those who deceive God's children. 

Notice that Peter is slowly and methodically building up an airtight case against false teachers.  By showing what they do and what their final outcome will be, he gives true believers the strength and wisdom to reject their enticing teachings.   

II Peter 2:4 – For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment;

Peter now continues to give further proof that the wicked will be punished.  He is going to give us three separate examples: the angels, the world during the time of Noah and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. 


Angels were created as holy, and they had the experience of actually walking in the presence of God.  Although we don't know the exact details, we can discern that through their own choice/free will they rebelled against God. 

As a result of this sin, they were punished – cast down to hell and held in chains of darkness, reserved for the final judgment.  That is where they are right now.  The darkness that binds them is so dense and so strong that it cannot be broken.  They cannot deliver themselves, nor can they be delivered by others.  At the final judgment, they will forever (permanently) be excluded from the presence of God. 

Peter's point is this:  If God did not spare these angels from judgment, he will not spare false teachers either.

II Peter 2:5 - if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly;


We have all read the story of Noah and the ark (Genesis 6-7).  We know that the world had rejected God and become corrupt and sinful:

Genesis 6:5 - And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Because of their rebellion against God, he brought upon them swift destruction in the form of the flood.  Like the judgment of the angels, there was no possible way for these people to deliver themselves or be delivered by anyone else.  

Notice that the numbers did not make a difference to God.  Though the unrighteous were numerous, they were all slain.  Though the righteous were but a few, they were well protected by God.    

Peter's point is this:  If God did not spare great numbers of sinful antediluvians from judgment, he will not spare the wicked false teachers either. 

II Peter 2:6 – If by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly;


This is the third example of God's punishment of the rebellious and wicked.  Again, we are familiar with the story.  Sodom and Gomorrah were so corrupt, God couldn't even find ten righteous people within the city (Genesis 18:23-28)!

Because of their rebellion against God, he brought upon them swift destruction in the form of fire and brimstone, which burned them into ashes.  Like the angels and the antediluvians, the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah were incapable of saving themselves, or being saved by others. 

The only exception was Lot and his family, the only righteous people in the city.  We note that God spared those who serve him; he postponed the destruction of the city until they moved to a place of safety.

Peter's point is this:  The awful and final judgments that came upon the rebellious and licentious people of Sodom and Gomorrah are plain proof of divine condemnation.  Unlike man, God judges fairly and equitably.  If the people of Sodom and Gomorrah were not spared for their rebellion, neither will the false teachers of Peter's day. 

The angels, the antediluvians and the people of Sodom were incapable of saving themselves.  No one could save them from the wrath of God either.  The same will be true of false teachers.   

II Peter 2:7-8 – and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard);

There are several observations we can make from this passage.

  • We know that Noah and his family as well as Lot and his family were saved from the destruction which overtook those around them.  This demonstrates how God makes a distinction between the righteous and the wicked (Psalms 91). 
  • As bad as Sodom was, there was still at least one righteous man in it.  God does not leave himself without a witness in even the vilest and most wicked places (I Kings 19:18).  Maybe sin prevails in your place of employment or your school.  You may be tempted to leave that place, but stop for a minute and carefully consider your position. 

Is it God's will for you to leave?  Or is this an opportunity to let your gospel light shine even brighter so that others may see your good works and glorify God (Matthew 5:16)?   

  • The scripture says that Lot was vexed/wearied/burdened by the unrestrained sin and excessive wickedness of the people of Sodom.  If you think about it, that is a really incredible statement and it reveals a lot about him. 

How many of us are desensitized to sin because we rub shoulders with unbelievers every day?  Do we cringe if we hear cursing, or are we so used to it that we don't even notice it anymore?  When people around us are proud to have taken advantage of others, are you grieved by their sin, or do you simply not care?  We could give many more examples, but the point is this:  Lot held God's laws in such high esteem, that he was grieved or burdened by the sin around him.  He was actually wearied by it.  Are we grieved by the sin we see every day?  What does that say about us?

  • Furthermore, Lot lived in the midst of a culture that accepted extreme licentiousness as the 'norm'.  Yet, as long as he lived in Sodom, he maintained his integrity and personal holiness.  What about us?  Are we more influenced by our culture or God's word?

II Peter 2:9 – then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgement,

We can take comfort in knowing that God has a perfect and exact knowledge of both the righteous and the wicked. 

THE RIGHTEOUS – First, let me offer you this word of encouragement: You can be sure that every good work you have done has been seen by our Father and he delights to bless you both in this life and the next. 

We can also be sure that God is not only able to deliver his children from trials and temptations, he fully understands the best way to do it.  He sees a way to do it, even if we do not; he can deliver in ways we never thought possible. 

  • He can send angels to assist us. 
  • He can remove or destroy our enemy. 
  • He can give us earthly friends to strengthen us. 
  • Or, he can completely deliver us from trouble by taking us to heaven.

1 Corinthians 10:13 - … God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.

THE WICKED – It may seem as though the wicked escape from trouble, but that is an illusion.  Sin carries its own penalty in this life and punishment will reach its maximum fulfillment in hell.  There will be no escape from the judgment of God.

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Are you in a trial that seems like it has lasted forever, and still has no end in sight?  I think we have all been in that position from time to time.  In these situations, we should follow the example of King David.  The Bible says he 'encouraged himself in the Lord':

1 Samuel 30:6 - And David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.

When you are in the midst of a long trial, all you need to do is begin to read the word.  The Bible is filled from cover to cover with testimonies of how God loves his people.  He parts the sea for them.  He slays entire enemy armies in the dead of night.  He opens prison doors.  He provides water from rocks.  He makes axe heads float.  The list goes on and on and on…  Keep reading the word until it really sinks into your spirit that God loves you with an everlasting love and is going to make you victorious and deliver you, one way or another.  Let your faith rise up and grasp the victory!    

Let me offer you some relief and strength:

False teachers and prophets appear in every generation, including ours.  Satan would love to ensnare you in a lie and make you ineffective in the kingdom of heaven.  But we can avoid that trap by listening to Holy Spirit, knowing the word, and by testing the word that teachers/preachers give.

1 John 4:1 - Beloved, believe not every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  

Just because someone says they have a word or revelation from God does not make it so; we must listen to their word to see if it lines up with scripture and bears witness with our spirits.  If we seek the wisdom of God on these matters, he will be sure that we are not fooled by false teachers.  

II Peter 1:10 – Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall.

In our last post, we looked at the Christian graces that Peter encouraged his readers to cultivate in their lives.  These included virtue, knowledge, self control, patience, godliness, brotherly concern and love.

Christians who exhibit these traits will not fail to be fruitful in the kingdom of heaven.  Christians who lack these things are 'blind' – their eyes and hearts are focused on this world, rather than spiritual things.  At best, the cares of this life choke out any fruit they might have produced in the kingdom of heaven.  Worst case scenario, they could fall away from their faith entirely.

Because of this (therefore), Christians need to be diligent to 'confirm their calling and election'.   What does Peter mean by that? 

Election means 'divine choice, the predestination of individuals as objects of mercy and salvation; the Christian community as a whole (the elect)'. 

God has elected or chosen to offer eternal life to all of mankind through his plan of salvation.  As you know, this plan consisted of God sacrificing his Son on the cross to make atonement for our sin.    

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Notice that redemption is available to everyone (the world, whosoever).

God not only elected to make redemption available, he also calls us to it.  In other words, Holy Spirit calls or draws sinners to himself by bringing conviction for sin, and offering redemption through the blood of Christ. 

At that point (when we feel that call/conviction), God gives us a choice – we can reject his offer and continue in sin/death, or we can accept his offer and allow Jesus to be Lord of our life. 

Those who have accepted Jesus as Lord should continually be growing in their Christian walk and becoming more and more like Christ (II Corinthians 3:17-18).  Specifically, we should expect to see growth and development of the Christian graces in our lives.    

Now, let's switch topics for a minute. Our new topic is 5th grade science. 

Question: What is a barometer?

Answer: It is an instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere, and hence for judging probable changes of weather.

(If you got that right, be sure to reward yourself!  For some of us, it has been a LONG time since fifth grade!) 

Anyway, you can't physically see the pressure of the atmosphere, can you?  But you can see how it changes the level of mercury within a barometer.  And based on the measurement/changes, you can estimate what the weather is going to be. 

In this passage, Peter is referring to a 'barometric confirmation' of our faith.  We can't see our Christianity with our physical eyes.  But we can determine or measure its progress in different ways.  If our actions correspond with our profession of faith (if we see a steady growth of the Christian graces in our lives), then we can confirm or assure ourselves that we are true believers in Christ.  This is also a confirmation of our faith to others.

This was very important for the Christians of Peter's day, because there were many false teachers infiltrating the church, trying to lure Christians into false beliefs.  But the 'barometer of confirmation' assured believers that they were in a true relationship with God.  They could have peace of mind about this matter; they were not tormented by doubts that the false teachers tried to plant in their minds.

This is still a good tool for us today.  There are still false teachers running around.  There are churches that meet every week and exercise religious rituals, but are not part of the true family of God.  One way to confirm to yourself that your Christianity is real is to look at your graces and check their progress.    

Peter assures his readers that if the graces are growing, we can be confident in our faith.  If we diligently practice the growth of these in our lives, we will not fail in our walk with God.      

In summary:  Election is of God; only he made the plan of salvation and only he carried it out.  Calling is also of God – he calls men to himself via Holy Spirit.  Our works cannot ever earn our salvation.  Our calling and election do not depend on good works or virtue; but good works/virtue (Christian graces) are evidence of the calling and election we possess.

II Peter 1:11 – For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Here, the apostle speaks of an entrance.  What kind of an entrance is he referring to?

He likens the believer's entrance to heaven to the entrance of a victorious Roman general into his home city.

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible describes the Roman ritual this way:

On such occasions the general was usually clad in a rich purple robe, interwoven with figures of gold, setting forth the grandeur of his achievements; his buskins were beset with pearls, and he wore a crown, which at first was of laurel, but was afterwards of pure gold.  In one hand he had a branch of laurel, the emblem of victory; and in the other, his truncheon.  He was carried in a magnificent chariot, adorned with ivory and plates of gold, and usually drawn by two white horses. (Other animals were also used: when Pompey triumphed over Africa, his chariot was drawn by elephants; that of Mark Antony, by lions….)

His children either sat at his feet in the chariot, or rode on the chariot horses. To keep him humble amidst these great honors a slave stood at his back, casting out incessant railings, and reproaches; and carefully enumerating all his vices, etc.  Musicians led up the procession, and played triumphal pieces in praise of the general…

Next followed carts loaded with the spoils taken from the enemy, with their horses, chariots, etc. These were followed by the kings, princes, or generals taken in the war, loaded with chains. Immediately after these came the triumphal chariot, before which, as it passed, the people strewed flowers, and shouted Io, triumphe!

Wow!  That would be quite an entrance into one's home city, wouldn't it?  While it sounds exotic to us, it was a familiar ritual to all of the people under the Roman Empire, whether they were Christians or not.  They may or may not have personally witnessed it, but they knew about it.

Peter draws a parallel between the coming home of a triumphant Roman soldier and the coming home/entrance to heaven of a triumphant Christian soldier.  Those who fully embrace Christ in their lives, as evidenced by the adding of the Christian graces, can expect to receive a very warm and victorious entry into heaven!      

Did you know that scripture speaks of 4 different classes of people? 

  • There are some who are opposed to Christ (infidels or heathens).  They will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Revelation 21:27). 
  • Others are said to be close to the kingdom of heaven, inferring that they will eventually make a decision for Christ (Mark 12:34). 
  • There is a third group who are 'saved by fire' (I Corinthians 3:15), meaning that they have no good works or growth added to their salvation.  An example of this would be someone saved on their deathbed.  
  • Finally, there is a group who will experience an abundant entrance into heaven.  These are fruitful Christians who are daily growing in Christ.  They will not only experience a warm welcome into the kingdom, but a more ample reward for eternity.  

Which group are you in?

II Peter 1:12 – Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have.

Because these truths are so important, Peter is going to take every opportunity to remind believers of them.  This is reflective of his work as both an apostle and a pastor.

Pastors do reveal new truths to their congregants.  The truth was always there in scripture, though they may not have noticed it or understood it. 

But the majority of the pastor's labor is spent in reminding people of well known truths that they have not yet implemented in their lives.  Let's be honest - sometimes truth can be lost in the midst of living daily life; reminders to holy living are necessary for us all. 

Thank the Lord for pastors who never grow weary in coaching their flock to victory in their Christian race! 

For our part, let's make sure we are 'coachable'… that we allow God to impact/change our lives through the teachings and guidance (reminders) of our pastor.  If we work with our pastor instead of against him/her, we will benefit greatly (Hebrews 13:17). 

II Peter 1:13-15 – I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by the way of reminder, since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me.  And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things.

Essentially, Peter tells his readers that as long as he is on earth, it is his duty to spur them on to a diligent performance of their Christian duties and to keep a careful eye on spiritual matters.  Again, this is the duty shared by all apostles and ministers of Christ.

Peter probably feels this duty more acutely than ever, as he senses that he is nearing the end of his earthly life.  Soon, he will be martyred (crucified) for Christ, as Jesus revealed to him:

John 21:18-19 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, when you [Peter] were young, you dressed yourself, and walked where you would: but when you shall be old, you shall stretch forth your hands, and another shall dress you, and carry you where you would not.   This spoke he [Jesus], signifying by what death he [Peter] should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he said unto him, Follow me.

When people sense they are coming to the end of their lives, they often focus on what they consider to be the most important things in life.  They may share memories with you, reveal family secrets or give you some of their special possessions.  They will often try to mend relationships or express their love towards family and friends. 

Peter is approaching the end of his earthly life, and it was a really unusual life!  Consider what we know about the apostle Peter:  He saw the miracles of Jesus.  He witnessed the transfiguration.  He heard the teachings and understood the parables.  He walked on water.  He was at the first communion.  He was schooled in the Old Testament law, then after spending three years with Jesus, he came to an understanding of how the Law was fulfilled in Christ.  He was a first hand witness as the New Covenant was ushered in to replace the old.  He spent time with Jesus after his resurrection.

Amongst all the tremendous and miraculous things that he learned in life, what did he find most important?  Assuming he was speaking to Christians, what did he want to emphasize/to highlight/to continue to call to our remembrance?  What did he want us to keep in the forefront of our minds?

Faith in Christ, and the necessity of experiencing and practicing the graces/virtues of the Christian life, until we are called to heaven.   

This is important because believers who are established in the truth will not be shaken by the winds of false doctrine.  And nothing can give greater comfort in the closing moments of life than to know that we have faithfully followed/served Jesus and sought his glory. 

Had Peter lived in our day, he would probably have written multiple best selling Christian books.  He could have filled many of them with the wisdom and knowledge he gained from spending time with Jesus. 

Instead, Holy Spirit chose to preserve for us just two rather short letters.  And through the power of the Spirit these letters accomplish Peter's goal - to serve as a reminder of the important doctrines of Christianity, preserved as a reference for future generations of believers.

In verses 16-18, Peter refers to the transfiguration of Christ which was witnessed by himself along with James and John.  The account of the transfiguration can be found in Luke 9:28-36 and Matthew 17:1-9.  It is too long to copy into this post, so please take a moment to read it before continuing on. 

II Peter 1:16 – For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made know to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty,

Before and after the coming of Jesus, mankind has worshipped false gods and created false religions.  Fueled by Satan, these gods spring from the evil of men's hearts and imaginations.  They were frequently contrived to please and gratify men's desires with the eventual goal of deceiving and perverting their judgment and conduct.  And they have been very successful.  Passed on from generation to generation as truth, entire cultures have been enslaved to evil and darkness.  

Most false religions have their origins shrouded in mystery with one or maybe two witnesses, along with one great appearance or alleged miraculous sign.

Unlike false religions, the gospel message of Jesus Christ is the true council of God.  It is the genuine and infinitely wise plan of a loving Father who has made a way of salvation through his Son. It was never done in secret or shrouded in mystery.  Through the preaching of the gospel and the working of miracles, the power and coming of Jesus have been clearly revealed to anyone who will listen.   

The coming of Messiah was long predicted in scripture; it began immediately after the fall (Genesis 3:15).  The promise can be traced all through the Old Testament and into the New.  All along the way, God gives us ample evidence that he is carefully watching over his plan to bring it to pass at the perfect moment.  When the time was right, the prediction/promise of the coming of Messiah was fulfilled when Jesus Christ came to earth, born of a woman.  

The power of Jesus was clearly manifested while he was on earth.  The miracles he performed bore witness to the truth of the gospel message.  And the truth of the gospel message is this:  Only the power of Jesus is able to save to the uttermost all sinners that come to God through him.  Nothing but the blood of Christ is able to wash away all guilt and sin. 

There were hundreds if not thousands of witnesses to the power and resurrection of Christ, but Peter was witness to a special manifestation of the divinity of Jesus during the transfiguration.     

II Peter 1:17-18 – For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased," we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain.

Again, Peter is drawing on the evidence of his eyewitness account to proclaim the validity and truth of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, which in turn validates the gospel message. 

As Peter, James and John witnessed the glory and divine majesty of Jesus, they also heard God honoring his Son:

Matthew 17:5 - While he yet spoke, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear you him.

God himself confirmed that Jesus was the long promised Messiah by bestowing honor and glory upon him.  Honor refers to the statement of God and glory refers to the light of Christ's countenance.  The three apostles were both eye witnesses and ear witnesses of this event.  It was not a vision or a hallucination.  It was a real experience.   

The statement 'this is my beloved Son' declares that without question Jesus was the promised Messiah.  Because that is true, everything contained within the Law (represented by Moses) and the Prophets (represented by Elijah) regarding the Messiah applies to Jesus. 

It also means that all future prophesy concerning the Messiah (his return to earth, his defeat of Satan, his 1000 year reign, etc) are also true and we can have the utmost confidence that these events will occur as prophesied at their appointed times.   

Because God the Father loves Jesus, he also loves all those who have faith in Jesus.  Because God the Father is pleased with Jesus, he is also pleased with all those who have faith in Jesus.  In fact, it is ONLY through faith in Jesus that we can be accepted by God and become his adopted children.     

As a final note, the mountain on which this occurred is not definitely identified, though tradition names the location as Mount Tabor.  This mountain was not holy in and of itself; rather it had relative holiness - any place where God is, is holy (Exodus 3:4-5).  Therefore, this was a holy place at the time the transfiguration occurred. 

II Peter 1:19 – And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts,

We – Christians.

Have the prophetic word – Prophesies that related to the Messiah.

More fully confirmed – The three apostles (Peter, James and John) had seen/heard the transfiguration of Jesus and bore witness that Jesus was the Messiah.      

However, the Holy Scriptures are also a witness – a more fully confirmed witness.  Here is why: 

The prophesies about Messiah are found throughout the Old Testament.  They are very numerous, given by different individuals, at different times, and by their sheer number they provide a stronger proof of truth than a single manifestation (the transfiguration), no matter how clear and glorious the manifestation was.

These prophesies were recorded (preserved in writing), so that they remained unchanged and could later (hundreds of years) be compared to the events that actually occurred.  By making this comparison, a sound judgment could be made (by anyone) about the identity and work of the Messiah.

Because these prophesies were numerous and given well in advance of the events of the transfiguration, hearers of the word can be sure that there was no secret collusion by the apostles to artificially make Jesus the Messiah.  In other words, they did not make up the events of the transfiguration just to fool people into believing in Jesus was the Messiah.  There were many other proofs that testify of this truth.

You will do well to pay attention to - All Christians should study or pay close attention to these prophesies, because they provide the evidence/confirmation that our belief in Jesus is not vain.

As a lamp shining in a dark place – The prophesies act as a light source that illuminated the identity and work of the Messiah before he came to earth (when our understanding was darkened).  Although they did not give perfect light or perfect understanding of the Messiah and his work, they enabled us to see/understand/confirm things which would otherwise be invisible or hidden to us.    

Until the day dawns - There is a comparison here between a lamp shining in darkness and the morning light.  When you see things by a lamp shining at midnight, your vision is somewhat obscured.  While you get a general idea of what you are looking at, you can't see all the details.  However, when the light of day dawns, things become illuminated and the details become clear.

In the same way, Old Testament prophesies gave us a limited view of the Messiah, but now that Jesus has actually come, the truth shines like daylight, fully making the gospel clear.  

Let's consider an example.  In Isaiah 42:1-9, we find a really complex prophesy concerning the Messiah.  Feel free to examine the entire passage, but we are just going to take a quick look at one verse:

Isaiah 42:7 - To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.

People who lived during the time of Jesus could have looked back at this passage from Isaiah and compared it to what they knew about Jesus.  Did Jesus open the eyes of the blind?  Obviously, the answer is yes!  In fact, Jesus almost certainly healed the eyes of many, many more blind people than the New Testament mentions. 

And Jesus not only opened physical eyes, he opened spiritual eyes/understanding as well.  (This is the part that was probably obscured until Jesus actually came). Those who had their spiritual eyes opened believed on him as Messiah and they were set free from the prison of sin and death.   

So, we see that there were prophesies that were only partially or incompletely understood by people before the Messiah came.  However, after Jesus actually came to earth and completed his mission, those prophesies were brought to light or made more clear by the actual events they referred to.

Here is something for your consideration:  There are still prophesies yet to be fulfilled concerning the second coming of Christ!  In our day, we have an obscured understanding of the book of Revelation, portions of Daniel and other prophetic books.  We know enough to understand the basics – Jesus has promised to return.  He has promised to take his faithful followers to heaven.  He has promised a final judgment for Satan and sin.  He will rule for 1000 years on this planet. 

But we obviously do not have a clear understanding of how or when these things will take place.  They will only be fully understood as their fulfillment gradually unfolds.

II Peter 1:20-21 – Knowing this first of all, that no prophesy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophesy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

In other words, biblical prophesies did not originate in the minds of the prophets themselves.  They were not the opinions, the inventions or the ideas of man.  They originated in the mind of God and they were imparted/given to the prophets by Holy Spirit so they could be communicated to mankind.

 Likewise, the prophets did not prophesy according to their own will.  In other words, they did not choose the time or place of receiving.  They simply yielded to the Spirit of God, when he moved upon them.

Clearly, they did not write by their own authority.  The words that were recorded carry the authority of Almighty God.  Therefore, we should be careful to heed what they wrote. 

This is true for ALL OF SCRIPTURE (not just the prophesies).  This is why Paul tells us that ALL scripture is profitable for doctrine, instruction, reproof, correction and instruction (II Timothy 3:16). 

Finally, it should be noted that many scholars find a secondary interpretation of verses 19-20. 

Some interpret these verses to mean that no prophesy in the scriptures should be fully understood of only the persons and events to whom the speaker/prophet first intended, for holy men of God were moved by Holy Spirit to speak words which signified a deeper meaning than what was revealed on the surface. 

For example, Psalms 2 was written by King David.  It speaks of him ascending to his earthly throne.  However, it is considered a messianic Psalm – meaning it also prophetically refers to Jesus eventually ascending to his throne.

Scholars believe that when David wrote Psalms 2 he was under the influence of Holy Spirit and that he believed he was writing only about himself.  He did not understand that Holy Spirit was also revealing a future and greater fulfillment of his words in relation to Jesus.

Let me offer you some encouragement and some relief:

It is always good for us to stop and examine our Christian faith once in a while.  It helps us have confidence that we are on the right track and that we have not become stagnant in our walk with Christ.

I encourage you to take a fair look at your Christian graces.  Are you growing in them?  Have you seen growth in your spiritual life in the last six months?  The last year?  If so, then carry on!  If not, speak to the Lord about your situation.

Let me offer you some strength:

Have you read the book of Revelation?  Did you understand it all?  Me neither! 

But here is the exciting news – even though these prophesies are obscured right now, they will one day be clear.  For now we can rest in the knowledge that if God brought about a fulfillment of the prophesies concerning the coming of the Messiah, he will also fulfill the prophesies that relate to his return!  In fact, we may live in the generation that sees them completely fulfilled.  How exciting would that be!


I Peter 1:18-19 – knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.

Although silver and gold are valued commodities in our culture, they are 'perishable' or corrupt.  As such, the only power they posses is the ability to pervert or defile your walk with God by acting as a snare, a temptation or a hindrance to you.  Things that are corrupt do not have the power to purchase or redeem an incorruptible, immortal soul, like yours.

The only commodity that is incorruptible and that has the power to redeem your soul is the sinless blood of Christ.  Knowing and meditating on the fact that God paid such a high price to buy us back should provide powerful motivation for us to live holy lives, revering Father God.

Today, we like to exchange money electronically.  When we are paid, our wages are directly deposited into a bank account.  When we pay our bills, we log onto a computer, push some buttons and move the money around.  We buy things using credit cards.  Many people very seldom, if ever, handle money anymore.  What about you?  Do you still consider money as a real commodity that you touch and handle, or is it just numbers on a screen to you?

In light of this, we need to remind ourselves that the debt we owed and the price God paid for us are not just metaphorical; they are not just entries in some cosmic accounting system.  The debt of our sin was real.  That debt was going to be placed on our backs, and would have resulted in eternal death.  Imagine being dead but never being able to actually die and find relief from pain, sorrow and torment.  Imagine enduring those things (and much worse) forever without ceasing.  This is not just some idea or theory; eternal death because of sin is a reality.

The price that Jesus paid for our forgiveness is also a reality.  God didn't just 'write off' our sin like a bad debt.  The full punishment of our transgression was laid upon our Redeemer.  Jesus, the Lamb of God without spot or blemish, suffered a very real and hideous death to pay the full price of our sin.  

In light of the innocent blood and horrendous suffering that bought our salvation, shouldn't we willingly and eagerly live holy lives to God?  Shouldn't we honor Jesus' sacrifice by turning our backs on sin?  Why would we want to cling to death?

I Peter 1:20 – He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you…

Peter now circles back to his original thoughts in verse 2, specifically, that before the foundation of the world God chose to put in motion a plan where Jesus would be born in the flesh.  He would suffer, die and be raised to life again on the third day.  His blood would atone for the sin of anyone who accepted his sacrifice.  (Peter's Jewish readers recognized that Passover was a foreshadowing of the sacrificial death of Jesus.  This meant that Christianity was not some new religion, but a fulfillment of all the Old Testament promises.)    

The atonement of Christ was not some spur-of-the-moment idea or an afterthought on the part of God.  It was his purpose from eternity, before the foundation of the world and before sin was even a thing!   

Likewise, the timing of this event was perfect in every regard. The birth of Jesus into a body of flesh came at a fixed, appointed time.  So did his death and resurrection.  They mark the final dispensation of time. 

What about you?  Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your birth, you arrived on this plant on the exact day that God ordained for you.  Regardless of what your parents may say, you are not an accident.  You are not a mistake or an afterthought.  God knew you before he knit you together in your mother's womb.  He has purposely placed YOU in the very last dispensation of time – the age of grace.  He has chosen to give you full access to all of the riches of the gift of grace. 

Even now, your spirit should be rising up in praise and worship to God.  What a blessing we have in Jesus!  

I Peter 1:21 – …who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

There is only one way to faith in God.  That way is Jesus Christ who was raised from the dead and glorified by the Father. Without Jesus, we would dread and fear God.  With him, we can approach the Father with confidence, hope and love.

I Peter 1:22 – Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart,

How does one purify their soul?  It is a combined effort between each individual and Holy Spirit. 

Each of us has a part to play in our own holiness.  It is a task that will require purpose and effort. 

This is not really mysterious in any way; this is exactly what we encounter in the natural world.  If you want to be a great golfer, you must study golf, obtain the proper equipment and most importantly of all, you have to put forth effort and practice!  There is no 'magical' effortless way to become a golf pro.  

Holiness and Christian obedience are much the same.  They don't happen 'magically'.  We have to renew our minds with the word of God and apply the truth to our actions.  We must take control over/crucify our flesh and its desires.  We must resist the temptations of Satan. 

However, this process is effective only through the agency of Holy Spirit.  He applies the truth to our minds and makes it alive so that it produces results in our lives.  Every seed has the capacity in itself to produce a harvest.  But without sun and moisture and nutrients, the potential of the seed will not be realized.  In the same way, we have the potential to be holy, obedient people of God, but without Holy Spirit, we will never bring about a spiritual harvest.  

The effect of this influence of Holy Spirit in our lives is to produce love in us, towards all who are Christians.  This love for our Christian family springs up in the soul of every person who has truly been converted; it is certain evidence of salvation.

John 13:35 – By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.

It is likely that Christian love was an issue in the churches of Asia Minor.  The Christian Jews and Christian Gentiles clearly came from vastly different cultural backgrounds.  The Jewish Christians still retained an affection for outward manifestations of religion like dietary laws and circumcision.  These rituals were not necessary for salvation, but many Jews still practiced them because they were a part of their heritage.

Speaking of heritage, consider this:  For hundreds and hundreds of years Jews had been taught that Gentiles were heathen dogs, who had no part in the things of God.  You can see how it would be difficult for this generation to change their thinking and begin to love and accept their Gentile brothers and sisters as equal partners in the kingdom of heaven.   

Meanwhile, the Gentiles Christians would have no patience for what seemed to them to be empty rituals.  They didn't understand why their Jewish brothers were making such a big fuss about things like eating meat sacrificed to idols.  Also, they may have felt that their Jewish brothers looked down upon them, considering them 'step children' of God. 

Only genuine brotherly love, brought about by Holy Spirit could truly take these two vastly different groups of people and meld them together into a single united church under Christ.    Without this love, the church would be divided. And a house divided against itself will fall (Mark 3:4-26).

Where does this truth leave the church today?  Do we find divisions in the world-wide church of God?  Are the Baptists and the Pentecostals enemies or brothers?  Can the Lutherans and the Anglicans and the Evangelicals and the Methodists love one another and work together for the spread of the gospel?  What about the Protestants and the Catholics?   What role do you play in brotherly love? 

I Peter 1:23 - …since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God;

Those who have been born again have good reason to love one another.  We are part of the same kingdom, under the authority of the same king, partakers of the same privileges, with the same goal in mind – to be more and more like Christ and to bring others into the kingdom.  These things are all produced by the incorruptible seed of the word of God which has sprouted up in the life of every Christian.

I Peter 1:24-25 – for "All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass.  The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever."  And this word is the good news that was preached to you.

Here, Peter quotes from the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 40:6-8).  While the incorruptible seed of God produces eternal life, the corruptible seed of the flesh can only result in death.  

The seed of flesh produces life that is similar to flowers and grass.  For a time, they seem vibrant and healthy, displaying beauty, wealth, and strength.  But these have no hope of lasting.  In a very short time, they will simply wither and fade.  Nothing can make them eternal.

Psalms 103:15-16 – As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.

If we look at the history of the world, we find kingdoms that have risen and fallen.  Ideas that have found favor are subsequently discarded.  Trends in all areas of life come and go.  Youth gives way to the frailty of old age.  Nothing in this world lasts forever. 

But by contrast, that which is produced by the incorruptible seed of the word of God, has eternal DNA.  It will never die or fade away; it is everlasting, fixed and permanent with a glory that will never fade. 

The 'Easter story' – the doctrine of the crucified and risen Christ – is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles, yet it alone is the incorruptible seed of the power of God for salvation to every soul that believes.   

The gospel never changes.  The blood of Jesus never loses its power.  The redemptive work of Jesus is forever "finished".  The word of the Lord will stand forever.  Life in Jesus is eternal. 

Thus, the Old Testament prophets and the New Testament apostles agree:  Life in Christ, though it come with trials in this world, is the only sure hope for mankind.  Everlasting life comes only through him.  The word of the Lord is a strong foundation that we should greatly desire and diligently seek.   

Let me offer you some encouragement and some relief:

Scripture tells us that God as determined the day of your birth and the day of your death (Psalms 139).  He did this because he as a purpose for your life.  You may or may not know what that purpose is at this point.

If you do know, then I strongly encourage you to pursue that calling and purposes will all your heart and strength. 

If you do not yet know what your purpose in life is, then I encourage you to strongly seek the will of God through the Holy Spirit.  He will reveal to you the plans God has for your life.   

Let me offer you some strength:

The world ebbs and flows; fads come and go, just like flowers bloom and fade. 

But the life that you possess as a child of God is permanent and lasting.  God is a firm foundation, a solid rock upon which you can build every aspect of your life.  When the rains of hardship begin beating down, your life will not falter or fail, because you have built upon Jesus!   


II Peter 1:5 – For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge,

In our last post, we noted that the fountain of all spiritual blessings is the divine power of Jesus, who was both God and man.  From him we receive everything that is necessary for preserving, improving and perfecting godliness and life (both physical and spiritual).

This is the 'reason' that Peter mentions in verse 5.  In other words, because God has provided these abundant, valuable and costly blessings through the death and resurrection of his Son, we ought to take advantage of them.

In fact, we are to make every effort to use or partake of these blessings.  What does it mean to make every effort?

It means that we should set our desire upon it – Generally speaking, humans will pursue the things they desire.  If your greatest desire is to own a sports car, then you will pursue that car.  You will look at them online, or in the show room.  You will know what kind of engine the car has, what amenities are available, what kind of special tires are best, etc.  You make a space for it in your garage.  You will begin to save money or look at a loan in order to get this car.  No matter how long you have to wait, you won't give up, because you desire that car.

Christians need to have this same desire for spiritual godliness in our lives.  If we desire to have greater knowledge of God, we will pursue it.  We will read his word, study it, pray over it and put it into practice.  We will ask the Father to reveal the hidden things of his word to us.  We will sacrifice time previously spent on worldly things in order to get greater knowledge of God.  In other words, we will pay a price to have it just like you would pay a price for a car.  And we will never give up, no matter how long we have to wait.

Think of it as a goal.  We often have goals in the natural realm.  Why not in the spiritual realm as well?

 It means that we should make choices that agree with it – Let's suppose in the physical realm you want to be a marathon runner.  I personally have never been a runner, but I know some people who are.  They make choices consistent with their goal.  If you offer them a piece of pie, they will turn it down, because they only want to put nutritional food into their bodies, to help them reach their goal.  These people will pay hundreds of dollars for a pair of running shoes.  They could buy less expensive shoes, but they don't – they buy the shoes that give them the best chance of succeeding in the sport of running.  Instead of staying up all night, they get eight hours of sleep, because that choice is consistent with their goal of running 26 miles all at once time.  

In the same way, we need to make choices that agree with the spiritual principles we are striving for.  If you want an increased knowledge of God, then look at the choices you are making.  What are you reading?  What are you watching?  What do you talk about?  How much time are you spending on godly instruction or prayer?  What are you meditating on? 

Are the choices you make in your daily life setting you up for success or failure of your spiritual goals?    

It means that effort and persistence will be required – People who want to run a marathon must, well, run.  If it is sunny and beautiful outside, they run.  If it is snowing and 25 degrees, they run.  If it is a holiday, they run.  After work, when the rest of us are sitting on the couch, they run.  You get the picture, right? 

They don't start out running 26 miles, do they?  They go as far as they can, then each day or week they increase that amount.  They steadily and persistently work up to their goal of 26 miles.  They fail, but they don't give up.  They put the failure behind them, and get back to work.    

Spiritual success comes the same way.  It is not instantaneous; it is developed over time with effort and persistence.  You can't give up after one day, and still expect to know all about God.  And when you run into a setback, you can't give up.  Put it behind you and get back in the race!

Now that we understand more about how to take advantage of the opportunities God has provided for us through the sacrifice of Christ, let's take a look at some of the godly traits (aka spiritual graces) that Peter recommends we pursue.

Supplement your faith:  Faith in Christ (salvation) is the starting point of all spiritual matters, for every person.  Peter confirms this in 1:1 where he asserts that we all have "like precious faith" in Christ.  But after that, you should supplement or add spiritual graces to your life.  You can pursue any of the spiritual graces that Peter mentions in any order

You can even pursue multiple goals at one time.  The overall meaning of this passage is that Christians should strive to posses and/or exhibit all of these things in our lives.  The order in which we add them will depend upon our individual circumstances and the prompting of Holy Spirit. 

Let's examine the meanings of these spiritual graces:

VIRTUE:  Virtue is defined as manly strength or courage, bravery, daring, valor.  This refers to the courage and boldness that is necessary it maintaining the principles of Christianity.   We see virtue exhibited all through the bible.

  • Virtue, along with Holy Spirit, sustains and strengthens our faith during times of testing, trial and persecution (like Abraham or Stephen). 
  • Virtue gives us the ability to share the gospel with unbelievers, even when they reject the message (like Isaiah or Paul).
  • Virtue allows us to stand up for truth in a culture that is deceived by sin (like Lot or the apostles).
  • Virtue allows us to do the right thing or the different thing, when everyone else is 'following the crowd' (like Joseph or John the Baptist).

For me personally, I always find Psalms 18 to be a very virtuous portion of scripture.  It seems to just breathe boldness and confidence into me when I read it.  I particularly love verse 30:

Psalms 18:30 – This God – his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.

Think about that… the world takes lies and calls them truth, and they try to shame anyone who does not agree with them.  But you and I not only know the real truth, we know that eventually, that truth will be manifested to everyone. 

We know, without a shadow of doubt that the things God has spoken WILL come to pass.  Doesn't that give you courage/virtue to stand up for what is right, even if others disagree?  In our society, virtue is much needed!  

KNOWLEDGE:  Knowledge is clear perception of fact, truth or duty; that which is gained by instruction, learning, enlightenment or experience.    

What do we know about God and his ways? How do we know it?

Knowledge of God and his ways can be obtained by reading and/or studying the Bible.  For instance, Isaiah tells us that God heals:   

Isaiah 53:5 - But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

So, by reading or studying the bible, we can know or have a clear perception of the fact that God heals. 

Knowledge of God and his ways can be obtained by hearing the testimony of others.  For instance, you can talk to people in your own church or family who have been healed by God.  They can show you the doctor's report or the x-ray that gave a diagnosis of cancer.  They will tell you how they prayed for healing.  And they will certainly tell you the story of how God miraculously and completely drove cancer from their body.  You can also tune into many Christian programs and hear the same kind of testimonies.     

So by hearing the testimony of reliable witnesses, you can obtain the knowledge that God heals people.

Knowledge of God and his ways can be obtained by having a personal experience with Him yourself.  Perhaps you are the one who got a diagnosis of cancer from the doctor.  Perhaps you are the one who sought healing through prayer, and the one who was miraculously healed by the power of God. 

By experiencing the power of God for yourself, you learned about healing; you have a clear perception of truth because of what you went through.  This is often called experiential knowledge, and it is some of the most powerful understanding you can get.  

Knowledge of God and his ways can be obtained by revelation.  There are some truths that God reveals directly to us.  A good example of this was when God gave the apostle Peter a vision of a sheet lowered from heaven that contained all types of unclean animals.  God then told Peter to eat, but Peter refused saying he would never eat anything that was unclean.  God responded by saying that Peter had no right to call something unclean that God had declared was clean. 

Acts 10:28 - And he said unto them, You know that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God has showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.

You can read the vision in its entirety in Acts chapter 10, but the gist of the matter is that God gave Peter a direct revelation of truth - that Gentiles were to be included in the plan of salvation. 

Revelations often come in dreams or visions, and they must be weighed carefully.  As a general reminder, no revelation of God will contradict his written word. 

II Peter 1:6 - and knowledge with self control, and self control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness,

In the life of a Christian, everything is to be confined within proper limits.  We are not to indulge our passions beyond the boundaries established by God.  This includes passions and tendencies that are clearly evil (for example, sexual sins) as well as things that may not seem terribly evil, but can result in harm (over eating, intoxication). 

SELF CONTROL:  Self control is restraint exercised over one's self; restrained or moderate indulgence, moderation of passion.

Basically, self control is your ability to say 'no' or 'that's enough' to your own desires. 

For instance, we know that God has created sexual intercourse as a blessing for both men and women.  But God has also set limits on that pleasure.  It is only to be enjoyed in a marriage relationship between one man and one woman.  In any other context, it is sin (adultery, fornication, rape, pedophilia, etc). 

Let's suppose that you went to Cleveland to see your favorite sports team.  You and your friends find your way to your seats where you immediately discover that you are sitting next to someone of the opposite sex, whom you find to be sexually attractive.    

Most people of the world would immediately try to parlay that attraction into some kind of an encounter.  This is not surprising – according to the world's thinking, anything goes.  If it feels good, do it.  Hedonism reigns.  True freedom is the absence of any restraint. 

However, the Christian mind has been renewed by the word of God.  We understand that true freedom is not the absence of restraint.  Freedom is the ability to choose light (life) over darkness (death).  True freedom is the ability to enjoy the pleasures God has given us within the context he established.  There are no destructive consequences when we enjoy pleasure this way.  However, any other indulgence results in sin, and sin can never result in life; it can only produce death, even though it includes a momentary pleasure or thrill.   

Let's consider another example: the consumption of alcohol.  Christians often argue over whether alcohol is a sin or not.  I am not here to give you my opinion on that subject; you need to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

However, I can tell you that drunkenness or over indulgence in alcohol is a bad thing.

Ephesians 5:18 – And be not drunk with wine, in which is excess; but be filled with the Spirit… 

Think of it in this context:  Drunkenness is a gateway to sin.  When you are drunk, you lose your inhibitions and you do/say things that you would never ever consider doing/saying otherwise.  Many of these actions are overtly sinful, or they cast aspersions on you and your gospel witness.  They can be avoided by simply exercising self control and keeping yourself from becoming drunk.  

The bottom line is that self control should be a grace grown and exercised in every avenue of the Christian life – what we wear, what we say, how much we eat, how we conduct business, etc.  

STEADFASTNESS/PATIENCE: The act or power of calmly or contentedly waiting for something; forbearance, uncomplaining endurance.  To be firmly fixed or established, steady, resolute; not fickle or wavering.

We need an element of patience (steady, resolute, unwavering commitment) as we grow/strengthen/acquire the other Christian graces.  For example, as we already discussed, if we want knowledge of God, it comes by reading the word, study and prayer.  Knowledge is not obtained instantly.  We acquire it over time and thus it requires patience in order to get it.  

Patience plays a similar role in the acquisition of all other Christian graces, and so it is very important.

But, as you know, patience involves so much more than just the acquisition of Christian graces.  God often allows trials, tribulations and periods of waiting into our lives in order to promote spiritual growth in us. 

Patience (forbearance, uncomplaining endurance) is often paired with faith.  Both will be required as we righteously suffer under trials.  In circumstances like these, we must have a conscious submission of our will to the will of God, trusting that he is working all things out for our good.  When we do, we will reap a bounty rewards.  Let me explain.   

Let us suppose, for example, that you are experiencing some headaches.  Eventually, you go to the doctor who finds a lump or cyst of some kind in your skull.  He says the situation looks bad and he prepares you for the worst case scenario.  His office schedules a scan for you in about 90 days.   

This is a situation that calls for patience as well as faith.  First, you must acknowledge that God has allowed this trial into your life, and so he wants to accomplish something in your life through it.  For this reason, you choose not to wallow in self pity, complain about the unfairness of the situation, curse God, blame others, etc. 

Instead, you opt for patience.  You decide to seek God and allow him to shape your life.  You begin to read scriptures about faith and healing.  You have the elders of the church anoint you with oil and pray for you.  You spend time in God's presence daily, actively praising him and drawing close to him.  You give a positive confession of faith to all of your family and friends.

Eventually, after the 90 days, you have the scan and the doctor says the lump is still there and it must be drained.  You don't give up on healing; you continue to trust in the Lord and maintain a patient attitude.  Once the cyst/lump is drained, the doctor tells you that the results are actually negative – you are going to be fine!

Your trial is now over.  What work did God accomplish through your patience?

  • Before this trial, you had educational knowledge that God heals, because you read it in the scriptures.  Now, you have experiential knowledge – you personally have experienced a healing touch from Jesus!  This is a whole new level or depth of knowledge that cannot be acquired any other way than through patient experience.
  • You now have a testimony of the power of Jesus that you can share with everyone you know.  Don't be surprised if this testimony opens up doors for you to share the gospel with people.
  • You are a witness of God's power to the doctors, nurses and all of the medical professionals who treated you. 
  • You know that God has not only healed you, but walked with you through the very valley of the shadow of death. And you know that he was faithful to you.  This builds up your faith and puts you in a position to do even greater things in the kingdom of heaven. 

 What else does patience do?

Patience gives you the ability to keep praying for your loved one to turn their life around and surrender to Christ, even when you don't see an immediate change.

Patience gives you the ability to bear offences from others, as they try to mature in spiritual matters. 

Patience gives you the ability to inherit the promises of God:       

Hebrews 6:12 – That you be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.  

Get yourself a generous helping of patience – you'll be glad you did!

GODLINESS:  Strictly speaking godliness means worship and reverence for God; it suggests a blend of fear/respect mixed with love. 

But the true sense of the word is actually much fuller than that.  Godliness is demonstrated by growing more and more into the divine likeness of Christ and demonstrating Christian graces such as knowledge, submission, gratitude, obedience, affection, veneration, etc.   

It is interesting to note that godliness is another Christian grace that is often paired with patience - nothing promotes patience under trials like godliness (frequent true spiritual worship of God), while in turn, godliness produces patience in us.

II Peter 1:7 – and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love.

BROTHERLY AFFECTION: Zealous or tender attachment; settled pervasive good will and love towards fellow Christians.

The bible speaks of a peculiar affection amongst Christians.  We are brothers and sisters in the family of God.  In a perfect spiritual family, all the members cherish, support and build each other up.  They love each other, provide for each other, teach each other, and correct each other.  They comfort one another during difficult times and rejoice with each other during happy times.

Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?

John 13:35 - By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.

The caveat is that Christians are not perfect.  If we were, then brotherly affection would simply exist as a part of our faith.  But since we are not, brotherly affection becomes one of the Christian graces that we need to work on.   Sometimes it is truly work to love those who are different than you are, but the effort is well worth the rewards in peace, unity and love.

LOVE:  A feeling of strong attachment, preeminent kindness or devotion to another; affection, tenderness, strong liking or desire. 

Christian love or charity is too big and too valuable to be confined within the church.  It must be extended outside the walls of the building to mankind in general.  Remember, God loved the world (every single person on earth) so much, that he sent Jesus to die for all of us.   

It is our Christian duty to reach out to the lost and exhibit the love of Christ to them, so they might turn from their sin and become part of the family of God.  Let me clarify - this is not an option.  We are commanded to do it:

Mark 12:31 - …You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.  

How do we accomplish this?  In my opinion, loving the lost is not some big, complex, highly planned event.  Rather, it is a series of small interactions that take place over time.  It means loving the unbeliever every single day, in some manner (uh-oh… sounds like we might need patience). 

It's a matter of knowing precisely how our Father wants us to exhibit his love and compassion to that particular unbeliever who has been abused by Satan.  If we follow the promptings of Holy Spirit, he will show us the way to demonstrate that love in each case (sounds like we will be needing knowledge).

It's a matter of overlooking minor irritations and even outright attacks, so that the gospel can be spread to those who are in darkness (sounds like we'll be using self control).

Of course, overlooking faults and loving the unlovely is not for the faint of heart.  You might have to take several attacks before the unbeliever is stunned by your godly reaction to them; they probably haven't witnessed 'turning the other cheek' before (sounds like virtue will be required). 

Scripture says that a tree is known by its fruit.  When we cultivate Christian virtues into our daily lives, they won't remain hidden.  They will be seen by the lost.  They will give us the opportunity to tell people why we are so different.  How much godliness is evident in your life right now?

I Peter 1:8 – For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Peter makes an excellent point here… that these qualities ought to be constantly increasing in our lives.  In other words, there is no point at which we can say we 'have arrived' or that we have 100% of patience, or godliness or knowledge, etc. 

The Christian graces are things we constantly strive for.  Sometimes we will miss the mark.  But the important thing is that we make continual progress, and that we use what we already have.  If we consistently do those two things, we are assured that we will bear kingdom fruit.  We will show the world that we truly know Jesus Christ.

In fact, when we practice these virtues, we will come into a fuller, more advanced and intimate knowledge of Christ.  We will live vigorous, active practical Christian lives and we will be very fruitful in the works of righteousness.  This kind of fruit brings glory to God. 

As we said in our introduction, false teachers were a problem for the churches in Asia Minor at this time, which is part of the reason that Peter wrote this epistle. 

The false teachers were certainly ineffective and unfruitful in leading people to knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Nothing they did or said produced fruit in the lives of the people around them.  In fact, upon further examination in chapter 2, we find that the fruits they produced are actually the opposite of the virtues we have just discussed! 

II Peter 1:9 – For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins.

Scripture makes it plain that holiness of heart and life are a natural consequence of being a Christian.  Growing in the Christian graces is a reflection of a normal and healthy Christian life. 

On the other hand, an absence of growth in the spiritual graces should be considered a warning sign or a symptom of disease in the life of a Christian.  Holy Spirit works in the life of every believer to constantly make them over into the image of Christ.  If this is not happening, there is a problem – and it is a problem the person himself has caused.

The word in this passage translated 'nearsighted' literally means 'winking' or 'closing the eyes against light'.  It implies voluntary action; the nearsighted Christian is willfully or voluntary blind to the true fullness/outcome of his faith.   

Whereas a normal Christian has his eyes focused on God, heavenly things and the eventual outcome of living a life of righteousness, the nearsighted Christian has his heart and mind focused on this world.  He cares more for the things of earth than he does for the things of heaven.  In a best case scenario his Christian fruitfulness is choked out (Mark 4:19).  In a worst case scenario, he has grieved Holy Spirit and he will fall away from the faith.   

Such a person can be described as forgetting that they were cleansed from sin and made a new creature in Christ.  If he could remember how he was set free from his own sinful state, he would show greater diligence and effort lest he should again fall a slave to sin.

It is vitally important that we are consciously pursing Christian graces.

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Let's suppose you plant two peach trees.  One, you leave alone – you do absolutely nothing to it.  The second one you fertilize, prune, water, etc.  In the end, which one will produce the best fruit?  Obviously, the one you invested time and effort into.

In the same way, we need to purposely cultivate Christian graces.  We need to work hand in hand with Holy Spirit to increase the spiritual qualities that will result in an increased knowledge of God. 

I encourage you to take an inventory of your spiritual graces.  Find out where you're at and decide where you want to be.  We all have areas of our lives that need work!

Let me offer you some relief:

Odds are good that if we do an assessment on our own spiritual graces, we will find multiple areas that need work.  But don't let that overwhelm you.  Start by consulting Holy Spirit.  Ask him where you should begin the process.  He is there to lead and guide you into all truth; he will set you on a clear path to change. 

And you don't have to change all at once.  If you make small changes consistently over time, it will result in big differences.

Let me offer you some strength:

Most people hate to change.  But you can embrace change much more easily, if you consider the reward at the end of the change.  

For example, you might want to lose weight because you are going to see friends you have not seen for a long time.   Making the changes necessary to lose the weight (and sticking with them over time) will be tough.  But if you keep reminding yourself of the goal, it will give you strength to stay on course.

In the same way, if we keep our eyes fixed on our eternal, heavenly life, it will remind us to stay the course here on earth.  If we know that we can gain an increased knowledge of God by pursuing spiritual graces, we will have plenty of strength to make the change.





INTRODUCTION:  There was a period in early Christian history when doubt was cast upon the authorship of this letter.  Because the style of II Peter is very different from that of I Peter, there were some who felt the epistle was a fake.  

However, closer examination confirms that Peter is the author. 

  • In II Peter 1:1, the author identifies himself not merely as Peter (the name given to him by Jesus), but also as Simon – the apostles legal name, given to him by his parents at the time of his circumcision. When used together, this name indicates none other than the apostle himself. 
  • In II Peter 1:16-18, the author claims to have been present at the transfiguration of Christ.  Since only 3 disciples were present with Jesus at that event (Peter, James and John), this is further confirmation that Peter is the author of this letter.  
  • In II Peter 3:1, the author speaks of this as being his second letter.  Again, this points to Peter as the author of this second epistle bearing his name. 
  • In II Peter 1:14, the author indicates that Jesus had predicted a certain type of death for him.  This is consistent with what Jesus spoke to Peter in John 21:18.

Despite the fact that the styles are different, all of the internal evidence leads to the overwhelming conclusion that the apostle Peter is the true author of this gospel.

Further doubt was cast upon this book's authenticity because it was not specifically mentioned by the earliest Christian writers.  However, this fact can be accounted for by the lateness of the letter's appearance and the fact that it was not addressed to any specific local church (which would have widely distributed the letter).

The church as a whole has accepted this book as a valid part of the canon of scripture for at least 1700 years.  Despite a few isolated complaints, we can have the utmost confidence that Holy Spirit moved upon the apostle Peter to write this letter and that it is a valid part of the word of God.  As such, it is useful for doctrine, instruction and edification of all Christians.

WHEN AND WHERE:  Peter's first gospel was written around 60-64 AD.  Since his death is recorded as occurring around 67-68 AD, we can narrow down the time of writing to 64-67 AD, with most scholars leaning towards an early time frame of 64-65 AD.  According to Jewish tradition, Peter lived the last 10 years of his earthly life in Rome.  Therefore, both of the books bearing his name were very likely written at that location. 

WHO:   According to Peter himself (II Peter 3:1), the second letter is written to the same group of people as the first letter – the Christian churches in Asia Minor, made up of both Jews and Gentiles.

WHY:  The second letter from the apostle is a warning to believers against false teachers and other 'seducers' who make promises of great liberty in Christ and thus convince or beguile Christians into sin and licentiousness (excessive abuse of freedom, sensual or  immoral conduct).  Essentially, false teachers were instructing believers that 'anything goes', because grace covers all.  We know this to be false (Romans 6:1-2), but it was a problem back then.  Indeed, this false viewpoint makes an appearance in other generations as well; even in our own lifetimes a message of 'sloppy grace' has been endorsed by well known ministers. 

In this letter, Peter refutes these false teachings and gives a strong reminder of the certainty and nearness of final judgment. He encourages Christians to grow in grace, rather than live close to sin.

II Peter 1:1 – Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ:

As we mentioned in the introduction, Simon was his Jewish name.  It was given to him on his admission to the old covenant by circumcision of his flesh. 

But he is also Peter, the name given to him as he was admitted to the new covenant by circumcision of the heart, through faith in Jesus Christ.

When taken together, these names demonstrate the great spiritual change he has undergone.  What about you?  What kind of spiritual change have you undergone?  Take a moment to consider your life under sin and contrast it with your life as a child of God.  Big difference, right?  Would you want to go back to your former way of life?  Obviously not!  No Christian I know would trade their life in Christ for anything!

Peter describes himself as both a servant and an apostle.  The word servant refers to all ministers of the gospel in general.  However, the word apostle means that he was commissioned by Jesus himself to preach the word of God and to shepherd the church.  This position carries a high degree of authority.  Therefore, the readers of this epistle should be careful to pay attention to the instructions given by Peter; he speaks with the authority of Christ.

Those reading this letter (including you!) are said to have obtained a precious faith.  In this instance, precious means valuable and costly.  This is a good description, because faith in Christ is of infinite value, but it was an extremely costly gift given by our Heavenly Father. 

Peter builds on that thought when he declares that this faith is ours because of the righteousness of God the Father and our savior, Jesus the Christ.  What does Peter mean by that?

He is referring to the faithfulness of God to fulfill the promises made to mankind.  Way back in the book of Genesis, God promised there would be one born of the woman who would crush the head of Satan.  Later, God called the Jews to be his chosen people; through them the promises of God would be fulfilled.  And eventually, when the time was right, God sent Jesus into the world to die for our sin. 

God has been perfectly righteous in bringing his promises to pass through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  

Take another moment and think of all the millions of people who lived on earth between that first promise to Eve and the thief on the cross.  No matter how much they longed or desired for the redeemer, these people did not see that promise fulfilled.  However, once Jesus had sacrificed himself, Jews and Gentiles alike could embrace the most precious gift in the universe – faith in Christ (Christianity)!

So don't take your faith for granted!  It is vitally important!  Faith is the gift of God, wrought by Holy Spirit, who raised Jesus from the dead.  The just live by faith (Romans 1:17).  Faith in God moves mighty mountains (Mark 11:22-23).  By faith we lay hold of all the promises of God (Hebrews 6:12-15).  Look at just some of the mighty things that faith makes possible:

Hebrews 11:33-34 - …who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in war, turned to flight the armies of foreigners.  

I encourage you to read the 11th chapter of Hebrews, which is commonly referred to as the 'faith chapter'.  And as you read it, remember that God is no respecter of persons; your faith is of equal standing with theirs! 

I encourage you to actively walk in faith, fully enjoying your opportunity to have an intimate walk with Christ, to worship him, to be filled with Holy Spirit, to hear his voice, and to partner with him to bring about his plans and purposes for the world.  Life on earth is an opportunity like no other, and it will never happen again, so start now! 

Speaking of the promises of God…want to really blow your mind?  Consider the promises of God that are yet to be fulfilled: the return of Christ, the defeat of Satan, our blessed home in heaven, victory over death, and even prayers you are praying right now.  I don't know about you, but I am excited for the future because I know God will soon fulfill these promises as well!

II Peter 1:2 – May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

Those who have a true knowledge/relationship with God through Jesus can expect both grace and peace to be showered upon them abundantly. 

It is grace that pardons and sanctifies us and leads us into peace – calmness in the trials of life.  Notice, there is no expectation/promise of a trouble free life but there is the expectation/promise of peace and victory through life when we place our faith in God. 

II Peter 1:3 – His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,

The fountain of all spiritual blessings is the divine power of Jesus, who was both God and man.  From him we receive everything that is necessary for preserving, improving and perfecting godliness and life (both physical and spiritual).

How are these gifts imparted to the believer? 

Faith in God and knowledge of God join together to form the channel through which these gifts flow to us. 

Think about it.  If you don't have faith in God, you literally cannot receive any of his promises or gifts, because you need faith to grasp them.  On the other hand, if you don't have knowledge of who God is and what he has promised you, then obviously you can't receive anything because you don't realize it exists!  We need both faith and knowledge of God in order to receive. 

Here is what I find interesting:  Faith and knowledge of God are both things that the believer obtains for himself.  Let me explain.

You can't put a bible (electronic or paper) under your pillow at night and wake up in the morning with a greater understanding and knowledge of God.  Even if you prayed for God to fill you mind with knowledge of him before you went to sleep, you would still wake up the same.  God is not going to do things for you that he expects you to do for yourself.

The only way to get knowledge of God is by pursuing it – you have to open the bible and read it.  You have to spend time in prayer asking God to reveal his hidden secrets to you.  You need to read or listen to other great men and women of God and find out what they knew/know about God.  You have to meditate on what you find, until it takes root in your spirit.  You are the only one who can do this for yourself. 

The same principle applies to faith.  Yes, God gives to every man a measure of faith.

Romans 12:3 - … God has dealt to every man the measure of faith.

But that faith needs to be increased and expanded.  This happens when we exercise (use) the faith we have.  It happens when we believe in the promises God has made, and we step out and take action based on those promises.  In this way, our faith is strengthened for new and bigger challenges. 

We all recall the example of David.  He spent time in the field with the sheep, worshipping and drawing close to God.  I am sure he read promises in the covenant about how God protected and fought for his people.  Next thing you know, along comes a bear trying to take a lamb.  Faith in God combines with a knowledge of God's promises of protection/victory, and David takes action.  He successfully defeats the bear.  This victory further strengthens his faith.

Not long after, a lion appears.  That sounds really scary to me, but remember David has knowledge of the promises of God and he has increased his faith by killing the bear, so he is not afraid.  He takes a stand and defeats the lion.

Eventually, he is led to kill the mightiest foe of all – Goliath!  The truth is, David could not have killed the giant without increased faith, which he gained by using what he had.  Neither could David have killed the giant without knowledge of the promises of God.  It took both of these to get the victory.

So, what about you and me?  Remember, Peter is telling us that God's divine power has granted us all things that pertain to life and godliness, but we have to reach out and take them.  They are accessed though faith and a knowledge of God. 

What giants are in your future, or even your present?  Are you prepared to tackle them?  Do you struggle with holy living?  Do you need victory over a besetting sin?  If so, I encourage you to get to work.  Pursue God and increase your faith.

II Peter 1:4 – by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.

By God's own glorious power he has freely given us his exceedingly great and invaluable promises. 

Stop and think about this for a minute…  The Jews were distinguished in a very particular manner by the promises which they received from God.  Promises were given to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the prophets and others. 

God promised to be their God, to protect, support, heal, provide and save them.  He promised to give them what was emphatically called 'The Promised Land', and he promised that the Messiah would come from their race.  God kept all of his promises to Israel. 

Peter now assures the Gentiles that God has also given them precious (costly, valuable) and exceedingly great promises which include salvation/redemption through the blood of the cross, the continual indwelling of Holy Spirit, resurrection from the dead and eternal rest in heaven. 

The object of all God's promises was to bring fallen man back into fellowship with him and to remake us into his image. 

Because of sin, we are born into an earthly, sinful, devilish nature, which holds us in a prison of corruption.  The root or source of all this worldly corruption is sinful desire, aka lust.  James tells us that lust conceives and brings for sin.  Sin, when fully matured, brings forth death (destruction of soul and body).  We have no power in ourselves to escape this corruption and death.         

But through the promised Messiah, God removes our sin and saves us from worldly corruption, making us partakers of his divine nature and creating in us true holiness and righteousness (Ephesians 4:24 and Colossians 3:10).    

Praise his holy name!

Let me offer you some encouragement and some relief: 

You may look at some of the heroes of the Bible and wish that you had the faith they did.  You may desire to do great works for God, just like they did.  The good news is, you can! 

God has dealt to every person a measure of faith, but that is just the starting point.  You can exercise, strengthen and dramatically increase your faith in God.  Just step up and begin to use it!  If you do, you will see it grow.   

Let me offer you some strength:

Remember, in order to claim the promises of God, you need faith as well as knowledge of God and his promises.  So strengthen and prepare yourself right now, by reading, meditating and even memorizing his word.  On the day of battle, you'll be glad you did!



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