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Galatians 3:15 – To give human example, brothers:  even with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified.

Welcome back, readers!  In this third chapter of Galatians, Paul is giving us a proof of justification by faith.  In case it has been a while since you've been in school, let me remind you what a proof is. 

Proof:  A degree of evidence that convinces the mind of any truth or fact and produces belief; a test by facts or arguments that induce or tend to induce, certainty of judgment or conclusive evidence.

In this case, Paul is digging into the Old Testament and giving Christians conclusive evidence that they cannot be justified in God's sight by keeping the law.  Therefore, there is no need for them to be circumcised.  As Paul pointed out earlier, mixing grace with works results in a false religion which places Jesus under the power of sin and negates his ability to make atonement for us.  Obviously, this is blasphemy. 

In the remainder of this chapter Paul is going to focus on a single proof, which is built upon a fact we discovered last week: Abraham believed God and was justified by faith hundreds of years (approximately 400) BEFORE the Law of Moses was given to Israel.

Genesis 15:6 - And he [Abraham] believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.   

Human covenants, once ratified, cannot be changed.  Once the obligations and conditions of the contract are agreed upon, no one can add or take away from them. 

For instance, if you take out a loan to buy a car, you promise to pay a certain amount of money back to the lender each month by a certain day.  You can't suddenly change your mind and pay them less.  You can't change the contract and decide to pay them every other month instead of each month.  You must abide by the conditions agreed upon in the contract or you are in default.

Likewise, the loan company must keep their side of the bargain.  They cannot simply come and take the vehicle, as long as you are making your payments on time.    

In the same way the original promise to Abraham (justification in God's sight) was based on faith in God and that agreement cannot be altered.  Although the law had a specific purpose in the life of Israel, it could not change the original covenant of faith which was already in force at the time the law was given.

That bears repeating, just to make sure we get it:  The law had a specific purpose (which we will discuss later), however, it could not change the original covenant of faith which was already in force at the time the law was given.

The promise made to Abraham and his descendants was not made void or replaced by the giving of the law.  God had a purpose for the law, but it was not (nor could it ever be) the vehicle by which man could be justified. 

The rest of this chapter is the actual proof or argument that shows justification is by faith, not by works. 

Galatians 3:16 – Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring.  It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many, but referring to one, "And to your offspring," who is Christ.

Here is the promise that Paul is referring to:

Genesis 22:18 - And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

How many offspring did Abraham have?  According to the flesh, there were two:  Ishmael and Isaac.  The bible makes it very clear that both of these men would become great nations.  Ishmael himself begat 12 princes and his descendants became a powerful nation (Genesis 17:20).  Likewise, Isaac fathered Jacob who had 12 sons which later became the 12 tribes of Israel.  They too, grew into a mighty nation (Genesis 17:21).

But the bible also declares that the promises of God would be limited to only one branch of Abraham's family line – the descendants of Isaac (Genesis 17:21).  Through this line God would appoint a single individual/seed that would be his instrument to bless the entire world.  Paul identifies this individual as Jesus the Christ.

 So, the blessing of reconciliation to God was already determined to occur through a single person, Jesus the Messiah.  The law could not supersede the promise already made by God.  Therefore, reconciliation between man and God could not come through the law. 

Galatians 3:17-18 – This is what I mean:  the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise.

Let's state it another way:  The law was given after the solemn promise of a redeemer had been made and confirmed.  Therefore, the law could not make that promise void.  The promise of a redeemer who would one day reconcile man to God would still be binding, according to the original agreement between God and Abraham.  Therefore, we can conclude that the law must have been given for some purpose entirely different from that of the promise. 

When reading this passage, we can't help but notice that Paul makes it indisputably clear that God keeps his promises.  Period.  No exceptions.

What promises has God made to you?  Even though it may seem to be taking forever, we can be sure that God will bring those things about.  He will keep the promises he made to us, just as surely as he kept the promises made to Abraham.  In order to receive them, we need to do what Abraham did – have faith in God and never doubt! 

Galatians 3:19 – Why then the law?  It was added because of transgressions, until the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made, and it was put in place through angels by an intermediary.

Anyone listening to the proof of Paul would be led to ask an obvious question – If the observance of the law did not justify man in the sight of God, then was good was it? 

Why was it given in the first place?  Why were there so many injunctions to obey it?  Why so many commendations of it in scripture?  Why was it accompanied by exhibitions of divine power? Was it given in vain?  What was its purpose?

One of the advantages or purposes of the law was that it defined transgression/sin and revealed the penalties associated with it.  By showing us where we have failed in our duty to God, the law also brings about conviction.  It was readily apparent that mankind could never live in perfect obedience to the law. 

The law was added or introduced by God at a later date (that is, after the promise to Abraham) in order to secure important advantages to mankind until the superior arrangement under the Messiah came to pass. 

Since that was the case, something else would be needed to reconcile them to God.  Thus, the law points out the need for a redeemer.  It refers men back to the original promise made by God to Abraham that in the fullness of time, Messiah would come to make atonement for the sin that was revealed by the law.     

In the meantime, the law acted as a deterrent to sin; by understanding the penalties for sin, it helped to curb our sinful actions.

Galatians 3:20 – Now an intermediary implies more than one, but God is one.

The prior verse ends by mentioning that the law was put in place through angels by an intermediary.  An intermediary is a person who is the 'go between' for two parties.  The mediator facilitates communication between the two parties and/or works to reconcile them.  Another word for mediator is intercessor.  

The bible gives us an example of a human mediator – Moses.  He acted as a mediator between God and the Israelites in the giving of the law on Mount Sinai. 

If you re-read Exodus chapter 19, you will find that God did not deal directly with the Israelites at the giving of the law.  They were called to sanctify themselves and come to the foot of Mount Sinai, but they could not touch the mountain, or they would die. 

They remained at the foot of the mountain while Moses went up to speak to God and receive the law.  In this way, Moses was a mediator between God and Israel.  And this was not the only instance of Moses acting as a mediator.  We find him occupying this role the entire time he was leading the children of Israel. 

In his role as mediator, Moses was a reflection of Jesus as our mediator in the new covenant:

1 Timothy 2:5 - For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

Now, ever since God called Abraham to be the father of the Jewish race, people have been divided into two basic groups:  Jews and Gentiles.  So, while "God is one", there is "more than one" group of people that need a mediator/intercessor. 

Regardless of whether we are Jewish sinners or Gentile sinners, we had no way to come into the presence of God; if we did our sin would cause us to die.  But Jesus became our mediator, standing between us and God.  He paid the full price of our redemption; thus forgiveness and reconciliation with God is by grace alone, not works of the law.  Furthermore, Jesus has certainly purchased redemption not just for the Jews, but for all men of every tribe, tongue and nation.


Galatians 3:21 – Is the law then contrary to the promises of God?  Certainly not!  For if a law had been given that could give life, then righteousness would indeed be by the law.

There might be some who would argue that the law was contrary or in opposition to the promise God made to Abraham of a redeemer.

But as we have already noted, that is certainly not the case.  The law is subservient to the promise.  The law defines sin and proves that no one can be perfectly obedient to its requirements.  Because no one can keep the totality of the law, the law cannot impute righteousness to any man.  In other words, the law cannot give life.  It does just the opposite – it pronounces judgment and condemnation on all people because of their sin.

The good news is that the law also points to the Messiah, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.  The law encourages men to renounce any confidence they have in themselves, and have faith in the mediator, Christ Jesus. 

By this proof, Paul has just silenced his adversaries, who are preaching a doctrine of works to the Galatians.  By claiming that the Galatians need to keep the law, they are actually accusing God of contradicting himself, and breaking his promise to Abraham.  They blaspheme God by suggesting that the law can justify men before God.

Clearly, the Galatians cannot save themselves with a mixed religion of grace and works. They have been bamboozled by some false teachers!  

Galatians 3:22-23 – But the Scripture imprisoned everything under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.  Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed.

What comes to mind when you read these verses?  Do you picture a convicted felon, held captive in a cell with no way of escape?  Do you picture a man or woman devoid of hope, with no chance of pardon? 

Essentially, that is the true picture painted by Paul.  The Old Testament scriptures (both the law and the prophets) pronounced mankind guilty of violating the law.  Thus, we were imprisoned under the condemnation of the law, without any hope of pardon or escape.  All that awaited us was eternal punishment and death.

Galatians 3:24-26 – So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith.  But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.

What does Paul mean when he describes the law as a guardian? 

The law revealed the mind and will of God towards man, which was a wonderful thing.  But at the same time, it pronounced a curse upon anyone who could not live by its regulations.  Man was actually imprisoned by the law.  The end result of this was that the law prepared people to embrace a better way – the way of faith.   

The law was able to convince men that their own attempts at righteousness were weak and insufficient in reconciling them to God.  Just like a prisoner, there was no hope for pardon under the law.  Once people came to this realization, they were ready to embrace a way of escape from the law – the way of faith.

The law also obligated the Jews to observe sacrifices and rituals that could not produce freedom from sin.  However, these rites pointed towards the Messiah, revealing the way of faith.

So we see that the law had a definite purpose: It directed men to the savior Christ Jesus, so that they might be justified by faith in him.  In this way, the law is a guardian or schoolmaster. 

But after the gospel dispensation began, there was no longer a need for this kind of guidance or instruction.  The truth of justification by faith had been revealed.  It was available to everyone who believed. 

Those who believe the gospel message are sons and daughters of God by faith in Christ.  We are no longer treated as servants, but we are welcomed into the family of God.  We have the privilege of a close, intimate relationship with our Father and we can enjoy all the benefits of that relationship.

Galatians 3:27 – For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

In the time of the apostles, people were saved, filled with Holy Spirit and baptized in water in rapid succession.  In the case of the first Gentile converts (Acts 10), all three events occurred in a single day.

Baptism is the outward sign of what has occurred in your inward man.  It is a testimony to the world that you have been cleansed from sin by faith in Christ.  Once a person becomes publicly baptized, they are said to have 'put on Christ'.  The idea is that they have committed themselves to becoming disciples of Christ, following in his footsteps and being made over into his image or character.

Galatians 3:28 – There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

The law was very good at creating division.  It separated the Jews from the Gentiles (Greeks).  It also made differences between servants and masters as well as men and women. 

But this is no longer the case under grace.  Anyone and everyone may be forgiven of sin and reconciled unto God; we are all one united family of God!   

Galatians 3:29 – And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.

Those who have been justified by faith in the shed blood of Christ are the true spiritual children of Abraham.  If we are Abraham's children, then we are heirs to the promises made to him – promises of an abundant life here on earth and also a heavenly inheritance!   

Let me offer you some encouragement and strength:

We have so many wonderful benefits that were given to us when we trusted in Christ.  Here are just a few: The opportunity to be in God's presence, the ability to hear God speaking to us, and the power of Holy Spirit in our lives.  What benefits are most dear to you?  What benefits have you not utilized yet?  

If you are feeling a bit discouraged by what you see around you, don't despair.  Instead, begin to immerse yourself in the wonderful benefits Jesus has given to you.  Before you know it, you will be encouraged and strengthened!

Let me offer you some relief:

You and I may not be able to give deep, spiritual proofs of our faith, like Paul does here.  But that's okay. 

Having a simple, down-to-earth testimony about what God has done in our lives is all we really need.  Sharing our own personal testimony of what God has done for us will likely win more people to Christ than deep, academic proofs!


Galatians 5:1 – For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

Welcome back, readers! 

In chapter 5 of Galatians, Paul continues to exhort the Galatians to be firm and unwavering in their resolve to reject the yoke or bondage of the law.  Since they are under grace, there is no need to continue observing the rites and ceremonies of the law.

The law was a burden!

Just take a moment to consider the burden of the law:  There were daily and weekly sacrifices.  There were numerous (and frequent) washings and purifications.  There were dietary laws.  There were restrictions on what was 'clean' and what was 'unclean'.  There were rites and ceremonies for births, marriages and burials.  There were even laws for sowing and harvesting.  There were laws that defined when you could work and when you must rest. 

William Burkitt's Expository Notes sums it up this way: "… so numerous were these observances, that they took up half their time, and were as burdensome as they were numerous."

In fact, the scriptures describe the law as being impossible to fully obey:

Acts 15:10 - Now therefore why test God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?   

The good news is that as Christians, we are free from bearing (or trying to bear) this heavy load. 

As Paul points out to the Galatians, Christ has made us free.  By his obedience to death, he has purchased freedom from not only the law, but from our slavery to sin, and the curse of death. 

Since Christ has sacrificed himself to buy this freedom, the Galatians should consider it their duty and privilege to firmly defend their liberty in Christ.

Galatians 5:2 – Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you.

It is true that Paul had a relationship with the Galatians, and they might well listen to him because of that bond, but there was a much higher authority at work here.

Paul spent the entire first part of this letter establishing the fact that he was an apostle expressly chosen by Jesus to carry the gospel message (see our discussion of chapter 1).  Therefore, Paul has the authority of Christ backing up his teaching.  So when he makes the point in verse 2 that "I, Paul" say something, Christians need to pay attention; his comments carry the authority of Jesus.   

In regards to his comments in chapter 5, we must tread carefully.  We must take Paul's remarks in the context of his whole letter, or we will fall into a serious misinterpretation.  Paul says "if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you" 

Paul is NOT saying that anyone who is circumcised is excluded from salvation/Christianity.  All Jewish males, including the 12 apostles were circumcised according to the law.  In fact, Jesus himself, as a Jewish male, was circumcised on the eighth day of his life:

Luke 2:21 - And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, who was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

The issue here is that the false teachers in Galatia claimed that circumcision was essential to salvation.  In other words, they taught that faith in the blood of Jesus was not enough to save you.  If you wanted to be justified and accepted by God, you had to add your own works to the blood of Christ.  This is tantamount to blasphemy, because as soon as you accept that doctrine, you are declaring that the sacrifice of Jesus was insufficient to save you.  By default, you are saying that you had a hand in saving yourself, which we know is utterly false!

Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:  Not of works, lest any man should boast.        

To claim that circumcision was required for salvation was a denial of Christ.  If you deny Christ, then you can't be saved by grace.  You are left to try and justify yourself by keeping the law.   

So again, the act of circumcision does not exclude people from salvation.  However, it doesn't save them either.  Salvation is through faith, regardless of your circumcision status.    

Galatians 5:3-4 – I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law.  You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace.   

You can be justified by faith, or you can try to earn salvation through keeping the law, but it's one or the other… the two will never, ever mix.

The person who chooses to try justification by the law binds himself to obey the entire Law of Moses.  He must perfectly and completely fulfill all the requirements of the law for his entire life.  If he fails in even one instance, he is guilty of breaking the whole law. 

Keep this in mind too - anyone who is bound by the law and breaks it, is subject to the penalties outlined in it.  The penalty for breaking the law is condemnation and death – for eternity.    

The Galatians must make a choice: the law or Christ.  If they choose the law, then they forfeit the favor and mercy of God.

I don't know about you, but I don't want any part of that!  As I read and study Paul's words, joy and thanksgiving well up within my soul for the freedom I have in Christ.  What about you?  Are you even more thankful now for his mercy and grace?  I certainly hope so!

Galatians 5:5 – For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness.

What is the hope of righteousness?  It refers to the state of being justified before God or to be counted as righteous in his (God's) sight.  Those who are justified/righteous in God's sight can expect to spend eternity in his presence and experience all of the untold blessings that await them in the next life.  This is often called the 'hope' of Christians. 

This hope is not founded on any works of our own, but solely on the redemption provided for us by Jesus.  As the old hymn says, "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness". 

And how do we obtain this hope?  We receive it by faith through Holy Spirit.  It is the work of the Spirit to convict men of sin and draw them towards salvation in Christ. 

Any person living in the gospel dispensation who attempts to be justified in any other way will be disappointed.  If the Galatians misplace their hope in their own observance of the law, they can expect nothing but condemnation.  But if they will rely on the mercy of Jesus, they will have a 'living hope' for salvation (I Peter 1:3).     

Galatians 5:6 – For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.

The era of the law put a separation between people.  You were either one of God's people (a Jew) or you were not (a Gentile).  Because of the nature of the law, it kept a constant separation between the two groups.  And as we know, the signature sign of being Jewish was being circumcised in the flesh.    

But God never intended for that state of affairs to be permanent.  He always intended to make it possible for EVERYONE to be justified in his sight, whether Jew or Gentile:

Isaiah 49:6 - And he [God] said, It is too small a thing that you [Messiah] should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved ones of Israel: I will also give you for a light to the Gentiles, that you may be my salvation unto the ends of the earth.

When Jesus ushered in the gospel dispensation with his death and resurrection, God's plan was fulfilled.  The law, along with all of its rites and ceremonies (including circumcision) passed away; it was no longer in effect.  Therefore, at the time Paul is speaking to the Galatians, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision of the flesh mattered anymore; neither state could make a person justified in the sight of God.

If circumcision did not justify a person in the sight of God, what would?       

Salvation by grace through faith!

How is our faith displayed to the world? 

Through our love of God and our fellow man. 

Our love of God will always result in obedience to his commands (John 14:23).  This same love will prompt you to love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30-31). 

Galatians 5:7-8 – You were running well.  Who hindered you from obeying the truth?  This persuasion is not from him who calls you.

Paul describes the Galatians as 'running well'.  What does he mean by that?  The Christian life is often represented as a race in the scriptures (1 Corinthians 9:24-26, Hebrews 12:1).

Paul says they began their race or Christian life with zeal.  They had readily and joyfully embraced the doctrine of grace through faith.  They rejoiced that their sins were forgiven and their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life.  They were no doubt baptized and considered themselves disciples of Christ.  They had a very ardent love for God and his ways.  

But someone came along and hindered their obedience to the gospel.  The word 'hinder' is an Olympic expression which literally means 'to beat or drive back'.  It has the connotation of someone cutting across the race track to push the runner off the course or throw him out of the way. 

Who is attempting to overthrow or thwart the Galatians with the doctrine that they must obligate themselves to the Law?   

Paul asserts most strongly that it is not the Lord (him who calls you).  The false doctrine could not be traced back to God, even though the false teachers claimed to be commissioned by him.  That leaves only one source for the despicable, foul lies that had ensnared the Galatians – Satan himself.    

Galatians 5:9 – A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

What do you think of when you hear this proverbial expression?  My mind immediately goes to bread!  For many people, bread is off limits.  They don't want to eat it because of gluten or because of the carbohydrates it contains.  I am happy to announce that I am not one of those people!  I love bread of all kinds – white, wheat, cinnamon raisin, sour dough, pumpernickel, baguettes, bagels, ciabatta and even corn bread!

What do these breads have in common?  They all contain some kind of leaven.     

Leaven is any substance that is designed to produce fermentation in dough or liquids by producing a general change in the mass.  The most common application is when yeast is added to bread dough in order to make the bread rise.  The amount of leaven required to make this change is relatively small because the leaven penetrates and diffuses throughout the entire batch of dough.

In the scriptures, leaven or yeast often represents sin (I Corinthians 5:6-8, Mark 8:15).  That is why the children of Israel could only eat unleavened bread during the Passover, and why the use of leaven was strictly forbidden in all offerings made to the Lord by fire (Leviticus 2:11 and 7:12, Numbers 6:15).    

Paul's point is that a relatively small amount of false doctrine which is introduced into a pure, healthy Christian will eventually spread and damage/destroy his entire spiritual life.  Likewise, it only takes a couple of misguided Christians to influence a whole congregation into accepting a false doctrine.   

So while the Galatians may think that their adherence to circumcision was only a minor issue, it was actually a very serious situation.  It had the capacity to destroy their faith and their church.

Galatians 5:10 – I have confidence in the Lord that you will take no other view, and the one who is troubling you will bear the penalty, whoever he is.

But Paul has confidence that destruction will not be the final outcome for the Galatians. 

Paul knows that when he speaks the words that Holy Spirit gives him, those words are anointed with power – power to convict, save and heal.  If the Galatians will listen to Paul's message, the Lord will bring them to repentance and they will be restored to a right relationship with God.

Can we pause a minute and acknowledge that the same is true for us?  We too sometimes fall into sin or error in our lives.  This is one reason why it is so important for each one of us to read the scriptures every day.  The scriptures are the word of God and they are anointed with the power of Holy Spirit to convict, save and heal us.  But if we never open the book, the power will have no effect upon us. 

Paul then turns his attention from the Galatians to the teachers who have introduced the 'leaven of the law' into the church.  Punishment awaits those who have thrown the Galatians off course.  God himself will surely deal with these false teachers.  As for the Galatians, their duty is to identify the false teacher and cut off or separate him from their fellowship.

The hope is not that these men would be cut off from salvation, but in being cut off from Christian fellowship they might see the error of their ways and repent.

Galatians 5:11 – But if I, brothers, still preach circumcision, why am I still being persecuted?  In that case the offense of the cross has been removed.

It is evident that the false teachers who insisted on circumcision had somehow included Paul in their teachings.  We know that Paul himself was circumcised.  We also know that in order to reach some of the Jews he had Timothy circumcised (Acts 16:3).  But there was never a time when Paul preached or taught that circumcision was a necessary component of salvation. 

Paul defends himself by asking this question:  If I preach the necessity of circumcision to salvation, then why do the Jews continuously persecute me?  If I really taught that men must keep the law in order to make grace effective, then the Jews would love and embrace my message.  They would not take offence at the message of the cross.  But take a look at the facts – everywhere I go, the Jews fight against me.  This is proof enough that I do not preach a mix of grace and law.

Galatians 5:12 – I wish those who unsettle you would emasculate themselves!

Our version of the scripture has an interesting translation of this verse!  Let's take a look at the King James Version:

Galatians 5:12 - I would they were even cut off which trouble you.

The apostle's use of the expression 'cut off' is probably an allusion to the practice of circumcision where the foreskin of the flesh is literally cut off and thrown away from the rest of the body.

In the same way, Paul desires for the false teachers to be cut off and cast out of the church fellowship.  This shows the seriousness of their offence.    

Galatians 5:13 – For you were called to freedom, brothers.  Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

Paul wants the false teachers to be cut off from church fellowship because the church has been called into liberty through Christ (freedom from the law), but the false teachers were destroying that liberty.  This example brings up a teaching point for Paul.

It is true that all Christians have been set free from the bondage of the law and have liberty in Christ.  But the liberty we have is not an excuse to sin.  Our liberty is not a license to throw off all righteous restraint.

Let's face it – even though we are born again and are new creatures in Christ, we still live in a fallen world.  We still reside in bodies of flesh that are subject to corruption.  We are still tempted by evil.  Therefore, we all need to be vigilant to monitor our own lives.  We must still fight against temptations.  We must still diligently work to add Christian graces to our lives.  We must still allow Holy Spirit to continuously transform us into the image of Christ; this process will never stop until we arrive in eternity.

This leads us to the next important aspect of freedom:  how we treat each other.     

Galatians 5:14-15 – For the whole law is fulfilled in one word:  "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."  But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another.

At this point, Paul has rather skillfully changed from a doctrinal argument (which he has thoroughly covered) to a series of practical teachings for all Christians.

Do the Galatians want to obey the law?  Then let them fulfill the heart and substance of the law without being in bondage to legalism.  This is accomplished when we serve others in love. 

Romans 13:8, 10 - Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loves another has fulfilled the law.  Love works no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

If we act according to this command, we fulfill the law (Matthew 7:12) without being enslaved by it.  The Christian who loves God with all his heart, soul and mind and who seeks to love his neighbor as himself needs no other law.

This is a good chance to remind ourselves that there are two aspects of love, inward affection and outward action. 

It is also a good chance to define the word 'neighbor'.  It includes all people, rich/poor, friend/foe, those that are near/far.  In some ways, it describes all of humanity. 

Our love of God is demonstrated in the way we love those around us.

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Jesus said that all men would realize we are his disciples by our displays of love towards one another (John 13:35).  But quite frankly, recent world events have left many people separated from other believers.     

When was the last time you displayed love towards another believer?  What was your act of love?  If you can't remember the last time you touched someone's life with a display of love, I encourage you to reconnect with other believers.  Get plugged back into your local church!     

Let me offer you some relief and some strength:

All Christians have a 'hope of righteousness'; we trust and believe that we will be justified in God's sight because of the sacrifice of Jesus and we will spend eternity with God. 

Sometimes, when we make mistakes or we fail in our Christian walk, we may feel unworthy of this hope.  But let me offer you some relief – we were never worthy of it in the first place! 

Our hope of righteousness and our expectation of the benefits of heaven are the result of the mercy and free gift of God.  While we need to strive to live holy lives before God, there will be times when we fail.  Satan would love to convince us that we should walk away from God because we are unworthy, but the truth is we are unworthy no matter what. 

So repent, pick yourself up, and keep running your Christian race!  

Malachi 3:8 – Will man rob God?  Yet you are robbing me.  But you say, 'How have we robbed you?'  In your tithes and contributions.

Last time, in verse 7, we saw God make a gracious promise to his people – 'Return to me, and I will return to you'.  The implication was clear.  If the people would forsake their wicked ways and repent, God would remove the curses that they had placed themselves under by their own actions.

Yet, that verse ended in stubborn rebellion, as the response of the Jews was 'How shall we return', or in other words, 'What are you talking about?  In what area have we forsaken you?'  

God replies with another question:  'Will a man rob God?'  In the Hebrew, the word for God is Aleim, which is a pleural word that is often applied to the true triune God, Yahweh. 

But that word is also used when referring to false idols, which are multiple in number.  This leads many scholars to believe that God is chastising his people by comparing them to the Gentiles.  Let me explain.

The Gentiles worshipped multiple false gods and they were actually very faithful in their false worship.  They had a true fear or respect for their false gods, and they very seldom failed to perform their religious duties and sacrifices.  To neglect the offerings was an abomination to them.  The false gods got the best they had to offer.

On the other hand, the Jews, who were in a covenant with the one true God, did not consider it a problem to withhold their offerings.  They did not consider it blasphemy to bring unfit sacrifices to the Living God. 

Here then, is something that defies belief - unbelievers would never even consider robbing their false gods of the sacrifices due to them, but the Jews defraud Yahweh himself!  How is it possible that they have such utter disrespect for him?

As perverse and rebellious as their actions were, they would sink to an even greater level of depravity as they impudently ask 'How have we robbed/defrauded you?'

God's answer is specific.  In the English Standard Version it is rendered "tithes and contributions".  In the original it is rendered "in the tenth and the heave offering". 

A heave offering literally means something that is 'lifted off a larger mass' or separated for sacred purposes.  The word is used in a variety of applications, including agricultural produce (also called first fruits), the spoils of war, certain portions of a sacrifice given to the priests for food (thigh – Exodus 29:7 or shoulder – Exodus 29:27), etc. 

All heave offerings were presents or contributions.  Unlike the tithe, they were not specifically 10%.  We generally refer to these simply as offerings.  These offerings were an acknowledgement or a testimony that God had blessed the giver and that He alone had given the increase. 

Offerings are optional; we give them.  Tithes are required; we pay them. 

Why did God require tithes and offerings of his people?  Obviously, God didn't need their produce or their gold.  

He wanted them to continually be reminded that he was the source of all their blessings.  This would keep them humble.  If you do not acknowledge God in your success, you tend to start believing that you earned the blessings through your own wisdom and strength, which is not the case. 

Deuteronomy 8:17-18 – Beware lest you say in your heart, 'My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth'.  You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers as it is this day.

Tithes and offerings aided in the care of the poor (Deuteronomy 14:28-29). 

Tithes and offerings provided for the function and maintenance of the temple and its services.  Do you own a house?  If so, you know that in addition to regular maintenance, there are also unexpected repairs.  Without a steady source of income, you could not complete repairs and your house would soon begin to fall apart.  The same was true for the temple.  It also needed maintenance and upkeep, as well as supplies such as animals, fire wood, oil, ingredients for incense and many other necessities.  The tithe took care of these items.

Tithing is a form of stewardship.  When God puts anything into our hands (money, talents, opportunities, influence, etc), he always expects us to be good stewards of it.  This means that we use our resources wisely, providing for ourselves, for others and for the work of God's kingdom.

The tithe also reflects God's fairness – it is 10%, no matter how much or how little you earn.  By requiring everyone to pay the same small percentage, God ensures that the burden is equitable across the board.  

A tithe is 10%

Now, let's take a moment and consider a scenario in which the tithes and offerings stopped. 

Once the tithes and offerings ceased, there would not be any food or money coming into the temple.  The building would soon fall into disrepair.  The daily sacrifices and services would stop.   The priests would be left without provision, and in response they would either have to abandon the priesthood to take care of their families, or they would begin to accept diseased offerings just to have something for themselves.  Soon, they would be corrupted and disillusioned with their service to God.  Their perverse example would cause sin and corruption to spread to the common people.   

Does any of that sound familiar?  It should – it was the exact situation that we saw in Malachi chapter one!  The Jews discovered that stealing from God did not enrich them in any way.  It only brought about misery and destruction.    

What about today?  Should Christians tithe? 

Jesus gives us the answer in the gospel of Luke:  

Luke 11:42 - But woe unto you, Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over justice and the love of God: these ought you to have done, and not to leave the other undone.  

In this rebuke of the religious leaders, Jesus is telling them to observe the principles required in the law (justice, mercy, love), but at the same time, they should continue to tithe.

The purposes for tithing have not changed.  We still need to be reminded that our material blessings are the result of the hand of God, so we remain humble.  We still need to maintain our houses of worship.  We still need to assist the poor, spread the gospel and provide for our ministers.  We still need to practice good stewardship. 

No improvements need to be made to God's plan for tithe – it remains perfectly fair and equitable for all Christians, no matter how great or small your income. 

Despite this, there are still some people who refuse to tithe.  Why is that?          

Perhaps they are not fully committed to God.  I admit this sounds harsh, but look at the facts:

Matthew 6:21 – For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Those who tithe into their local church have 'skin in the game'.  They have invested part of themselves in the local body of Christ and they will support and grow that investment by volunteering, serving, praying, seeking the lost, correcting error and generally being involved in the work of the church. 

Those who do not invest in the local body tend to be those who either leave over minor issues, or sit back and criticize others, while doing nothing themselves.  Since they have nothing invested, they lose nothing by leaving or by tearing others down.   

Jesus made it clear that our attitudes, efforts and resources are a kind of spiritual barometer of our commitment to his kingdom.  Want to know where your heart lies?  Look at what you do with your money!   

Or perhaps some people do not tithe because they have not received sound biblical teaching on this topic.  We seem to have two extremes coming from the pulpit; one in which money is the central topic of every service, and one in which money is never mentioned at all.  Both extremes are harmful to the people of God.  Ministers should not be afraid of preaching sound biblical doctrine in this area.  In fact, if they fail to do so, they are hurting their congregation and their ministry.

In short, I believe that an examination of the bible shows that the Christians of today SHOULD tithe.  Unfortunately, this blog is not the right format for an in-depth, all encompassing look at this issue.  For that reason, I encourage all readers to look for some outside sources on this topic.  Look at what the authors have to say, make sure it is backed up with scripture, seek Holy Spirit, then (and only then) make your decision on tithing.  

Malachi 3:9 – you are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you.

The first thing to notice here is that God is not punishing everyone for the sins of a few. All of the people were guilty, from the least to the greatest.  Consequently, the entire nation will be chastised.

Here is the essence of their situation:

The people find excuses to stop paying tithes and offerings, which is a sin against God.  In response, or in effort to bring them back to righteousness, God withholds some of his blessings.  At that point, the people should have humbled themselves before God and inquired about the reason for their ill fortune, or poverty. 

If they had, God would have revealed that the cause of their distress was sin.  If they repented and changed their ways, God would restore their prosperity.

But they don't humble themselves before God.  Instead, they begin to murmur and complain about God's goodness.  They blame him for their current hardships.  They withhold even more tithes and offerings (or give polluted offerings), rationalizing their behavior by saying they could no longer afford to honor God with acceptable tithes and offerings.

Since they did not heed the warning that God gave them (seasons of lack/withholding divine blessing), God turns their warning into a curse.  Nothing they do will prosper.

God is perfectly just in consuming them with poverty.  Should God bless them for sinning?  Has God ever rewarded wickedness with blessing?  Should God enrich them with his bounty for robbing Him, his temple, his priests and the poor?  Of course not!

Take a moment to examine your own situation.  Do you believe God requires you to tithe?  If so, do you fail to give because you have too many bills or you have a need/want or you are making less than you used to?  If so, why not do what Israel should have done - ask God about your situation and how you should handle it. 

Again, the Israelites will take no responsibility for their own sin. They refuse to repent.  Instead, they further malign God and begin to despise his name and his ways.  

But contending with God is never profitable.  If they continue to harden their hearts while under judgment, they will soon be reduced to nothing.  (That's what Pharaoh did.  How did it work out for him?)  They are in a hopeless circle of sin, which they brought upon themselves.  

This is not what God wants for his people. There is a solution to their problem; there is a way to reverse this curse and return into favor with God.  He reveals the remedy through his prophet, Malachi:

Malachi 3:10 – Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.  And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.

The first thing they need to do is repent.  While that is not clearly spelled out, it is implied.  They have to stop, humble themselves, confess their sin, turn around and do what is right. 

Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.  The right thing to do is to bring the FULL tithe to God.  Not a portion of their choosing, not 'more or less' a tenth, not whatever is left over at the end of the week, not what is diseased or maimed, but the full amount due. 

A full tithe shows reverence to God as well as faith in his provision.  It acknowledges his blessing in their lives.  After all, who created them?  Who gave them possession of the land?  Who gave them seed?  Who provided the sun and the rain?  Who multiplied their flocks and herds?

When you look at it that way, God would be justified in asking for 90% while leaving us only 10%!  But all he asks is a mere pittance of what he has provided for us. 

God says that he wants the full tithe so that there will be food in his house.  This was the literal situation for the post exilic Jews.  The priests and Levites fed their families from the offerings given to the temple.  But things had gotten so bad, that the Levites had no choice but to flee the temple and return to their own homes to try and scratch out a living for their families. 

Eventually, under the guidance of Nehemiah and Malachi, the tithes were restored to the temple.  You can read about it in Nehemiah 13:10-23.

And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts… God pledges himself to his people in a verifiable way – if they bring the full amount required, he will bless them with what they needed for a super-abundant return.

By this, God will settle once and for all their guilt and His innocence.  They accused God of abandoning them and blessing the wicked, but God assures the Jews if they do as they had been commanded (bring the whole tenth), they would immediately receive a reversal of fortune. 

For example, if they planted wheat, God would provide the rain and sun and he would protect the wheat from locusts, etc, so they would have an abundant harvest.  The point being that God was not going to 'magically' fill their barns with wheat; they still had to do the work, but the work they did would be blessed.

This will be proof to everyone that evil/sin was the cause of Israel's barrenness, not their righteous heavenly Father.  

…if I will not open the windows of heaven for you… The windows of heaven refer to rainfall.  In the past, God had used both drought and flooding as a warning to bring his people back to righteousness. For instance:

  • In I Samuel 2:17-18, God sends a sudden thunderstorm to ruin the wheat crop when Israel rejects him and requests a king. 
  • In II Chronicles 6:26-27, when Solomon prayed his prayer of dedication over the temple, he included a provision that God would hear his people when the heavens were shut up and there was no rain because of their evil deeds. 
  • In I Kings 17:1-7, Elijah prays that that there will be no rain for 3 years, and God honors that prayer. 
  • In Zechariah 14:17-18, the prophet declares that whoever does not come to Jerusalem to worship the King will not have rain. 
  • And of course, we are all familiar with God destroying the world with a flood because of evil in the day of Noah.

If there is no rain (or too much rain), then the earth cannot produce crops. If there are no crops, then men have no hope of life.  During a drought, rivers, streams and wells dry up, causing further death to animals and people.  So water is a key to abundant life.  But the rain itself is not 'magic'.  It must be mixed with the blessing of God.

…and pour down for you a blessing…  It literally means 'to pour you out or empty out to you'.  In other words, God will hold nothing back.  He will bless the rain and the earth which will then provide all that men need in order to thrive (corn, wine, oil, etc).  I just want to point out once again, the people would still have to do the work, but God was going to bless the work they did. 

…until there is no more need, or until there is no more room to receive it.  God will bless his people 'beyond sufficiency'.  He will not limit them to 'just enough to get by', but he will provide an opportunity for super abundance, that overflows their capacity to receive and store it.

Proverbs 3:9-10 - Honor the LORD with your substance, and with the first fruits of all your increase: So shall your barns be filled with plenty, and your presses shall burst out with new wine.

So basically, you can't out give God!  If Israel will be faithful to honor God with their tenth and their offerings, so that God's house/temple has provision, then God will turn around and bless the people with an opportunity for abundance, so that they can have more than they need - and they will not miss the tenth at all!  That was exactly the case during the reign of King Hezekiah:

2 Chronicles 31:10 - And Azariah the chief priest of the house of Zadok answered him [Hezekiah], and said, Since the people began to bring the offerings into the house of the LORD, we have had enough to eat, and have plenty left: for the LORD has blessed his people; and that which is left is this great abundance.

Now there is a cycle that I want to be a part of – you give your tithe to God and he blesses you with an opportunity for abundance.  You tithe on the abundance, and he gives you even more!  There is no way to out give God!

Again, we cannot help but ask how this applies to our generation. 

If it is possible to open the windows of heaven over your life, then it is also possible to close them, just as the people of Malachi's day did. 

Here is a short list of things that can close God's blessing over your life:  Not tithing, fear/unbelief, unforgiveness, loving money, improper thinking and/or speaking, wrong desires or motives, tradition, ignoring the poor, and wrong priorities. 

Again, I suggest you do your own research on this issue and consult other outside sources.  Meditate and pray on what you find, and make changes if needed.  You don't want to be living under a closed heaven! 

Malachi 3:11 – I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the Lord of hosts.

This is another aspect of the blessing that God mentions in verse 10.  We know that crops may receive plenty of rain, then spring up and grow, but it is still possible to be cheated out of a harvest, even at that point. 

Locusts, worms, other animals, other people, hail, storms, mildew, etc still have the capacity to destroy a crop before it is harvested.  But here, God promises to watch over the fruit of their labors and preserve it, until they are able to gather it in for their use.

Thus God will not allow them to be deprived or bereaved (the literal translation) of their harvest.

Do you believe that God watches out for your income, talents and resources so that they are not lost?  If not, why do you suppose that is?

Malachi 3:12 – Then all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a land of delight, says the Lord of hosts.

Back in Deuteronomy 28, God gave his people a lengthy list of blessings that would be theirs if they were obedient, and a lengthy list of curses that would be theirs if they weren't. 

During the time of Malachi, they were disobedient, and consequently, they were under a curse.  They were so poor and miserable, that the Gentiles of that land detested them, and mocked their God. 

But in this verse, God promises a reversal of fortune for his people.  When they become obedient to God's commands, their lack will be turned into abundance, and their misery into joy.  Those around them will certainly take notice and acknowledge that God has blessed them. 

Malachi 3:13 – Your words have been hard against me, says the Lord.  But you say, "How have we spoken against you?"

Now God moves on to another topic.  Not only have they cheated him in the tithe and offering, they have blasphemed him with their mouths. 

God declares that their words have been 'hard' or 'bold' against him.  In this case, 'words' actually means 'discourse'.  The implication is that the Jews were talking among themselves about their situation.  Using their own faulty human reasoning, they determine that God is unjust and unfaithful.        

As a result, they have banded together and determined to contradict the laws of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  In pride and haughtiness, they flatly refuse to follow his commands or accept his authority. 

They were bad apples!

They speak against his ways with an air of insolence, encouraging all those around to join in their rebellion.  The minds and hearts of the righteous remnant were filled with poison as they heard these words.  This amounts to nothing less than an act of treason against the God of heaven!  These are harsh words indeed!  

In their reply, they try to downplay their guilt.  They cannot deny that they have spoken against God, but they try to justify themselves by making light of it.  Can you picture them looking surprised and innocent as they say 'What are you talking about?  What have we spoken against God and his ways?  Besides, others have said far worse things!'

But they are presented with a lesson that is still valuable for us today – God not only hears, but keeps a record of all that we say – the good, the bad and the ugly:

Matthew 12:36 – I [Jesus] tell you, on the Day of Judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak…

The truth is that words have power.  They can bring life or death (Proverbs 18:21), so we need to take them seriously.  Think of them as seeds.  Do you want to sow seeds of discord and failure into your life, or seeds of peace and prosperity?  Keep this in mind - every time you open your mouth, you are planting your future!   

Malachi 3:14 – You have said, "It is vain to serve God.  What is the profit of our keeping his charge or of walking as in mourning before the Lord of hosts? 

The post exilic Jews assert that there is no benefit to serving God.  They claim their labor for him has no purpose and no reward.

Let's start with their claim of 'walking in mourning'.  This indicates that they clothed themselves in sack cloth, and participated in voluntary fasts crying out to God about the country's afflictions.  That sounds like a pious thing to do, but it wasn't, because their hearts were not right before God.  

Here we find a sin that continued among the Jews, even until the days of Jesus.  In fact, it may have reached its zenith around that time.  Specifically, the Jews participated in outward forms of religion (fasting, mourning, tithing on spices, public prayer, etc), while inwardly their hearts were far from God. 

Matthew 15:8-9 – This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.

God is never moved by empty religious acts.  He is looking for true devotion.  Therefore, the mourning of the Jews of Malachi's day was no more acceptable to God than the false worship of the Jews in the days of Christ.  

Whose fault is it that their worship and service is in vain?  It's theirs, not God's!

Further, God has not called his people to a lifetime of mourning and misery.  The scriptures tell us that:

  • God gives us a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and the oil of joy for mourning (Isaiah 61:3). 
  • God's yoke is easy and his burden is light (Matthew 11:30). 
  • Weeping lasts for only a night; God brings joy in the morning (Psalms 30:5). 
  • With joy we draw upon the well of salvation (Isaiah 16:10). 
  • The righteous shall be glad in the Lord (Psalms 64:10), etc.

The point is that the Jews insisted they were righteous because they mourned, but God wanted them to serve him in gladness and with joy.  God wants us to be cheerful and full of hope in our service to him. 

You may not be able to control all of the circumstances in your life, but you can choose how you react to them!

Malachi 3:15 – And now we call the arrogant blessed.  Evildoers not only prosper but they put God to the test and they escape.

Finally, they complain about their poverty.  These Jews are clearly focused on worldly things to the exclusion of the next life.  It is true that if God's people did not have hope of another and better life, it would be senseless and worthless to bear the afflictions of righteousness. 

I Corinthians 15:19 – If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied. 

However, that is not the case (see the ENTIRE bible!).  We know that there is a life after this one; an eternity full of goodness and blessings are waiting for those who trust in Jesus!

It is folly to envy the wealth of the wicked.  God abhors their actions and eventually, if they do not repent, their final destination will be hell.

Malachi 3:16 – Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another.  The Lord paid attention and heard them and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed his name.

But the news is not all bad!  As we would expect, God has a remnant who are true to him.  In that age of great corruption, there were still people of God who retained their integrity and zeal for God!  I don't know about you, but this gives me hope for today.

Make no mistake - this will take work on our part.  The enemy wants to destroy our country and he is not going to just roll over and give up.  But through Jesus, we can win this victory for ourselves and our children!

In pride and arrogance, America has thrown off the yoke of God and rebelled against his laws.  And we are currently paying the price for these decisions.  But there is still hope! There are still true Christians in America, who are righteous before God!  Through us, God wants to spread a spirit of repentance and revival that will sweep across our land!  What a glorious day it will be, when great masses of Americans come to know Christ, and our nation returns to its godly heritage. 

The righteous remnant in Malachi's day feared the Lord.  In other words, they had great respect and deep reverence for God.  The scriptures tell us that fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Job 28:28, Psalms 111:10, Proverbs 1:7).  Not only did they respect God, they submitted to his authority, and obeyed his laws. 

They spent time thinking about Him/His Name.  They meditated or seriously considered what had been revealed to them about their God.  They were familiar with his ways, his delights and his dislikes.  These meditations had an influence on their actions; they wanted to honor the name of God by what they said and did.  His glory was the ultimate end of all they did in life.

The wicked Jews were not the only ones gathering together to discuss religion.  The righteous were also gathering together and speaking about the God they loved and respected.  This makes perfect sense, because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.  Since the righteous remnant had their minds set on God and his goodness, that's what came out when they spoke with others. 

This type of discourse provides essential strength to all involved.  Testimonies of God's goodness always strengthen the faith of others.  Testimonies keep us from 'waxing cold' in our service to God.  Testimonies inspire us to continue on the path of holiness.  Testimonies increase our faith and give us reasons to rejoice in God. 

Have you testified lately?

We can be sure that there was friction between the group who gathered together to blaspheme God, and the group who practiced true religion.  We can also be sure that the righteous group was probably ridiculed and mistreated by the blasphemers.  But they had no reason to be offended by that, or to give up, because God was on their side!

He took notice of their faithfulness to him.  The scriptures say that where 2 or 3 are gathered together in his name, he is there in their midst.  I suspect this was the case back in the time of Malachi, too.  God was there listening to the praise and gracious encouraging words that proceeded out of their hearts and mouths.  There can be no doubt that He was pleased with them. 

In fact, God was so pleased, he created a special journal specifically for their words of faith and truth.  He also promises they will share in his glory in eternity:

Malachi 3:17 – "They shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, in the day when I make up my treasured possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his son who serves him.

Treasure is something that is highly valued; collected and deposited (hoarded) for future use. 

When you think of the word 'treasure', what picture pops into your mind?  Do you see a sunken pirate chest?  Or do you picture the crown jewels or maybe even your local jewelry store?   If you had a great treasure, how would you treat it?  Wouldn't you keep it safe and secure, close by you, so that you could enjoy it at any time?  That's what God has planned for his treasure!

Again, God is presenting his people with a long term picture.  The righteous in Malachi's day were in the minority.  They were ridiculed and troubled by unbelievers and Gentiles.  But God assures us that the righteous do not serve him in vain. 

Just as the wickedness of evil men has been noticed by God, so too has the obedience and faith of the righteous.  Just as God has an appointed time set for judgment, so too he has an appointed time to reward the righteous and gather them to himself like a man who hoards precious treasure!    

This is how God thinks of believers!  You are his special treasure and he values you very highly.  We all dream of finding treasure.  But God didn't find or stumble across his treasure – he paid a very high price for it; you and I were bought with the precious blood of Christ. 

As believers in Christ, we will be spared from the judgment that the wicked will experience on the final day.

The same is true for the church.  For now, the tares grow alongside the wheat.  But it will not always be so.  A day of separation will come.  All those who have trusted in Christ as savior from the thief on the cross until the very last soul accepts him on the last day of grace, will be spared by the mercy of God.  Then we will have all of eternity to enjoy fellowship with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, while the wicked are burned up like worthless chaff.

This great mercy is a result of the Lord 'coming into his temple', mentioned at the beginning of this chapter (Malachi 3:1).

Malachi 3:18 – Then once more you shall see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve him.

This verse is in answer to the blasphemy of the Jews, who claimed it was vain to serve God, for the wicked prosper while the righteous suffer.  Here God is telling them that even though judgment is delayed in their eyes, they can be assured it will happen.  At the appointed time, everyone will clearly see a distinction between the righteous and the wicked. 

Let me offer you some encouragement and strength:

The righteous people of Malachi's day met to discourse or speak with each other about the goodness of God.  This pleased the Lord so much, that he ordered a book to be written that included the things they declared or testified about. 

Testimonies are important.  Scripture states that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11).  If it's been a while since you shared a testimony, I encourage you to step up and share.  If your church does not provide opportunities to testify, why not just raise your hand and ask to share?  Alternatively, you could share your testimony on social media.  It would be nice to have good things seen there, instead of just drama!

Listening to testimonies can strengthen and encourage you on your Christian journey, while sharing your own testimony can strengthen the faith of others. 

Let me offer you some relief:

The people of Malachi's day closed the windows of God's blessing on their lives.  But there was a remedy – if they would humble themselves and change their ways, God was willing to open up his blessing on every aspect of their lives. 

God has not changed.  If you have sin in your life that is closing the windows of God's blessing upon you, you can find relief.  Humble yourself and repent.  Change your thinking and your ways and see what God will do for you!



Malachi 1:7 – By offering polluted food upon my altar.  But you say, 'How have we polluted you?' By saying that the Lord's table may be despised.

In the prior study, we saw that God was dealing with his people, but particularly with the priests.  Why was that?  It was because the priests were the leaders of the nation.  If they honored, loved and served God, so would the rest of the people. 

But they were far from being holy.  In fact, they despised everything to do with God.  God had a real case against these men, but in his great love and mercy, he sends a message to them through Malachi confronting them with their sin and calling them to repentance. 

The first accusation God brings against them involves his altar, or your translation may say 'table'.  This refers to the brazen altar, where the burnt offerings and sacrifices were made to God.  Offerings of any kind made upon this altar were often referred to as food, bread, or God's bread:

Leviticus 21:6 – They [the priests] shall be holy to their God and not profane the name of their God.  For they offer the Lord's food offerings, the bread of their God; therefore they shall be holy.

How exactly was the food/bread polluted? 

As you recall, any animal (lamb, goat, bull, etc) offered to God in sacrifice had to be without blemish.  No true priest would accept an offering that was blind or sick, or lame, or weak/injured, or even a runt.  You were to give your best offering to God.  Anything else was an insult to him. 

Deuteronomy 15:21 – But if it (the animal) has any blemish, if it is lame or blind or has any serious blemish whatever, you shall not sacrifice it to the Lord your God.

Think of it this way.  What if you had a friend that owned an extensive collection of jewelry – watches, rings, necklaces, cuff links, earrings and any other piece of jewelry you could imagine - made of gold, silver, diamonds, rubies, sapphires and pearls etc.

Now if your friend said they wanted to give you a gift – a piece of jewelry from their collection – would you be excited?  Of course! But what if you opened the box and it was a really thin, slightly bent, scratched and dirty looking gold-plated ring.  Would you be impressed?  Why not?  Because that awful bent ring was worthless to them!  It didn't even cost them anything to give it to you. In fact, they were probably glad to get rid of it!

Giving it to you was actually an insult, because it shows how little they value their relationship with you.         

The same is true with God.  Remember when Jesus and his disciples were in the temple observing people giving offerings?  The scripture says that many rich people came in and gave large sums of money.  There was also a widow who gave two copper coins, which was the equivalent of a single penny. And then Jesus gives us this truth:

Mark 12:43-44 – Truly, truly I say to you this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box.  For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she…put in everything that she had, all she had to live on. 

In other words, her gift was extravagant and valuable to God because it was her best.  It cost her something to give that offering; it was a true sacrifice.

So when the post exilic Jews brought lame or blind offerings to be placed on God's altar, they were giving worthless offerings – animals that couldn't or wouldn't be used for anything else, because they were defective or blemished or half dead already.  Just as getting the gold-plated ring was an insult, it was an insult to God when the Jews presented him with sick and damaged animal offerings.    

Did you realize that there is a parallel between the altar of burnt offerings (God's table in the Old Covenant), and the communion ceremony (God's table in the New Covenant)? 

What did the animals (also referred to as food/bread) that were sacrificed on the brazen altar represent?  Depending on the circumstance, they were used as an atonement for sin, or a fellowship offering, or an offering of thanksgiving for the harvest, or a vow, etc.  In other words, the sacrifices that were placed on the altar created a relationship or a fellowship between God and man.  They were symbolic of the atoning work of Jesus.

As we know, in the New covenant, Jesus willingly laid down his life for our sin, to establish a love relationship between God and man.  Thus, the bread (and blood) of the communion table represents the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.  God gave his highest and best sacrifice; a sacrifice that cost him dearly – the life of his only Son.

So when the post exilic priests offered polluted offerings on the altar, they were teaching people to mock or despise the offering that the Messiah would one day provide for them.  Their polluted worthless sacrifices showed irreverence for the ceremonies and laws of the very God they claimed to serve.  In fact, they were scorning God himself!

There is also another angle to consider here.  Remember that the priests kept a portion of every sacrifice that was given in the temple (meat, bread, etc) for their own use.  Some scholars have suggested that the priests accepted substandard sacrifices because they were afraid.  If they refused to take anything but the best, perhaps the Jews would stop bringing sacrifices to the temple all together; then the priests would have nothing for themselves or their families.  Perhaps they accepted the worst because they felt it was better than nothing at all. 

If that is what they thought, they were wrong!

Malachi 1:8 – When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil?  And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil?  Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favor?  Says the Lord of hosts.

God makes another appeal to their natural reasoning.  On the one hand, the priests were saying, 'presenting lame offerings to God okay, because of our present circumstances'.  Yet, if they went to see the governor of the region, they would not take such a mangy offering! 

Is it proper to offer the King of Kings and Lord of Lords an offering that, under the very same circumstances, they would not offer to a mere man like themselves?  They would never even consider giving that mangy, blind animal to a man of worldly renown, yet they offer it to God.   How wicked!  How ungrateful!  How despicable!  Sadly, they are blind to their own evil ways. 

Here is something that makes the situation even worse.  These are not Gentiles.  These are not people who have no idea who God is, or what he is about.  These are not people who are new in their dealings with the Lord.  These are people who profess and believe that they are God's children.  

The law required a perfect sacrifice because God should be honored with our best.  God has a right to everything we have, and his rights are supreme over everyone else.

Nevertheless, God has given us authority over our best.  Because it is under our own control, dedicating our best to God becomes a test of faith and love.  God asks for our best, but he gives us the option to give our best to anyone or anything we please.  It's our choice.

People who offered a polluted sacrifice failed the test.  They showed that God did not have first place in their lives.  By giving their best to others, they showed that they were trusting in others (or themselves) more than God.  They were going through the motions of worship, but their hearts were far from their heavenly Father.

Can the same thing be said of worshippers today?  Are there people who make a pretense of worship, but their hearts are far from God? 

For instance, do we just randomly throw $10 dollars in the offering plate because that is the acceptable thing to do?  Or have we purposely determined in our hearts what we will give God as an offering? 

Do we go to church and sing the songs because they are upbeat and enjoyable, or did we come there with the intent to worship God during that time?

Do we ever mechanically pray for people with an empty heart, or do we really stop and join with them and intentionally intercede for them with heaven?

In short, are we going through the motions of our Christian lives without really giving God our best and highest?  Are we polluting the relationship we have with him?  To just go through the motions is to live a faithless Christian walk.  If this is the way we choose to operate, we should not be surprised if God is not pleased; for the bible reveals that it is impossible to please God without faith.

Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.   

Let me give you a gentle reminder that this text deals with sacrifice.  God expects us to sacrifice different areas of our life as an offering to him.  What are you giving God?  Is it your highest and best?

Malachi 1:9 – And now entreat the favor of God, that he may be gracious to us.  With such a gift from your hand, will he show favor to any of you? Says the Lord of hosts.

So the post exilic priests were despising God with their polluted offerings and service.  Since that was the case, who could they cry out to when problems came?  Did they have any basis to expect answers and favor from God?  Of course not!  Why should God be gracious to those who rejected a relationship with him and treated him with contempt?

It seems obvious, but we sometimes act the same way.  Consider this and see if you believe it is true:

Man is not so much the victim of his circumstances, as he is the creator of them.

While that is not the case 100% of the time (case in point, Job), it is certainly true much of the time. 

We waste our money and spend beyond our means, then cry out to God when the debt collectors come.  We eat too much and fail to otherwise take care of our bodies, then we cry to God when we have health problems.  We marry unbelievers, then whine about our marital situation.  

And that is not the worst of it.  When we don't have good stewardship over our finances, that means when God is looking for someone to use in that realm of life, we have eliminated ourselves from his service.

If God is looking for someone to perform a job for him, but we can't do it because of our poor health, we have just missed a chance to be in his service. 

Were the post exilic Jews victims of their circumstances, or the creators of them?  What about us? 

Based on our relationship with God, can we expect his favor and blessing?

Malachi 1:10 – Oh that there were one among you who would shut the doors, that you might not kindle fire on my altar in vain!  I have no pleasure in you, says the Lord of hosts, and I will not accept an offering from your hand.

The priests had control over the temple area, but there were Levites who were door keepers.  It was their job to remain at their stations and examine all sacrifices that were brought to the door of the temple.  They were to determine if the items that were presented were acceptable according to the law.  If so, the Levites presented them to the priests.  If not, they were to reject them so that no unfit or polluted sacrifice might enter the temple. 

Since they were letting anything into the temple, God justly wishes that one of them would have enough of a conscience to just shut the doors and stop the sin!  How sad is that?

Because the offerings themselves were polluted and because the hearts of the priests and people were far from God, the sacrifices were considered void; they served no purpose.  There was no benefit in even offering them to God, because they were unacceptable to Him. 

As always, God desires obedience rather than worthless sacrifice.  As always, He desires relationship over empty action. 

Let's face it – God could have permanently shut the door of the temple anytime he wanted to.  He had done it when he allowed the destruction of Solomon's temple just before the exile. He would do it again when he allowed the temple to be destroyed in AD 71.  And certainly, God would be justified in destroying it in the present case.  But despite their sin, He once again demonstrates his mercy.   

He does not shut the doors himself; he leaves them open so that repentance can take place.  In fact, this is not the first time he has shown such mercy (see Isaiah 1:11-15).  God has plans that span the entirety of time and eternity, and He will be faithful to His promises, even when man is not!    

Malachi 1:11-12 – For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense will be offered to my name, and a pure offering.  For my name will be great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.  But you profane it when you say that the Lord's table is polluted, and its fruit, that is, its food may be despised.

Obviously, God is making reference to a future time.  The sacrifices of Israel could never fully bridge the gap between God and man, and the people of the world could not all travel to the temple to offer sacrifices to God.

Through the prophet Malachi, God is revealing his glorious future plans.  Through Jesus the Messiah, God will put in place a new covenant, where Gentiles are brought into the kingdom of God.  During that age, people can worship anywhere, as long as they worship in spirit and in truth.

John 4:23 - But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him.

It is true that the Jews despised and polluted the symbol of the coming sacrifice of the Messiah, but that would not stop God from bringing about his glorious purposes.  In a day that was future to the days of Malachi, God's name would be praised, glorified and revered by people of every nation!

This would have been a shocking idea to the Jews.  They never considered a scenario in which God placed them on the same level as Gentiles!  The Gentiles were dogs who had no covenant with God!  They despised God!  How could God accept worship from them?  It was unheard of!  Salvation for the Gentiles was an incomprehensible idea to the Jews. 

This startling news served to amplify the magnitude of their own sins.  Remember at the beginning of this study, when we mentioned Israel was in dire need of medicine but did not even realize she was sick?  This is an example of one of the ways that God used to show her that she was sick.  God was using this revelation to shock them into recognizing their own sin, so they could repent.

God does not desire to cast the Jews aside.  He wants them to repent, and be his loving children, so he can continue to be their loving Father.     

What a privilege to be a part of the fulfillment of this prophesy!  Doesn't it make you want to worship him right now?  Let's take care to make sure that we ourselves cherish and honor this gift.  Let's be sure to worship God in spirit and in truth, making proper sacrifices to him!

As a side note, just to be clear, the priests are probably not saying these exact words aloud.  However, their actions are speaking louder than any words ever could.  By their deeds they shout aloud that they despise God's promises and presence.  However, this charge cannot be laid solely at the feet of the priests, for the common people were just as guilty.  The rebuke of God via Malachi applies to all the people of that generation – and this one too!

Malachi 1:13 – But you say, 'What a weariness this is,' and you snort at it, says the Lord of hosts.  You bring what has been taken by violence or is lame or sick, and this you bring as your offering!  Shall I accept that from your hand?  Says the Lord.

God required the performance of the external rites of the temple because they were a picture of what was to come – the ultimate perfect sacrifice of Jesus the Messiah.  By taking these rites seriously and treating them with holiness, the Jews would have honored God.  They would have been an example to all generations of the goodness of their heavenly Father/Master.  The temple rituals were a chance to exercise repentance and faith in God.  They were a way of connecting with God and experiencing a relationship with Him. 

But when the priests and the people fell into gross, blatant contempt of the temple services, it was an insult to God.  It was an abomination.  And through their actions, they brought judgment upon themselves.   

Malachi 1:14 – Cursed be the cheat who has a male in his flock and vows it, and yet sacrifices to the Lord what is blemished.  For I am a great King, says the Lord of hosts, and my name will be feared among the nations.

Suppose you were running a business over the internet.  If you advertised and promised a really great, top quality product, but then delivered something of inferior quality, that would be deception, fraud and theft.  You could actually face legal charges. 

In the same way, those who claimed they were bringing God their best, but in reality were substituting animals that were injured or maimed, were also committing deception, fraud and theft – against the Holy One of Israel!

What have we vowed or promised to God?  Have we consecrated our lives to Him and His kingdom?  Have we vowed to put Him first in our lives?  Did we ever promise to use our time and talents for His glory? 

In keeping those promises, we offer ourselves upon God's altar of sacrifice, where we become a sweet smelling savor to him.  In breaking those promises, we steal from God, and bring dishonor to his Holy Name. 

 Consideration and meditation of the greatness of God will not only build our faith, it will prevent us from offering frivolous service to him.  The greatness of the mercy and love of God should humble us to a point where we worship him in spirit and in truth, not in vain repetition or half-hearted fervor.  This is the only service that that is worthy of him.

I believe it is worth noting that after the prophet Malachi, God embarks upon a period of 400 years of silence with his people.  Surely, God's final words to his people were not only important for them, but for us as well.

Let me offer you some encouragement, relief and strength:

We know that in this life, we will never achieve perfection in our walk with Christ.  Try as we might, sin will always interfere.  But we are still required to have perfection as our aim; Jesus is the benchmark of our Christianity.

So don't become careless in your devotion to Christ.  Don't give up on your commitment to personal holiness.  I encourage you to honestly examine yourself and see if any sin has crept into your relationship with Him.  

Do you still revere and honor him?  Or have you entered into a state of 'sloppy grace', where you imagine that anything goes because God forgives?  Don't fall into that trap; you will disqualify yourself for his service.   

Now is not the time to let up your guard.  God is at work in the world, and you are going to want to be a part of that!  

So be sure that you are loving your neighbor as yourself, and loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength!

Galatians 2:11 –But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned.

During his missionary travels, Paul founded several churches in the region of Galatia.  He brought them the true gospel message, free from the encumbrances of the law.  The Galatians gladly accepted this salvation.

But afterwards, when Paul had departed for other regions, some of the newly converted Pharisees came to minister at these churches.  They began to preach a false version of the gospel message; they asserted that Christians must observe portions of the law in order to be saved.

The Galatian churches were led astray by these teachings.  What a terrible burden this placed upon the Christians in the region!  Satan had successfully introduced confusion, fear and doubt into the church.  Instead of being a victorious, successful division of the army of God which warred against evil, it became an ineffective, sickly group of soldiers that needed immediate spiritual help!  How sad!

This situation created a ripple effect - now Paul must stop his other missionary work in order to clean up this mess.  He must now prove his own apostleship and doctrines.  He must attempt to show the Galatians where they went wrong, and bring them back to the true gospel message.

In this section of his letter, Paul now presents an argument to show that the salvation message he preaches (justification by faith alone) is the true gospel.  The incident he refers to took place in the city of Antioch and it involved the apostle Peter. 

Galatians 2:12 – For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party.

In order for us to understand the argument Paul is making, we need to acquaint ourselves with some background information.

James was the head of the church in Jerusalem, which was the main house of worship for Jewish Christians.  As we noted previously, there were many Jews who continued to practice certain portions of the law, even though the law had been abolished by the death/resurrection of Jesus. 

This included things like dietary laws, observing the Sabbath, avoiding things that the law declared unclean, etc.  But the law of circumcision was by far the law that the Jews held onto most dearly.  They absolutely did NOT want to give it up.  There can be no doubt that this was the practice of the Jewish Christians in the Jerusalem church.  In fact, they are referred to as 'the circumcision party'.

Antioch was the main house of worship for the Gentile Christians.  These Christians had been taught justification by faith in the shed blood of Jesus.  Obviously, they did not adhere to any of the rituals or laws that the Jews cherished so highly.

You can see where there might be issues, right?

Now, let's talk about Peter for a minute.  As you recall, God had given Peter a vision of a sheet full of unclean animals and instructed him to kill and eat one.  Peter was shocked and dismayed at this command.  At the end of the vision, God told Peter not to call things unclean, which He considered clean. 

Immediately afterward, God revealed the interpretation of this vision to Peter.  God was saying that Gentiles were no longer unclean; He was calling Gentiles into the family of God (see Acts chapter 10 for full details).

As a result of this vision, Peter preached the gospel to a group of Gentiles in the house of Cornelius.  Everyone present was saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit.  Thus, using Peter as his instrument, God opened up the door of salvation to the Gentile world. 

Therefore, Peter was a first-hand witness that God had broken down the barrier between Jews and Gentiles.  Peter himself concludes that God is no respecter of persons; he views all men equally.

Acts 10:34-36 – So Peter opened his mouth and said: "Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him."

So, when Peter came to the church in Antioch, he readily fellowshipped with the Gentile Christians.  In other words, he ate with them, visited their homes, made friends with them, and worshipped with them.  He had no trouble dropping the practice of the Jewish law as he fellowshipped with his Gentile brothers. This was consistent with the truth God had revealed to him.

But later, some Christian Jews from Jerusalem (the circumcision party) came to town.  And that's when the incident occurred.    

When Peter saw them, he began to separate himself from the Gentile believers.  In essence, he once again picked up and began to live by the Jewish law. 

He did this because he was afraid of what the circumcision party would think and/or say about him.  He was afraid of offending them, despite the fact that God had clearly abolished the law and broken down the barrier between Jew and Gentile. 

This was a very divisive issue in the early church, and the leadership needed to have the courage and strength to do the right thing.  But instead of Peter leading the way in living out the truth God had revealed, he continued to propagate the separation between the two groups. 

James 4:17 – So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

Peter's actions were not helping/healing the church; they were further dividing it.  Even though he was one of the apostles, he was sinning and allowing himself to be a tool for Satan.  Others joined him in this sin.

Galatians 2:13 – And the rest of the Jews acted hypocritically along with him, so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy.

As a leader, Peter influenced the beliefs of those around him.  He should have continued his fellowship with the Gentiles in order to show/prove to the Jews that salvation was obtained through justification by faith, apart from works of the law. He should have shown, by example, that the Gentiles were as much a part of God's family as the Jews. 

But instead of publicly embracing the truth (which requires great courage and humility), he chose to go along with tradition and culture. 

Consequently, all of the other Jews that were present adopted the same attitude.  In their hearts, they were still passing judgment on the Gentiles and questioning their salvation, because they were uncircumcised.  Even Paul's companion Barnabas was led astray!

What can we learn from this?  

Even the best of us can sometimes be weak or fail in our duty to God.  None of us likes to be rejected or ridiculed.  It takes great courage and strength to stand against the beliefs of our culture.  The good news is that God forgave Peter, and he will forgive us too if we fail.  But it would be even better not to fail in the first place!  Sometimes it is good to decide in advance how we will respond (verbally and/or physically) to some of the controversial issues of our day.  This will give us a greater chance of responding in a way that magnifies Christ.

Secondly, we need to be aware that anytime we are in a place of leadership or influence, we have an effect on other people.  This can be other family members, coworkers or even complete strangers.  Anyone in that situation has the responsibility to strive to do the 'right thing' and lead others into the truth. 

Thirdly, we need to stay humble.  Humility is the characteristic that will give us the power to risk rejection or persecution from others when we stand up for the truth and oppose sin.      

Galatians 2:14 – But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, "If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live as Jews?"

Now we come to the real reason that Paul is relating this story to the Galatian churches. 

Peter has failed to stand up for both the true gospel message and the peace/unity of the church.  Paul confronts him for his error.

Paul points out that Peter did not hesitate to visit the homes of the Gentiles.  He ate whatever the Gentiles were eating.  He freely worshipped and associated with uncircumcised men and acknowledged them as his Christian brothers.  For all intents and purposes, he was living as a Gentile would!

If Peter can do that and still be a Christian, then he clearly knows and even demonstrates that the keeping of the law is NOT a requirement for salvation.  How then, could he possibly expect or demand that Gentiles live according to the Jewish law?

By his own actions, he displays the truth of the gospel - that faith in the shed blood of Jesus is the only requirement for salvation!

Galatians 2:15-16 – We ourselves are Jews by birth and not Gentle sinners; yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.

Paul uses his encounter with Peter as the springboard to show the Galatians that salvation comes by faith.  Works of the law have absolutely nothing to do with it!  A religion that mixes faith with works is a false religion.

If people could have been saved by the practice of the law, then there would have been no reason for Jesus to die.  But God has shown us that no one can be justified by the practice of the law.

The Galatians need to understand that salvation is wrought solely by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.  Mankind was, and is, completely powerless to add anything to it.  All we need to do is accept it by faith.

Galatians 2:17 – But if, in our endeavor to be justified in Christ, we too were found to be sinners, is Christ then a servant of sin?  Certainly not!

Let us, for a mere moment in time, adopt the belief that works are required for salvation.  If we believe that, where does it take us?

IF it was true that men could not be saved solely by the work of Christ – that is, if observance of ceremonial law was a necessary component of salvation -  then the only logical conclusion to be reached is that the sacrifice of Jesus was inadequate to redeem us.

Therefore, it follows that we are not justified by Christ; God has given us a defective remedy for sin!  So, by default, Jesus himself is a servant of sin. 

Obviously, we can see that this line of reasoning is utter blasphemy!  Those who continued to cling to the law as a factor in redemption (like the Galatians) were ultimately blaspheming the very one who provided their salvation. 

Galatians 2:18 – For if I rebuild what I tore down, I prove myself to be a transgressor.

Paul goes on to point out that if he (or any believer) who has taught (by either word or practice) that observance of the law is NOT necessary to salvation now changes course, and says works are required, it would be like rebuilding a wall that you have just torn down. 

You would be making yourself a transgressor or sinner all over again.  You would be placing yourself back under the burden and guilt of sin, despite your faith in Christ. 

This is the main point Paul wants the Galatians to see and understand.  They had accepted salvation on the basis of justification by faith in the shed blood of Christ.  Period.  Nothing else was required on their part.  But if they now change course and add works as a necessity of salvation, then they place themselves back into condemnation, despite the work of Jesus. 

I don't know about you, but I don't want any part of that!

Galatians 2:19 –For through the law I died to the law, so that I might live to God.

Despite what others may say or do, Paul declares that for himself, he is dead to the law.  Paul realizes that the law can never result in life/freedom from sin, because no one could ever fully do all that is contained in the law.  Break it just once, and you are doomed. 

He also understood that the law was just a shadow or tool that defined sin and pointed out the great need for a redeemer.  In this way, it led mankind to the redemptive work of Christ.  Once Christ completed his work, the law died.  Consequently, justification cannot be obtained through works of the law.  Observances of things like circumcision and dietary laws was no longer necessary, since the law was dead.

Paul now considers himself free from the burden and bondage of the law.

Galatians 2:20 – I have been crucified with Christ.  It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.  And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Sometimes we describe portions of scripture as the 'milk' of the word.  By that, we mean the doctrines in that scripture are very simple and easy to understand.  While they apply to all Christians, they are especially good for those who are new in Christ.

The last half of the second chapter in Galatians is just the opposite – it definitely falls into the category of the 'meat' of the word.  This means the doctrines are complex or deep.  They contain deeper levels of wisdom to be searched out by more mature believers in Christ. 

We could probably spend an entire blog on this one verse, but instead we are just going to make three points for your consideration.  Keep in mind, there is much more to this verse.  Feel free to continue to meditate on it this week and see what else Holy Spirit will reveal to you!

  • The Judicial angle (I have been crucified with Christ) – All men are born in sin.  So from the very beginning, we are a transgressor of the law and therefore from the standpoint of the law we are as good as dead.  We have been charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced to an eternity of death/wrath under the law.  As soon as we die, our punishment begins.

But wait… Jesus has intervened.  He took upon himself the sins of all mankind, taking them to the cross.  Through his suffering and death, he paid in full the debt that we owed. 

So as far as the claims of justice/judgment are concerned, Paul (actually every Christian) has been crucified with Christ.  Because Christ's death/crucifixion stood for ours, we are personally free.  In this way, we have died, yet we live!

  • The Spiritual angle (It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me) – The moment you become a believer, the old you is dead.  You instantly become a new creature in Christ.  This change occurs in your inner man, even though your outward man remains unchanged. 

Your inward man has been changed because you have been freed from the bondage of sin and now Jesus (in the person of Holy Spirit) lives within your heart.  Thus, once you receive salvation it is no longer you who live, but Christ who lives in you!

  • The Practical angle (The life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God) - Although Christians live in a mortal body, in a three dimensional world, we are not under the dominion of either.  We can choose what do think, what to say and how to act.  We can choose to conduct ourselves after the principles of God; we can live by faith in Jesus.  By doing so, we allow his law to rule our lives.  Therefore, the life we now live as Christians we live by faith in Jesus!     

Galatians 2:21 – I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.

Paul concludes with these thoughts on the doctrine of justification by the works of the law:

ONE, this doctrine frustrates or nullifies the grace of God. 

TWO, the logical conclusion to this doctrine is that Christ has died in vain. 

For these reasons, this doctrine should be rejected by all true believers.

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Peter was a witness to the fact that God had broken down the barrier between Jews and Gentiles.  In this case he (most unfortunately) missed an opportunity to share that fact. 

What about you?  Has God made you a witness to the fact that he heals people today?  Has he made you a witness to the fact that people can be delivered from anxiety?  Has he made you a witness to the fact that he still performs financial miracles for his people?

If so, I strongly encourage you to share that witness/testimony with others!  Your testimony may cause faith to rise up in the life of another believer and assist them in gaining a victory in their own lives. 

Let me offer you some relief:

Peter made mistakes – lots of them!  Some of his mistakes (like the one at Antioch) even rippled out and affected others.  But Peter learned from his mistakes.  He sought forgiveness from God, made adjustments, and continued to live the best Christian life he could. 

Have you ever made mistakes or led other people astray?  If so, take heart – you too can seek forgiveness, change your ways and continue to live a victorious life in Christ.

Let me offer you some strength:

It sure seems like the apostle Paul never got a break – he was forever advancing the kingdom of God, putting out fires (like the one in Galatia), or writing the books of the New Testament!  How was he able to accomplish all of that without collapsing?

Paul reveals that in his weaknesses, Christ stepped in to make him strong.  In so doing, Christ was glorified through Paul. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 - And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for you: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather boast in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

God is standing by to give us the comfort and strength that we need to complete the course he has set before us.  Let's depend on him and allow him to be glorified through us.  



Galatians 2:1 –Then after fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus along with me.

In this chapter, Paul continues to defend his apostleship to the Galatian churches.  He continues to offer proof that he had not been taught the gospel message by any man.  Rather, he gained his knowledge by direct revelation from God. 

In chapter 1, Paul explained that he was not in direct contact with the apostles; upon his conversion he immediately operated independently of them in his preaching of the gospel.  It was three years before he first went to Jerusalem to even make Peter's acquaintance.  That visit lasted only 15 days – far too short of a time for Paul to have been 'trained' by the other apostles. 

After that short visit Paul was sent to Syria and Cilicia.  It wasn't until eleven years later (14 years from his conversion), that Paul finally returned to Jerusalem a second time.

When he returned, he brought Barnabas and Titus with him.  Titus was a Gentile (Greek) who was obviously converted to Christianity through the preaching of Paul.  Because Paul believed exclusively in salvation by faith alone, he did not compel Titus to be circumcised.  Titus was a living example of the freedom of the Gentile converts from the bondage of the law.  Perhaps Paul traveled with him for just this reason.      

Galatians 2:2 – I went up because of a revelation and set before them (though privately before those who seemed influential) the gospel that I proclaim among the Gentiles, in order to make sure I was not running or had not run in vain.

Why would Paul bother making a second trip to Jerusalem after 14 years?  His reason was a good one - he traveled to Jerusalem at the express command (revelation) of God!  And in this portion of scripture, Paul tells us what passed between him and the other apostles during this trip.  

First, it should be noted that Paul acts with prudence.  We know that there were loads of Jews in Jerusalem who had accepted Christ as savior, yet they still practiced the law.

Acts 21:20 - … and they [the apostles] said to him [Paul], "You see, brother, how many thousands there are among the Jews of those who have believed.  They are all zealous for the law…."  

It would have been a disaster for Paul to confront thousands of Christian Jews about their belief in the law.  If he mishandled this situation, it could create a chasm of contention and division between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians.  It could nullify all the work he had done for the last 14 years; it could make all of his efforts vain.

Instead, Paul meets with only the twelve apostles and some leaders of the church.  While privately meeting with them, he openly communicated the pure gospel message he was sharing with the Gentiles.  It was a message that did not require any of the rites of Judaism.  He also shared the results of that message – large numbers of Gentiles were being saved and set free from the bondage of sin to become a part of the family of God! 

Paul then left the apostles to judge for themselves whether or not his gospel message was the true gospel of Christ.  Sure enough, the 12 apostles were in full agreement with the doctrine Paul was preaching to the Gentiles. 

Therefore, the Galatians can be sure that Paul is not preaching a false or changeable doctrine like the Pharisees are claiming.  His authority and qualifications as an apostle are in every way equal to the other twelve.  His pure gospel message of salvation by faith is a true message; the Galatians do not need to observe the Law.     

Galatians 2:3-5 – But even Titus, who was with me, was not forced to be circumcised, though he was a Greek.  Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in – who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery – to them we did not yield in submission even for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you.

At some point, Paul had come into contention with 'false brethren'.  It is unclear whether Paul encountered them in Jerusalem or Antioch (or both), but it really does not matter. 

These men were Jewish believers who maintained that Christians must keep the Jewish law.  Were they hypocrites or just good men who did not truly understand Christianity?  We have no way of knowing.  What we do know is that they were opinionated, obstinate and determined to have their way in the church.  They fully opposed Paul.  They regarded his teaching/doctrine as dangerous and false.  They perverted his message, spoke out against him and claimed to have a clearer understanding of the gospel than he did!

In some ways, the trip to Jerusalem was like a western show down – the Jews who believed in keeping the law were staunchly opposed to the grace message that Paul was spreading.  For his part, Paul had absolutely no intention of backing down from the freedom of the gospel message as given to him by Holy Spirit.  There was no way he was going to allow these Jews to bring the Gentile believers into slavery by the law!

Paul came to the fight with a secret weapon – Titus. 

As previously mentioned, Titus was a Gentile.  He heard the preaching of Paul, repented of his sin and was admitted to the church purely on the basis of justification by faith.  In fact, he was a teacher within the church.  He was not required to submit himself to any of the Jewish laws such as food laws, observing the Sabbath or, most particularly, circumcision.  He was an example of the freedom in Christ which was available to any/all believers.   

In other words, Titus did not have to become a Jew first, so he could then become a Christian.  Jewish rites, like circumcision, were not necessary for salvation.  Titus was admitted to the family of faith simply on the merits of the shed blood of Christ. (As the Galatian believers had been, before they went astray.) 

This raises a question – could Titus have been circumcised and still been a Christian?  Of course!  Since salvation is not dependent on works, he could be a Christian regardless of being circumcised or not. 

However, Paul confidently declares that he never ever, not even for a moment, considered having Titus submit to circumcision.  Why? 

If Paul had given in to the demands of the majority of Jewish Christians in Jerusalem and forced Titus to become circumcised, then the Jews would have considered this a precedent.  Based on this one single incident, they would have made circumcision obligatory for any male seeking salvation in Christ.  Thus, slavery to the law would be introduced into the gospel message.

So while Titus actually had the freedom to be circumcised or not circumcised, it was essential in this case that he remain uncircumcised, so that the 'false brethren' or those fighting to introduce Jewish customs into the church would not have any basis for their doctrine of works.  It was essential that the purity of the gospel message be preserved and not clouded with works.

Earlier, I made the comment that this meeting was kind of like a western show down.  But in reality, that was not the case.  There was no show down.  Holy Spirit was going to direct the church in the way it needed to go.  Heaven was not going to allow Hell to pervert the gospel message!

At the same time, it is good to note that God was understanding and patient with the Jews.  Even though the ceremonial rites had been put to death by the sacrifice of Christ, God allowed the Jews to continue their practice of the law, if they wished.  While God tolerated (and was merciful to) this weakness, it was not his plan for all of mankind for all ages. 

Once Paul went to Jerusalem to meet with the other apostles, the arguments of the false teachers simply washed away.  The twelve accepted Paul as a true apostle and agreed with his doctrine.

Thus, the attempts by the false brethren to create scandal and offense among the believers were thwarted.  God had protected the reputation of Paul and the integrity of his gospel message.  

This should serve as proof to the Galatians that Jewish rites like circumcision were not required for salvation.  They could enjoy the full freedom and liberty of the gospel message, just as Jesus intended it to be.  

Galatians 2:6 – And from those who seemed to be influential (what they were makes no difference to me; God shows no partiality) – those I say, who seemed influential added nothing to me.

Here Paul is referring to men who were of reputation or influence in the church of Jerusalem but who were not apostles.  Regardless of their rank among the Jews, it did not in any way affect Paul's authority as an apostle appointed by Jesus Christ. 

While he must have been happy that they concurred with his teaching, their opinions didn't really matter.  After all, they had not appointed him as an apostle, nor had they taught him the gospel message.  Jesus himself had done that.  While Paul no doubt treated them with dignity and respect, he openly acknowledged that they had no right to claim authority over him or his message.

Galatians 2:7-8 – On the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been entrusted with the gospel to the circumcised (for he who worked through Peter for his apostolic ministry to the circumcised worked also through me for mine to the Gentiles),

We need to pause and make an important point here.  God did not make an official division in the church, sending Peter to minister exclusively to the Jews and Paul exclusively to the Gentiles. 

We find many instances in the New Testament where Paul preached to the Jews in their synagogues (Acts 13:13-15).  Likewise, Peter was the first apostle to share the gospel message with a Gentile household – that of Cornelius, in Acts chapter 10.

What Paul meant here was that the main business of Paul was to share the gospel with Gentiles, and the main business of Peter/Cephas was to share the same message with Jews. 

But it was and continues to be the work of all Christians to bring the salvation message to a lost world.  And it is the constant job of Holy Spirit to bring conviction upon men that leads to salvation in Christ. 

Galatians 2:9-10 – and when James and Cephas and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given to me, they gave the right hand of fellowship to Barnabas and me, that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised.  Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.

James was the head pastor of the Jerusalem church, John was the beloved disciple, and Peter was the leader of the twelve apostles.  These men were certainly 'pillars' or persons of leadership and influence in the church. 

When they met with Paul and had a chance to hear his doctrine, they agreed with his message.  When these men saw the favor that God had placed upon Paul for the salvation of the Gentiles, they gave him the 'right hand of fellowship'. 

This means that the twelve were entirely satisfied that God had indeed called Paul as an apostle, and they approved of his ministry.  They were neither jealous nor critical of the work Paul had done.  They rejoiced at the success Holy Spirit had given Paul and his companions; they were glad that Gentiles were being welcomed into the kingdom of God. 

They did not throw any obstacles in Paul and Barnabas' path or contend with them in any way.  In fact, the twelve publicly acknowledged Paul and Barnabas as partners in the great work of spreading the gospel around the world.  Paul and Barnabas were now associated with the apostles, in the great work of salvation.

Rather than duplicating their efforts, it was decided to follow the path that God had already outlined – the twelve would continue to minister to the Jews first and foremost, while Paul and his companions would continue to minister mainly to the Gentiles. 

The only request of the Jerusalem leaders was that Paul continue to remember the poor.  By this, they meant the poor Christians of Jerusalem.  Due to a regional famine, and persecution against Christians, this group of people seemed to be suffering intensely; they were in great financial need.

Paul had already collected contributions for them from the wealthier churches of Antioch (Acts 11:29-30).  He promised to continue sending aid to this group of believers and scripture confirms that he did exactly that. 

Romans 15:25-27 - But now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints. For it has pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints who are at Jerusalem.  It has pleased them greatly; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in material things.   

Also see Acts 24:17, I Corinthians 16:3, II Corinthians 8:1-2 and others.

Thus, Paul's visit to Jerusalem produced a spirit of harmony between himself and the other twelve apostles.  The church of Jesus was knit together in unity, each man having his individual task to complete for the master. 

The agreement of all the apostles and leaders in the church to the doctrine of Paul should be certain proof to the churches of Galatia that Paul's authority and doctrine were genuine.  Those preaching a message of works mixed with grace were false teachers. 

Let me offer you some encouragement:

In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul draws a parallel between the human body and the church.  Just as our bodies are made up of many parts (hands, ears, knees, feet, etc), so the spiritual church of Jesus is made up of individual members, having individual callings and gifts.

What is your spiritual gift to the body of Christ?  Are you an encourager, a leader, a teacher or something else?  I encourage you to find your gift and begin to operate in it, for the sake of the church.  

Let me offer you some relief:

False teachers tricked the Galatians into abandoning their salvation by grace.  False teachers have not gone away; they are still at work in the world today.  But we don't have to fear them or be fooled by them. 

First and foremost, God has given us his word.  Anything a teacher says can be verified by searching the scriptures we already possess.  Holy Spirit, who is residing in our hearts, is also of tremendous benefit in this area.  If he gives you a warning signal about a certain teaching or minister, pay attention!

If we are diligent to look at the scriptures and listen to the Spirit, we can avoid being led astray.   

Let me offer you some strength:

Paul faced a lot, I mean A LOT of opposition in his ministry from both Jews and Gentiles.  But the good news is that God gave him the strength he needed to complete his mission.  In order to get that strength, Paul had to trust in God alone, and not be so concerned about what men said about him.

This is good advice for us too.  God is standing by ready to give us all the strength we need to stand up to opposition and run the race he has set before us.  All we need to do is trust in him!


Galatians 1:13-14 – For you have heard of my former life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it.  And I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, so extremely zealous was I for the traditions of my fathers.

Paul planted several churches in the region of Galatia, preaching the gospel message of justification by faith in the shed blood of Christ. 

But after he moved on to strengthen the other churches, false teachers came and began to teach/preach a false gospel to the Galatians.  These Pharisees insisted that grace was not complete in itself; that a combination of works (circumcision, food laws, observing the Sabbath, etc) and the blood of Christ were required for salvation. 

The Galatians are now faced with a dilemma – who is teaching the truth? 

The Pharisees insisted they were teaching correct doctrine.  They went so far as to cast aspersions on the apostleship of Paul by saying that his position was given to him by church leaders and therefore he had no real authority.  If that were true, then his doctrine was false. 

Paul refutes those claims proving to the Galatians that his commission to preach the gospel and the gospel itself were not given to him by man, but by Jesus himself. 

His first proof is his former conduct as a Jewish religious leader, and his hatred of Christians. 

When Paul mentions his 'former life in Judaism', he was referring to publicly known facts:  He was a Jew with a provable lineage in the tribe of Benjamin.  In other words, he was not a Samaritan (half Jew), or a proselyte.  He spent his life observing the Mosaic Law to the best of his ability.  He had decided to become a Pharisee.  He vigorously pursued this office, and he was on the fast track to be a high-ranking religious leader. 

Notice that Paul makes a special point that he is 'zealous for the traditions' of his fathers.  What does that mean?

The Jews believed that the Law of God as given to them by Moses was sacred.  This Law was contained within the first five books of the Old Testament, also called the Pentateuch.  When the Jews broke or disregarded the Law and turned away from God they were sent into exile.  Obviously, they didn't want that to happen again.

So when they returned from the exile, the leading men of the nation began to make a series of rules and regulations that were originally meant to create a hedge around the law.  The theory was that if you kept the rules, you would never be in danger of breaking the law. 

That sounds like a good idea, but it didn't work.  The traditions of the elders eventually wound up contradicting the very laws of God they were originally meant to protect! 

Matthew 15:2-6 - Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders?  For they wash not their hands when they eat bread.  But he [Jesus] answered and said unto them [the Pharisees], Why do you also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?  But you say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift devoted to God, whatsoever you might have received from me; and honors not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have you made the commandment of God void by your tradition.

There were literally hundreds of these traditions/rules.  In the beginning, they were largely oral in nature.  They would have been passed down from father to son, and from the older Pharisees to newer recruits (like Paul).  To learn all of these largely oral rules would have taken a great amount of time and study.  You would have to be really, really dedicated to the law to take the time to learn and practice them.  (Later, around 200 AD these rules were eventually written down and became a Jewish book called the Mishnah.)

Being 'zealous for the traditions of his fathers' is further proof of how dedicated and committed Paul was to the Jewish law.  It is easy to see that Paul had fully and completely invested his entire life in Judaism. 

A further proof of his dedication to Judaism was his persecution of Christians.  He was relentless in his pursuit of those he judged to be blaspheming the Law.  His goal was to waste away or totally annihilate the church of Jesus. 

Acts 8:3 – But Saul was ravaging the church, and entering house after house, he dragged off men and women and committed them to prison.

What kind of an event could possible make a man like Paul suddenly abandon Judaism for Christianity?  What could change him from a persecutor to the one who endured persecution himself?  What could make him give up his position as a rising star in the Jewish religious hierarchy (along with all of its political, social and financial benefits) and become a man hated by his fellow Jews? 

A sudden, dramatic change like that would only occur if God had intervened to cause the change.

Galatians 1:15-16 – But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with anyone;

Paul recognizes that God had called him for an important kingdom role (to be an apostle), before he was even born! I believe this is true of every Christian.  God has plans and purposes for each one of us from our very birth. 

Because Paul was so steeped in the practice of the law and knew so much about the traditions of the Jews, he was uniquely qualified to argue for grace as the fulfillment of the law.  In like manner God equips and trains us too.  He gives us the right talents and the exact amount of intelligence we will need to fulfill our purpose.  He allows circumstances into our lives which will further be used to train or shape us. 

There is a very important point to be made here.  Even though a person is a vile sinner today, blaspheming God and persecuting the church, it does NOT mean that God has not called him/her to an important work for his service.  Once they allow Jesus into their lives, anything is possible!  

Jeremiah 1:5  - Before I [God] formed you [Jeremiah] in the womb I knew you; and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet unto the nations.

This also means that we should pray for the lost all the more, so that they too will have an encounter with Christ and be totally changed just as Paul was. 

The second important point to be made is that this conversion experience occurs according to God's perfect time.  God did not call Paul until after he spent years attaining the knowledge he needed.  God did not call Moses until he had been educated and equipped by the best minds in Egypt.  God didn't call Peter to fish for men until he had learned to fish for fish!  So don't give up praying for your loved one.  Even though they seem far from God, they may just be getting ready for service!  

Galatians 1:17 – nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went away into Arabia, and returned again to Damascus.

Paul's third point regarding his calling as a true apostle is his actual conversion experience.  On the way to Damascus to further persecute the church, God spoke to Paul and revealed to him that Jesus was the true Messiah.  During that encounter, Jesus himself called Paul to the office of apostle and qualified him to preach the gospel to both Jews and Gentiles.

The significant thing is what Paul did NOT do after his conversion.  He did NOT go up to Jerusalem to consult with the other 12 disciples.  He did NOT go to them to be trained in the gospel message. In other words, he did NOT receive his authority or his doctrine from these men.   

Instead, Paul withdrew from public scrutiny to the region of Arabia/Damascus for three years.  It is generally agreed that Holy Spirit further revealed the wisdom and truth of the gospel message to him during that time.  And again, because Paul knew so much about the law, he was especially prepared to argue the finer points of the law with his fellow Jews.  He was able to debate in a manner that uneducated fisherman could not.

It should be noted that no disrespect is intended towards the other apostles; Paul was appointed to his office by the same authority that appointed the other twelve.  Paul's point is merely that they were not his teachers.        

Galatians 1:18-19 – Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas and remained with him fifteen days. But I saw none of the other apostles except James the Lord's brother.

Let's talk about the time frame for a moment.  As we learned in our study of the book of Matthew, the Jews reckoned time in a slightly different manner than we do. 

Let's suppose that a Jewish person began a task in December 2020, the last month of our year.  The task was completed in seven months – it was over the final day of June, 2021.  In our culture, we would say the task took 7 months. 

But in the Jewish culture, if the task began in December of one year (2020) and continued on through June of the next year (2021), then technically it happened in two separate years.  They would commonly have said the task took two years.

There's a pretty big difference between 7 months and two years, yet both calculations are accepted ways of marking time.   So when Paul says he was away from Jerusalem for three years, it could have been much less than 36 full months. 

Regardless of the actual time frame, we know that Paul began to preach Jesus in the synagogues.  He confounded the reasoning of the Jews, proving through the law that Jesus was the Messiah. 

Acts 9:22 - But Saul increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews who dwelt at Damascus, proving that this one is the very Christ.

In fact, his message was so logical and irrefutable that the Pharisees decided to kill him, just to shut him up.  His followers resorted to lowering him over the city wall in a basket so he could escape (Acts 9:22-25).

Only after this period of learning from Holy Spirit and functioning in his apostolic office, did Paul go to Jerusalem to meet/visit Peter.  The root meaning of the Greek word for 'visit' is 'to become personally acquainted', which is consistent with a visit of 15 days.  Clearly, Paul was not there to receive religious training from Peter.  In truth, Paul knew as much about the Jewish religion as Peter did (if not more), and he had received the doctrine of grace from the same source as Peter – Jesus Christ. 

Paul also admits to meeting another apostle in Jerusalem – James.  As we know, there were two apostles named James (Matthew 10:2-3).  There was James, son of Zebedee and brother of John.  This James was the first of the 12 to be martyred.  He was killed by Herod (Acts 12:2).  

There was also James son of Alphaeus who was a cousin/kinsman of Jesus.  The majority believe it is James son of Alphaeus, who is referred to in this passage of scripture.  He is also sometimes referred to as 'James the less' probably because he was younger than James son of Zebedee.  

Galatians 1:20 – (In what I am writing to you, before God, I do not lie!)

Here Paul is making an oath before God that the facts he has relayed to the Galatians are true. 

Oaths are not something that should be generally used by Christians.  Jesus advises us to let our 'yes' be 'yes' and our 'no' simply be 'no', because anything else stems from evil (Matthew 5:37). 

However, in this particular case, it is needful. Paul has asserted that he had a direct encounter with Jesus in which he received his apostleship.  He also says that he spent time in Arabia/Damascus being taught by Holy Spirit and operating in his apostolic ministry.  He further claims that he spent only 15 days with Peter and James. 

Do you see the problem?  There were no witnesses to what had transpired between God and Paul.  The witness of Peter or James (or any of the believers in Damascus) would also be somewhat difficult to acquire, because in those days you would have to travel from Galatia to Jerusalem (or Damascus), find the person/witness and have him either write a letter or travel back with you to Galatia.  That was not likely to happen.   

So appealing to God (or making an oath) was the only way for Paul to affirm the truth of what he was telling the Galatians.

Further, the importance of the truth Paul was affirming (his authority and doctrine) was critical to the message he was preaching.  So in this particular case, the oath was necessary.       

Galatians 1:21-22 –Then I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia.  And I was still unknown in person to the churches of Judea that are in Christ.

Paul traveled from Arabia/Damascus to Jerusalem.  At first the believers were afraid of him, but Barnabas vouched for his true conversion and he then went about freely in Jerusalem preaching the message of the gospel. 

But he quickly encountered resistance to the gospel message – once again some Jews rejected his message and eventually tried to kill him.  When the church found out, they sent him to Tarsus of Cilicia to preach the word in that city (Acts 9:22-30 and Acts 1:25-26). 

The end result was that he was virtually unknown to the churches in Judea (the region around Jerusalem).  This shows that his gospel message was not influenced by any teachings of these churches either; the gospel was given to him directly via Holy Spirit.   

Galatians 1:23-24 – They only were hearing it said, "He who used to persecute us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy."  And they glorified God because of me.

Paul didn't just reject Christianity and walk away.  He diligently and purposefully worked to destroy the Christian faith by persecuting anyone he could find that professed belief in Jesus as Messiah.  It is clearly evident that the change in his life (from persecutor to apostle) could only have been made by the grace of God. 

This indeed is cause for rejoicing and giving praise to God for his mercy and grace.  If a sinner like Paul can be saved, then we have hope that our loved ones can be also be changed by that same grace.  As the old hymn says, the blood will never lose its power! 

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Do you have a friend or loved one that seems diametrically opposed to the gospel message?  Besides rejecting the gospel, do they also persecute or mock Christianity/Christians? 

If so, don't give up hope.  If the gospel can change Paul, the 'chief sinner' of his day, it can also change your loved one.  Sometimes we pray and pray for an individual and it looks like nothing is happening, but we can be assured that God wants to save them.  With his infinite wisdom, Holy Spirit will bring godly conviction upon them at the exact right time. 

Let me offer you some relief and some strength:

Paul acknowledges that God had called him to be an apostle from birth.  What has God called you to do? 

Sometimes, we think that we must be involved in religious ministry in order to be used of God, but that isn't true.  God has ordained Christians to excel in all walks of life, like teaching, science, politics, art, music, sports, etc.  So find the talents God has given you, and use them for his glory, no matter what category they fall into!


Galatians 1:6 – I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel –

As we noted in our last post, Paul is writing to correct some errors that have crept into the churches of Galatia.  Specifically, false teachers have been claiming that Christians must also follow the Mosaic Law in order to receive salvation.  These same men have also called Paul's apostleship into question.  This was done in an attempt to discredit him.  If they can convince people that Paul's authority came from men and not from God, then they can cast aside his doctrine of justification by faith in the blood of Christ.

In the opening part of his letter, Paul expresses astonishment that the Galatian Christians have turned aside or deserted "him who called you in the grace of Christ".  Who does that refer to?

Some suppose that it refers to Paul himself, who probably first preached the gospel message to the Galatians.  However, that seems to be an awkward interpretation because the main point of this letter is not to show that these people broke relationship with Paul – it was to show that they abandoned the gospel.

It makes more sense to interpret 'him' as God in the person of Holy Spirit.  Elsewhere in scripture we find that the work of calling men to repentance is normally attributed to God.

2 Timothy 1:9  - [God] Who has saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,  

Christians are called by God into the grace of Christ, which refers to justification by faith in the blood of Jesus, apart from works. 

Therefore, when the Galatians begin to embrace a system of grace plus works, or the mingling together of the gospel and the ceremonial law, Paul refers to it as 'a different gospel'. 

Notice the somewhat subtle difference – they did not reject Christianity in favor of another religion.  They didn't even deny the blood of Jesus.  Yet, by adding circumcision and other Mosaic Laws to the gospel, they perverted its true nature.

Paul is astonished and concerned that they had so quickly departed from the simplicity of the true faith.  

He will go on reprove their actions in love, in an attempt to restore them to the true faith and their first love to God.  This is a good example for all of us.  We tend to shy away from offering godly correction to those who need it.  I suppose we are afraid of offending them.  But correction done in love is one of the best things we can offer to one another.

Galatians 1:7 –not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.

There is only one true gospel message.  It was the one that Paul introduced to the Galatians.

While other false teachers called their message 'the gospel' it was a different religion, one which taught an entirely different method of justification before God.  It was a distortion or perversion of the truth. 

It was also very dangerous – under this distorted gospel careful observance of religious rites and ceremonies would replace dependence on the blood of Christ.  Instead of being set free from the law, Christians would once again be burdened by an expectation of obedience that they could not keep. 

In our generation, we find a belief that is no less perverted or dangerous – good works will get us into heaven.  Many people believe that they don't need to trust in Christ for salvation; if their good deeds outweigh their bad deeds, they will get to heaven.  When you bring up the subject of salvation, they will often respond with "I'm sure I will go to heaven because I'm a good person."

In that situation, it is often impossible to convince the person that they have sinned before God.  Arguing won't help.  Perhaps the best thing is to pray that Holy Spirit will bring conviction upon them, and convince them of their need to repent.   

Galatians 1:8-9 – But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.  As we have said before, so now I say again:  If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

Paul now proceeds to defend the authority of his doctrine.  He is confident that the gospel he shared with the Galatians was the one and only true gospel.  He is so fully persuaded of this fact that he pronounces an "anathema" or a curse upon those who pretended to preach any other gospel message.

In that anathema he includes 'we'.  This may refer to Paul and those who were traveling and ministering with him, or it may be a reference to Paul and the other 12 apostles. 

In either case, there can be no doubt about the word 'anyone' –  which certainly includes the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders.

He goes so far as to declare that even if an angel from heaven should bring another gospel, it should be rejected and the angel cursed!

We can't help but notice that Paul knew and understood the gospel message.  He wasn't vague or unsure about what he believed.  What about us?  Are we fully confident in what we believe?  If not, we could be swayed into believing false teaching just as the Galatians were. 

It's good to listen to sermons and read Christian materials (including this blog!), but there is no substitute for reading the bible for yourself. 

2 Timothy 2:15  - Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Become acquainted with the principles and laws that Christ set down in the gospels.  Discover for yourself how Paul (and others) expound them in the New Testament.  Know what you believe - and why you believe it.

Galatians 1:10 – For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God?  Or am I trying to please man?  If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

The use of the word "now" implies that Paul has changed.  It implies that there was a time when he sought the approval of man.  Is that true?

Absolutely!  Before Paul's conversion to Christianity (when he was still called Saul), he was Jewish in every way – circumcised at the proper time, a man who knew and could prove his lineage, and a man who was 'blameless' concerning the law (Philippians 3:5-6).  

He studied to be a Pharisee under Gamaliel (Acts 22:3), one of the most respected Pharisees of his time.  Gamaliel was president of the Sanhedrin during the reigns of Tiberius, Caligula and Claudius.  He was an eminent doctor of the Law, well known for his wisdom and great knowledge of the Mishna.   

At that time Saul was violently opposed to Christianity.  He made it his mission to persecute Christians.  He even went to other cities and attempted to put women and children into prison for their faith – and the Jews loved it! 

There is no doubt that he was on the fast track to becoming one of the major religious leaders of his time; his fellow Jews no doubt held him in high esteem. 

However, that all changed when he had an encounter with Jesus (Acts 9).  After that, he lived only to please God.

Philippians 3:7 - But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

So here is the point he is making to the Galatians:  People who seek to please other people will often corrupt their message/doctrine to please the hearers.  This corruption of doctrine springs from worldly ambition, greed, pride or any other sinful passion that the speaker has in their heart.

This describes the Pharisees who preached a message of works mixed with faith, so that they might please or at least pacify the Jews.  By keeping their fellow Jews happy, they hoped to avoid persecution, keep their standing in the culture, and continue being recognized/respected as spiritual leaders.

But Paul is not preaching to please men.  He now preaches the gospel with a heart that is committed to pleasing God alone.  Therefore, he will not change, alter, distort or corrupt the true gospel message.  His chief goal was to promote God's glory by bringing sinners to Christ.  To do anything different would be an insult to God.

When you look at the life of Paul and see the many persecutions and hardships he endured for the sake of the gospel, it is easy to see that he was indeed serving God, not man.

What's in your heart?  Are we motivated to do the right thing at all times because of the relationship we have with Christ?  Are we fully committed to righteousness, or has sin crept into our lives?  

Galatians 1:11-12 – For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man's gospel.  For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.

Paul now goes on to further prove his case by giving an in-depth account of his spiritual life.

His first point is that his revelation of the gospel did not come through another human being.  If it had, there was a possibility of corruption in the message.  But since his knowledge/revelation of the gospel as well as his authority to preach it came directly from the risen savior Jesus Christ, it could NOT be man's gospel.  (You can read his conversion experience in Acts chapter 9).

When we read of his conversion on the road to Damascus, we can't help but notice that it was a fairly brief encounter.  Did God pour a complete revelation of the gospel to him in that short amount of time?

Most scholars don't think so. 

What he received on the road to Damascus was a life changing encounter with Christ.  In that encounter, he became acutely aware of the Messiahship of Jesus.  Once he realized that Jesus was the Son of God and that his sacrifice fulfilled/superseded the Law, things began to logically fall into place.

Almost immediately Paul retreated to the desert of Arabia.  Scholars believe that during that time he received the gospel in its complete form, through reflection and extended revelation from Holy Spirit.   

Let me offer you some encouragement:

Paul's understanding of the Law (which took him years and years to acquire) was crucial to understanding the full impact of the gospel.  This shows us that God uniquely equipped Paul to fulfill the true purpose of his life. 

The same is true for you and me.  Our everyday experiences, our education, our upbringing, even our relationships will all be used to prepare us for the divine destiny God has for us.

Let me offer you some relief:

Paul spent a good portion of his life on the wrong track.  He persecuted the church of Jesus.  He whole heartedly approved the stoning of Stephen.  But when he repented of his sin, all his guilt was washed away.  It was atoned for by the precious blood of Christ. 

The same is true for you and me.  No matter what we have done God will wash our guilt away with the blood of his Son.

 Let me offer you some strength:

Paul had a strong grip on the absolute truth of the gospel message.  Because of this, he could not be swayed by false teaching. 

What about you and me?  Are we so confident in our understanding of the word that we cannot be fooled by any of the false teachings of today?  Take some time this week and strengthen grip on the absolute truth of the gospel.



I Peter 5:1 – So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed:

Peter now goes on to instruct the elders of the church to be faithful and good shepherds of God's flock. 

What is an elder?

Elder is a title which denotes a person of authority, who is entitled to respect and reverence.  In patriarchal societies such as the Jews, they were men of extensive influence in the nation and they took an active role in public affairs.

These men were, as the title suggests, old or at least older.  They were men of common sense who had lived long enough to obtain great wisdom in how to deal with problems, conduct business, build relationships, serve God and wisely oversee their own affairs.  Their practical understanding of everyday life qualified them to be leaders in the nation.   

Early in the history of the Jews, God instructed Moses to appoint 70 elders to assist him in governing the nation.

Numbers 11:16-17 - And the LORD said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people, and officers over them… and I will take some of the spirit which is upon you, and will put it upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, that you bear it not yourself alone.  

The office of Jewish 'eldership' began during the time of Moses, and it was never lost.  It continued from generation to generation even during the exile, and it was still a recognized office in the nation during the time of Jesus.  Unfortunately, at the time of Christ many of these men were caught up in religious tradition and rejected Jesus as the Messiah:

Matthew 16:21 - From that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.  

When the New Testament church came into being, it also instituted the position of elder (likely based on the aforementioned Jewish custom).  In New Testament writings, elders are also referred to as pastors, bishops, shepherds, overseers, leaders or rulers.  They share good council and wisdom, lead by example and perform functions of the church such as teaching, preaching, baptizing and communion.  

The apostle Paul outlines the qualifications of an elder in several of his epistles, including Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Timothy 3:1-5.

Notice in this verse (5:1) that Peter humbly identifies himself as an elder, even though he was an apostle of Jesus.  He does not exalt himself above other preachers or teachers; when he admonishes other elders to tend the flock, he is putting himself in the same position.  He provides an excellent example of true leadership – being a servant of all.

And again, as in chapter 4, Peter links righteous suffering on earth with glory in heaven.

I Peter 5:2-3 – shepherd the flock of God that is among you exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.

Our translation says that spiritual leaders are to 'shepherd' the flock of God, but the King James offers a better translation – 'feed' the flock.  The command to perform this duty was given to Peter by Jesus himself, and it obviously made a lasting impression upon him:

John 21:15 - So when they had dined, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me more than these? He said unto him, Yea, Lord; you know that I love you. He said unto him, Feed my lambs.

Essentially, the elders/pastors/leaders are to exercise oversight, or faithfully tend to the spiritual lives of their congregants just as a shepherd would faithfully feed and care for his sheep.  It is good for leaders to remember that the head shepherd is Jesus; they are really subordinate shepherds.  They should take great care with the responsibilities entrusted to them for one day they will give an account of their actions to Jesus.

Peter is very specific about how are their duties to be carried out:

  • Leaders are to perform their duties willingly, not under compulsion.   A job is simply gainful employment.  You don't have to love your job.  You don't necessarily have to do your best work.  Your mind can be somewhere else while you perform your duties.  And you can walk away from it at any time, especially if you get a better offer.  After all, it's just a job.

On the other hand, a calling is different.  It is something born inside of you; it is something that you willingly expend all your effort to do, even when it is difficult.  It occupies your heart and mind.  It gets most of your time and attention, regardless of how much it pays.  You can't abandon your calling, because it is a part of who you are.     

Pastoring a church should never be just a job.  It is a true calling from God.  As such, the duties of the spiritual leader should be cheerfully and willingly performed out of love.  This is true in every generation, so on the surface it seems strange that the apostle would mention it. 

Peter's admonition makes more sense when we understand that for the elders of that day, there was a very real danger that they might lose their lives, their property or both for service to the church.  There was a very real temptation to justify their work a job rather than a calling, especially if persecution broke out. 

But Peter reminds them that if/when persecution broke out, they were not to abandon the flock as a hired hand performing a job, but remain faithful to the call that God has put on their lives as shepherds.

  • Leaders are to perform their duties eagerly, not for shameful gain.  It seems clear that in the early church the pastorate was a paid position.  If not, then monetary gain could not have been a motive for becoming a pastor. 

Pastors are hard working people who should certainly be paid.  And contrary to what some people believe, there is no spiritual or biblical law that says pastors have to be poor.  If your church can afford to pay the pastor well, it should.  However, money should never be the motivation for ministry. 

The immoral souls of men are priceless; they have been purchased by the blood of Christ.  The care of these souls is a sacred and solemn responsibility given to the pastor by God.  Faithful pastors will be rewarded by God in eternity, regardless of how they are paid on earth. 

  • Leaders are to perform their duties by example, not domineering over those in their charge.  Long before this, Jesus had revealed to his disciples that the greatest among them was the one who served:

Luke 22:25 - And he said unto them, the kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.  But you shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that does serve.

So again, pastors and leaders are to remember that they are not the ultimate authority.  The flock they shepherd belongs to God, and it must be lovingly tended according to his statutes.  They serve their congregations, not rule them as dictators.  

Remember the scribes and Pharisees of Jesus' day?  They put grievous religious burdens upon the people but never raised a single finger to assist or bear these burdens themselves (Matthew 23:4).  Unlike those Pharisees, church pastors/elders are to lead by example. 

They must not only give instruction for mortification of the flesh, righteous suffering, generosity, holy living, patience and the like, but they must practice these things themselves.  By their example, they lead in the ways of righteousness, give strength to their flock, and build up trust among the brothers.  As the old saying goes, they must practice what they preach.  They are subject to the same spiritual laws as their flock.

What a different world it would be if we ALL led by example!  

I Peter 5:4 – And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.

This verse tells us a couple of really wonderful things.  First, Jesus WILL return!  The world constantly mocks the Christian community for their belief in the rapture and second coming, but one day it will happen!  The trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ will be raised, we who are alive will meet them in the air, and Jesus will escort his bride to her new home in heaven (I Thessalonians 4:15-17)!

Second, there will be a reckoning for those who carry the title of elder or pastor.  They will give an account of how they performed their office.   Those who have been faithful in their duties shall receive a crown of glory that will never fade away.

Pastors have a difficult calling and often carry a heavy load.  Over time, they could easily become weary or faint.  The coming of Christ and the reward he brings are a source of hope for those who constantly minister in the trenches of life. 

However, you too can be a source of hope for your pastor.  Give them words of encouragement.  Pray for them.  Help bear some of the burdens of the church.  And by all means, thank them!  If you appreciate your pastor, be sure to take time and tell them so!

As a side note, this might be a good time to remind ourselves that it isn't just elders/pastors who will give an account to God.  In the parable of the talents Jesus reveals that all of us have been given gifts and talents, and all of us will one day give an account of how we used them.  Don't you want Jesus to look you in the eye one day and say, 'well done, good and faithful servant'?  If so, then put your talents to work!

I Peter 5:5 – Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders.  Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."

Having exhorted the elders/pastors, Peter now instructs the younger people.  In this case, 'younger' actually means 'inferior'.  It may refer to age, generation, experience, spiritual maturity or simply those who do not hold an office of authority.  'Younger' members of the flock are to give respect and honor to their pastor, because the pastor is watching out for their spiritual well being.   

Hebrews 13:17 - Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

And everyone, regardless of age or rank, is to exercise a humble spirit when dealing with one another.   Remember, brotherly love is to be present in the church at all times.  As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are to bear one another's burdens, encourage the weak, pray for the sick, give good council, enjoy fellowship and even reprove if necessary.  If these actions take place outside of a spirit of humility, it can open the door for unnecessary evils such as pride, scorn or a judgmental spirit.

  • Humility promotes unity within the body, while pride promotes dissention.
  • Humility promotes peace within the body, while pride promotes conflict and turmoil (drama).
  • Humility promotes an environment where people can step out in faith to minister or use their talents for God, while pride promotes an environment where people are afraid to do anything. 

I Peter 5:6 – Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you,

True humility is when we humble ourselves.  To be crushed by others or by circumstances brings humiliation; not humbleness.

We should willingly humble ourselves under the hand of our Heavenly Father and the circumstances he has allowed into our lives.  Why should we do that? 

Because our God is mighty, loving, perfect, generous and good.  He has our eternal good in mind and he knows what is best for us.  Only he can see the end from the beginning.  Plus, he has promised to bring to perfection everything that concerns us:   

Psalm 138:8 - The LORD will perfect that which concerns me: your mercy, O LORD, endures forever…

Think about that for a second.  We can be sure that whatever our circumstances, they have a purpose and will result in our good and God's glory.  We can trust God with all aspects of our lives – our children, our jobs, our future, our possessions, our goals, dreams, etc.  He holds them all within his hands, and he has promised to bring to perfection everything that concerns us.    

Furthermore, in God's economy, submission and humility are the pathways that lead to glory and exaltation.  As we tread those paths we are preparing ourselves for elevation in God's kingdom.  When the time is right, God will promote us to a place of greater influence and responsibility. 

What constitutes the 'right time'?  That may be a little hard to define.  The right time may be when we have arrived at a certain level of maturity in our lives.  The right time may be when we will have the most influence on our culture.  The right time may be when God brings many circumstances together to accomplish his will/purpose. 

One thing is certain – we must be patient and wait on God to exalt us.  Only he knows when the time is right.  If we try to rush ahead of God, we will end up causing great harm to ourselves and our testimony before the world. 

And if you start to feel a bit rebellious because it is taking longer than you think it should, remember this:  a wise man once commented that if we do not humble ourselves under God's grace, he will humble us under his judgment! 

I Peter 5:7-  … casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.

One of the reasons we are reluctant to exercise a humble and submissive spirit is because we don't want others to perceive us as weak.  We think that if we stop fighting for every single advantage or edge in life, that others will rise above us and control us or take advantage of us.  So we are in a constant, relentless battle to always maintain an edge over others or at least keep our guard up.  This attitude will often result in anxiety – a state of restlessness, agitation or torment over future/uncertain things and events, which adversely affect both the mind and the body. 

Anxiety reveals something about us.  It shows that we distrust God's providence and his care of us.  It shows that we hold onto the foolish belief that we can somehow manage to do better for ourselves than God can. 

But for the Christian, there is hope.  Our religion is not just an empty doctrine providing some vague hope for a better existence in eternity.  God is actively involved in the lives of his children right now, giving peace, comfort, wisdom, provision, joy and endurance for living life on earth, even in the midst of trials and tribulations.   

Unlike those in the world, Christians have the option of casting all of their anxieties and worries upon God, and living in a state of peace.  How incredibly wonderful is that?    

The first step in doing that is to know and understand that God cares for you. 

Psalm 55:22 - Cast your burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain you: he shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

Despite what some unbelievers would have you think, God is not an unfeeling, unseeing being who formed the earth, created mankind and then walked away.  In fact, the opposite is true.  God is actively involved in the affairs of this world and he watches over his children. 

He knows when we sit down and when we rise.  He knows the number of hairs on our heads.  He knows what we are going to say before the words are on our lips.  He knows what we need.  He knows our likes and dislikes.  He sees every tear/heartache, every shout of joy, every defeat and every victory. 

In other words, whatever concerns YOU whether it is spiritual or temporal, whether it is something great or small, God concerns himself with it too.  If it affects you, it is on God's radar!       

So don't be afraid to commit yourself to humility and service, using common sense.  If you begin to fear for your future, go straight to the throne of God through prayer and worship.  Release your fears and anxieties to him. 

Now, don't be surprised if you wake up in the middle of the night with those fears going through your mind.  The enemy will try to push those fears and anxieties right back on you.   

If that happens, begin to speak out the word of God because that makes the devil run and hide.  Begin to quote scriptures that speak of God's providence and love for you.  Begin to sing/praise/worship God, and those anxieties will flee! 

Let me offer you some encouragement:

You really, really need to be an active part of a local church.  God has put pastors, elders and other church leaders in place within the local body of Christ to serve you.  They are there to encourage, instruct, assist and advise.  You need what they have to offer. 

Likewise, the local church needs you!  You have gifts and talents that will benefit the others in your local church.  Don't deprive them of your gifts and don't deprive yourself of the opportunity to minister to others. 

I strongly encourage you to find a church and plant yourself there.     

Let me offer you some relief and some strength:

You don't have to spend every second of every day worried about the future or the uncertainties of life.  If you are willing, you can cast your anxieties on God, and live in peace knowing that he will take care of you. Not only that, but God walks with you through both the peaks and valleys of life.  His grace is sufficient for you and his strength is made perfect in your weakness.  So when things are good, rejoice with him!  When you feel inadequate, lean on him.  He will give you the strength you need until the very day he calls you home!



Introduction:   The scriptures record many, many instances when God gave Israel victory in battle over her enemies.  But this particular psalm is somewhat unusual – it does not celebrate an offensive victory in battle.  Instead, it gives glory and honor to God for his successful defense against an enemy. 


What was the exact historical circumstance the author was celebrating with this song?  Many answers have been given, including the defeat of the Assyrians (led by Sennacherib) and the miraculous destruction of their army.  If you haven't read this account recently, you really should review it.  You can find it in II Kings 19 and Isaiah chapters 36 and 37.

In that particular incident, which happened during the reign of King Hezekiah, Israel did not fight at all.  She was under siege by the Assyrian army, and she simply waited for God to rescue her.  It is an amazing testimony to the power of God!

II Kings 19:34 – For I [God] will defend this city to save it, for my own sake and for the sake of my servant David.

Other people believe this Psalm speaks of a time that is future – the day when Christ returns to earth and rescues Israel from those who are yet to surround her, and then sets up his millennial kingdom.      

While these two examples could certainly be the basis for this Psalm, we really don't know what circumstance prompted the writer to pen this song of praise and glory to God.  But in some ways, I am glad we don't know.

The truth is that in every generation there are people of God who need to be rescued from their adversaries.  And in every generation, God answers that call.  Therefore, this is a timeless Psalm that applies to Christians of every age, including us. 

Psalms 46:1 – To the choirmaster. Of the Sons of Korah. According to Alamoth.  A Song.  God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Surely the children of Israel had good cause to declare that God was their refuge.  Time and time again they fled to the protection of the Father and he saved them.  Just consider a few examples: 

  • Pharaoh and his army thought they had trapped the Israelites at the Red Sea, but God prepared a dry path through the water (Exodus 14:21-22). 
  • The Midianites ravaged the land of Israel, stealing all her crops, but God used Gideon and 300 other men to destroy that innumerable army (Judges 6 and 7). 
  • Haman planned to exterminate the Jews, but God rescued them through Queen Esther. 

The examples go on and on - which ones come to your mind?

God is also a safe refuge for the church.  Many times in the New Testament, we find great persecution breaking out as Satan attempts to destroy the fledgling church (Acts 8:1).  But God not only protects and preserves the church, he causes it to flourish even in the midst of evil. 

As believers, each of us can trust in God as our refuge (Psalms 9:9).  I know you have done so many times in your life, because I have too.  What were some of the circumstances when God was a refuge for you? 

 The Israelites were also living proof of God's strength.  From the Egyptians to the Amorites to the Nazis, many groups have endeavored to completely destroy this nation.  Yet none have been successful, because God is their strength!  When they were weak, he was strong.  When they should have been wiped out, he intervened. 

The church of Jesus Christ can make the same claim.  From its inception during Roman rule, throughout the crusades and in the midst of modern-day persecution, Satan seeks to destroy her time and time again.  But the church is still here.  Even now, in the last dispensation of time, God is strengthening the church.  He is pouring out his Spirit upon us, to make us victorious over the enemy. 

The psalmist adds that God is a very present help in times of trouble. 

I am sure that King Hezekiah would agree, as he sat in Jerusalem while it was besieged by the Assyrians.  God assured him through the prophet Isaiah that victory would come, and it did.  God sent an angel of destruction who killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night, and the next morning what remained of the enemy withdrew from Jerusalem. 

I am sure that America would agree, as they fought for independence from Britain.  The settlers desired a country where they could freely worship God.  God granted that request and so much more!

I am sure that you would agree too.  When has God been a very present help to you?

Psalms 46:2-3 – Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.  Selah.

Have you noticed that over and over in the scriptures, God gives us the mandate 'Fear Not'?  We should be using this as a motto! 

  • God assures us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). 
  • He assures us that if he is for us, no one can be against us (Romans 8:31).   
  • Long ago he let us know that he is greater and more powerful than he that is in the world (I John 4:4). 
  • Our own experience should give us a personal confirmation that we should not be living in fear.

In fact, it is our great privilege and duty to be living in boldness without fear.  The psalmist recognized that fact and thus he penned the declaration 'though the earth gives way' and/or 'the mountains be moved into the sea', those who trust in God have no reason to fear.

Let's discuss the 'earth gives way'.  Certainly, this could be taken literally to mean that the entire earth would fall from the heavens.  But if that happened, fear would only be a factor for a matter of moments before all life would cease (either burned up or frozen, depending on which direction the planet would go). 

Alternatively, some catastrophic event could occur that literally causes the mountains to crash down into the sea.  But again, if that happened, the result would be a quick death for every living thing on the planet. 

Is there another interpretation?  We must keep in mind that the psalms are poetic in nature.   Poetry frequently assigns human characteristics to inanimate objects.  Could that be what is happening here? 

Did you know that the scriptures often use the sea as a metaphor for the nations of the world (Daniel 7:1-6), and mountains as individual kingdoms (Amos 6:1)?  The overall picture given here in poetic form is a situation in which the nations of the world are in turmoil.  No nation has an answer for the problems its people face.  Governments are constantly being overturned by rebellions or coups.  Each nation fears hostility from other nations, and worries what will happen to them if uncontrolled conflict erupts.  There is no 'world leader' to maintain peace and order.

I don't know about you, but that type of situation would invite fear into my life! 

But as the people of God, we don't have to open the door to the spirit of fear when it comes knocking.  Christians stand upon the solid, unchanging rock Christ Jesus.  Our treasures are in heaven, where they cannot be destroyed; our life with God continues when this life is over.  We have been assured that Jesus is returning for his bride, and our future rests in him. 

In fact, if the earth suddenly evaporates, the person who has cause to fear is the unbeliever, who has laid up all their treasures on earth.  They will lose what they had in this life, and they have no life in eternity. 

Do you see any parallels to this passage and the situation of the world governments today?  If so, does a spirit of fear try to rise up and take control of your life?  Don't allow yourself to get hit with that fiery dart of the enemy!  Get out your shield of faith and repel it.  Utilize your sword of the Spirit (the word of God) and chase fear away!

Psalms 46:4-5 – There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.

In opposition to the chaotic, fearful turmoil of the sea (world), God offers his people a river that flows from his habitation.  It is a river of peace and calmness.  It is a river of joy and blessing.  It is a river protection and healing.  It is a river of wisdom and strength.  It is a life-giving river.

Physically speaking, the psalmist probably refers to the waters of Siloam, which travel softly by Jerusalem (Isaiah 8:6-7).  This river was a defense to the people of God during the reign of Hezekiah (Isaiah 22:10-11). 

But spiritually speaking, there is a river of God that flows from his habitation or throne in heaven (Revelation 22:1-2).  The Tree of Life, whose leaves heal the nations, is on either side of it.  This is the same water that Jesus refers to in John 7:38-39, when he says out of our hearts (belly or literally womb) would flow rivers of living water.  This river of water refers to the Holy Spirit. 

The river or presence of the Holy Spirit brings the people of God peace, calmness, joy, blessing, guidance, wisdom, protection and healing.  The Spirit of God gives us life. 

How would you classify your relationship to Holy Spirit?  Is it a close intimate one, or are you just acquaintances?  You can change your relationship with the Spirit in the same way you change physical relationships.  You get to know him better by spending time with him (prayer) by learning who he is and what his plans are (reading the word), and by engaging with him during your everyday life. 

Holy Spirit has gifts for you personally and gifts from God that he wants to manifest through you to a lost and dying world.  Are you open to that kind of a relationship with him?

Psalms 46:6-7  – The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts. The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.  Selah.

God is sovereign over all the nations of this world.  He rules from heaven by his power and providence, overruling all the affairs of men to bring about his own plans and glory. 

He stops or holds in check the rage and power of the nations that oppose him and his interests in the world.  No one can stop him.

Not that men haven't tried… there were many people and nations who opposed Israel and opposed David as king, but God overruled them.  He spoke (uttered) his plans and purposes into existence; at his command, Israel was made a nation and David was made king.

Even now, there are many people and nations that oppose God's people – Israel, America and the church.  But we have a sure hope in God.  He cannot be moved.  If we allow ourselves to flow in the river of Holy Spirit and learn to obey him, we will be able to say "The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress!"

Through God, our nation can be saved and re-established in righteousness, leaving us a nation and a heritage that we can pass on to our descendants. 

Psalms 46:8-9 – Come, behold the works of the Lord, how he has brought desolations on the earth. He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the chariots with fire.

The scriptures record many instances of God bringing desolation or destruction upon kingdoms, cities and nations of the world. 

Again, the writer may have had the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem in mind when he penned this poem.  But there are other instances as well.  God caused a very great destruction to come upon the cities of the Philistines when they took the Ark of the Covenant (I Samuel 5:9), he utterly destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-25), and he has promised to destroy the lands of God and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39).  What other examples can you think of?

Obviously, no weapon of man can fight against the Lord; human military assets (bows, chariots, tanks, missiles, nuclear warheads) are useless against God.   

What point is the writer trying to make?  He is inviting the reader to contemplate known instances in which God has not just given victory to his people, but utterly and completely annihilated the enemy. 

By examining the evidence, the reader's faith is increased because he or she is reminded how completely and totally God delivers his people and brings an end to war.  This is abundant proof that God is able to protect his people in times of danger. 

What modern day instances could be studied for this purpose?  How about the six-day war of 1967, in which Israel conquered her enemies?

Psalms 46:10-11 – Be still and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!  The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.  Selah.

After considering the great victories that God has wrought on behalf of his people, it should be much easier for us to be still and trust in him.

God has done, is doing and will continue to do great and mighty things.  In the midst of turmoil let us be reminded that God is working on our behalf, even when we don't see it!  He will bring about victory, even when the situation looks impossible to us!  His arm is never short that it cannot save! 

Let us remind ourselves about God's faithfulness.  He is faithful in every generation, even when we are not.  For that reason, we can live confidently knowing that he will bring about the perfect resolution to every situation we face in his perfect time.  There is no cause to worry or fret.  As we abide in him, we can be still and see him be glorified on the earth. 

Hebrews 13:6 – So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me.

The mighty acts of God are also a witness to the unbelievers of the world.  At some point they too must be still in his presence.  Though they hate God, they will be forced to acknowledge that he is Lord, by bowing before him (Romans 14:11). 

Believers of every generation can triumph and rejoice in the fact that we have God's presence with us; the God of ALL power, authority and dominion is our Father!  God has bound us to himself through a covenant of blood through his only Son. 

Let me give you some encouragement, relief and strength… The God of Jacob is our fortress!

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